Discussion questions for a raisin in the sun act 1 scene 1

[Pages:3]Discussion questions for a raisin in the sun act 1 scene 1


Discussion questions for a raisin in the sun act 1 scene 1

A Raisin in the discussion of the Sun questions force students to slow down and think critically about the drama and its themes. Here are 3 sets of A Raisin open-ended in the Sun questions to use in cooperative groups or Socratic seminar. Part 1: Discussion Questions for Each Act Part 2: A Raisin in the Essential Questions of the Sun Part 1: A Raisin in the Discussions of the Sun Discussion Questions and Excerpts ? A Raisin in the Sun Each group could be assigned an A Raisin in the Sun's question from the first part (easier) and an open question from the second part (rigorous). Note that the PDF includes key analytics excerpts that students can also analyze in cooperative groups. Scroll down to copy and paste individual questions. Related post: A Raisin in the Plan of the Unity of the Sun At Raisin in the Sun's Questions for Act I What overall impression/mood does Hansberry create in describing the apartment? What's the significance of Walter's anger over eggs? What's really going on? "Slubborn" is not a real world. Ruth formed a mantelpiece, combining two words into a new word. Explain your coat and think of some additional examples. What point is Joseph Asagai talking about Beneatha's hair? Which character takes the most appropriate attitude when it comes to insurance money? What does Beneatha say about her mother's faith? Analyze characterization in Act I by describing a character's personality and explaining how Hansberry uses details to bring the character to life. How does the language of scenic direction differ from the language of dialogue? Why is it important? Which conflicts develop in Act I? Which are the most important and why? Food plays a role in the development of Hansberry themes. Explain the significance of the food discussions in Act I. (Include thoughts on Joseph's nickname for Beneatha.) What does Beneatha mean when she says she is searching for her identity? How does Hansberry introduce the theme of hopes and dreams into Act I? A Raisin in the Sun asks questions for law II What is the meaning of Walter Lee's fantasy of Africa? Is his image of Flaming Spear just a drunken show, or is it something more? Beneatha Younger's hairstyle is discussed in Act I and again in Act II. How important is this detail? Why does Beneatha say, "Mama, if there are two things we as a people have to overcome, one is the Ku Klux Klan and the other is Mrs. Johnson?" Describe Karl Lindner's approach to his repugnant (shared) mission. Describe Walter Lee's metamorphosis in Law II. How does it change and why? What is assimilation? What views on assimilation and African Americans explore Hansberry through his characters? Many productions of A Raisin in the Sun leave Mrs. Johnson out, but He argued against omitting it. Is Mrs. Johnson an important character? Explain your point of view. Walter Lee's behavior is repulsive, but he likes us. How does Hansberry make youFor Walter Lee despite its faults? Explain how the minor characters of act II serve as symbols. What do everyone do? How does Hansberry further develop his subject subject to dreams in progress? A raisin in the sun asks questions for the attitude of Act III Beneatha towards becoming a doctor changes. What does it mean when he says that being a doctor ? doesn't seem deep enough? The agreement proposed by Lindner is perfectly legal, and young people need money. Why does the family strongly oppose Lindner's offer? What does Walter Lee mean when he says that when it comes to the world takers, Willy Harris doesn't even count? Why Walter Lee tells Lindner who Bigeath will become a doctor when he will be against this idea before that after he will do this statement? How does Hansberry build the tension that leads to the final family decision? Identify an element from the game that acts as a symbol. How does Hansberry add layers of meaning to the object? What is the purpose of the symbol? Is it a raisin in the sun or antisessor sexist? Explain your conclusion. What is the final Hansberry message regarding African American dreams? What grade does this message resonates today? Explains. How does Hansberry use the ambiguitous (when something is not clear) at the conclusion of the game? (Think of the Benzatha substrate and the movement of the family.) Bruce Norris wrote a sequel called Clybourne Park. What do you think Hansberry would like to see in a sequel to Raisin in the sun? Part 2: a raisin in the essential questions of the sun if you call them overarching, guide or unity questions, here are 4 essential questions for students to deal with. The key arguments include forms of prejudice to race, the American dream and identity (including personal values). Essential question # 1: What different forms can racism take? Systemic racism (and sexism) causes the family's financial distress. Walter can't move beyond being a driver just like Big Walter couldn't move beyond manual work. Mama has never met any work in addition to the