AACPL Plan: Implementation Priorities

AACPL Plan: Implementation Priorities2009-2010This chart reflects the priorities and assignments taken at the Steering Committee’s final meeting. Strategies are the most fluid parts of a plan, and are generally given for illustrative purposes. During the life of any plan, new opportunities arise that a Steering Committee would not be able to envision, and the environment can change quickly. Many of the strategies in the ‘Outlying Years’ column will undoubtedly be accomplished—but by the plan’s second year some of the identified strategies may no longer be useful. Some will be outgrown—replaced by new alternatives. And there may even be opportunities to accomplish some of them earlier than the group had envisioned! Rather than focus on accomplishing every strategy as currently written, the group should meet annually to review progress and to determine the system’s most powerful next steps—i.e. the strategies that will appear in staff work plans for the coming year.Vision: AACPL is the essential connection to learning and enrichment.MissionGoalObjectiveStrategies: Year One (and who takes the lead role in each)Strategies: Outlying YearsI. Inspire learning throughout life.I. A.: Parents and caregivers will find library resources to support early literacy regardless of their ability to access library facilities.I. A. 1.: By 2014, participation in Babies in Bloom and Preschool Storytime programs will increase by 10% (Note: this is an overall system target, not equally applicable to every branch.) 1.2: Begin a “guest reader” program within select branches giving patrons and celebrities the opportunity to read to children. Include recognition of guest readers. (See IV. B. 1.6 re: coordination and process) (Lois Miller)Shared Guest Reader Guidelines handout with Lois. 5/09Foundation Board to consider for promoting Foundation.1.1: Staff will schedule programs so that patrons can find them easily, ensuring enough opportunities within areas and those programs are frequent, regular, and consistent.1.3: Maximize use of existing programming blog for staff. (Joanie Bradford)Programming and Outreach Committee to investigate alternatives 10/091.4: Explore opportunities for staff efficiencies & sharing including online meetings, staff exchanges & staff mittees to include some online meetings in FY10: New Tech, Staff Development1.5: Explore any existing online training on programming or brain development such as DLDS Emergent Literacy Peer Coaching project.I. A. 2.: By 2014, 25,000 parents and caregivers of children aged birth—5 will receive information about library resources targeted to help them prepare their children for success in school2.2: Continue to coordinate with Tot’s Line or other similar partner. (Joanie Bradford)Arranged for Tot’s Line to attend winter sessions of Babies in Bloom 9/092.1: Communicate information during Babies in Bloom and storytime as well as explore use of web 2.0 online methods such as RSS.2.6: Investigate the possibility of offering mobile services for programming and outreach. (Note: this strategy could apply to other kinds of programming and outreach, not just Birth—5.) (Nancy Choice)2.3: Create a not frequently updated childcare resource publication modeled after Small Business Handbook.2.4: Bring in Brain Development Experts to offer programs for staff and public. Consider working with AACC and other community Early Childhood Education Partners. Tie into any webinars or other tools these experts may provide.2.5: Explore ways to assess need & increase appropriate Spanish language services.Moved Spanish language collection at PRO to EDG as a result of influx of Spanish speakers to EDG community.I. B.: Students will find resources that support their educational success.I. B. 1.: By 2014, 10,000 students and parents will hear about the library’s Radical Researcher program and have an opportunity to participate.1.1: Review Radical Researcher assignment & implementation methods annually. (Betty Morganstern)Meeting with Board of Ed Curriculum coordinators/Presented Homework Center Teacher’s PowerPoint. 7/09Communication with Mark Lynch, Coordinator of Language Arts, about this year’s Radical Researcher which was shared with public school principals. Working with middle school media specialists to update last year’s assignment. 