

Zena Werb

Professor of Anatomy

Department of Anatomy, HSW 1323/1301

University of California, San Francisco

513 Parnassus Ave.

San Francisco, California 94143-0452

Telephone: (415) 476-4622 FAX (415) 476-4565

E-mail/Internet: zena.werb@ucsf.edu


BIRTHPLACE: Bergenbelsen, Germany

BIRTHDATE: March 24, 1945

CITIZENSHIP: dual citizen, United States of America; Canada


1962-6, University of Toronto (University College), Honours B.Sc. 1966 (Biochemistry and Physiology).

1966-71, The Rockefeller University, New York, Ph.D. 1971 (Cell Biology). Thesis advisor, Professor Zanvil A. Cohn.

1971-3, Strangeways Research Laboratory, Cambridge, England (Protein Chemistry). Postdoctoral Fellow, Laboratory of Dr. John T. Dingle.


1973-5, Research Scientist, Tissue Physiology Department, Strangeways Research Laboratory, Cambridge, England,

1975, Visiting Scientist, Division of Medical Genetics, Department of Pediatrics, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri,

1975-6, Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine, Dartmouth Medical School, Hanover, New Hampshire.

1976-9, Assistant Adjunct Professor, Radiobiology and Radiology, University of California, San Francisco.

1979-80, Assistant Professor in Residence, Anatomy, Radiobiology and Radiology, University of California, San Francisco.

1980-3, Associate Professor in Residence, Anatomy, Radiobiology and Radiology, University of California, San Francisco.

1983-92, Professor in Residence, Anatomy, and Radiology, University of California, San Francisco.

1992-present, Professor, Anatomy, University of California, San Francisco.

1985-6, Visiting Professor, Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, University of Oxford, Oxford, England.

1995-present, Faculty Biologist (Cell and Molecular Biology), Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA.

1998, Visiting Professor, Institut Curie, Paris, France.

1999-present, Vice-chair, Department of Anatomy University of California, San Francisco.

2006-present, Visiting Professor, Max Planck Institute for Biochemistry, Martinsried (Munich), Germany.

Other Academic appointments

1983-Present, Member, Program in Biological Sciences.

1988-Present, Graduate Program in Developmental Biology.

1992-present, Founding Member, Graduate Program in Biomedical Sciences.

1994-present, Member, UCSF Comprehensive Cancer Center.

1999-present, Member, Cardiovascular Research Institute

2002-present, Member, Program in Development and Stem Cell Biology.

2002-present, Member, Program in Mesenchymal and Craniofacial Biology

2002-present, Member, Diabetes Center

2004-present. Member, Program in Immunology.

2004-present, Member, Steering Committee, Medical Scientist Training Program.

2004-present, Program Director, Postdoctoral Training Program in Molecular and Cellular Basis of Cancer.

2005-present, Member, Human Embryonic Stem Cell Biology (hESC) Program

2007-present, Pipeline Leader, Cancer Stem Cells and Stem Cell Niches, UCSF Institute of Regeneration Medicine


Election to Honorary Societies (*most significant)

1992, Elected Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science

2002, *Elected Member, Institute of Medicine of the National Academies

2003, *Elected Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Sciences

Other Honors and Awards (*most significant)

1963-6, University of Toronto, University awards: Bessie Griffith Cosens Scholarship, Gordon Southam Scholarship, Robert Bruce Scholarship, Daniel Wilson Scholarship in Life Sciences (Physiology and Biochemistry), First Ann Shepard Memorial Scholarship in Life Sciences, Second Ann Shepard Memorial Scholarship in Life Sciences, Second Alexander T. Fulton Scholarship. 1963-5. University College awards: 4 scholarships

1972-3, Visiting Associate, Clare Hall, Cambridge University, Cambridge, England. Lifetime member, 1990-present

1982, *R.R. Bensley Memorial Award and Lecture of the American Association of Anatomists “in recognition of outstanding original contributions by a young investigator to cell biology”

1985-6, *Fellow, John Simon Guggenheim Foundation

1996, *FASEB Excellence in Science Award

2000, Gwendolyn J. Stewart Award to honor Women in Biomedical Sciences “for contributions to Vascular Biology”, Temple University, Philadelphia

2001, *Charlotte Friend Lecture, American Association for Cancer Research, Women in Cancer Research

2001, *44th Faculty Research Lecture Award, University of California, San Francisco

2003, *Doctor in Medicine (honoris causa), University of Copenhagen

2005, Chair, Gordon Research Conference on Matrix Metalloproteinases, Big Sky, Montana (vice-chair, 2003)

2005, *President, American Society for Cell Biology (President-elect, 2004; Past-President, 2006)

2005, ISI Highly Cited Researcher

2006-7, *The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Research Award, Germany

2007, *E. B. Wilson Medal, American Society for Cell Biology “for far-reaching contributions to cell biology over a lifetime in science”

2009, Colin Thomson Memorial Medal, Association for International Cancer Research

Teaching Awards

1997-8, Nominated for Best Lecture Series, IDS100, Class of 2000


1966-71, Rockefeller University Graduate Fellowship

1971-3, Fellow, Medical Research Council (Canada)

1985-6, Fellow, John Simon Guggenheim Foundation

1998, Rotschild/Mayent Fellow, Institut Curie, Paris France

Named and Keynote Lectureships

1978, Keynote lecture, Gordon Research Conference on Non-ventilatory Functions of Lung, New Hampshire

1986, Muriel Trotter Lecture “by a distinguished woman scientist,” Washington University, St. Louis

1988, Keynote Lecture, Role of Macrophages in Wound Healing, Dallas, TX

1989, Distinguished Lecture, State University of New York at Albany

1991, State of the Art Lecture, Society for the Study of Reproduction, Vancouver, Canada

1992, Lowell Lectures in Biotechnology, Northeastern University, Boston, MA

1992-4, Sigma Xi Scientific Research Society, National Lecturer

1997, Chitra Biswas Memorial Lecture, Tufts University, School of Medicine, Boston

1998. 3rd Earl Benditt Endowed Lecture, Univ. of Washington, Seattle

1998, Keynote Speaker, AACR Conference on Proteases and Protease Inhibitors in Cancer, Nyborg, Denmark

1999, Joseph L. Melnick Distinguished Guest Lecture, Baylor College of Medicine

1999, Biosciences Distinguished Lecture, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

2000, Roger S. Mitchell Lecture, Thomas L. Petty Aspen Lung Conference, Aspen, CO

2000, Keynote Speaker, Gordon Research Conference on Reproductive Tract Biology, New London, CT

2001, Keynote Lecture, Stanford University, Reproductive Sciences Research Symposium

2001, Herbert M. Parker Lecture, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Hanford WA, “a contribution to professional and public enlightenment”

2001, Distinguished Lecture, American College of Rheumatology, San Francisco

2002, Keynote Speaker, Gordon Research Conference on Proteases

2002, Keynote Speaker, International Society for Differentiation, Lyon, France

2002, Keynote Speaker, Genentech Inc., Postdoctoral Retreat, Tomales Bay, CA

2002, Inaugural Keynote Lecture, Australian Breast Cancer Research Initiative, Melbourne, Australia

2003, The Pharmacology Founders’ Seminar, Wayne State University, Detroit MI

2003, Basic Science Distinguished Lecture, Siteman Cancer Center, Washington University, St. Louis

2003, Distinguished Lecture, Danish Cancer, Biological and Biochemistry Societies, Copenhagen, Denmark

2004, Schlessinger Lecture, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School, Dept. of Pathology, Boston, MA.

2004, Seminaris oncologia 2004, Institut Recerca Hospital Universitari Vall d’Hebron-Fundación BBVA, Barcelona, Spain

2004, Alexander S. Wiener Lecture, New York Blood Center, New York, NY

2004, Keynote speaker, New York Academy of Sciences conference on "Matrix Metalloproteinase Inhibitors (MMPIs): Expanding the Horizon", New York, NY.

2005, Keynote lecture, joint session Keystone Symposia on “The Role of Microenvironment in Tumor Induction and Progression”, and “Cancer and Development”, Banff, Canada

2005, Maude L. Menton Lecture, University of Pittsburg, PA

2005, Distinguished Seminar Speaker, National Jewish Medical and Research Center, Denver, CO

2005, 17th Otto Herz Memorial Lecture, Tel Aviv University, Israel

2006, Walther Lecturer, Notre Dame University Cancer Center, Notre Dame, IN

2006, Pfizer Lecture, Institut de recherches cliniques de Montréal, Canada

2006, Distinguished Lecture, Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia PA

2006, Keynote Speaker, Symposium on Dynamic Microscopy 2006, Wurzburg, Germany

2007, AstraZeneca Lecture, University of Manchester, UK

2007, NCI Director’s Lecture, Bethesda, MD

2007, Dean's Distinguished Lecture, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little Rock AR

2007, Keynote lecture, Gordon Research Conference on Matrix Metalloproteinases, Il Ciocco, Italy

2007, Keynote lecture, SEBC, the XII Congress of the Spanish Society for Cell Biology, Pamplona, Spain

2007, E.B. Wilson Medal Lecture, American Society for Cell Biology Annual Meeting, Washington DC

2008, Frontiers in Science Public Lecture, LifeLong Learning Society Endowed Professorship, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL

2008, ADVANCE Distinguished Lectureship in Academic Careers in Engineering and Science, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH

2008, Whitely Lecture, Northwestern Developmental Biology Conference, Friday Harbor, WA

2008, AWIS Lectures, University of Toledo, Toledo, OH

2008, Keynote speaker, Burnham Institute for Medical Research Cancer Center, annual retreat, Warner Springs, CA

2008, Keynote lecture, AACR Special Conference on Chemical and Biological Aspects of Inflammation and Cancer, Oahu, HI

2008, Keynote lecture, Comprehensive Cancer Center at the University of Alabama at Birmingham

2009, Keynote lecture, AACR Special Conference on Mouse Models of Cancer, San Francisco, CA

2009, Discovery Lecture, Department of Cell Biology, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

2009, Friedrich Miescher Lecture, Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research, Basel, Switzerland

2009, Distinguished Lecture, Neuro-oncology, Washington University, St. Louis MO

2009, President’s Lecture, Memorial-Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY

2009, Suzanne M. Bernier Lecture in Skeletal Biology, University of Western Ontario, London, Canada

2009, Keynote Lecture, International Pemphigus Meeting, Berne, Switzerland

2009, Colin Thomson Memorial Medal Lecture, Association for International Cancer Research, Beatson International Cancer Conference, Glasgow, Scotland


1982-3, Member, Editorial Board, RES, Journal of Reticuloendothelial Society

1982-4, Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Immunology

1982-7, Member, Editorial Board, American Journal of Physiology: Cellular Physiology Section

1983-5, Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Cell Biology

1985-2004, Advisory Editor, Journal of Experimental Medicine

1986-92, Editorial Board, Physiological Reviews

1990-2001, Member, Board of Reviewing Editors, Science

1992-2002, Member, Editorial Board, Arteriosclerosis and Thrombosis

1995, Guest Editor (with M.J. Bissell), Seminars in Cancer Biology, June

1995-9, Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Craniofacial Genetics and Developmental Biology

1998, Guest Editor (with A.R. Horwitz), Current Opinion in Cell Biology, October

1999-present, Associate Editor, Matrix Biology

1999-present, Member, Editorial Board, Neoplasia

1999-present, Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Cell Science

2000-present, Consulting Editor, Cell

2001-present, Consulting editor, Development Cell

2001-2, Senior editor, Genetics (Extracellular Matrix), The Scientific World (e-journal)

2001-present, Consulting Editor, Cancer Cell

2002-present, Member, Editorial Board, Molecular Biology of the Cell

2003-present, Member, Editorial Board, Molecular Cancer Research

2004-present, Member, Editorial Board, Organogenesis

2004, Guest Editor (with G. Evan), Current Opinion in Genetics and Development, 02/2004

2004-present, Member, Highlight Advisory Panel, Nature Reviews Cancer

2007-present, Member, Editorial Board, Genes and Development

2009-present, Member, Editorial Board, Current Opinion in Cell Biology


1967-71, Sigma Xi, Associate Member

1972-5, Fellow, Royal Society of Medicine

1973-83, The Biochemical Society

1976-present, American Society for Cell Biology

1979-present, American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

1979-93, American Association of Immunologists

1967-71, 1979-present, American Association for the Advancement of Science

1984-95, American Physiological Society, Sustaining Associate

1985-93, Society for Leukocyte Biology

1986-2000, International Society for Women Bioscientists

1988-present, Society for Developmental Biology

1992-present, International Society for Matrix Biology

1992-2001, American Society for Investigative Pathology

1997-8, New York Academy of Sciences

2000-1, American Association of Anatomists

2001-present, American Association for Cancer Research

2001-present, American Society for Matrix Biology

2002-present, American Society for Neuroscience

2004-present, International Society for Differentiation

2006-present, American Society for Microbiology


National Institutes of Health

1976, 1978, 1979, 1983, 1987, Member of site visit committees

1978, 1990, Member, Special Study Sections

1985, Special Member, Cell Biology and Physiology Study Section

1991-5, *Member, Board of Scientific Counselors, National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases.

1995, Chair, Special Study Section, NIGMS,

2001, Member, Committee for Oncological Sciences (IRG 13) Proposed study sections.

2002, Ad hoc member, Biochemistry Study Section, NIH.

2004, Member, Special Study Section on Stem Cells and Aging, NIA.

2004-present, Member, Steering Committee, Mouse Models of Human Cancer Consortium, NCI. Chair, working group on the Tumor Microenvironment

2007, Member, ZRG1 CB-J (02) M, Cell Biology IRG

2007-8, Member, ICI Intercellular Interactions ZRG1-ICI-D (01) Q

2007-8, Interim member ICI Intercellular Interactions Study Section Cell Biology IRG, NIH

2008, Reviewer, NIH Director's Pioneer Award Program

2008, Chair, ZRG1 MOSS-A (02) Special Emphasis Panel, NIH

2008-10, *Member and Chair, ICI Intercellular Interactions Study Section, Cell Biology IRG, NIH

National Science Foundation

1980-2, Member, advisory committee for Physiology, Cellular and Molecular Biology, Cell Physiology Program

The National Cancer Institute of Canada

1989, Member, Terry Fox Cancer Program, Project Review Committee

1990-1, Member, Cell and Molecular Biology Panel

2002-3, Member, Review Panel, Canadian, Breast Cancer Initiative, Translation Acceleration Grants Program for Breast Cancer Control

American Association for the Advancement of Science

1992-5, *Council Delegate (elected) Section on Biological Sciences (G)

American Association for Cancer Research

2003, Chair, Fellowship Awards Committee

2003, Meeting Organizer, Education Session

2004, *Meeting Co-chair, Program Committee

2004, Co-Organizer (with Judah Folkman and Peter Carmeliet), AACR Meeting on Angiogenesis

2003-6, *Member, Board of Directors (elected)

2004, Co-Chair, Science Awards Committee

2004-present, Member, Task force on Aging and Cancer

2004, Chair, Nomination Committee, Science Awards

2004, Member, Nomination Committee, Lifetime Achievement Award

2005, Chair, Lifetime Achievement Award Committee

2007-9, Member Nominating Committee (elected)

The American Society for Cell Biology

1981, 1983-5, 2000-1, 2004-5 Member, Program Committee

1984, *Chair, Program Committee

1981-5, Representative, Legislative Alert Committee

1983-5, Editorial Board, Journal of Cell Biology

1983-5, Member, Public Policies Committee

1984-5, Member, Executive Program Planning Committee

1986-92, ASCB Publications Committee Representative to Physiological Reviews Editorial Board

1986-8, Advisory Committee to the International Congress of Cell Biology (Montreal 1988)

1987-9, Member, Local Arrangements Committee (San Francisco Meeting Feb. 1989)

1988-91, Member (elected), Publications Committee; Chair 1990-1.

1992-4, *Council Member (Elected)

1993-4, Member, Nominations Committee

1994, Chair, ASCB/AAAS Symposium.

1994-6, Member, Program Committee, International Congress of Cell Biology (San Francisco, December 1996)

1996, 1998, Member, E.B. Wilson Award Committee

1998-2003, *Chair, Women in Cell Biology; 2004-7, Member ex officio.

1998-present.,Table Leader, ASCB Careers Lunch

2001, Member, ASCB Promega Award selection committee.

2004, ASCB President-elect (elected), Member of Executive Committee

2005, *ASCB President

2006, ASCB Past President, Member of Executive Committee

2006-present, Member, International Affairs Committee; Chair 2006

2008, Chair, Nominations Committee

American Society for Matrix Biology

2001-3, *Member, Council (elected).

2001-2, Member, Program Committee.

International Society for Matrix Biology

2003-5, Member, Council (elected)

Keystone Symposia on Molecular and Cellular Biology

1994-2000, Member, Scientific Advisory Board.

1999-2000, Member, Program Committee.

The National Academies

2004, Member, Board on Life Sciences, Committee to evaluate Eminent Scholar program.

2004-present, Correspondent, Committee on Human Rights of the National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering and Institute of Medicine.

2005-8, *Vice-Chair 2005-6, Chair 2006-8, Section 02 (Biochemistry, Cellular and Molecular Biology, Medical Microbiology and Immunology and Genetics), Institute of Medicine

International Society for Differentiation

2003-4, Member, Program committee, Biennual meeting, Honolulu, HI

2004, Member, Nominating committee

American Academy of Arts and Sciences

2005, 2007-9, Member, Membership selection committee Class II, section 5

2009-10, Chair, Membership selection committee Class II, section 5


1995-8, 2005-present, Advisory Board, Children’s Hospital Research Institute, Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles.

1999-2000, Scientific Advisory Board, Desmos, Inc. (San Diego).

2000, Scientific Advisory Board, Fulcrum Pharma, Ltd. (London).

2000-1, Scientific Advisory Board, Ab Tech Antibody Technologies (Paris).

2001-4, Scientific Advisory Board, Novothera Technologies Inc. (Montreal)

2001-present, Scientific Advisory Board, Immusol, Inc. (La Jolla).

2001-4, Scientific Advisory Board, Thios, Inc. (San Francisco).

2002-5, External Advisory Board, Breast Cancer Center of Excellence, Wayne State University, Detroit MI.

2003-present, Scientific Advisory Board, MIT Center for Cancer Research

2003-4, Scientific Advisory Board, Charger Pharmaceuticals LLC (Piscataway).

2004, International Advisory committee, Molecular Determinants of Breast Cancer Metastasis, Canadian Breast Cancer Research Alliance, Ontario Cancer Institute, Toronto, Canada.

2004-present, Member, Scientific Advisory Committee, Children’s Hospital Boston, Harvard Medical School, Boston MA; Chair, 2008-present.

2004-present, External Advisory Board (EAB), EU-funded MAIN Network of Excellence "Targeting Cell Migration in Chronic Inflammation"

2004-present, Scientific Advisory Board, Ohio Connective Tissue Engineering Center

2006-present, International Advisory Board, Cancer Research UK, Cambridge Research Institute, Cambridge, UK.


1982, U.S. Department of Energy, Member, site visit committee to evaluate the Laboratory of Chemical Biodynamics, UC Berkeley.

1984, External consultant to review the graduate program in Pathology, University of Utah.

1986-7, Publication program reviewer, CRC Press, Inc.

1986-91, Advisory Board, Center for Dental Research, University of Alabama at Birmingham.

1987-9. American Association of Medical Colleges, UCSF Liaison Officer to the Program on Women in Medicine 1992, Advisory Board, Center for Craniofacial Molecular Biology, University of Southern California, Los Angeles.

1994-6, Advisory Board, Center for Pulmonary Pathology, Jewish Hospital, Washington University, St. Louis.

1995-6, External Advisory Board, Center for Pediatric Pulmonary Biology, Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles.

1995-2000, External Advisory Board, Reproductive Endocrinology Center, Stanford University.

1995-9, External Advisory Board, Vascular Biology Center, University of Washington, Seattle.

1995, External consultant to review Institute of Medical Sciences, University of Toronto.

1996, External consultant to review Children’s Hospital Los Angeles Research Institute.

1997-2008, Reader, John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation

2001, External Review, Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

2001-2, Selection Committee, H. Russell Smith Award for Innovation in Paediatric Research, Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles.

2004-5, External Advisory Board, Program Project on Biology of the Artery Wall and Atherosclerosis, University of Washington, Seattle, WA.

2005, Internal Advisory Board, Program Project Grant on "Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Asthma", UCSF

2006, External Review Committee, Children’s Hospital, Los Angeles

2009-10, Member, California Breast Cancer Research Program Expert Panel on “Toward a New Paradigm of Breast Cancer Causation and Prevention”


1981. Symposium organizer, Mechanisms of Endocytosis, American Society for Cell Biology, Anaheim, California.

1984 *Chair, Program Committee, American Society for Cell Biology Annual Meeting

1987 Session Chairman, Conference on the Biology of the Macrophage, Oxford, England.

1988 Session Organizer, UCLA Symposium on Proteinases and Biological Control, Lake Tahoe, California.

Session Organizer, Gordon Conference on Proteases, Plymouth, New Hampshire.

Minisymposium organizer, International Congress of Cell Biology, Montreal, Canada.

Local Arrangements Committee, American Society for Cell Biology/American Biochemistry and Molecular Biology joint meeting, San Francisco, Jan. 29 - Feb 2.

1989 Session Organizer, Gordon Conference on Structural Macromolecules: Collagen (June).

Scientific Advisory Committee, International Conference on Matrix Metalloproteinases, Florida (September).

1991 Session Organizer, UCLA Symposium on Molecular Mechanisms in Arthritis (March).

1992 Co-organizer, Keystone Symposium on Growth and Differentiation Factors in Development (March/April).

Session Organizer, Gordon Research Conference on Gametogenesis and Embryogenesis, New Hampshire, (July).

Minisymposium Organizer, American Society for Cell Biology, Annual Meeting, Denver CO (November).

1993 Session Organizer, Keystone Symposium on Arthritis (January).

1994 Organizer, AAAS-ASCB Symposium, AAAS Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA (February).

Minisymposium Organizer, AACR Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA (April).

1996 Program Committee, International Congress of Cell Biology, San Francisco, CA (December).

1997 Co-organizer, New York Academy of Sciences Conference on Cell Interactions in Morphogenesis, Bethesda, MD.

1998 Organizer, Keystone Symposium on ECM and Signaling. "Mechanisms of Tumor Growth and Invasion Mediated by Proteolysis".

Co-Organizer, UCSF-MDI Meeting "Mechanisms of Tumor Growth and Invasion Mediated by Proteolysis", San Francisco CA.

2000 International Organizing Committee, International Congress of Fibrinolysis and Proteolysis, Hamamatsu, Japan.

2001 Organizer, Symposium on Branching Morphogenesis, UCSF.

Program Committee, ASCB annual meeting Dec. 2001, Washington DC

2002 Co-organizer, Symposium on Tissue Remodeling, Ames, Iowa

Program Committee, International Society for Differentiation, Lyon, France Sept 2002

Co-Organizer, Pezcoller Symposium on Co-conspiratory Cell Types In Tumors and Carcinogenesis

Co-organizer Schilling/ACS Symposium on Tumors as Outlaw Organs, Santa Cruz, CA

2003. Vice-Chair (Chair 2005) Gordon Research Conference on Matrix Metalloproteinases

Co-organizer, AACR symposium on Angiogenesis, Chicago.

International Organizing Committee, HUPO meeting, Montreal, Canada.

2004 Co-Chair, program committee, AACR annual meeting, 2004.

Program Committee, International Society for Differentiation, Honolulu, Sept. 2004

2004-6, International Organizing Committee, 18th International Congress on Fibrinolysis and Proteolysis: Proteolysis in the Postgenomic Era, the International Society for Fibrinolysis and Proteolysis (ISFP), San Diego, California, August 27-31, 2006.

2005 *Chair, Gordon Research Conference Matrix Metalloproteinases, 2005

2005-6, Organizing committee, 2006 Gordon Research Conference on Proprotein processing

2009-10, Co-organizer, Frontiers in Invasion and Metastasis, CNIO Cancer Symposium Madrid, 24-27 October 2010


A. Peer-reviewed articles (most significant *):

Werb, Z. & Z.A. Cohn (1971). Cholesterol metabolism in the macrophage. I. The regulation of cholesterol exchange. J. Exp. Med. 134: 1545-1569. PMID: 5126640

Werb, Z. & Z.A. Cohn (1971). Cholesterol metabolism in the macrophage. II. Alteration of subcellular exchangeable cholesterol compartments and exchange in other cell types. J. Exp. Med. 134: 1570-1590. PMID: 4942408

*Werb, Z. & Z.A. Cohn (1972). Cholesterol metabolism in the macrophage. III. Ingestion and intracellular fate of cholesterol and cholesterol esters. J. Exp. Med. 135: 21-44. PMID: 4550608

Werb, Z. & Z.A. Cohn (1972). Plasma membrane synthesis in the macrophage following phagocytosis of polystyrene latex particles. J. Biol. Chem. 247: 2439-2446. PMID: 5019957

Werb, Z. & M.C. Burleigh (1974). A specific collagenase from rabbit fibroblasts in monolayer culture. Biochem. J. 137: 373-385. PMID: 4363113

Werb, Z., M.C. Burleigh, A.J. Barrett & P.M. Starkey (1974). The interaction of α2-macroglobulin with proteinases. Binding and inhibition of mammalian collagenases and other metal proteinases. Biochem. J. 139: 359-368. PMID: 4374931

Werb, Z. & J.J. Reynolds (1974). Stimulation by endocytosis of the secretion of collagenase and neutral proteinase from rabbit synovial fibroblasts. J. Exp. Med. 140: 1482-1497. PMID: 4372292

*Werb, Z. & S. Gordon (1975). Secretion of a specific collagenase by stimulated macrophages. J. Exp. Med. 142: 346-360. PMID: 167095

*Werb, Z. & S. Gordon (1975). Elastase secretion by stimulated macrophages. Characterization and regulation. J. Exp. Med. 142: 361-377. PMID: 167096

*Harris, E.D., Jr., J.J. Reynolds & Z. Werb (1975). Cytochalasin B increases collagenase production by cells in vitro. Nature 257: 243-244. PMID: 169478

Werb, Z. & J.J. Reynolds (1975). Purification and properties of a specific collagenase from rabbit synovial fibroblasts. Biochem. J. 151: 645-653. PMID: 175785

Werb, Z. & J.J. Reynolds (1975). Immunochemical studies with a specific antiserum to rabbit fibroblast collagenase. Biochem. J. 151: 655-663. PMID: 175786

Werb, Z. & J.J. Reynolds (1975). Rabbit collagenase. Immunological identity of the enzymes released from cells and tissues in normal and pathological conditions. Biochem. J. 151: 665-669. PMID: 56176

Pirie, A., Z. Werb & M.C. Burleigh (1975). Collagenase and other proteinases in the cornea of the retinol-deficient rat. Brit. J. Nutr. 34: 297-309. PMID: 169877

Gordon, S. & Z. Werb (1976). Secretion of macrophage neutral proteinase is enhanced by colchicine. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 73: 872-876. PMID: 176659

*Werb, Z., C.L. Mainardi, C.A. Vater & E.D. Harris, Jr. (1977). Endogenous activation of latent collagenase by rheumatoid synovial cells. Evidence for a role for plasminogen activator. New Engl. J. Med. 296: 1017-1023. PMID: 66627

Burleigh, M.C., Z. Werb & J.J. Reynolds (1977). Evidence that species specificity and rate of collagen degradation are properties of collagen not collagenase. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 494: 198-208. PMID: 198007

Mainardi, C.L. P.H. Levine, Z. Werb & E.D. Harris, Jr. (1978). Proliferative synovitis in hemophilia. Biochemical and morphological observations. Arth. Rheum. 21: 137-144. PMID: 623683

Werb, Z. & J. Aggeler (1978). Proteases induce secretion of collagenase and plasminogen activator by fibroblasts. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 75: 1839-1843. PMID: 205872

Werb, Z., R. Foley & A. Munck (1978). Glucocorticoid receptors and glucocorticoid-sensitive secretion of neutral proteinases in a macrophage line. J. Immunol. 121: 115-121. PMID: 209106

Werb, Z., R. Foley & A. Munck (1978). Interaction of glucocorticoids with macrophages. Identification of glucocorticoid receptors in monocytes and macrophages. J. Exp. Med. 147: 1684-1694. PMID: 681878

Werb, Z. (1978). Biochemical actions of glucocorticoids on macrophages in culture. Specific inhibition of elastase, collagenase, and plasminogen activator secretion and effects on other metabolic functions. J. Exp. Med. 147: 1695-1712. PMID: 210248

Werb, Z., J.T. Dingle, J.J. Reynolds & A.J. Barrett (1978). Proteoglycan-degrading enzymes of rabbit fibroblasts and granulocytes. Biochem. J. 173: 949-958. PMID: 30451

Werb, Z., M.J. Banda & P.A. Jones (1980). Degradation of connective tissue matrices by macrophages. I. Proteolysis of elastin, glycoproteins, and collagen by proteinases isolated from macrophages. J. Exp. Med. 152: 1340-1357. PMID: 7000966

Jones, P.A. & Z. Werb (1980). Degradation of connective tissue matrices by macrophages. II. Influence of matrix composition on proteolysis of glycoproteins, elastin and collagen. J. Exp. Med. 152: 1527-1536. PMID: 6450258

*Werb, Z., D.F. Bainton & P.A. Jones (1980). Degradation of connective tissue matrices by macrophages. III. Morphological and biochemical studies on extracellular, pericellular, and intracellular events in matrix proteolysis by macrophages in culture. J. Exp. Med. 152: 1537-1553. PMID: 7005386

*Banda, M.J., E.J. Clark & Z. Werb (1980). Limited proteolysis by macrophage elastase inactivates human α1-proteinase inhibitor. J. Exp. Med. 152: 1563-1570. PMID: 6969773

Banda, M.J. & Z. Werb (1981). Mouse macrophage elastase. Purification and characterization as a metalloproteinase. Biochem. J. 193: 589-605. PMID: 7030312

Seaman, W.E., T.D. Gindhart, M.A. Blackman, B. Dalal, N. Talal & Z. Werb (1981). Natural killing of tumor cells by human peripheral blood cells: suppression of killing in vitro by tumor promoting phorbol diesters. J. Clin. Invest. 67: 1324-1333. PMID: 6939690

Aggeler, J., E. Engvall & Z. Werb (1981). An irreversible tissue inhibitor of collagenase in human amniotic fluid: characterization and separation from fibronectin. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 100: 1195-1201. PMID: 6268083

Aggeler, J., J. Risch & Z. Werb (1981). Expression of the catalytic activity of plasminogen activator under physiologic conditions. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 675: 62-68. PMID: 6455162

