Healing Holy Mother Church and the World

Through Holy Communion and Confession

By a soul

(January 16, 2019, Feast of Our Lady, Refuge of Sinners)

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August 11, 2000

St. Mary's Dominican Church

Friday Night Holy Hour

At the Claddaugh, Galway, Ireland

“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”

“Child, the goodness of My Heart demands a mutual love relationship with all humanity. As I do love each soul, so too, each one is commanded to love Me in return. I desire to take every soul into the depths of My Sacred Heart - a journey unmatched by any on earth.”

“With unyielding grace I call out to humanity through this Message. Each surrender is sweet, sweet to Me. Before I return I will send a multitude of angels before Me, making this Message known throughout the world. It will extinguish Satan's fire and replace it with the Miraculous Fire of Divine Love. Make this known.”

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Dear My Beloved Friends,

I am overjoyed to be writing this love-letter to you all. It is the first of three love-letters, which is Our Lord's Prescription for healing His Beloved Catholic Church and the entire world one person at a time. This first love-letter is a basic instruction on the twofold remedy, which involves the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) and the Real Presence of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, in the Most Holy Eucharist (Holy Communion). Then, the two remaining two love-letters give more details of the Divine Plan involving Confession and Holy Communion and the extraordinary gifts and graces that Our Lord desires to shower upon His dearly beloved people who follow this path to His Most Sacred Heart.

Also attached to this first love-letter are three documents. The first writing is a special commentary that I wrote in 2016 entitled, “Fifteen Minutes,” which involves the Most Holy Eucharist. The second writing is a special commentary with instructions on “How To Make A More Perfect Confession”; and lastly, the third document is a lengthy collection of supporting heavenly messages from various Catholic sources: Holy Love Ministries (), Book of Truth (Maria Divine Mercy), The Girl of My Will in Jesus (), and God's Blue Books ().

The grace that I am able to tell you all these things is firstly, attributed to Our Lady and Blessed Imelda Lambertini, Patron Saint of First Communicants, as well as generally, to the Communion of Saints. It is the hope of Our Lord that the healing of the Catholic Church will be the Miracle needed to elevate Blessed Imelda to Sainthood in Holy Mother Church.

Now, what is this twofold remedy that Our Lord desires for healing His Beloved Catholic Church and, in turn, the entire world? It is by (at least) monthly Confession and (at least) weekly Adoration of Our Lord in the Most Holy Eucharist (Holy Communion).

Now, I know, at first blush, people, especially, devout Catholics, will scratch their heads in wonder and say, that is not new and not unknown. Yes, but in this love-letter and the attached documents, I am going to provide to you all, the Secrets of how to unlock the supernatural powers of these two Sacraments given to us by Our Lord. Secrets that satan and his demons desperately do not want known and followed by people on earth. And once I reveal these Secrets, it is going to lift the blinds covering the eyes of most Catholics in darkness, and in turn, most people on earth.

And yes, I predict that once I share these Secrets with you all and as you come to explore them in your own use of the Sacraments, that the Lord is going to bless you all a hundredfold as a parish community as the Fire of Divine Love is enkindled in all your hearts and souls. Then, as word of mouth spreads of what is happening in your midst, that healing of souls will spread to others in other places, and then around the world.

Yes, that is how certain that I am that Our Lord is going to bless you all. I know, because he has blessed me in so many ways by following this path of personal holiness, which I pieced together in understanding over several years. But, you all are going to be blessed much quicker, because you all will benefit from the fruits of my labor over many years. What took me years to understand, you will understand immediately. Illuminated by grace, I am confident that you all will choose to follow my words and so, the healing of Holy Mother Church will begin, as well as further spiritual growth of your tender souls.

And so, let me begin to explain.

Firstly, it needs to be understood this Biblical principle:

(1 Peter, Chapter 4, Verses 7-8)

“The end of all things is at hand. Therefore, be serious and sober for prayers. Above all, let your love for one another be intense, because love covers a multitude of sins.”

Now, what is the best prayer? Most Christians would say that it is the Lord's Prayer—the Our Father Prayer, as given to us by Our Lord, Jesus Christ. However, that is not the best prayer.