1.4: Explore pilot project online homework assignment sharing through local school websites.1.2: Communicate program updates to HC contacts regularly. (Betty Morganstern)1.5: Continue existing branch relationships with private schools and homeschoolers.1.3: Communicate with public school administration & media services annually. (Betty Morganstern) posters out to AACPS Coordinator of Math curriculum memo & email to curriculum coordinators 1.6: Promote importance of individual schools’ linking to AACPL site.1.7: Fund a prize appropriate for middle school audience used w/Radical Researcher project.I. B. 2.: By 2014, use of electronic and print resources targeted to support student needs will increase by 10%.2.1: Review & reevaluate Homework Center Core Reference titles, databases and lesson plan. Acquisition of new titles pending on funding available. (Betty Morganstern)2.2: Redesign homework page of AACPL website to make it engaging to students & parents using student & school input and to include links for Educators.Revised Homework page using Libguide. New Homework Center button on homepage. 8/092.3: Continue to reach out to parents through Open Houses, PTO meetings, existing branch events, school newsletters and other opportunities. (Betty Morganstern)2.4: Get commercial design support for revised kids & teen Recommended Sites web pages so that pages are appealing & attractive to audiences.I. C.: Residents of Anne Arundel County will find resources that satisfy their lifelong learning needs.I. C. 1: By 2014, 1,000 adults will annually receive the individualized or group computer assistance they need to be successful in job-seeking and general computer skills 1.1: Work with existing partners such as Workforce DevelopmentMet with Workforce Development to discuss formal partnership to use selected branches as “Access Points” for Workforce Development counseling, programs, and training. WD to provide staff to assist patrons completing online job applications and resumes. Pilot program at WCO 7/09Pilot program in place at WCO. Job Search Specialists paid by Workforce Development with stimulus money assist patrons with job search, job applications, and resume writing. Two specialists work 4-hour shifts daily. Workforce Development to present program on Federal job searching at WCO in January. 11/09AACPL a partner with Connect Coalition to promote soft skills needed by youth to succeed on the job. 1.2: Identify or develop staff training that will help with one-on-one model1.3: Explore best practices to reach seniors to develop general computer skills, such as working with senior centers and similar partners as well as one-on-one training.1.4: The 3 area branches will dedicate at least an hour a week, given sufficient computers and staff, to help patrons with online applications, other workforce development issues and general computer skills. Branches will determine the format that works best for them-- either individualized or group training.WCO to pilot program using Workforce Development staff to assist patrons. 7/09Workforce Development staff providing assistance at WCO. Program will be monitored with an eye to potentially expanding to other branches. 11/09 I. C. 2.: By 2014, use of electronic and print resources targeted to workforce development and computer skills will increase by 10%.2.1: Maintain & promote a core collection of workforce development & computer skills related electronic & print tools. (Betty Morganstern)2.2: Promote this collection via website & appropriate partners such as Workforce Development.Workforce Development put link to AACPL website on their website.2.3: Identify electronic resources on resume & workforce development for AACPL website. (Betty Morganstern)Button on AACPL homepage—Job HelpPromotion of Live Homework Help as useful for adults seeking resume assistance.2.4: Develop help resources related to general computer & Web 2.0 skills. (Could be links to established resources or homegrown such as Camtasia productions.)Camtasia production to introduce patrons to My Discoveries . 8/092.5: Ensure that every branch meeting room has a portable LCD projector available, and that there are 4 available for staff doing outreach programs or community presentations including for administration/public relations.Additional projectors purchased for ANN and NCO. 3/09 Total projectors available: PBS (2), CRO, MDC, WCO, ANN, NCO. 7/09I. C. 3.: Library patrons will be served by staff who can assist them to understand and use existing and emerging technologies3.1: Support launching of new technology with appropriate staff training.3.2: Explore delivery methods for patron tutorials on new and existing technology.Camtasia tour of My Discoveries for patrons 8/09.Working on instructions for patrons for using RSS feeds through AquaBrowser. 