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498566-10332300AACPS Fall Sports Plan – AD/Staff useFebruary 16 – April 17, 2021Our county-wide Points of Emphasis are: Participation, School-Community Engagement, and Social-emotional Support. We want our communities to know that AACPS Athletics is here for them, in whatever capacity we can be, during these difficult times with the pandemic. The connection between a coach and their student-athletes is critically important (now more than ever). We will continue to honor and support that connection. We are planning for a 9-week fall program, with the last 4 weeks slated for competition. WeekTypeFall wk 116-Feb20-FebTryouts can begin – maximum 3 practicesFall wk 222-Feb27-FebTryouts can begin – maximum 3 practices Pads/Helmets may begin on Feb 27Fall wk 31-Mar6-MarTryouts can begin – maximum 3 practicesFall wk 48-Mar13-MarFull practices (if feasible) or continue as isFall wk 515-Mar20-MarFull practices (if feasible) or continue as is Eligibility rosters posted by March 19Fall wk 622-Mar27-MarCompetition wk 1 Fall wk 729-Mar3-AprCompetition wk 2Fall wk 85-Apr10-AprCompetition wk 3Fall wk 912-Apr17-AprCompetition wk 4ProceduresSchools have supplemental procedure documents for these topics. EligibilityFootball Equipment FittingChangingTransportationSpectator/TicketingPoints of Emphasis for CoachesRegistration. Registration is managed at the school level through FamilyID. Weeks. The season runs Tuesday, February 16th through Saturday, April 17th.During weeks 1, 2, and 3 we will purposefully begin slowly, with teams limited to at most 3 practices a week. The equipment progression for helmets and pads for football can begin as of Saturday, February 27th. These guidelines allow schools time to establish teams over a series of weeks, provide for a gradual and safe progression as students return to physical engagement, and help to address field access equity at a time when grass fields conditions are more uncertain than when a traditional fall season begins. For the first three weeks our earliest start time is 3:45 pm and the latest end time is 10 pm.? Coaches may host virtual orientations prior to their first practice. In the event tryouts and cuts are conducted, each student-athlete will be given at least 3 tryout sessions - following an approved rubric procedure - prior to cuts being made. Equipment progression for football will follow a traditional “Heat Acclimatization Schedule”Starting with week 4, schools may move to full practice schedules provided staffing, conditions and facilities allow. Starting with week 6, we are planning for all sports to begin a 4-week competition schedule. COVID. With any COVID-19 situation that may arise, AACPS will follow protocols and procedures vetted and approved by the Anne Arundel County Department of Health. More details below. Attendance. Attendance will be taken on a standard tracking form.Virtual sessions. In the event we have to pull back our in-person sessions county-wide, or in the event a team is quarantined, coaches will transition to an all virtual program if necessary (details below). “Film/classroom” sessions. Any program who wishes to have a film or classroom session with their team will do so virtually. Spacing. The space assigned to each group will be maximized to provide for as much social distancing as possible. Coaches can move between groups if needed and must be listed on all tracking forms.Session timing / arrival. Athletic directors will purposefully schedule sessions with gaps of at least 15 minutes to allow groups/pods to enter and exit with minimal interaction, especially when the same field or area is being used, and to allow for appropriate cleaning to occur as needed. Student-athletes are asked to wait in cars until at least 10 minutes before the beginning of their session to prevent formation of groups in the parking lot or designated entrance areas.Face coverings. Face coverings should be made of breathable material that fits snugly, but comfortably over the nose and mouth. Neck gaiters and other similar products are not acceptable as face coverings. All staff and coaches shall wear face coverings at all times. Outdoor participants are required to wear face coverings except while on the field of play. Indoor participants are required to wear face coverings at all times. (from Amended EO#42 and AACPS guidelines)Hydration. Everyone will bring their own water bottles, towels, and equipment whenever feasible.Restrooms. Restrooms will be made available. To the extent possible, only one person at a time will use each restroom. AACPS operations staff will clean restrooms. Gear/attire. Student-athletes will report to workouts in proper gear and immediately return home to shower at the end of the workout. Shirts must be worn at all times - no exceptions. Schools may issue and collect gear and equipment. These items should not be shared between student-athletes. Locker rooms/similar spaces for changing. Limited access to locker rooms/similar spaces for the sole purpose of changing will become an option for hybrid students as of March 8th (the date that hybrid high school students are scheduled to begin to return to campuses). Schools will limit the number of students gathering in such spaces according to health