Ecological Footprints – APES


Ecological Footprints

In this activity, we will explore the concept of an ecological footprint and compare the values of an ecological footprint from different geographic locations.

Step 1:

Find your ecological footprint. Go to to begin. This site has a lot of information tucked away in different places. Be sure to explore its links. To get your footprint, follow the link from Ecological Footprint to Your Footprint. This will take you to another website. Answer the questions as accurately as possible. Record your results.

Step 2.

Go back to the original website and compare your results to the US average, to other nations’ averages, and to the world average. This data can be found in links located in the “Ecological Footprint” section of the main page. Under “National Footprints,” you will also find a link on the right side to access “Summary Results for 150 Countries.” Select the “acres” option so you are not comparing hectares to acres (apples and oranges). While you are in the original website, read through the “Overview” section.

Step 3.

Complete these questions. Answer thoroughly and in complete statements.

1. In your own words, what is an ecological footprint?

2. What types of data are used to calculate an ecological footprint?

3. What is your ecological footprint (include units of measure)? If every human had your footprint, how many Earths would be required to sustain the population? Assume that there are 4.5 acres available per human.

4. Describe your results from Step 2. What steps did you take to hypothetically decrease your footprint?

5. Create a data table that contains footprints for you, the US average, the world average, and the national average for one country from Central America, South America, Africa, The Middle East, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, and Asia. Be sure that all are in the same units (acres/person). You may need to convert from hectares (look it up if needed).

6. Using the data from #5, illustrate the footprints in some graphical manner. Be creative. Label accordingly.

7. Compare the biocapacity of the world with its ecological footprint. How is this possible?

8. In your own words, what is meant by sustainability? Are we achieving it? How can this be accomplished?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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