11/093.3: Identify and purchase any needed equipment or software to assist staff and patron training.II. Enrich the quality of life in the community.II. A.: Residents of Anne Arundel County will have timely access to popular materials.II. A. 1.: By 2014, circulation of AACPL’s collection will increase by 3-5% over its FY 2008 level.1.1: Investigate purchasing video games/downloadable video games and any other emerging material formats during the life of the plan. (Cynthia Bischoff)A list of titles and formats to purchase is completed. Purchases on hold in FY10 because of materials budget cuts.2.3: Evaluate new technology and catalog enhancements throughout the life of the plan.1.2: Evaluate current weeding guidelines and revise as needed, provide weeding training, and develop accountability standards for weeding of materials. (Ed Epstein)1.3: Identify and label new and/or emerging types of materials patrons are looking for, e.g. Urban Fiction and Christian Fiction. (Pat Ferguson)New materials as of 7/1/09 are identified as Urban Fiction or Christian Fiction by Materials Mgmt. and TKS. Materials labeled by TKS.II. A. 2.: By 2014, X# of patrons will have used library technologies designed to increase their convenience in finding and obtaining the resources they want.2.1: Develop staff driven reading lists for the public via My Discoveries. (Cynthia Bischoff)Many lists created. New lists in progress. Guidelines sent to staff to use in adding new lists or adding titles to existing lists. 7/092.2: Use existing technology to communicate with mobile devices for holds, e.g. RSS feeds, etc. (Susan Schmidt)Some branch and HDQ staff participated in Handheld Librarian webinar on use of mobile devices for library services. 7/09Working on instructions for patrons for using RSS feeds through AquaBrowser.II. B.: Community needs and interests will determine library programs offered at each branch.II. B. 1.: During the life of this plan, X# of library patrons will say they are satisfied with the number and type of library programs available to them.1.1: Branch Managers and branch programming staff will meet annually (in the fall) with the AACPL Programming & Outreach Librarian to review and assess branch programming and outreach efforts of the previous year, and form a Branch Programming & Outreach Plan for the upcoming year. (Joanie Bradford)Annual meetings held July, 2009- August, 2009.1.2: Develop procedures for, organize and administer semi annual patron focus groups and/or surveys at each branch, to determine community programming needs and interest.BPK to survey parents at 2 elementary schools and preschools about programming needs.II. B. 2.: By 2014, attendance at branch programs will be maintained or increased without a corresponding increase in staff workload.2.1: Coordinate all programs among branches in each geographic area, using resources like Google Calendar or e-vanced scheduling software. (Joanie Bradford)Preliminary discussions with Area Supervisors in December.2.2: Develop ways to decrease the staff time, effort and expenses used to provide programming, while maintaining program quality. Example: investigate limiting or eliminating crafts in programs.2.3: Investigate alternative methods of program delivery, e.g. Camtasia, YouTubeCamtasia used for My Discoveries tour on website. 8/09III. Provide physical and virtual environments that meet customer needsIII. A.: Patrons will receive professional service from knowledgeable and approachable staff.III. A. 1.: By 2014, 95% of patrons will report being very satisfied with the friendliness and helpfulness of staff.1.1: Staff will reinforce approachable behaviors, people skills, be sociable without socializing, and increase roving. (Nancy Choice)Memo from Betty Morganstern—Roving revisited. 5/20/091.2: Investigate technology that supports roving and implement appropriate technologies as budget allowsSome branch and HDQ staff participated in Handheld Librarian webinar on use of mobile devices for library services. 7/091.3: Circulation staff will reinforce library ambassadorship behaviors. (Susan Schmidt)Reviewed library ambassadorship behaviors at Circulation Services meeting 9/09. Additional discussions to be held at future Circulation Services meetings.1.4: Staff will be familiar with branch and system-wide events and promote activities.1.5: Investigate other systems and their commitment to public service as well as best practice models in hospitality and retail industries and make recommendations for implementation of most applicable models.III. B.: Patrons of all ages will find inviting facilities with easy access to resources.III. B. 1.: By 2014, at least 85% of library patrons will experience the physical facilities as clean, comfortable and properly maintained.1.1: Continue to implement the recommendations of the Branch Appearance Task Force, concentrating on the no-cost/low cost recommendations. Consider Foundation assistance for high cost items. (Susan Schmidt)Purchase of ALA Read posters and frames for each branch 6.09Purchase of Bookworm rug and Cozy Book Loveseat for SPK with Million Dollar Roundtable grant to Foundation.Spreadsheet of BAT Force