Seaman, W.E., T.D. Gindhart, M.A. Blackman, B. Dalal, N. Talal & Z. Werb (1982). Suppression of human natural killing by monocytes and polymorphonuclear leukocytes: Requirement for reactive metabolites of oxygen. J. Clin. Invest. 69: 876-888. PMID: 7076851

Aggeler, J., L.N. Kapp, S.C.G. Tseng & Z. Werb (1982). Regulation of protein secretion in Chinese hamster ovary cells by cell cycle position and cell density: plasminogen activator, procollagen and fibronectin. Exp. Cell Res. 139: 275-283. PMID: 7200903

*Li, G.C. & Z. Werb (1982). Correlation between synthesis of heat shock proteins and development of thermotolerance in Chinese hamster fibroblasts. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 79: 3218-3222. PMID: 6954473

*Aggeler, J. & Z. Werb (1982). Initial events in phagocytosis by macrophages viewed from outside and inside the cell: Particle-membrane binding and clathrin. J. Cell Biol. 94: 613-623. PMID: 6813339

*Banda, M.J., D.R. Knighton, T.K. Hunt & Z. Werb (1982). Isolation of a nonmitogenic angiogenesis factor from wound fluid. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 79: 7773-7777. PMID: 6961449

Enders, G., Z. Werb & D.S. Friend (1983). Lectin binding to sperm zipper particles. J. Cell Sci. 60: 303-330. PMID: 6874733

Glass, R.H., J. Aggeler, A.I. Spindle, R.A. Pedersen & Z. Werb (1983). Degradation of extracellular matrix by mouse trophoblast outgrowths: A model for implantation. J. Cell Biol. 96: 1108-1116. PMID: 6339525

Banda, M.J., E.J. Clark & Z. Werb (1983). Selective proteolysis of immunoglobulins by mouse macrophage elastase. J. Exp. Med. 157: 1184-1196. PMID: 6220107

McKerrow, J.H., W.E. Keene, K.H. Jeong & Z. Werb (1983). Degradation of connective tissue matrix by larvae of Schistosoma mansoni. I. Degradation by cercariae as a model for initial parasite invasion of host. Lab. Invest. 49: 195-200. PMID: 6876746

Keene, W.E., K.H. Jeong, J.H. McKerrow & Z. Werb (1983). Degradation of connective tissue matrix by larvae of Schistosoma mansoni. II. Degradation by newly transformed and developing schistosomulae in vitro. Lab. Invest. 49:201-207. PMID: 6876747

Werb, Z. & J.R. Chin (1983). Apoprotein E is synthesized and secreted by resident and thioglycollate-elicited macrophages but not by pyran copolymer- or bacillus Calmette Guerin-activated macrophages. J. Exp. Med. 158: 1272-1293. PMID: 6619735

Werb, Z. & J.R. Chin (1983). Endotoxin suppresses expression of apoprotein E by mouse macrophages in vivo and in culture. A biochemical and genetic study. J. Biol. Chem. 258: 10642-10648. PMID: 6350291

*Knighton, D.R., T.K. Hunt, H. Scheuenstuhl, B.J. Halliday, Z. Werb & M.J. Banda (1983). Oxygen tension modulates expression of angiogenesis factor by macrophages. Science. 221: 1283-1285. PMID: 6612342

Werb, Z. & J.R. Chin (1983). Onset of apoprotein E secretion during differentiation of mouse bone marrow-derived mononuclear phagocytes. J. Cell Biol. 97: 1113-1118. PMID: 6604729

Aggeler, J., R. Takemura & Z. Werb (1983). High resolution three-dimensional views of membrane-associated clathrin and cytoskeleton in critical point-dried macrophages. J. Cell Biol. 97: 1452-1458. PMID: 6415067

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Takemura, R. & Z. Werb (1984). Secretory products of macrophages and their physiological functions. Am. J. Physiol. 246 (Cell Physiol. 15 ): C1-C9. PMID: 6364825

Takemura, R. & Z. Werb (1984). Regulation of elastase and plasminogen activator secretion in resident and inflammatory macrophages by receptors for the Fc domain of immunoglobulin G and for complement fragments. J. Exp. Med. 159: 152-166. PMID: 6229594

Takemura, R. & Z. Werb (1984). Modulation of apoprotein E secretion in response to receptor-mediated endocytosis in resident and inflammatory macrophages. J. Exp. Med. 159: 167-178. PMID: 6198420

Aggeler, J., S.M. Frisch & Z. Werb (1984). Collagenase is a major gene product of induced rabbit synovial fibroblasts. J. Cell Biol. 98: 1656-1661. PMID: 6327717

*Aggeler, J., S.M. Frisch & Z. Werb (1984). Changes in cell shape correlate with collagenase gene expression by rabbit synovial fibroblasts. J. Cell Biol. 98: 1662-1671. PMID: 6327718

Cramer, E.B., Z. Werb & D.F. Bainton (1984). Redistribution of ecto-5'-nucleotidase during phagocytosis by guinea pig polymorphonuclear leukocytes. J. Leukocyte Biol. 36: 463-475. PMID: 6090556

Frisch, S.M., J. Davidson & Z. Werb (1985). Blockage of tropoelastin secretion by monensin represses tropoelastin synthesis at a pretranslational level in rat smooth muscle cells. Mol. Cell. Biol. 5: 253-258. PMID: 3982417

Murphy, G., J.J. Reynolds & Z. Werb (1985). Biosynthesis of tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases by human fibroblasts in culture: Stimulation by 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate and interleukin 1 in parallel with collagenase. J. Biol. Chem. 260: 3079-3083. PMID: 2982848

Sundsmo, J.S., J.R. Chin, R.A. Papin, D.S. Fair & Z. Werb (1985). Factor B, the complement alternative pathway proteinase, is a major constitutive protein of resident and elicited mouse macrophages. J. Exp. Med. 161: 306-322. PMID: 3844438

McKerrow, J.H., S. Pino-Heiss, R. Lindquist & Z. Werb (1985). Purification and characterization of an elastinolytic proteinase secreted by cercariae of Schistosoma mansoni. J. Biol. Chem. 260: 3703-3707. PMID: 3882713

Banda, M.J., E.J. Clark & Z. Werb (1985). Regulation of α1-proteinase inhibitor function by alveolar macrophages. Evidence for proteolytic rather than oxidative inactivation. J. Clin. Invest. 75: 1758-1762. PMID: 2989330

Hendler, P.L., P.E. Lavoie, Z. Werb, J. Chan & W.E. Seaman (1985). Human dendritic cells. Direct observation of transition to fibroblasts. J. Rheumatol. 12: 660-664. PMID: 3863955

Murphy, G. & Z. Werb (1985). Tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases: identification of precursor forms synthesized by human fibroblasts in culture. Biochim. Biophys. Acta. 839: 214-218.

*Chin, J.R., G. Murphy & Z. Werb (1985). Stromelysin, a connective tissue-degrading metalloendopeptidase secreted by stimulated rabbit synovial fibroblasts in parallel with collagenase. Biosynthesis, isolation, characterization, and substrates. J. Biol. Chem. 260: 12367-12376. PMID: 2995374

Takemura, R., P. Stenberg, D.F. Bainton & Z. Werb (1986). Rapid redistribution of clathrin on macrophage plasma membranes in response to Fc receptor-ligand interaction during frustrated phagocytosis. J. Cell Biol. 102: 55-69. PMID: 2867099

*Werb, Z., R.M. Hembry, G. Murphy & J. Aggeler (1986). Commitment to expression of the metalloendopeptidases, collagenase and stromelysin: Relationship to inducing events to changes in cytoskeletal architecture. J. Cell Biol. 102: 697-702. PMID: 3005336

Herron, G.S., Z. Werb, K. Dwyer & M.J. Banda (1986). Secretion of metalloproteinases by stimulated capillary endothelial cells. I. Production of procollagenase and prostromelysin exceeds expression of proteolytic activity. J. Biol. Chem. 261: 2810-2813. PMID: 3005265

*Herron, G.S., M.J. Banda, E.J. Clark, J. Gavrilovic & Z. Werb (1986). Secretion of metalloproteinases by stimulated capillary endothelial cells. II. Expression of collagenase and stromelysin activities is regulated by endogenous inhibitors. J. Biol. Chem. 261: 2814-2818. PMID: 3005266

*Unemori, E.N. & Z. Werb (1986). Reorganization of polymerized actin: a possible trigger for induction of procollagenase in fibroblasts cultured in and on collagen gels. J. Cell Biol. 103: 1021-1031. PMID: 3017994

Oropeza, R.L., H. Wekerle & Z. Werb (1987). Expression of apolipoprotein E by mouse brain astrocytes and its modulation by interferon-γ. Brain Res. 410: 45-51.

*Frisch, S.M., E.J. Clark & Z. Werb (1987). Coordinate regulation of stromelysin and collagenase genes determined with cDNA probes. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 84: 2600-2604. PMID: 3033652

Chan, L.-M., C. Hatier, G. Parry, Z. Werb & M.J. Bissell (1987). Collagen-fibronectin interactions in normal and Rous sarcoma virus-transformed avian tendon cells: Possible mechanisms for increased extracellular matrix turnover after transformation. In Vitro Cell Devel. Biol. 23: 308-314. PMID: 3032890

Unemori, E.N. & Z. Werb (1988). Collagenase expression and endogenous activation in rabbit fibroblasts stimulated by the calcium ionophore A23187. J. Biol. Chem. 263: 16252-16259. PMID: 2846541

Cramer, E.M., Z. Werb & D.F. Bainton (1988). Pitfalls in ecto-5’-nucleotidase enzyme-cytochemistry as demonstrated by the immunogold labeling technique on macrophages. Histochem. J. 20: 108-116. PMID: 2839434

*Rappolee, D.A., D. Mark, M.J. Banda & Z. Werb (1988). Wound macrophages express TGF−α and other growth factors in vivo. Analysis by mRNA phenotyping. Science. 241: 708-712. PMID: 3041594

*Rappolee, D.A., C.A. Brenner, R. Schultz, D. Mark & Z. Werb (1988). Developmental expression of PDGF, TGF-α, and TGF-β genes in preimplantation mouse embryos. Science. 241: 1823-1825. PMID: 3175624

Rappolee, D.A., A. Wang, D. Mark & Z. Werb (1989). A novel method for studying mRNA phenotypes in single or small numbers of cells. J. Cell. Biochem. 39: 1-11. PMID: 2541142

Rappolee, D.A. & Z. Werb (1990). mRNA phenotyping for studying gene expression in small numbers of cells: Platelet-derived growth factor and other growth factors in wound-derived macrophages. Am. J. Resp. Cell Mol. Biol. 2: 3-10. Erratum in: Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol 1990 May;2(5):471. PMID: 2407272

Bainton, D.F., R. Takemura, P. Stenberg & Z. Werb (1989). Rapid fragmentation and reorganization of Golgi membranes during frustrated phagocytosis of immobile immune complexes by macrophages. Am. J. Path. 134: 15-26. PMID: 2913823

Werb, Z., R. Takemura, P.E. Stenberg & D.F. Bainton (1989). Directed exocytosis of secretory granules containing apolipoprotein E to the adherent surface and basal vacuoles of macrophages spreading on immobile immune complexes. Am. J. Path. 134: 661-670. PMID: 2923186

Werb, Z. & E.J. Clark (1989). Phorbol diesters regulate expression of the membrane neutral metalloendopeptidase (EC in rabbit synovial cells and mammary epithelial cells. J. Biol. Chem. 264: 9111-9113. PMID: 2542298

Brenner, C.A., R.R. Adler, D.A. Rappolee, R.A. Pedersen & Z. Werb (1989). Genes for extracellular matrix-degrading metalloproteinases and their inhibitor, TIMP, are expressed during early mammalian development. Genes Dev. 3: 848-859. PMID: 2744464

*Werb, Z., P.M. Tremble, O. Behrendtsen, E. Crowley & C.H. Damsky (1989). Signal transduction through the fibronectin receptor induces metalloproteinase gene expression. J. Cell Biol. 109: 877-889. PMID: 2547805

Unemori, E.N., K.S. Bouhana & Z. Werb (1990). Vectorial secretion of extracellular matrix proteins, matrix-degrading proteinases and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases by endothelial cells. J. Biol. Chem. 265: 445-451. PMID: 2152926

Adler, R.R., C.A. Brenner & Z. Werb (1990). Expression of extracellular matrix-degrading metalloproteinases and metalloproteinase inhibitors is developmentally regulated during endodermal differentiation of embryonal carcinoma cells. Development. 110: 211-220. PMID: 2081460

Crocker, P.R., Z. Werb, S. Gordon & D.F. Bainton (1990). Ultrastructural localization of a macrophage-restricted sialic acid binding hemagglutinin, SER, in macrophage-hematopoietic cell clusters. Blood. 76: 1131-1138. PMID: 2205308

Handagama, P., D.A. Rappolee, Z. Werb, J. Levin & D.F. Bainton (1990). Platelet a-granule fibrinogen, albumin, and immunoglobulin G are not synthesized by rat and mouse megakaryocytes. J. Clin. Invest. 86: 1364-1368. PMID: 2212018

Hahnel, A.C., D.A. Rappolee, J.L. Millan, T. Manes, C.A. Ziomek, N.G. Theodosiou, Z. Werb, R.A. Pedersen & G.A. Schultz (1990). Two alkaline phosphatase genes are expressed during early development in the mouse embryo. Development. 110: 555-564. PMID: 2133555

Talhouk, R.S., J.R. Chin, E.N. Unemori, Z. Werb & M.J. Bissell (1991). Proteinases of the mammary gland: Developmental regulation in vivo and vectorial secretion in culture. Development. 112: 439-449. PMID: 1794314

*Librach, C.L., Z. Werb, M.L. Fitzgerald, K. Chiu, N.M. Corwin, R.A. Esteves, R.A. Grobelny, R. Galardy, C.H. Damsky & S.J. Fisher (1991). 92-kD type IV collagenase mediates invasion of human cytotrophoblasts. J. Cell Biol. 113: 437-449. PMID: 1849141

Nielsen, L.L., Z. Werb & R.A. Pedersen (1991). Induction of c-fos transcripts in early postimplantation mouse embryos by TGFα, EGF, PDGF, and FGF. Mol. Reprod. Devel. 29: 227-237. PMID: 1657054

Behrendtsen, O., C.M. Alexander & Z. Werb (1992). Metalloproteinases mediate extracellular matrix degradation by cells from mouse blastocyst outgrowths. Development. 114: 447-456. PMID: 1317291

Warburton, D., R. Seth, L. Shum, P.G. Horcher, F.L. Hall, Z. Werb & H.C. Slavkin (1992). Epigenetic role of epidermal growth factor expression and signalling in embryonic mouse lung morphogenesis. Dev. Biol. 149: 123-133. PMID: 1728582

Rappolee, D.A., K.S. Sturm, O. Behrendtsen, G.A. Schultz, R.A. Pedersen & Z. Werb (1992). Insulin-like growth factor II acts through an endogenous growth pathway regulated by imprinting in early mouse embryos. Genes Dev. 6: 939-952. PMID: 1317321

Talhouk, R.S., M.J. Bissell & Z. Werb (1992). Coordinated expression of extracellular matrix-degrading proteinases and their inhibitors regulates mammary epithelial function during involution. J. Cell Biol. 118: 1271-1282. PMID: 1512297

*Alexander, C.M. & Z. Werb (1992). Targeted disruption of the tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases gene increases the invasive behavior of primitive mesenchymal cells derived from embryonic stem cells in vitro. J. Cell Biol. 118: 727-739. PMID: 1639854

Hu, C.C., Y. Sakakura, Y. Sasano, L. Shum, P. Bringas, Jr., Z. Werb, & H.C. Slavkin (1992). Endogenous epidermal growth factor regulates the timing and pattern of embryonic mouse molar tooth morphogenesis. Int. J. Dev. Biol. 36:505-516. PMID: 1295561

Sanchez-Lopez, R., C.M. Alexander, O. Behrendtsen, R. Breathnach & Z. Werb (1993). Role of zinc-binding- and hemopexin domain-encoded sequences in the substrate specificity of collagenase and stromelysin-2 as revealed by chimeric proteins. J. Biol. Chem. 268: 7238-7247. PMID: 8463259

MacAuley, A., Werb, Z. and Mirkes, P. (1993). Characterization of the unusually rapid cell cycles during rat gastrulation. Development. 117: 873-883. PMID: 8325243

Tremble, P.M., T.F. Lane, E.H. Sage & Z. Werb (1993). SPARC, a secreted protein associated with morphogenesis and tissue remodeling, induces expression of metalloproteinases in fibroblasts through a novel extracellular matrix-dependent pathway. J. Cell Biol. 121: 1433-1444. PMID: 8509459

Shum, L., Y. Sakakura, P. Bringas, Jr., W. Luo, M.L. Snead, M. Mayo, C. Crohin, S. Millar, Z. Werb, S. Buckley, F.L. Hall, D. Warburton & H.C. Slavkin (1993). EGF abrogation-induced fusilli-form dysmorphogenesis of Meckel's cartilage during embryonic mouse mandibular morphogenesis in vitro. Development. 118: 903-917. PMID: 8076525

Tremble, P., R. Chiquet-Ehrismann & Z. Werb (1994). The extracellular matrix ligands fibronectin and tenascin collaborate in regulating collagenase gene expression in fibroblasts. Mol. Biol. Cell. 5: 439-453. PMID: 7519905

*Sympson, C.J., R.S. Talhouk, C.M. Alexander, J.R. Chin, S.M. Clift, M.J. Bissell & Z. Werb (1994). Targeted expression of stromelysin-1 in mammary gland provides evidence for a role of proteinases in branching morphogenesis and the requirement for an intact basement membrane for tissue-specific gene expression. J. Cell Biol. 125: 681-693. Published correction appears in J. Cell Biol. 132: 753 (1996). PMID: 8175886

Rappolee, D.A., C. Basilico, Y. Patel & Z. Werb (1994). Expression and function of FGF-4 in peri-implantation development in mouse embryos. Development. 120: 2259-2269. PMID: 7925026

Tournier, J.M., M. Polette, J. Hinnrasky, J. Beck, Z. Werb and C. Basbaum (1994). Expression of gelatinase A, a mediator of extracellular matrix remodeling, by tracheal gland serous cells in culture and in vivo. J. Biol. Chem. 269: 25454-25464. PMID: 7929245

*Cross, J.C., Z. Werb & S.J. Fisher (1994). Implantation and the placenta: Key pieces of the development puzzle. Science. 266:1508-1518. PMID: 7985020

*Tremble, P., C.H. Damsky & Z. Werb (1995). Components of the nuclear signaling cascade that regulate collagenase gene expression in response to integrin-derived signals. J. Cell Biol. 129: 1707-1720. PMID: 7790365

*Boudreau, N., C.J. Sympson, Z. Werb & M.J. Bissell (1995). Suppression of ICE and apoptosis in mammary epithelial cells by extracellular matrix. Science. 267:891-893. PMID: 7531366

*Huhtala, P., M.J. Humphries, J.B. McCarthy, P.M. Tremble, Z. Werb & C.H. Damsky (1995). Cooperative signaling by α5β1 and α4β1 integrins regulates metalloproteinase gene expression in fibroblasts adhering to fibronectin. J. Cell Biol. 129: 867-879. PMID: 7537277

Newman-Smith, E.D. & Z. Werb (1995). Stem cell defects in parthenogenetic peri-implantation embryos. Development. 121: 2069-2077. PMID: 7635052

*Miettinen, P.J., J.E. Berger, J. Meneses, Y. Phung, R.A. Pedersen, Z. Werb & R. Derynck (1995). Epithelial immaturity and multiorgan failure in mice lacking epidermal growth factor receptor. Nature. 376: 337-341. PMID: 7630400

*Cross, J.C., M.L. Flannery, M.A. Blanar, E. Steingrimsson, N.A. Jenkins, N.G. Copeland, W.J. Rutter & Z. Werb (1995). Hxt encodes a basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor that regulates trophoblast cell development. Development. 121: 2513-2523. PMID: 7671815

Hansell, E.J., S.M. Frisch, P. Tremble, J.P. Murnane & Z. Werb (1995). Simian virus 40 transformation alters the actin cytoskeleton, expression of matrix metalloproteinases and inhibitors of metalloproteinases, and invasive behavior of normal and ataxia-telangiectasia human skin fibroblasts. Biochem. Cell Biol. 73: 373-389. PMID: 8703410

Behrendtsen, O., C.M. Alexander & Z. Werb (1995). Cooperative interactions between extracellular matrix, integrins and parathyroid hormone-related peptide regulate parietal endoderm differentiation in mouse embryos. Development. 121:4137-4148. PMID: 8575314

*Lund, L.R., J. Romer, N. Thomasset, H. Solberg, C. Pyke, M.J. Bissell, K. Dano & Z. Werb (1996). Two distinct phases of apoptosis in mammary gland involution: Proteinase-independent and -dependent pathways. Development. 122: 181-193. PMID: 8565829

Logan, S.K., M.J. Garabedian, C.E. Campbell & Z. Werb (1996). Synergistic transcriptional activation of the TIMP-1 promoter via functional interaction of AP-1 and Ets-1 transcription factors. J. Biol. Chem. 271: 774-782. PMID: 8557686

*Boudreau, N., Z. Werb & M.J. Bissell (1996). Suppression of apoptosis by basement membrane requires three-dimensional tissue organization and withdrawal from the cell cycle. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., USA 93:3509-3513. PMID: 8622967

Logan, S.K., E.J. Hansell, C.H. Damsky & Z. Werb (1996). T-Antigen inhibits invasion and metalloproteinase expression in human placental cells transformed with temperature-sensitive simian virus 40. Matrix Biol. 15: 81-89. PMID: 8837009

*Alexander, C.M., E.J. Hansell, O. Behrendtsen, M.L. Flannery, N.S. Kishnani, S.P. Hawkes & Z. Werb (1996). Expression and function of matrix metalloproteinases and their inhibitors at the maternal-embryonic boundary during mouse embryo implantation. Development. 122: 1723-1736. PMID: 8674412

Huttenlocher, A., Z. Werb, P. Tremble, P. Huhtala, L. Rosenberg & C.H. Damsky (1996). Decorin regulates collagenase gene expression in fibroblasts adhering to vitronectin. Matrix Biol. 15 :239-250. PMID: 8892224

La Fleur, M., J.L. Underwood, D.A. Rappolee & Z. Werb (1996). Basement membrane and repair of injury to peripheral nerve: defining a potential role for macrophages, matrix metalloproteinases and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases-1. J. Exp. Med. 184:2311-2326. PMID: 8976186

*Alexander, C.M., E.W. Howard, M.J. Bissell & Z. Werb (1996). Rescue of mammary epithelial cell apoptosis and entactin degradation by a TIMP-1 transgene. J. Cell Biol. 135:1669-1677. PMID: 8978831

Soloway, P., C.M. Alexander, Z. Werb & R. Jaenisch (1996). Targeted mutagenesis of TIMP-1 reveals that experimental metastasis is influenced by the TIMP-1 genotype of the tumor but not by that of the host. Oncogene.13:2307-2314. PMID: 8957071

Newman-Smith, E. & Z. Werb (1997). Functional analysis of trophoblast giant cells in parthenogenetic mouse embryos. Dev. Genetics. 20: 1-10. PMID: 9094206

Behrendtsen, O. & Z. Werb (1997). Metalloproteinases regulate differentiation and migration of parietal endoderm in mouse embryos. Dev. Dyn. 208:255-265. PMID: 9022062

Lochter, A., A. Srebow, C.J. Sympson, N. Terracio, Z. Werb & M.J. Bissell (1997). Misregulation of stromelysin-1 expression in mouse mammary tumor cells accompanies acquisition of stromelysin-1-dependent invasive properties. J. Biol. Chem. 272:5007-5015. PMID: 9030563

Padgett, L. C., G.-M. Lui, Z. Werb & M. M. LaVail (1997). Matrix metalloproteinases and tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases in the retinal pigment epithelium and interphotoreceptor matrix: Vectorial secretion and regulation. Exp. Eye Res. 64: 927-938. PMID: 9301473

Chin, J. R. & Werb. Z. (1997). Matrix metalloproteinases regulate migration, invasion and morphogenesis in epithelium, skeletal muscle and cartilage of the mandibular arch. Development. 124:1519-1530. PMID: 9108368

Rinkenberger, J. L., J. C. Cross & Z. Werb (1997). Molecular genetics of implantation in the mouse. Dev. Genet. 21: 6-20. PMID: 9291576

*Werb, Z. (1997). ECM and cell surface proteolysis: regulating cellular ecology. Cell. 91: 439-442. PMID: 9390552

Miettinen, P. J., D. Warburton. D. Bu, J.-S. Zhao, J. E. Berger, P. Minoo, T. Koivisto, L. Allen, L. Dobbs, Z. Werb & R. Derynck.(1997) Impaired lung branching morphogenesis in the absence of functional EGF receptor. Dev. Biol. 186: 224-236. PMID: 9205141

DiSandro, M. J., L. R. Baskin, Y. W. Li, Z. Werb & G. R. Cunha (1997). Development and regenerative ability of bladder in the transgenic epidermal growth factor receptor gene knockout mouse. J. Urol. 158. 1058-1065. PMID: 9258142

Lochter, A., S. Galosy, J. Muschler, N. Freedman, Z. Werb & M.J. Bissell (1997). Matrix metalloproteinase stromelysin-1 triggers a cascade of molecular alterations that leads to stable epithelial-to-mesenchymal conversion and a premalignant phenotype of mammary epithelial cells. J. Cell Biol. 139: 1861-1872. PMID: 9412478

Hom, Y. K., P Young, J. F. Wiesen, P. J. Miettinen, R. Derynck, Z. Werb & G. R. Cunha (1998). Uterine and vaginal organ growth requires epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) signaling from stroma. Endocrinology.139: 913-921. PMID: 9492020

*MacAuley, A., J. C. Cross & Z. Werb (1998). Reprogramming the cell cycle for endoreduplication in rat trophoblast. Mol. Biol. Cell. 9: 795-807. PMID: 9529378

*Kheradmand, F., E. Werner, P. Tremble, M. Symons & Z. Werb (1998). Role of Rac1 and oxygen radicals in collagenase-1 gene expression induced by cell shape change. Science. 280: 898-902. PMID: 9572733

*Vu, T. H., J. M. Shipley, G. Bergers, J. E. Berger, J. A. Helms, D. Hanahan, S.D. Shapiro, R.M. Senior & Z. Werb (1998). MMP-9/gelatinase B is a key regulator of growth plate angiogenesis and apoptosis of hypertrophic chondrocytes. Cell. 93:411-422. PMID: 9590175

Yamamoto, H., M. L. Flannery, S. Kupriyanov, J. Pearce, S. R. McKercher, G. W. Henkel, R. A. Maki, Z. Werb & R. G. Oshima. (1998). Defective trophoblast function in mice with a targeted mutation of Ets2. Genes Dev. 12:1315-1326. PMID: 9573048

Thomasset, N., A. Lochter, C.J. Sympson, L.R. Lund, D.R. Williams, O. Behrendtsen, Z. Werb & M.J. Bissell (1998). Expression of autoactivated stromelysin-1 in mammary glands of transgenic mice leads to a reactive stroma during early development. Am. J. Path. 153: 457-467. PMID: 9708806

Lukashev, M. E. & Z. Werb (1998). ECM signaling: orchestrating cell behavior and misbehavior. Trends Cell Biol. 8: 437-441. PMID: 9854310

Liu, Z., J. M. Shipley, T. H. Vu, X. Zhou, L. A. Diaz, Z. Werb & R. M. Senior (1998). Gelatinase B-deficient mice are resistant to experimental bullous pemphigoid. J. Exp. Med. 188: 475-482. PMID: 9687525

Cross, J.C., S. Lam, S. Yagel & Z. Werb (1999). Defective induction of the transcription factor interferon-stimulated gene factor-3 αnd interferon α insensitivity in human trophoblast cells. Biol. Reprod. 60: 312-321. PMID: 9915996

Kornblum, H. I., R. Hussein, J. Wiesen, P. Miettinen, S.D. Zurcher, K. Chow, R. Derynck & Z. Werb (1998). Abnormal astrocyte development and apoptosis of forebrain structures in mice lacking the epidermal growth factor receptor. J. Neurosci. Res. 53: 697-717. PMID: 9753198

Sebastian, J, R.G. Richards, P. Petrusz, J.F. Wiesen, Z. Werb, R. Derynck, Y.K. Hom, G.R. Cunha & R.P. DiAugustine (1998). Activation and function of the EGF receptor and ErbB-2 during mammary gland morphogenesis. Cell Growth Diff. 9: 777-785. PMID: 9751121

Wiesen, J. F., P. Young, Z. Werb & G. R. Cunha (1999). Signaling through the stromal epidermal growth factor receptor is necessary for mammary ductal development. Development 126: 335-344. PMID: 9847247

Lochter, A., M. Navre, Z. Werb & M. J. Bissell (1999). α1 and α2 integrins mediate invasive activity of mouse mammary carcinoma cells through regulation of stromelysin-1 expression. Mol. Biol. Cell. 10: 271-282. PMID: 9950676

Miettinen, P.J., J.R. Chin, L. Shum, H. C. Slavkin. C. F. Shuler, R. Derynck & Z. Werb (1999). EGF receptor function is necessary for normal craniofacial development and palate closure. Nature Gen. 22: 69-73. PMID: 10319864

Lochter, A., Z. Werb & M. J. Bissell (1999). Transcriptional regulation of stromelysin-1 gene expression is altered during progression of mouse mammary epithelial cells from functionally normal to malignant. Matrix Biol. 18:455-467. PMID: 10601733

Kornblum, H. I., S. D. Zurcher, Z. Werb, R. Derynck & K. B. Seroogy (1999). Multiple trophic actions of heparin-binding epidermal growth factor-like growth factor (HB-EGF) in the brain. Eur. J. Neurosci. 11: 3236-3246. PMID: 10510187

*Gerber, H.-P., T. H. Vu, A.M. Ryan, J. Kowalski, Z. Werb & N. Ferrara (1999). VEGF couples hypertrophic cartilage remodeling, ossification and angiogenesis during endochondral bone formation. Nature Med. 5: 623-628. PMID: 10371499

Bullard, K.M., L. Lund, J. S. Mudgett, T. N. Mellin, T. K. Hunt, B. Murphy, J. Ronan, Z. Werb & M. J. Banda (1999). Impaired wound contraction in stromelysin-1 deficient mice. Ann. Surg. 230: 260-265. PMID: 10450741

Coussens, L.M., W. W. Raymond, G. Bergers, M. Laig-Webster, O. Behrendtsen, Z. Werb, G. H. Caughey & D. Hanahan (1999). Inflammatory mast cells up-regulate angiogenesis during squamous epithelial carcinogenesis. Genes & Dev. 13:1382-1397. PMID: 10364156. Cover photo.

