COURSE OUTLINE - Anne Arundel County Public Schools

Severna Park High School


Fall 2017


Please note that each SPHS student is responsible for the information contained in the General School Syllabus, as well as this syllabus.


Course Title: Explorations IA

Course Description: A new and dynamic course developed as an introduction and overview for students who wish to participate in SPHS’s Business, Innovation & Leadership Signature Program. In this course, students will explore components of business, innovation and leadership through a project-based approach. Students will develop a sense of individual responsibility, learn life and career skills, gain personal, academic and career success. This course explores the competencies as well as the workforce connections of our 21st century globalized community. Strategies integral to this course include the effective and ethical use of the internet and various forms of media, the ability to discuss and debate relevant topics, the ability to work collaboratively on a variety of projects and assignments, and the ability to communicate outcomes.


Teacher: Mrs. Elizabeth Colόn

Room # G143

Planning Period: 4A & 2B

Teacher email: ecolon@

Teacher Help Day: 2:18-3:00 p.m. Wednesdays & Thursdays

Phone (410) 544-0900

School website:

AACPS website:


Case Studies from MIT Sloan & Harvard Business School, Entrepreneurs Club, Ted Talks & Company Profiles for Students

MODULES – Mods are project-based and include guest speakers, 2 fieldtrips, & various simulations including The Stock Market Game.

Mod 1: Introduction- Business Basics, Entrepreneurship

Mod 2: Business- Corporate Survival, Marketing, Economics

Mod 3: Financial Literacy- Stock Market Game, Credit, Business Funding, Personal Wealth

Mod 4: Human Resources- Recruiting, Retaining, Quality Employees

Mod 5: Innovation- Innovative Process and Product Development

Mod 6: Communication- Business Writing, Professional Presentations, Sales


Students can earn a certificate upon graduation in the SPHS Signature – Business Innovation & Leadership by completing the following:

✓ Explorations IA (take in 9th, 10th or 11th grade)

✓ Explorations IB (take in 10th, 11th, or 12th grade)

✓ Participate in Signature related co-curricular clubs or activities

✓ 2 Business, Innovation & Leadership related electives

✓ 3 yrs World & Classical Languages

✓ Internship, Work Study, or ECAP (12th grade)

Classroom Expectations/Rules:

Arrive to class on time.

Request makeup work at a convenient time – before class begins or after it ends.

Cell phones should be away unless instructed by the teacher.

Remain seated until you are dismissed.

Respect yourself, others, learning, and property.


SPHS grading system will comply with AACPS Board of Education Grading Policy, II-RA.

Grades are earned by student to document mastery of course objectives, skills, content and concepts.

A student’s grade will be determined through a point system. Grades will be weighted using the following categories as per Anne Arundel County Board of Education policy:

Marking Period 1 Marking Period 2

Homework: 10% Homework 10%

Assignments/Quizzes/Tests 80% Assignments/Quizzes/Tests 80%

Quarterly Assessment 10% Quarterly Assessment 10%

Evaluation will be based on quality and effort of required projects (majority of grade), quizzes & tests, presentations, class work, and positive class participation. Group assignments will be given a group grade unless otherwise specified on the rubric.

Grading Scale:

A 100% - 90%

B 89% - 80%

C 79% - 70%

D 69% - 60%

E 59% or below

High School semester grades are determined by:

Each of the two marking period grades of a semester shall equal 50% each. High school course final grades shall be determined by averaging the two marking periods of a semester. Note: Quarterly Assessments shall count for 10% of each marking period.

1st Marking Period = 50% (of which 10% is Quarterly Assessment)

2nd Marking Period = 50% (of which 10% is Quarterly Assessment)

Per AACPS regulation, students may redo three assessments and/or assignments each quarter. Students are encouraged, but not required, to participate in teacher-led reteaching. All redo items must be completed within ten days of receiving the original graded work and may only be redone one time. The higher of the two grades will be used for calculating the student’s quarter grade. The teacher may choose to have the student redo all of an assessment or assignment or may have student only redo specific items or parts of the work. Students may not redo homework, the quarterly assessment, or a large project; however, students may redo parts of a large project, if graded separately by the teacher, with each part counting as a separate redo. Assessments or assignments due in the last week of the quarter are not eligible.

Late Work:

Students with late assignments will receive a grade based on the assigned rubric score, in addition to the late scale below:

1 – School day late 10%

2-5 School days late 20%

6 + School days late 50% (assuming a good faith effort)

Make-up work:

When a student is absent, it is the student’s responsibility to get the make-up work. The student will be allotted the same number of days equal to the number of days absent to make-up work. Students will unlawful absences may request missed assignments, but will not receive credit for the work.

SPHS will comply with AACPS Compulsory Attendance regulation JB-RA in regard to student make-up work.

School supplies specific to this course:



One Subject Spiral or Composition Notebook (to remain in the classroom)

Section of Binder OR a folder with loose-leaf paper designated solely for Explorations IA

Pen/Flash Drive

Please sign and return to your classroom Teacher (Mrs. Colόn).

By signing, I acknowledge that I have read and understand the Specific Course Syllabus for Explorations 1A and will comply with the expectations/policies as stated, along with the policies/regulations of AACPS and SPHS, specifically regarding the Academic Integrity policy.

Class Explorations 1A


Student Name (Print) _______________________________________________________

Student Signature _______________________________________________________

Parent Signature _______________________________________________________


Helpful Information for Communication

Please, print neatly.

Parent(s) Name(s):_____________________________________________________________________________

Parent(s) Email(s):_____________________________________________________________________________

Parent Phone Number(s):_________________________________________________________________________


Who should I contact first about school?___________________________________________________________

How should I reach you? (cell, work phone, email, etc)___________________________

Is there anything that you would like me to know about your student?_____________________________________







Are you interested in being a Guest Speaker in an SPHS Business class? □ Yes □ No

If yes, on what topic(s)?___________________________________________________________________



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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