The best prayer is when each of us becomes Living Tabernacles—Living Hosts—of the Divine Presence and Divine Will through reception of the Most Holy Eucharist—the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, in Holy Communion. At that moment, our souls die to itself. Instead, during Holy Communion, we are so intimately united with Our Lord, Jesus Christ, that He Is One with us, in His Own Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity. Thus, through us, Jesus glorifies our interiors, offering Himself in Praise and Thanksgiving to Our Heavenly Father, for creating and saving each of us. At that moment, we truly are the chosen child of God the Father—in the same image and likeness as His Only-Begotten Son, Jesus.

In Holy Communion, we are no longer ourselves:

(Galatians, Chapter 2, Verses 19-20)

“I have been crucified with Christ; yet I live, no longer I, but Christ lives in me; insofar as I now live in the flesh, I live by faith in the Son of God who has loved me and given himself up for me.”

And so, when we are in a state of grace, in intimate union with Our Lord in Holy Communion, we become like Our Blessed Mother, the perfect Tabernacle of the Divine Will. Not only do we say “yes” to God with our words, we actually become the living embodiment of “yes” to the Divine Will like the Blessed Mother. And so, in this state, every fiber of our being is a living prayer to God—our minds, our bodies, our hearts, our souls.

Then, by becoming a living prayer to God, the prayers that we say to Our Lord become most powerful in Holy Communion. Why? “[B]ecause love covers a multitude of sins.”

As indicated in Sacred Scripture, if only Abraham had found ten just and righteous men, the entire cities of Sodom and Gomorrah would have been spared from divine chastisement. The estimated population of these ancient cities was roughly 600-1200 people. Also, Catholic tradition has shown that the holier a person living on earth is, the more powerful their intercessory power becomes before God. This is why many persons perceived as living saints are sought for prayers by others.

Simply put, the holier a person, the more people who can be saved by grace of their prayers. And the moment that a person is most holiest is when they receive Holy Communion during Holy Mass. A person in a state of grace is not simply saying prayers, he actually becomes the prayer himself before God, Our Heavenly Father. The person actually becomes Jesus Christ living in us.

Today, Our Lady is looking for living saints on earth. People who are willing to serve and sacrifice for their fellow brothers and sisters in error so as to set aside and mitigate the forthcoming divine chastisements. People who are willing to become powerful intercessors before God so that the whole of mankind can be saved in the end. Our Lady desires every person on earth—every man, woman, and child, to enter into Her forthcoming Triumph of Her Immaculate Heart.

Now, there are many good and holy people on earth. But what is the difference between being a holy person and becoming a living saint? A saint strives in his heart to never says no to God and his Divine Will. A saint walks the righteous path even in the most difficult moments. A saint strives for perfection in love of God.

Our Lord and Our Lady have promised extraordinary gifts for those who seek to be purified by entering into God's Divine Fire of Love. On March 17, 2012, in Locutions To The World, Our Lady has said:

“Every saint was purified by entering into God’s divine fire of love. This was their quest and why they walked the road of perfection. Some went off to the desert or to a monastery. Most just remained in their daily life, serving in their home or in their place of work. Although they were known to be devout, they seemed no different from other people. Quietly, though, and in a hidden manner, the divine fire was burning within them, purifying them and lifting up all their thoughts and desires to God. This is the divine fire that I would give to whomever would seek it. Once received, the person need only be faithful, allowing the fire to purify their thoughts, words and deeds and to lift their hearts to the Father, just as the fire always burns towards heaven. This is what I proclaim, “I will offer to every believer the graces formerly reserved for the greatest saints, so all, from the least to the greatest, will be clothed in the sun as I am clothed in the Son.”

Now, the Secrets that I am revealing about Confession and Holy Communion is the quickest and easiest ways to become profoundly holy. I know this to be true, because this is the way that I have grown in faith and in personal holiness. Now, I cannot say that I am a living saint yet—as truly, to assume that would smack of pride, but by following the lead of the Holy Spirit and Our Lady, I am maturing in holiness in an extraordinary way and I have experienced special graces from the Lord. Thus, I know that if these methods can work for me, they can work for everyone. The Secrets concerning Confession and Holy Communion are the “new seeds” for the path of holiness that Our Lady desires to plant in the fields—the hearts of those in your parish community and, in turn, around the world. In Locutions To The World, Our Lady has said:

October 11, 2011

“A New Spiritual Greenhouse”

“Time is running out and no one can control the timing of all the events. All that mankind can do is to prepare because the seeds are sown and will come to fruition in their time.”

