CITY OF BOWDLEREGULAR MEETING MINUTESSeptember 9, 2020Mayor Rick Boschee called the meeting to order, reconvening at 7:01 PM from the recessed meeting on Sept. 3. All present recited the Pledge of Allegiance. The following members were present: Erick Bieber, Gary Frankfurth, Rex Gab, Mike Gunderson, Amy Kappenman, and DJ Hardison. Also present: Finance Officer Janet Sandmeier and for a portion of the meeting, Carrie Grismer, Sharon Gunderson, Brooke Heilman, Fern Hoffman, Kirby Kleffman and Carrie Beadle. The Pride recorded the meeting.Motion by Hardison, seconded by Gunderson, to approve the agenda. All present voted yes. Motion carried.Motion by Hardison, seconded by Gab, to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held on August 3, 2020 and the earlier portion of this meeting held on September 3, 2020. All present voted yes. Motion carried.Receipts for the month of July: Cortrust Bank, Interest, $0.51; CorTrust, Airport CD interest 11.44; First State Bank, CD Interest, $1121.92; Midcontinent Communications, Franchise Fee, $233.52; Venture Communications Franchise Fee, $368.11; State of SD, Sales Tax, $6675.10; FEMA-2019 snow disaster, $6086.84; Edmunds County, Taxes, $778.76; State Hwy/Bridge Revenue, $3608.82; State Shared Revenue County Wheel Tax, $1424.71; State of SD Alcohol Reversion, $880.72; Golf Cart, $10.00; Pet Licenses, $42.00; Library Donations, $330.00; CJ’s Lease, $670.00; The Watering Can Lease, $172.66; Misc. Revenue, (item sold Ulmer Auction), $549.84; Rubble Site Fees/Tax, $740.11; Water/Sys Maint/Late Fees/ Reconnects/Meter Deposit, $15029.01; Sewer/Late Fees, $7141.84; Hospital/Nursing Home $667418.00The following claims were presented:AUGUST PAYROLL:Hospital/Nursing Home/Clinic, Wages, 348892.30City Financial Administration, Wages, 938.63Economic Development, Wages, 312.88Library, Wages, 1925.00Rubble Site, Wages, 781.00Streets Department, Wages, 2051.05Water,Wages,1651.27Sewer,Wages,1651.27IRS/CorTrust Bank, N.A., Payroll Taxes, 78423.63ARC, City- Equipment Repair, 2217.90Bowdle Healthcare Center, City- Wages, 13267.67L & M Wrecking, City – Streets Supply, 83.00Turner Drug, City-Water Supply, 2.09Web Water Bottling, City-Library Supply, 13.00Motion by Gab, seconded by Frankfurth, to approve the payment of claims. All present voted yes. Motion carried.Carrie Grismer addressed the council concerning the rent for CJ’s. She asked that the rent be lowered or discontinued due to the pandemic. Rent had been suspended from March through May when the business was closed. Beck Law will be consulted as to the legality of adjusting the amount when the item was established through bid. Having no further business before the council, Grismer and S. Gunderson left the meeting at this time.Mayor Boschee brought before the council the fact that Clark Engineering is currently surveying for the Main Street Project. He reported that there have been requests to widen a narrow segment of west Main to have consistency in the street width. This is being taken to the engineers for consideration.Bowdle Healthcare CFO, Brooke Heilman presented the council with July Balance Sheet which were reviewed by council. Heilman reported the month of July had been a tough month, but that August figures were showing improvement.Bowdle Healthcare CEO, Kirby Kleffman shared the statistics for July which were down from the previous year. The statistical decline was attributed to Covid as well as provider vacations during the month. Motion by Bieber, seconded by Gab, to approve the following new hires: Kerry Kopecky, Dietary Aide, FT, 12.10/hr; Ashley Miller, Dietary Aide, FT, 12.00/hr; Lynae Petersen, Occupational Therapist, FT, 33.00/hr. All present voted yes. Motion carried. Mayor Boschee welcomes them to the facility. Other personnel changes were the resignation/terminations of Annabell Stuwe-Housekeeping, Karen Jacobs-HH/Activities, Desiree Holsworth-LTC RN, Ashley Blocker-LTC CNA, Liz Henke-LTC CNA, Ida VanderVorst-Dietary Aide. Wage increases were as follows: Steph McDaniel-5 yr increase, Cook, 15.40, Dietary Aide, 12.60; Brittanie Berg-LTC CNA, 16.11, Restorative Aide, 16.11; Ruth Bieber-LTC CNA, 18.13; Levi Borchert-LTC CNA, 15.75; Madison Crawford-LTC CNA, 15.75; Jeanne Dick-LTC CNA, 16.55; Katherine Dockter-LTC CNA, 17.75; Geralyn Frost-LTC CNA, 17.32; Cristie Gardner-LTC CNA, 17.75; Jolynn Hawkinson-LTC CNA, 17.75; Rickie Iron-LTC CNA PILB, 18.86, Medication Aide PILB, 2051; Ashley Lunders-LTC CNA, 15.55; Brianna Moen-LTC CNA, 15.75; Jessica Moen-LTC CNA PILB, 19.19; Carol Palmer-LTC CNA, 18.05; Louise Reuer-LTC CNA, 17.75; LaDeen Sandve-LTC CNA, 18.03; Pamela Schmierer-LTC CNA, 17.75; Heather Sodermanns-LTC CNA, 15.75; Cathy Stahl-LTC CNA, 17.35; Pamela Tew-LTC CNA, 15.75; Shirley Torgerson-LTC CNA, 18.01; Marsha Vetch-LTC CNA, 17.75; Angela Zabel-LTC CNA, 17.15, Medication Aide 18.65.Motion was made by Gunderson, seconded by Kappenman, to approve the following new/revised policies and procedures: Bus Cleaning/Disinfecting Procedure, ULV Vector Fogger-C150 plus Using Shield Ultra KE-17M Disinfectant Cleaner Use, Remdesivir Infusion Policy, Return to Work Policy, and the N95 Mask Policy. All present voted yes. Motion carried.Carrie Beadle presented information concerning the need for a new