University of South Florida

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Karadar Classical Music: cmp/brahms_pic.html Santana:

Introductory Activity

1. Display the transparency showing a picture of Johannes Brahms and of Carlos Santana.

2. Ask the students the following leading questions to spark discussion and analysis of the photos. Have students journal their observances in their notebooks.

*What differences do you see between the two photos?

*What do you think is the time period of each photo?

*Where are each of these people? (country)

*What is each person doing? (instruments)

3. Tell the students that each of these men are musicians (do not give the names of the pictured artists yet).

“Based on what you’ve gathered, how would you describe the sound of

each person’s music? Which would you prefer listening to? Why?”

[pic] [pic]

Based on what I’ve observed from the pictures above, I imagine that I would prefer listening to the music of the man on the ____________ because ________________________________________________


__________________________________________________________________________________ .


“Music has the power to transcend time. Today and tomorrow, we are going to study the music of these two musicians and see how one has influenced the work of the other. Looking back at your compare-contrast summaries, how would you describe the music of the man on the left? (students will share their responses with the class) Describe the man on the right, and what you imagine his music to sound like.”

Lesson: Part I

Almost all music can be traced back to three main cultural groups: African, European, and Indigineous.


(play a sample of “____________”)


(play a sample of “_______________”)


(play a sample of “______________”)


After musicologists defined the characteristics of the music of each of these cultures, they created a classification system for the types of instruments used.

Aerophones: sound produced by the vibration of air


Chordophones: sound produced by the vibration of strings

Examples: piano, violin, guitar

Electrophones: sound produced by modern technology

Examples: electric guitar, synthesizer

Idiophones: sounds produced when an object is shaken or struck against another object

Examples: maracas, xylophones

Membranophones: sound produced when a stretched skin (or material) is stretched

Examples: drums, timpani, bongos


Reflection Questions

What instruments do you hear in modern music? (identify the classifications)

The roots of today’s music can be traced back to what culture(s)?

Is music limited to using one type of instrument?

Are composers limited to drawing from one culture one creating music?


Listen to one song. Identify the title of the song and the singer. Analyze the song by listening for the instruments and rhythms used. Write a brief paragraph summarizing the instruments, rhythms, and cultural roots you’ve identified.

Yesterday you were asked to analyze songs you frequently hear. You were to choose one song and identify the instruments and cultural roots you heard in the song. (Ask students to share their analysis, including the title of the song and performer’s name.)

Lesson Part II:

It’s more than just instruments that have traveled across the globe and time. Styles of music and songs themselves have been altered to reflect modern culture.

(Project Transparency A.)

The two men pictured are Johannes Brahms and Carlos Santana. (Provide notes on each of the men. Students can either copy the notes or you can provide them with a copy.)

Before you share the notes, play a piece Brahms composed. Have students write a one-sentence summary of what they hear. Then share the notes. Do the same for


What can tie Brahms and Santana together?

What similarities are there between their backgrounds?

What similarities are their between their styles of music?

As you listen to the two songs I am about to play for you, listen for similarities between the two songs. (Project Transparency C as you play the Third Movement from Brahms’ Symphony No. 3 in F and then play Santana’s “Love of My Life”.)

How has Santana altered Brahm’s piece to reflect a late-20th century style of music?

Brahm’s piece stems from root of music style?

Santana’s song stems from what styles of music?

How can instruments from different countries of origin be used to create two different songs that are based on the same melody?


Popular Music of the Times

Brahm’s music was a reflection of the times. _______________ It was popular among _______________ and is still popular today. Though classical music, such as Brahm’s “Lullaby”, is not popular among America’s younger generation, musicians have recognized the beauty and wealth of such classical pieces. A way that modern musicians/ artists have shown their appreciation of classical music with modern music listeners is by sampling (definition________ ) classical pieces or using the pieces as a theme for their songs.

A list of modern songs that sample or are based on classical pieces are listed below. You (and your group) are to match the modern song with the classical pieces listed.

Use the internet, books, or even your (and others’) own musical collection to complete the assignment.

DIRECTIONS: Match each modern song listed below with the letter of the classical piece it samples.


DIRECTIONS: Match each modern song listed below with the letter of the classical piece it samples.