and safety guidelines. Bad Weather Scenarios. In the event of dangerous weather scenarios that occur after a session starts (ex: lightning strikes), staff and student-athletes who can’t leave campus immediately will move indoors to the largest indoor space that is located close to or has its own exterior entrance/exit point (typically a gymnasium/cafeteria/auditorium) while maintaining social distance and wearing masks until their rides arrive. ADs will ensure there is a plan in place to guarantee access to these spaces is always available while students are on campus. Additionally, in order to help reduce the likelihood of having to house large numbers of staff and students indoors, the county and or individual schools may proactively cancel in-person sessions based on conditions. If AACPS closes schools for inclement weather, athletics will operate under any county-wide directive regarding virtual engagement. Handbook. The guidelines outlined in the AACPS Athletic Handbook apply during these sessions. Any exception or modification to those guidelines that are needed during these unique circumstances will be documented and communicated. Removal / Failure to adhere to Guidelines. Student-athletes may be removed from these sessions for health/safety concerns or for discipline issues. In the event that a member(s) of a group fails to adhere to the guidelines in this document, the group will be given a verbal warning and must take corrective action. A second violation will result in another warning and that group session ending immediately. A third violation will result in that group being pulled from the schedule and appropriate discipline issued to the coaching staff. Spectators. At the onset of this program, parents/guardians, and/or fans will not be allowed to congregate at the practice sites. If needed for rides, they are asked to stay in their vehicles while waiting for student athletes. Once competitions start, we will follow the spectator/timing procedures. Outside Participation. Given the times we are in and in order to be efficient and consistent across the county, AACPS Athletics is providing a blanket allowance for student-athletes who have an outside participation conflict for athletics to participate on our teams for the fall season.? This comes with three expectations: (1) We expect SAs/families to provide information on conflicts they have to their coaches as soon as possible, who will share with the AD, (2) We expect any student who is coming back from out-of-state to follow current health and safety protocols to include any quarantining, and (3) We expect coaches to be professional, fair, and safe in how they manage their SAs as it relates to participation in competitions.? Virtual weeks (if needed)Attendance will be taken. Coaches are encouraged to use the google classroom and google meet environment. As coaches plan for and implement virtual sessions, we trust that they know their student-athletes best and will make decisions that meet the needs and interests of their team. ADs will be prepared to provide extra assistance for coaches who are not as tech savvy/comfortable as others.During virtual weeks we ask fall coaches to plan for at least 3 hours of a combination of asynchronous and synchronous activity for their student-athletes per week, to include at least 2 synchronous check-ins. We recommend synchronous/live virtual sessions be planned for 45 minutes or less, and then driven by student-athlete desire/interest beyond that time. We encourage virtual sessions to be purposefully different from what students are seeing during the school day. Coaches will be creative and consider using some of the ideas/resources available on our AACPS Athletics website. Coaches will use their entire staff to assist with smaller breakouts during virtual sessions. Coaches and schools are asked to share best practices with their colleagues. To supplement the time commitment difference between a traditional season (where coaches typically host 5-6 practices/games a week for 2-3 hours at a time) and this unique situation where we having coaches engage virtually with their teams for less time, we ask coaches to spend some time each week engaging in furthering their own professional development. We encourage the NFHS Learn website, reading relevant articles, sharing best practices with colleagues (SC meetings), and taking advantage of any other appropriate professional development resource.COVID-19 Contact tracing lead - Kate GilbertWhile the information in this document represents standards related to how COVID-19 situations may be managed, each case is different. AACPS will take guidance and direction from the county Department of Health. Department of Health officials note that it is difficult to make blanket statements and policies regarding quarantines. There are nuances to every scenario.SymptomsCOVID-19-like illness is defined as: Any 1 of the following?symptoms: cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, new loss of taste or smell; or at least two of the following symptoms:?fever of 100.4 or higher (measured or subjective), chills or shaking chills, muscle aches, sore throat, headache, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea, fatigue, congestion or runny nose?Procedures Part