“Can new seeds be sown that will come to fruition quickly? Let there be hope that there can be new seeds and new fields of harvests, new generations and new beginnings. These are always possible and all can share. Never do I say that it is too late.”

“Where are the new fields? In the hearts of my young who have not consecrated themselves to evil and in the hearts of others who are willing to receive the new seeds. Do not say. It is too late because time is needed from planting until harvesting. Do not say that. I can plant one day and have a harvest the next day. I can take a fallow field and bring forth a new harvest. All that is needed is to sow the seeds in faith. No seeds will mean no harvest. No harvest means that only the seeds of destruction will flourish. What are these new seeds?”

“These miraculous seeds that can spring up in one day and be harvested the next day? Where will they be found? Where should they be planted?”

“Let me reveal this new mystery. It is an important mystery of hope. The pace of world events is always quickening and the children of this world are more quickly indoctrinated. There is no longer the leisure of childhood innocence. The sins of the adult world are known to the youngest children. They are broadcast daily. Children become sophisticated, hardened and satiated so quickly. They have no time to mature. So, I must do a new work.”

“I will give a greenhouse where the spiritual seeds are planted one day and bloom the next, where maturity, true maturity, springs up overnight. Where saints are made quickly and easily.”

“Where sinners repent and are filled with the Holy Spirit. This greenhouse is my Immaculate Heart and for those who choose to live in my heart, I will shorten dramatically the time needed to prepare. I do this because time is running out...”

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Yes, indeed, dear friends, time is running out. In Locutions To The World, Our Lady has also said these words:

(August 25, 2014)

“I will say this with all of my strength, “The future generation, how mankind will exist for centuries to come, will be decided in this generation”. That is how serious are the conflicts now arising in every part of the globe. The level of human life that is bequeathed for generations to come will be decided by this generation. Can I say it any more starkly? This generation is the hinge upon which all future generations will swing – to life or to death, to light or to darkness.”

(March 13, 2015)

“What will the present generation be? That is still to be decided but never has the question been so important. Awaken to this moment. That is why I speak so clearly. This will either be the generation in which the world is torn apart or is healed and made secure. Every generation holds its history in its own hands. This generation holds all the future generation in its hands. Such is the moment. I cannot be any clearer. Now is not the time to buy and sell, marry and give in marriage as Jesus described his generation. All must awaken to heaven. All must look to heaven and heed heaven’s words...”

(May 29, 2015)

“Here is the question. How can a generation born into darkness come into the light? Who can strike a match? Who can light up the world? Who is willing to be consumed by a fire so the whole world can see? This is what I look for, people willing to accept the divine fire placed in my heart. Let everyone come. To all I will give my fire. They will scatter the darkness and offer God’s light once again to the younger generation. Only I can bring this about. Any other solution wastes precious time.”

(June 12, 2015)

“All must be open to the newness of God’s plan. Anyone who thinks of my role and my actions as in former times will not be able to comprehend or to respond... New light will be needed, because the former light will be attacked and weakened. I am already pouring out this new light. Many are drawn to new devotion to my Immaculate Heart... The more hearts which receive my gifts, the greater can be the signs and wonders. All must study. All must live with the greatest fervor. All must gather so others can gather with them. I will increase their numbers quickly. I am like John the Baptist proclaiming the coming of new lights to help mankind.”

(July 20, 2015)

This is my teaching. Do not keep your eyes on the darkness and do not try, by your own efforts, to scatter it. This is what you are to do. You must say, “I will go to Mary. She is clothed with the sun. I will walk in her light. She has many tasks in her heart and she will give one to me. I will know that it came from her and I will be faithful to it.” You are children of my light. First, you must receive my light. You must place it deeply in your heart, so it does not go out. Then, you must go with this light to whomever I send you. You will discover that you can spread the light. Then, each day you can say, “I have changed the history of the world this day.””

