Anchors Aweigh Club, Inc


11/30/21 6:45pm


Tom Goetz, Daniel R, Lynn L., Judy B., Birch O., Leo W., Paul H., Beth M.

General membership vote.

Dan Reynen & Paul Householder nominated. Dan R. not able to. Paul voted in.

Grace, Rocky, Joe G., and Chris Scott.

Leo will talk to Chris Scott

Finance committee: Tom G. presented the information from the finance committee meeting (11/29/21).

Awaiting for PPP forgiveness on second loan

2020 taxes were submitted on time

Awaiting mediation on 2019 tax fine

Starting to discuss 2022 budget

Grant committee: In January, Maria will submit the request for the HSBC Grant. Last year $15,000

First sheriff’s grant application will be available on 2/4/22

The Unsung Hero award is coming up and Tom

Fundraising Committee: There was $807.00 raised by the Thanksgiving Basket raffle.

Ruth has been helping Lynn a lot with the silent auction items. They are getting silent auction items for the Anonymous Angels Silent Auction on 12/19/21. Will put up sign up sheet for volunteers and will also voluntold sponsees to help.

Lynn also got a bike donated by Eaton Bikes and that will be raffled off on Christmas Day. It will be displayed at the auction on 12/19 and tickets will continue to be sold until Christmas day drawing.

Lynn is considering a bingo and dinner night after the holidays.

Garden Committee: N/A. tonight

Old Business: The air filtration system is installed and working, thanks to Dan talking to John Padget, a local business man and philanthropist. Spalling: is it bad? No. It’s not spalling – contractor Sammy Jones said the cracking is all superficial.

New business:

Next meeting 1/4/22 6:45pm

In person again.

Motion to close, adjourned 7:30pm


Minutes of Meeting

Finance Committee

Date: Time: 29 Nov at 1845 via ZOOM

Persons attending:

Maria A. (Book keeper) Tom G (Club Manager) Birch O. (Treasurer) Dan R.

The following was discussed

The current balance in the AACI Working checking account is $28,139 and fundraiser(AKA escrow) account balance is $3,400 dollars as of 1 Nov 2021. Tom intends to move $1,000 from checking to fundraiser and pay $700 for the installation of the covid air purifiers.

Donations have exceeded budgeted due to the generosity of Rocky T. and Jim from Richmond Va.. No Change

That rents received for November have exceeded the 2020 Nov budgeted amount. Club attendance was very strong for November.

November Budgeted amount is $2,158 dollars/received amount was $2,430

The 2021 budget indicates that we are suppose to have a GOFUNDME fundraiser in the amount of $6,581 dollars. This was cancelled. Thanksgiving Day raffle netted $807 dollars and exceeded expectation

Air Filters: AACI received a gift in the amount of $10,000 from John Pagent for the purchase of COVID air filters. $6,800 dollars has been spent to date for equipment. Excess is earmarked for replacement filters and incidentals. This expenditure is pending. Leo covered the cost of installation with a $1,000 donation

AACI is awaiting “forgiveness” for the second PPP Loan in the amount of $19,337 dollars. Paperwork has been submitted. Issue is pending

2019 Taxes: IRS has proposed a fine of $5,740 dollars for non-receipt of AACI. Issue is currently in mediation. No change. Tom G. follows up monthly

2020 Taxes: AACI had received an extension to 15 November 2021. Taxes were submitted electronically on 15 Nov 2021. No problems noted.

2021 SAFF Grant: AACI received $4,054 dollars on 30 September and this matches our budget of $4,054 budgeted for December. Monies were used to cover insurance (windstorm and BOD Insurance)

2022 Budget:

Assembling documentation for the HSAB (Human Services Advisory Board) 2022 grant which covers a portion of 2021 payroll. Maria will submit payroll Jan 2021 to October 2021 for reimbursement. Monies will be a part of the 2022 budget. (received $15,000 in Feb 2021 for the 2020 payroll)

SAFF (Sheriff’s Shared Asset Forfeiture Asset Grant) application for 2022 is due in February

Employee compensation: Wages were adjusted in April 2020 and Finance Committee is considering a 10% increase to start in April 2021. Maria will research the cost of this increase. (Mike: $15.50/ hr, Mark: $14/hr)

Meeting adjourned at 1930


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