Jesuit Institute

Time / WeekLearning ObjectiveSuggested Activity / ResourcesHalf a TermGrateful & GenerousPupils in a Jesuit school are growing to be grateful for their own gifts, for the gift of other people, and for the blessings of each day; and generous with their gifts, becoming men and women for othersGratitude is always Saint Ignatius’ starting point. Before we reflect or pray, discern or make a decision, begin a new day, or embark on anything important, he calls on us to remember everything that we have to be grateful for. His little daily spiritual exercise, the examen, begins with gratitudeJust as Ignatius begins his Spiritual Exercises with gratitude, so he concludes them with generosity. As we become more practised at being grateful, we realize just how gifted and blessed we are, often without really deserving it. Out of this growing realization comes a powerful desire to be generous, “to give and not to count the cost.” Generosity is the inevitable consequence of the practice of gratitudeGratitude and generosity are the virtues which underlie an attitude to life that is outward looking, regards other people as precious gifts, and encourages young people to grow to be men and women for others. Various Resources to use Throughout the Half Term are we thankful for? What are we thankful for in our lives, and why? Example answers: our family, because they love us and look after us. Our friends, because they are kind to us and we enjoy playing together. Teachers, because they help us learn. Other children in our class who help us when we’re stuck. We are thankful to God for bringing these people into our lives. Suggested activity “Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever!” (Psalm 107:1) What are we grateful for in our lives and why? For example: our families, friends and neighbours, doctors, teachers and firefighters, our homes. Suggested activity Individually, write a prayer entitled ‘Lord I am grateful for,’ explaining what you are grateful for and why. Invite some of the children to read their prayer aloud.Suggested activity Ask each boy to write a prayer to God thanking him for someone in your life. Say why you are grateful for having them in your lifeSuggested activity Read ‘The Widow’s Mite’ Jesus had been teaching in the Temple. But now he sat down near the treasury and watched as the many visitors to the Temple passed by and dropped money into the collecting box to help with God’s work. The rich men dressed in fine robes threw in handfuls of coins as they passed, without a thought. But then a poor widow came by, paused, and placed just two mites (tiny coins) into the box. Jesus called his disciples to him and told them what he had seen. Then he said to them, “Let me tell you, this poor widow gave more than all those people who threw many coins into the treasury. The wealthy men gave just a small part of their riches which made no difference to them. But the widow gave all that she had.” What is the message of this reading? How does it relate to the virtues grateful and generous? Example answer: even though she didn’t have much, the widow was grateful for what she did have. So by giving what little she could she acted generously, giving thanks to God in her actionsWeek Commencing 9/9/19ScriptureExodus 15John3:16Prayers & HymnsSt IgnatiusWalk with meBlest are you Lord, God of all CreationThank you Lord for this fine dayGive thanks with a grateful heartHe’s got the whole world in his handsThe ExamenLives of the SaintsSt John the BaptistSt BernadetteSt John BoscoChurch & Society in ActionCAFODJesuit MissionsJesuit Refugee ServicePeople TodayThose who care for the sickMother TeresaPrincess DianaExamples from History Little Red HenThe Selfish Giant – Oscar WildeThe Giving Tree – Shel SilversteinMusic & SongsWhat a Wonderful World – Louis Armstrong Joyful we adore thee Happy Day Lepers Healed – Brian KershisnikFeeding of the five thousand - Abraham Bloemaert Week Commencing 16/9/19ScriptureDaniel 4:34-37John 2:1-12Prayers & HymnsSt IgnatiusWalk with meBlest are you Lord, God of all CreationThank you Lord for this fine dayGive thanks with a grateful heartHe’s got the whole world in his handsThe ExamenLives of the SaintsSt John the BaptistSt BernadetteSt John BoscoChurch & Society in ActionCAFODJesuit MissionsJesuit Refugee ServicePeople TodayThose who care for the sickMother TeresaPrincess DianaExamples from History Little Red HenThe Selfish Giant – Oscar WildeThe Giving Tree – Shel SilversteinMusic & SongsWhat a Wonderful World – Louis Armstrong Joyful we adore thee Happy Day Lepers Healed – Brian KershisnikFeeding of the five thousand - Abraham Bloemaert Week Commencing 23/9/19ScripturePsalm 95:2Luke 17:11-19Prayers & HymnsSt IgnatiusWalk with meBlest are you Lord, God of all CreationThank you Lord for this fine dayGive thanks with a grateful heartHe’s got the whole world in his handsThe ExamenLives of the SaintsSt John the BaptistSt BernadetteSt John BoscoChurch & Society in ActionCAFODJesuit MissionsJesuit Refugee ServicePeople TodayThose who care for the sickMother TeresaPrincess DianaExamples from History Little Red HenThe Selfish Giant – Oscar WildeThe Giving Tree – Shel SilversteinMusic & SongsWhat a Wonderful World – Louis Armstrong Joyful we adore thee Happy Day Lepers Healed – Brian KershisnikFeeding of the five thousand - Abraham Bloemaert Week Commencing 30/9/19ScriptureMark 6:30-441 Corinthians 12:14-27Prayers & HymnsSt IgnatiusWalk with meBlest are you Lord, God of all CreationThank you Lord for this fine dayGive thanks with a grateful heartHe’s got the whole world in his handsThe ExamenLives of the SaintsSt John the BaptistSt BernadetteSt John BoscoChurch & Society in ActionCAFODJesuit MissionsJesuit Refugee ServicePeople TodayThose who care for the sickMother TeresaPrincess DianaExamples from History Little Red HenThe Selfish Giant – Oscar WildeThe Giving Tree – Shel SilversteinMusic & SongsWhat a Wonderful World – Louis Armstrong Joyful we adore thee Happy Day Lepers Healed – Brian KershisnikFeeding of the five thousand - Abraham Bloemaert Week Commencing 7/10/19ScriptureMatthew 5:14-16Luke 15Prayers & HymnsSt IgnatiusWalk with meBlest are you Lord, God of all CreationThank you Lord for this fine dayGive thanks with a grateful heartHe’s got the whole world in his handsThe ExamenLives of the SaintsSt John the BaptistSt BernadetteSt John BoscoChurch & Society in ActionCAFODJesuit MissionsJesuit Refugee ServicePeople TodayThose who care for the sickMother TeresaPrincess DianaExamples from History Little Red HenThe Selfish Giant – Oscar WildeThe Giving Tree – Shel SilversteinMusic & SongsWhat a Wonderful World – Louis Armstrong Joyful we adore thee Happy Day Lepers Healed – Brian KershisnikFeeding of the five thousand - Abraham Bloemaert Week Commencing 14/10/19ScriptureMatthew 20: 1-162 Corinthians 8:1-7Prayers & HymnsSt IgnatiusWalk with meBlest are you Lord, God of all CreationThank you Lord for this fine dayGive thanks with a grateful heartHe’s got the whole world in his handsThe ExamenLives of the SaintsSt John the BaptistSt BernadetteSt John BoscoChurch & Society in ActionCAFODJesuit MissionsJesuit Refugee ServicePeople TodayThose who care for the sickMother TeresaPrincess DianaExamples from History Little Red HenThe Selfish Giant – Oscar WildeThe Giving Tree – Shel SilversteinMusic & SongsWhat a Wonderful World – Louis Armstrong Joyful we adore thee Happy Day Lepers Healed – Brian KershisnikFeeding of the five thousand - Abraham Bloemaert ................

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