recommendations for each branch and cost estimates to Foundation.Purchase of mobile displayer for ANN with money donated for use at ANN.1.2: Continue AACPL commitment to training custodians in products, equipment and branch needs by providing annual system-wide training, area training & specific branch training as needed. (Susan Schmidt)1.3: Depending upon budget restraints, investigate use of on-site and area resources to address cleaning needs. (Area Librarian IIs) Custodian Sharing Guidelines completed 6.091.4: Continue recommendations on facilities master plans, both county and AACPL plans. (Susan Schmidt)Request for design money for ANN and NCO replacement projects submitted to AAC as FY11 capital project request.III. B. 2.: By 2014, 90% of patrons will find branches inviting environments with easy access to resources.2.1: To create a more welcoming atmosphere, consider modifying cell phone, beverage and food policies and make recommendations to the Library Board. (Nancy Choice)Compiling information on cell phone and food and drink policies from multiple library systems to prepare proposal for Board of Trustees. 7/092.2: Enhanced signage will be created to guide patrons to the different sections of our collection, with particular emphasis on subject areas within the circulating nonfiction collection.2.4: Examine and possibly pilot alternate methods of shelving the non-fiction collection (Ed Epstein)2.3: If the budget allows, an open and accessible, self-service area with basic office tools and supplies (stapler, hole-punch, scissors, paper clips, pens and pencils) will be available to the public in branches where needed2.5: As funding allows, self-checkout machines will be made available in every branch, and staff will actively promote the self-checkout option to patrons.New Express Checkout machines added to ANN, BDN, NCO, SPK. Older machines moved to PRO and EDG. Existing machines at CRO and WCO. Branches using a variety of methods to promote use. 7/092.6: Additional electrical outlets will be installed in the public area to facilitate increasing patron use of laptop computers. Additional outlets found at BPK when bookcase moved.Contractor’s proposal to install electrical outlets in study carrels at MDC received. Work to be funded by Racetrack funds. 11/09III. C.: Patrons will experience a user-friendly interactive virtual library environment available 24/7.III. C. 1.: By 2014, 80% of patrons will be very satisfied with the library’s web site and catalog.1.1: During the life of this plan, a support committee will be created for ongoing evaluation of usability and to make lower level changes to the web site so that it is easier for patrons to use. (For example, include FAQs as needed.) This responsibility will initially be given to the New Technologies committee, with the addition of Marketing staff. (Betty Morganstern, New Tech)Discussion at 8/09 meeting of New Tech committee of evaluating usability of website. Considering including information on collection development and privacy somewhere on website.1.2: Explore alternate verification procedures, such as automating PIN set, to make it easier for patrons to manage their own accounts.Discussed at October Services and Management meeting. Investigation needed on alternatives. 10/091.3: The Library will improve user verification for databases to be more consistent across databases.III. C. 2.: By 2014, 90% of patrons will find experience with virtual service equivalent to service in a branch.2.3: Allow patrons to be able to pay online with a credit card (Scott Sedmak)Patrons able to pay fees with credit card at Express Checkout stations at ANN, BDN, NCO, and SPK. Ability to donate to the AACPL Foundation online available to the public. 11/092.1: Make it easier for patrons to differentiate between all the ways they communicate with the library online: Ask a Librarian, Ask Us Now, and a widget for real time chat. Explore more ways to promote these services.2.2: The Library will continue to explore, evaluate, and use where applicable, Web 2.0 applications such as blogs, photo sharing sites, Twitter, Facebook and other social networking sites, to enhance and market virtual services.2.4: Create a virtual library (16th branch) for all electronic, online databases, Ask Us Now, Live Homework Help, streaming music, etc.In process of changing home locations for titles/items (Sailor databases, downloadable books, etc.) belonging to AACPL’s e-library. 