Richmond County School System

Technical Career Magnet School

Physics Syllabus

2019 - 2020

Ms. Biley

Room 121


Textbook: Physics by Walker

“Look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see, and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious.” – Stephen Hawking

Assignments, projects guidelines, laboratory information and other important announcements are maintained on my page at . These important parts of the class will further develop cooperative learning, laboratory practices and research skills needed for lifelong scientific inquiry.

Course Description: Physics is an advanced level science class that satisfies the high school graduation requirement of a physical science class. Students should have successfully completed or currently enrolled in Accelerated Math III. The physics curriculum includes interactions of matter

and energy, velocity, accelerations, force, energy, momentum and charge. Students will be challenged to apply their knowledge of the laws of physics to solve physics related critical thinking problems.

Educational Philosophy: I believe that every student is capable of growth and it is up to everyone involved in the child’s life to help them achieve that growth.

Tentative Year Outline: The activities listed below represent a proposed sequence of learning with an estimated amount of time it will take to accomplish each GPS objective. Please understand that this sequence may need to be adjusted and/or require that some activities be omitted altogether

|Weeks 1-2 |Weeks 2-6 |Weeks 4-11 |Weeks 12-13 |

| | | | |

|Nature of Science |Kinematics |Forces |Gravitational and Circular Motion |

|Weeks 15-18 |Weeks 20-22 |Weeks 24-25 |Weeks 26-30 |

| | | | |

|Impulse and Momentum |Work Energy Theorem |Nuclear Energy |Electricity and Magnetism |

|Weeks 32-36 | | | |

| | | | |

|Waves, Sound, and Light | | | |


Grading Procedures - Each student will be given a course grade according to the following:

Tests 35%

Quizzes 20%

Lab 25%

Class work/Homework 20%

Student’s grades correspond to the following Richmond County grading system:

A represents a score between 90-100.

B represents a score between 80-89.

C represents a score between 75-79.

D represents a score between 70-74.

F represents a score below 70.

Students are expected to invest genuine effort into each and every assignment. If the assignment is incomplete or insufficient effort has not been demonstrated, I reserve the right to return the work and have the student redo it. In such case, a phone call will be placed home informing the parents of the redo opportunity. Should the student then fail to redo the assignment in a timely manner (2 days), the initial grade will stand and will not be subject to change.

Work must be turned in by the due date for full credit. Students must turn in late work by the next class meeting to in order to receive partial credit. Board policy will be followed concerning make up work (see section entitled “make up work” in student handbook). Retesting will be done at the discretion of the teacher. Grade recovery will be done at the discretion of the teacher.

Report cards are issued on October 17, January 9, March 19, and May 28. Progress reports are issued on September 5, November 14, February 6, and April 23. In order to successfully complete this course, the student must earn an average of 70 of above for the year. The final exam will count as 20% of the overall grade.

I am available for tutoring on Wednesdays after school barring any scheduled conferences. Additional tutoring may be available on Mondays and Fridays after school, but arrangements must be made in advance. I am available for parent conferences as scheduled through guidance.

Science Fair

Every student enrolled in a science class must participate in a Science Fair project. This will be an individual or group project. Designated deadlines will be built into the grading procedures for the duration of the project. The formal Science Project will be a PowerPoint presentation.

Class Materials List

• 3-ring binder

• College-ruled notebook paper

• Graphing paper

• Highlighters

• Pencils

• Pens

• Composition book

Classroom Expectations

• You are required to maintain an INTERACTIVE NOTEBOOK that will be used in class throughout each unit. Be sure to keep it current and accurate. Notebooks will be checked for a grade.

• You are responsible for following the guidelines for a safe laboratory experience as described in your lab safety agreement. Any deviation from appropriate laboratory behavior may result in referral to the principal and/or exclusion from laboratory activities.

• All students that enter after the tardy bell will be marked tardy. The tardy policy will be strictly enforced.

• Bring NOTEBOOK, PEN / PENCIL, and TEXTBOOK (everyday) to class promptly every day.

• Excessive talking, especially while another person is speaking, passing notes and sleeping in class are considered rude and inappropriate, and they will NOT BE TOLERATED.

• WE ARE A BRING YOUR OWN TECHNOLOGY SCHOOL (BYOT) However, unless you are instructed to use your technology during class time, it is to remain in your backpack. Any student that is caught using personal technology when instructed not to will be referred to the principal.

• Passes will not be given during instruction time. Exceptions may be discussed with the teacher for medical reasons only.

• FOOD, BEVERAGES, GUM, and SUN FLOWER SEEDS ARE NEVER ALLOWED in the classroom. Exceptions may be discussed with the teacher for medical reasons only.


The following steps will be taken for disciplinary action:

1. Verbal warning

2. Detention

3. Counselor referral

4. Principal referral

In the event of a severe behavioral infraction, the student will skip steps 1-4 and receive a principal referral.

School Policies

• Students shall miss no more than six (6) days in this class for the school year.

• Tutoring is available if arrangements are made ahead of time.

• Students must follow all policies and procedures included in their student handbook.

Any severe discipline problems or infractions of RCBOE policy as stated in the Code of Student Conduct and Discipline will be referred directly to the principal.

I have read the syllabus for Physics, and I understand the content and requirements for the year. I understand that this syllabus is to be kept in the front of my notebook at all times after it is signed by me and a parent or guardian.


Student signature Date

Parent / Guardian signature Date

Parent contact numbers: ___________________________________________________

Parent email address:


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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