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The Lord wants to change the direction of the world back to His Most Sacred Heart. But, He can only do this if His people stop running away from Him and His Divine Love.

Now, I will reveal the Secret of Holy Communion. The more time that you spend in the Real Presence of Our Lord adoring Him in Holy Communion, the faster you will enter into profound holiness and deeper union with Him. Many people spend time adoring Jesus before the Blessed Sacrament—either exposed or in the Holy Tabernacle. All of which is good for a person to do, but such adoration is mainly external to the person. Although Jesus will be working in a person's soul giving him graces interiorly, the person himself will not be seeking Jesus in His Real Presence within the soul of the person himself.

Adoration before Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament is different from adoration of Jesus in Holy Communion. It is like the difference between regular gasoline and super unleaded gasoline. Adoration of Jesus in Holy Communion is the more powerful way to speed ahead in the spiritual life. Adoration of Jesus in Holy Communion supercharges a person's degree of holiness. Why? Because the more moments devoted to Jesus in Holy Communion, the more time that He has to mold a person's soul with special graces and His Divine Love. This is because the person is made aware of the divine union with Him in his soul. So, he is not looking externally at Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, but is looking with spiritual eyes within his soul for His Savior and Bridegroom. It far makes up for all the other times that a person failed to devote time to loving and adoring God during the week.

Unfortunately, I am not a daily communicant. Because of my living circumstances, I am only able to attend Holy Mass on Sundays and on holy days of obligation. Yet, it seemed like I was jumping leaps and bounds spiritually and I could not understand why because I only received Holy Communion once a week and Confession at least once a month. But over time, I realized that it was because I do not take for granted My Love, Jesus, in His Sacraments of Reconciliation and the Most Holy Eucharist. The Holy Spirit guided me in how to make a more perfect Confession over a number of years and for more than a twelve year span, I have dedicated myself to always spending at least 15-20 minutes after Sunday Mass has ended simply adoring Jesus in Holy Communion inwardly in my soul.

The more time that a person spends in Holy Communion, the more blessed that person will become, and in turn, the whole community will be blessed. Jesus desires to unleash a super tidal wave of unlimited graces and supernatural power in the world. Such a tidal wave of supernatural force that it would knock satan and all his demons back to hell, but He cannot because faith is so weak and diminished.

One day, I was thinking about the prophesied third world war—a nuclear war that no one should want to happen. And in my thoughts, the Lord planted a mental image of a giant 5-story holy angel in my head. And upon having this angel image, it actually made me laugh, as I thought to myself, good point, Lord, truly, all things are possible to God. Yes, if a nuclear weapon was sent into the world, Our Lord could easily send a giant angel to intercept it to save people's lives. But, who has the faith deep enough to believe that God would do these things for His people today?

In Sacred Scripture, there are many extraordinary stories about Our Lord saving his people, ancient Israel, from defeat by enemies. Here is just a few of them:

2 Chronicles, Chapter 20, Verses 1-30:

In an unusual battle tactic, ancient Israel praises the Lord before battle. Then, they send the musicians praising God as the first foot soldiers into the battle. What happens? The enemies become lunatics and start killing and destroying themselves. Ancient Israel wins.

2 Kings, Chapter 6, Verses 8-23:

Because Prophet Elisha was helping his people, ancient Israel, to evade the Arameans in battle, Elisha became a target by them. Finding him at the city of Dothan, his servant becomes afraid because of the large force of the Arameans. But after showing a vision of a vast number of angelic hosts in battle-array and fiery chariots to his servant, Elisha calls on the Lord to blind the Arameans who then become captured by Elisha.

Isaiah, Chapter 37, Verses 33-37:

To save a remnant of ancient Israel and to preserve the House of David, the Lord delivered Jerusalem from the Assyrians. In one night, 185,000 men in the Assyrian camp were slayed by one warrior angel.

And so forth.

Heaven desperately wants to help us living on earth, but we have literally closed our stony hearts to loving the Lord! On June 17, 2018, at Holy Love Ministries, God the Father said these important words:

“...Man is too dependent upon his own wits and does not see the power with which I am willing to use in his favor. There is a breach in loving trust in mankind's heart towards Me...”

