Item 100 - GOVERNING TARIFFS - CXI Trucking


This tariff is governed by the following tariffs, and by supplements, amendments, and successive issues or reissues of those tariffs. The rates in these governing tariffs apply to truckload and less-than-truckload service provided by D. T. Chicagoland Express, Inc., d/b/a CXI Trucking. However, if there is a conflict between the terms and conditions in this tariff and the terms and conditions in any tariff referred to in below, the terms and conditions in this tariff control and supersede any conflicting terms and conditions in those other tariffs.

Title and type Issuing agent Tariff ICC (FHWA) MF-ILL C.C.

of Tariff or carrier Number Number Number

Claims rules D.T. Chicago- Claims

Land Express, Tariff

Inc., d/b/a Number 1

CXI Trucking

Freight National Motor 100-U NMF 36

Classification Freight l00-U


Freight Traffic



Mileage ALK Associates PC Miler (current version)


Rate Basis Formerly published 1205

Tariff by Illinois Motor (Within a 50-mile radius of

Carrier’s Bureau, State & Madison, Chicago,

Transportation Illinois)

Consulting & Service

Corp., Agent, as amended

By Carrier

CzarLite (Outside of a 50-mile

Radius of State & Madison

Chicago, Illinois)


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