Grade 12 Resource Book -

[Pages:245]G.C.E. (Advanced Level)


Grade 12 Resource Book

Department of Science Faculty of Science and Technology

National Institute of Education nie. lk

Resource Book - Gr.12

G.C.E. (Advanced Level) Biology

G.C.E. (Advanced Level)


Grade 12 Resource Book

Department of Science Faculty of Science and Technology

National Institute of Education nie. lk

G.C.E. (Advanced Level) Biology

Biology Resource Book

Resource Book -Gr.12

Resource Book - Gr.12

Message from the Director General

G.C.E. (Advanced Level) Biology

Dr. (Mrs.) T. A. R. J. Gunasekara

G.C.E. (Advanced Level) Biology

Resource Book -Gr.12

Message from the Director

From 2017, a rationalized curriculum is in effect for the G.C.E (A/L) in the education system in Sri Lanka. It means updating the curriculum that was in implementation.

In this effort, revisions were made in the content, form and curricular materials of the G.C.E (A/L) subjects Physics, Chemistry and Biology and in concurrence to that, certain changes in the learning teaching methodology, evaluation and assessment were expected. The volume of the subject matter in the curriculum was largely reduced and several alterations in the learning teaching sequence were also made. A new teachers' hand book was introduced in place of the old curricular material, the teachers' instruction manual.

The teachers' instruction manual contained a line-up of subject matter expected to be learnt but the newly introduced teacher's hand book doesn't accommodate any subject matter. Yet, it provides a guideline for teachers to mould the learning events and for evaluation. Though the teacher's hand book implicitly enunciates the limits of the subject by way of the learning outcomes, the teachers' hand book only is not sufficient to identify holistically the confines of the facts. Thus emerged the need of a resource book which simply describes the subject content. This book comes to you as a result of an attempt to fulfill that requirement.

When implementing the previous curricula, the use of internationally recognized standard textbooks published in English has been an imperative for Advanced Level Science subjects. But, the contradictions of facts related to subject matter and inclusion of material beyond the limits of the local curriculum in them, usage of those books was not an easy task for teachers and students.

This book, offers students an opportunity to study the relevant subject content in the mother tongue within the limits of the local curriculum. It also provides both students and teachers a source of reliable information expected by the curriculum dispensing with seedling information from various print media and extra classes.

This book authored by specialist subject teachers and university lectures is presented to you after the approval of the Academic Affairs Board and the Council of the NIE. Thus it can be recommended as a material of high standard.

Mr. R. S. J. P. Uduporuwa Director Department of Science

Resource Book - Gr.12

G.C.E. (Advanced Level) Biology


Dr.(Mrs.)T.A.R.J. Gunasekara Director General

National Institute of Education


Mr. R.S.J.P. Uduporuwa

Director, Department of Science National Institute of Education

Subject Leadership Miss. P.T.M.K.C. Tennakoon

Assistant Lecturer, Dept. of Science National Institute of Education

Internal Resource Contribution

Mrs. H.M. Mapagunarathna

Senior Lecturer National Institute of Education

Mrs. D.A.H.U. Sumanasekara

Assistant Lecturer National Institute of Education

P. Atchuthan

Assistant Lecturer National Institute of Education

Editorial Panel

Prof. Silva - Senior Professor of Molecular Biology, University of Sri Jayawardanepura - (Unit 02,03)

Prof. S. Abeysinghe - Head of the Department, Department of Botnay University of Ruhuna - (Unit 02,03,04)

Prof. S. Hettiarachchi - Senior Professor , Department of Biological Sciences, University of Rajarata - (Unit 02,03,04)

Prof. R.A.S.P. Senanayake - Head of the Department, Department of Botany, University of Kelaniya - (Unit 03,04)

Prof. D.D. Wickramasinghe - Head of the Department, Department of Zoology, University of Colombo- (Unit 02)

Prof. A. Pathirathna - Senior Professor, Department of Zoology and Environmental Managment University of Kelaniya (Unit 05)

Dr.P.L. Hettiarachchi - Senior Lecturer,Department of Biological Sciences, University of Rajarata (Unit 04)

Dr. W.A.M. Daundesekara - Senior Lecturer,Department of Botany, University of Peradeniya-(Unit 04)

Dr. S. Kumburegama - Senior Lecturer, Department of Zoology, University of Peradeniya -(Unit 05)

G.C.E. (Advanced Level) Biology

Resource Book -Gr.12

External resource contribution

Mrs.P.H.N. Kulathilake - SLTS-I, Devi Balika Vidyalaya, Colombo 08. Mrs. B. Ganeshadas - SLTS-I, D.S.Senanayake College, Colombo 08 Mrs. P.A.K.Perera - SLTS-I (Rtd),

Mrs. H.L. Hemanatha - SLTS-I ,Royal College, Colombo 07 Mrs. M.S.J. Jayasooriya - SLTS- Ladies College, Colombo 07 Mrs. M.R.P.R Basnayake - SLTS-I (Rtd) , St.Anne's College, Kurunegala

Mr. A. Illaperuma - SLTS-I(Rtd) Mrs. H.A.S.G. Perera - SLTS-I , Sirimawo Bandaranayake College,

Colombo -07 Mrs. A.M.S.D. N. Abeyakoon - SLTS-I (Rtd ), St. Anthony's Girls' College , Kandy

Mrs. S.D.P.Bandara - SLTS-I Rtd), Dharamaraga College, Kandy Mrs. J.A. J.Hanee - SLTS-I Zahira College, Gampola

Mr. W.G. Pathirana - SLTS-I Rahula College, Matara

Mrs. C.V.S. Devotta - SLTS-I ,Dammissara College, Natthandiya Mr. R. Rupasinghum - SLTS-I,

Language Editing Dr. Chandra Amarasekara

Diagrams Mrs. N.R.D. Dahanayake- Teacher, Lyceum International school, Nugegoda

Cover & Type setting Mrs. R. R. K. Pathirana Technical Assitant- NIE

Supporting Staff Mrs.

Resource Book - Gr.12


Message of the Director General, NIE Message of the Director Department of Science , NIE Team of Resource Persons

G.C.E. (Advanced Level) Biology

iii iv v-vi

Unit 01-Introduction to Biology

Nature scope and importance of biology with reference to


challenges faced by the mankind

The nature and the organizational patterns of the living world 04

Unit02- Chemical and cellular basis of life

Elemental composition of organisms


Physical and chemical properties of water important for life


Chemical nature and functions of main organic compounds

of organisms


Contribution of microscope to the expansion of knowledge

on cells and cellular organization


Historical background of the cell and analyses the

structure and functions of the sub cellular units


The cell cycle and the process of cell division


The energy relationships in metabolic processes


The role of Enzymes in regulating metabolic reactions


Photosynthesis as an energy fixing mechanism


Cellular respiration as a process of obtaining energy


Unit 03-Evolution and diversity of organisms

The theories of origin of life and natural selection to analyze

the process of evolution of life


Hierarchy of taxa on scientific basis


The diversity of organisms within the Domain Bacteria


The diversity of organisms within the kingdom Protista


The diversity of organisms within the kingdom Plantae


The diversity of organisms within the kingdom Fungi


The diversity of organisms within the kingdom Animalia


The characteristic features to study organisms belonging to

phylum Chordata


Unit 04- Plant form and function

Structure, growth and development of plants


plant tissues systems


Growth and development process of a plant


The shoot architecture and light capture


The process of gaseous exchange in plants



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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