7/09IV. Ensure sustainability of high-quality essential library servicesIV. A.: The Library will operate efficiently and effectively.IV. A. 1.: By 2014, staff will report that the library’s software, hardware, and network capabilities meet the needs of patrons and staff.1.1: Reduce spam and junk e-mail going to inboxes by 75%. (Skip Booth)Implemented new settings to email management system that dramatically reduced spam 6.091.2: Internet Access Bandwidth will exceed the maximum average demand by 25-50% after compression. (Skip Booth)AACPL provided letter of support for AAC request for stimulus funding to increase bandwidth in AAC.AAC in process of moving branches to fiber. SPK and NCO completed. 11/091.3: Every full-time staff member will have a computer for their exclusive use. (Skip Booth)1.4: Continue to replace the existing phone system to include such features as cordless phones and improved messaging capabilities. (Susan Schmidt)Unable to pursue in FY10 due to significant cuts in Fy10 Repair and Renovations budget.1.5: All application and database servers will be under warrantee and on a replacement schedule. (Skip Booth)1.6: Update the Technology Plan to meet Universal Service requirements. Include current and future goals, and share the plan throughout the system (Skip Booth)New Tech Committee to provide input to Technology Plan at 9/09 meeting.New Tech reviewed earlier Technology plans and tasks and identified what still needs to be done. Large part of the technology plan to be taken from LRP. Will also look at additional issues not covered by plan. Committee will discuss further at 12/09 meeting. IV. A. 2.: By 2014, at least 85% if staff will report that the library’s use of technology increases their productivity.2.1: Create a task force with the authority and expertise to redesign and expand the staff intranet, and develop policies and procedures for its use. (Marion Francis)2.4: Develop a process to submit internal forms electronically. (e.g. Developmental Leave Requests, Program & Publicity)2.2: Establish system e-mail lists to facilitate distribution of system-wide communication. (Area Supervisors)Solicited comments from branches and PBS. Comments to be included in summary noted in strategy Distribute 90% of system-wide communication by email directly to all staff. (e.g. memos, announcements, reports and other documents.) (Area Supervisors, Donna Denny)Began soliciting comments from branches and PBS. Other departments to be solicited soon.Summary of input prepared. A Task Force to include new Chief, ISS to be established to take input and prepare recommendations. 2.5: Store 90% of internal documents on a system-wide drive accessible through both the intranet and staff computers. Allow space for collaboration on documents (Area Supervisors)2.6: Implement the meeting room software. (Skip Booth)Task Force created consisting of New Tech Committee, Joanne Trepp, and some Staff Development Committee members to test software, prepare procedures, and implement. 5/09IV. A. 3.: By 2014, at least 85% of staff will report that the effective use of the library’s existing system resources has allowed them to be more productive.3.1: Review and modify system policies and practices to improve staff efficiency and effectiveness. Determine lower priority practices and services to eliminate. (Marion Francis)Paperless payroll system to be implemented January, 2010 to eliminate paper pay statements. 3.2: Expand the use of short-term, cross-functional task forces as the optimal means to accomplish tasks and complete projects. (e.g. implementation of new software) Continue to examine the charters of committees; use alternatives to meeting in person whenever possible.New Tech and Staff Development committees to hold some online meetings in FY10.3.5: Implement the online help desk software. (Skip Booth)BPK staff testing by submitting SAM issues using help desk software.3.3: Examine the role of volunteers and expand their use to provide greater support to staff. (e.g. helpers for Babies in Bloom and Storytime)Piloting use of Workforce Development paid staff at WCO in assisting patrons with online job applications. 7/093.6: Implement the area support concept for ISS staff to include identifying and training a technology troubleshooter at each branch. (Skip Booth)3.4: Investigate the use of contractual services, interns and other alternatives to AACPL staff to perform select functions.3.9: Examine branch hours to maximize existing staff & facility use. (Nancy Choice)Hours Task Force established to review existing hours and make recommendations related to budget restrictions as well as best use of existing staff.11/093.7: Develop a directory of staff talents and skills to facilitate access to system resources.3.8: Use the events software to its fullest potential to help patrons find programs they want to attend at the location in which they are most interested. (Also look at the listing on the web site to make it as clear as possible.)3.10: Hire a consultant to examine system-wide staff allocation.IV. B.: Obtain the funding needed to provide the