What makes a good leader? Write an essay in which you consider the necessary qualities of a good leader. Remember that your essay grade is NOT based on the “side” you take, but on how well you support your argument. Support/develop your essay with specific characteristics of a good leader. Provide specific examples of a good leader and provide specific examples to support your definition of a good leader. Use appropriate examples/support from your reading, your observation, and/or your personal experience to support your argument. The following is a copy of the rubric that I will use to evaluate your essay, first draft and revision:Argument Essay RubricThesis (0-1 point)point for the following:Responds to the prompt with a defensible thesis that may establish a line of reasoning. (The intended thesis cannot simply restate the prompt, summarize the issue, or state an obvious fact.)Evidence and Commentary (0-4 points)points:Simply restates thesis OR repeats provided information OR provides examples that are irrelevant and/or incoherent.point: EVIDENCE: Provides evidence that is mostly general; tends to focus on summary of evidence rather than specific details. COMMENTARY: Summarizes the evidence but does not explain how the evidence supports the argument.points:EVIDENCE: Provides some specific relevant evidence; consists of a mix of specific evidence and broad MENTARY: Explains how some of the evidence relates to the student’s argument and/or the prompt, but no line of reasoning is established, or the line of reasoning is faulty; may contain some simplistic, inaccurate, or repetitive explanations that don’t strengthen the argument; may make one point well, but either does not make multiple supporting claims or does not adequately support more than one claim.points:EVIDENCE: Provides specific evidence to support all claims in a line of reasoning; uniformly offers evidence to support claims; organizes an argument as a line of reasoning composed of multiple supporting MENTARY: Explains how some of the evidence supports a line of reasoning; commentary may fail to integrate some evidence or fail to support a key claim.points: EVIDENCE: Provides specific evidence to support all claims in a line of reasoning; uniformly offers evidence to support claims. COMMENTARY: Consistently explains how the evidence supports a line of reasoning; organize and support an argument as a line of reasoning composed of multiple supporting claims, each with adequate evidence that is clearly explained; writing that suffers from grammatical and/or mechanical errors that interfere with communication cannot earn the fourth point.Sophistication (0-1 point)point for the following: Demonstrates sophistication of thought and/or a complex understanding of the rhetorical situation. ................

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