Undercounting Unemployment

[Pages:1]Undercounting Unemployment

Worksheet (A) In this activity, you'll determine your own definition of unemployment. Read the following five scenarios, putting a "U" next to each one that-in your opinion--describes someone who is UNEMPLOYED. 1) Jim is a sixty-five-year-old man who retired after forty years of working at IBM. He's looking for a part-time job at a bookstore to keep himself busy.

2) Laura is a forty-year-old investment banker who was laid off six months ago. She decided to switch careers and has spent those six months figuring out what she wants to do next instead of applying for jobs in the banking field.

3) Tom is a thirty-year-old accountant who quit his job so he could go to business school.

4) Molly is a thirty-six-year-old mother of three who works part-time as a tutor.

5) Mike is a fifty-year-old father of two who has been working parttime while raising his kids. He has been looking for full-time work without success for over a year.


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