HL7 Pediatric Data Standards Special Interest Group

HL7 Pediatric Data Standards Special Interest Group

Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

09:00 AM – 4:30 PM ET

Sheraton Atlanta Hotel

Atlanta, Georgia

Meeting Objectives:

• Continue to identify and refine pediatric functional requirements for EHR-S in preparation for ballot targeted for May 2005

• Seek guidance and direction from EHR-TC and Patient Care TC

Meeting Participants:

[*participant on conference call available Q1; working lunch; Q4]

Andy Spooner David Classen Cheri Throop

Aileen Sedman Therese Finitzo Carl Weigle

Feliciano Yu Noorullah Akhtar Hema Bisarya

Phillip Gioia (*) Steve Lawless (*) Nancy Anthracite (*)

David Milov S. Trent Rosenbloom (*) Richard Shifftman

Samuel Walters

David Classen, serving as presiding co-chair, called the working group meeting to order at 09:05. Following brief introductions including those participating via phone, the August 3, 2004 conference call minutes were approved.

Nancy Anthracite, MD, a volunteer with WorldVista, introduced herself to the group. She explained that WorldVista is a non-profit organization promoting use of VA software currently used in 175 VH hospitals and 1300 other venues within the VA system. This is totally public system (open source) and can be used world-wide. CMS has been working to make the system more office-friendly and is funding ongoing work. Both obstetrics and pediatrics have been identified as huge gaps in the current system. The plan is to tackle outpatient based needs first and integrate these into the hospital system. Nancy shared that Vista will begin with growth charts. Although the data standards are available in the public domain from the CDC, population-based charts are only available in commercial products. Trent Rosenbloom shared that Vanderbilt has experience with the population-based charts including purchase of paper based access for this information system. He suggested enrolling in PubMed to identify the list of documents available and Nancy further suggested adding this in as a subscription model (“plug-in” concept).

AGENDA ITEM #1: Formal election of administrative co-chair

Supervised by an HL7 Board member, the formal election of Cheri Throop as administrative co-chair was conducted. HL7 will announce election results post September 2004 HL7 WGM.

AGENDA ITEM #2: Review/refinement of V2 draft EHR-S Pediatric Functional Requirements

Andy suggested the working group consider the following four concepts as the review/refinement work begins:

1) Are the draft comments positioned optimally?

2) Are all additions truly pediatric?

3) Are any of the findings so important with relevance to all patient populations that we should communicate them to the EHR TC?

4) How should we proceed in elaborately and comprehensively illustrating the pediatric functional requirements (storyboards)?

Based on group discussion the following resolution was proposed and approved:


Add additional column to the current EHR-S tool to incorporate those findings that have relevance to all patient populations. These will be formally communicated to the EHR-TC.

During a joint meeting, EHR-TC confirmed that our SIG should communicate these findings to them directly through formal correspondence or via the EHR-TC website.

Discussion focused on what should be added in the “gaps” Column. At this point, everyone agreed to use this column to identify pediatric-specific issues that need to be addressed. There was some discussion on potentially developing a standardized method to add pediatric functional requirements to the existing EHR-S; at this point, all content should be succinct and focused.

The following summarizes proposed changes to the PedsDraft EHR-S DTSU Functional Outline: [Current Draft V2 suggested pediatric content included in this summary]

|ID: |Special Populations – Pediatrics |Gaps |Recommendations to current EHR-S |Comments |

| | | |(Universal relevance) | |

|DC.1.1 |The pediatric EHR should be |Standardized HL-7 acceptable forms|Hearing Screening has universal |Move this verbiage to |

| |configured so that once the |for age appropriate health |application |information infrastructure: |

| |patient gender and age is entered,|maintenance, sports physicals, | | |

| |(including gestation age if child |immunizations etc. Also | |Data should be able to be |

| |is born ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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