*Sternlicht, M. D., A. Lochter, C. J. Sympson, B. Huey, J.-P. Rougier, J. W. Gray, D. Pinkel, M. J. Bissell & Z. Werb (1999). The stromal proteinase MMP-3/stromelysin-1 promotes mammary carcinogenesis. Cell. 98: 137-146. PMID: 10428026

Oh, L.Y.S., C. Krekoski, D. Edwards, F. Donovan, Z. Werb & V.W. Yong (1999). Matrix metalloproteinase-9/gelatinase B is required for process outgrowth by oligodendrocytes. J. Neurosci. 19: 8464-8475. PMID: 10671374

Lund, L. R, S. F. Bjørn, M. D. Sternlicht, B. S. Nielsen, H. Solberg, P. A. Usner, R. Østerby, I. J. Christensen, T. H. Bugge, R. W. Stephens, K. Dano & Z. Werb (2000). Lactational development and involution of the mammary gland requires plasminogen. Development. 127:4481-4492. PMID: 11003846

Sternlicht, M.D., M.J. Bissell & Z. Werb (2000). The matrix metalloproteinase stromelysin-1 acts as a natural mammary tumor promoter. Oncogene 19: 1102-1113. PMID: 10713697

Vu, T.H. & Z. Werb (2000). Matrix metalloproteinases: effectors of development and normal physiology. Genes Dev. 14: 2123-2133. PMID: 10970876

*Liu, Z., X. Zhou, S. D. Shapiro, J. M. Shipley, L. A. Dias, R. M. Senior & Z. Werb (2000). (1-proteinase inhibitor is the critical substrate for gelatinase B/ MMP-9 in vivo. Cell 102: 647-655. PMID: 11007483

Pujuguet, P., M. Simian, J. Liaw, R. Timpl, Z. Werb & M.J. Bissell (2000). Nidogen-1 regulates laminin-1-dependent mammary-specific gene expression. J. Cell Sci. 113:849-858. PMID: 10671374

Heyer, B.S., A. MacAuley, O. Behrendtsen & Z. Werb (2000). Hypersensitivity to DNA damage leads to increased apoptosis during early mouse development. Genes Dev. 4: 2072-2084. PMID: 10950870

Ducharme, A., S. Frantz, M. Aikawa, E. Rabkin, M. Lindsey, L.E. Rohde, F.J. Schoen, R.A. Kelly, Z. Werb, P. Libby & R.T. Lee (2000). Targeted deletion of matrix metalloproteinase-9 attenuates left ventricular enlargement and collagen accumulation after experimental myocardial infarction. J. Clin. Invest. 106: 55-62. PMID: 10880048

*Bergers, G., R. Brekken, G. McMahon, T.H. Vu, T. Itoh, K. Tamaki, K. Tanzawa, P. Thorpe, S. Itohara, Z. Werb & D. Hanahan (2000). Matrix metalloproteinase-9 triggers the angiogenic switch during carcinogenesis. Nature Cell Biol. 2: 737-744. PMID: 11025665

*Coussens, L. M., C. L. Tinkle, D. Hanahan & Z. Werb (2000). MMP-9 supplied by bone marrow-derived cells regulates skin carcinogenesis. Cell. 103:481-490. PMID: 11081634

Engsig, M.T., Q.-J Chen, T. H. Vu, A.C. Pedersen, B. Therkidsen, L. Lund, K. Henriksen, B. Winding, T. Lenhard, N. T. Foged, Z. Werb & J.-M. Delaissé (2000). Matrix metalloproteinase 9 and vascular endothelial growth factor are essential for osteoclast recruitment into developing long bones. J. Cell Biol. 151:879-889. Erratum in: J Cell Biol 2001 Jan 22;152(2):following 417.PMID: 11076971

Yamada, E., Tobe, T., H. Yamada, N. Okamoto, D.J. Zack, Z. Werb, P. D. Soloway, and P. A. Campochiaro (2001). TIMP-1 promotes VEGF-induced neovascularization in the retina. Histol. Histopathol. 16: 87-97. PMID: 11193216

*Sternlicht, M.D. & Z. Werb (2001). How matrix metalloproteinases regulate cell behavior. Annu. Rev. Cell Dev. Biol. 17: 463-516. PMID: 11687497

Chang, C. & Z. Werb (2001). The many faces of metalloproteases: growth signaling, invasion, angiogenesis, and metastasis. Trends Cell Biol. 11: S37-S43. PMID: 11684441

*Selvarajan, S., L. R. Lund, T. Takeuchi, C. S. Craik & Z. Werb (2001). A plasminogen cascade dependent on plasma kallikrein is required for adipocyte differentiation. Nature Cell Biol. 3: 267-275. PMID: 11231576

Alexander, C.M., S. Selvarajan, J. Mudgett & Z. Werb (2001). Stromelysin-1 regulates adipogenesis during mammary gland involution. J. Cell Biol. 152: 693-703. PMID: 11266461

Lelongt, B., S. Bengatta, M. Delauche, L.R. Lund, Z. Werb & P. M. Ronco (2001). MMP9 protects mice from anti-glomerular basement membrane nephritis through its fibrinolytic activity. J. Exp. Med. 197: 793-802. PMID: 11283152

*Simian, M. Y. Hirai, M. Navre, Z. Werb, A. Lochter & M. J. Bissell (2001). The interplay of matrix metalloproteinases, morphogens and growth factors is necessary for branching morphogenesis by mammary epithelial cells. Development. 128:3117-3131. PMID: 11688561

Werner, E., F. Kheradmand, R. R. Isberg & Z. Werb (2001). Phagocytosis mediated by Yersinia invasin in rabbit synovial fibroblasts induces collagenase-1 expression through a pro-inflammatory cascade. J. Cell Sci. 114: 3333-3343. PMID: 11591821

Chen, R., M. G. Fleming, L. A. Diaz, Z. Werb & Z. Liu (2001). Mast cells play a key role in neutrophil recruitment in experimental bullous pemphigoid. J. Clin. Invest. 108:1151-1158. PMID: 11602622

Stoll, S.W., S. Kansra, S. Peshick, D. W. Fry, W. R. Leopold, J. F. Wiesen, M. Sibilia, T. Zhang, Z. Werb, R. Derynck, E. F. Wagner & J. T. Elder (2001). Differential utilization and localization of ErbB receptor tyrosine kinases in skin compared to normal and malignant keratinocytes. Neoplasia 3: 339-350. PMID: 11571634

Kheradmand, F., K. Rishi & Z. Werb (2002). Signaling through the EGF receptor controls lung morphogenesis in part by regulating MT1-MMP-mediated activation of gelatinase A/MMP2. J. Cell Sci.115: 839-848. PMID: 11865039

Corry, D.B., K. Rishi, J. Kanellis, A. Kiss, L.-Z. Song, J. Xu, L. Feng, Z. Werb & F. Kheradmand (2002). Decreased allergic lung inflammatory cell egression and increased susceptibility to asphyxiation in MMP-2-deficiency. Nat. Immunol. 3:347-353. PMID: 11887181

*Egeblad, M. & Z. Werb (2002). New roles for the matrix metalloproteinases in the progression of cancer. Nature Rev. Cancer. 2: 163-176. PMID: 11990853

*Wiseman, B. & Z. Werb (2002). Stromal effects on mammary gland development and breast cancer. Science. 296:1046-1049. PMID: 12004111

*Noble, L.J., F. Donovan, T. Igarashi, S. Goussev & Z. Werb (2002). Matrix metalloproteinases limit functional recovery after spinal cord injury by modulation of early vascular events. J. Neurosci. 22:7526-7535. PMID: 12196576

*Heissig, B., K. Hattori, S. Dias, M. Friedrich, B. Ferris, N. R. Hackett, R. G. Crystal, P. Besmer, D. Lyden, M.A. Moore, Z. Werb & S. Rafii (2002). Recruitment of stem cells from the bone marrow niche requires MMP-9-mediated release of Kit ligand. Cell. 109: 625-637. PMID: 12062105

*Werner, E. & Z. Werb (2002). Integrins engage mitochondrial function for signal transduction by a Rho GTPase-dependent mechanism. J. Cell Biol. 158: 357-368. PMID: 12119354

*Yan, Y., Shirakabe K. & Z. Werb (2002). The metalloprotease Kuzbanian (ADAM10) mediates the transactivation of EGF receptor by G-protein coupled receptors. J. Cell Biol. 158: 221-226. PMID: 12119356

*Hattori, K., B. Heissig, Y. Wu, S. Dias, R. Tejada, B. Ferris, D. J. Hicklin, Z. Zhu, P. Bohlen, L. Witte, P. J. Hendrikx, N. R. Hackett, R. G. Crystal, M.A.S. Moore, Z. Werb, D. Lyden & S. Rafii (2002). Placental growth factor reconstitutes hematopoiesis by recruiting VEGFR1+ stem cells from bone-marrow microenvironment. Nature Med. 8:841-849. PMID: 12091880

*Weaver, V. M., S. Lelièvre, J. N. Lakins, M. A. Chrenek, J.C.R. Jones, F. Giancotti, Z. Werb & M.J. Bissell (2002). β4 Integrin-dependent formation of polarized three-dimensional architecture confers resistance to apoptosis in normal and malignant mammary epithelium. Cancer Cell. 2: 205-216. PMID: 12242153

Lambert, V., C. Munaut, M. Jost, A. Noël, Z. Werb, J.-M. Foidart & J.-M. Rakic (2002). Matrix metalloproteinase-9 contributes to choroidal neovascularization. Am. J. Path.161: 1247-1253. PMID: 12119356

Hangai, M., H. Kitaya, J. Xu, C.K. Chan, J.J. Kin, Z. Werb, S.J. Ryan & P.C. Brooks (2002). Matrix metalloproteinase-9 dependent exposure of a cryptic migratory control site in collagen is required before retinal angiogenesis. Am. J. Path. 161: 1429-1437. PMID: 12368215

Morimoto-Tomita, M., K. Uchimura, Z. Werb, S. Hemmerich & S. D. Rosen (2002). Cloning and characterization of two extracellular heparin-degrading endosulfatases in mouse and human. J. Biol. Chem. 277: 49175-49185. PMID: 12368295

*Ortega N. & Z. Werb (2002). New functional roles for non-collagenous domains of basement membrane collagens. J. Cell Sci. 115:4201-4214. PMID: 12376553

*Coussens, L.M. & Z. Werb (2002). Inflammation and cancer. Nature 420:860-867. PMID: 12490959

Affolter, M., S. Bellusci, N. Itoh, B. Shilo, J.-P. Thiery & Z. Werb (2003). Tube or not tube: remodeling epithelial tissues by branching morphogenesis. Dev. Cell. 4: 11-18. PMID: 12530959

Vu, T.H. & Z. Werb (2003). New insights into saccular development and vascular formation in lung allografts under the renal capsule. Mech. Dev. 120: 305-313. PMID: 12591600

*Colnot, C., Z. Thompson, T. Miclau, Z. Werb & J. A. Helms (2003). Altered bone regeneration in the absence of MMP9. Development. 130: 4123-4133. PMID: 12874132

*Hamano, H., M. Zeisberg, H. Sugimoto, J. Lively, Y. Maeshima, C. Yang, R. O. Hynes, Z. Werb, A. Sudhakar & R. Kalluri (2003). Physiological levels of tumstatin, a fragment of collagen IV α3 chain, are generated by MMP-9 proteolysis and suppress angiogenesis via αVβ3 integrin. Cancer Cell. 3:589-601. PMID: 12842087

Solberg, H., J. Rinkenberger, K. Danø, Z. Werb & L. R. Lund (2003). A functional overlap of plasminogen and MMPs regulates placental development. Development. 130: 4439-4450. PMID: 12900459

Luk, H.W., L. J. Noble & Z. Werb (2003). Macrophages contribute to the maintenance of stable regenerating neurites following peripheral nerve injury. J. Neurosci. Res. 73:644-658. PMID: 12929132

Goussev, S., J.-Y. C. Hsu, Y. Lin, T. Tjoa, N. Maida, Z. Werb & L. J. Noble-Haeusslein (2003). Differential temporal expression of matrix metalloproteinases after spinal cord injury: relationship to revascularization and wound healing. J. Neurosurg. 99 (2 Suppl.):188-197. PMID: 12956462

Whetstone, W., J.Y. Hsu, M. Eisenberg, Z. Werb, L. J. Noble-Haeusslein (2003). The blood-spinal cord barrier after spinal cord injury: Relation to revascularization and wound healing. J. Neurosci. Res.74: 227-39. PMID: 14515352

*Wiseman, B.S., M. D. Sternlicht, L. R. Lund, C. M. Alexander, J. Mott, M. J. Bissell, P. Soloway, S. Itohara & Z. Werb (2003). Site-specific positive and negative activities of MMP-2 and MMP-3 orchestrate mammary gland branching morphogenesis. J. Cell Biol. 162: 1123-1133. PMID: 12975354

*Parisi, T., A. R. Beck, N. Rougier, T. McNeil, L. Lucian, Z. Werb & B. Amati (2003). Cyclins E1 and E2 are required for endoreplication in placental trophoblast giant cells. EMBO J. 22: 4794-4803. PMID: 12970191

Lambert, V., B. Wielockx, C. Munaut, C. Galopin, M. Jost, T. Itoh, Z. Werb, A. Baker, C. Libert, J.-M. Foidart , A. Noël & J.-M. Rakic (2003). MMP-2 and MMP-9 synergize in promoting choroidal neovascularization. FASEB J. 17: 2290-2292. PMID: 14563686

Man, A. K., L. J. T. Young, J. Tynan, J. Lesperance, M. Egeblad, Z. Werb, C. A. Hauser, W. J. Muller, R. D. Cardiff & R. G. Oshima (2003). Ets2-dependent stromal regulation of mouse mammary tumors. Mol. Cell. Biol. 23: 8614-8625. PMID: 14612405

Behonick, D. J. & Z. Werb (2003). A bit of give and take: the relationship between the extracellular matrix and the developing chondrocyte. Mech. Dev. 129: 1327-1336. PMID: 14623441

*Li, Y., B. Welm, K. P., S. Huang, M. Chamorro, T. Rowlands, P. Cowin, M. Egeblad, Z. Werb, L. K. Tan, J. Rosen & H. E. Varmus (2003). Evidence that transgenes encoding components of the Wnt signaling pathway preferentially induce mammary cancers from progenitor cells. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 100: 15853–15858. PMID: 14668450

Chantrain, C.F., H. Shimada, S. Groshen, W. Ye, D. R. Shalinsky, Z. Werb, L. M. Coussens & Y. A. DeClerck (2004). Stromal matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) regulates the vascular architecture in neuroblastoma by promoting pericyte recruitment. Cancer Res. 64: 1675-1686. PMID: 14996727

Ortega, N., D. J. Behonick & Z. Werb (2004). Matrix remodeling during endochondral ossification. Trends Cell Biol. 14: 86-93. PMID: 15102440

Mott, J.D. & Z. Werb (2004). Regulation of matrix biology by matrix metalloproteinases. Curr. Opin. Cell Biol. 16: 558-564. PMID: 15363807

Cases, S., P. Zhou, J. Schillingford, B. S. Wiseman, J.-D. Fish, C.S. Angle, L. Hennighausen, Z. Werb & R. V. Farese, Jr. (2004). Development of the mammary gland requires DGAT1 expression in stromal and epithelial tissues. Development. 131:3047-3055 [Epub May 26, 2004]. PMID: 15163627

Corry, D.B., A. Kiss, L.-Z. Song, L. Song, J. Xu, S.-H. Lee, Z. Werb & F. Kheradmand (2004). Overlapping and independent contributions of MMP2 and MMP9 to lung allergic inflammatory cell egression thorough decreased CC chemokines. FASEB J. 18: 995-997 [Epub April 1, 2004]. PMID: 15059974

Wang, K., H. Yamamoto, J. R. Chin, Z. Werb & T. H. Vu (2004) EGFR-deficient mice have delayed vascular invasion and primary endochondral ossification due to defective osteoclast recruitment. J. Biol. Chem. 279: 53848-53856 [Epub Sept 28, 2004]. PMID: 15456762

*Stickens, D., D. J. Behonick, N. Ortega, B. Heyer, B. Hartenstein, Y. Yu, M. Schorpp-Kistner, A. Fosang, P. Angel & Z. Werb (2004). Altered endochondral bone formation in matrix metalloproteinase-13 deficient mice. Development 131: 5883-5895. PMID: 15539485

Masson, V., L. Rodriguez de la Ballina, C. Munaut, B. Wielocks, M. Jost, C. Maillard, S. Blacher, K. Bajo, T. Itoh, Z. Werb, C. Libert, J.-M. Foidart & A. Noël (2005). Contribution of host MMP-2 and MMP-9 to promote tumor vascularization and invasion of malignant keratinocytes. FASEB J. 19: 234-236 [Epub Nov 18, 2004]. PMID: 15550552

Lee, M. M., B. J. Yoon, B. Johnston, K. Osiewicz, B. Bundy, A. M. van Heeckeren, Z. Werb, P. Kube & P. D. Soloway (2005). TIMP-1 regulates resistance to infection. Infection Immun. 73: 661-665. PMID: 15618213

Perez, S., D. A. Cano, T. Dao-Pick, J.-P. Rougier, Z. Werb & M. Hebrok (2005). MMP2 and MMP9 are dispensable for pancreatic islet formation and function in vivo. Diabetes 54: 694-701. PMID: 15734845

Liu, Z., N. Liu, L. A. Diaz, M. Shipley, R. M. Senior & Z. Werb (2005). Synergy between a plasminogen cascade and MMP-9 in autoimmune disease. J. Clin. Invest. 115: 879-887. PMID: 15841177

*Ortega, N., D. J. Behonick, C. Colnot, D. H. Cooper & Z. Werb (2005). Galectin-3 is a downstream regulator of MMP-9 function during endochondral bone formation. Mol. Biol. Cell. 16: 3028-6039 [Epub Mar 30]. PMID: 15800063

*Radisky, D. C., D. D. Levy, L. E. Littlepage, H. Liu, C. M. Nelson, J. E. Fata, D. Leake, E. L. Godden, D. G. Albertson, M.A. Nieto, Z. Werb & M. J. Bissell. (2005). Rac1b and reactive oxygen species mediate MMP-3-induced EMT and genomic instability. Nature. 436:123-127. PMID: 16001073

*Sternlicht, M.D., S. W. Sunnarborg, H. Kouros-Mehr, Y. Yu, D. C. Lee & Z. Werb (2005). Mammary ductal morphogenesis requires paracrine activation of stromal EGFR via ADAM17-dependent shedding of epithelial amphiregulin. Development. 132:3923-3933 [Epub Aug 3, 2005.] PMID: 16079154

*Carlson, T. R., Y. Yan, X. Wu, M.T. Lam, G. L. Tang, L.J. Beverly, L. M. Messina, A. J. Capobianco, Z. Werb & R. Wang (2005). Endothelial expression of constitutively active Notch 4 elicits reversible arteriovenous malformations in adult mice. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 102: 9884-9889 [Epub Jun 30]. PMID: 15994223

*Song, S., A. J. Ewald, W. Stallcup, Z. Werb & G. Bergers (2005). PDGFRβ+ perivascular progenitor cells in tumours regulate pericyte differentiation and vascular survival. Nature Cell. Biol. 7: 870-879 [Epub Aug 21]. PMID: 16113679

*Heissig, B., S. Rafii, Y, Ohki, Y. Sato, T. Rafael, Z. Zhu, D. J Hicklin, H. Ogawa, Z. Werb & K. Hattori (2005). Low-dose irradiation promotes tissue revascularization through Kit-ligand mediated release of VEGF from mast cells and MMP-9-mediated progenitor cell mobilization. J. Exp. Med. 202:739-750 [Epub Sept 12]. PMID: 16157686

Morimoto-Tomita, M., K. Uchimura, A. Bistrup, D. H. Lum, M. Egeblad, N. Boudreau, Z. Werb & S. D. Rosen (2005). Sulf-2, an extracellular heparan sulfate endosulfatase, is upregulated during breast cancer progression and is proangiogenic. Neoplasia. 7: 1001-1010. PMID: 16331886

Wall, S., E. Werner, Z. Werb & Y. A. DeClerck (2005). Discoidin domain receptor 2 mediates tumor cell cycle arrest induced by fibrillar collagen. J. Biol. Chem. 280:40187-40194 [Epub Sept 2005]. PMID: 16186104

*Stickens, D., B. M. Zak, N. Rougier, J. D. Esko & Z. Werb (2005). Mice deficient in Ext2 lack heparan sulfate and develop exostoses. Development. 132:5055-5068 [Epub Oct 19, 2005]. PMID: 16236767

Atabai K., R. Fernandez, X. Huang, A. Ueki, A. Kline, Y. Li, S. Sadatmansoori, C. Smith-Steinhart, W. Zhu, R. Pytela, Z. Werb & D. Sheppard (2005). Mfge8 is critical for mammary gland remodeling during involution. Mol. Biol. Cell. 16:5528-5537. [Epub Sept 29, 2005]. PMID: 16195353

Hartenstein, B., B. T. Dittrich, D. Stickens B. Heyer, T. H. Vu, S. Teurich, M. Schorpp-Kistner, Z. Werb & P. Angel (2006). Epidermal development and wound healing in matrix metalloproteinase-13 deficient mice. J. Invest. Dermatol. 126:486-496 [ Epub Dec 22, 2005]. PMID: 16374453

Uchimura, K., M. Morimoto-Tomita, A. Bistrup, J. Li, M. Lyon, J.Gallagher, Z. Werb & S. D. Rosen (2006). HSulf-2, an extracellular endoglucosamine-6-sulfatase, selectively mobilizes heparin-bound growth factors and chemokines: effects on VEGF, FGF-1 and SDF-1. BMC Biochemistry. 7:2 (Epub Jan 17, 2006). PMID: 16417632

Zeisberg, M., M. Khurana, V. H. Rao, D. Cosgrove, J.-P. Rougier, M. C. Werner, C. F. Shield III, Z. Werb & R. Kalluri (2006). Stage-specific action of matrix metalloproteinases influences progressive hereditary kidney disease. PLoS Med. 3:e100 [Epub Mar 7, 2006]. PMID: 16509766

Jin, D. K., K. Shido, H.-G. Kopp, I. Petit, S. V. Shmelkov, L. M. Young, A. Hooper, H. Amano, S. T. Avecilla, B. Heissig, K. Hattori, F. Zhang, D. J. Hicklin, Y. Wu, Z. Zhu, A. Dunn, H. Salari, Z. Werb, N. R. Hackett, R. G. Crystal, D. Lyden & S. Rafii (2006). Cytokine-mediated deployment of SDF-1 induces revascularization through recruitment of CXCR4+ hemangiocytes. Nat. Med. 12:557-567. [Epub April 30, 2006]. PMID: 16648859. Corrigendum: (2006). Nat Med. 12:978. PMID: 16892040

Lund, L.R., K. A. Green, A. A. Stoop, M. Ploug, K. Almholt, J. Lilla, B. S. Nielsen, I. J. Christensen, C. S. Craik, Z. Werb, K. Danø & J. Rømer. (2006). Plasminogen activation independent of uPA and tPA maintains skin wound healing in gene-deficient mice. EMBO J. 25:2686-2697. [Epub Jun 8, 2006]. PMID: 16763560

Hsu, J.-Y. C., R. McKeon, S. Goussev, Z. Werb, J.-E. Lee, A. Trivedi & L. J. Noble-Haeusslein (2006). Matrix metalloproteinase-2 facilitates wound healing events that promote functional recovery after spinal cord injury. J. Neurosci. 26 :9841-9850. PMID: 17005848

Yeh, M. W., J.-P. Rougier, J.-W. Park, Q.-Y. Duh, M. Wong, Z. Werb & O. H. Clark (2006). Differentiated thyroid cancer cell invasion is regulated through epidermal growth factor receptor-dependent activation of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-2/gelatinase A. Endocr. Relat. Cancer. 13:1173-1183. PMID: 17158762

Chaillan, F.A., S. Rivera, E. Marchetti, J. Jourquin, Z. Werb. P.D. Soloway, M. Khrestchatisky & F.S. Roman (2006) Involvement of tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases-1 in learning and memory in mice. Behav. Brain Res. 173:191-198. [Epub, Jul 21, 2006] PMID: 16860884

Sternlicht, M. D., A. M. Dunning, D. H. Moore, P. D. P. Pharoah, D. G. Ginzinger, K. Chin, J. W. Gray, F. M. Waldman, B. A. J. Ponder & Z. Werb (2006). Prognostic value of PAI1 in invasive breast cancer: evidence that tumor-specific factors are more important than genetic variation in regulating PAI1 expression. Canc. Epidemiol. Biomarkers. Prev. 15: 2107-2114. PMID: 17119035

Greenlee, K., D. B. Corry, D. A. Engler, R. K. Matsunami, P. Tessier,, R. G. Cook, Z. Werb & F. Kheradmand (2006). Proteomics identification of in vivo substrates for matrix metalloproteinases 2 and 9 reveals a mechanism for resolution of inflammation. J. Immunol. 177: 7312-7321. PMID: 17082650

Sternlicht, M.D., H. Kouros-Mehr, P. Lu & Z. Werb (2006). Hormonal and local control of mammary branching morphogenesis. Differentiation. 74 :365-381. PMID: 16916375

Lu, P., M. D. Sternlicht & Z. Werb (2006). Comparative mechanisms of branching morphogenesis in diverse systems. J. Mamm. Gland Biol. Neoplasia. 11:213-228. Epub Nov 21, 2006. PMID: 17120154

Kouros-Mehr, H. & Z. Werb (2006). Candidate regulators of mammary branching morphogenesis identified by genome-wide transcript analysis. Dev. Dyn. 235: 3404-3412. [Epub Oct 12, 2006]. PMID: 17039550

*Kouros-Mehr, H., E. M. Slorach, M. D. Sternlicht & Z. Werb (2006). GATA-3 maintains the differentiation of the luminal cell fate in the mammary gland. Cell 127:1041-1055. PMID: 17129787. Also see Nature Cell Biol. (News & Views) 9: 135-136 (2007); Nature (News & Views) 445:724-726 (2007).

Lum, D.H., J. Tan, S. D. Rosen & Z. Werb (2007). Gene trap disruption of the mouse heparan sulfate 6-O-endosulfatase, Sulf2. Mol. Cell. Biol. 27:678-688. [Epub, 20 Nov 2006]. PMID: 17116694

Greenlee, K. J., Z. Werb & F. Kheradmand (2007). Matrix metalloproteinases in lung: Multiple, multifarious and multifaceted. Physiol. Rev. 87: 69-98. PMID: 17237343

*Page-McCaw, A., A. J. Ewald & Z. Werb (2007). Matrix metalloproteinases and the regulation of tissue remodelling. Nat. Rev. Mol. Cell Biol. 8: 221-233. PMID: 17318226. Featured article and cover.

Atabai, K., D. Sheppard & Z. Werb (2007). The role of the innate immune system in mammary gland remodeling during involution. J. Mamm. Gland Biol. Neoplasia. 12: 37-45 [Epub Feb 8 2007]. PMID: 17286210

Gutiérrez-Fernández, A., M. Inada, M. Balbín, A. Fueyo, A. S. Pitiot, A. Astudillo, , K. Hirose, M. Hirata, S. D. Shapiro, A. Noël, Z. Werb, S. M. Krane, C. López-Otín & X. S. Puente (2007). Increased inflammation delays wound healing in MMP-8/collagenase-2 deficient mice. FASEB J. 21:2580-2591. [Epub Mar 28, 2007] PMID: 17392479.

Fata, J.E., H. Mori, A. J. Ewald, H. Zhang, E. Yao, Z. Werb & M. J. Bissell (2007). The MAPKERK-1,2 pathway integrates distinct and antagonistic signals from TGFα and FGF7 in morphogenesis of mouse mammary epithelium. Dev. Biol. 306 :193-207. [Epub 16 March 2007]. PMID: 17448457.

Yu, W., X. Fang, A. J. Ewald, K. Wong, C. A. Hunt, Z. Werb, M. A. Matthay & K. Mostov (2007). Formation of cysts by alveolar type II cells in three-dimensional culture reveals a novel mechanism for epithelial morphogenesis. Mol. Biol. Cell. 18: 1693-1700. PMID: 17332496.

Egeblad, M., H.-C. J. Shen, D. J. Behonick, L. Wilmes, A. Eichten, L. Korets, F. Kheradmand, Z. Werb & L. M. Coussens (2007). Type I collagen is a modifier of matrix metalloproteinase-2 function in skeletal development. Dev. Dyn. 236:1683-1693. [Epub Apr 17] PMID: 17440987.

Lemieux, G. A., F. Blumenkron, N. Yeung, P. Zhou, J. Williams, A. C. Grammer, R. Petrovich, P. E. Lipsky, M. L. Moss & Z. Werb (2007). The low affinity IgE receptor (CD23) is cleaved by the metalloproteinase ADAM10. J. Biol. Chem. 282:14836-14844. [Epub ahead of print Mar 27]. PMID: 17389606.

Behonick, D.J., Z. Xing, S. Lieu, J. M. Buckley, J. C. Lotz, R. S. Marcucio, Z. Werb, T. Miclau & C. Colnot (2007). Role of matrix metalloproteinase 13 in both endochondral and intramembranous ossification during skeletal regeneration. PLoS One 2: e1150. PMID: 17987127

Melani, C., S. Sangaletti, F. M. Barazzetta, Z. Werb & M. P. Colombo (2007). Amino-biphosphonate-mediated MMP-9 inhibition breaks the tumor-bone marrow axis responsible for myeloid-derived suppressor cell expansion and macrophage infiltration in tumor stroma Cancer Res. 67:11438-11446. PMID: 18056472

Sneddon, J.B. & Z. Werb (2007). Location, location, location: The cancer stem cell niche. Cell Stem Cell. 1:607-611. PMID: 18371402

*Heissig, B., L. R. Lund, H. Akiyama, M. Ohki, Y. Morita, J. Rømer, H. Nakauchi, K. Okumura, H. Ogawa, Z. Werb, K. Danø & K. Hattori (2007). Novel functions for a fibrinolytic pathway in controlling hematopoiesis. Cell Stem Cell. 1:658-670. PMID: 18371407

*Welm, B.E, G. J. P. Dijkgraaf, A. S. Bledau, A. L. Welm & Z. Werb (2008). Lentiviral transduction of stem cells for genetic analysis of mammary development and breast cancer. Cell Stem Cell. 2:90-102. PMID: 18371425. Also see Nat. Rev. Cancer 8:163 (2008). Faculty of 1000 Biology: .

