1 Samuel 1:1-2:26


A. Without using any statistical information, I would speculate that one of the most underappreciated jobs is that of being a mother.

1. Although our culture has set aside this day as a “Mother’s Day,” I would like to remind everyone present, that, no matter what day it may be on the calendar, every day is a day to show your mother honor and respect.

1) Since our minds are on this special day (as established by our culture), I would like to take the opportunity to bring to your remembrance the life of a mother.

B. The OT contains many role models for us today…

1. Great men like Noah, Abraham, Joseph, Moses, Joshua, Caleb, David, Daniel.

2. Great women like Sarah, Ruth, Esther.

C. A wonderful role model for women of faith today is that of Hannah.

1. She was the mother of Samuel, one of the greatest prophets of Israel.

2. Her character is an example to all – including men of faith.

D. Hannah had faith in God at a time when Israel had left serving Him.

1. 1 Sam 3:1: “And word from the LORD was rare in those days; visions were infrequent.”

E. It was also at a time when despair and depression had consumed Hannah.

1. She had suffered for years, but not until she prostrated herself in prayer to God did she reach the heights of hope as she believed Eli’s words that God would grant her desire.


A. Hannah’s problems.

1. 1 Sam 1:1-5: Her womb was closed by the Lord.

1) A man named Elkanah had two wives, Hannah and Peninnah.

2) Each year Elkanah would travel to Shiloh to worship the Lord.

3) Each year Elkanah would give Hannah “a double portion, for he loved Hannah, but the Lord had closed her womb.”

2. 1 Sam 1:6-8: “Her rival, however, would provoke her bitterly to irritate her.”

1) Each year Peninnah would drive Hannah to tears by tormenting Hannah because of her being barren.

2) 1 Sam 1:9-11: On one such visit to Shiloh, Hannah went to the tabernacle and prayed to the Lord.

3) Hannah vowed that if the Lord would grant her a male child, then she would give the child to the Lord.

3. 1 Sam 1:12-18: Eli saw Hannah praying, but not hearing any words, “thought she was drunk.”

1) Hannah explained to Eli that she was pouring out her soul before the Lord.

2) Eli told Hannah to go in peace, and that the Lord would grant her petition.

B. What can we learn from Hannah, A WOMAN OF FAITH?

1. Women of faith endure real problems – not without problems in this life.

1) The righteous often suffer –

2) She was “greatly distressed” – quit eating and cried a lot (1:7-10).

3) One might ask why was Peninnah granted children when her character seems to be much inferior to that of Hannah?

* Those who have accepted the blessings of God will one day be judged on their goodness or meanness of character.

2. We should not let others deter our TRUST in the Lord.

1) Hannah could have used her misfortune and mistreatment as an excuse.

2) Yet, year after year she continued to worship the Lord (1:7).

3. Women of faith have problems just like other women.

1) What distinguishes them as women of faith is what they do when faced with their problems, as we glean from reading 1:9-18.

C. Hannah’s prayer – Vibrant.

1. 10: “greatly distressed” (bitterness of soul)

2. 10: “wept bitterly” – In anguish

3. 11: She offered a solemn “vow”

4. 12: “she continued praying” – Persistent

5. 13: She prayed from the “heart”

6. 15-16: She “poured out my soul” – All her heart and soul.

7. 18: “her face was no longer sad” – Provoked but she didn’t grow bitter.

1) She prayed with faith in God’s promise.

2) She believed that God would answer her prayers.

3) Prayer is the heart’s ease to a gracious soul.

4) Prayer will smooth the countenance – it should do so.

5) None will remain miserable for long when the privilege of prayer is properly used.


A. 1 Sam 1:19-20: Just as Eli had said, the Lord granted Hannah her petition.

1. Hannah gave birth to a son and she called his name Samuel (“heard of God”).

1) What we can learn from Hannah.

2. God may sometimes give us what we want.

1) It must be according to His will (1 John 5:14).

2) We must abide in His words (John 15:7).

3) Selfish prayers will not be answered as we wish (Jas 4:3).

3. God will always provide what we need.

1) It may not be what we want or expect.

2) But it will meet our needs, and be for our good (Matt 6:33).


A. Hannah gave her son to God.

1. She had vowed to do this before his birth (1:11).

1) Eccl 5:4: God has no pleasure in fools who do not keep their vows.

2) Eccl 5:5: “It is better that you should not vow than that you should vow and not pay.”

3) Jas 5:12: As Christians, even our “yes” and “no” are as solemn vows.

B. 1 Sam 1:22-23: She planned to keep her promise.

1. In Hannah’s earlier distress Elkanah strived to communicate his affection for her – not just in words but also in action.

1) Rather than pretending the problems would simply go away, he looked to encourage the woman he loved.

2) He doesn’t tell Hannah to just “get over it.”

