WORKS CITED FORMAT - Mr. Johnson's Social Studies

Works Cited Format


• Put all entries in alphabetical order by the first word in each entry

• Put a period at the end of all entries

• All entries start at the margin—second and third lines are indented

(opposite of a paragraph)

• Do not number the entries

Pay attention to punctuation!

Book By a Single Author

Spielvogel, Jackson J. World History Journey Across Time The Early Ages. Columbus: Glencoe McGraw Hill, 2008 Print.

Book By Two or Three Authors

Eggins, Suzanne, and Diane Slade. Analyzing Casual Conversation. London: Dell, 1997. Print.

Book By More Than Three Authors

Edens, Walter, et al., eds. Teaching Shakespeare. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1977. Print.

From an Encyclopedia with an Author Given

Barnridge, Thomas H. "Baseball." World Book Encyclopedia. 2001. Print.

From an Encyclopedia without an Author Given

"Baseball." World Book Encyclopedia. 2001. Print

From a Magazine

Mehta, Pratap Bhanu. “Exploding Myths.” New Republic 6 June 1998: 17-19. Print.

*Website with an Author Given

Schrock, Kathleen. "Digital Gadgets.” Discovery Channel. Web. 11 Mar 2003.


*Website without an Author Given

“Argentina.” CIA World Factbook. Web. 7 Mar 2003.

*Note: not all teachers will require the web address (URL); I do.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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