Adler, A.S., L. E. Littlepage, M. Lin, T. L. A. Kawahara, D. J. Wong, Z. Werb & H. Y. Chang (2008). Essential role of CSN5 isopeptidase activity in breast cancer progression. Cancer Res. 68: 506-515. PMID 18199546

*Kouros-Mehr, H., S. K. Bechis, E.M. Slorach, L. E. Littlepage, M. Egeblad, A. J. Ewald, S.-Y. Pai, I-C. Ho & Z. Werb (2008). GATA-3 links tumor differentiation and dissemination in a luminal breast cancer model. Cancer Cell. 13:141-152. PMID: 18242514. Also see Editors’ Choice, Science 319:162 (2008).

*Du, R., K. Lu, C. Petritsch, P. Liu, R. Ganss, E. Passague, H. Song, S. VandenBerg, R.S. Johnson, Z. Werb & G. Bergers (2008). HIF1α promotes tumor progression by inducing the recruitment of bone marrow-derived vascular modulatory cells to regulate angiogenesis and tumor invasion. Cancer Cell. 13:206-220. PMID: 18328425. Also see Seandel et al., Cancer Cell 13:181-183.

Kouros-Mehr, H., J.-W. Kim, S. K. Bechis & Z. Werb (2008). GATA-3 and the regulation of the mammary luminal cell fate. Curr. Opin. Cell Biol. 20 :164-170. [Epub ahead of print, Mar 20]. PMID: 18358709

Lu, P., Y. Yu, Y. Perdue & Z. Werb (2008). The apical ectodermal ridge is a timer for generating distal limb progenitors. Development. 135:1395-1405. PMID: 18359901

*Ewald, A.J., A. Brenot, M. Duong, B.S. Chan & Z. Werb (2008). Collective epithelial migration and cell rearrangements drive mammary branching morphogenesis. Dev. Cell. 14:570-581. PMID: 18410732. Also see Nature Cell Biol 10:642 (2008); Faculty of 1000 Biology: /evaluation.

Martín-Belmonte, F., W. Yu, A. E. Rodríguez-Fraticelli, A. J. Ewald, Z. Werb, M. A. Alonso & K. Mostov (2008). Cell polarity dynamics controls the mechanism of lumen formation in epithelial morphogenesis. Curr. Biol. 18:507-513. [Epub ahead of print, Apr 3]. PMID: 18394894. Correction in Curr. Biol. 18: 630.

Riedl, J., A. Crevenna, K. Kessenbrock, J. H. Yu, D. Neukirchen, M. Bista, F. Bradke, D. Jenne, T. Holak, Z. Werb, M. Sixt & R. Wedlich-Soldner (2008). Lifeact - a versatile marker to visualize F-actin. Nature Meth. 5:605-607. [Epub ahead of print, Jun 8]. PMID: 1853672

*Egeblad, M., A. J. Ewald, H. A. Askautrud, B. E. Welm, M. Truitt, E. Bainbridge, G. Peeters, M. Krummell & Z. Werb (2008). Imaging stromal cell behavior in intact tumor microenvironments. Dis. Model. Mech. 1:155-167. PMID: 19048070. Also see Perentes et al. Dis. Model. Mech. 2:107-110 (2009).

Lu, P., A. J. Ewald, G. R. Martin & Z. Werb (2008). Genetic mosaic analysis reveals FGF receptor 2 is required in terminal end buds during mammary gland branching morphogenesis. Dev. Biol. 231:77-87. [Epub ahead of print Jun 13]. PMID: 18585375.

Nielsen, B. S., M. Egeblad, F. Rank, H. A. Askautrud, C. Pennington, T. X. Pedersen, D. Edwards, I. J. Christensen, Z. Werb & L. R. Lund (2008). Matrix metalloproteinase 13 is induced in myofibroblasts in early invasive polyoma middle T oncogene-induced invasive mammary carcinoma, but does not affect tumor progression. PLoS One. 3(8):e2959.. PMID: 18698413.

*Lu, P. & Z. Werb (2008). Patterning mechanisms of branched organs. Science. 322:1506-1509. PMID: 19056977; PMCID: PMC2645229

Hsu, J-Y., L, Y. W. Bourguignon, C. M. Adams, K. Peyrollier, H. Zhang, T. Fandel, C. Cun, Z. Werb & L. J. Noble-Haeusslein (2008). Matrix metalloproteinase-9 facilitates astrocyte motility and glial scar formation in the injured spinal cord. J. Neurosci. 28:13467-13477. PMID: 19074020.

Fernandez-Gonzalez, R., I. Illa-Bochaca, B. E. Welm, M. C. Fleisch, Z. Werb, C. Ortiz-de-Solorzano & M. H. Barcellos-Hoff (2009). Mapping mammary gland architecture using multi-scale in situ analysis. Integr. Biol. 1: 80-89. [ Epub Dec. 5, 2008].

Bengatta, S., C. Arnould, E. Letavernier, M. Monge, H. M. de Préneuf, Z. Werb, P. Ronco & B. Lelongt (2009). MMP9 and SCF protect from cell apoptosis in acute kidney injury. J. Am. Soc. Nephrol. 20:787-797. PMID: 19329763.

Lilla, J. N., R. Joshi, C. S. Craik & Z. Werb (2009). Active plasma kallikrein localizes to mast cells and regulates epithelial cell apoptosis, adipocyte differentiation and stromal remodeling during mammary gland involution. J. Biol. Chem. 84:13792-13803. [Epub March 18, 2009]. PMID: 19297327

Kessenbrock, K., M. Krumbholz, U. Schönermarck, W. Back, W. L. Gross, Z. Werb, H.-J. Gröne, V. Brinkmann & D. E. Jenne (2009). Netting neutrophils in autoimmune small vessel vasculitis. Nature Med. 15: 623-625. [Epub May 17, 2009]. PMID: 19448636. Also see “Editors’ Choice”, Science 324:1242 (2009).

Little, C. B., A. Barai, D. Burkhardt, S.M. Smith, A.J. Fosang, Z. Werb, M. Shah & E.W. Thompson (2009). Matrix metalloproteinase-13 deficient mice are resistant to osteoarthritic cartilage erosion but not chondrocyte hypertrophy or osteophyte development. Arth. Rheum. In press.

Atabai, K., S. Jamé, N. Azhar, A. Kuo, M. Lam, W. McKleroy, G. DeHart, D. D. Xia, A. C. Melton, P. Wolters, C. L. Emson, S.M. Turner, Z. Werb & D. Sheppard (2009). Mfge8 regulates tissue fibrosis by binding and targeting collagen for uptake by macrophages. J. Clin. Invest. In press.

Ortega, N., K. Wang, N. Ferrara, Z. Werb & T. H. Vu (2009). Complementary interplay between matrix metalloproteinase-9, vascular endothelial growth factor and osteoclast functions drives endochondral bone formation. Dis. Model. Mech. In press.

Lilla, J. N., & Z. Werb (2009). Mast cells contribute to the stromal microenvironment in mammary gland branching morphogenesis. Dev. Biol. In press.

Lohela, M. & Z. Werb (2009). Intravital imaging of stromal cell dynamics in tumors. Curr. Opin. Genet. Dev. In press.

Submitted/in revision

Kessenbrock, K., V. Plaks & Z. Werb (2009). Matrix metalloproteinases: Proteolytic regulators of the tumor microenvironment. Cell. In revision.

Ohki, M., Y. Ohki, H. Akiyama, M. Ishihara, C. Nishida, Y. Tashiro, H. Komiyama, L. R. Lund, A. Nitta, K. Yamada, Z. Zhu, H. Ogawa, H. Yagita, K. Okumura, Z. Werb, B. Heissig & K. Hattori (2009). Tissue type plasminogen activator regulates myeloid-cell dependent neoangiogenesis during tissue regeneration. Blood. Submitted for publication.

Sounni, N. E., K. Dehne, L. L. C. L. van Kempen, M. Egeblad, N. Affara, I. Cuevas, J. Wiesen, J. Junankar, L. Korets, L. Lee, J. Shen, C. J. Morrison, C. M. Overall, S. M. Krane, Z. Werb, N. Boudreau & L. M. Coussens (2009). Stromal regulation of vessel stability by MMP9 and TGFb. Dis. Model. Mech. In revision.

Zhang, H., H. Adwanikar, Z. Werb & L. J. Noble-Haeusslein (2009). Matrix metalloproteinases and neurotrauma: Evolving roles in injury and reparative processes. Neuroscientist. Submitted for publication.

Lemieux, G. A., J. Liu, N. Mayer, R. J. Bainton, K. Ashrafi & Z Werb (2009). A physiology-based screen for novel pharmacological modulators of metabolism. Nature. Submitted for publication.

Littlepage, L. E., M. D. Sternlicht, N. Rougier, J. Phillips, E. Gallo, Y. Yu, K. Williams, A. Brenot, J. I. Gordon & Z. Werb (2009). Matrix metalloproteinases contribute distinct roles in neuroendocrine prostate carcinogenesis, metastasis, and angiogenesis progression. Cancer Res. In revision.

Lederle, W., B. Hartenstein, H. Kunzelmann, Z. Werb, P. Angel & M. M. Mueller (2009). MMP-13 as a stromal mediator in controlling persistent angiogenesis in carcinomas. Carcinogenesis. Revision submitted for publication.

*Egeblad, M., B. S. Wiseman, M. D. Sternlicht, H. Kouros-Mehr, H. Mananzan, M. J. Bissell, L. M. Coussens, L. R. Lund & Z. Werb (2009). Matrix metalloproteinase-dependent remodeling of the collagen scaffold regulates mammary epithelial invasion. Cell. In revision.

Pozniak, C., G. J. P. Dijkgraaf, A. Langseth, Y. Choe, Z. Werb & S. J. Pleasure (2009). Sox10 directs neural stem cells toward the oligodendrocyte lineage by decreasing Suppressor of Fused expression. In revision.

*Askautrud, H. A. , A. J. Ewald, E. Frengen, Z. Werb & M. Egeblad (2009). Targeting of tumor-associated macrophages by doxorubicin revealed by real-time, intravital imaging. In preparation.

Egeblad, M., N. Nakasone & Z. Werb (2009). From cancer cell, to organ and organism – The importance of the organization of tumors. Dev. Cell. In preparation.

Ewald, A. J., H. Palsdottir, J. K. Lee, M. Perez, A. Tauscher, Z. Werb & M. Auer (2009).

Reversible disruption of epithelial polarity and cell adhesion during mammary epithelial morphogenesis. Manuscript in preparation.

Slorach, E. M., J. Chou & Z. Werb (2009). Zeppo1 is a novel metastasis promoter that regulates mammary epithelial adhesion and migration. Manuscript in preparation.

Rinkenberger, J., V. Plaks, M. Sund, K. Kanasak, R. Kalluri & Z. Werb (2009). A pre-eclampsia placental phenotype in MMP-9 deficient mice. Manuscript in preparation.

B. Books:

1. Werb, Z. (1971). Dynamics of Macrophage Membrane Cholesterol. Ph.D. Thesis, The Rockefeller University, New York, 214 pp. (Dissertation Abstracts, 1973B, 33: 3469-3470B).

2. Birkedal-Hansen, H., Z. Werb, H. G. Welgus & H. Van Wart, editors (1992). Matrix Metalloproteinases and Inhibitors. Gustav Fisher Verlag, Stuttgart. 504 pp.

3. Werb, Z. & M.J. Bissell, guest editors (1995). Basic Science Aspects of Breast Cancer. Seminars in Cancer Biology 6: Special Issue

4. Fleischmajer, R., R. Timpl & Z. Werb, editors (1998). Morphogenesis: - Volume 857 - Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 288 pp.

5. Nilsen-Hamilton, M., Z. Werb & E. Keshet, editors (2003). Tissue Remodeling - Volume 995 - Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 216 pp.

C. Non Peer-reviewed Reviews and Editorials

1. Werb, Z., M.C. Burleigh & J.J. Reynolds (1973). Production of a specific collagenase by rabbit synovial cells in continuous cell culture. Biochem. Soc. Trans. 1: 379.

2. Werb, Z. (1973). Inhibition of specific collagenase by α2-macroglobulin. Biochem. Soc. Trans. 1: 382-383.

3. Werb, Z. & Z. A. Cohn (1974). Preparation of macrophage lysosomes and phagolysosomes. Meth. Enzymol. 31: 339-344. PMID: 4608929.

4. Brain, J.D., D.W. Golde, G.M. Green, D.J. Massaro, P.A. Valberg, P.A. Ward & Z. Werb (1978). Biological potential of pulmonary macrophages. Am. Rev. Resp. Dis. 118: 435-443. PMID: 29544

5. Harris, E.D., Jr., C.A. Vater, C.L. Mainardi & Z. Werb (1978). Cellular control of collagen breakdown in rheumatoid arthritis. Agents Actions. 8: 36-42. PMID: 205120

6. Werb, Z., M.J. Banda, J.H. McKerrow & R.A. Sandhaus (1982). Elastases and elastin degradation. J. Invest. Dermatol. 79: (Suppl.) 154s-159s. PMID: 7045242

7. Werb, Z., J.R. Chin, R. Takemura, R.L. Oropeza, D.F. Bainton, P. Stenberg, J.M. Taylor & C. Reardon (1986). The cell and molecular biology of apolipoprotein E synthesis and secretion by macrophages. Ciba Foundation Symp. 118: 155-171. PMID: 3525037

8. Banda, M.J., Z. Werb & J.H. McKerrow (1987). Elastin degradation. Meth. Enzymol. 144: 288-305. PMID: 3306285

9. Banda, M.J., G.S. Herron, G. Murphy, Z. Werb & K.S. Dwyer (1988). Proteinase induction by endothelial cells during wound repair. Prog Clin Biol Res. 266:117-130. [In: Growth Factors and Other Aspects of Wound Healing. Biological and Clinical Implications. Edited by A. Barbul, E. Pines, M. Caldwell & T.K. Hunt, Alan R. Liss, Inc., New York. pp. 117-130.] PMID: 2837786

10. Rappolee, D.A. & Z. Werb (1988). Secretory products of phagocytes. Curr. Opin. Immunol. 1: 47-55. PMID: 3077299

11. Rappolee, D.A. & Z. Werb (1989). Macrophage secretions: a functional perspective. Bull. Inst. Pasteur. 87: 361-394.

12. Alexander, C.M. & Z. Werb (1989). Proteinases and extracellular matrix remodeling. Curr. Opin. Cell Biol. 1: 974-982. PMID: 2697298

13. Werb, Z. (1990). Expression of EGF and TGF-α genes in early mammalian development. Mol. Reprod. Devel. 27: 10-15. PMID: 2271180

14. Werb, Z., P. Tremble & C.H. Damsky (1990). Regulation of extracellular matrix degradation by cell-extracellular matrix interactions. Cell Differ. Dev. 32: 299-306. PMID: 2151566

15. Werb, Z., C.M. Alexander & R.R. Adler (1992). Expression and function of matrix metalloproteinases in development. Matrix Suppl. 1: 337-343. PMID: 1480058

16. Damsky, C., P. Tremble & Z. Werb (1992). Signal transduction via the fibronectin receptor: Do integrins regulate matrix remodeling? Matrix Suppl. 1: 184-191. PMID: 1282660

17. Alexander, C.M., O. Behrendtsen, J. Goldsmith, K. Sturm & Z. Werb (1992). A genetic approach to identifying the functions of metalloproteinases and their inhibitors in adult and developing mice. Matrix Suppl. 1: 201-202. PMID: 1480024

18. Underwood, J.L., D.A. Rappolee, M. Flannery & Z. Werb (1992). Tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases is induced by nerve damage. Matrix Suppl. 1:330-331. PMID: 1480056

19. Tremble, P.M., C.H. Damsky & Z. Werb (1992). Fibronectin fragments, but not intact fibronectin, signalling through the fibronectin receptor induce metalloproteinase gene expression in fibroblasts. Matrix Suppl. 1:212-214. PMID: 1480029

20. Rappolee, D.A. & Z. Werb (1992). Macrophage-derived growth factors. Curr. Topics Microbiol. Immunol. 181:87-140. PMID: 1424786

21. Damsky, C.H. and Z. Werb (1992). Signal transduction by integrin receptors for extracellular matrix: cooperative processing of extracellular information. Curr. Opin. Cell Biol. 4:772-781. PMID: 1329869

22. Rappolee, D.A. & Z. Werb (1994). The role of growth factors in mammalian pregastrulation development. Adv. Dev. Biol. 3:41-71.

23. Sympson, C.J., M.J. Bissell & Z. Werb (1995). Mammary gland tumor formation in transgenic mice overexpressing stromelysin-1. Semin. Cancer Biol. 6: 159-163. PMID: 7495978

24. Sympson, C.J., R.S. Talhouk, M.J. Bissell & Z. Werb (1995). The role of metalloproteinases and their inhibitors in regulating mammary epithelial morphology and function in vivo. Persp. Drug Discovery Design. 2: 401-411.

25. Werb, Z., C.J. Sympson, C.M. Alexander, N. Thomasset, L.R. Lund, A. MacAuley, J. Ashkenas & M.J. Bissell (1996). Extracellular matrix remodeling and the regulation of epithelial-stromal interactions during differentiation and involution. Kidney Int. 49, Suppl. 54: S-68-S-74. PMID: 8731199

26. Wiesen, J.F. & Z. Werb (1996). The role of stromelysin-1 in stromal-epithelial interactions and cancer. Enzyme and Protein. 49: 174-181. PMID: 8797005

27. Ashkenas, J.M. & Z. Werb (1996). Proteolysis and the biochemistry of life-or-death decisions. J. Exp. Med. 183: 1947-1951. PMID: 8642303

28. Werb, Z., J. Ashkenas, A. MacAuley & J. F. Wiesen (1996). Extracellular matrix remodeling as a regulator of stromal-epithelial interactions during mammary gland development, involution and carcinogenesis. Brazilian J. Med. Biol. Res. 29: 1087-1097. PMID: 9181050

29. Basbaum C.B. & Z. Werb (1996). Focalized proteolysis: spatial and temporal regulation of extracellular matrix degradation at the cell surface. Curr. Opin. Cell Biol. 8: 731-738. PMID: 8939664

30. Coussens, L. M. & Z Werb (1996). Matrix metalloproteinase expression and neoplasia. Chem Biol. 3: 895-904. PMID: 8939708

31. Mostov, K. & Z. Werb (1997). Journey across the osteoclast. Science. 276: 219-220. PMID: 9132944

32. Werb, Z. & J. R. Chin (1998). Extracellular matrix remodeling during morphogenesis. Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 857:110-118. PMID: 9917836

33. Lochter, A., M. Sternlicht, Z. Werb & M.J. Bissell (1998). The significance of matrix metalloproteinases during early stages of tumor progression. Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 857:180-193. PMID: 9917841

34. Uria, J. A. & Z. Werb (1998). Matrix metalloproteinases and their expression in mammary gland. Cell Res. 8: 187-194. PMID: 9791732

35. Werb, Z. & Y. Yan (1998). A cellular striptease act. Science 282:1279-1280. PMID: 9867633

36. Werb, Z., T.H. Vu, J.L. Rinkenberger & L.M. Coussens (1999). Matrix-degrading proteases and angiogenesis during development and tumor formation. APMIS 107: 11-18. PMID: 10190275

37. Wiesen, J. & Z. Werb (2000). Proteinases, cell cycle regulation and apoptosis during mammary gland involution. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 56: 534-540. PMID: 10911404

38. Rinkenberger, J. & Z. Werb (2000). The labyrinthine placenta. Nat. Genet. 25: 248-250. PMID: 10888863

39. Delaisse, J., M.T. Engsig, V. Everts, M. del Carmen Ovejero, M. Ferrera, L. Lund, T.H. Vu, Z. Werb, B. Winding, A. Lochter, M.A. Karsdal, T. Troen, T. Kirkegaard, T. Lenhard T, A. Heegaard, A.Neff, R. Baron & N.T. Foged (2000). Proteinases in bone resorption: obvious and less obvious roles. Clin. Chim. Acta 291:223-234. PMID: 10675725

40. Cunha, G. R., J.F. Wiesen, Z. Werb, P. Young, Y. K. Hom, P.S. Cooke & D.B. Lubahn (2000). Paracrine mechanisms of mammary ductal growth. Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. 480: 93-97. (In: Biology of the Mammary Gland, Clegg, R. A. and Mol, J. A. eds. Plenum Press, New York, pp. 93-97). PMID: 10959414

41. Coussens, L.M., S.D. Shapiro, P. D. Soloway & Z. Werb (2001). Models for the gain-of function and loss-of-function of MMPs: Transgenic and gene targeted mice. Methods Mol Biol. 51:149-179.(In: Matrix Metalloproteinase Protocols. Edited by I.M. Clark. Humana Press, Totowa, NJ, pp.149-179.) PMID: 11217297

42. Rougier, N. & Z. Werb (2001). Parthenogenesis. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 59: 468-474. PMID: 11468784

43. Coussens L.M. & Z. Werb (2001). Inflammatory cells and cancer: Think different! J. Exp. Med. 193: F23-F26. PMID: 11257144

44. Kheradmand, F. & Z. Werb (2002). Shedding light on sheddases: role in growth and development. Bioessays. 24: 8-12. PMID: 11782944

45. Welm, B., J. Mott & Z. Werb (2002). Developmental biology: Vasculogenesis is a wreck without Reck. Curr. Biol. 12: R209-211. PMID: 11909548

46. Lilla, J., D. Stickens & Z. Werb (2002). Metalloproteases and adipogenesis: a weighty subject. Am. J. Path. 160:1551-1554. PMID: 12000705

47. Heissig, B., K. Hattori, M. Friedrich, S. Rafii & Z. Werb (2003). Angiogenesis: Vascular remodeling of the extracellular matrix involves metalloproteinases. Curr. Opin. Hematol. 10:136-141. PMID: 12579040

48. Gustafsson, E., A. Aszodi, E. B. Hunziker, H.-W. Denker, N. Ortega, Z. Werb & R. Fässler (2003). Role of collagen type II and perlecan in skeletal development. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 995: 140-150. PMID: 12814946

49. Ortega, N., D. Stickens, D. Behonick & Z. Werb (2003). How proteases regulate bone morphogenesis. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 995: 109-116. PMID: 12814943

50. Heissig, B., Z. Werb, S. Rafii & K. Hattori (2003). Role of c-kit/Kit ligand in regulating vasculogenesis. Thromb. Haemost. 90: 570-576. PMID: 14515175

51. Slorach, E.M. & Z. Werb (2003). Epithelial morphogenesis: Netrin comes to a sticky and terminal end. Curr. Biol. 13: R491-493. PMID: 12814570

52. Fata, J.E., R. Zahedi, Z. Werb & M. J. Bissell (2004). Regulation of mammary gland branching morphogenesis by the extracellular matrix and its remodeling enzymes. Breast Cancer Res. 6: 1-11. PMID: 14680479

53. Heissig, B., Y. Ohki, Y. Sato, S. Rafii, Z. Werb & K. Hattori (2005). A role for niches in hematopoietic cell development. Hematology. 10:247-253. PMID: 16019473

54. Littlepage, L.E., M. Egeblad & Z. Werb (2005). Coevolution of cancer and stromal cellular responses. Cancer Cell. 7:499-500. PMID: 15950897

55. Egeblad, M. L.E. Littlepage & Z. Werb (2005). The fibroblastic coconspirator in cancer progression. Cold Spring Harb Symp Quant Biol. 70:383-388. PMID: 16869775

56. Levin, M, A. J. Ewald, M. McMahon, Z. Werb & K. Mostov (2007). A model of intussusceptive angiogenesis. Novartis Found. Symp. 283:37-45. PMID: 18300412

57. Weaver, V. & Z. Werb (2007). G”rab”bing the microenvironment for invasion. Dev. Cell. 13:462-463. PMID: 17925222

58. Chou, J., S. Provot & Z. Werb (2009). GATA3 in development and cancer differentiation: cells GATA have it! J. Cell. Physiol. 2009 Oct 1. [Epub ahead of print]. PMID: 19798694.

D. Chapters and symposia:

1. Reynolds, J.J. & Z. Werb (1975). The relationship of phagocytosis to secretion of non-lysosomal enzymes by connective tissue cells. In: Extracellular Matrix Influences on Gene Expression. Chapter 8. Edited by H.C. Slavkin & R.C. Greulich. Academic Press, New York, San Francisco and London. pp. 225-302.

2. Werb, Z. (1975). The role of endocytosis in controlling the secretion of non-lysosomal proteinases from connective tissue cells. In: Dynamics of Connective Tissue Macromolecules. Edited by M.C. Burleigh & A.R. Poole. North-Holland Publishing Co., Amsterdam. pp. 159-170.

3. Werb, Z. & J.T. Dingle (1976). Lysosomes as modulators of cellular function. Influence on the synthesis and secretion of nonlysosomal materials. Front. Biol. 45:127-156. (Lysosomes in Biology and Pathology, Vol. V. Edited by J.T. Dingle & R.T. Dean. North-Holland Publishing Co., Amsterdam. ).

4. Gordon, S., Z. Werb & Z.A. Cohn (1976). Methods for detection of macrophage secretory enzymes. In: In: Vitro Methods in Cell-Mediated and Tumor Immunity. Edited by B.R. Bloom & J.R. David. Academic Press, New York. pp. 341-352.

5. Harris, E.D., Jr., C.L. Mainardi & Z. Werb (1977). Collagenolysis in rheumatoid arthritis. In: Rheumatoid Arthritis: Cellular Pathology and Pharmacology. Edited by J.L. Gordon and B.L. Hazelman. North-Holland Publishing Co., Amsterdam. pp. 199-210.

6. Werb, Z. (1978). Pathways for the modulation of macrophage collagenase activity. In: Mechanisms of Localized Bone Loss. Edited by J.E. Horton, T.M. Tarpley & W.F. Davis. Calcif. Tiss. Abstr. Supplement 1978S: 213-228.

7. Werb, Z. (1980). Hormone receptors and hormonal regulation of macrophage physiological functions. In: Mononuclear Phagocytes - Functional Aspects. Edited by R. van Furth. Martinus Nijhoff Medical Division, The Hague/Boston/London, 809-829.

8. Werb, Z. (1980). The effects of toxic chemicals on the immune system: the interaction of macrophages with glucocorticoids a model system. Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Environmental Toxicology. Air Force Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory Publications AFAMRL-TR-79-121. pp. 154-171.

9. Jones, P.A. & Z. Werb (1981). Growth of macrophages on collagen, elastin and glycoprotein-coated plates as a tool for investigating macrophage proteinases. In: Methods for Studying Mononuclear Phagocytes. Edited by D.O. Adams, P. Edelson & H.S. Koren. Academic Press, New York. pp. 577-591.

10. Werb, Z. & J. Chin (1981). Biosynthetic radiolabeling of cellular and secreted proteins of mononuclear phagocytes. In: Methods for Studying Mononuclear Phagocytes. Edited by D.O. Adams, P. Edelson & H.S. Koren. Academic Press, New York. pp. 861-872.

11. Banda, M.J., H.F. Dovey & Z. Werb (1981). Methods for assaying macrophage elastinolytic enzymes. In: Methods Studying Mononuclear Phagocytes. Edited by D.O. Adams, P. Edelson & H.S. Koren. Academic Press, N.Y. pp. 603-618.

12. Werb, Z. (1981). Characterization and classification of macrophage proteinases and proteinase inhibitors. In: Methods for Studying Mononuclear Phagocytes. Edited by D.O. Adams, P. Edelson & H.S. Koren. Academic Press, New York. pp. 561-575.

13. Werb, Z. (1981). The mechanism of degradation of the extracellular matrix by macrophages. In: Heterogeneity of Mononuclear Phagocytes. Edited by O. Forster and M. Landy. Academic Press, New York. pp. 263-269.

14. Werb, Z. & J. Chin (1981). The secretion phenotypes of macrophage populations. In: Heterogeneity of Mononuclear Phagocytes. Edited by O. Forster & M. Landy. Academic Press, New York. pp. 301-303.

15. Banda, M.J., E.J. Clark & Z. Werb (1981). The role of macrophage elastase in the proteolysis of plasma and interstitial proteins. In: Heterogeneity of Mononuclear Phagocytes. Edited by O. Forster & M. Landy. Academic Press, New York. pp. 286-288.

16. Aggeler, J., J.E. Heuser & Z. Werb (1982). Presence of clathrin at adhesion sites in phagocytosing macrophages. In: 40th Annual Proceedings of the Electron Microscopy Society of America. Edited by G.W. Bailey, Washington D.C. pp. 114-117.

17. Li, G.C., D.C. Shrieve & Z. Werb (1982). Correlations between synthesis of heat shock proteins and development of tolerance to heat and to adriamycin in Chinese hamster fibroblasts: heat shock and other inducers. In: Heat Shock from Bacteria to Man. Edited by M.J. Schlesinger, M. Ashburner & A. Tissieres. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, NY. pp. 395-404.

18. Werb, Z. (1982). Degradation of collagen. In: Collagen in Health and Disease. Edited by M.I.V. Jayson & J.B. Weiss. Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh, UK. pp. 121-134.

19. Werb, Z. (1982). Phagocytic cells: Chemotaxis and effector functions of macrophages and granulocytes. I. Macrophages. In: Basic and Clinical Immunology, 4th edition. Edited by D.P. Stites, J. Stobo, H.H. Fudenberg & J.V. Wells. Lange Medical Publications, Los Altos, CA. pp. 109-123.

20. Aggeler, J., R. Takemura & Z. Werb (1983). Association of clathrin with macrophage membranes during phagocytosis and spreading. In: Membrane Dynamics, Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium, Division of Biophysics, The Tanaguchi Foundation. Edited by H. Miyamoto. Research Development Corp. of Japan. pp. 97-125.

21. Aggeler, J. & Z. Werb (1984). Ultrastructural aspects of phagocytosis by macrophages. In: Advances in Inflammation Research, Vol. 8. Edited by G. Weissmann, Raven Press, New York. pp. 35-54.

22. Werb, Z. (1984). Phagocytic cells: Chemotaxis and effector functions of macrophages and granulocytes. I. Macrophages. In: Basic and Clinical Immunology, 5th edition. Edited by D.P. Stites, J. Stobo, H.H. Fudenberg & J.V. Wells. Lange Medical Publications. pp. 104-118.

23. Oropeza, R.L. & Z. Werb (1985). Binding of hormones and other biological messengers to macrophage receptors. In: Mononuclear Phagocytes: Physiology and Pathology, edited by R.T. Dean & W. Jessup. Elsevier Biomedical Press, Amsterdam. pp. 225-241.

24. Banda, M.J., D.R. Knighton, J.A. Jensen, T.K. Hunt & Z. Werb (1985). Regulation of angiogenesis by macrophages. In: Mononuclear Phagocytes: Characteristics, Physiology, and Function. Edited by Ralph van Furth. Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, The Hague. pp. 765-774.

25. Banda, M.J., E.J. Clark & Z. Werb (1985). Macrophage elastase. Regulatory consequences of the proteolysis of nonelastin tissue substrates. In: Mononuclear Phagocytes: Characteristics, Physiology, and Function. Edited by Ralph van Furth. Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, The Hague. pp. 295-301.