Also, on November 5, 2003, Our Lord, Jesus Christ, said at Holy Love Ministries, these significant words:

“For every act of love counteracts an act of evil”

Our Lord said these words, because the then U.S. President had signed into law a ban on partial birth abortion, which saved my country, the United States, from suffering a grave misfortune. Thus, this ban (an act of love) counteracted the grave misfortune (an act of evil) from happening.

Now, as I explained before, the holier a person is, the more powerful their prayers are before God. I also stated that the moment that a person's prayers are most powerful are when he is in reception of Holy Communion. Because he becomes a “Tabernacle of the Divine Will”—in effect, becoming another living Christ in those precious moments of divine union with God.

Now, imagine if dear Father and thirty people from your parish decide to implement this initiative of Our Lord. Every Sunday, after the last Holy Mass has ended, they decide to continue kneeling in the pews, eyes closed and totally oblivious to the outside world, just simply adoring Our Lord inwardly in Holy Communion. So much supernatural grace would be released into the world, satan and his demons would become very frightful at the repercussions of your faith. Just simply adoring Jesus in Holy Communion, your acts of love for God would counteract so many acts of evil ready to happen in the world. And because intense love covers a multitude of sins, Our Lord would multiply your efforts supernaturally resulting in many more multitudes of people being healed and saved by Him in the world. Love begets love.

Holy Love Ministries

June 16, 2018

“I am the Father of all time. In each present moment, I see who is obeying My Commandments and who stubbornly disobeys them. I tally the numbers and try to balance the Scale of Justice.”

“Man does not realize how closely he comes to the outpouring of My Wrath. He does not see how little sins make a big difference in the long run. Nor does he understand how important small acts of kindness performed with great love can save mankind from a great disaster. Many little prayers offered from a loving heart can forestall wars or even end wars. Small prayers and small sacrifices add up to a formidable arsenal.”

“This is why Satan tries to discourage even the smallest prayer or sacrifice. He fears the power emanating from a loving heart. He does not want man to realize the reality of My Wrath or how close he is to its unveiling.”

“I come as your loving Father to bring you these Truths. It is past time to pay attention.”

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This is, of course, a very important initiative, I know, for Our Lord and Our Lady. However, starting small is alright, because as people experience the special graces that Our Lord desires to especially give to each person, I know that by word of mouth, more and more people will desire to participate. But, to be successful, it is hopeful that dear Father would participate also, because the Lord desires to give him his portion of special graces, too.

However, I will confide to you that as you begin to experience the living presence of Our Lord in your soul in this way, that you will begin to desire to spend more time with the Lord in Holy Communion longer than 15-20 minutes if that is all you can do as a parish. Also, you will desire to do this at every Holy Mass if you are a daily communicant. Myself, I typically can only spend 15-20 minutes after Holy Mass has ended in Holy Communion, because I must respect the custodians who are locking up the church building afterwards. But, sometimes, I am able to travel to a Benedictine abbey and Franciscan mission, where I can spend 30-45 minutes in Holy Communion because they do not lock their doors right away. Sometimes, I have been able to spend an hour adoring Jesus in Holy Communion, like I did for Christmas Mass. One time, I spent two hours in Holy Communion, but that was a rare and special treat for me.

Holy Love Ministries

June 19, 2008


“...In the Eucharist I am stripped of all human dignity. While I am truly present, Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity, I appear only as a bit of bread, a drop of wine. Humanly speaking, to the naked eye, there is nothing more there. But I have told all of humanity that I am present in the Sacred Species. I am asking mankind to look with spiritual eyes at My Real Presence. Feel My Strength. Understand with My Wisdom. I stripped Myself of every attachment to be with you in this simple form. Humbly, I come to you, not in power and glory. You must come to Me in the same way, humbly and without pretense. It is through childlike littleness you will readily recognize Me. When you receive Me in such a way, I enter your heart and you enter My Eucharistic Heart. Then we are united. I cannot leave such a worthy soul until he wills it or until he forgets about Me.”