OneUpon screening or during an in-person session, any student-athlete or coach with COVID-19 symptoms (as outlined above in the Health and Safety section) shall not be allowed to take part in workouts and should be immediately sent home, and parents contacted. The coach will notify the Athletic Director and submit the corresponding attendance sheets. The Athletic Director will inform school administration, the nurse, and the Office of Athletics. Prior to returning to an in-person session, a physician’s diagnosis (viral infection is not acceptable) and/or negative COVID-19 test result documentation must be submitted by the parent/guardian to the athletic department.Part TwoImmediately upon learning that a student-athlete or coach, who has been participating in one of the groups, tests positive for COVID-19, an investigation will occur based on the attendance tracking forms and school schedules (hybrid students) for that group. Student-athletes who test positive will isolate for a period of 10 days from the onset of symptoms and compete the Return to Play Clearance Form (below) prior to returning to full participation. Those who are determined to be close contacts within that group will quarantine for a period of 14 days from the date of exposure, monitor for symptoms, and let their health care provider know if symptoms develop. The staff at the school will work with the athletics office to follow the established AACPS communication procedures, as outlined at this website: . Procedures may not be based solely on the level of direct contact with the positive person. Out of an abundance of caution, it is possible everyone with whom that person had any contact in the group setting may be quarantined. At the conclusion of a 14-day quarantine period the impacted group may resume in-person activities with all those who show no symptoms of COVID-municationUpon receiving information related to a COVID exposure or positive test result, the coach will notify the Athletic Director and submit the corresponding attendance sheets. The Athletic Director will inform school administration, the school nurse, and the Office of Athletics. The Office of Athletics will communicate and coordinate with the AACPS Contact Tracing Team, keeping the school’s athletic department and administration appraised of next steps. When possible, the school nurse may collaborate with the athletic staff and contact the individual with the positive test result to determine other individuals who are close contacts. School administration, the school nurse, and athletic staff will collaborate to determine those who may have been exposed.School staff will then notify those who have been in close contact with the individual who has tested positive. The Contact Tracing Team will email a letter to close contacts outlining the duration of the quarantine, as well as a letter to those exposed containing the location and approximate date of exposure. This will include the affected students, athletic department staff, custodial, logistics staff, school administration, and central office. Should a shutdown of the program be necessary, those involved will be directed by school administration to informatory letters posted on the school website.Exposure and QuarantineA close contact is defined by the Centers of Disease Control (CDC) as “Someone who was within 6 feet of an infected person for a cumulative total of 15 minutes or more over a 24-hour period* starting from 2 days before illness onset (or, for asymptomatic patients, 2 days prior to test specimen collection) until the time the patient is isolated. * Individual exposures added together over a 24-hour period (e.g., three 5-minute exposures for a total of 15 minutes).” An individual placed in quarantine, must stay at home and not work or go to school outside of the home for a period of 14 days from the date of last exposure. Individuals may end quarantine and return to work/school after completing the 14-day quarantine period without exhibiting symptoms.A quarantine may impact a student’s ability to participate in subsequent athletic opportunities. All coaches, student-athletes, and parents/guardians are expected to continually self-monitor for signs/symptoms of COVID-19 prior to a workout. Out of State Travel. While we discourage any activity that increases risk, the Governor’s previous order about out-of-state travel has been lifted. We can no longer require a negative test result or quarantine in these cases. What about out of the country? CDC states that travel increases your chances of spreading and getting COVID-19 and recommends delaying travel at this time and staying home. If you must travel,?this comprehensive website has suggestions and tips, as well as a categorization of the risk level by country. They recommend getting tested before and after taking a trip. To be clear this is just a recommendation. Attendance Tracking ToolSchool:Date:Sport & Level:Last NameFirst NameStudent ID numberVirtualorHybridWithin the past two weeks have you been exposed to anyone diagnosed with COVID-19?Do you have a temperature above 100.40?Are you exhibiting any other symptoms of COVID-19 such as cough, shortness of breath, shaking chills, chest pain, fatigue, racing heart rate, dizziness, loss of taste or