3) Nor does he lecture her for allowing Peninnah’s badgering to bother her.

4) Instead, he worked hard to reaffirm his love for his wife (1:8).

2. Num 30:6-8: Allowed for a husband to revoke a rash obligation made by his wife.

1) Since Elkanah made no effort to alter or eliminate her oath regarding the child, it’s possible that once again we find him offering encouragement and support.

C. Another element that set Hannah apart as a woman of faith was not just what she did BEFORE Samuel’s arrival, but what she does AFTERWARD.

1. For the next few years (a time that experts tell us is the most critical in the development of any child) Hannah stayed at home pouring herself into her son.

1) She invested herself, not in selfish pursuits, but into loving, instructing, and disciplining the child that the Lord had given her.

2. 1 Sam 1:24-28: After the child was weaned, Hannah took Samuel with an offering to Eli and gave Samuel to the service of the Lord.

1) Her faith endured another test.

2) Can you imagine holding your newborn baby to your body, looking down into his sweet innocence; yet knowing you had promised to give him to the Lord’s service?

D. Things at Shiloh were not good.

1. Eli’s sons, Hophni and Phinehas, were so corrupt in administering their priestly duties that the Lord would finally destroy them.

1) Eli was old and blind and had no control over his sons.

2) How could he be trusted to take care of this miracle child?

3) God kept His part as He always does.

2. Lesson: Oh, how we need to be motivated by faith when all we see around us is degenerate darkness.

1) The mother and father who bow to the altar of God and dedicate their sons and daughters to His cause, are needed today just as in Hannah’s time.

2) We must give our children to God (Ps 127:3-5; Matt 6:33).

3) Think of young Timothy (2 Tim 1:5; 3:14-15).


A. 1 Sam 2:1-11: Hannah prayed to the Lord a prayer which praised the Lord, acknowledging His greatness.

1. She did not grieve but worshiped God with great joy in her heart (1).

1) She worshiped with praise for God’s help.

2) Fulfillment of vows should not be done begrudgingly.

3) She never did regret her sacrifice.

4) Her focus was on the Lord as the source of all strength and blessings.

B. 2:19: Hannah continued to care for her son.

1. She made him a coat every year.

1) It would have been easy for her to forget what God had done for her.

2) She turned her energies forward to the many years she would travel to Shiloh to worship.

3) She would savor the joy of seeing her son ministering in the tabernacle, wearing the new robe she made for him each year.


A. Hannah was blessed in due time with 3 sons and 2 daughters (2:20-21).

1. These children were a reward for her faithfulness.

1) God always blesses His people when they do what is right (Matt 5:3-12).

2) Happiness is a guarantee – worth everything we might have to give up (Phil 3:4-8; Heb 12:2).

B. 1 Sam 2:26: What was said of Samuel was said of Christ (Luke 2:52).

1. Children are to bring honor to their parents (Eph 6:1-3).

1) Samuel grew to be a man of great character who faithfully served the Lord as the first prophet of the nation, priest, and the last judge all the days of his life.

2) He eventually came back home to Ramah and administered many of his duties from there (1 Sam 7:15-17).

3) He anointed the first two kings of Israel.

2. Samuel became one of the greatest intercessors the nation of Israel would ever know.

1) Jer 15:1: He was held in high esteem by God who said of him: “Even if Moses and Samuel stood before Me I will not change My mind toward this people” (speaking of sinful Judah).

2) Ps 99:6: Samuel was esteemed in equal honor with Moses and Aaron among God’s priests.

C. Such spiritual stature was no accident.

1. Instead, it was the direct result of a godly mother who maintained her spiritual focus, worked hard to build proper priorities, and dedicated her child to the Lord’s service.

1) I wonder if Hannah ever sat down in the cool of an evening and realized the profound result of her sacrificial faith?

2) Faith that embraces sacrifice is the spawning ground of true discipleship and greatness of character.


1. Hannah stands as a marvelous example of the truth that a woman’s (mother’s) influence, purpose, and sense of well being is not derived from holding positions of power and authority.

1. But it is found through the bearing and raising of godly offspring (1 Tim 2:15).

1) It is vital we grasp the truth that extraordinary people are not always found doing astonishing things in the spotlight.

2) Often they are hidden at home in the form of a godly mother who diligently works to build into her children a love for the Lord.

2. For the mothers among us, remember your God given roles.

1. View your responsibilities, not as chores, but as privileges granted to you by God.

1) Not everyone is suited to the role of being a mother.

3. As you leave here today, please keep in mind the grave responsibility which your mother has embraced.

1. Be thankful for what she does in her role as a mother.

1) Show your appreciation to your mother.

4. May everyone, whether male or female, be able to say together with Hannah in 2:1: “My heart rejoices in the Lord; My horn is exalted in the Lord”


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