|5 |1 |Introduction to |Meaning and importance of |By the end of the lesson, the|Discussion on the importance |- Photographs |Business studies Book 1 | |

| | |business studies |business studies |learner should be able to |of business studies |- Relevant business |Inventor business studies | |

| | | | |explain the meaning of | |environment |form onep.g1 | |

| | | | |business studies and its | | | | |

| | | | |importance in the society | | | | |

| |2 |Business and its |- Meaning and importance of |By the end of the lesson, the|Group discussion on various |- Photographs | Inventor Business studies| |

| | |environment |business studies. -Reasons |learner should be able to |types of businesses |- Resource persons |Book 1 | |

| | | |for existence of business |explain the purpose of |explaining the reasons for | |Trendy business studies F1| |

| | | | |business and meaning. |the existence of business | |p.g 3 | |

| | | | |State the reasons for | | | | |

| | | | |existence of business | | | | |

| |3 |Business and its |Business activities |By the end of the lesson, the|Visit to various business |- Relevant pictures |secondary Business | |

| | |environment | |learner should be able to |venture in the school |- News paper cuttings |studies Book 1pg6 | |

| | | | |identify various business |environment |- Resource persons |Inventor B/studies F1 p.g6| |

| | | | |activities | | | | |

|6 |1 |Business and its |Business environment |By the end of the lesson, the|- Discuss the types of |Resource persons |secondary Business studies| |

| | |environment | |learner should be able to |business environment | |Book 1 | |

| | | | |identify the various business|- Talk from business person | |Inventor B/studies F1 p.g6| |

| | | | |environments | | | | |

| |2 |Business and its |Business environment |By the end of the lesson, the|Visit to various business |Relevant business |Inventor B/studies F1 | |

| | |environment | |learner should be able to |establishments in the school |environment |p.g8-9 | |

| | | | |explain how various |environment | | | |

| | | | |environment influences | | | | |

| | | | |business. | | | | |

| |3 |Business and its |Social responsibility |By the end of the lesson, the|- Group discussion on various|- Relevant business |Secondary Business studies| |

| | |environment |Healthy business environment |learner should be able to |ways in which a business can |environment |Book 1 | |

| | | | |recognize the need to |carry out its social |- Resource persons |Secondary B/studies F1 | |

| | | | |maintain a healthy business |responsibility |- Pictures and photographs|p.g10 | |

| | | | |environment. |- Question and answer | | | |

|7 |1 |Satisfaction of |Human wants |By the end of the lesson, the|Group discussion on meaning |- Text books |Secondary Business | |

| | |human wants | |learner should be able to |and characteristics of Human |- Charts |studies Book 1 | |

| | | | |explain the meaning and |wants |- Diagrams |Trendy b/studies f1 p.g | |

| | | | |characteristics of Human | | |10 | |

| | | | |wants | | | | |

| |2 |Satisfaction of |Human wants |By the end of the lesson, the|Classify Human wants |- Text books |Secondary Business studies| |

| | |human wants | |learner should be able to | |- Suitable diagrams and |Book 1 | |

| | | | |classify Human wants | |charts |Inventor B/studies F1 p.g | |

| | | | | | | |14 | |

| |3 |Satisfaction of |Goods and services |By the end of the lesson, the|Explain the meaning of the |- Text books |Inventor Business studies | |

| | |human wants | |learner should be able to |terms Goods and services |- Pictures and photographs|Book 1 p.g | |

| | | | |explain the meaning of goods | | |Trendy B/studies F1 p.g11 | |

| | | | |and services. | | | | |

|8 |1 |Satisfaction of |Economic resources |By the end of the lesson, the|- Group discussion |- Text books |Secondary Business | |

| | |human wants | |learner should be able to |- Question and answer |- Pictures diagrams and |studies Book 1 | |

| | | | |explain the meaning and | |photos |Inventor b/studies f1 p.g | |

| | | | |characteristics of economic | | |17 | |

| | | | |resources | | | | |

| |2 |Satisfaction of |Scarcity and choice |By the end of the lesson, the|Story telling relevant on |- Text books |secondary Business | |

