GEO(S/G) 3114 Name Quiz 1: 2 February 2006

GEO(S/G) 3114 Name ________________________ Quiz 1: 2 February 2006

Print your name at the top and sign the pledge at the bottom. (You may write on both sides of the sheet, and separate sheets will be provided if needed.) Circle your choice for multiple choice questions and write in your answer in the space provided or on the back of this page for short-answer questions. The first five questions are worth five points each, and question 6 is an extra-credit for up to five points. Choose the best of the possible answers! Partial credit for a multiple-choice question will be considered if the question number is circled and the work/logic is shown below. No calculators or other aids are allowed.

1. When the weatherman says there's an 85 percent chance of rain in the area, he means that

meteorologists have reckoned that in 100 similar weather conditions in the area, rain has fallen 85

times somewhere -- anywhere -- in the forecast area. So as you don't occupy the whole area, your

own chances of getting wet are usually less than what the weatherman predicts.

A) True

B) False

2. Near the surface of the Earth, the atmospheric pressure changes more rapidly (spatially) horizontally

than vertically.

A) True

B) False

3. It is summer in Blacksburg. The air is warm and muggy. The dominant air mass is ____.

A) cP

B) cT

C) mT

D) mP

4. The temperature _____ with altitude in the mesosphere because of ____.

A) increases .. decreasing distance to the sun

B) decreases .. increasing distance from heat sources

C) increases .. some reason other than (A)

D) decreases .. some reason other than (B)

5. What is the station symbol entry for a pressure of 1009.99 mb?

6. (Extra Credit): As evidenced by observations at Mauna Loa, how has the amount of CO2 changed in the atmosphere over the past 50 years? Comment on variations that occur on the annual scale as well.

Total Grade ___/25 + __=___

I have neither received nor given any assistance on this exam. (Signature)

GEO(S/G) 3114 Name ________________________ Quiz 2: 9 February 2006

Print your name at the top and sign the pledge at the bottom. (You may write on both sides of the sheet, and separate sheets will be provided if needed.) Circle your choice for multiple choice questions and write in your answer in the space provided or on the back of this page for short-answer questions. The first five questions are worth five points each, and question 6 is an extra-credit for up to five points. Choose the best of the possible answers! Partial credit for a multiple-choice question will be considered if the question number is circled and the work/logic is shown below. No calculators or other aids are allowed.

1. Relative humidity changes with ________.

A) variations in the amount of water vapor in the air

B) variations in the temperature of the air

C) in general, both (A) and (B)

D) None from among (A)-(C)

2 Baseballs with the same initial velocity will travel farther in air in which the relative humidity is low

compared with air in which the relative humidity is high (for a fixed temperature).

A) True

B) False

3. If there are no fronts expected during the next several hours, a first estimate of the lowest

temperature for the coming night can be gotten using the ________.

A) current air temperature

B) relative humidity

C) dew-point temperature

D) wet-bulb temperature

4. There are, on the average, ___ inches of rain to one inch of snow.

A) 10

B) 2

C) 1 D) 0.5

E) 0.1

5. Supercooled cloud droplets are _____. A) ice crystals surrounded by air warmer than 0?C B) liquid droplets warmer than the air surrounding them C) large cloud droplets that become cold by coming in contact with ice crystals D) liquid droplets observed at temperatures below 0?C

6. (Extra Credit): .(a) Within a few days, what is typically the coldest day of the year in Blacksburg? (b) Within five degrees, what is the average temperature for that day?

I have neither received nor given any assistance on this exam. Total Grade ___/25 + __=___


Introduction to Meteorology Hour Test 1

16 February 2006

Answer all questions on the separate opscan form provided. Print your name, course (Intro Meteorology), the date (see above), and your ID number in the spaces provided. Leave blank the spaces for FORM, SEAT NO., and GROUP. Below the section for NAME, write the word Pledge, to indicate you have neither given nor received any assistance on this test, and sign your name. Each student can have and use a reference sheet which is one side of an 8.5" x 11" sheet of paper, and calculators are not allowed. The test has 33 multiple-choice questions. The total number of points is 100, so three points are subtracted for each wrong answer. Questions 34 and 35 are short-answer extra-credit questions worth 5 points each. All answers should be written (in pencil) in the appropriate spaces on the opscan form. Read the questions carefully, and choose the best of the possible answers! You can use the space to the left of the answers for comments. If you want comments to be considered, make sure it is clear to which question they refer. Each hour test counts as 12.5% of the total grade.

1. Effects of the Earth's having an atmosphere include _____.

A) a redistribution of water on the Earth's surface

B) a decrease in temperature extremes on the Earth's surface

C) a decrease in harmful radiation and meteorites reaching the Earth's surface

D) all of (A)?(C)

E) some but not all of (A)?(C)

2. Wave cyclones are mid-latitude storms that occur more often in the _______.

A) summer

B) winter

3. The source of the inert gas argon in the atmosphere is _____. A) volcanic eruptions B) photosynthesis C) the oceans D) radioactive decay of a potassium isotope

4. The tropopause is at approximately ____ km.

A) 15

B) 30

C) 50

D) 80

5. The average lapse rate in the troposphere is about _____ .

A) 3?C/km

B) 6.5?C/km

C) 10.5?C/km

E) 200 D) 15?C/km

6. For the past few weeks, the weather patterns influencing Blacksburg have traveled from west to east.

This pattern is referred to as _____.

