Literary analysis and interpretation begins at the level of the text. Therefore, it is imperative that you have a thorough understanding of what you’re reading. That, of course, requires an understanding of how to read. In short, the first thing to keep in mind when reading a work of literature is that all of the elements of a text—words, references, images, structure, setting, repetition, etc.—are important. This does not mean, of course, that all of the elements of a text are necessarily unified or whole, or that every facet of a text will directly relate to one specific idea or theme, but it does mean that an interpretation of a literary text is predicated on a thorough understanding of its various elements. That being the case, I would make the following suggestions for reading:

• Read slowly and carefully

• Attempt to anticipate the action of a story

• Underline seemingly important words and passages

• Make notes in the margins

• Look up unfamiliar words and references

In addition, in order to conduct a literary analysis, you must also understand how the following literary conventions and elements contribute to a work:


As Chapter One of our text relates, fiction, at least traditionally, operates by certain conventions. In other words, most stories have a plot. Plot, of course, means the arrangement of the action of a story, and most stories, again, traditionally, follow a specific pattern:

• Exposition: opening portion of a story that introduces the characters, situation, and usually the setting

• Rising Action: events that complicate the situation that existed at the beginning of a work

• Climax: the point at which the action stops rising and begins falling or reversing; the highest point of the conflict or situation

• Falling Action: the point at which the complications of the rising action are untangled

• Conclusion: point at which the situation that was unstable becomes stable


Setting is defined as “the time and place of the action in a story, poem, or play.” To be sure, a clear sense of the setting of a story will help you better understand the situation, plot, and characters. At the same time, the setting of a story is not always directly communicated, so you may need to make inferences based, for example, on historical, cultural, and/or social references.

Point of View

Point of view is the “point from which people, events, and other details of a story are viewed.” In other words, not all stories are written from the same perspective. For example, some stories are written in first-person, while others are written in second or third-person, and narrators, like characters, often display idiosyncrasies. True to form, then, some narrators are honest, while some are not; some make their “issues” known, and some do not. Regardless, it is imperative that you develop an understanding of who a narrator is, even if he or she takes on an omniscient perspective.


A symbol is defined as “something that represents something else.” As you might guess, symbols are used in literature for a variety of reasons. In one instance, a symbol may be used to represent something which is otherwise unrepresentable. In another instance, a symbol may be used to indirectly communicate something significant about a character or a situation. Regardless, the use of symbols in literature is both specific and deliberate, and, if a story is well-written, symbols will help the reader better understand the characters, the setting, the conflict, and the situation, as well as the theme(s) of a story.


A theme is defined as a “generalized abstract paraphrase of the inferred central or dominant idea or concern of a work.” Theme, in other words, is the message or point of a story.


Many of you, I’m sure, have heard of the phrase “art for art’s sake,” and certainly it has been the prerogative of many literary critics and historians to insist that a work of art—a piece of fiction for example—exists entirely on its own. Literature, however, like other forms of cultural production, is not created in a vacuum. In other words, literature is created in a specific context (time, place, and situation), and therefore it is a product of specific historical, cultural, and social circumstances. This is not to say, of course, that a piece of fiction, for example, can not be read, enjoyed, or even understood without a clear sense of the context in which the piece was created. At the same time, without an understanding of the social, cultural, and historical context of a specific piece of literature, the experience and significance of the work is diminished. Context, in other terms, enriches and enlarges the meaning of a text.


Like other disciplines, the study of literature has its own specific jargon. Therefore, in order to conduct a literary analysis, it is important to understand its terms. Below is a list of some of the more common terms you will encounter, as well as use, throughout the semester:

Action--an imagined event or series of such events

Allegory--as in metaphor, one thing, generally abstract, is implicitly spoken of in terms of something concrete

Allusion--a reference to some famous person, thing, or event, in history, in literature, or in actuality

Anagram--a word or phrase made from the letters of another word or phrase

Archetype--a plot or character element that recurs in cultural or cross-cultural myths such as “the quest” or “descent into the underworld”

Climax--the point at which the action stops rising and begins falling or reversing

Colloquial Diction--a level of language that approximates the speech of “ordinary” people

Conclusion--the fifth part of plot structure, the point at which the situation that was destabilized at the beginning of the story becomes stable once more

Connotation--what is suggested by a word, apart from what it actually describes

Denotation--the dictionary meaning of a word

Doggerel--a derogatory term used to describe poetry whose subject is trite and whose rhythm and sounds are monotonously heavy-handed

Elegy--a mournful, contemplative lyric poem written to commemorate someone who is dead, often ending in consolation

Epiphany--a moment of insight or revelation by which a character’s life, or view of life, is greatly altered

Exposition--opening portion of a story that introduces the characters, situation, and usually the setting

Falling Action--the fourth part of plot structure, in which the complications of the rising action are untangled

Flashback--a plot-structuring device whereby a scene from the fictional past is inserted into the fictional present

Free Verse--also called open form, it refers to poems characterized by their nonconformity to established patterns

Hyperbole--overstatement characterized by exaggerated language

In Medias Res--in the middle of things

Initiation Story--a kind of short story in which a character first learns a significant, usually life-changing truth about the universe, society, people, herself or himself, etc.

Irony--a situation or statement characterized by a significant difference between what is expected or understood and what actually happens or is meant

Magical Realism--a type of narrative in which the magical and mundane are mixed in an overall context of realistic story telling

Metaphor--a figure of speech that makes a comparison between two unlike things without using like or as

Omniscient Narrator--point of view in which the reader has access to the perceptions and thoughts of all the characters

Parody--a work that imitates another work for comedic or critical effect

Personification--treating an abstraction as if it were a person by giving it human qualities

Plot--the arrangement of the action in a play, poem, or work of fiction

Point of View--also called focus; the point from which people, events, and other details of a story are viewed

Rising Action--the second part of plot structure, in which events complicate the situation that existed at the beginning of the work

Simile--an explicit comparison between two things, generally using like or as to draw the connection

Sonnet--form of poetry consisting of fourteen lines

Stanza--a section of a poem demarcated by extra line spacing

Symbol--something that stands for something else

Tone--the attitude a literary work takes towards its topic

Theme--a generalized abstract paraphrase of the inferred central or dominant idea or concern of a work

Unreliable Narrator--narrator whose version of the details of a story is consciously or unconsciously deceiving


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