| | |human wants | |learner should be able to |scarcity and choice |- Suitable charts and |studies Book 1 | |

| | | | |relate the concept of | |diagrams |Inventor B/studies F1 p.g | |

| | | | |scarcity and choice | | |21 | |

| |3 |Satisfaction of |Opportunity cost |By the end of the lesson, the|Practical work e.g. writing |- Text books |secondary Business studies| |

| | |human wants | |learner should be able to |utility scales of preference |- Suitable charts and |Book 1 | |

| | | | |explain opportunity cost in | |diagrams |Inventor B/studies F1 | |

| | | | |real life situation. | | |p.g21 | |

|9 |1 |Production |Meaning of production and |By the end of the lesson, the|- Explain the meaning of |- Text books |Inventor Business studies | |

| | | |utility |learner should be able to |production |- Suitable charts and |Book 1pg24 | |

| | | | |explain the meaning of |- Discuss the types of |photographs |Secondary business studies| |

| | | | |production |utility | |F1 p.g21 | |

| | | | |distinguish between different| | | | |

| | | | |types of utility | | | | |

| |2 |Production |Types of production. |By the end of the lesson, the|Group discussion on direct |- Text books |Inventor Business studies| |

| | | | |learner should be able to |and indirect production. |- Pictures |Book 1pg26 | |

| | | | |distinguish between direct | | |Secondary B/studies F1 p.g| |

| | | | |and indirect production. | | |23 | |

| |3 |Production |Level of production and related|By the end of the lesson, the|Group discussion on the |- Pictures and photos |sescondary Business | |

| | | |occupation |learner should be able to |levels of production and |- News paper cutting |studies Book 1 | |

| | | | |describe the level of |occupation relating to each | |Inventor B studies F1 p.g | |

| | | | |production and occupation |other | |25 | |

| | | | |relating to each other. | | | | |

|10 |1 |Production |Factors of production |By the end of the lesson, the|Group discussion on factors |- Resource persons |secondary Business studies| |

| | | | |learner should be able to |of production |- Diagrams |Book 1 | |

| | | | |discus and state the various | | |Inventor B/studies F1 | |

| | | | |factors of production | | |p.g27 | |

| |2 |Production |Rewards on factors of |By the end of the lesson, the|Group discussion on rewards |- Diagrams |Secondary Business | |

| | | |production |learner should be able to |on factors of production |- Resource persons |studies Book 1 | |

| | | | |state the rewards of each | | |Inventor B/studies F1 p.g | |

| | | | |factor of production | | |29 | |

| |3 |Production |Division of labor and |By the end of the lesson, the|Discussion on the role of |- Text books |Trendy Business studies | |

| | | |specialization |learner should be able to |division of labor in the |- Diagrams |Book 1 | |

| | | | |explain the role of division |production process |- Resource persons |Inventor B /studies F1 p.g| |

| | | | |of labor in the production | | |30 | |

| | | | |process. | | | | |

|11 |1 |Production |Mobility of factors of |By the end of the lesson, the|Explanation on the mobility |- Text books |Inventor Business studies| |

| | | |production |learner should be able to |of factors of production |- Resource persons |Book 1 | |

| | | | |explain the mobility of | | | | |

| | | | |factors of production | | | | |

| |2 |Production |Mobility of factors of |By the end of the lesson, the|Discussion on the factors |- Diagrams |Inventor Business studies| |

| | | |production |learner should be able to |that influence the mobility |- Charts |Book 1 | |

| | | | |discus the factors that |of the factors of production |- Resource persons | | |

| | | | |influence the mobility of | | | | |

| | | | |factors of production | | | | |

| |3 |Production |Classification of goods |By the end of the lesson, the|- Discussion on the types of |- Text books |Trendy Business studies | |

| | | |produced in an economy |learner should be able to |goods produced in the |- Pictures |Book 1 | |