26. Werb, Z., J.R. Chin, R. Takemura, S.M. Frisch, R.L. Oropeza & D.F. Bainton (1985). Control of apolipoprotein E secretion by macrophages. In: Mononuclear Phagocytes: Characteristics, Physiology, and Function. Edited by Ralph van Furth. Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, The Hague. pp. 269-278.

27. Aggeler, J., R. Takemura, B.A. Nichols & Z. Werb (1985). Macrophage membranes and clathrin. In: Mononuclear Phagocytes: Characteristics, Physiology, and Function. Edited by Ralph van Furth, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, The Hague. pp. 87-98.

28. Werb, Z., J.R. Chin, R. Takemura, R.L. Oropeza & D.F. Bainton (1985). Macrophages and the control of apolipoprotein E secretion. In: Macrophage Biology, Progress in Leukocyte Biology, Vol. 4. Edited by Sherwood Reichard and Mizu Kojima. Alan R. Liss, Inc., New York. pp. 339-353.

29. Oropeza, R.L., R. Schreiber & Z. Werb (1985). Regulation of apolipoprotein E expression in macrophages by γ−interferon. In: Cellular and Molecular Biology of Lymphokines. Edited by C. Sorg & A. Schimpl. Academic Press, New York. pp. 303-307.

30. Werb, Z., M.J. Banda, R. Takemura & S. Gordon. (1986). Secreted products of resting and activated macrophages. In: Handbook of Experimental Immunology, 4th edition, vol. 2. Edited by D.M. Weir, L.A. Herzenberg, C. Blackwell & L.A. Herzenberg, Blackwell Scientific Publications, Edinburgh, U.K. pp. 47.1-47.29.

31. Werb, Z. (1987). Phagocytic cells: Chemotaxis and effector functions of macrophages and granulocytes. I. Macrophages. In: Basic and Clinical Immunology, 6th edition. Edited by D.P. Stites, J. Stobo, and J.V. Wells. Appleton & Lange, Norwalk, CT. pp. 96-113.

32. Banda, M.J., G.S. Herron, G. Murphy & Z. Werb (1987). Regulation of connective tissue degrading metalloproteinase activity by microvascular endothelial cells. In: Proc. 34th Annual Meeting of the Collagen Research Club, 13-14 March 1987, Nagoya, Japan. pp. 34-38.

33. Banda, M.J., G.S. Herron, G. Murphy & Z. Werb (1987). Regulation of metalloproteinase activity by microvascular endothelial cells. In: Angiogenesis. Mechanisms and Pathology. Edited by D.B. Rifkin and M. Klagsbrun. Current Communications in Molecular Biology. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, NY. pp. 101-109.

34. Werb, Z. (1989). Proteinases and matrix degradation. In: Textbook of Rheumatology, 3rd edition. Edited by W.N. Kelley, E.D. Harris, Jr., S. Ruddy, and C.B. Sledge. W.B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia, PA. pp. 300-321.

35. Frisch, S.M. & Z. Werb (1989). Molecular biology of collagen degradation. In: Collagen: Biochemistry, Biotechnology, and Molecular Biology, Vol. IV. Edited by M.E. Nimni & B. Olsen. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. pp. 85-107.

36. Schultz, G., W. Dean, A. Hahnel, N. Telford, D. Rappolee, Z. Werb & R. Pedersen (1990). Changes in RNA and protein synthesis during development of the preimplantation mouse embryo. In: Early Embryo Development and Paracrine Relationships. Edited by S. Heyner & L.M. Wiley. Wiley-Liss Inc., New York, pp. 27-46.

37. Slavkin, H.C., M.L. Snead, W. Luo, P. Bringas, Jr., S. Kikunaga, Y. Sasano, C. Bessem, M. Mayo, M. MacDougall, L.B. Rall, D. Rappolee & Z. Werb (1990). Analysis of embryonic cartilage and bone induction in a defined culture system. In: Bone Regulatory Factors: Morphology, Biochemistry, Physiology and Pharmacology. Edited by A. Pecile and B. de Bernard. Plenum Publishing Co., London. pp. 55-68.

38. Rappolee, D.A., K.S. Sturm, G.A. Schultz, R.A. Pedersen & Z. Werb (1990). The expression of growth factor ligands and receptors in preimplantation mouse embryos. In: Early Embryo Development and Paracrine Relationships. Edited by S. Heyner & L.M. Wiley. Wiley-Liss Inc., New York. pp. 11-25.

39. Rappolee, D.A., K.S. Sturm, G.A. Schultz, C.A. Basilico, D. Bowen-Pope, R.A. Pedersen & Z. Werb (1991). Expression and function of growth factor ligands and receptors in preimplantation mouse embryos. In: Growth Factors in Reproduction. Edited by D.W. Schomberg, ed. Springer-Verlag, New York. pp. 207-218.

40. Rappolee, D.A. & Z. Werb (1991). Endogenous insulin-like growth factor II mediates growth in preimplantation mouse embryos. Modern Concepts of Insulin-like Growth Factors. Edited by E.M. Spencer, Elsevier Publishing Co., New York. pp. 3-8.

41. Alexander, C.M. & Z. Werb (1991). Extracellular matrix degradation. In: Cell Biology of Extracellular Matrix, second edition. Edited by E.D. Hay. Plenum Publishing Co., New York. pp. 255-302.

42. Fisher, S.J., Z. Werb, C.H. Damsky & C.L. Librach (1991). Metalloproteinases mediate human cytotrophoblast invasion in vitro. In: Proc. 49th Annual Meeting of the Electron Microscopy Society of America. Edited by G.W. Bailey, San Francisco Press, Inc. pp. 184-185.

43. Talhouk, R.S., C.H. Streuli, M.H. Barcellos-Hoff & M.J. Bissell (1991). The extracellular matrix. In: Fundamentals of Cell Biology, vol. 2, Structural Biology. Edited by E.E. Bittar. JAI Press, Greenwich, CT. pp. 137-178.

44. Werb, Z. & D.A. Rappolee (1991). The roles of growth factors and their receptors in peri-implantation mouse embryos and at the embryomaternal interface. In: Uterine and Embryonic Factors in Early Pregnancy. Edited by J.F. Strauss, III, and C.R. Lyttle. Plenum Publishing. Co., New York. pp. 167-178.

45. Werb, Z. (1992). The biologic role of metalloproteinases and their inhibitors. Chapter 26. In: Articular Cartilage and Osteoarthritis. Edited by K. E. Kuettner, R. Schleyerbach, J. G. Peyron, and V.C. Hascall, Raven Press, New York. pp. 295-304.

46. Talhouk, R.S., Z. Werb & M.J. Bissell (1992). Functional interplay between extracellular matrix and extracellular matrix-degrading proteinases in the mammary gland: a coordinate system for regulating mammary epithelial function. In: Epithelial Organization and Development. Edited by T.P. Fleming, Chapman & Hall Ltd. London. pp. 329-351.

47. Werb, Z., J.L. Underwood & D.A. Rappolee (1992). The role of macrophage-derived growth factors in tissue repair. In: Mononuclear Phagocytes; Biology of Monocytes and Macrophages. Edited by R. van Furth, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht. pp. 404-409.

48. Slavkin, H.C., L. Shum, P. Bringas, Jr. & Z. Werb (1992). Endogenous EGF regulates embryonic mouse mandibular morphogenesis in vitro using serumless chemically-defined medium. In: The Biological Mechanisms of Tooth Movement and Craniofacial Adaptation. Edited by Z. Davidovitch, The Ohio State University College of Dentistry, Columbus, Ohio. pp. 37-45.

49. Werb, Z. (1992). The role of metalloproteinases and their inhibitors in matrix remodeling in mineralized tissues. In: Chemistry and Biology of Mineralized Tissues. Edited by H. Slavkin and P. Price. Elsevier, Amsterdam. pp. 321-327.

50. Slavkin, H.C., L. Shum, P. Bringas Jr., Y. Sakakura, Y. Chai, M. Mayo, V. Santos, & Z. Werb (1992). EGF regulation of Meckel's cartilage morphogenesis during mandibular morphogenesis in serumless, chemically-defined medium in vitro. In: Chemistry and Biology of Mineralized Tissues. Edited by H.C. Slavkin and P.C. Price. Elsevier, Amsterdam. pp. 361-367.

51. Pedersen, R.A., K.S. Sturm, D.A. Rappolee and Z. Werb (1993). Effects of imprinting on early development in mouse embryos. In: Preimplantation Embryo Development. Edited by B.D. Bavister. Serono Symposia, Springer-Verlag New York. pp. 212-226.

52. Werb, Z. & C.M. Alexander (1993). Proteinases and matrix degradation. Chapter 14. In: Textbook of Rheumatology, 4th edition. Edited by W.N. Kelley, E.D. Harris, Jr., S. Ruddy, and C.B. Sledge. W.B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia, PA. pp. 248-268.

53. Werb, Z., E. Newman & D.A. Rappolee (1993). Analysis of imprinted gene expression during early development. In: Understanding Male Infertility: Basic and Clinical Approaches. Edited by R.W. Whitcomb and B.R. Zirkin. Raven Press, New York. pp. 295-306.

54. Werb, Z. and A. Huttenlocher (1993). Proteinases and their inhibitors. In: Primer on the Rheumatic Diseases. Edited by H.R. Schumacher, Jr., J.H. Klippel, and W.J. Koopman. Arthritis Foundation, Atlanta, GA. pp. 52-56.

55. Werb, Z., R. Talhouk, C. Sympson, C. Alexander & M.J. Bissell (1993). The role of metalloproteinases and their inhibitors in tissue remodeling in mammary gland. In: Proteolysis and Protein Turnover. Edited by J. S. Bond & A.J. Barrett. Portland Press, London. pp. 177-182.

56. Werb, Z. & C.M. Alexander (1994). Proteinases and matrix degradation. In: Arthritis Surgery. Edited by C.B. Sledge, E.D. Harris, Jr., S. Ruddy, and W.N. Kelley. W.B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia, PA. pp. 102-122.

57. Ashkenas, J., C. H. Damsky, M.J. Bissell & Z. Werb (1994). Integrins, signaling and the remodeling of the extracellular matrix. In: Integrins. Molecular and biological responses to the extracellular matrix. Edited by D.A. Cheresh and R.P. Mecham. Academic Press, San Diego. pp. 79-109.

58. Fisher, S.J. & Z. Werb (1995). The catabolism of extracellular matrix components. In: Extracellular Matrix Molecules: A Practical Approach. Edited by M.A. Haralson and J.R. Hassell. IRL Press at Oxford University Press. pp. 261-287.

59. Kheradmand, F. & Z. Werb (1997). Proteinases and their inhibitors. In: Primer on the Rheumatic Diseases. Edited by H.R. Schumacher, Jr., J.H. Klippel, and W.J. Koopman. Arthritis Foundation, Atlanta, GA. pp. 52-58.

60. Vu, T. & Z. Werb (1998). Gelatinase B: Structure, regulation and function. In: Matrix Metalloproteinases. Edited by W. C. Parks and R. P. Mecham. Academic Press, San Diego. pp.115-148.

61. Sternlicht, M. & Z. Werb (1999). ECM Proteinases; Astacin/Tolloid Proteinases; Lysosomal Proteinases; Matrix Metalloproteinases (MMPs); Neutrophil Elastase and Cathepsin G; Plasminogen; Plasminogen Activator Inhibitors; Tissue-type Plasminogen Activator (tPA) ; Urokinase-type Plasminogen Activator (uPA). In: Guidebook to the ECM and Adhesion Proteins, second ed. Edited by T. Kreis and R. Vale. Oxford University Press, Oxford. pp. 503-562.

62. Williams-Herman, D. & Z. Werb (1999). Phagocytosis by nonprofessional phagocytes. In: Advances in Cell and Molecular Biology of Membranes and Organelles. Vol. 5. Phagocytosis: The Host. Edited by S. Gordon. JAI Press Inc., Stamford CT. pp. 47-67.

63. Alexander, C. M., J. S. Mudgett, E. J. Hansell, J. Berger & Z. Werb (2000). Matrix metalloproteinase function during mammary gland involution. In: Tissue Inhibitors of Metalloproteinases in Development and Disease. Edited by S.P. Hawkes, D. Edwards & R Khokha. Harwood Academic Press, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. pp. 103-108.

64. Sternlicht, M. D., L. M. Coussens, T. H. Vu & Z. Werb (2000). Biology and Regulation of the Matrix Metalloproteinases. In Matrix Metalloproteinases in Therapy. Edited by N.J. Clendeninn and K. Appelt, Humana Press, Totowa, NJ, USA, pp.1-37.

65. Rinkenberger J. & Z. Werb (2001). Trophoblast. In: Encyclopedia of Genetics. Edited by S. Brenner and J. H. Miller. Academic Press, pp. 2070-2071.

66. Rougier, N. & Z. Werb (2001). Parthenogenesis, Mammalian. In: Encyclopedia of Genetics. Edited by S. Brenner and J. H. Miller. Academic Press, pp.1419-1420.

67. Littlepage, L.E., M. Egeblad & Z. Werb (2008). The tumor microenvironment in cancer progression. Chapter 17. In: The Molecular Basis of Cancer, 3rd Edition, edited by J. Mendelsohn, P. M. Howley, M. A. Israel, J. Gray & C. B. Thompson. Elsevier Press. pp. 229-239.

68. Ewald, A. J., Z. Werb & M. Egeblad (2009). Dynamic, long-term, in vivo imaging of tumor-stroma interactions in mouse models of breast cancer using spinning disk confocal microscopy. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol. In press. (Chapter 23. In: Live Cell Imaging, A Laboratory Manual. Second Edition, Edited by Robert D. Goldman, Jason R. Swedlow, and David L. Spector. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. In press. )

E. Other Publications

1. Werb, Z., C.L. Mainardi & E.D. Harris, Jr. (1977). Activation of collagenase in rheumatoid arthritis. Correspondence. New Engl. J. Med. 297:221.

2. Werb, Z. (1978). Review of “Respiratory Defense Mechanisms (in Two Parts).” Quart. Rev. Biol. 53: 358.

3. Nelson, D.S. & Z. Werb (1980). Summary, Session 7: Targets of macrophage killing: microbes and tumors. In: Heterogeneity of Mononuclear Phagocytes. Edited by O. Forster & M. Landy. Academic Press, New York. pp. 522-525.

4. Werb, Z. (1987). Proteases in degenerative diseases: workshop report. In: Proteases and Biological Control and Biotechnology. Edited by D. Cunningham & G. Long. Alan R. Liss, Inc., New York. pp. 303-306.

5. Sympson, C.J., Z. Werb & M.J. Bissell (1995). Developmental consequences of basement membrane disruption in the mammary gland: observations from WAP-stromelysin-1 transgenic mice. Mammary Gland Biol. News. 13: 10-11.

6. Bissell, M.J. & Z. Werb (1995). Introduction. Basic science aspects of breast cancer. Semin. Cancer Biol. 6: 117-118.

7. Horwitz, A. R. & Z. Werb (1998). Cell adhesion and the extracellular matrix: recent progress and emerging themes. Editorial overview. Curr. Opin. Cell Biol. 8: 563-565.

8. Werb, Z. (1999). Saying “No”. The ASCB Newsletter 22 (1): 32-34. Reprinted in Career Advice for Life Scientists (2002), American Society for Cell Biology, Bethesda, MD.

9. Werb, Z. (1999). Book review. Half the secret of life is outside the cell. Cell 96:473-474.

Siegel, V. & Z. Werb (2002). How to read and respond to a journal rejection letter. The ASCB Newsletter. 25 (8): 5-7. Reprinted in Career Advice for Life Sciences II (2004). ASCB, Bethesda, MD.

10. Nilsen-Hamilton, M., Z. Werb & E. Keshet (2003). Preface. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 995: ix-xii.

11. Werb, Z. & G. Evan (2004). Oncogenes and cell proliferation. Maintenance of genome integrity, tumor stem cells, and the somatic microenvironment. Editorial overview. Curr. Opin. Gen. Devel. 14:1-3.

Werb, Z. (2005). President’s column: Why Senior Scientists Should Go To The Annual Meeting. The ASCB Newsletter 28 (1): 2-3.

Werb, Z. (2005). President’s column: Thirty Years after Asilomar: What Have We Learned About Science, Ethics and Society? The ASCB Newsletter 28 (2): 2-3.

Werb, Z. (2005). President’s column: Why Women Scientists Don’t Rule—or Do They? The ASCB Newsletter 28 (3): 2-3.

Werb, Z. (2005). President’s column: An End to Tenure. The ASCB Newsletter 28 (4): 2-3.

12. Werb, Z. (2005). President’s column: Conflicts in Conflicts of Interest. The ASCB Newsletter 28 (5): 2-3.

13. Werb, Z. (2005). President’s column: Mentoring the Mentors. The ASCB Newsletter 28 (6): 2-3.

14. Werb, Z. (2005). President’s column: Are There Too Many Meetings? The ASCB Newsletter 28 (7): 2-3.

15. Werb, Z. (2005). President’s column: Funding In A Time Of Flat Budgets. The ASCB Newsletter 28 (8): 2-3.

16. Werb, Z. (2005). President’s column: Suppliant on Supplements. The ASCB Newsletter 28 (9): 2-3.

17. Werb, Z. (2005). President’s column: Where Have all the Women Scientists Gone? The ASCB Newsletter 28 (10): 2-3.

18. Werb, Z. (2005). President’s column: Keeping Politics and Religion out of Science. The ASCB Newsletter 28 (11): 2-3.

19. Werb, Z. (2005). President’s column: Keeping Cell Biology at the Forefront of Science. The ASCB Newsletter 28 (12): 2-3.

F. Papers From The Werb Laboratory

1. Sternlicht, M. D. & G. Bergers (2000). Matrix metalloproteinases as emerging targets in anticancer therapy: status and prospects. Emerging Therapeutic Targets 4: 609-633.

2. Welm, A. L., S. Kim, B. E. Welm & J. M. Bishop (2005). MET and MYC cooperate in mammary tumorigenesis. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 102:4324-4329. Epub 2005 Feb 28.

3. Zhao, L., N. Ferrara & T. H. Vu (2005). Vascular endothelial growth factor co-ordinates proper development of lung epithelium and vasculature. Mech. Dev. 22:877-886.

4. Xu, X., Y. Wang, Z. Chen, M. D. Sternlicht, M. Hidalgo & B. Steffensen (2005). Matrix metalloproteinase-2 contributes to cancer cell migration on collagen. Cancer Res. 65:130-136.

5. Bascom, J. L., J. E. Fata, Y. Hirai, M. D. Sternlicht & M. J. Bissell (2005). Epimorphin overexpression in the mouse mammary gland promotes alveolar hyperplasia and mammary adenocarcinoma. Cancer Res. 2005 65: 8617-8621.

6. Gudjonsson T., M.C., Adriance, M. D. Sternlicht, O. W. Petersen & M. J. Bissell (2005). Myoepithelial cells: their origin and function in breast morphogenesis and neoplasia. J Mammary Gland Biol. Neoplasia. 10:261-272. PMID: 16807805

7. Sternlicht, M.D. (2006). Branching morphogenesis: the cues that regulate mammary ductal development. Breast Cancer Res. 8:201.

8. Tranah, G.J., B.C. Taylor, L.Y. Lui, J.M. Zmuda, J.A. Cauley, K. E. Ensrud, T.A. Hillier, M.C. Hochberg, J. Li, B. K. Rhees, H. A. Erlich, M. D. Sternlicht, G. Peltz, S. R. Cummings; Study of Osteoporotic Fractures (SOF) Research Group (2008). Genetic variation in candidate osteoporosis genes, bone mineral density, and fracture risk: the study of osteoporotic fractures. Calcif. Tissue Int. 83:155-166. PMID: 18787887.

9. Sternlicht, M.D. & S. W. Sunnarborg (2008). The ADAM17-amphiregulin-EGFR axis in mammary development and cancer. J Mammary Gland Biol Neoplasia. 13:181-194. Epub 2008 May 10. PMID: 18470483.

10. Levental, K.R., H. Yu, L. Kass, J. T. Erler, M. Egeblad, S. F.T. Fong, K. Csiszar, J. N. Lakins, A. Giaccia, M. Yamauchi, R. Wells, D. L. Gasser & V. M. Weaver (2009). Matrix cross-linking forces tumor progression by enhancing integrin signaling. Cell. In press


1. United States Patent Letters No. 4,503,038 March 5, 1985. Extracellular nonmitogenic angiogenesis factor and method of isolation thereof from wound fluid. M. J. Banda, Z. Werb, D. R. Knighton, T. K. Hunt assigned to The Regents of the University of California. Biotechnol. Adv. 1985;3(1):128


P01 CA072006-10 (Werb, PI) 07/07/03 -06/30/10 NCE 0.0 calendar

NIH/NCI $1,086,087 (Total direct)

Project 3 (Werb, Project Leader ) $242,948 (Project 3)

Core A (Werb, Core Leader) $66,561 (Core A)

Proteases in Cancer: Biology and Drug Development

This program tests animal models of invasive cancer in skin and prostate with antiprotease therapy.

U01 ES012801-07 (Hiatt, PI) 09/01/03 - 07/31/10 1.2 calendar

NIH/NIEHS $550,025 ($186,919 to Werb)

Project 1 (Werb, Project Leader – 10%)

Bay Area Breast Cancer and the Environment Research Center

This project studies environmental effects on the molecular architecture and function of the mammary gland across the lifespan.

U01 ES012801-07S1(Hiatt, PI) 09/03/09 - 08/31/10

NIH/NIEHS $163,000 (to Werb)

This ARRA supplement is for additional funds for equipment and personnel the ongoing project.

R01 AR046238-09 (Werb, PI – 7.5%) 04/15/06 - 01/31/11 0.90 calendar

NIH/NIAMS $209,348

Extracellular Remodeling in Bone Development and Repair

This project studies the role of extracellular remodeling in bone development and repair.

R01 NS039278-10A110 (Noble, PI) 07/01/04 - 06/30/11 0.60 calendar

NIH, NINDS (Werb, Co-I- 5%) $242,750 ($10,279 to Werb)

Role of Matrix Metalloproteinases in Spinal Cord Injury

These studies examine the contribution of metalloproteinases to the acute and chronic inflammatory events after spinal cord injury.

R01 CA057621-17 (Werb, PI – 12%) 04/15/93– 05/31/13 1.44 calendar

NIH/NCI $423,868 ($225,246 to Werb)

Role of Metalloproteinases in Mammary Gland Remodeling

This consortium grant between UCSF and LBL determines functions of ECM-degrading proteinases and inhibitors in mammary epithelium during development and involution

R01 CA057621-17S1 08/01/2009 - 07/31/2010

NIH/NCI $99,844

This ARRA supplement is for an upgrade to the spinning disk confocal microscope.

R01 CA129523-02 (Werb, PI – 7.5%) 07/1/08 – 04/30/13 0.90 calendar

NIH/NCI $207,500

Transcriptional Regulation of Breast Cancer Metastasis

This study addresses an important aspect of women’s health, how GATA-3 regulates the differentiated state of breast tumors and prevents malignant conversion.

R01 CA129523-02S1 (Werb, PI) 09/01/09- 08/31/2011

NCI/NCI $150,000

Transcriptional Regulation of Breast Cancer Metastasis

This ARRA competitive revision supports the study of the role of Zeppo1 in breast cancer progression.

P01 AI053194-07 (Mostov, PI) 09/25/08 - 08/31/13 1.80 calendar


Project 4 (Werb, Project Leader – 10%) $180,000

Core C Imaging (Werb, Core Director – 5%) $ 85,000

Mucosal Immune Barrier in Infection and Inflammation

The goal of this project is to identify the pathways impacting epithelial defense (inflammatory cell recruitment, epithelial repair) regulated by MMPs

P01 AI053194-07S1 (Mostov, PI) 09/01/2009 – 08/31/2011


Project 4 $ 55,000

Core C Imaging $ 28,000

This ARRA supplement is for additional funds for the ongoing project.

Amgen, Inc. (Werb, PI – 5%) 01/01/09 – 12/31/09 0.60 calendar

Industry Contract $137,916 (direct)

Targeting Breast Cancer with anti-CSF1 Receptor Antibodies

The goal of this collaborative study is to determine the effect of rat anti-mouse c-fms M279 antibodies in a transgenic mouse model of human breast cancer.

STAND UP TO CANCER (Gray, Slamon, PI) 10/01/09-09/30/12 1.2 calendar

Werb, Dream Team Member 10% Direct yr 1 $5,00,000

$420,811 (Werb)

Personalizing Treatment of Metastatic Breast Cancer

The goal of this project is to test the efficacy of individualized treatment of drug-resistant metastatic breast cancers using therapies selected based on the “omic” features of the metastatic tumors.


S10 RR026435-01 (Werb, PI) 04/01/2010- 03/31/2011

NIH/NCRR $399,053

Caliper Life Sciences Xenogen IVIS Imager

This is a request for funds to purchase an IVIS Spectrum Imager for a user group at UCSF.


T32 CA108462-06 (Werb, Program Director – 5%) 09/01/05-08/31/14 0.6 calendar (effort w/o salary)

NIH/NCI $506,705

Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Cancer

This is a National Cancer Institute Institutional National Research Service Award supporting 10 postdoctoral trainees.

Previous Funding

1. Source and identifying number: U.S. Department of Energy # DE-AC03-76-SF01012,

Title: Biochemical Functions of Macrophages in Pulmonary Damage from Environmental Pollutants

Role on project: Principal Investigator

Dates of project: 1976-1996.

Total costs 1976-1996, $8,000,000.

2. Source and identifying number: NIH R01 HD23539

Title: “Metalloproteinases in Peri-implantation Development,”

Role on project: Principal Investigator

Dates of project: 2/1/88-1/31/94,

Total direct costs $811,821.

3. Source and identifying number: UCSF Bishop Fund, Breast Cancer Spore

Title: Cell cycle regulation in mammary gland.

Role on project: Principal Investigator

Dates of project: 03/01/96 - 02/29/97

Total direct costs:$29,561

4. Source: UCSF Academic Senate

Title: Role of macrophages in nerve regeneration

Role on project: Principal Investigator

Dates of project:12/01/95-06/30/96;

Total direct costs:$15,000

5. Source and identifying number: (UCSF SPORE Lauder Fund)

Title: Career development award

Role on project: Principal Investigator

Dates of project:08/01/96-07/31/97

Total direct costs:$27,000

This award was to develop translational studies in breast cancer.

6. Source and identifying number: NCI (UCSF SPORE Grant CA58207)

Title: Cell cycle regulation in mammary gland

Role on project: Principal Investigator

Dates of project: 08/01/97-07/31/98

Total direct cost: $29,561

This project was to study cell cycle gene regulation during mammary involution and tumor progression.

7. Source and identifying number: NIH 1P60 AR20684

Title: A model for reactive arthritis

Role on project: Principal Investigator

Dates of Project: 01/01/97-12/31/98

Total direct costs: $80,000

This project studied integrin-mediated induction of collagenase gene expression.

8. Source: Searle/Monsanto

Title: Transgenic mice expressing human metalloproteinases

Role on project: Principal Investigator

Dates of Project: 12/19/95 - 12/18/98

Total cost: $200,000

This project supported production and analysis of transgenic mice.

9. Source and identifying number: NIDR 1 P50 DE 10306

Title: Role of extracellular matrix remodeling in mandibular morphogenesis

Role on project: Principal Investigator on Subproject 5

Dates of project: 12/01/92 - 04/30/99

Total direct costs: $500,000

This project determined the expression and function of metalloproteinases (MMPs) and their inhibitors (TIMPs) during mandibular morphogenesis in vivo and in culture.

10. Source and identifying number: Steinbach Fund

Title: Role of metalloproteinases in retinal degeneration

Role on project: Principal Investigator

Dates of Project :07/01/97-06/30/00

Total costs: $300,000; total direct costs, $ 279,000

This project developed an animal model for retinal degeneration.

11. Source and identifying number: NIH 1P01 HD26732

Title: Role of growth factors in peri-implantation development of the mouse

Role on project: P.I. on Project III

Dates of project: 02/01/91 - 01/31/01

Total direct costs: $690,000 ;

The aims of this project were to determine the expression and function of growth factor receptor genes in peri-implantation embryonic tissues and decidua.

12. UCSF Prostate Cancer Center Development Research Program

Title: Role of Proteases in a Transgenic Animal Model of Prostate Tumor Initiation, Progression and Metastasis

Role on project: Principal Investigator

Dates: 01/01/99-5/31/02

Direct costs:$100,000

This project supported the salary of a post-doctoral fellow who investigated expression of MMPs

during prostate cancer development.

13. Source and identifying number: Human Frontier Science Program RG 0051/1999-M

Title: Molecular basis of branching morphogenesis

Role on project: : Member

Dates of Project: 07/01/99-06/30/02

Total direct cost: $150,000

Direct costs of current year: $50,000 to ZW

This international collaborative project studied molecular mechanisms of branching morphogenesis.

14. Source and identifying number: NCI 1R01 CA75072

Title: Cellular and molecular responses to low dose radiation

Role on project: Principal Investigator

Dates of Project: :08/15/97-11/30/02

Total costs:$1,069,221

This project determined the molecular basis of embryonic apoptosis induced by low levels of radiation.

15. Source: Sandler Asthma program grant 01/01/01-12/31/02

Title: Role of proteases in asthma

Direct costs: $200,000

Role on project: Principal Investigator

This project studied the role MMPs in chronic asthma models.

16. Source: BioSTAR S98-73F Geron/State

Title: Fundamental nature of cell differentiation

03/02/02-02/28/03 05/01/01-04/30/03

Role on project: Co-Investigator

The goal of this project is to investigate the fundamental nature of cell differentiation with the intent of establishing cultured cell lines that have potential for transplant patients.

17. Source: UCSF Sandler Basic Science program grant

Title: Elbow, a zinc finger protein that is a potential regulator of morphogenesis of mammary epithelium and vascular endothelium

Dates of Project: 05/01/01-04/30/03

Direct costs: $150,000

Role on project: Principal Investigator

This project studied the role of ElB1 and ElB2 in development.

18. Source and identifying number: NIH 1R01 NS39278) (L. J. Noble, P.I.)

Title: Role of matrix metalloproteinases in spinal cord injury

Dates of Project: 09/30/99-07/31/03

Direct costs current yr: $168,543

Role on project: Co-Investigator

This project studied the role MMPs in spinal cord injury.

19. Source and identifying number: NIH 1 R13 DE015313-01 (Werb, PI)

Title: Gordon Research Conference on Matrix Metalloproteinases

Role on project: Principal Investigator

Dates of Project: 06/01/03-05/31/04

Direct costs: $35,000

20. Source: Sandler Asthma Program grant

Title: A proteomic approach to the pathogenesis of asthma

Dates of project: 01/01/03-12/31/03

Total direct costs: $100,0000

Role on project: PI

This project studied the proteomics of chronic asthma models.

