101 Small Business Ideas for Under $5000

[Pages:337]101 Small Business Ideas

for Under $5,000

Corey Sandler Janice Keefe

John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

101 Small Business Ideas

for Under $5,000

Corey Sandler Janice Keefe

John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Sandler, Corey, 1950? 101 small business ideas for under $5000 / Corey Sandler, Janice Keefe. p. cm. Includes index. ISBN 0-471-69287-5 (pbk.) 1. New business enterprises. 2. Home-based businesses. 3. Small business. I. Title: Small business

ideas for under $5000. II. Title: One hundred one small business ideas for under $5000. III. Title: One hundred and one small business ideas for under $5000. IV. Keefe, Janice. V. Title.

HD62.5.S272 2005 658.1'141--dc22 Printed in the United States of America 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1


To William Sandler, about to embark on the first of what may be 101 jobs in his career. Here's hoping every one of them is a success.






How to Use This Book


Chapter 1 Business Insurance and Risk Management


Chapter 2 Legalities and Taxes


Chapter 3 Setting Your Price


Chapter 4 Financing a Small Business


Chapter 5 Home Services (Exterior)


1 Lawn Mowing Service

2 Snow Removal

3 Garden Tilling

4 Window Cleaning

5 Deck Cleaning

6 Landscape Designer

7 Deck Construction

8 Storage Sheds, Playhouses, Doghouses

9 Children's Outdoor Playset Installer

10 Low-Voltage Outdoor Electrical Wiring

11 Stonemason and Decorative Brick Worker

Chapter 6 Home Services (Interior)


12 Housecleaning

13 Rug Cleaner

14 Interior Decorator

15 Upholstery and Slipcover Maker

16 Wallpaper Hanger

17 Specialty Indoor Painting

18 Furniture Stripping

19 Furniture Repair


20 Closet Organizer 21 Bookcase and Shelf Builder 22 Indoor Plant Care 23 Custom Silk and Dried Flower Arrangements

Chapter 7 Home Services (Specialty)


24 Handyperson

25 Errand Runner

26 Vacation Home Caretaker

27 Vacation House Watcher

28 House Painting

29 Chimney Cleaning

30 Pool Service

31 Firewood Delivery

32 On-demand Trash Removal

33 Christmas Tree Service

34 Small Engine Repair

Chapter 8 Parties, Entertainment, and Special Events 119 35 Party Planner 36 Children's Event Organizer 37 Party and Special-Event Rentals 38 Catering 39 Visiting Chef 40 Specialty Cake Baker 41 Prepared Custom-Meal Service 42 Freelance Bartender 43 Entertainer 44 Holiday Decoration Service

Chapter 9 Personal Services


45 Personal Shopper

46 Personalized Gift Basket Maker

47 Travel Planner

48 Historical Tours

49 Personal Fitness Trainer

50 Sports Trainer

Chapter 10 Children, Family, and Pet Services


51 Babysitting

52 Babysitting Agency


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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