| | | | |classify goods and services |economy |- Photographs |Inventor B /studies F1 p.g| |

| | | | |produced in an economy |- Group work to classify the | |31 | |

| | | | | |goods and services produced | | | |

| | | | | |in an economy | | | |

|12 |1 |Entrepreneurship |Meaning of entrepreneurship |By the end of the lesson, the|Visit to relevant |- Resource persons |Trendy Business studies | |

| | | | |learner should be able to |entrepreneurial venture |- Text books |Book 1 | |

| | | | |explain the meaning of | | |Inventor B/studies F1 p.g | |

| | | | |entrepreneurship | | |34 | |

| |2 |Entrepreneurship |Importance of entrepreneurship |By the end of the lesson, the|Listening to resource person |- Text books |Trendy Business studies | |

| | | | |learner should be able to | |- Photographs |Book 1 | |

| | | | |discus the importance of | | |Inventor B/studies F1 p.g | |

| | | | |entrepreneurship to an | | |35 | |

| | | | |economy | | | | |

| |3 |Entrepreneurship |Characteristic of an |By the end of the lesson, the|Discussion on the |- Text books |Trendy Business studies | |

| | | |entrepreneurship |learner should be able to |characteristics of an |- Resource persons |Book 1 | |

| | | | |explain the characteristics |entrepreneurship |- Photographs |Trendy B/studies F1 p.g 26| |

| | | | |of entrepreneurship | | | | |

|13 and 14 |1 |Revision |Revision and end term exams |By the end of the lesson, the|Revising |- Text books |Past papers | |

| | | | |learner should be able to |Writing exams |- Papers | | |

| | | | |effectively answer questions | |- Pen | | |

| | | | |on the topics covered. | | | | |


WK |PRD |TOPIC |SUB-TOPIC |SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES |TEACHING/ LEARNING ACTIVITIESBJECTIVES |TEACHING/ LEARNING RESOURCES |REFERENCE |REMARKS | |1 |1 |Entrepreneurship |Generating business ideas. Identifying a viable business opportunity |By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

generate business ideas

identify a business opportunity

evaluate a business opportunity |- Discussions

- Group work

- Story telling on relevant local examples by the learners |- Text books

- Relevant news paper cutting

- Suitable diagrams

- Charts and pictures |Trendy Business studies Book 1

Trendy B/studies F1 p.g 27

| | | |2 |Entrepreneurship |Factors that may inhibit Entrepreneurial development |By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

discuss the factors which inhibit entrepreneurial development |- Discussion on relevant case studies

- Listening to resource persons |- Text books

- Relevant news paper

- Resource persons |Trendy Business studies Book 1

Inventor B/studies F1 pg39

| | | |3 |Entrepreneurship |Causes of business failure |By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

discuss the

causes of a business failure |- Discussion on relevant case studies

- Discussion on causes of business failure

- Reading newspaper cuttings |- Text books

- Relevant case studies

- News paper cutting

|Trendy Business studies Book 1

Inventor B/studies F1 pg44

| | | | | | | | | | | | |2 |1 |The office |Meaning and functions of an office |By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

explain the concept of an office

explain the functions of an office. |- Discussion on the functions of an office

- Visit to relevant office environment

- Observing and analyzing photographs and pictures |- News paper cutting

- photographs and pictures

- Relevant office environment

|Inventor Business studies Book 1

Trendy B/studies F1 pg 36 | | | |1 |The office |Office planning and lay out |By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

explain the factors to consider when locating an office | |- Text books

- Office plans

- photographs and pictures

- Relevant case studies |Trendy Business studies Book 1

Inventor b/studies f1 pg56 | | | |2 |The office |Office planning and lay out |By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

explain various office layout |- Visit to relevant office environment

- Question and answer |- Text books

- Office plans

- photographs and pictures

- Relevant case studies |Trendy Business studies Book 1

Inventor B/studies F 1 Pg8 | | | |3 |The office |Office equipment |By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

discuss the uses of various office equipment |- Discussing on the use of various office equipment - Visit to relevant office environment