Man on the Left Man on the Right

(Brahms) (Santana)

Worksheet A

Transparency A

Transparency B

Teacher Notes B

Teacher Notes A

Insert outline map of the world with text boxes pointing to each continent to take notes for African, European, and Indigenous music styles.

Worksheet B

Teacher Notes C


Sound produced when a

stretched skin is struck


Sound produced by

vibration of air


Sound produced by the

vibration of strings


Sound produced when an object is shaken or struck by another object


Sound produced by

modern technology




Worksheet C

DIRECTIONS: Identify each of the following classifications of musical instruments. Then place the number of each classification in the appropriate position in the Venn diagram.

Teacher Notes D



Worksheet D

Answer Key

Worksheet D

Teacher Notes E



• born May 7, 1833 in Hamburg, Germany

• father was a musician, played horn and double-bass

• mother, 17 years older than father, was a seamstress

• from age 13, Johannes started earning money as a pianist performing in restaurants, taverns, and brothels!

• Decided to concentrate on composing rather than performing

• Played his pieces for Robert and Clara Schumann, who identified Johannes as the next Beethoven, and urged him to write symphonies

• After Schumann had a nervous breakdown, Brahms returned to Clara and cared for her until her death in 1896

• Brahms was described as being a conservative composer, contrasting the works of his contemporaries, Wagner and Liszt

• He intertwined folk music and gypsy tunes with the Renaissance and Baroque styles of his predescessors, Mozart and Beethoven, to create pieces that contributed to the Romantic period of music

• In total, Brahms composed over 120 pieces, including sonatas for voice and a variety of instruments, and four symphonies

Worksheet E

Worksheet E

Answer Key


• born July 20, 1947 in Autlán de Navarro, Mexico

• learned to play guitar when 8 years old

• 1955, family moved to Tijuana, Mexico, where Santana began playing rock & roll and blues inspired songs on the guitar

• early 1960s, family moved to san Francisco so father could find work

• after spending years observing and taking in the culture of San Francisco, Santana forms his own band, Santana Blues Band

• the Latin, jazz, blues, and rock sounds combined with African rhythms created the signature style of the band, now named Santana

• after performing at Woodstock to an appreciative crowd, the band’s popularity grew, releasing 3 albums

• Santana released a solo jazz album, which reflected his adoption of the spiritual teachings of Sri Chimnoy, a new age spiritual guide

• Santana released 4 more albums with the band and won a Grammy for his second solo album, Blues for Salvador

• For his 1999 release, Supernatural, Santana received 8 Grammy awards, tying him him with Michael Jackson for the most awards received in one year!

*an interactive timeline is available on

Transparency C

Teacher Notes F

Teacher Notes G

Worksheet F

A. Beethoven’s Piano Sonata No. 14, “Moonlight”

B. Pachelbel’s Canon in D Major

C. Beethoven’s Ode to Joy

D. Dvorak’s New World Symphony No. 9, “From the New World”

1. ___ “Paris” by Delerium

2. ___ “Sad but True” by En Vogue

3. ___ “Hook” by Blues Traveler

4. ___ “C U When U Get There” by Coolio

5. ___ “Because” by The Beatles

6. ___ “Goin’ Home” by Paul Robeson

7. ___ “Scatman’s World” by Scatman John

8. ___ “Piano & I” by Alicia Keys

9. ___ “Yatta” by Happa-tai

10.___ “Coming 2 America” by Ludacris

11.___ “Road to Joy” by Bright Eyes

12.___ “Molto Arpegiossa” by Yngwie Malmsteen

Worksheet F

Answer Key

A. Beethoven’s Piano Sonata No. 14, “Moonlight”

B. Pachelbel’s Canon in D Major

C. Beethoven’s Ode to Joy

D. Dvorak’s New World Symphony No. 9, “From the New World”

1. B “Paris” by Delerium

2. A “Sad but True” by En Vogue

3. B “Hook” by Blues Traveler

4. B “C U When U Get There” by Coolio

5. A “Because” by The Beatles

6. D “Goin’ Home” by Paul Robeson

7. B “Scatman’s World” by Scatman John

8. A “Piano & I” by Alicia Keys

9. B “Yatta” by Happa-tai

10. D “Coming 2 America” by Ludacris

11. C “Road to Joy” by Bright Eyes

12. A “Molto Arpegiossa” by Yngwie Malmsteen


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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