AP American - Gilded Age Presidents

AP American - Gilded Age Presidents

Directions: List SFI from each presidential time period.

Rutherford B. Hayes 1877-1881R

• “his fraudulency”

• Wife: Lemonade Lucy

• Comp of 1877

• End of Military Reconstruction

• Republican split – Halfbreeds (James Blaine)/Stalwarts (Roscoe Conkling)

• 1877 Great Railroad Strike

• 1877 Sandlot Incident – attack on Chinese

• 1877 Munn v Illinois

• 1878 Pago Pago Treaty

• 1878 Bland Allison Silver Purchase Act (Hayes veto Over)

• 1879 Terrence Powderly takes over Knights of Labor

• 1879 – Henry George Progress and Poverty – Single Tax

• 1879 – Salvation Army

• 1879 – 1st incandescent lightbulb

• 1877 – phonograph - Edison

James A.Garfield 1881 R

• Halfbreed

• Wanted to unite Republicans, but was pro civil service reform

• Hounded by office seekers

• Began discussions regarding Latin American/US policies

• 1881 assassinated by Charles Guiteau – disappointed office seeker

• Quote – “I am a stalwart, and Arthur is now President”

Chester A.Arthur 1881-1885 R

• Stalwart – close ally of Roscoe Conkling

• Approved construction of the modern navy

• Reversed Garfield’s foreign policy initiatives in Latin America

• 1881 – Tuskegee Institute – BT Washington

• 1881 – A Century of Dishonor – Helen Hunt Jackson

• 1882 – Chinese Exclusion Act

• 1882 – Standard Oil formed - Rockefeller

• 1883 Civil Rights Cases

• 1883 – Pendleton Act

• 1883-84 – Fence Cutter’s War

• 1884 - Huck Finn

Grover Cleveland 1885-1889 D

• Divisions in Rep. Party led to Demo Victory

• Honest, sincere, hardworking

• Vetoed 2/3 of bills presented

• Wanted to curtail federal activity

• Continued naval construction

• Committed to lowering the tariff (caused a loss of support)

• 1885 "Our Country" Josiah Strong

• 1886 Haymarket riot

• 1886 AFL - Samuel Gompers

• 1886- Wabash vs Illinois

• 1886 Statue of Liberty - NY harbor

• 1887 Dawes Severalty Act

• 1887 APA - American Protective Association - most successful Nativist group

• 1887 Interstate Commerce Act

• 1887 Edward Bellamy "Looking Backward"

• 1887- US- exclusive use of Pearl Harbor

• 1887 end of open range ranching

• 1888 GE founded (originally Edison Electric Co)

• 1888 Kodak camera

• Lost 88 election to B. Harrison - no support from American industrialists

Benjamin Harrison 1889-1893R


• Growing tensions over Samoa w/ GB US and Germany are eased

• Hull House - Jane Adams

• Gospel of Wealth- Carnegie


• Wounded Knee Massacre

• Sherman Silver Purchase Act

• Repubs controlled both houses- Billion Dollar Congress

• Reed rule imposed on House ( disappearing quorum)

• "The Influence of Sea Power on History" - Alfred Thayer Mahan

• McKinley tariff ( highest ever w/ reciprocity)

• Sherman Anti-Trust Act

• Ocala Demands

• Jacob Riis " How the Other Half Lives "


• Omaha demands- Populist party platform

• Homestead strike (steel)

• Dependent pensions act

• Rep lose Midwest support - strict state laws offend Catholics, Lutherans, and Germans

• 1st long distance phone call


• Queen Lili overthrown - Hawaii

Grover Cleveland 1893-1897 - D

• Democrats gain control of both houses of congress- due to excessive spending of billion dollar congress


• Panic of 93

• Repeal of Sherman silver purchase act

• Cleveland withdraws treaty to annex Hawaii

• Lilian Wald- Henry St Settlement

• Stephen crane - " Maggie: A Girl of the Streets"

• Frederick Jackson Turner " Frontier Thesis"

• End of Knights of Labor

• IWW - Wobblies - Industrial Workers of the World- Big Bill Haywood


• Wilson Gorman Tariff- modest reduction, high on sugar

• Republicans regain control in congress

• Coxey’s Army

• Pullman strike

• United mine workers strike

• "Coins Financial School" William Harvey


• Atlanta compromise- BTW

• US v EC Knight- sugary refinery case

• In Re: Debbs

• Stephen crane "Red Badge of Courage"

• Venezuela incident- Ven. and British Guiana

• Proclamation of Neutrality re: Spain and Cuba


• Plessy v Ferguson

• “Cross of Gold” speech- William Jennings Bryan

• Gen Weyler - "reconcentration" policy in Cuba - nicknamed the " butcher "


• Cleveland vetoes banning illiterate immigrants

William McKinley 1897-1901 R – first pres to ride in auto


• Dingley Tariff – highest yet

• Social Democratic Party – Eugene Debbs


• Dewey invades Manila Bay (Philippines)

• Spanish American War

• Hawaii annexed

• Teller Amendment

• Anti-Imperialist League

• Socialist Party of America – Debbs

• Florence Kelley – Nat’l Consumer League (she becomes general secretary)

• Philippine American War - 1898-1902


• Thorstein Veblen - “Theory of the Leisure Class”

• US and Germany divide Samoa

• John Hay – “Open Door” Policy with China


• Landslide victory for McK and Teddy

• Gold Standard Act

• Taft Commission/Philippines

• Foraker Act (Puerto Rico)

• Platt Amendment – Guantanamo Bay and US intervention

• Boxer Rebellion


• “Sister Carrie” – Theodore Dreiser

• McK assassinated by Leon Czolgosz

• Teddy Roosevelt becomes President


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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