Annual Parochial Church Meeting: Parish of St. Giles, Matlock11th October 2020AGENDA1. Apologies for absence2.Approval of the minutes of the 2019 APCM3. Consideration of Reportsa report on changes to the Electoral Roll since the last annual parochial church meeting. (Electoral Roll officer’s report to be presented at the meeting)a report on the proceedings of the parochial church council (copy herewith)a report on the fabric, goods and ornaments of the church or churches of the parish (Churchwardens’ report; to be presented at the meeting) the financial statements of the council for the year ending on the 31st December preceding the meeting; (Treasurer’s report herewith; financial statements to be presented at the meeting)a report of the proceedings of the deanery synod (copy herewith)Reports of Church organisations. St Giles Matlock MU Report 2019 (Copy herewith) Meeting Space Committee Report. Safeguarding Report St Giles Fellowship Report Sunday School & Godly Play reports Bell ringing report 2019 (copy herewith) Choir Magazine Churches Together. Fr. Mark’s Report4.To consider the following recommendations from the PCC;that a system of postal voting for future Annual Parochial Church Meetings should be established in accordance with the current Church Representation Rules; that a person elected to the deanery synod may serve more than two terms of office and; that lay members of the PCC continue to be elected on an annual basis.5. Other urgent matters of parochial or general Church interest which have been notified to the Chair of the meeting in advance. 6.Election of churchwardens 7.Election of parochial representatives of the laity as follows:To the Deanery Synod Three (3) representatives.To the Parochial Church Council Nine (9) representatives.8.Appointment of the Independent Examiner or AuditorAgenda Item 2 Approval of Minutes of the 2019 APCM held on 9th April 2019Present: Fr. Mark Crowther-Alwyn (Rector), Alison Grindrod, Allan Preston, Angela Neale, Bridget McCrae, Carol Sanderson, Claire Drabble, Edwin Sanderson, Fred Drabble, Jackie Steel, Jane Pomphrey, Jane Terry, Jason Knighton, Jonathan Grant-Nicholas, Martin Smith, Mick Maltby, Nicola Knighton, Peter Steele, Sarah Higgs, Stephen Oxley. APCM19/01 Apologies for absence.Apologies have been received from Barbara Hughes, Brian and Helen Legood, Bridget Caudle, Emily Brailsford, Joan Link and Joan PybusAPCM19/02 Minutes of the 2018 APCMThe minutes of the 2018 APCM were approved as a correct record and signed by Fr. Mark.APCM19/03 Consideration of ReportsThe following reports were presented:a) Changes in the electoral roll since the last annual parochial church meeting (Report by the Electoral Roll Officer)The report was accepted without any queriesb) The proceedings of the PCC. (Report by the PCC Secretary)The Secretary’s report was approved.c) Churchwarden’s Report – 2018-19 (Report given by Angela Neale) The Churchwardens’ report was approved.d. Financial report (Report by the PCC Treasurer)Resolved: That the financial report and accounts for 2018 are approved.e. Carsington Deanery Synod Reflections 2018 (Report by the Deanery Synod Reps)The report on the Carsington Deanery Synod’s proceedings was accepted. f. Reports of Church organisationsSt Giles Matlock MU Report 2018/19 Meeting Space Committee Report. Safeguarding Report St Giles Fellowship Report Sunday School & Godly Play reports Bell ringing report 2019 Choir Magazine Churches Together. The reports f(i – ix) were accepted without discussiong Incumbent’s Report (Fr. Mark’s Report)Fr. Mark’s Report was accepted.APCM19/04 Election of Parochial representatives of the laity.Nominations had been received for the various posts of churchwarden and PCC member. No nominations had been received for Deanery Synod. The names of the candidates and their proposers and seconders were read out at the meeting. No further nominations were received and accordingly the people nominated were elected unopposed. The results of the elections for Churchwardens, members of the Parochial Church Council and members of the Carsington Deanery Synod are as follows;Election of ChurchwardensNomineeProposerSeconderResultAngela NealeJason KnightonMartin SmithElected unopposedJason KnightonAngela NealeMartin SmithElected unopposedElection of PCC membersNomineeProposerSeconderResultBrian LegoodMartin SmithEdwin SandersonElected unopposedClaire DrabbleEmily BrailsfordJoan PybusElected unopposedEmily BrailsfordClaire DrabbleAngela NealeElected unopposedJackie SteeleJane PomphreyEmily BrailsfordElected unopposedJane