21. Source and identifying number: NIDCR P60 DE013058-05 Title: New strategies for enhancing tissue integrity and repair

Role on project: Co-Investigator, Project 2 and Core Director, Core 3

Dates of Project: 08/01/99-07/31/04

Project 2, Cranial vs. Appendicular Skeletal Repair Dates of Project: 06/01/99-04/30/04

Total direct cost: $617,185 Project 2; $422,713, Core C

This project studied bone repair in the cranial skeleton. Core C was the animal tissue analysis core.

22. Source and identifying number: NIH R21 DE015027-02 (Helms)

Title: Marrow-derived stem cells in cranial skeletal repair

Role on project: Co-Investigator

Dates of Project: 09/15/02 - 08/31/04

Direct costs: $200,000

The goal was to determine the origin of the stem cell population that repairs neural crest-derived bone.

23. Source and identifying number: NIH 1 R01 AR046238-05 (Competing renewal funded)

Title: Angiogenesis in skeletal development and repair

Role on project: Principal Investigator

Dates of Project: 09/01/99-08/31/05

Total costs: $1,333,055(direct), $1,961,613 (indirect)

This project studies the role of angiogenesis in skeletal development and repair.

24. Source and identifying number: S10 RR019401-01

Title: Spinning disk confocal microscope

Role on project: Principal Investigator

Dates of project: 04/01/04-03/31/06

Direct costs: $ 344,791

This grant was for shared a spinning disk confocal microscope

25. Source and identifying number: NIH 1 R13 CA115182-01 (Werb, PI)

Title: Gordon Research Conference on Matrix Metalloproteinases

Role on project: Principal Investigator

Dates of Project: 06/01/05-05/31/07

Direct costs: $15,000

26. Source and identifying number: P50 CA058207 (Gray)

NCI Breast Cancer SPORE 01%

Title: A mouse model to validate ZNF217, a gene amplified in breast cancer,

as a therapeutic target

Role on project: Principal Investigator

Dates of Project: 12/01/04-11/30/06

Annual Direct costs: $48,825

This project proposed to generate an inducible ZNF217 transgenic mouse, both to determine if ZNF217 is an oncogene and to test for inhibition of ZNF217 oncogenic activity.

27. Source and identifying number: U01 CA084243-08 (Rosen)

NIH/NCI MMHCC Consortium 02%

Title: Mouse Models of Human Breast Cancer

Role on project: Co-Investigator

Dates of project: 09/27/04-03/31/07

Annual Direct costs: $37,911

The goal of this project was to make new transgenic mice with oncogenes targeted to mammary stem cells.

28. Source and identifying number: NIH R01 AG023218-04 10%

Title: Matrix metalloproteinases regulate mesenchymal stem cells.

Role on project: Principal Investigator

Dates of Project: 07/01/03-06/30/07

Annual Direct costs: $244,125

The goal of this project was to study which cell population in the bone marrow microenvironment makes MMPs, the relationship of MSC and the bone marrow stromal cells that maintain HSC and how MMPs may contribute to the distinct properties of these cells.

29. Source and identifying number: US DOE/ LBNL Lawrence Berkeley National Lab (Werb, PI – 1%) 0.12 calendar (effort w/o salary)

Role on project: Principal Investigator

Title: A mechanistic approach to collagen metabolism in mammary gland

Dates of Project: 8/1/07 – 9/30/07

Annual Direct costs: $64,935

This project addressed possible mechanisms by which collagen may promote breast cancer.

30. Source and identifying number: Stewart Trust Award, UCSF Comprehensive Cancer Center (Werb, PI – 2%) 0.24 calendar

Role on project: Principal Investigator

Title: Role of GATA3 negative mammary stem cells in metastasis

Dates of Project: 6/1/07 – 5/31/08

Annual Direct costs: $50,000

The specific aims were to isolate cells with stem cell markers from mouse mammary tumors and determine if these cells are GATA-3 negative, and determine if the putative tumor stem cells have a propensity for dissemination to distant tissues from orthotopic sites in mouse models.

31. Source and identifying number: P50 CA97257-10 (Berger M, PI) (Werb, PI – 1% on Developmental Project) 0.12 calendar

Role on project: Principal Investigator on Developmental Project

Title: Imaging the tumor microenvironment around developing glioblastomas

Dates of Project: 5/1/07 – 4/30/08

Annual Direct costs: $50,523

The specific aims were study the role of microglia in brain tumor infiltration to determine the cell behavior, and determine the influence of microglia on tumor infiltration

32. Source and identifying number: W81XWH-05-1-330  (Weaver, PI)

Role on project: Co-I: Werb – 5%, no salary, 0.60 calendar

DOD Era of Hope Scholar Award 

Title: A Biophysico-Computational Perspective of Breast Cancer Pathogenesis and Treatment Response     

Dates of Project: 3/01/05-2/28/08

Annual Direct costs: $480,000

The objective of this work is to use an interdisciplinary approach to understand the role of physical force and tissue architecture in culture and in transgenic models and clinically in the pathogenesis of therapy resistant breast cancers.

33. Source and identifying number: NIH/NHLBI R01 HL075602-04

Role on project: (Werb, PI – 5%) 0.6 calendar

Title: Smoke-induced AP-1 Controls Mucous vs Squamous Phenotype

Dates of Project: 01/01/05-12/31/08

Annual Direct costs: $213,341

Dr. Werb oversaw the completion of this project original awarded to the late Dr. Carol Basbaum on the signaling pathways induced by smoke.

34. Source and identifying number: NIH/NCI U01 CA105379-05 (Hanahan, PI) 0.48 calendar

Role on project: (Werb, Co-I - 4%)

Title: Immune Enhancement and Therapy of Cancer

Dates of Project: 09/15/04 – 03/31/09

Annual Direct costs: $56,968 (Core A); $29,083 (Supplement)

This MMHC consortium project addressed the immunobiology of carcinogenesis, in particular three critical issues related to mechanisms by which organ specific cancers develop, and to strategies aimed at treating or preventing cancer, as revealed by and to be studied in several genetically engineered mouse models in human cancer.

Former Training Support

Program Director and Investigator, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Postdoctoral Training Program in “Environmental Mutagenesis and Carcinogenesis” T32 ES 07106, 1982-2002. Total 7/1/87-6/30/03 $3,010,000.


1985-present, provided photographs for textbooks for K-12 and undergraduates.

1987-92, 1995-8, Jury Chair, National Educational Film and Video Festival.

1990, 1991, Exploratorium, San Francisco. Gave advice and photographic material for exhibits being developed.

1994, Judge, San Francisco Science Fair.

1997, Speaker, Breast Cancer Research Foundation fundraiser.

2008, Frontiers in Science Public Lecture, LifeLong Learning Society Endowed Professorship FAU, Boca Raton FL



1985-90, Member, Review committee for the President's Fellowship awards

1982-5, Reviewer, University of California, Interdisciplinary Energy Research Group

1987-90, Reviewer, University-wide Energy Research Group


1977-80, Coordinator, Seminar Program, Laboratory of Radiobiology

1980-present, Member, ad hoc review committees for appointments, advancement and/or promotions, Academic Senate

1980-5, Member, Research Evaluation and Allocation Committee, School of Medicine

1981-2, Member, ad hoc review committees (two) for appointments, Department of Anatomy

1981-3; 1989-90, Member, Seminar Committee, Department of Anatomy

1982-2001, Chair, ad hoc review committees for appointments, advancement and/or promotions, Academic Senate

1982-5, Member, Academic Senate Privilege and Tenure Hearing Panel

1983, Member, Search Committee for a Cytogeneticist, Laboratory of Radiobiology

1983, Member, ad hoc committee to evaluate an analytic electron microscopy facility

1983-4, Chairman, Search Committee for a Molecular Immunologist, Lab of Radiobiology

1983-4, Member, committee to set up a program in Cell Biology

1983-92, Member, Chair, 1989-92. Graduate Policies Committee, Department of Anatomy

1984-5, Member, search committee, Department of Microbiology/Immunology

1984, Member, search committee for Department of Medicine Chairman,

1984, Member, ad hoc awards committee

1984-5; 1989-92, Member, Graduate Council; Administrative Subcommittees, 1990-2.

1984-92, Graduate Advisor, Graduate Degree Program in Anatomy

1985, Member, Cell Biology/Biochemistry Graduate Admissions Committee,

1987-8, Member, Meeting Committee, Program in Cell Biology

1988-95, Member, Scientific Peer Review Committee for Animal Use, Lab of Radiobiology

1985, Member, Review Committee for Chancellor's Fellowships

1987-9, Member, Chancellor's Advisory Committee on the Status of Women

1987-9, UCSF Women Liaison Officer of the Program on Women in Medicine of the American Association of Medical Colleges

1987-9, Member, Search Committee for Junior Faculty, Department of Pathology, SFGH

1988-90, Member, Search Committee for Chair, Department of Radiology

1988-90, Member, Radiation Safety Committee

1988-90, Member, Radioactive Drug Research Committee

1990-1, Member, Search Committee for Molecular Biologist, Department of Growth and Development, School of Dentistry

1990-1, Member, School of Medicine Graduate Council Committee on Postdoctoral Affairs

1990, Member, MSO search committee, Laboratory of Radiobiology

1990-present, Member, Executive Committee, Department of Anatomy

1990-2, Chair, Search Committee, Program in Cell Biology and Department of Anatomy

1991-2, Member, Ad hoc committee for establishment of the Graduate Program in Biomedical Sciences

1991, Member, Administrative Committee

1991-2, Member, Committee on Equal Opportunity

1991-2, Chair, Search Committee for Vice Chancellor and Dean, Graduate Studies and Student Academic Affairs

1992-2003, Graduate Advisor, Graduate Program in Biomedical Sciences

1992-2002, Member, Executive Committee, Graduate Program in Biomedical Sciences

1992-6, Member, Faculty Search Committee, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and Program in Biological Sciences

1993-4, Member, Seminars in Biology, Joint Seminar Series Committee

1995. Member, Search Committee for Director of Laboratory of Radiobiology and Environmental Health

1996-8, Member, Search Committee, Cancer Research Institute

1996-7, Chair, Academic Senate Committee on Faculty Layoffs

2000-1, Member, Committee to redo the First year Medicine curriculum

2000-2, Member, Anatomy Department Committee on Teaching,

2001, Member, Dean’s Committee on the Status of Parnassus Committee

2001-3, Member, Search Committee, Department of Neurological Surgery, Preuss Chair of Neuro-oncology

2001-2, Member, Academic Senate Committee on Planning and Budget

2001-3, Member, Chancellor’s Award for Public Service Committee; Chair, 2002-3.

2001-5, Member, Advisory Committee for the Biomedical Resource Center

2001-6, Member, Search Committee, Cardiovascular Research Institute

2001-present, Member, Selection Committee for the Maurice Galante Lecture series

2001-3, Member, Chancellor’s Advisory Committee on the 2002 LRDP Amendment

2002-5, Member, Steering Committee, Program in Craniofacial and Mesenchymal Biology

2002-3, Member, Parnassus Heights Leadership Council

2002-3, Member, Chancellor’s Task Force on Faculty Life at UCSF

2002-5, Steering Committee, The UCSF Development and Stem Cell Biology Program

2002-5, Member, Search Committee, Mesenchymal and Craniofacial Biology Program

2002-5, Member, Search Committee, Developmental and Stem Cell Biology program

2002-3, Member, Parnassus Heights Oversight Committee

2001-2, Member, Ladder Rank Search Committee, Department of Medicine

2003-4, Chair, BMS seminar Committee

2003-4, Member, Search Committee, Director, Gladstone Foundation Laboratories for Cardiovascular Research

2003, Member, Search Committee, Chief Administrative Officer, Department of Anatomy

2003-6, Member, Search Committee, the Sandler Asthma Center

2003-present, Executive Committee, the Sandler Center for Basic Research in Asthma

2004-6, Member, Search committee, Department of Anatomy

2004, Member, Search committee, Assistant Vice-chancellor for Academic Affairs.

2004-present, Member, Steering Committee, Medical Scientist Training Program

2005-present, Internal advisory board of the BRC Mass Spectrometry Facility

2005-8, Cancer Research Institute Executive Committee

2005-present, Member, Basic Science Research Resources Oversight Committee

2005-present, Member, Sokolow Lecture committee

2005, Member, Search committee, Justine K. Schreyer Endowed Chair in Diabetes Research

2005-6, Member, Search committee Gladstone Cardiovascular Insitute

2005-6, Chair, Search Committee, CVRI Lung faculty position

2005-6, Chair, Search Committee, Anatomy faculty position

2006-present, Member, Chancellor’s Committee

2006, Chair Anatomy Dept. Committee to develop Guidelines for Cross-Appointed Faculty

2008, Member, Stewart Trust allocation committee, UCSF Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center.

2008-present, Member, Search Committee, Molecular Medicine Institute and Diabetes Center

2009, Member, Executive Budget Committee Work Group on Academic and Clinical Program Efficiencies

2009, Member, Search Committee, Robert H. Friend and Michelle M. Friend Endowed Chair in Diabetes Research

2009, Member, Search Committee, Diabeter Center faculty position

2009-10, Member, Search Committee, CVRI Lung faculty position

Elected University Service

1983-5. Member, Council of the Faculty, School of Medicine


1979-86, Member, Graduate Program in Experimental Pathology, University of California, San Francisco.

1983-Present, Member, Program in Biological Sciences.

1983-Present, Founding Member, Graduate Program in Cell Biology.

1988-Present, Graduate Program in Developmental Biology.

1988-99, Member, Graduate Program in Oral Biology.

1992-present, Founding Member, Graduate Program in Biomedical Sciences.

1992-2002, BMS Organizing Committee Member, and Executive Committee,

1992-2003, Chair, 1994-1995. BMS Student Advising Committee,

1983-2003, Program Director, Postdoctoral Training Program on Environmental Mutagenesis and Carcinogenesis,

1994-present, Member, UCSF Comprehensive Cancer Center.

1996-present, Member, Molecular Design Institute, UCSF.

1999-present, Member, Cardiovascular Research Institute

2002-present, Member, Program in Development and Stem Cell Biology.

2002-present, Member, Program in Mesenchymal and Craniofacial Biology

2002-present, Member, Diabetes Center

2004-present. Member, Program in Immunology.

2004-present, Member, Steering Committee, Medical Scientist Training Program.

2004-present, Program Director, Postdoctoral Training Program in Molecular and Cellular Basis of Cancer.

2005-present, Member, Human Embryonic Stem Cell Biology (hESC) Program

Teaching at UCSF:

Graduate course on the Biology of Mammalian Development, Anatomy 205; Co-organizer, Graduate course on Techniques in Cell Biology, Anatomy 170.14; Lecturer, Graduate course in Experimental Pathology, Pathology 296; Lecturer, Graduate course in Molecular Biology of Connective Tissue, Oral Biology 209; Lecturer, Graduate course in Cell Biology, Human Biology 200B; Anatomy 203, Co-organizer of lecture and laboratory course on Techniques in Cell Biology; Lecturer, Medicine 170.99, Current Topics in Medical Science; Lecturer, Anatomy 215, Cell Structure and Function; Lecturer, Physiology 221; Coordinator, Anatomy 220; Lecturer, Special Topics Section, Biochemistry 100B, 120B ; Course Director and Lecturer, Biochemistry 246, Cell Biology; Lecturer, Anatomy 230, Developmental Biology; Course Director/Lecturer, Cell Biology 247, Cell Biology of Extracellular Matrix; Lecturer, Oral Biology 221, Extracellular Matrices ; Lecturer, Medicine 412, Introduction to Cell Biology ; Lecturer, IDS ; Lecturer, Cell Biology 245; Discussion Leader, Cell Biology 212; Discussion Coordinator and Discussion Leader, Biomedical Sciences 212; Lecturer and Laboratory Instructor IDS100; Discussion Leader, Biomedical Sciences 225B; Discussion Leader, BMS 225A; Co-organizer Cancer Biology Course (BMS 198, Biochem. 297).

Student supervised study: more than 30 students.

1998-9 Fall Quarter – Lecturer and Laboratory Instructor, IDS 100 (150 hours)

1998-9 Spring Quarter - Alternate Discussion Leader, Cell Biology 212

1999-2000 Fall Quarter - Lecturer and Laboratory Instructor, IDS 100 (150 hours)

1999-2000 Winter Quarter- Course Co-director and Lecturer BMS 297, Molecular Pathology of Neoplasia( 75 hours)

1999-2000 Spring Quarter-Examiner Cell Biology 245 (6 hours)

2000-1 Fall Quarter – Course Co-Director, Lecturer and Laboratory Instructor, IDS 100 (200 hours)

2000-1 Spring Quarter- Lecturer, BMS 260, Cell Biology (8 hours)

2001, New curriculum committee for the Prologue Med I.

2001-2 Fall Quarter –Lecturer and Laboratory Instructor, Prologue Med I (20 hours).

2001-2 Winter Quarter –Lecturer and Laboratory Instructor, Cancer Block Med I (5 hours)

2001-2 Spring Quarter- Lecturer, BMS 260, Cell Biology (8 hours)

2002-3 Fall Quarter –Lecturer and Laboratory Instructor, Prologue Med I (20 hours).

2002-3 Fall Quarter –Lecturer and Laboratory Instructor, Organ/metabolism block Med II (8 hours).

2002-3 Fall Quarter - Lecturer, BMS 260, Cell Biology (12 hours)

2002-3 Fall/Winter Quarter, Life Cycle and Cancer Blocks. Med I (6hr)

2002-3 Spring Quarter –Discussion Leader, Cell Biology 245 (15 hr)

2003-4 Fall Quarter –Lecturer and Laboratory Instructor, Prologue Med I (20 hours).

2003-4 Fall Quarter –Lecturer and Laboratory Instructor, Organ/metabolism block Med II (8 hours).

2003-4 Fall Quarter - Lecturer, BMS 260, Cell Biology (6 hours)

2003-4 Winter Quarter - Lecturer, Cancer Biology Course. Biochem. 297 ( 3 hours)

2003-4 Winter Quarter - Laboratory Instructor, Cancer Block, Life Cycle, Med I and II (4 hours)

2004-5 Fall Quarter –Lecturer and Laboratory Instructor, Prologue Med I (20 hours).

2004-5 Fall Quarter –Lecturer and Laboratory Instructor, Organ/metabolism block Med II (8 hours).

2004-5 Fall Quarter - Lecturer, BMS 260, Cell Biology (6 hours)

2004-5 Winter Quarter –Practice of Science roundtable (2 hr)

2005-6 Fall Quarter –Lecturer and Laboratory Instructor, Prologue Med I (20 hours).

2005-6 Fall Quarter –Lecturer and Laboratory Instructor, Organ/metabolism block Med II (8 hours).

2005-6 Fall Quarter - Lecturer, BMS 260, Cell Biology (6 hours)

2005-6 Spring Quarter – Discussion Leader, Developmental Biology (15 hours)

2006-7 Fall Quarter –Lecturer, Prologue Med I (2 hours).

Recent activities:

2007-8 Fall Quarter –Lecturer and Laboratory Instructor, Prologue Med I (20 hours).

2007-8 Winter Quarter- Laboratory Instructor, Organ Block, Life Cycle (3 hr)

2007-8 Winter Quarter- BMS 225A, Coach and examiner oral exams (7 hr)

2007-8 Spring Quarter- BMS 220, Stem Cells, Lecturer (2 hr)

2008-9 Fall Quarter –Lecturer and Laboratory Instructor, Prologue and Organ Block, Med I (20 hours).

2008-9 Winter Quarter- Laboratory Instructor, Organ Block, Life Cycle (3 hr)

2008-9 Winter Quarter- BMS 230, Molecular and Cellular Biology of Cancer, Advanced Topic Lecture (2 hr)

2009-10 Fall Quarter –Lecturer and Laboratory Instructor, Prologue Med I (20 hours).

Teaching (other campuses):

June, 1982 Cold Spring Harbor course on Cell Culture (4 hours).

1982-3 Winter Quarter UCB, Lecturer, Physiology/Anatomy 292 (1 hour).

1982-3 Winter Quarter UCB, Lecturer, Biology 240 (1 hour).

1985-6 Hilary Term, University of Oxford, U.K. Part II, Cell Biology, Guest Lecturer (2 hours).

1987-8 Winter Term, Wake Forest University, Department of Biology, Visiting Professor (10 hours lecture, 15 hours discussion).

1988-9 Spring Quarter, UC Irvine, Lecturer, Cell and Developmental Biology Graduate Course, Biology 240 (2 hours).

1991-2 Spring Quarter, University of Michigan Graduate Cell Biology Course.

1997, Fall Quarter, Guest Lecturer, California College of Podiatry, Histology course.

1998, Spring, Guest Lecturer, Cell and Developmental Biology, Institut Curie, Paris, France.

1999, Spring, Guest Lecturer, Cancer Genetics, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.

2003, spring, Guest Lecturer, Biological Research Seminar, San Francisco State University.

2003, spring, Guest Lecturer, Course on Stem Cell Biology, Stanford University

2003, summer, EMBO/FEBS Spetes Summer School on Mechanisms of Homeostasis, Spetes, Greece. Invited lecturer.

2005, Guest Lecturer, Pathology 575: Frontiers of Pathology, University of Southern California, Los Angeles

2006, 2005, Guest Lecturer, Frontiers of Cancer, Stanford University

2006, Guest Lecturer, Functional Genomics - Making the whole more than sum of its parts course at Biomedicum Helsinki, University of Helsinki

Ph.D. Qualifying Committees, 1979-present: More than 30.

2001-2: Jin-Sae Rhee, Ami Bhatt

2002-3: Patrick Heiser, Aaron Tward, Jason Kennerdell, Kristie Red Horse

2003-4: Chris Allen

2005-6: Nathan Hunkapiller, John Morris

2007-8: Jesse Engelberg

2008-9: Renee Vanderlaan, Yvan Chantery, Adrian Barker

2009-10: Josie Clowney

Ph.D. Thesis Committees, UCSF, Stanford University, More than 20. Recent: Ami Bhatt, Luis de la Fuentes, Brian Eames, Josh Anderson, Jin-Sae Rhee, Kristie Red-Horse, Erin Cline, Michelle Shih, Chris Hackett, Nathan Hunkapiller, Kate Nestor Stewart, Mary Mohrin, Yvan Chantery, Jesse Engelberg

M.D. with Thesis Committees: 3

External Examiner: Hugh Rosen, Physiological Sciences, University of Oxford, U.K. (D. Phil. 1986)

Recent Journal Club Coach

2007 Yvan Chantery, Kristen Coakley (BMS)

2008 Anastasia Henry (Tetrad).

Predoctoral Trainees:

Judith Aggeler (Anatomy, UCSF, 1978-82); Ph.D. 1982. NSF Predoctoral Fellow 1978-81, UCSF Chancellor's Fellow 1981-2. Deceased.

George Enders (Anatomy UCSF, 1979-83); Ph.D. 1983. Present position, Director of Medical Education and Assoc. Professor, Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, University of Kansas Medical School.

Reiko Takemura (Experimental Pathology, UCSF, 1979-84); Ph.D. 1984. Ishizaka Foundation Fellow 1979-81; International Scholar of the American Association of University Women 1981-2; UCSF Chancellor's Fellow, 1982-3; Research Scientist, Okinaka Medical Research Institute, Tokyo, Japan and Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tokyo, Japan. 1983-2005; Present position, Chief, First Section, Division of Safety Information on Drug, Food and Chemicals, National Institute of Health Sciences, Tokyo, Japan, 2005-8; Professor, The National College of Nursing, Tokyo, Japan, 2008-present.

Steven Frisch (Biochemistry, UCB, 1982-14); Ph.D. 1984. Assoc. Professor and Research Staff, Burnham Institute Institute, La Jolla, CA. 1990-2004, Present position, Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Pharmacology and Head, Program in Tumor Microenvironment, Mary Babb Randolph Cancer Center, West Viriginia University, Morgantown, WV, 2004-present.

Robert von Borstel (Anatomy, UCSF, 1984-6); M.Sc. 1986. Present position, Psychiatrist, Portland Oregon

Daniel Rappolee (Anatomy, UCSF, 1984-8); UCSF Regents Fellow, 1985-8. Ph.D. 1988; Postdoctoral Fellow UCSF, 1988-92; Assistant Professor of Cell and Molecular Biology and Ob/Gyn, Northwestern University, Chicago, 1992-2001; Present position, Assoc. Professor, Wayne State University, Detroit MI, 2006-present.

Patrice Tremble (Pharmacology, UCSF, 1987-92); Ph.D. 1993. UCSF Regents Fellow 1989-91, Pharmacology National Research Service Award 1987-90; 1991-5; NIH Training Grant Postdoctoral Fellow; 1993-2001, Scientist, Baxter Healthcare Corporation, Round Lake, IL; Senior Scientist, Medtronics Inc., Santa Rosa CA, 2001-2002. Senior Scientist, Edwards Healthcare Sausalito CA, 2002-2006; Director, 2006; Senior Director of Pre-clinical research, Sangamo Biosciences, Richmond, CA, 2007; Consultant 2008-present.,

Erin Newman-Smith (Endocrinology, UCSF, 1991-5); Ph.D. 1995. NSF Predoctoral Fellow, 1991-3; ARCS Fellow, 1993-4; Postdoctoral Fellow UCLA, 1995-7; Research Associate, UCSB, 1997-2006 Present position, Manager, Ascidian Stock Center, UCSB, 2006-present.

Hoenie Luk (BMS, UCSF; 1991-7, Ph.D., 2002). High school teacher, SFUSD 1997-2001; teaching assistant, UC Berkeley 2001-3; Present position, freelance science writer, 2004-present.

Sushma Selvarajan (Pharmaceutical Chemistry, UCSF): 1996-2000. Project Manager, Ingenuity Pharma, Menlo Park, 2000-2003; 2003-7 , Portfolio Strategy Manager, Pharma Research Strategy, Roche Global, Menlo Park CA; Present position Business Development, Hoffman LaRoche, Basel, Switzerland, 2007-now.

Jennifer Lilla (BMS, UCSF); 2001-8. DOD Predoctoral Fellowship, 2004-8. Ph.D., 2008. Present Position, Postdoctoral Fellow, Stanford University, 2008-present.

Dani Behonick (BMS); 2002-2007. ARCS Fellowship 2004-5. Ph.D. 2007. Instructor, Merritt College and Assistant, Center for Gender Equity, UCSF, 2008-9. Present Position, Assistant Professor, Cañada College in Redwood City, CA.

Hosein Kouros-Mehr (MSTP/BMS, UCSF); 2002-2006; CBCRP Predoctoral Fellowship, 2003-6. Ph.D. 2006; Medical student, UCSF 2006-8; Postdoctoral Fellow, NIH, 2008-9; Present Position, Assoc. Scientist, Genentech, Inc. 2009-present.

Seth Bechis (MSTP/BMS, UCSF); 2007-8; MSTP grant. M.S. 2008. Present Position, Medical student, UCSF 2008-present.

Jonathan Chou (MSTP/BMS, UCSF); 2008-present; CBCRP Predoctoral Fellowship, 2009- present.

Student rotations (since 2002): Yan Ping Qi (BMS), Curtis Pickering (Tetrad), Dani Behonick (BMS), Hosein Kouros-Mehr (BMS MSTP), Won-suk Chung (BMS), Clara Dey (Tetrad), Trinna Cuellar (BMS), Jaime Lopez (BMS), Morgan Truitt (BMS), Seth Bechis (MSTP/BMS), Ying Xim Tan (BMS), Jonathan Chou (BMS MSTP), Jasmine Lau (BMS).

Visiting graduate students:

Maria Borrell Pages, visiting graduate student from University of Barcelona, Spain, 2001.

Franziska Siefert, visiting graduate student from Philipps-Universität, Marburg, Germany 2004.

Zerina Lokmic, visiting graduate student from University of Melbourne, Australia 2003; Present position, Postddoctoral fellow.

Nuria Flames Bonilla, visiting graduate student from University of Valencia, Spain 2004.

Anita Bledau, visiting graduate student from University of Marburg, Germany 2006.Present position, Ph.D. Student MPI Dresden Germany 2006-present.

Hanne Askautrud, visiting graduate student from University of Oslo, Norway, 2006-7.

Laura Beatriz da Silva Cardeal, Visiting Graduate student from University of São Paulo, Brazil, 2008 (6 months). Present position, Ph.D. Student, University of São Paulo.

Aditi Sharma, visiting M.S. student, Cal State East Bay, 2009 (12 months)

Sonia Majri, visiting M.S. graduate student from Universite Pierre & Marie Curie, Paris, France, summer 2009.

Kelly Kersten, visiting Master of Biomedical Sciences (BMS): Cancer Genomics and Developmental Biology student from University of Utrecht, The Netherlands (8 months, pending).

Markus Brown, visiting Master of Biomedical Sciences (BMS): Cancer Genomics and Developmental Biology student from University of Utrecht, The Netherlands ((8 months, pending).

Postdoctoral Trainees:

Michael J. Banda, NIH Postdoctoral Fellow, 1977-80; 1980-98, Asst Prof.-Professor of Radiology, UCSF; present position, Deputy Director, LBNL, Berkeley, CA, 1998-present

Robert Sandhaus, Thoracic Society Fellow, NIH Young Clinical Investigator, 1979-81; present position, Private practice, Denver, Colorado.

James H. McKerrow, 1981-2, Research Associate; present position, Robert Smith Chair and Professor and vice-Chair of Pathology, UCSF.

Gloria Li, 1980-1, Research Associate; present position, Professor of Biophysics in Radiology, Sloan Kettering Cancer Institute, NY.

G. Scott Herron, 1983-5; NIH Training Grant Postdoctoral Fellow; Assistant Professor of Dermatology, Stanford University; present position, Palo Alto Medical Foundation.

Rosa Laura Oropeza, 1983-84; NIH Fogarty International Postdoctoral Fellow; 1985-2006, Research Associate, University of Munich, Germany; present position, retired.

Steven Frisch, 1984-5; NIH Training Grant Postdoctoral Fellow. Assoc. Professor Staff Member, Burnham Institute, La Jolla, CA, 1999-2004. Present position, Professor of Biochemistry and Head, Program in Tumor Microenvironment, Mary Babb Randolph Cancer Center, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV, 2004-present.

Elaine Unemori, 1984-7; NIH Training Grant Postdoctoral Fellow; Senior Scientist, Connective Therapeutics, Palo Alto, CA. 1994; present position, Vice President, Clinical Development, Bas Medical Inc. San Mateo, 2004-present.

Carol Brenner, 1986-8; NIH Training Grant Postdoctoral Fellow; Greater New Orleans Foundation Endowed Chair in Biology Associate Professor, University of New Orleans, Department of Biological Sciences and Senior Scientist, Audubon Institute Center for Research of Endangered Species, 2002-7; Present position: Associate Professor, Department’s of Physiology and Obstetrics and Gynecology, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI.

