RMDK Sudy #1 Notes & Outline

RMDK Study Starter Pack

Session Outlines

Complete Study Overview:

• 6 weekly videos and discussion sessions called ‘adventures’ from guidebook

• Weekly assigned project for dads to do with their son(s). – Dad’s Challenge

• Raising a Modern-Day Knight book

• Daily devotional that compliments each week’s adventure series called Armor Ups.

• Study is completed with Dad’s Commitment Ceremony

Study Overview in Detail:

• Session #1

o Free Mingle time / fill out name placard / collect fee

o Open meeting with Welcome (intro – who I am), Thanks & Prayer

▪ Father, thank you for the dads here tonight. Let this series and the messages we receive from the video and book speak to our hearts. Give us wisdom as we strive to be strategic dads under your service.

o Review Study Outline

o Make sure all dads have needed materials

▪ Book / Legacy Album / Dad’s Workout Plan / Armor Ups

o Provide general outline of each meeting

▪ Short discussions covering*

• What was read in book

• Armor Up devotionals

• Past week’s challenge

o Watch 1st week’s video lesson

o Discuss reaction to the video and book guidebook questions

o Discussion about the upcoming week’s challenge

o Review homework for coming week re: chapters to read

o Mention Dad’s Commitment Ceremony for 7th week – begin thinking of plans

• Sessions 2-6

o Ask men what devotional Armor Ups stood out for them that week*

o Ask what stood out in the assigned RMDK book reading from past week*

o Discuss Dad’s Challenge that took place

o Watch that week’s video lesson

o Discuss reaction to the video and book guidebook questions

o Review upcoming week’s challenge and RMDK book chapters to read

o Continue discussing what a Dad’s Commitment Ceremony would look like

*Note: as the facilitator, is it important that you have done all the reading and prepared notes on the assigned reading materials. Depending on the group of men, you may need to get the ball rolling by starting with your reflections on the book and/or Armor materials. The discussions on the Dad’s Challenges don’t take much prodding.

I also recommend reading the lyrics to this song either at session 2 or 3. It is by John Fogarty and the band Credence Clearwater Revival. Fogerty recognized the legacy of pain caused by the invisible father. And since he wasn’t told what it meant to be a man – he had to go looking for answers before he could pass them on to his son. But that day never comes.

Someday Never Comes

First thing I remember was askin' papa, "Why?",

For there were many things I didn't know.

And Daddy always smiled; took me by the hand,

Sayin', "Someday you'll understand."


Well, I'm here to tell you now each and ev'ry mother's son

You better learn it fast; you better learn it young,

'Cause, "Someday" Never Comes."

Well, time and tears went by and I collected dust,

For there were many things I didn't know.

When Daddy went away, he said, "Try to be a man, 

And, Someday you'll understand."


And then, one day in April, I wasn't even there,

For there were many things I didn't know.

A son was born to me; Mama held his hand,

Sayin' "Someday you'll understand."


Think it was September, the year I went away,

For there were many things I didn't know.

And I still see him standing, try'n' to be a man;

I said, "Someday you'll understand."


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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