PomphreyEmily BrailsfordJackie SteeleElected unopposedMichael AmosEmily BrailsfordLee McCleanElected unopposedSarah HiggsPeter SteeleMartin SmithElected unopposedStephen OxleyMick MaltbyEmily BrailsfordElected unopposedNB Joan Link and Martin Smith remain members of the Carsington Deanery Synod having been elected in 2018 and 2017 respectively to serve until 2020.Gillian Briggs was subsequently co-opted onto the PCCAPCM19/05 Appointment of Welcomers (sidesmen/women).The following people served as Welcomers (sidesmen/women) in 2018. Alison Grindrod, Claire Gibson, Michael Maltby, Christine & Andrew Henshaw, Edwin and Carol Sanderson (8 o’clock), Henry Holmes, Isabel Walker, Jenny Faulkner (8 o’clock), Jenny Servante (8 o’clock), Joan Pybus, John & Sarah Higgs, Judith Naden, Lee McClean, Martin Smith (8 o’clock), Martin Cruttenden (8 o’clock), Sarah Higgs, Val Alcock, Viv Smith, Mrs Appleby, Mr and Mrs Loveday, Mr and Mrs Summerfield.Resolved: That the people appointed in 2018 remain as Welcomers (sidesmen/women) in 2019APCM19/06 Appointment of an independent auditor or examiner of the accounts.Resolved: That the current auditors, Mr David Pooley and Mrs Marion Pooley, are reappointed for a further year.APCM19/07 Other matters of parish or general church interest that have been notified to the Rector in advance of the meeting.Mick Maltby raised the issue of gift aid. Fr. Mark agreed to put this on the PCC agenda for consideration. Agenda Item 3bThe proceedings of the PCC.When I first put finger to keyboard to write this report, I thought, ‘Well there have only been a couple of PCC meetings this year’. But then I remembered that I was supposed to report on the PCC’s doings since April 2019, not just 2020. Such are the effects of the COVID virus that I have to report on 18 months of activity not 12. The 2020 APCM was scheduled to take place before Easter, but as you all know the year came to a shuddering halt on March 23rd with the imposition of the lockdown. Nevertheless, even when meetings of the PCC and Standing Committee were not allowed and when for a long time the church itself was closed, the PCC members were kept in touch with what was going on and urgent decisions were taken using whatever communication methods were open to us, so we have not just sat on our hands for six months. Since the inaugural meeting of the PCC immediately after the 2019 APCM, there have been 7 scheduled meetings, including one in September 2020. In addition to the full PCC meetings there have been 5 meetings of the Standing Committee and also meetings of the Strategy Committee, the Mission Committee and the Barn Project group. As last year, the most common issues discussed have been related to finance. Every meeting has had a financial report and an examination of the minutes shows no fewer than 20 individually minuted items relating to financial matters. These inevitably cover a wide range of topics.As with last year, aside from finance, the next most significant issue discussed has been the ongoing discussion about the role of the Barn as against the use of space inside the church itself. You will all be aware of the changes that have taken place in the Church itself, but you may not be aware of the work that has been done to and in the Barn to make it more readily accessible and an altogether more useable space. Safeguarding has been another regular item discussed and Joan Link as our safeguarding officer has reported to each regular PCC meeting on the progress being made on this matter. Numerous other items have cropped up over the year, involving church services, the garden party, other social and spiritual events, mission outreach and the inevitable church maintenance and safety issues. Many of these have unfortunately fallen victim to the COVID virus restrictionsLast year I concluded my report with the comment that I had no doubt that the 2019/20 PCC year will be another ‘interesting’ one. Quite how ‘interesting’ and unusual I never imagine for one moment. This year I’m going to conclude with a wish for a somewhat calmer year ahead and one that is rather less ’interesting’!Martin Smith: PCC Secretary.Agenda Item 3dFinance Report. April – December 2019The PCC viewed the Draft Finance Report prior to the final report being signed off by our examiner. The examiner has recommended a few tweaks to the mechanics of the accounts, these are in the process of being delivered to the next Standing Committee Meeting in November.We now have a new Gift Aid Co-ordinator to oversee this vital part of our income. We are able to claim