The Giver Persuasive Essay

The Giver Argument Essay

Due November 24, 2015

Directions: You will write an argument essay using the following directions:

1. Writing prompt:

What do you think happened to Jonas at the end of the novel? If you think he survived, what happened to him and Gabe? If you think he did not survive, why not?

2. Include all of the elements of an argument essay.

a. Introduction paragraph

b. Claim paragraph

c. Counterclaim paragraph

d. Conclusion

3. Support your opinion with evidence from The Giver.

a. Introduce the book as your main resource—include Title and Author.

b. Find passages from the text that support your reasons.

c. Cite each quote by telling who said it (character or “in the story”)

d. Insert the passage into your essay directly before or after your reason. Explain how the passage supports your reason.

Here’s an example:

Although Jonas doesn’t like to think about his light eyes, Lily points out how that he is different. On page 20, Lily says, “And he has funny eyes like yours, Jonas.”

4. Your writing should reflect your best effort.

a. Keep your writing clear and concise, quality is more important than quantity.

b. Use examples from the text to support your reasons. Also, EXPLAIN how your examples support your reasons.

c. Include an attention-grabbing opening, making the reader WANT to read your essay.

d. Effectively conclude your essay by helping the reader see things differently or appreciate your topic in personally relevant ways.

Giver Persuasive Final Draft Rubric

| |5 |4 |3 |2 |0 |

|Writing X 2 | |

| | |

| |Did not complete |

| |assignment |

|Thesis Statement: |Thesis statement clearly|Thesis statement gives |Thesis statement is |Thesis statement is | |

|States a clear |states opinion about the|opinion about the topic. |unfocused and does not give|missing. | |

|position or |topic. | |a clear opinion | | |

|perspective in support| | | | | |

|of a proposition or | | | | | |

|proposal | | | | | |

|Reasons: |Essay includes several |Essay includes some reasons|Essay includes reasons in |Essay includes few/no | |

|Describes the points |reasons in support of |in support of thesis |support of thesis |reasons in support of | |

|in support of the |thesis statement. |statement. |statement. |thesis statement. | |

|proposition | | | | | |

| |Reasons are clear and |Reasons are clear and |Reasons are unclear or |Reasons are unclear or | |

| |relevant to the topic. |relevant to the topic. |irrelevant to the topic. |irrelevant to the topic. | |

|Evidence & Examples: |Essay includes clear, |Essay includes clear, |Essay includes evidence |Essay includes no evidence | |

|employing well- |relevant evidence from |relevant evidence from the |from the text in support of|from the text to support | |

|articulated, |the text in support of |text in support of most |most reasons. |reasons. | |

|relevant evidence |each reason. |reasons. | | | |

|Opposition: |Essay anticipates at |Essay anticipates at least |Essay anticipates at least |Essay does not anticipate | |

|Anticipates and |least one opposition |one opposition argument. |one opposition argument. |or refute opposition | |

|addresses readers’ |argument. | | |arguments. | |

|concerns and | |Essay refutes at least one |Essay does not refute | | |

|counter-arguments. |Essay refutes at least |opposition argument. |opposition argument. | | |

| |one opposition argument | | | | |

| |using evidence from the | | | | |

| |text. | | | | |

|Conventions | |

|S-V and P-A Agreement |No errors in |Few errors in subject-verb |Some errors in subject-verb|Several errors in | |

| |subject-verb or |or pronoun-antecedent |and/or pronoun antecedent |subject-verb and/or | |

| |pronoun-antecedent |agreement |agreement |pronoun-antecedent | |

| |agreement | | |agreement | |

|Spelling, Punctuation,|Demonstrates accurate |Demonstrates mostly |Demonstrates some accurate |Demonstrates little | |

|Capitalization |spelling and the correct|accurate spelling and the |spelling and/or the correct|accurate spelling and/or | |

| |use of punctuation and |correct use of punctuation |use of punctuation and |the correct use of | |

| |capitalization |and capitalization |capitalization |punctuation and | |

| | | | |capitalization | |

The Giver Essay Checklist

Directions: Complete all items on this list.

DUE DATE: Rough Draft: November 23, 2015 Final Paper: Tuesday, November 24, 2015

I have included a clear thesis statement.

I have included several reasons to support my thesis statement.

I have included evidence from the text to support/explain my reasons.

I have anticipated at least 1 opposing argument to my thesis.

I have grabbed the attention of my readers with a hook at the beginning of my essay, using a quote, anecdote, question or important fact.

______I have concluded my essay by showing why my opinion is important.

______I have revised my essay so that each reason and its supporting evidence is clear.

______I have edited my essay so that there are no errors in s-v or p-a agreement and all of the spelling and punctuation are correct.

I am proud of this essay because it reflects my opinion about a topic, my understanding of the structure of argument writing, and it is an example of my best work.


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