Parent Function Worksheet #2

Name:_________________________________________ Weekly Math #5

Common Core Math 2

To earn full credit you must complete ALL problems correctly, show ALL steps, turn in ON time, and do your OWN work. ( HW turned in on Wednesday will be looked over and given back to you on Thursday to fix before you turn the assignment in. DUE THURSDAY!

You should NOT wait until the last minute to complete the assignment. You should be doing at least 5 problems each night depending on the length of the assignment.

DIRECTIONS: Complete all problems WITH WORK on notebook paper. Highlight your final answer for each question on the notebook paper. Put your final answers on this HW page and staple to the front of the notebook papers. Turn in on THURSDAY THIS WEEK!

For 1 – 5, match the names with the equations with the graphs.

Names: A) absolute value B) cubic C) linear D) quadratic E) radical

Equations: F) y = x G) y = x2 H) y = x3 I) y = |x| J)[pic]

1. 2. 3.

4. 5.

y = a(x-h)2 + k

6. _______________________________________________________ describe the effect of a on the graph.

7. _______________________________________________________ describe the effect of h on the graph.

8. _______________________________________________________ describe the effect of k on the graph.

Identify the parent function name and describe the transformation for each function.

g(x) = 3(x-1)2 – 6 Name:_______________________________

Transformation: 1)__________________2)__________________3)_______________

f(x) = 5(x-2)3 – 11 Name:________________________________

Transformation: 1)__________________2)__________________3)_______________

h(x) = [pic] Name:______________________ Transformation 1)______________2)_______

f(x) = [pic] Name:_________________ Transformation 1)________________

13. What is the effect on the graph of the function [pic]when it is changed to [pic]?______________________

List the transformations. Graph each equation.

14. [pic] 15. [pic] 1)

1) 2)

2) 3)

16. y = - 4(x + 1)3 + 5 1) 17. [pic] 1)




18. [pic] 19. [pic] 1)

1) 2)

2) 3)

3) 4)











1) Name:


3) Name:


2) Name:


4) Name:


5) Name:



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