STAT410: Introduction to Probability Theory, Section 0101

STAT410: Introduction to Probability Theory.

Location: Math 0303 Time: MWF 2:00 – 2:50 pm

Office number: 3309


Office Hours: Monday, Friday 3:00-4:00pm and by appointment.

Mid-term exams: tentatively scheduled for Feb 21 and March 25

Final Exam: May 18, 1:30-3:30 pm

Textbook: A First Course in Probability by Sheldon Ross.

Homework: will consist of some of the problems that can be found in the end of each chapter of the book, and other problems assigned during the class. The homework is due each Wednesday.

Grading: your grade will be computed as follows.  There will be two midterms each worth 20 points.  The homework will contribute 25 points. The final will count 35 points. If you get less than 65 points out of the possible 100 you will get a D or an F. If you get a course total of 65 or more you will get at least a C in the course.  If you get a course total of 75 points or more you will get at least a B. If you get a course total of 90 points or more you will get an A.

You should be familiar with the University's policies on Academic Integrity, including the Honor Pledge.  In particular, you should work on the exam problems on your own.

After having attempted to solve the homework problems on your own, it is fine though to discuss homework problems with your classmates -- you just have to write a solution from your own understanding, without simply copying. 

If you cannot take an exam or hand in assigned work on a particular date, then contact me at the beginning of the semester to discuss alternatives. You are responsible for making these arrangements at the beginning of the semester.

If you have some disability related to testing under the usual timed, in-class conditions, you may contact the office of Disabled Students Services (DSS). If they assess you as meriting private conditions and/or extra time, then you may arrange to take your tests at DSS, with extra time as they indicate. You must arrange this well in advance of a test.


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