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Now, as I mention earlier, there are three documents attached to this writing. The first document is a writing that I did in 2016. It is entitled, “Fifteen Minutes,” and it is my best practices for Holy Communion. Dear Father is invited to implement what he can do given his particular circumstances in his parish. If you are only able to participate as a parish one day a week on this initiative, I suggest that the extra time devoted to adoration of Our Lord in Holy Communion take place at the last Holy Mass on Sunday. That way, it will not interfere much with the current scheduling of Sunday Masses.

Also, I suggest that the Final Blessing of the Holy Mass take place shortly after the last person has received Holy Communion, so people are free to participate or not afterwards. Then, because Our Lord and Our Lady have indicated silence is preferred for adoration, that a bell is rung at each 15 minute interval, so people can discreetly monitor their time spent with the Lord in Holy Communion.

Now, I do not know what types of special graces that people would receive from doing these acts of love for Him. All I know is that people will be blessed profoundly in ways of unimaginable joy in their souls. I know, because one of the greatest gifts that I have received is a profound state of peace of mind and immense joy. And one of the “spiritual candies” that I received early on when I started this best practice, were surges of immense love when I received Holy Communion—the Lord gave me the spiritual gift of tears and so, every time that I went to Sunday Mass, I would be crying and crying while in the pews. I would cry so much that my nose would become runny and I would run out of facial tissues. It was sweetly embarrassing, but no one ever asked me why I cried so much during Holy Communion. But, I think people understood quietly to themselves in their hearts that the Lord was doing something special in my soul even though mentally, they may not have fully understood. So, I do suggest that people bring boxes of tissues (just in case).

The second document is a special commentary that I wrote on best practices for making a more perfect Confession with a priest. It is self-explanatory and I invite all to incorporate the practices that I have found beneficial for me regarding the Sacrament of Reconciliation. These practices will help people in their own personal growth as well bring needed reparation to the Most Sacred Heart of Our Lord. So, it is an invitation to help wipe away the tears of Our Lord and Our Lady being caused by sin today.

And the third document is a whole collection of heavenly messages on the significance of adoring Our Lord in Holy Communion from various Catholic sources. All the messages are very beautiful and I believe that once you all read them, that you will be blessed by Our Lord's Love for you all, as well as desire to help Him and Our Lady in this initiative. They are self-evident.

Finally, I have two more love-letters to compose that will help you all as you decide to participate in this initiative. They will give more details on the Divine Plan for healing Holy Mother Church and the world, as well as provide even more supporting heavenly messages for everyone to discern and enjoy. Please pray for me that I am able to complete both in a timely manner, as they may take me awhile to write.

Meanwhile, I will, of course, pray for dear Father and everyone in your beloved community as you consider things. Many blessings to you all.

In Christ's Heart,

Your sister in Christ,

—a soul




August 25, 2014

“All Future Generations”


“Human history has many years to go. We are not at all near its end. However, the current generation will decide an important question. Will the future family of man be a tree filled with life or will it become a branch that lives in a withered form?”

“In human history, the future generation does not decide what it receives. The previous generations make those decisions and then they bequeath earth to others. What will be left? What will be handed on? These are the modern questions. What world will we leave to future generations?”

“The answers to these questions are not many years away. Earth will continue. Human life will continue. There are years and years to go before history ends. But answering the question of the future of the human race is not far away. I will say this with all of my strength, “The future generation, how mankind will exist for centuries to come, will be decided in this generation”. That is how serious are the conflicts now arising in every part of the globe. The level of human life that is bequeathed for generations to come will be decided by this generation. Can I say it any more starkly?”

“This generation is the hinge upon which all future generations will swing – to life or to death, to light or to darkness.”

“Although all of these questions are far beyond the powers of mankind, mankind still believes in its own powers, trusts its own judgments and refuses to listen to heaven. That is why I speak and why these little locutions are of such grave importance.”

March 13, 2015

“This Generation’s Legacy”


“A moment comes when everything breaks forth and all can see. Such will be the future moments of human history. Already, the hidden fires are bubbling up, giving warning signals, but, as yet, the fires have not broken forth for all to see their fury and size. I have spoken about these evils, planted for centuries and now present in so many places and in so many ways. What is new will be their bursting forth and the changes they will bring about.”

