Ancient Rome Map Directions.docx

Name: _________________________________________ Period:________ Date: ____________________Rise of Islam Map DirectionsDirections: Complete the following tasks using your text book. Do not color the map unless specifically told to shade. Instead label using the colors provided.1. Title the map "Rise of Islam" (2pts)2. Label the map as follows: a. bodies of water [blue]: (8pts) Arabian Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Persian Gulf, Red Sea, Caspian Sea, Black Sea, Aral Sea b. bodies of water [blue]: (6pts) Nile River, Euphrates, Tigris, Indus, Danube c. landforms [brown]: (7pts) Caucasus Mts., Hindu Kush, Plateau of Iran, Atlas Mts., Syrian Desert, Arabian Desert d. cities [black]: (16pts) Damascus, Jerusalem, Cairo, Alexandria, Mecca, Medina, Baghdad, Kabul, Kadisiya, Basra, Tripoli, Constantinople, Rome, Seville, Antioch e. Muslim Expansion [follow each items specific directions]: (15pts/5pts each)1. Shade your map to show the Muslim Expansion; use the following: [fill in the boxes on your map too!]Islamic lands at Muhammad’s Death, 632 AD [Red/shade]Territory added 633-661 AD [Orange/shade]Territory added 662-750 [Yellow/shade]3. Answer the following questions using your map and textbook: (60pts/5pts each)Find the distance from Mecca to the following cities (answer in miles)Jerusalem: _____________Baghdad: _____________Rome: ______________Constantinople: ____________Seville: ____________Which river is completely within the Muslim lands of 661 AD?Name the body of water that allowed trade to naturally occur between the Arabian Peninsula and the East Coast of Africa.Why aren’t there large cities in the southeastern part of the Arabian Peninsula? Name the span of years that saw the greatest expansion of the Muslim Empire. (Justify your answer)What physical feature, which lies between two large bodies of water, is the northern border to the Muslim Empire?How does the Muslim Empire’s geographic location encourage its people to be merchants/traders?On what peninsula did the Muslim Empire begin?What is the area between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers named?Of the cities that you plotted on your map, which two do not fall within the Muslim Empire by 750 AD?How many years after Muhammad’s death did it take for the Muslim Empire to reach its fullest extent?Predict how the expansion of the Muslim empire into Northern Africa and Asia will affect that area’s historical development.3. ANSWER KEY FOR THE QUESTIONSFind the distance from Mecca to the following cities (answer in miles) the answers are approximationsJerusalem: 750Baghdad: 1200Rome: 2200Constantinople: 1500Seville: 2900Which river is completely within the Muslim lands of 661 AD?TigrisName the body of water that allowed trade to naturally occur between the Arabian Peninsula and the East Coast of Africa.Red SeaWhy aren’t there large cities in the southeastern part of the Arabian Peninsula? Because of the Arabian DesertName the span of years that saw the greatest expansion of the Muslim Empire. (Justify your answer)633-661: Most land area conquered during that time periodWhat physical feature, which lies between two large bodies of water, is the northern border to the Muslim Empire?Caucasus MountainsHow does the Muslim Empire’s geographic location encourage its people to be merchants/traders?Location to many water ways allowing it to reach other civilizations easilyOn what peninsula did the Muslim Empire begin?Arabian PeninsulaWhat is the area between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers named?Mesopotamia Of the cities that you plotted on your map, which two do not fall within the Muslim Empire by 750 AD?Rome and Constantinople How many years after Muhammad’s death did it take for the Muslim Empire to reach its fullest extent?118 yearsPredict how the expansion of the Muslim empire into Northern Africa and Asia will affect that area’s historical development.Answers will vary but should include something about religion, language and possibly architecture or other customs.centercenter00 ................

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