Summarize a Passage

Famous Inventors

PowerPoint Presentation


The student will research the contributions of a famous inventor or scientist and create a PowerPoint presentation.

Technology Skills: (2D, 3A, 3B, 4A, 4B, 5A, 5B, 7A, 7B, 7C, 9B, 10A, 10B, 12B, 12C)

▪ Create and save a new document

▪ Acquire graphics using the Internet

▪ Keyword searches with different search tools

▪ Evaluate Internet data for appropriate use in project

▪ Model respect of intellectual property by not illegally copying another individual’s electronic work.

▪ Use some method of storyboarding ideas prior to preparing a presentation.

▪ Include clipart and images

▪ Demonstrate appropriate use of layout attributes

▪ Evaluate a presentation using a rubric, checklist or timeline

▪ Deliver a presentation to an audience


▪ 5.24 (A) Describe the contribution of famous inventors and scientists

▪ 5.24 (C) Identify how scientific discoveries and technological innovations have benefited individuals in society in the United States.

Duration of Lesson: approximately 3-4 lessons

Before the Computer: Teacher will supply a list of famous scientists or inventors for student choice, and instruct the class on copyright laws and citation of sources. The teacher will give a copy of the printed Inventor Planner and the Presentation Rubric to each student and direct the students to locate required information to complete planner.


Part One: Internet Research

I. Harvesting Information and Graphics from the Internet

1. Direct students to click on Required Technology Lessons link on Student Technology Resources. Then, direct them to appropriate Internet links.

□ If unable to locate enough information using the links, open Internet Explorer to campus page and click on Library Catalogue link.

▪ Click Web Path Express on the left-hand side.

▪ Type the name of the person in the search box.

2. Open and save a new PowerPoint to your H: drive. Name it Inventors.

□ For citation of pictures or information, insert a new slide choosing the Title and Text layout.


□ Type Credits for the title.

□ Save document.

3. Fill out the Inventor Planner as information is located.

4. Copy and paste the URL’s for pictures and information citations to the Credit slide of your PowerPoint as information is acquired.

□ Click to highlight the web site address. Press Ctrl + C to copy.

□ Click the PowerPoint taskbar button. Click beside a bullet inside the text box of the Credit page, and then use Ctrl + V to paste the URL.

5. To save pictures to your H: drive from the Internet:

□ Right-click on the picture and select Save Picture As.

□ Navigate to your H:drive. Use the Create a new folder icon [pic] and name it inventor pics.

□ Rename the file if needed and click Save.

□ From now on, navigate to H: drive > inventor pics folder and save picture in that folder.

6. Save document. Continue to gather information as instructed.

II. Creating Presentation

Part Two

1. Open saved Inventors PowerPoint presentation.

2. To insert new slides:

□ Click slide one on the left-hand side

□ Click Insert>New Slide

□ Select a layout.

□ Add six more slides

3. Summarize the information from the planner to complete each slide.

4. Insert pictures and clipart where specified on the planner.

□ To insert pictures:

▪ Click Insert>Picture>From File

▪ Navigate to H:drive>inventor pics

▪ Double-click image to insert.

□ To insert clipart:

▪ Click Insert>Picture>Clip art

▪ Type name of object in the Search for box

▪ Click Go

▪ Click the image one time.

▪ Move or resize as needed.

5. Use Word Art to enhance title in slide one.

□ Highlight title

□ Click Insert>Picture>Word Art

□ Click the style of your choice.

□ Click OK.

□ In Edit Word Art Text dialog box, change attributes (font, size, style) if desired.

□ Click OK.

□ If original text is present, click the side of the text box 2 times and delete.

□ Move or resize title as needed.

6. Proofread and edit using Spell Checker .

7. Save document.

8. If printing, in the Print dialog box, under Print What, select handouts and keep the number 6 for Slides Per Page.


III. Options for Enhancing Presentation

1. To enhance background:

Option One:

□ Click Format>Slide Design>

□ On the right, select a slide design that has a light colored background

Option Two:

□ Click Format>Background

□ Click drop down arrow and choose More Colors or Fill Effects

□ After choosing the background, click Apply to All

Reminder: All backgrounds should be light in color and text easy to read.

IV. Assessment: Revise rubric as desired

Presentation Rubric


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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