smell, nausea, vomiting, sore throat, or unusual pains?1234567891011121314151617181920* 2122232425262728293031323334353637383940-16732287312Coaches00Coaches* = indoor stops hereReturn To Play Clearance FormCOVID-19 Infection Medical ClearanceThe MPSSAA Medical Advisory Committee Physicians strongly recommends the use of this form by member schools as it relates to students who have tested positive for Covid-19. This form must be signed by one of the following examining Licensed Health Care Providers (LHCP) before the student-athlete is allowed to resume full participation in athletics: Licensed Physician (MD/DO), Licensed Physician Assistant (PA), Licensed Nurse Practitioner (NP). This form must be signed by the student-athlete’s parent/legal custodian giving their consent before their child resumes full participation in athletics.Name of Student-Athlete:______________________________________________DOB: ___________________Participating Sport(s):_________________________________________________________________________Date COVID-19 Infection Diagnosed: ____________________________________________________________ If symptomatic, date symptoms resolved: __________________________________________________________COVID Case: ? Asymptomatic (no symptoms) or mild symptoms (fever, myalgia, chills, and lethargy < 4 days)? Moderate symptoms (fever, myalgia, chills or lethargy lasting >=4 days or hospitalized but not in ICU)? Severe symptoms (hospitalized in ICU and/or MIS-C) Some students, particularly those with moderate to severe illness, may require a graduated return-to-play (RTP) protocol once the student has been cleared by a LHCP (cardiologist for moderate to severe COVID-19 symptoms). The American Academy of Pediatrics COVID-19 Interim Guidance: Return to Sport provides a recommendation for RTP (page 2) if necessary. As the examining LHCP, I attest that the above-named student-athlete is now reporting to be completely free of all signs and symptoms of COVID-19, at least 10 days from positive test, and afebrile for 24 hours and is either cleared for resumption of activity or recommended for cardiology referral. ? Cleared for return to athletics.? Cleared for return to athletics after completion of a graduated return to play due to the severity of symptoms and/or hospitalization associated with the student’s positive COVID-19 diagnosis.? Not Cleared: Cardiology consultation before clearance. 46405804635500________________________________________________________________Signature of Licensed Physician, Licensed Physician Assistant, DateLicensed Nurse Practitioner (Please Circle)___________________________________________________________________Please Print Name ______________________________________________________________________________________________Please Print Office Address Phone Number*****************************************************************************Parent/Legal Custodian Consent for Their Child to Resume Full Participation in AthleticsI am aware that _______________ (school name) requests the consent of a child’s parent or legal custodian prior to them resuming full participation in athletics after having been diagnosed with a COVID-19 infection. I am giving my consent for my child to resume full participation in athletics. By signing below, I hereby give my consent for my child to resume full participation in athletics. I understand if my child develops symptoms such as chest pain, shortness of breath, excessive fatigue, feeling lightheaded, or palpitations (racing heart), that my athlete should stop exercising immediately and consultation with LHCP will be necessary.889001397004330700127000Signature of Parent/Legal CustodianDate88900177800Please Print Name and Relationship to Student-AthletePLEASE RETURN COMPLETED FORM TO YOUR SCHOOL TRAINER / NURSEGraduated Return-to-Play Protocol After COVID-19 InfectionIn participants who have had moderate or severe symptoms of COVID-19 or their provider has any concerns for rapid return to play (RTP), the athlete should complete the progression below without development of chest pain, chest tightness, palpitations, lightheadedness, pre-syncope, or syncope. If these symptoms develop, the participant should be referred back to the evaluating provider who signed the form. Stage 1: (2 Days Minimum) Light Activity (Walking, Jogging, Stationary Bike) for 15 minutes or less at intensity no greater than 70% of maximum heart rate. NO resistance training. Stage 2: (1 Day Minimum) Add simple movement activities (EG. running drills) for 30 minutes or less at intensity no greater than 80% of maximum heart rate.Stage 3: (1 Day Minimum) Progress to more complex training for 45 minutes or less at intensity no greater than 80% maximum heart rate. May add light resistance training.Stage 4: (2 Days Minimum) Normal Training Activity for 60 minutes or less at intensity no greater than 80% maximum heart rate.Stage 5: Return to full activity. If required by health care provider, the participant has completed the 5 stage RTP progression under the supervision of a responsible adult:______________________________.RTP Procedure adapted from Elliott N, et al. Infographic. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 2020 ................

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