- Question and answer |- Text books

- Media

- photographs and pictures

- Relevant office environment

|Trendy Business studies Book 1

Inventor B/studies F1 pg59 | | |3 |1 |The office |Factors influencing choice of office equipment |By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

discuss factors influencing choice of office equipment |Discussion on the factors influencing choice of office equipment |- Text books

- Media

- photographs and pictures

- Relevant office environment

- Resource persons |Trendy Business studies Book 1

Inventor b/studies f1 pg61 | | | |2 -3 |The office |The role of filling in an office |By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to discuss the role of filling in an office

Explain the essential of a good filling system |- Visit to relevant office environment

- Listening to a resource person

- Question answering |- Text books

- Media

- Relevant office environment

- Resource persons |Explore Business studies Book 1

Trendy B/studies F1 pg45 | | |4 |1 |The office |The office staff |By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

discuss the duties of various categories of office staff

Describe the essential duties of each category of office staff |- Visit to relevant office environment

- Listening to a resource person

- Discussing the emerging trend in office management

- Question answering |- Text books

- Relevant office environment

- Resource persons |Inventor Business studies Book 1

Trendy B/studies F1 pg 45 | | | |2 -3 |The office |Trends in office management |By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

describe the recent tends in office management

explain how the developments have influenced business operations |- Visit to relevant office environment

- Reading relevant news paper cuttings

- Observing and analyzing photographs , pictures and real objects Question and answer |- Text books

- Media

- photographs and pictures

- Relevant office environment

- Resource persons

- News paper cuttings |Inventor Business studies Book 1

Trendy B/studies F1 pg47 | | |5 |1 -3 |Home trade |Meaning importance and classification of trade |By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

explain the meaning and importance of home trade

classify home trade |- Discussing the importance of trade

- Question and answer |Text books


|Trendy Business studies Book 1

Inventor B/studies F1 Pg70 | | |6 |1 -3 |Revision on Home trade |Combined topics covered in terms 1 and 2 |By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to effectively answer the questions on all the topics covered |Revising

Exam writing exams |- Revision notes

- Papers and pens

- Marking schemes |Past papers | | |

| | | | | | | | | |7 |1 |Home trade |Retail trade |By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

discuss the types and functions of retailers |Visit to retail outlet |- Text books

- Charts

- Retail outlets |Trendy Business studies Book 1

Inventor B/studies F1 pg 71 | | | |2 |Home trade |Retail trade |By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

state the advantages of various types of retail business |Discussion on the advantages of various types of retail business |- Text books

- Charts |Trendy Business studies Book 1

Inventor b/ studies f1 pg 71 | | | |3 |Home trade |Retail trade |By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

state the disadvantages of various types of retail business |Discussion on the disadvantages of various types of retail business |- Text books

- Charts

- Resource persons

|Trendy Business studies Book 1

Inventor B/studies F1 pg73 | | |8 |1 |Home trade |Retail trade and whole seller |By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

state the difference between retail trade and whole seller |Visit to a whole sale shop |- Text books

- Relevant case studies

- News paper cutting

- Resource persons |Trendy Business studies Book 1

Inventor B/studies F1 pg77 | | | |2 |Home trade |Whole sellers |By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

state the types of whole sellers |Discussion of types of whole sellers

|- Text books

- Resource persons

|Trendy Business studies Book 1

Inventor B/studies F1 pg 78 | | | |3 |Home trade |whole sellers |By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

state the functions of whole sellers |Discussion of types and functions of whole sellers |Text books

|Trendy Business studies Book 1

Inventor B/studies F1pg79 | | |9 |1 |Home trade |whole sellers |By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

discus the types and functions of wholesaler |- Visit to a near by whole seller

- Observing and establishment of whole sellers |- Text books

- Resource persons

|Trendy Business studies Book 1

Inventor B/studies F1 pg80 | | | |2 |Home trade |whole sale trade |By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

discus the

functions of wholesaler

|Write down and discus functions of whole sellers |- Text books

- Relevant case studies

- News paper cutting

- Resource persons

|Trendy Business studies Book 1

Inventor B/studies F1 pg83 | | | |3 |Home trade |whole sale trade

|By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

compare wholesaler and retailers |Discuss the difference between a retailer and a whole seller |- Text books