services the community needs.IV. B. 1.: During the life of this plan, AACPL will reach out to stakeholders to ask for assistance with sustaining and enhancing government funding. (Library staff, Board of Trustees, Foundation’s Board of Directors, residents, elected officials)1.1: Develop advocacy guidelines for staff to use in the course of patron interactions and at programs (Nancy Choice)Guidelines sent to staff 4/091.2: Support the advocacy efforts of the Library Trustees and Foundation Directors as needed in contacting state and local elected officials (Marion Francis)1.3: Ask residents, our partners and other members of the community to support library funding via direct contact (telephone, email, fax) with County and State elected officials and provide testimony at public County Council hearings (Marion Francis, Laurie Hayes)1.4: Include a value calculator on our website to allow residents to determine how much financial benefit they receive from the Library (Lois Miller)Value calculator added to Advocacy link under Recommended Sites on website. 1.5: Invite elected officials to participate in Library programs and interact with patrons at each branch at least two times a year to include an SRC event and one other special event. Make sure there is a process in place so that invitations are coordinated and staff roles are clear. (Nancy Choice)Invitations to John Leopold, Ed Reilly, Cathy Vitale, and Ed Middlebrooks sent 6/09 to summer concerts.Invitations sent to elected officials to attend presentation of Chesapeake Cup. Invitations to be sent to elected officials to WCO program in January in partnership with Workforce Development to acknowledge this effective partnership. 1.6: Support the advocacy efforts of the Administrator in providing quarterly updates to elected officials about new or noteworthy issues and initiatives of interest to them and their constituents. (Laurie Hayes and Nancy Choice)Several articles on library trends and information on library buildings to be sent to elected officials. 7/09IV. B. 2.: During the life of this plan, AACPL will develop the relationship with and strengthen the support of the Foundation to provide private support to the library.2.1: Develop guidelines for use of library resources to support the Foundation’s fundraising activities. These guidelines will define: promotion of fundraising initiatives in library buildings; the role of library staff in fundraising; and the use of the patron database for fundraising (Lois Miller)2.2: Develop guidelines for public recognition of Foundation donors. These guidelines will define naming opportunities (e.g, collections, rooms, programs); smaller on-site recognition ( e.g. bricks, donor trees); and recognition in publicationsGuidelines drafted for donor recognition. 10/092.3: Develop procedures and guidelines for recommending projects to the Foundation (Lois Miller)Completed. Added to Policies and Procedures Manual 9/09.IV. B. 3.: By 2014, AACPL will increase self-generated revenue (fines and fees, premium goods and services, and alternative ways of generating revenue) by 10% over that of FY 09.3.1: Conduct an annual review of the fines and fees schedule (Scott Sedmak)3.4: Investigate fee-based business services (fax, scanner, notary public)3.2: Increase revenue from book sales by raising prices (Scott Sedmak)Prices raised by Board of Trustees 9/09 and implemented 10/1/09.3.5: Sell supplies related to library activities such as flash drives, headphones, etc.3.3: Lower the collection agency threshold to $25 and lower the blocked threshold (Susan Schmidt)Plan to lower threshold in December 11/093.6: In-branch Automated Teller Machines (Investigate security implications, too.)3.7: Sale of AV materials such as CDs, DVDs, and Books on CD and Cassette (Nancy Choice)Sale of withdrawn CDs, DVDs, Music CDs, and Books on CD approved by Board of Trustees 9/09 and implemented 10/1/09.3.8: Online sale of AACPL materials using a third-party vendor3.9: Fees for meeting room use by for-profit groups and social functions (Nancy Choice)Approved by Board of Trustees 9/09 and implemented 10/12/09.3.10: Sponsored links on AACPL website, such as an online booksellerGuiding PrinciplesWe will be successful if we….Serve the patrons—keep patrons first!Use our resources wisely—do the best we can with themStrive to increase our knowledge and understanding of the duties and operations of branches and departmentsAre accountable for honoring our commitments.Continuously work toward increased efficiency in all of our effortsPromote ourselves, so that the community understands what we offerRecognize and build on each others’ strengthsCelebrate our successes and learn from our experience. ................

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