back 25p in the pound from the Government if the individual signs up to the scheme. A very big Thank-you to our previous Co-ordinator for their many years of service.We also have a new bookkeeper who joined us at the end of September- we look forward to working with her. We hope that our previous bookkeeper enjoys her new post at County Hall.A colleague within our church community promoted her Bonus Ball project and raised many thousands of pounds for the Church. This project has now ended after many years of hard work. The money primarily supported the Fabric Fund in the Church. A huge Thank-you for all the organisation and meticulous accounting that was undertaken with this project.I would also like to thank a colleague who continues to supports me with some of the Banking duties and Utility aspects of the account.Resulting from the COVID virus the Church was closed, which resulted in a drop of income from our offertory collections. The Garden party was also cancelled which is one of our main fund raising events. However, the Parish Giving Scheme, Direct Debits and Standing Orders have been an essential part of our income, which partly maintains our many outgoings.The PCC have agreed to end the Pink Envelope Scheme after next year, due to the very few people who use this way of giving. The yellow envelopes will still be available for those who wish to continue to give in this way.We look forward to the year ahead.Jane Pomphrey: Treasurer to the PCCAgenda Item 3f(i)Mothers’ Union Report 2018We had a difficult year with changes along the way.Brenda is missed all the time. Her extensive knowledge of MU always helped us to do the correct thing.We miss Jean (Henshaw) who is no longer able to attend meetings and Dorothea, who is now settled in her new home at Kirk Langley. They are now Indoor Members.On a positive note we have continued to work and pray for MU and I feel start the New Year with a resolve to keep going and continue with the work we do.The meetings have been attended well given our few (10) members. Through the year MU have provided and served tea for the children at Godly Play.We collected items to send a Moses basket with items to help a mother and her baby giving birth in a refugee camp. We meet with our Deanery friends for services and now have the extended Carsington Deanery at our gatherings; we look forward to working with them.MU charities were sent several donations and we pray for the huge amount of work MU is doing through the world.On a personal note, thank you for all the support you have given me during a year when I was not well.Joan Pybus.Agenda Item 3f(v)Sunday School and Fun Club reportSunday School has been happily ambling along with its usual 6 members.? Family services sometimes attract more children but we don't worry if it doesn't.? The children enjoy the activities I have for them and like to take part in the service where they can by coming for a blessing and joining in with the Lord’s Prayer.? They especially like to wave to the choir and as they process past!Fun club from September 2019- February 2020 has been a great success with an average of 30 children and their families at each session.? It can be a little crazy and more volunteers would always be welcome as some families have several children and come along with only one parent.? The Mothers Union have been providing a wonderful tea for the children who especially liked the burgers and chips they had although this did prove to be rather hard work for the ladies.??We hope that this success will continue as soon as we are able to resume after the current situation.Emily Brailsford.Agenda Item 3f(vi)Bell ringing Report 2020We had two new ringers start since the last report and they were making excellent progress.Ringing for services and practices were well attended.Since the virus we have kept contact via Zoom.? Ringing room which is a computer simulation of ringing and hand bell ringing outside at Edwin and Carol’s house.? We have been blessed with the weather when hand bell ringing and have improved our striking, some have learned new methods and generally had a bit of fun.? We thank Edwin for hosting us and providing a welcome cup of tea half way through our practice.We have been able to get back to service ringing within strict guidelines, mainly on 3 bells but when we have the manpower 4!We keep a strict attendance sheet for track and trace and hope to continue ringing as we are for the foreseeable future.Helen Legood: Tower Captain. ................

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