- Photos

- Pictures

|Trendy Business studies Book 1

Inventor b/studies F1 pg85 | | |10 |1 |Documents used in Home trade |Business documents |By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

discus the documents used in home trade |Prepare sample documents |- Text books

- Sample documents

|Trendy Business studies Book 1

Inventor B/studies F1 Pg86 | | | |2 |Documents used in Home trade |Business documents |By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

prepare sample documents used in home trade |Analyze various sample documents |

|Trendy Business studies Book 1

Inventor B/ studies F1 pg 89 | | | |3 |Documents used in Home trade |Business documents |By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

identify sample documents used in home trade and state their function |Discuss the specimen


|- Text books

- Sample documents

|Trendy Business studies Book 1

Inventor B/ studies 91 | | |11 |1-3 |Documents used in Home trade |Business documents |By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

identify, use and write the documents used in home trade. |- Analyzing sample documents

- Write sample documents

- Use the document appropriately |- Text books

- Relevant case studies

- Organizational charts

- News paper cutting

- Resource persons

|Trendy Business studies Book 1

Inventor B/ studies F1 pg96 | | |12 |1 |Terms and means of payment in Home trade |Terms of payment |By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

explain the terms of payment used in Home trade |- Discussion on various terms of payment |- Text books

- Business documents

|Trendy Business studies Book 1

Inventor B/studies F1 Pg108 | | | |2 |Terms and means of payment in Home trade |Terms of payment |By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

explain the current circumstances under which the terms of payment are used |- Discussion on circumstances and use of terms of payment

- Question and answer |- Text books

- Business documents of terms of payment

|Trendy Business studies Book 1

Inventor B/studies F1 pg 110- | | | |3 |Terms and means of payment in Home trade |Terms of payment |By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

explain the terms of payment and the circumstances under which they are used in home trade. |- Discussion on home trade |- Text books

- Resource persons |Trendy Business studies Book 1

Inventor B/studies F1 pg 112 | | |13 |1 |Terms and means of payment in Home trade |Means of payment

Cash |By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

explain the use of cash in home trade |- Examination of real means of payment by use of cash and postal order |- Text books

- Resource persons |Trendy Business studies Book 1

Inventor B/studies F1 pg 100 | | | |2 |Terms and means of payment in Home trade |Means of payment

Provided by post office |By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

explain the means of payment

provided by the post office and circumstances under which they are used |- Discussion on the means of payment provided by the post office |- Text books

- Visit to the post office

|Trendy Business studies Book 1

Inventor B/studies F1 Pg104 | | | |3 |Terms and means of payment in Home trade |Means of payment

Provided by post office |By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

explain the means of payment

provided by the post office and circumstances under which they are used |- Discussion on the means of payment provided by the post office |Text books

|Trendy Business studies Book 1

Inventor B/studies F1 pg105 | | |14 |1 |Terms and means of payment in Home trade |Means of payment

provided by commercial banks |By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

explain the means of payment

provided by the commercial banks |- Discussion on payment provided by commercial banks |- Text books

- Resource persons

|Inventor Business studies Book 1pg94

| | | |2-3 |Terms and means of payment in Home trade |Means of payment

provided by commercial banks |By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

explain the means of payment

provided by the commercial banks and the circumstances under which they are used |- Class discussion on payment of commercial banks |- Text books

- Resource persons e.g. Bankers |Inventor Business studies Book 1pg95

| | |15 |1 -3 |Terms and means of payment in Home trade |Means of payment

provided by commercial banks |By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

explain the advantages and disadvantages of commercial banks as a means of payment in home trade |- Class discussion on advantages and disadvantages of commercial banks as a means of payment in home trade |- Text books