service, and Ruth can expect the same. The same system (represented by Mr Lindner) maintains the African Americans pay the perpetual rent. Interior racism plays an important role in the game. The family openly discusses how the opinions of their neighbor African American, Mrs. Johnson, are only harmful as the oppression that created them. Despite his experiences, Mama refuses to internalize racism, accepting the status quo, or to tell the opinions of Mrs. Johnson (and Booker T. Washington.) The internal conflict of Walter forces him to choose between the internalisation of racism for the Material gain (humiliation for Lindner) or preserve your dignity. If he decides to sacrifice his respect, he is absolving at oppression. In the climax of the game, he chooses dignity. Hansberry explores the prejudice against Africa through many of the characters. Beneatha lauds African heritage and seeks to expand its while George, despite his knowledge, rejects him openly and insults him. For mom, Africans are completely alien, and she says: "I have never met any African before." For Walter, his only bond with Africa is a fantasy induced by alcohol; for him, Africa is a vague dream. Essential question #2: "What happens to a deferred dream?" How does an individual react when he lost all hope for his dreams? They attack and then subdue (Walter)? Do they refuse to let the dream die despite the endless wait (Mom)? Are they degrading by victimizing others (Willie)? How does a whole people react when there is no hope for their dreams? The exploration of this essential question of A Raisin in the Sun requires a certain context. Reading the poem that inspired the title of the work is obvious, but I also include works by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X and others in thinking about the different answers to the deferred dreams of African Americans. Essential question #3: What is the American Dream? This essential question compels students to consider different perspectives. What are the different meanings of this famous term? How has the meaning of this term changed over time? Does that mean different things to different people? What could mean for a poor, urban and disadvantaged African American family in the 1950s? A further examination of this essential question concerns money. What should be the role of money in our hopes and in the American dream? What view does the game offer? What does Hansberry say about the nature of money in relation to dreams? Essential question #4: What is identity? Ask students to explore what identity means to them.? What are the key facets? ? What do you think about identity refuse? How do different characters from A Raisin in the Sun think about identity? Identity is based on the family? Faith? Values? The money? Prestigious? Dignity? Employment? Personal expression? How do different characters think of heritage as an aspect of identity? Hansberry uses Beneatha exclusively with regard to the essential question of A grape passes in the sun. Beneatha is not interested in wealth, faith or having a family. For her, identity is about the personal truth that comes from within. He tries to find his identity through personal expression, and later through the exploration of his African heritage. Although it is never mentioned, Beneatha recognizes that American slavery and racism have deprived it of an essential bond. Related Post: A grape passes in the Sun Unit Plan Thanks for checking A grape passes in the Sun Questions of discussion A grape passes in the Sun is an invaluable text to allow students to think about prejudices in past and present America. Allows students to address essential questions aboutDreams, identity, racism, societies and values. I hope these open answer questions to Raisin in the Sun lead to engaging discussions in your class. Related post: 10 big big Raisin In the assignments of the Sole Related place: teaching a Raisin in the sun of Lorraine Hansberry Comedy is prefatted by a poem of Langston Hughes. How does the theme of poetry illustrate? Why do you think all the scenes take place in the family house? How is the benefit different from other members of the Younger family? How is the theme of assembling treated? What are the largest varieties of Walter and Ruth's wedding? To what extent do you think Hansberry is criticizing traditional sex roles in the game? How Hansberry Challenge African American stereotypes in play? How does Walter change from the beginning of the game? Why do you think Mamma changes IDEA AND DO WALTER Insurance money? Why do Mrs. Johnson says you're proud of? Why is the small mother plant so important to her? What do you mean when she says ? Express me? What does the new home mean to each of the young people? Watch Karl Lindner's speech carefully when he speaks with young people. What do you know about how you use the language? Who is the main character in the game? The game was written and produced more than 40 years ago. To what extent do you think the conflicts and questions presented in the game are still relevant? Last update: 30 April 2003

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