ultrasound machine as well as recommendations for purchasing. The facility staff had evaluated and acquired quotes for four brands/models. Carrie requested the purchase of the Cannon system at a cost of $104,310 with the support service agreement. After discussion, motion by Hardison to move ahead with the Cannon purchase with the service contract decision to be revisited. Second by Kappenman. All voted yes. Motion carried.CEO Kleffman updated the council on the COVID-19 situation. Both residents and staff have tested positive, but the majority have no symptoms. Weekly mass testing of all residents and staff will continue until there are no positive tests for two weeks. Kleffman wanted to recognize the staff for their “job well done!” He stated Candice Kusler has done an exceptional job of acquiring supplies in a challenging time. Kleffman also wanted to publicly commend the staff for their flexibility and stepping up to cover areas. Thank you to all.CEO Kleffman requested executive session for personnel matters. Motion to do so was made by Bieber, second by Kappenman. All voted yes. Motion carried. The executive session began at 7:50 PM. Mayor Boschee declared the executive session over at 10:27 PM.During the time of the executive session, Kleffman, Eisenbeisz, Hoffman, and Beadle left the ing out of executive session, Hardison stated, “The Governing Board would like to make an effort to reinvest some of our COVID-19 grant money, received by the facility, to our employees. All employees that have been with the facility throughout the entire COVID-19 pandemic and have experienced hour reductions, extra job stress and financial stress are greatly appreciated. I would like to move to implement the following hazard pay bonuses to be paid out to those current employees that have been with the facility for more than 6 months as of September 1, 2020:Full Time Employees will receive $2000Part Time with Benefits Employees will receive $1500Part Time Employees will receive $1000Ampulance Personnel will receive $1000PRN Employees will receive $500Current employees, as of September 1st, that have not been here for the full time, but have experienced the same hardships, will receive 50% of the payout at each respective job category.Full Time Employees will receive $1000Part Time with Benefits Employees will receive $750Part Time Employees will receive $500PRN Employees will receive $250These Hazard Pay Bonuses will be paid out with payroll on September 25, 2020.”The motion was seconded by Frankfurth. All voted yes. Motion carried.The extended hours at the rubble site during the weekend of Sept. 11 and 12, to encourage a fall clean-up was discussed. All are encouraged to do their part to clean up their properties. No one had contacted the city office for assistance.The now city owned house at 4025 S 2nd Avenue was discussed. The Bowdle Economic Development Corporation was the organization to which ownership was to be awarded. This had previously been approved, and the paperwork has now been completed, with the recommendation from the council that the group sell the property by bid, with a minimum bid in place. F/O presented the council with the July’s Statement of Accounts and Monthly Receipts, the Year-to-date Budget Worksheet, and the water usage and loss report. The F/O pointed out that sales tax, for July alone was down $15,000 from 2019. Concerns about unpaid water bills was also discussed. F/O reported the water rate increase to be imposed by WEB in October and proposed Resolution 2020-3 to address this increase and the additional costs. After discussion, the motion to approve resolution 2020-3 was made by Bieber, second by Frankfurth. All voted yes. Motion carried.CITY OF BOWDLERESOLUTION #2020-3A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING INCREASE IN WATER AND SEWER RATES FOR THE CITY OF BOWDLE, EDMUNDS COUNTY, SOUTH DAKOTAWHEREAS, the city of Bowdle in accordance with the requirements for project funding and WEB water system increase, the following water & sewer fees will be increased accordingly: Water $.20 cents per 1000 gallons.NOW, THERFORE BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the City of Bowdle shall and hereby will set the above Water/Sewer fees to be effective October 1, 2020. Dated this 8th day of September, 2020.CITY OF BOWDLE_______________________________________MayorATTEST:________________________________________Finance Officer(SEAL)Second readings of Ordinance 2020-01 for the adoption of the updated ordinance handbook and 2020-02 for the 2021 appropriations were tabled.F/O reported the 3rd quarter Zoning Board Meeting had met, approving eleven applications.The F/O shared that the Fire Department had indicated a need for WIFI at the fire hall for training and educational requirements. Quotes will be obtained from MIDCO and Venture.The next regular council meeting will be held Monday, October 5, 2020 at 7:00 pm.Motion by Hardison, seconded by Bieber to adjourn at 11:09 pm. All present voted yes. Motion carried. _______________________ ______Rick BoscheeMayor DateAttest: ___________________ Janet Sandmeier Finance Officer - City of BowdlePublished once at the approximate cost of ___________. ................

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