- Resource persons

|Inventor Business studies Book 1pg102

| | |


|WK |PRD |TOPIC |SUB-TOPIC |SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES |TEACHING/ LEARNING ACTIVITIESBJECTIVES |TEACHING/ LEARNING RESOURCES |REFERENCE |REMARKS | | |1 |1 |Forms of business units |Introduction business unit |By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

identify the various forms of business units |Discuss the differences between Unincorporated business unit |- Text books

- Relevant case study

- Resource persons |Trendy business studies book 2

Inventor B/studies F2 pg1 | | | | |2 |Forms of business units |Sole proprietorship |By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to:

discuss the formation and management of sole proprietorship |Visit to sole proprietor |- Text books

- Resource persons

|Trendy business studies book 2

Inventor B/studies F2 pg 2 | | | | |3 |Forms of business unit |Sole proprietorship |By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

discuss the sources of capital for sole proprietorship |Discussion on sources of capital |- Text books

- Relevant resource persons | Trendy business studies book 2

Inventor B/studies F2 pg2 | | | |2 |1 |Forms of business unit |Sole proprietorship |By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

explain the features of sole proprietorship |- Listening to sole proprietor

- Question and answer |- Text books

- Relevant case study

- Resource persons |Trendy business studies book 2

Inventor B/studies F2 pg3 | | | | |2 |Forms of business unit | |By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to:

explain the advantage and disadvantages of sole proprietorship |Visit to relevant sole proprietor |- Text books

- Relevant case study |Inventor business studies book 2

Trendy B/studies F2 pg 3 | | | | |3 |Forms of business unit |Sole proprietorship

Dissolution |By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to:

discuss the circumstances under which sole proprietor may be dissolved |Visit to relevant sole proprietor |- Text books

- Resource persons

|Inventor business trendy B/studies F2 pg 4 | | | |3 |1 |Unincorporated business unit |Partnership: Meaning and ownership |By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

state the meaning and characteristics of partnership |Group discussion on characteristics of and formation of partnership |Text books

|Trendy business studies book 2

Inventor B/studies F2Pg3 | | | | |2 |Forms of business unit |Partnership: Meaning formation |By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to:

discuss the formation and management of partnership |Group discussion on formation and management of partnership |- Text books

- Visit to a relevant partnership in the school vicinity

|Trendy business studies book 2

Inventor B/studies F2 pg5 | | | | |3 |Forms of business unit |Partnership: source of capital |By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to:

discuss the sources of capital for partnership |Group discussion on sources of capital of partners in business venture |Visit to a relevant partnership firm

|Trendy business studies book 2

Inventor B/studies F2 pg 6 | | | |4 |1 |Forms of business unit |Partnership: merits and demerits |By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to

state the advantages and disadvantages of partnership |Group discussion on advantages and disadvantages of partnership |- Text books

- Resource persons

|Trendy business studies book 2

Trendy B/studies F2pg 9 | | | | |2 |Forms of business unit |Partnership |By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to:

classify partnership |Visit to an established partnership |- Text books

- Resource persons

|Inventor business studies book 2

Trendy B/studies F2 pg7 | | | | |3 |Forms of business unit |Partnership types |By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to:

state the different types of partners |- Group discussion on the types of partnerships

-Visit to firm

|- Text books

- Resource people

|Trendy business studies book 2

Inventor B/studies F2 pg 4 | | | |5 |1 |Forms of business units |Companies:

Meaning |By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to:

define the term company and give examples |Listening to a resource person |- Text books

- Visit a relevant company |Inventor business studies book 2

Trendy B/studies F2 pg10 | | | | |2 |Forms of business unit |Companies:

Features and types of companies |By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to:

state the differences between private and public companies |Class discussion on companies |- Text books

- News journals |Inventor business studies book 2

Trendy B/studies F2Pg11 | | | | |3 |Forms of business units |Companies: formation and ownership

|By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to:

explain the characteristics, formation and management of companies |Class discussion on formation ownership and management of companies |- Text books

