The South African Society of Music Teachers

The South African Society of Music TeachersDie Suid Afrikaanse Vereniging van Musiekonderwysers13 Februarie 2020Beste SAVMO lid! Dear SASMT member!Tyd vlieg, en hier is ons nou reeds in die tweede maand van 2020. Hoe wonderlik dat daar so baie op die musiekfront gebeur:Pretoria AJV: ons jaarvergadering is op 18 Januarie 2020 gehou waarop die volgende komiteelede verkies is:Gisela Scriba (voorsitter)Elfreda PenzhornStephan GerickeMarietjie HesseEwald HesseRinamari RouxSusan SwanepoelVivien PietersWinnie van der WaltAnita FourieRobin Dixon-PaverDie verskeie pligte van die komiteelede sal by die eerste komiteevergadering vasgestel word. Die jaarverslag en finasi?le verslae is onder andere by die AJV goedgekeur, ‘n musiekvasvra is gehou en die middag is met verversings en ‘n gesellige kuier afgesluit. Ons hartlike dank aan Eduplex Musiekdepartement wat weereens hulle fasiliteite goedgunsteliuk beskikbaar gestel het. UNISA International Piano Competition: it was a privilege to listen to all the talented competitors, including Lezanti van Sittert and Willem de Beer, both originally from Pretoria.Pretoria Eisteddfod: Inskrywings het geopen en kan tot 20 Maart 2020 gedoen word. Slegs aanlyn-inskrywings word toegelaat en geen laat inskrywings sal aanvaar word nie aangesien die sluitingsdatum reeds uitgeskuif is.SASMT National AGM & Conference: This annual event will take place from 19 to 21 March 2020 at the Music Department of the North West University, Potchefstroom. Information has been mailed to all members. Please attend this exciting event happening on our door step. At the end of the conference our chairperson Gisela Scriba will take up the position as President of the SASMT. The 2021 National AGM and Conference, to be hosted in Pretoria, is already in the planning stages.Jan Celliers musieksimposium: die musiekdepartement beplan lesings, werkswinkels en meestersklasse in verskeie instrumente vir 11 Julie 2020. Teken hierdie datum al in jou dagboek aan. Verdere inlgting sal later versprei word. 4th National SASMT Pretoria Ensemble Competition: this competition will take place from 21 – 23 August 2020 at Eduplex. We already have Prof Hubert van der Spuy and Dr Elize Kruger on board as adjudicators. We are also on the lookout for more sponsors as the event is growing rapidly. Please contact us if you know of interested parties who would like to assist. Visit for information, entry forms and a gallery of the previous competitions. The bar was set high during the 2019 competition, and we are excited to see what will be achieved in the 2020 competition.Hiermee wens ons julle almal sterkte toe vir die praktiese en teorie eksamens wat voorlê!Met vriendelike musiekgroeteDie 2020 Savmo-komitee ................

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