Math 8 Course Outline

Algebra I Mrs. Idland

Welcome to the 2014-2015 school year!


✓ 3-ring binder (2 inch)

✓ 6 dividers

✓ Calculator: TI-83 Plus Graphing Calculator


As set by the math department, 50% of your grade will be tests, 30% is quizzes, and 20% is homework.


✓ Tests will be given after each unit. Tests will be designed to model the Algebra I Common Core Examination, including multiple-choice and show your work questions. Plan to attend review/extra help sessions during a study hall or after school.

✓ Midterm – A midterm exam will be given in January. The midterm will count as two test grades (once in the 2nd and 3rd quarters).

✓ Final – Students will take the Algebra I Common Core Exam in June.


✓ Quizzes will be announced ahead of time and posted on the calendar! They are given on a regular basis to monitor understanding and provide you with feedback on what areas you have mastered and those areas that may need improvement.

✓ Graded reviews are given on a regular basis to monitor understanding and provide you with an opportunity to practice what has been taught. Graded reviews are similar to quiz and test questions. Graded reviews are typically assigned on a Monday and due on a Friday. As such, it is imperative to work on the problems a little each night. If you have any questions, you can see me for assistance. You will then have the opportunity to correct any mistakes. Late graded reviews will lose 5% points every day late. If the graded review is not completed within three days, the student will be assigned a teacher detention after school to complete the assignment. If the student does not attend the teacher detention or complete the assignment, a referral will be written.

Daily Homework

✓ Daily homeworks are assignments that are due the next class. These homework assignments will be checked for completion and graded based on effort. If you do not understand the assignment, then ask a classmate, friend, teacher, parent/guardian, or sibling for assistance. Not understanding what is being asked is no excuse for not attempting your assignment.

✓ Daily homework will be graded on a scale of 0-4. Late homework assignments are not accepted since the answers are reviewed at the beginning of each class.

Absent Policy:

It is the responsibility of the student to show the teacher any missed homework assignments. All quizzes and tests must be made up on the day of return unless the student was absent more than one day. In this case, see the teacher to determine an acceptable time frame to make up a missed work. Failure to make up missed assignments will result in grades of zero.


➢ It is your responsibility to come prepared for class. Bringing YOUR calculator is very important, because not all calculators are the same. It is to your advantage to learn how to use your calculator. The 8th grade State Assessment and High School Regents/Common Core exams require a calculator. Teachers cannot show you how to use a calculator during testing. So, it is important to bring and learn how to use your calculator. We will spend time during class learning how to use your calculator (i.e., exponent, square root, standard deviation, etc.).

Extra Help:

I am available for extra help every day after school until 2:30 or during planning periods.

There are late busses that can take you home Monday-Thursday.

Parent Portal:

Student’s grades will be updated on the portal bi-weekly.


Go to frontier. and scroll down to click on “Frontier High School”. Then click on “teachers” at the top o the page and scroll down to find Mrs. Idland.

The New York State Algebra I Common Core Exam is the mathematics exam that ALL STUDENTS MUST PASS IN ORDER TO RECEIVE A REGENTS DIPLOMA.

STUDENT: I have read the classroom contract and understand it. I will honor it while in the Algebra I class this year.

Student Signature: __________________________________ Date: ___________

PARENT/GUARDIAN: My student has discussed the classroom contract with me. I understand it and will support it.

Parent/Guardian Signature: ___________________________ Date: ___________

Email is the easiest way to keep in contact about progress, homework assignments, behavior, etc. Please feel free to contact me through email at:

□ Mrs. Idland – nidland@frontier.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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