|I’ll do it if I have the time. |I would do it if I had the time. |I would have done it if I had had the time. |

|Lo hare si tengo tiempo. |Lo haría si tuviera tiempo. |Lo habría hecho si hubiera tenido tiempo. |

|If I see her, I’ll tell her. | | |

|Si la veo, se lo diré. | | |

|If she doesn’t try, she won’t succeed. | | |

|Si no lo intenta, no lo conseguirá. | | |

|Will you do it if I ask you? | | |

|¿Lo harás si te lo pido? | | |

| |I would buy it if you gave me a discount. | |

| |Lo compraría si me hicieras un descuento. | |

| | |If I had been ill, I would have stayed at home. |

| | |Si hubiera estado enferma, me habría quedado en casa. |

| |If I knew the answer, I would tell you. | |

| |Si supiera la respuesta, te la diría. | |

|What will you do if the bus doesn’t come? | | |

|¿Qué harás si el autobús no viene? | | |

| | |I would have been sorry if I had left. |

| | |Me habría arrepentido si me hubiera marchado. |

| |I wouldn’t stay in this job if I could find another one. | |

| |No me quedaría en este trabajo si pudiera encontrar otro. | |

|They will get wet if it rains. | | |

|Se mojarán si llueve. | | |

| | |Would he have passed if he had studied hard? |

| | |¿Habría aprobado si hubiese estudiado mucho? |

|It won’t bite you unless you move. | | |

|No te picará si no te mueves. | | |

| |If you went with her, you would learn a lot. | |

| |Si fueras con ella aprenderías mucho. | |

| | |If you hadn’t phoned, he would have left. |

| | |Si no hubieras llamado, se habría marchado. |

|If you buy this, you will get a gift. | | |

|Si lo compras, te llevarás un premio. | | |

| |We would go to the cinema if you arrived early. | |

| |Iríamos al cine si llegaras pronto. | |

|You’ll go to the party if you finish your homework soon. | | |

|Irás a la fiesta si acabas tus deberes pronto. | | |

| | |If she had sent me a text message, I would have come. |

| | |Si me hubiera enviado un mensaje, habría venido. |

| |What would you do if he didn’t love you? | |

| |¿Qué harías si él no te quisiera? | |

|If you come this afternoon, I’ll show you the pictures. | | |

|Si vienes esta tarde, te enseñaré las fotos. | | |

| |You wouldn’t be cold if you wore the coat. | |

| |No tendrías frío si llevaras el abrigo. | |

|If I have a daughter, I´ll call her Paula. | | |

|Si tengo una hija, la llamaré Paula. | | |

| | |If I had got high marks, I would have had a present. |

| | |Si hubiera sacado buenas notas, habría tenido un regalo. |

|If I see Pau Gasol, I will ask him for an autograph. | | |

|Si veo a Pau gasol, le pediré un autógrafo. | | |

| |We would go to the seaside if it didn’t rain. | |

| |Iríamos a la playa si no lloviera. | |

|If I buy a motorbike, I’ll give you a ride. | | |

|Si me compro una moto, te daré una vuelta. | | |


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