“This is my message. These fires must burst forth. This is the only way that human history can be cleansed and a time of true peace follow. How strange to speak of true peace before the war has taken place, but this is my message, so listen carefully.”

“Every generation passes on its legacy to following generations. In God’s plan, each generation has a purpose. If it fulfills God’s will, it passes on blessings. “If it rejects God’s plan, it passes on sin and evil, a corrupt and evil generation”, as Jesus would say.”

“What will the present generation be? That is still to be decided but never has the question been so important. Awaken to this moment. That is why I speak so clearly. This will either be the generation in which the world is torn apart or is healed and made secure. Every generation holds its history in its own hands. This generation holds all the future generation in its hands. Such is the moment. I cannot be any clearer. Now is not the time to buy and sell, marry and give in marriage as Jesus described his generation.”

“All must awaken to heaven. All must look to heaven and heed heaven’s words. I will raise up my new messengers, with gifts and powers never seen before. I will place the light on the lampstand. I refuse to allow earth to be plunged into total darkness. Even so, I cannot remove free will. This generation, like all the others, holds history in its own hands. This generation will not pass away, until all these things are fulfilled.”

May 29, 2015

“Generations Pass Away”


“Human history inevitably moves forward. The heavenly Father created this mystery of time, with a beginning, an end, and a constant moving on. Nothing stands still.”

“Mankind does not grasp how inevitable it is that today will cease to be and must give way to tomorrow. No one can cling to time, hold on to it or save it up. No one has time. Rather, time rules. Time possesses each person, each nation and the whole world.”

“Everyone passes away, kings and rulers, rich and poor. New generations arise because other generations no longer exist. The world passes into new hands. It always has new owners, who mistakenly believe that they control the world when really they are just renters, passing through like everyone else. Each generation changes the flow of history and passes on a world that is changed. This is the mystery that I must explain.”

“A generation filled with faith passes on a transformed world, bathed in God’s light. The new generation is born into the light and knows no darkness. A generation of darkness has no light to pass on. The following generation has no experience of the light and is caught up in the powers of darkness.”

“This is today’s world. The older generation experienced the light but the younger generation was handed darkness. The darkness grows and grows. Lights are extinguished because the secular spirit does not tolerate them.”

“Here is the question. How can a generation born into darkness come into the light? Who can strike a match? Who can light up the world? Who is willing to be consumed by a fire so the whole world can see? This is what I look for, people willing to accept the divine fire placed in my heart.”

“Let everyone come. To all I will give my fire. They will scatter the darkness and offer God’s light once again to the younger generation. Only I can bring this about. Any other solution wastes precious time.”

June 12, 2015

“The New Lights For Mankind”


“Why am I coming forth in this way, after so many centuries of being hidden? Because the heavenly Father has decreed this. He has kept me hidden until this age when Satan will release every power of hell to destroy civilization, to reverse God’s creative acts and especially to cover over the light of Jesus’ rising from the dead in the greatest darkness.”

“If he accomplishes his goal the human race will once again return to darkness and only slowly, after many generations, will the light of faith be rekindled. Such is the battle being fought and the great importance of these years.”

“All must be open to the newness of God’s plan. Anyone who thinks of my role and my actions as in former times will not be able to comprehend or to respond. Rivers of glory are being poured out. Oceans of graces, not seen until now, are ready to burst forth. It will not be as it formerly was. Only a deeper and wider belief will know how to respond. So, let me begin.”

“I perceive the present evil and foresee the coming darkness which will sweep upon mankind. New light will be needed, because the former light will be attacked and weakened. I am already pouring out this new light. Many are drawn to new devotion to my Immaculate Heart. This is like a little flower which must be carefully guarded because its seeds are meant to blow over the whole world. Even those who are scattering these seeds have no idea of the great powers which they contain. Never before has such a light been given.”

“The more hearts which receive my gifts, the greater can be the signs and wonders. All must study. All must live with the greatest fervor. All must gather so others can gather with them. I will increase their numbers quickly. I am like John the Baptist proclaiming the coming of new lights to help mankind.”

July 20, 2015

“Changing the History of the World Today”


“As each day dawns, no one knows what it holds. As the sun sets, the decisions have been made and all has become part of history. This is the path of daily life. Generations come and go, each leaving behind their decisions and forming human history.”