- Resource persons

|Inventor business studies book 2

Trendy B/ studies F2 pg11 | | | |6 |1 |Forms of business unit |Companies: source of capital |By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to:

discuss the sources of capital for companies |Listening to a resource person

Discussion | |Inventor business studies book 2 pg23 | | | | |2 |Forms of business units |Companies advantages and disadvantages |By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to:

explain the advantages and disadvantages of companies |- Visit to a relevant company

- Discussion on the advantages and disadvantages of companies |- Resource persons

- Asking and answering questions

|Inventor business studies book 2

Trendy B/studies F2pg14 | | | | |3 |Forms of business units |Companies dissolution |By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to:

recognize the circumstances under which companies may be dissolved |- Listening to a resource person

- Discussion on the circumstances under which companies may be dissolved |- Text books

- Relevant case study

|Inventor business studies book 2

Trendy B/studies F2 pg16 | | | |7 |1 |Forms of business units |Co-operative societies: origin and reason for promoting co-operative |By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to:

explain the origin of cooperative society |Visit a near by co-operative society |- Text books

- Visits

|Inventor business studies book 2

Trendy B/studies F2 pg16 | | | | |2 |Forms of business units |Co-operative society: formation |By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

discuss the role of cooperatives in economic development |Discuss the roles of co-operative society |Text books

Resource persons

|Inventor business studies book 2

Trendy B/studies F2pg 18 | | | | |3 |Forms of business units |Co-operative society: ownership and management |By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to:

discuss the formation and management of cooperative societies |Discuss the formation of co-operative society |Text books

Resource persons

|Inventor business studies book 2

Trendy B/studies F2pg19 | | | |8 |1 |Forms of business units |Co-operative society: sources of capital |By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to:

discuss the sources of capital for cooperative society |- Discuss the sources of capital

- Visit a co-operative society |Text books

Resource persons

|Inventor business studies book 2

Trendy B/studies F2 Pg 19 | | | | |2 |Forms of business units |Co-operative society: features |By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to:

explain the features of cooperative society |Group discussion on features of co-op societies |Text books

Resource persons

|Inventor business studies book 2

Trendy B/studies F2pg20 | | | | |3 |Forms of business units |Co-operative society: principals types and structures |By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to:

discuss the principle types and structure of cooperative societies |Group discussion on principles and types of co-op societies

Visit a co-operative society |Text books

Resource persons

|Inventor business studies book 2

Trendy B/studies F2 pg21 | | | |9 |1 |Forms of business units |Co-operative society: problems |By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to:

state the problems faced by cooperative societies

|Listening to a resource person |Text books

Resource persons

|Inventor business studies book 2

Trendy B/studies F2 pg21 | | | | |2 |Forms of business units |Co-operative society advantages and disadvantages |By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to:

explain the advantages and disadvantages of cooperative societies |Discuss the advantages and disadvantages |Text books

|Inventor business studies book 2 | | | | |3 |Forms of business units |Co-operative society dissolution |By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

describe the circumstances under which cooperative societies may be dissolved |- Class discussion on how and under what circumstances a co-operative society may be dissolved |Text books

Resource persons

|Inventor business studies book 2

Trendy B/studies F2 pg22 | | | |10 |1 |Forms of business units |Public co-operation: meaning and ownership |By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

distinguish between public corporation and parastatal |Class discussion |Text books

|Inventor business studies book 2

Trendy B/studies F2 pg22 | | | | |2 |Forms of business units |Public co-operation : formation and management |By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

discuss the formation and management of public corporation |Discuss the formation and management of public co-op |Class discussions |Inventor business studies book 2

Trendy B/studies F2 Pg23 | | | | |3 |Forms of business units |Public co-operation: source of capital |By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to:

state the sources of capital in public corporations |Listening to a resource persons |Resource persons

|Inventor business studies book 2

Trendy B/studies F2 pg 23 | | |


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