A) normal flow

B) meridional flow C) zonal flow

7. There is little carbon dioxide in today's atmosphere compared to four billion years ago because ____. A) there are fewer erupting volcanoes today B) the carbon dioxide has escaped to outer space C) the increasing population has "used up" much of the carbon dioxide during breathing D) much of the carbon dioxide is taken up by the oceans or locked up in sedimentary rocks

8. The ____pause is approximately the same height as the boundary between the heterosphere and the


A) tropo

B) meso

C) strato

D) thermo

9. The "normal" situation is for the temperature to increase with height in the lower 80 km of the

atmosphere, because higher in the atmosphere is closer to the sun.

A) True

B) False

C) The temperature increases, but for a different reason

10. If a barometer is calibrated in Denver and then taken to a weather station in Blacksburg (1 km lower),

the pressure reading will read about _______.

A) 3" too low

B) 2" too low

C) 1" too low

D) 1" too high

E) 2" too high

F) 3" too high

11. Lines connecting points of equal pressure are called _____.

A) thermobars

B) isotherms

C) isobars

D) barograms

Introduction to Meteorology Hour Test 1

16 February 2006

12. A barometric pressure of 1057 mb corresponds to a ______.

A) strong anticyclone

B) typical pressure

C) strong cyclone

13. When warm surface air is replacing cold surface air, the boundary separating the two bodies of air is

called a ____ front.

A) cold

B) warm

C) stationary

D) occluded

14. A wind blowing towards the east is represented on a surface station model by a line starting at the

center of the symbol and pointing towards _____ o'clock.

A) 12 B) 3

C) 6

D) 9

15. The growth of a precipitation particle by the collision of an ice crystal (or snow flake) with a

supercooled water droplet is called ____.

A) the Bergeron process

B) accretion

C) condensation

D) deposition

16. At 40?F, the atmosphere is saturated with water vapor. The temperature warms to 60?F with no gain or

loss of water vapor. One can deduce that the dew-point temperature is now _____,

A) less than 40?F

B) 40?F

C) between 40?F and 60?F

17. Large raindrops have a higher terminal velocity than small raindrops.

A) True

B) False

18. The least effective time to water the lawn on a hot, dry, summer day is ______.

A) early morning

B) early afternoon

C) early evening

19. A chinook wind is a warm dry wind that can occur on the eastern slopes of the Rockies.

A) True

B) False

20. Which of the following is not correct? A) Warm air can hold more water vapor than can cold air. B) Evaporation is a cooling process. C) Warm, dry air is less dense than is warm, humid air. D) Typically, rain falls through unsaturated air.

21. On a hot, humid day, a good measure of how cool the human skin can become is the _______.

A) air temperature

B) relative humidity

C) dew-point temperature

D) wet-bulb temperature

E) actual skin temperature

22. The temperature at which water boils is dependent mostly upon ______.

A) air temperature B) relative humidity C) dew point

D) air pressure

23. A relative humidity of 90% ________________.

A) means there can be no precipitation

B) leads to possible discomfort

C) leads to possible discomfort only if the temperature is high

D) leads to possible discomfort only if the temperature is low

24. Frozen clothes hanging on a line in subfreezing weather "dry" by a process called _______.

A) deposition

B) sublimation

C) evaporation

D) melting

25. For a parcel of air that rises, expands and cools with an unchanging amount of water vapor, the

relative humidity increases with height.

A) True

B) False

26. If very cold air is brought indoors and warmed with no change in its moisture content, the relative humidity of the air will ___. A) increase B) decrease C) show no change

Introduction to Meteorology Hour Test 1

16 February 2006

27. Which of these conditions at the surface would result in cumulus clouds with the lowest base? Air

temperature 90?F and dew-point temperature of _____ ?F.

A) 20 B) 40

C) 60

D) 80

28. A metal can filled with water at room temperature, some ice cubes and a thermometer can be used to

give a direct determination of ___.

A) relative humidity

B) the dew-point temperature

C) absolute humidity

D) nothing of meteorological value

29. Freezing rain occurs when there is _____. A) a deep layer of air well below freezing near the ground B) a shallow layer of freezing air at or near the ground C) a continuous range of freezing air from cloud base to ground D) some other condition than those given above

30. The temperature of rising air generally _____.

A) decreases

B) increases

C) remains the same

31. If an air parcel is given a small push upward and it continues to rise, the atmosphere is said to be

________ .

A) stable

B) unstable

C) neutral

D) unhappy

32. Fires in southern California in late summer and early fall can be caused in part by _______ winds.

A) chinook

B) geostrophic

C) katabatic

D) Santa Ana

33. If the ELR (Environmental Lapse Rate) is 5?C/km, the air is _____.

A) stable

B) unstable

C) conditionally stable

34. (5 points extra credit) In Blacksburg winter storms, the major damage to tree branches came from

____. Explain your answer.

A) sleet

B) freezing rain

C) snow

D) heavy squirrels

35. (5 points extra credit) Yesterday (Wednesday) most of the snow melted from the weekend storm. (A) What was the last part of the drillfield to lose its snow? (B) Why?


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