“Who will I raise up for this generation? Who has the wisdom to guide the world away from the darkness? That person is deeply, deeply hidden in my heart. However, it is not about him that I speak, but about you and your task this day.”

“Begin with the deepest mystery, the secret which I constantly reveal. The Father knew the path which mankind would take. He understood Satan’s plan. So, He raised up the Woman at Fatima. He brought me front and center, and allowed everyone to see my power over the sun.”

“I have revealed these mysteries so you do not waste your life. This is my teaching. Do not keep your eyes on the darkness and do not try, by your own efforts, to scatter it. This is what you are to do. You must say, “I will go to Mary. She is clothed with the sun. I will walk in her light. She has many tasks in her heart and she will give one to me. I will know that it came from her and I will be faithful to it.””

“You are children of my light. First, you must receive my light. You must place it deeply in your heart, so it does not go out. Then, you must go with this light to whomever I send you. You will discover that you can spread the light. Then, each day you can say, “I have changed the history of the world this day.””

* * *


June 16, 2018

Once again, I (Maureen) see a Great Flame that I have come to know as the Heart of God the Father. He says:

"I am the Father of all time. In each present moment, I see who is obeying My Commandments and who stubbornly disobeys them. I tally the numbers and try to balance the Scale of Justice."

"Man does not realize how closely he comes to the outpouring of My Wrath. He does not see how little sins make a big difference in the long run. Nor does he understand how important small acts of kindness performed with great love can save mankind from a great disaster. Many little prayers offered from a loving heart can forestall wars or even end wars. Small prayers and small sacrifices add up to a formidable arsenal."

"This is why Satan tries to discourage even the smallest prayer or sacrifice. He fears the power emanating from a loving heart. He does not want man to realize the reality of My Wrath or how close he is to its unveiling."

"I come as your loving Father to bring you these Truths. It is past time to pay attention."

Read Genesis 6:9,11-13+

These are the generations of Noah. Noah was a righteous man, blameless in his generation; Noah walked with God.

Now the earth was corrupt in God's sight, and the earth was filled with violence. And God saw the earth, and behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted their way upon the earth. And God said to Noah, "I have determined to make an end of all flesh; for the earth is filled with violence through them; behold, I will destroy them with the earth."

+ Scripture verses asked to be read by God the Father. (Please note: all Scripture given by Heaven refers to the Bible used by the visionary. Ignatius Press - Holy Bible - Revised Standard Version - Second Catholic Edition.)

June 17, 2018

Father's Day

Once again, I (Maureen) see a Great Flame that I have come to know as the Heart of God the Father. He says:

"In My Heart today, I see good and evil in hearts around the world. As Father of all people and all nations, I bring grace into the world to try to redirect evil. What is missing is man's desire to please Me and to choose good. Man is too dependent upon his own wits and does not see the power with which I am willing to use in his favor. There is a breach in loving trust in mankind's heart towards Me."

"Like any Father, I seek to correct error in the hearts of My children. I do not wish to correct them through the punishment of My Wrath. This is why I come to pull humanity back under the umbrella of My Commandments. Obedience to My Commandments is the key to My Heart and the way to My tender assistance in difficulties. Often, I am assisting souls but they do not recognize My Hand in their trials. Every trial has its purpose. The purpose is always the conversion of evil to good."

"So, today, which commemorates Fatherhood, turn your focus upon change. Seek to change evil to good by recognizing evil and by desiring to choose good. Love Me as a loving Father. Because you love Me, seek to please Me. Do not try to impress others with your holiness but seek to please Me with your efforts in personal holiness. Make this your goal in life."

Read Psalm 53:1-2+

These the fool says in his heart,

"There is no God."

They are corrupt, doing abominable iniquity;

there is none that does good.

God looks down from heaven

upon the sons of men

to see if there are any that are wise,

that seek after God.

+ Scripture verses asked to be read by God the Father. (Please note: all Scripture given by Heaven refers to the Bible used by the visionary. Ignatius Press - Holy Bible - Revised Standard Version - Second Catholic Edition.)


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