Richard R. Adler, 1986-8; NIH Training Grant Postdoctoral Fellow; Present position: Research Scientist, Director of Immuno-Contraceptive R&D, Repromix Corp., Woburn, MA.

Caroline Alexander, 1987-95; Medical Research Council (U.K.) Traveling Postdoctoral Fellowship; Arthritis Foundation Investigator; Present position, Assoc. Professor of Oncology, McArdle Cancer Center, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1999-present.

Daniel Rappolee, 1988-92; NIH Training Grant Postdoctoral Fellow; present position, Assoc. Prof of Ob/Gyn and Anatomy and Cell Biology, Wayne State University, Detroit MI 2000-present.

Rabih Talhouk, 1988-92; NIH Training Grant Postdoctoral Fellow; present position, Assistant Professor, American University of Beirut, Lebanon, 1992-98; Assoc. Prof. and Chair, 1998-2006. Professor 2006-present.

Johnnie Underwood, 1989-92; NIH Training Grant Postdoctoral Fellow; Research Associate, Department of Ophthalmology, UCSF, 1993-2002. present position,unknown.

Susan Logan, 1991-3; NIH Individual Award NRSA; present position Asst. Prof. Urology and Pharmacology, NYU, 2000-present.

Carolyn Sympson, 1991-5; NIH Training Grant Postdoctoral Fellow; present position: Research Scientist, Monsanto Corporation, St. Louis, MO, 1995-present.

Alasdair MacAuley, 1992-7; Postdoctoral Fellow. Present Position, Instructor, Seattle Comparative Mouse Genomics Center, University of Washington.

James C. Cross, 1992-4; Postdoctoral Fellow, Medical Research Council of Canada; Prof. Biochemistry, University of Calgary, 2002-6; present position, Associate Dean of Research & Graduate Education, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Calgary, 2007-present..

Monique LaFleur, 1992-6; Postdoctoral Fellow, Medical Research Council of Canada; present position, Associate-Commercial RegAffairs, Genentech Corp., South San Francisco.

John Ashkenas, 1993-6; NIH Training Grant Postdoctoral Fellow; Science Editor, J. Clin. Invest. 1999-2002. Present position, Senior Editor Sript, Toronto, Canada, 2003-present

Anna Huttenlocher, 1993-4; NIH-St. Jude's Pediatrician Scientist Award; present position, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics and Pharmacology, University of Wisconsin, Madison WI, 1999-2004;.Assoc. Professor of Pediatrics and Pharmacology, 2004-8; Professor 2008-present.

Nicole Thomasset, 1993-1995; NATO Fellow/INSERM; present position, Group leader and Scientist, INSERM, Lyons, France.

Sybille Galosy, 1995-7, NIH Training Grant Postdoctoral Fellow, DOD Fellowship, Scientist BioMarin, San Rafael, CA. 1997-2004. Present Position, Senior scientist, Novartis.

Leif Lund, 1994-5; Danish Cancer Society Fellow; Assoc. Professor, University of Copenhagen, Finsen Laboratory, Copenhagen Denmark, 1995-2006; present position, Professor, 2006-present.

Jane Wiesen, 1995-9; American Cancer Society Fellow; DOD Fellow; Project manager, Ingenuity Inc., Menlo Park; Present position, Lab manager, CCC UCSF, 2006-present.

Farrah Kheradmand, 1995-9, American Lung Association Fellow, NIH K08 Physician-Scientist award. Asst. Professor of Medicine, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston TX. 1999-2005, Present position, Assoc. Professor of Medicine, 2005-present.

Kimberly Kampman, 1995-6, Individual NIH NRSA; present position, Scientific Products Division, Becton-Dickinson Corp.1996- present.

Thiennu Vu, 1996-8; Lung NRSA, American Lung Association Fellowship, Mentored Physician-Scientist award. Present position, Assist. Prof. of Medicine, UCSF, 1998-2008; Assoc Prof. 2008-present.

Mark Sternlicht, 1996-2000, DOD Fellowship; Asst. research biologist, UCSF 2000-6; present position, Senior scientist, FibroGen, Inc., 2006-present.

Deborah Williams-Herman, 1996-9, K11 Physician-Scientist award. Present Position, Scientist, Merck Research Laboratories, Rahway NJ 2001-present.

Jose Uria, 1997-8, Spanish Ministry of Health Fellowship. Asst. Professor, University of Ovieto, Spain. 1999-2005. Present position, unknown.

Julie Rinkenberger, 1997-2000. American Cancer Society Fellow. Senior Scientist, Bayer Research, Berkeley CA, 2000-2004. Abgenix, Fremont, CA, 2004-6. Present Position Senior Scientist, Bayer Healthcare, 2006-present.

Matvey Lukashev, 1996-8, NIH NRSA; present position Principal Scientist Biogen Idec, Cambridge, MA, 1998-present.

Erica Werner, 1997-2000, Pew International Fellowship. Present Position, Scientist, Emory University, Atlanta, 2000-2005; Research Asst. Prof., 2005-present.

Babette Heyer, 1997-2000 Von Humboldt Postdoctoral Fellow; present position, Director, Origen Therapeutics, Burlingame CA, 2000-8. Consultant 2009-present.

Yibing Yan, 1997-2001, DOD Postdoctoral Fellowship. Research Scientist, Cor Therapeutics /Millennium Inc., 2001-3; Research Scientist, Portola Therapeutics, 2003-6. Present position, Scientist, Genentech, Inc. 2006-present.

Frances Donovan, NIH NRSA1998-9; Disabled Veterans of America Fellowship; senior scientist, Lockheed Martin/NASA Space Systems, Ames, CA, 2000-4; present position, senior scientist, Lockheed Martin/NASA Astrobiology, Ames, CA, 2008-present.

Jean-Philippe Rougier,1998-2001; French Heath Ministry Fellowship, American Kidney Foundation Fellow. Present position, Clinical Nephrologist, Hôpital Tenon, Paris

Nathalie Rougier, French Cancer Fellowship, 1998-2003; Research Assoc., ,Hôpital Bichat - Claude-Bernard, Clinical and Research Ob/Gyn, Paris, 2004-2005. Present Position, Assistant Professor, Hôpital Bichat - Claude-Bernard, Clinical and Research Ob/Gyn, Paris, 2005-present.

Bryony Wiseman, 1999-2002; DOD Postdoctoral Fellowship; Present Position, Senior Scientist, BioRad Corp., Hercules CA, 2002-present.

Nathalie Ortega, 1999-2003; French Cancer Fellowship,. Osteogenesis Imperfecta Foundation Fellowship; Research scientist, University of Toulouse, France, 2003-2005. Present Position, Assistant Professor, University of Toulouse, France, 2005-present

Pasi Hagg, Finnish Health Ministry Fellowship, 1999-2000, Present position, Ophthalmologist, University of Oulu, Finland.

Dominique Stickens, Postdoctoral Fellow, Life Sciences Fellowship, 2000-2005. Present position, Senior Research Biologist, Merck Research Laboratories, Rahway, NJ. 2005-present

Euan Slorach, Post-doctoral Fellow, Wellcome Traveling Fellowship; Californis Breast Cancer Research Program Feloowship, 2000-present.

Kyoko Shirakabe, Japanese Ministry Postdoctoral fellow, 2001-2. Asst. Prof., Tokyo Medical and Dental University, 2002-4; Present position, Asst. Prof., University of Tokyo, 2004-present.

Mikala Egeblad, Danish Cancer Society Postdoctoral fellowship, 2001-6; Assistant Research Biologist, Department of Anatomy, UCSF 2007-9. Present Position, Asst. Professor, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, NY, 2009-present.

Chieh Chang, Postdoctoral Fellow, NIEHS training grant, 2001. Postdoctoral fellow, 2002-5 Stanford University; Present position, Asst. Prof. Department of Biology, McGill University, Montreal, Canada, 2005-present.

David Lum, Postdoctoral fellow, 2001-6; DOD Fellowship, 2003-6. Present Position, Research Associate, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA 2006-present.

Bryan Welm, Postdoctoral fellow, 2001-6; NIEHS training grant, 2001-2; DOD Fellowship, 2003-6. Present position, Assistant Professor, Department of Surgery, Huntsman Cancer Center, Univerisity of Utah, 2007-present.

Peter Dijkgraaf, Postdoctoral fellow, 2002-8; DOD Postdoctoral Fellowship, 2002-5; Present position, Reseach Associate, Genentech Inc., 2008-present.

George Lemieux, Postdoctoral Fellow, 2002-7; Research Specialist 2007-present; NIH training grant, 2002-5.

Andrew Ewald, Postdoctoral Fellow 2003-8; NIH Training grant, 2003-6; CBCRP fellowship, 2006-8.; Present position, Assistant Professor, Center for Cell Dynamics and Department of Cell Biology, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Baltimore MD, 2008-present.

Laurie Littlepage, Postdoctoral Fellow, NCI NRSA, 2003-2006; ACS fellowship, 2006-present.

Pengfei Lu, Postdoctoral Fellow 2005-9, NIH training grant, 2005-7; Research Specialist 2009-present. Pending, 2010, Lecturer, University of Manchester

Joanna Phillips, Postdoctoral Fellow, Pathology Dept. 2005-present; NCI training grant, 2006-7; National Brain Tumor Association Fellowship 2007-8. Present position, Clin. Instructor, Department of Pathology, K08, 2008-present

Sylvain Provot, Asst. Research Biologist, 2006-present.

Audrey Brenot, Specialist, 2007-present.

Mathilda Chan, Postdoctoral Fellow, NIH training grant, 2007-8. Present position, Adj. Asst Prof., Department of Ophthalmology and Proctor Foundation, UCSF, K08, 2008-present.

Jay (Jung-whan) Kim, Postdoctoral Fellow, 2007-8. Komen Foundation Fellowship, 2008. Present position, Postdoctoral Fellow, UCSD, 2008-present.

Vicki Plaks, Postdoctoral Fellow, Machiah Fellow, 2008-present.

Kai Kessenbock, Postdoctoral Fellow, Komen Foundation Fellow, 2008-present.

Marja Lohela, Finnish Academy of Sciences Postdoctoral Fellow, 2009-present.

Ken Takai, Postdoctoral Fellow, 2009-present.

Amy Jo Casbon, Postdoctoral Fellow, NIH Training grant, 2009-present

Devon Lawson, Postdoctoral Fellow, 2009-present.

Medical Students:

Marvin Harper, University of California, San Francisco, Summer 1983.

Mitchell Wong, Washington University, St. Louis, Summer 1985.

Daniel Lerner, UCSF, 1986-7.

Anthony Bernard, UCSF, Summer, 2009.

Undergraduate Students:

Jordan Kramer, Wesleyan College, 1977-8. Present position, Asst. Professor, Yale University.

Andrew Miranker, Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Summer 1984.

Sharon Haynes, Summer 2000

Heidi Mananzan, UCB Summer 2002-4. 2004-5, Post-baccalaureate student

Jason Randolph, SFSU MARC scholar, Summer 2003

Myhanh Duong, Bioengineering UC Berkeley, 2005-6

Marina Burkova, Biology, UC Berkeley, 2006-7

Bianca Chan, Oxford University, 2007, Post-baccalaureate student

Jessica Wilcox, San Francisco State University, 2006-7

Sabbatical Visitors:

Gillian Murphy, (6 months); Visiting Associate Professor, Strangeways Res. Lab., Cambridge, England, 1983.

Mario Castellucci, 1983 (1 week); Visiting Assistant Professor from Hannover, Germany.

Reiko Takemura, 1984 (1 month); Visiting Assistant Professor from Tokyo.

Gilbert Schultz, Visiting Professor, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada, 1988.

Sabina Sobel, Visiting Professor, SUNY at Buffalo, 1991.

Simcha Yagel, Visiting Professor, Hebrew University/Hadassah Medical Center, Jerusalem, Israel, 1992-3.

Yves DeClerck, Visiting Professor, Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles, University of Southern California, 1999-2000.

Claire Lewis, Visiting Professor, University of Sheffield, 2006.


1976-present, Mentoring numerous students, fellows and faculty members at UCSF and elsewhere

1982-present, annual career and science practice lectures, UCSF

1998-present, Chair ASCB Women in Cell Biology Committee

2000-present, faculty advisor, Women in Life Sciences, UCSF

2001, “How to get a job” lecture, Gladstone Institutes

2002, Postdoctoral Network Meeting, AAAS, "Women in Science: Plugging the Pipeline". Panel

2002, Gladstone/UCSF symposium "Shaping Our Future: Bringing Women and Minorities into Leadership Roles", panel discussion "Balancing Life and Career"

2003, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, AAUP chapter, “Daughters of Gaia: 4000 years of women scientists”

2005, UCSF Postdoctoral Association, Practice of Science series, Panelist.

2006, Speaker, Max Planck Institute Women Postdoctoral Fellow Association.

2008, Clincial and Translational Science Institute (CTSI) Mentor Development Program, Mentoring Session, UCSF

2008, Association of Women In Science Lecture, University of Toledo, OH

2008, NSF “Alliance for Graduate Education and the Professoriate” (AGEP)-sponsored “Postdoc Bootcamp”, UCSF

2008, Ludwig Maximillians University of Munich, monthly round-table, Martinsried, Germany

2008-Present, Designated mentor for Anatomy and other UCSF junior faculty

2009 Panelist, “Building your professional network”, Professional and academic success skills series, UCSF


National and international symposia and workshops

Past Activities:


Gordon Research Conference on Molecular Pathology, “Macrophages,” New Hampshire.


Workshop on “Degradation of the Extracellular Matrix,” International Congress of Immunology, Brighton, UK

Symposium on “Dynamics of Connective Tissue Macromolecules," Cambridge, UK.

Symposium on “Mononuclear Phagocytes in Infection, Immunity and Pathology," Leiden, The Netherlands.


Gordon Research Conference on Lysosomes, New Hampshire

American Rheumatism Association, Annual Meeting, Miami, Florida, Plenary Lecture.


Workshop on “The Biological Potential of Alveolar Macrophages, NHBLI, summary speaker on biological perspectives and new directions for research, Bethesda, Maryland.

Workshop on “Mechanisms of Localized Bone Loss,” NIH, Washington, D.C.


Gordon Conference on Bones and Teeth, New Hampshire.

Gordon Conference on Non-ventilatory Function of Lung, New Hampshire.

Third International Symposium on Mononuclear Phagocytes, Leiden, The Netherlands.

International Symposium on Collagenase in Normal and Pathological Connective Tissues, Manchester, UK.


Symposium on Culture Systems for Studying Malignancy, Berkeley, California.

Gordon Conference on Elastin, New Hampshire.

10th Annual Conference on Environmental Toxicology, Dayton, Ohio.


International Workshop on the Heterogeneity of Mononuclear Phagocytes Vienna, Austria.

Workshop on Macrophage Functions. Oxford, U.K.


Gordon Conference on Elastin, New Hampshire (i) “Elastin Degradation by Macrophages, Trophoblast and Schistosomes”; (ii) “Role of Cell Shape in Regulation of Elastin Gene Expression.”

Cutaneous Biology Foundation 31st Symposium on the Biology of Skin, Salishan Lodge, Oregon, “Elastase and Elastin Degradation.”

Organizer, Symposium on Mechanisms of Endocytosis, American Society for Cell Biology, Anaheim, California.


European Artery Club Meeting, Bordeaux, France. “Elastase and elastin degradation” and “The molecular biology of collagenase.”

R.R. Bensley Memorial Lecture, American Association of Anatomists 95th Annual Meeting, Indianapolis. “How Macrophages Regulate their Extracellular Environment.”

Workshop on Macrophage Activation, Hilton Head Island, South Carolina. Discussion Provocateur: “Macrophage Proteinases and Proteinase Inhibitors.”

National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Conference on the Biology of Inflammation, Cell-cell interactions and connective tissue: New approaches to Atherosclerosis Research. “The role of phagocyte-derived proteinases in inflammation and tissue injury.”

National Institutes of Health Workshop on Coagulation, Cancer, Inflammation. “Macrophage enzymes and their induction.”


Elastin Gordon Conference, Discussion Leader, Session on Elastases and Elastase Inhibitors, Meriden, N.H.


Fourth Leiden Conference on Mononuclear Phagocytes. “Control of Macrophage Secretory Activity”; “Macrophage-derived Angiogenesis Factor.”

New York Academy of Sciences Symposium on the Regulation of Proteases. “Multiple Pathways for Regulating Extracellular Proteolysis.”

Gordon Conference on Basement Membranes, New Hampshire. Invited speaker.

Gordon Conference on Lipid Metabolism, New Hampshire. Invited speaker.

International Congress on the Reticuloendothelial System, Ito, Japan: Plenary Lecture, “Macrophages and the Secretion of Apolipoproteins.”

Symposium on Membrane Recycling, Shizuoka, Japan, “Redistribution of Clathrin Coated Vesicles, Golgi Complexes, Secretory Vesicles, and Endosomes in Macrophages in Response to Frustrated Phagocytosis of Immune Complexes.” Symposium organizer and speaker, 24th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Cell Biology, Kansas City, “Recent Advances in Understanding the Extracellular Matrix.”

International Conference on Inflammation, New York. Invited speaker.


Ciba Foundation Symposium No. 118 on Macrophage Biochemistry, London. Invited speaker.

Gordon Conference on Collagen, New Hampshire. Invited speaker.

International Congress of Anatomy, London, Symposium Lecture.


UCLA Symposium on Proteases, Park City, Utah. Workshop organizer and speaker.


Conference on the Biology of the Macrophage, Oxford, England. Invited speaker and session chairman.

Gordon Conference on Cell-Cell Interaction and Cell Adhesion. Invited speaker.


UCLA Symposium on Proteases, Lake Tahoe. Session organizer and speaker.

Gordon Conference on Proteases, Plymouth, New Hampshire. Session organizer and invited speaker.

International Congress of Cell Biology, Montreal. Minisymposium organizer, and co-chair.

Gordon Conference on Cancer, Newport, Rhode Island. Invited speaker.

Role of Macrophages in Wound Healing, Dallas, Texas. (September) Invited keynote lecturer and session speaker.


ASCB/ASBMB Meeting, San Francisco. Subgroup meeting on the Polymerase Chain Reaction. Invited speaker (January).

UCLA Symposium on Early Mammalian Development. Taos, New Mexico. Invited speaker (February).

International Conference on Proteases and Inhibitors. Tokyo, Japan. Invited speaker and session chair (June).

Gordon Research Conference on Collagen, session chair and invited speaker (July).

Gordon Research Conference on Cell Structure and Gene Expression, invited speaker (August).

Conference on Epidermal Growth Factor and Related Proteins in Development. Invited speaker. Ames, Iowa (August).

International Conference on Matrix Metalloproteinases. Scientific advisory and organizational committee, session chair and invited speaker, Florida (September).


UCLA Symposium on Growth and Differentiation Factors in Development, Steamboat Springs, Colorado (March/April).

American Gastroenterological Association Annual Meeting, Research Symposium on Growth Factors, San Antonio, Texas. Invited speaker (May).

First International Congress on Inflammation, Barcelona, Spain. Invited speaker (June).

The 13th Sigrid Juslius Symposium on Cell Matrix-Interactions, Helsinki, Finland. Invited Speaker (August).

Workshop on Uterine and Embryonic Factors in Early Pregnancy, Rockefeller Foundation's Bellagio Study and Conference Center, Lake Como, Italy. Invited speaker (October).

ICOP Conference on Intracellular Proteolysis, Munich, FRG. Invited speaker (October).


NIH Office of Recombinant DNA Joint Japan-USA Conference on Signal Transduction, San Diego, California. Invited speaker (January).

Second International IGF Symposium, San Francisco. Invited speaker (January).

Keystone Symposium on the Molecular Biology and the Immunopathogenesis of Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lake Tahoe (March). Session organizer and invited speaker.

Keystone Symposium on Proteolysis in Regulation and Disease, Keystone, Colorado. Invited speaker (April).

First St. Louis Symposium on Bone Metabolism, Molecular Basis of Bone Cell . Invited speaker(April/May).

International Workshop on Articular Cartilage and Osteoarthritis, Weisbaden F.R.G. Invited speaker (May).

Fifth Leiden Conference on Macrophages, Leiden, the Netherlands. Invited speaker (May).

Nickolas Foundation Symposium on Cytokines in Langerhan's Cell Histiocytosis. Vougliameni, Greece. Invited speaker (May).

Gordon Conference on Cell Structure and Gene Expression, New Hampshire, Session chair and speaker (July).

Society for the Study of Reproduction, State of the Art Lecture, Vancouver, Canada (July).

Conference on Basement Membranes, Airlie House, Virginia. Invited speaker (September).

NIH Workshop on the Biology and Pathology of Acquired Connective Tissue Diseases, Bethesda, Maryland. Keynote Speaker (October).

Fifth Annual Symposium on Molecular Aspects of Growth and Differentiation, Stony Brook, New York. Invited speaker (November).

Minisymposium on Extracellular Matrix, Annual Meeting of the American Society for Cell Biology, Boston, Massachusetts. Invited speaker (December).


Third Conference on the Molecular Mechanisms Underlying the Maintenance of Germ Lines in Animals and Man, Kyoto, Japan. Invited speaker (January).

Third International Conference on Mineralized Tissues, San Diego. Invited speaker (February).

Keystone Symposium on Growth and Differentiation Factors in Embryogenesis. Conference organizer and speaker (April).

Gordon Conference on Gametogenesis and Embryogenesis, New Hampshire. Invited speaker (July).

ICOP Meeting, Williamsburg, Virginia. (October). Invited speaker.

ARES-Serono Symposia Understanding Male Infertility: Basic and Clinical Approaches, Rome. Invited speaker (November).

Workshop participant, Women in Cell Biology, How to Publish a Paper, ASCB.

Minisymposium on Extracellular Matrix and Signaling, ASCB annual Meeting, Denver (November). Organizer, Chair and overview.


Keystone Symposium on Molecular Mechanisms in Rheumatoid Arthritis and Related Diseases, Keystone, Colorado. Session organizer and speaker (January-February).

Keystone Symposium on Wound Healing/Extracellular Matrix, Breckinridge Colorado. Invited speaker (April).

Annual Australian Inflammation Meeting, Sydney, Australia. Keynote Address (May).

Gordon Conference on Cell Adhesion, New Hampshire. Invited speaker (July).

Gordon Conference on Metalloproteinases. Invited Speaker (August).

Biennial Workshop on Molecular Genetics, Jackson Laboratories, Bar Harbor, Maine. Keynote Address (September).


AAAS-ASCB Education Committee Symposium on “Half the secret of life is outside the cell.” San Francisco, California. Organizer and Speaker (February).

Keystone Symposium on Proteases, Santa Fe, New Mexico. Workshop Convener and Speaker (March).

American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California. Symposium speaker (April).

FASEB Conference on Wound Healing, Saxton River, Vermont (July).

Symposium on Wound Repair, Seattle, Washington (August).

Queenstown Molecular Biology Conference, Queenstown, New Zealand. Speaker (August).

Exeter College Symposium, Oxford, U.K. Speaker (September).

APS Symposium on Cellular Signaling. Sarasota, Florida. Speaker (October).

Symposium on Extracellular Matrix, University of California, Berkeley, California (October).


Gordon Conference on Fibronectin, integrins, and related molecules, Oxnard, California (February)

Keystone Symposia conference on Cancer Cell Invasion and Motility, Tamarron, Colorado. Speaker (February).

USC-CHLA-AMGEN minisymposium on The Extracellular Matrix in Invasion, Metastasis and Angiogenesis, Los Angeles, CA. Speaker (March).

Gordon Conference on Biological Structure, Newport, Rhode Island. Speaker (June).

Gordon Conference on Matrix Metalloproteinases, Andover, New Hampshire. Speaker (July).

International Society for Nephrology, Madrid, Spain. Symposium speaker (July).

Conference on Renal Fibrosis: Prevention and Progression, Göttingen, Germany. Speaker (July).

Atelier INSERM entitled Outils Moleculares et cellulaires pour l'etude de la Pathogenie Microbienne, Le Vesinet , France. Speaker (November).

NIH Workshop on Cytokines in Healing, Bethesda, MD. Speaker (December).


Keystone Symposia Conference on Breast and Prostate Cancer: Basic Mechanisms, Taos, NM. Speaker and session chair (January).

International Symposium on Prostate Growth, Washington D.C. Invited speaker (March).

West Coast Developmental Biology Meeting, Fallen Leaf Lake, CA. Invited speaker (April).

28th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Connective Tissue Research, Kanazawa, Japan. Invited speaker (June).

Gordon Research Conference on Reproductive Tract Biology, Plymouth, NH. Invited speaker (July).

Gordon Conference on Proteolytic Enzymes and Their Inhibitors, New London, New Hampshire. Invited speaker (July).

FASEB Conference on Biological Structure, Copper Mountain Colorado. Invited Speaker and session Chair.(Aug.)

IV Symposium on the Extracellular Matrix, Angra dos Reis, Brazil. Invited speaker (September).

Inhibitors of Metalloproteinases in Development and Disease, Banff, Canada. Session chair (September).

American Society of Nephrology, New Orleans. Invited Speaker (Nov.).

International Symposium, Finsen Laboratory, Copenhagen, Denmark. Invited speaker(Nov.).

6th International Congress on Cell Biology, San Francisco, CA. Plenary Symposium Chair and Speaker (December).


Gordon Conference on Fibronectin and Related Molecules, Ventura CA, Invited speaker (Feb.)

International Symposium on Extracellular Matrix in honor of J. Gross, Boston MA, Invited speaker (Feb)

AAI/AAAI Annual Meeting, Workshop on Matrix Metalloproteinases. San Francisco (Feb.) Invited Speaker

Keystone Symposium on Integrin Signaling. (Apr) Invited speaker.

Israel Fertility Society, Tel Aviv, invited speaker.

Gordon Conference on Biological Structure and Gene Expression. Tuscany, Italy. Invited Speaker.

IBC Conference on Matrix Metalloproteinases, San Francisco. Invited speaker.

NIH Conference on Arthritis, Bethesda. Invited Speaker

Gordon Conference on Mammary Biology, NH Invited Speaker.

NIH Conference on Mammary Development, Bethesda. Invited Speaker.

Gordon Conference on Metalloproteinases. NH Invited Speaker and Discussion Leader.

International Congress on Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Symposium Speaker

Jackson Laboratory Conference on Animal Models for Breast Cancer, Session Organizer and Speaker.

Conference on EGF Receptor Signaling, Ames Iowa. Invited Speaker

New York Academy of Sciences Conference on Morphogenesis. Co-organizer and speaker.

Structure, Function and Genetic Analysis of ECM Conference, Schloss Ringberg, Germany


Keystone Symposium on ECM Signaling, Steamboat Springs CO. Organizer and Speaker.

Gordon Conference on Basement Membranes. Session chair and speaker.

AACR Conference on Proteases and Protease Inhibitors in Cancer, Nyborg, Denmark. Keynote speaker.

13th Aspen Cancer Conference, Aspen CO. Invited speaker.

International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Conference, Jerusalem, Israel. Invited Speaker.


Keystone Symposium on Mononuclear Phagocytes, Keystone CO. Invited speaker.

Gordon Conference on Fibronectin and Related Molecules, Ventura CA. Invited speaker and session chair.

Symposium on the Developmental Biology of the Human Being, Pasadena, CA. Invited speaker.

International Symposium on Angiogenesis Inhibitors, Dallas, TX. Invited speaker.

International Symposium on MMPs in the Nervous System, Banff, Canada, Invited speaker and moderator.

Titisee Conference on the Parallels between Development and Cancer, Titisee, Germany, Invited speaker.

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Conference on Proteolysis, Cold Spring Harbor, NY. Invited speaker and session chair.

Gordon Conference on Cell Communication and adhesion, Andover, N.H. Invited speaker and session chair.

Beatson Cancer Conference, Glasgow, Scotland. Invited speaker.

Gordon Conference on Bones and Teeth Meriden, N.H. Invited speaker.

Gordon Conference on Molecular and Cellular basis of cell proliferation, New London, N.H. Invited speaker.

Gordon Conference on Matrix Metalloproteinases, New London, N.H. Invited speaker and session chair.

American Society for Bone and Mineral Research Annual Meeting, St. Louis, Plenary Lecture.


USC Symposium on Genomic Developmental Biology, invited speaker.

Keystone Symposium on Joint regulation of signaling pathways by growth factors and adhesion, Breckinridge, CO, invited speaker.

EB2000 Symposium, San Diego CA, invited speaker,

Emory University, Graduate Student Symposium on Proteolysis, Atlanta GA. Invited Speaker.

European Tissue Repair Society, Brussels Belgium. Plenary Lecturer.

Thomas L. Petty Aspen Lung Conference, Aspen CO, Roger S. Mitchell Lecturer.

International Society for Matrix Biology, Symposium , Philadelphia, PA, Invited speaker.

International Congress on Fibrinolysis and Proteolysis, Hamamatsu. Japan, Plenary Lecturer.

Gordon Research Conference on Basement Membranes, New London, CT. Invited Speaker.

Gordon Research Conference on Reproductive Tract Biology, New London, CT, Keynote Speaker.

Gordon Research Conference on Proteases, New London, N.H. Invited Speaker.

American Society of Nephrology annual meeting, Toronto, Canada. Basic science lecture

Paul Bassett Memorial Symposium, Strasbourg France, Invited Speaker.


Stanford University, Reproductive Sciences Research Symposium, Keynote Lecturer.

Juan March Foundation, Conference on Common Molecules in Development and Cancer, Madrid, Invited speaker

Experimental Biology Symposium on Proteases in Vascular biology, Orlando, Invited Speaker.

Keystone Symposium on Cancer Intervention, Invited Speaker.

Vascular Complications in Diabetes Conference, Helsinki Finland, invited speaker.

Gordon Conference on Matrix Metalloproteinases, Il Ciocco, Italy, invited speaker.

Annual Scientific Conference of the General Motors Cancer Research Foundation on "Mechanisms of Metastasis", Invited speaker.

Gordon Conference on Epithelial Differentiation, Tilton, NH, invited speaker.

Gordon Conference on Tissue repair, New London NH, invited speaker.

Salk/EMBL conference on Oncogenes and Growth Control, La Jolla CA, invited speaker.

American Society for Nephrology Annual Meeting, San Francisco, Invited speaker.

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, 2001 Hanford Life Sciences Symposium, W.A. Parker Lecturer.

American College of Rheumatology, Annual Meeting, San Francisco, Distinguished Lecturer.


Frontiers in Bone Research, Atami, Japan. Invited Speaker.

West Coast Regional Developmental Biology Meeting, Bodega Bay, Ca. Invited Speaker.

Matrix and Morphogenesis Conference, Boston, MA. Invited Speaker.

Gordon Research Conference on Mammary Gland Biology, Il Ciocco, Italy. Invited Speaker.

Pezcoller Conference on Immune functions in Cancer, Trento, Italy, Invited Speaker.

Mammalian Embryogenesis and Implantation Symposium, Calgary, Alta, Canada. Invited speaker.

Gordon Research Conference on Proteases, New London NH , Keynote Speaker.

Conference on Tissue remodeling, Ames Iowa, Invited speaker.

ISREC/EMBO Conference on Endoderm, Arolla, Switzerland, Invited speaker.

International Society for Differentiation, Lyon, France, Keynote Speaker.

Genentech Inc., Postdoctoral Retreat, Marconi Center, Tomales Bay CA, Keynote Speaker.

American Cancer Society Schilling Conference, Aptos CA, Organizer, session chair and speaker.

Fondation des Treilles, Information Transfer in the Extracellular Environment, Les Arcs-Draguignan, France, Invited speaker.

National Cancer Institute, Role of Growth Factors in Metastasis Workshop, Rockville, MD, Invited speaker.

American Society for Matrix Biology, Annual Meeting, Houston TX, Plenary speaker and session chair.

Australian Health & Medical Research Congress, Melbourne, Australia, Plenary Lecture.

VBCRC/ABRIDG - Special Session, Melbourne, Australia, Inaugural Keynote speaker.

MMP Club, Guest speaker, Melbourne, Australia.


Timberline Symposium on Epithelial Cell Biology 2003, Timberline Lodge, OR, invited speaker.

Advances in Cell Biology, Association of Osteobiology, Boston, MA, invited speaker.

Gordon Conference on Cartilage Biology and Pathology, CA, invited speaker

Annual Meeting of the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. San

Diego. Invited speaker.

ASN, Symposium on Metalloproteinases, Newport, CA, Invited speaker.

AACR 94th annual meeting, Symposium on “Adhesion, Motility, Invasion and Metastasis, Washington, DC. Invited session chair and speaker

Oncogene meeting, Fredrick MD. Invited speaker.

International Inflammation Society Symposium, Vancouver, BC. Invited speaker.

EMBO/FEBS Spetes Summer School on Mechanisms of Homeostasis, Spetes, Greece. Invited lecturer.


AACR 95th annual meeting, Symposium, Washington DC. Symposium Chair.

British Society for Cell Biology, Keynote speaker.

EMBL Salk Oncogene meeting, Heidelberg, invited speaker.

Rupert Timpl Memorial Symposium, Martinsried, Germany, invited speaker.

Skirball Institute Symposium, New York, invited speaker.

NCI Think Tank on Inflammation and Cancer, Bethesda, MD, Invited participant.

Gordon Research Conference on Basement Membranes, RI, invited speaker.

European Association for Cancer Research, Innsbruck, Austria, invited speaker.

International Society for Differentiation, 2004, Honolulu HI, invited speaker and session chair.

10th International Congress of The Metastasis Research Society, Genoa, Italy, invited speaker.

Tumor Microenvironment Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, invited speaker.

MMPI/NYAS Conference, Queens, NY, keynote speaker.

Breast Cancer and the Environment Conference, Princeton, NJ, Invited speaker.


Keystone Symposium, Molecular Targets for Cancer Therapy, Santa Fe, NM, invited speaker

NIA workshop on Senescence and the Environment, Buck Institute, Novato, CA, co-organizer and speaker

UCSF CCC Breast Oncology Program conference

de Crombrugghe Symposium, The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston TX, invited speaker.

CNIO Conference on Animal Tumour Models and Functional Genomics, Madrid, Spain, invited speaker and session chair.

15th annual Perspectives in Biomedical Science Symposium hosted by the Molecular and Cell Biology Program at the University of Maryland, Baltimore, Invited speaker.

Experimental Biology/ASBMB, Symposium on Proteases in Neoplasia and Angiogenesis. San Diego, CA. Invited Speaker.

Chicago Signal Transduction Symposium. Chicago IL. Invited Speaker.

Morphogenesis and Regenerative Medicine Symposium, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA. Invited Speaker.

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 70th Symposium. Cold Spring Harbor, NY. Invited Speaker.

ASCB Summer Conference on, "Systems Integration in Directed Cell Motility", Invited Speaker

Society for Leukocyte Biology, 38th Annual Meeting The Sir William Dunn School of Pathology at Oxford University, Oxford, England, Invited Speaker.

AACR Conference Anti-Angiogenesis and Drug Delivery in Tumors: Bench to Bedside and Back, Waltham, MA. Invited Speaker.


AACR Annual Meeting, Meet the Professor Sunrise session, Washington, DC

CNIO Cancer Conference: Inflammation and Cancer, Madrid, Spain. Invited Speaker

International Workshop on the Skeletal Growth Plate, Stevenson, WA. Invited Speaker and session Chair

15th World Congress of Pharmacology, Beijing, China. Invited Speaker

Imaging Symposium, Wuerzburg, Germany. Keynote Speaker

ISREC, Lausanne, Switerland. Invited Speaker

AACR Mouse Models of Human Cancer, Boston, MA. Invited Speaker

Current Activities (past 3 years) –


Keystone Symposium of Inflammation and Cancer, Santa Fe NM. Keynote Lecture

Forty years of Metastasis Research, A Symposium in honor of Josh Fidler, Houston, TX. Invited Speaker

ChemoCentryx CXCR7 Symposium, Mountainview, CA. Invited Speaker

Tumor Microenvironment Symposium, Biogen IDEC, San Diego, CA. Invited Speaker

SBC Student Symposium on Imaging in Immune Diseases, Chiemsee, Germany. Invited Speaker.

Fondation Ipsen Symposium on Metastasis, Tuscany Italy. Invited Speaker

GRC on Matrix Metalloproteinases, Keynote Address.

Keynote address, Spanish Society for Cell Biology, Pamplona

Beatson Conference on Molecular Cancer Therapies, Glasgow, Scotland. Invited Speaker

Mechanisms and Models of Cancer Meeting, Salk Institute, La Jolla, CA. Session Chair and Invited Speaker.

Inaugural Symposium, Cambridge Research Institute, Cancer Research-UK, Cambridge, UK, Invited Speaker.

AACR Conference on Advances in Breast Cancer Research: Genetics, Biology, and Clinical Applications, San Diego, CA. Invited Speaker.

Italian Society of Cancer Biology, Pordenone, Italy. Invited Speaker

American Society for Cell Biology Annual Meeting, Washington DC. E.B. Wilson Medal Lecture.

Workshop on inflammation induced cancer, Sea of Galilee, Israel, Invited Speaker.


NIH Workshop on Bone metastasis, Bethesda, MD. Invited Discussant.

Whitely Lecture, Northwestern Developmental Biology Conference, Friday Harbor, WA

International Invasion and Metastasis Conference, Berlin, Germany. Invited Speaker

Barcelona Biomed Conference on Metastasis Genes and Functions, Spain, Invited Speaker

UCSF Stem Cell Symposium, Invited Speaker.

20th Pezcoller Symposium, Trento, Italy. Invited Speaker

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Meeting on Mechanisms and Models of Cancer, Cold Spring Harbor, NY, Invited Session Chair and Speaker

AACR Special Conference on Chemical and Biological Aspects of Inflammation and Cancer, Oahu. Hawaii. Keynote Lecturer.

5th Annual Breast Cancer And Environment Research Centers Conference, Birmingham AL, Invited Speaker.

CGC/CBG meeting, Molecular Mechanisms and Mouse Models in Cancer, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Invited Speaker.


AACR Conference on Prostate Cancer, San Diego CA. Invited Speaker

Gordon Reseach Conference on Fibronectin, Ventura, CA. Invited Speaker.

Keystone Symposium on Intrinsic Control of Tumor Genesis, Vancouver, Canada. Invited Speaker and Session Chair.

Janelia Farm Conference on BioImage Informatics, HHMI Janelia Farm Research Campus, VA. Invited Speaker

ASBMB Experimental Biology Annual Meeting, New Orleans. Invited Speaker and Session Chair

Moving Into the Future: New Dimensions and Strategies for Women’s Health Research for the National Institutes of Health. NIH/ORWH National Conference, UCSF, Co-Chair Stem Cell Break-out session.

Gordon Reseach Conference on Epithelial Differentiation, le Diablerets, Switzerland, Invited Speaker.

International Pemphigus Meeting, Bern, Switzerland. Invited Speaker.

Beatson International Cancer Conference on Motility, Invasion and Metastasis. Invited Speaker.

Helen Diller and Familly Comprehensive Cancer Center Inaugural Symposium, UCSF Invited Speaker and Session Chair.

Gordon Research Conference on Matrix Metalloproteinases, Invited Session Chair and Speaker


2009, Bioactive Lipids in Inflammation and Cancer, Cancun. Invited Speaker.

2010, 7th Annual Advanced Imaging Workshop, UC Berkeley

2010, AACR Conference on Cell Death and Cancer, San Diego. Invited Speaker.

2010, Keynote Lecture, ASIP annual meeting, Anaheim CA.

2010, Gordon Research Conference on Mammary Gland Biology, Il Ciocco, Italy.Invited Speaker.

2010, 25th Aspen Cancer Conference, Invited Speaker.

2010, 7th Bone Biology Forum, Shizuoka, Japan, Invited Speaker.

2010, NCRI, Liverpool, UK. Plenary Lecture.

Invited Lectures and Seminars:

Past activities:


MRC Unit on Arthritis, Hospital at Taplow, England


Department of Physiology, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri

Department of Cell Biology, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut

Department of Cellular Physiology and Immunology, Rockefeller University, New York, New York

Developmental Biology Laboratory, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts

Merck Institute for Therapeutic Research, Rahway, New Jersey


Department of Medicine and Biochemistry, University of Miami School of Medicine, Miami, Florida

Department of Physiology, Dartmouth Medical School, Hanover, New Hampshire

Department of Pathology/Immunology Group, Dartmouth Medical School, Hanover, NH

Departments of Biochemistry and Medicine, Pulmonary Research Laboratory, Boston University School of Medicine, Boston City Hospital, Boston, MA


Department of Anatomy, UCSF

Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, UCSF

Developmental Biology Laboratory, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts

Department of Medicine, Immunology/Rheumatology Section, University of California, San Francisco, California


Proctor Foundation for Research in Ophthalmology, UCSF

Department of Biochemistry, University of Southern California, School of Dentistry, Los Angeles, California

Laboratory of Chemical Biodynamics, University of California, Berkeley, California

Department of Hematology/Oncology, Children's Hospital of Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California

Department of Bacteriology and Immunology, University of California, Berkeley, California

Pulmonary Division, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland

Strangeways Research Laboratory, Cambridge, England

Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, Oxford University, Oxford, England

Department of Medicine, Pulmonary Division, University of Texas, School of Medicine, San Antonio, Texas


Department of Dermatology, Fellows Conference, UCSF

Dermatology Grand Rounds, UCSF.

Veterans Administration Hospital, Memphis, Tennessee

Section of Hematology/Oncology, University of California, San Diego, California


CVRI Score Program Seminar, UCSF

Pulmonary Division, NHLBI, NIH, Bethesda, Maryland

Palo Alto Research Foundation, Palo Alto, California

Gladstone Foundation, UCSF

Strangeways Research Laboratory, Cambridge, England

Department of Pathology, SUNY Downstate Medical Center, Brooklyn, New York

Ontario Cancer Institute, Toronto, Canada


CVRI Pulmonary Staff and Fellow Conference, UCSF

Grand Rounds, Department of Pathology UCSF

Department of Anatomy, UCSF

Department of Physiology, Dartmouth Medical School, Hanover, New Hampshire

Department of Microbiology and Immunology. University of California, Berkeley


Searle Research Biological Laboratories, High Wycombe, England

Glaxo Research, London, England

Strangeways Research Laboratory, Cambridge, England

Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, Oxford University, England

Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation, La Jolla, California

Gladstone Research Foundation Laboratories, UCSF

Department of Cell Biology and Anatomy, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland

Northern California Society for Electron Microscopy Meeting, San Francisco

UCSF Immunology Group


Graduate Group in Immunology, UC Davis

Physiology-Anatomy Department, U.C. Berkeley

Interdisciplinary Motility Seminar, U.C. Berkeley

Cell Biology Program, Harvard Medical School

Department of Oral Biology, Northwestern University, Chicago

Norris Cancer Center, University of Southern California, Los Angeles

Department of Pharmacology, Stanford University

CVRI Fellows Conference, University of California, San Francisco

Physiology-Endocrinology Seminar, UCSF


Boehringer-Ingelheim Biochemistry Research Laboratory, Ridgefield, Connecticut

Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, Oxford University, Oxford, U.K.

International Institute of Cellular Pathology, Catholic University of Louvain, Brussels, Belgium

Academische Hochschule, Hannover, Germany

Max Planck Institute, Wurzburg, Germany

Department of Anatomy, Harvard Medical School


Department of Cell Biology, University of Texas Health Sciences Center, Dallas

Department of Human Anatomy, U.C. Davis

U.C.S.F., Dermatology Grand Rounds

University of Liverpool, Department of Medical Cell Biology


Department of Human Anatomy, University of Oxford, England

Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, University of Oxford, England

Celltech Inc., Slough, U.K.

University of Keele, Keele, U.K.

University of Geneva, Departments of Medicine and Pathology

Pasteur Institute, Paris, France

Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel

St. Mary's Hospital Medical School, London, England

Strangeways Research Laboratory, Cambridge, England

Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel

Hebrew University/Hadassah Medical Center, Jerusalem, Israel

European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Heidelberg, Germany

Laboratory of Radiobiology, UCSF


Merck Institute for Therapeutic Research, Rahway, New Jersey

Dept. of Oral Biology, University of Alabama at Birmingham

Dept. of Pathology, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington

Dept. of Anatomy, UMDNJ - Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, Piscataway, New Jersey

Department of Anatomy, UCSF

Department of Pharmacology, Stanford Medical School, Stanford, California


Wake-Forest University, Winston-Salem, North Carolina

Cancer Research Institute, UCSF


VA Medical Center, UCSF

Dept. of Cell Biology, Cetus Corporation, Emeryville, California

Center for Cellular Differentiation, State University of New York at Albany

Laboratory of Cell Biology, LBL, UC Berkeley

Dept. of Cancer and Developmental Biology, Syntex Research, Palo Alto, California

Pharmaceutical Division, Ciba-Geigy Corp., Summit, New Jersey

Dept. of Physiology, University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, Kansas

Chiron Corporation, Emeryville, California

Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation, La Jolla, California

Institute de Cancer, University of Montreal, Canada

Mount Sinai Research Institute, University of Toronto, Canada

Dept. of Immunology, Syntex Research, Palo Alto, California


Department of Medicine, UCSD

Graduate Hospital, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Stanford University Medical School, Stanford, California

Division of Biological Sciences, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, Massachusetts

Department of Anatomy, University of Turku, Finland

Development Biology Program, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California

Cancer Center, Northwestern University Medical School, Chicago, Illinois


Cell Biology Seminar, VA Medical Center UCSF

School of Biological Sciences, UC Irvine, California

Biology Program, Oregon Health Sciences University, Portland, Oregon

Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts

Reproductive Endocrinology Seminar, UCSF

German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg, Germany

Department of Biochemistry, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota

Medical Research Institute of San Francisco, California

Genentech Inc., South San Francisco, California


University of Tokyo, Department of Applied Genetics

University of Rome, La Sapienza, Institute of Embryology and Histology


Department of Microbiology, UC Irvine

Institute for Biotechnology, Houston, Texas

Reproductive Biology Seminar, UCSF

University of Illinois, Chicago

VA Medical Center, UCSF

San Francisco General Hospital, UCSF

University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


Syntex Corporation, Palo Alto, California

Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts

Wayne State University Biotechnology Institute, Detroit, Michigan

Seminars in Biology, UCSF

University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa

Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia

Faculty Cancer Discussion Group, UCSF

Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee

Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri


University of California, Davis, California

Pennsylvania State University, Hershey, Pennsylvania

Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas

Onxy Pharmaceuticals, Alameda, California

Mt. Sinai Medical School, New York


University of California, Berkeley

University of Virginia, Charlottesville

Samuel Lunenfeld Institute, Mt. Sinai Hospital, Toronto, Canada

McGill University, Montreal, Canada

Cornell University, Ithaca, NY

La Jolla Cancer Research Foundation


University of Cincinnati

Sloan Kettering Cancer Research Institute, New York

University of Alabama, Birmingham

Stanford University School of Medicine

Eli Lilly, Indianapolis IN

SFGH program in cellular and molecular medicine

Harvard Medical School, Dept. of Cell Biology, Boston

Tufts Medical School, Boston


University of Texas, Southwest Medical Center, Dept. of Cell Biology, Dallas

Axys Pharmaceuticals, S. San Francisco CA

Institute of Embryology, University of Paris, Cogent France

Oxford University, Dunn School of Pathology, Oxford UK

Pasteur Institute, Paris

Institut Curie, Paris

University of Lyon, France

Imperial Cancer Research Fund, London UK

University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK

Genentech Inc., S. San Francisco CA

Isis Pharmaceuticals, Carlsbad CA

Howard Hughes Lecturer, University of Iowa Medical Center

3rd Earl Benditt Endowed Lecturer, Univ. Washington, Seattle


Chiron Corporation, Emeryville CA.

Joseph L. Melnick Distinguished Guest Lecturer, Baylor College of Medicine

Biosciences Distinguished Lecturer, LBNL

Immunology Program speaker, University of Pennsylvania

Cancer Biology Lecture, Johns Hopkins University

Axys Corp., La Jolla CA

Biogen Corp., Cambridge MA

Finsen Laboratory, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Merck Research Laboratories


Agouron Pharmaceuticals, San Francisco CA

UCLA, Department of Molecular Pharmacology

Scripps Research Institute, San Diego, CA

University of Tennessee, Department of Biochemistry, Memphis.

Northwestern University, Department of Biochemistry, Evanston. IL.

Sunesis Biotech, Redwood City

Weill/Cornell Medical School, New York


Stanford University, Department of Developmental Biology

Sugen Pharmaceuticals, South San Francisco

Ontario Cancer Institute, Toronto, Canada

Rockefeller University, New York

Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor ME.

University of California, Riverside

New York University, Department of Cell Biology

Stanford University, Angiogenesis Forum


Cor Therapeutics, South San Francisco CA

SFGH seminar series

Sandler Asthma seminar, UCSF

University of Missouri, Columbia, Molecular Biology Week

Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard Medical School, Boston MA

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Biology Department, Cambridge MA

Emory University, Atlanta GA

Morehouse University, Atlanta GA

Fibrogen Inc., South San Francisco CA

Incyte Pharmaceuticals, Palo Alto, CA

USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center, Los Angeles CA

University of Chicago, Chicago IL


Cutaneous Biology Center MGH East, Harvard Medical School, Charlestown MA

Immusol Inc., San Diego CA

Cell Biology Seminar, University of Colorado, Denver CO

UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, New Brunswick, NJ

University of Alabama, Birmingham, AL

University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA

Cellular and Molecular Medicine/Ludwig Institute, La Jolla, CA

Washington University, St. Louis, Siteman Cancer Center Basic Science Distinguished Lecture


Huntsman Cancer Center, University of Utah

Department of Molecular Biology, Baylor College of Medicine

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

University of Oxford

University of Cambridge

University of North Carolina Lineberger Cancer Center

Harvard Medical School Dept. of Pathology

Massachusetts General Hospital

Vall d’Hebron Cancer Center, Special Speaker, Barcelona, Spain

Genomics Institute of Novartis Research Foundation, San Diego CA


Digestive Disease Research Center ,Vanderbilt University Cancer Center, Nashville, TN

Stanford University, Cardiopulmonary Research in Progress, Stanford, CA.

Oncology Program, Genentech, Inc., South San Francisco, CA

Pasteur Institute, Paris, France.

Spring Lecture Series on Cellular Homeostasis, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA.

Baylor College of Medicine, Breast Biology Seminar, Houston, TX

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center, Seattle, WA

National Jewish Medical and Research Center, University of Colorado, Denver, CO.

Cancer Research UK, Queen Mary Hospital, London, UK.

Hebrew University, Hadassah Medical School, Jerusalem, Israel.


Walther Cancer Center, Notre Dame University, IN

University of Texas, Galveston TX

BMS Faculty Lunch Seminar, UCSF

Cancer Biology Program, Stanford University, CA

Salk Institute, La Jolla, CA

Pfizer Lecture, IRCM, Montreal Canada

McGill University, Montreal, Canada

Biomedicum Helsinki, University of Helsinki

Distinguished Lecture, Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia, PA

Grand Rounds, Department of Pathology, UCLA

Grand Rounds, Department of Gastroenterology, Military Medical School, Xi’an, China

Graduate Student Seminar Series, Max Planck Institute for Biochemistry, Martinsried, Germany, Invited Speaker

Director’s seminar series, Moores Cancer Center, UCSD, La Jolla, CA, , Invited Speaker

Current Activities (past 3 years) –


AstraZeneca Lecture, University of Manchester, UK

Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, Oxford University, UK

Mayo Clinic and Research Foundation, Jacksonville, FL

Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY

Director’s Seminar, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD

Dean’s seminar, University of Arkansas, AK

Division of Hematology Oncology, University of Goettingen, Gemany

Cancer Research-UK, London, UK

University of Cologne, Germany

University of Wuerzburg, Germany


Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, and FAU Frontiers in Science Seminar, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL

Department of Physiology, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, seminar and Keynote Speaker in the Mini Symposium: “Phenotyping Genetically Modified Mice”,

Department of Molecular Biosciences, University of Kansas at Lawrence, KS

Distinguished Lecture Series, Hospital for Special Surgery, NY, NY

Genentech Inc., S. San Francisco

Hollings Cancer Center, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston SC

Department of Developmental and Regenerative Biology, Mt. Sinai School of Medicine, NY, NY

AWIS lecturer ( 3 lectures) University of Toledo, OH

Center for Organogenesis, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor MI

Internal Medicine Molecular Medicine and Genetics and Cancer Center Sponsored Lecture, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor MI

University of Pennsylvania

Department of Biochemistry, University of Cologne, Germany

Max Planck Institute for Biochemistry, Martinsried, Germany

Burnham Institute for Medical Research, Cancer Center, annual retreat, Warner Springs, CA

Biocentrum, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Biomedical Sciences Program Seminar, UCSF


Department of Cell Biology, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

Department of Molecular Biology, Princeton University

Friedrich Miescher Lecture, Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research, Basel, Switzerland

University of Texas, San Antonio

Cancer Center, McGill University Montreal, Canada

University of Colorado School of Medicine

Distinguished lecture in Neuro-oncology Washington University, St Louis MO

President’s Lecture, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY

Suzanne Bernier Memorial Lecture, University of Western Ontario, London, Canada

NCI Distinguished Scientist Lecture, Fredrick MD

Forthcoming presentations:

2009, University of British Columbia, Vancouver

2009, University of Wisconsin, Madison

2010, LBNL Biology seminar, Berkeley CA

2010, Lousiana State University, New Orleans

2010, HHMI lecture, UC Davis

2010, UC Irvine

2010, Jackson Laboraotry, Bar Harbor, ME

Visiting Professorships:

1982 University of Arizona School of Medicine, Tucson (2 days)

University of Utah, Department of Pathology, Salt Lake City (2 days)

1985 Cleveland Clinic and Research Foundation, Cleveland (2 days)

1985-6 Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, University of Oxford, England (1 year)

1988 Wake Forest University, Visiting Professor (1 week)

1989 Distinguished Lecturer, State University of New York at Albany (2 days)

Visiting Scientist in Reproductive and Developmental Biology, University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, Kansas (2 days)

1990 Visiting Professor in Environmental Biology, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, MA

1990 Visiting Professor in Reproductive Biology, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas

1992 Visiting Professor in Cell Biology, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI

1992 Lowell Lecturer in Biotechnology, Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts

1993 Sigma Xi Lecturer, University of Illinois, Chicago, Illinois

Sigma Xi Lecturer, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa

1998 Visiting Professor, Institut Curie, Paris, France (3 months)

2001 Biocenter, University of Oulu, Finland.

2006 Functional Genomics – “Making the whole more than sum of its parts” course Biomedicum Helsinki, University of Helsinki

2006-7 Max Planck Institute for Biochemistry, Martinsried, Germany, Visiting Professor (7 months)

2007 Visiting Professor, University of Cologne, Germany (1 week)

2008, Visiting Professor, Hollings Cancer Center, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston

2008, Visiting Professor, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor


Dr. Werb is recognized internationally for her original, fundamental and sustained discoveries on the molecular and cellular basis of extracellular matrix (ECM) proteolysis and its role in the normal function and pathogenesis of tissues. She pointed out the importance of proteolysis as a mechanism of altering extracellular signaling when most people regarded proteolysis as destructive only. She discovered several matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), including MMP-3 and -12, found that MMPs regulate pericellular proteolysis and are activated by proteinase cascades. She demonstrated the significance of the tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMPs) in regulating MMP activity. Dr. Werb discovered that fragments of ECM proteins have distinct functions compared to the full-length molecules. She pioneered the concept that ECM was linked to the cytoskeleton and that integrin ECM receptors that were able to signal. These observations revolutionized the view of how external cues control the cellular program of gene expression, differentiation and pathogenesis. Her unconventional and elegant approaches to scientific discovery, together with a large group of collaborators, resulted in new concepts that challenged the conventional wisdom in processes as diverse as embryonic implantation, mammary and skeletal development, wound healing, angiogenesis, stem cell biology and neoplastic progression in vivo. A central paradigm arising from these studies is that proteolysis by MMPs controls the extracellular microenvironment. Her studies have fostered new paradigms about the role of MMPs, the microenvironment, inflammation in development and cancer. These discoveries changed the way that biomedical researchers view proteolysis, from ECM destruction to extracellular signal transduction.

Dr. Werb has led the field in elucidating the critical role of proteinases in embryonic implantation, development and disease processes in vivo. Her approach is that of functional genomics. Her in depth analysis was the first to show that MMP-3 regulates branching morphogenesis, apoptosis and neoplastic progression in the mammary gland. Her group has shown that MMP-9 (gelatinase B) regulates angiogenesis, hypertrophic chondrocyte apoptosis, matrix remodeling and osteoblast recruitment through regulation of vascular endothelial growth factor availability. Subsequently she has found that MMPs are the most important downstream effectors of growth factor receptor signaling. She made and utilized EGF receptor null mice to show that cleft palate and mandibular hypoplasia results from inadequate MMP expression. She has elucidated the role of MMPs in implantation, trophoblast differentiation and vascularization. She discovered that, the chondroclast, is the critical regulator of endochondral ossification through its expression of the MMP-9.

Starting in her graduate work, Dr. Werb also has made important discoveries on the biology and function of inflammatory cells, particularly macrophages. She first elucidated that macrophages were highly relevant in metabolism of cholesterol and cholesterol esters. She subsequently discovered that macrophages are important secretory cells and that their secretion is highly regulated by the state of activation. She discovered a number of important secretion products of macrophages including MMP-12, apolipoprotein E, growth factors and cytokines. These studies culminated in the demonstration that macrophages in vivo in healing wounds express these factors. To do this Dr. Werb’s group was the first to develop RT-PCR on single cells as a useful technology. These observations set the stage for the subsequent work by others on the cytokines and chemokines made by these cells. She also made fundamental observations on the cell biology of phagocytosis and secretion in macrophages. Along with collaborators, Dr. Werb showed the critical role of other inflammatory cells, such as neutrophils and mast cells in regulating proteolysis in skin blistering and in the angiogenic switch during tumor progression. Her work was central in developing a paradigm shift to highlight the central importance of stromal cells for development, and progression, of tumors.

From her studies in the fields the development of the mammary gland and its neoplastic conversion during the development of breast cancer has come from a series of original insights that have revolutionized the whole field of development and tumor biology. Dr. Werb’s work provided compelling evidence that innate inflammatory cells contribute to tumorigenesis, in both pre-malignant lesions and tumors. With her colleagues she discovered proteolysis mediated by MMPs was a discrete event in vascular development because it regulates VEGF bioavailability. She revealed that recruitment of inflammatory cells that then make the MMPs was the key event in the angiogenic switch, which precedes progression to solid tumors. More recently Dr. Werb’s research has determined the nature of the stem cell niche in development and cancer. Stem cells exist within specific niches in a quiescent state or are instructed to mobilize and proliferate following specific physiological stresses. She has shown that MMPs are the key factor in regulating the transfer of stem cells from the quiescent niche to the proliferative niche, and since tumors also have stem-like cells, this paradigm is likely to be the case for neoplasia. Current research in the Werb laboratory is focused on a functional genomic approach to elucidating the in vivo substrates of the MMPs and other proteases in these physiologic and disease processes.


Functional genomic and proteomic approaches to extracellular proteolysis

(a) Role of proteases in tumor angiogenesis and tumor progression

(b) Role of macrophages and other inflammatory cells in regulating tumor progression.

(c) Regulation branching morphogenesis, stem cells and ECM proteolysis in mammary gland development.

(d) Proteases as regulators of extracellular signal transduction.

(e) Molecular dissection of stem cell commitment.

(f) Role of proteases in mucosal immunity

(g) Investigations on the structure, regulation, substrates and turnover of proteinases.

h) Role of proteinases in epithelial-stromal interactions

i) In vivo imaging of cellular interactions in tumor progression

j) Angiogenesis and ECM signaling in bone development

Summary of Teaching Hours for 2007-8 Zena Werb


| | | | | | |

|Course |IDS |Cell Biology |Cell biology 245. | | |

| |Prologue, Organ |BMS260 | | | |

| |Block | | | | |

|Type of Course (Prof, Grad, Undergr) |P |G |G | | |

| | | | | | |

|Lecture | 2 |6 |0 | | |

|Lab. Instruction |15 |0 |0 | | |

|Conference | 4 |0 |0 | | |

|Prep. Time |50 |50 |15 | | |

|Small Group Teaching | | |15 | | |

|Review |10 |0 |0 | | |

|Exam Prep., Proctoring, Grading | 3 |15 |0 | | |

|Syllabus Preparation |20 |20 |0 | | |

|Attending Lectures |12 |20 |30 | | |

|Other (Please Specify: Med I meetings): | |0 |0 | | |

| | | | | | |

|Total Hours/Class | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Total Classroom Hours | | | | | |

| | | | | | |


| | | | | | |

|Mentoring Postdoctoral Fellows | | |800 | | |

|Mentoring Graduate Students | | |150 | | |

|Mentoring Undergraduate Students | | |10 | | |

|Other (Junior faculty/ K08 recipients) | |75 | | |

|Total Mentoring Hours | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |

| | | | | | |

|Preparation/presentation | | |10 | | |

|Attending and mentoring Journal club |20 | | |

|Coaching graduate students BMS/PIBS journal club | |10 | | |

| | | | | | |

|Total J. Club/Special Teaching Hours | | | | | |

| | | | | | |



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