Dress in Blue Day for Colon Cancer - AAPC


August 2014


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Letter from the President

Greetings Fellow Coders!

I would like to thank all of you who attended our trivia night. We had a great time, lots of great baskets were donated and I hope to see more coders next year. Thank you to all of the attendees as well as the volunteers who made our event a success!

As summer comes to a close, we look ahead to the beginning of fall, my favorite time of year. I just love the leaves turning, fall candles burning while I cozy up with a good book and a cup of apple cinnamon tea. As we enter the upcoming months, I want to remind everyone about the upcoming local conference. It will be Monday, November 10th at the St. Charles Convention Center. We have some great speakers lined up as well as some great vendors. Please RSVP to Lydia Thomas.

Thank you!

Stacy Blodgett, CPC

2014 President of the St. Louis West Chapter

From the AAPCCA Chapter Association

August is Immunization Awareness Month- Stop Disease & Illness in It’s Tracks!

Although it’s still hot outside, the truth is that summer is beginning to wind down and it’s time to start thinking about a new school year for the kids. Notebooks, backpacks, pencils and clothing are all important, but what’s even more important is your child’s health. There are many things you can do to prepare for a new school year and keeping up with vaccines that can stop serious diseases and illnesses in their tracks should be at the top of your list.

National Immunization Awareness Month is the perfect time to remind all of us- adults, teenager, college students and young children alike to get caught up on our shots.

Vaccines can help prevent cancer. According to the National Cancer Institute, the FDA has approved two types of vaccines to prevent cancer as well as on to treat cancer.

Some ways to stop diseases in its tracks are:

Remind your family, friends and coworkers that vaccines aren’t just for kids. There are an assortment of vaccinations available at different phases of life, from infancy to adulthood.

Parents with young children should take steps to get the recommended immunizations by age two. Infants are especially susptible to pertussis (whooping cough), which has seen a rise in recent years.

College students should catch up on immunizations before moving into dormitories. Pregnant women should know the options of getting vaccinated to protect their newborns from diseases.

For those of you who work in provider offices, this is the perfect time to brush up on your administration fee’s/codes for vaccines and let the fun begin!

Roxanne Thames CPC, CEMC

2014 AAPC Chapter Association Board Member

Boot Camps are Everywhere!

See information below for opportunities to attend an ICD-10 Boot Camp, get online training or set up a chapter boot camp. Everyone needs ICD-10 training!


Live training and a small group environment in a city near you

• 16 CEUs

• 2 Days

• ICD-10 code set course manual

• Added Value:

o Includes online general code set training ($395 value)

o Includes ICD-10-CM code set book ($89.95 value)

o Includes ICD-10 practice assessment ($39.95 value)

ICD-10-CM ONLINE ($395)

Online training at your own pace

• 16 CEUs

• 16 Hours (at your own pace)

• ICD-10 code set course manual

• Added Value:

o 2014 ICD-10-CM code set book may be added for $89.95 $50

ICD-10-CM LOCAL CHAPTERS - Live training in a group environment at a local chapter near you

• 16 CEUs

• 2 Days

• ICD-10 code set course manual

• Note: Only available with participating chapters. Contact your chapter officers for details.

• Added Value:

• Includes ICD-10-CM code set book ($89.95 value)


• Maximum of 50 attendees allowed for each Boot Camp.


|Jamie Albers |  | |[pic] |  |

|Lisa Braloski, CPC-H | | |[pic] |  |

|Ricardo Collazo, CPC-A | | |[pic] |  |

|Carolyn Dixon | | |[pic] |  |

|Kathleen Fedak | | |[pic] |  |

|Brittany Graham | | |[pic] |  |

|Raelene Jackson | | |[pic] |  |

|Ruby Lindsey RMC | | |[pic] |  |

|Marianne Robinson, CPC-A | | |  |[pic] |

|LaDonna M Shegog RMC | | |[pic] |  |

|Camille Simmons RMC | | |[pic] |  |

|Jamie Tetley | | |[pic] |  |

|Lisa Webb | | |[pic] |  |

|Dayna Westerhold | | | | |

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For information about our chapter, please contact Member Development Officer Andrea Neske at development@ or any chapter officer. We would love to get acquainted and help you!





Looking for a job or know of one to post???

Please come to the meeting on August 21st to see our job board for leads on any jobs

Or see out list on

We are here to help!

Need at mentor or want to assist a fellow member?

Contact your development officer Andrea Neske




Chapter Review class will be given on Saturday, September 20th

Time: 8 am to 4:30 Location to be announced- Previously credential members earn CEUS for the class

To help cover the cost of the facility and printing the fee for this class is $50.00 and it can be paid thru our chapter website at as soon as location is announced.

Keep your eye on the website for announcement!


Our chapter congratulates the following recently certified member:

Marianne Robinson, CPC-A

Way to go! Come to our meeting on August 21st so that we can introduce you to the chapter!

July Chapter Minutes

|AAPC of St. Louis West |


|Wednesday July 17th, 2014 6pm |

|Premier Care Orthopaedics |

|12659 Old Tesson Rd, St. Louis MO 63128 |

|Call to Order: 6:00 pm |

|Adjourned: 7:30 pm |

|President: Stacy Blodgett, CPC |

|Excused |

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|Vice President: Joan Barker, CPC |

|Present |

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|Secretary: Liz Pryor, CPC, CPC-H |

|Excused |

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|Treasurer: Lydia Thomas, CPC, CCC, CEMC |

|Present |

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|Member Development: Andrea Neske, CPC, CCS |

|Excused |

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|Education Officer: Vickie Kuhl, CPC |

|Excused |

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|Also present past presidents Barbara Fontaine & Lynn Berry      |

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|Officers Excused: Stacy Blodgett, CPC (maternity leave); Vickie Kuhl, CPC (vacation), Liz Pryor, CPC, CPC-H (vacation), Andrea Neske, CPC, CCS |

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|Opening Comments: |The meeting was opened by Vice President Joan Barker who introduced the speaker. |

|Speaker & Program |Barbara Fontaine, CPC presented a program written by Ruby O’Brochta Woodward and given with her permission. She said Ruby |

| |was standing by at home in Minnesota in case she needed to phone a friend. This presentation was originally given at the |

| |national AAPC Healthcon conference in Nashville this past spring. The definition of arthroplasty and the various kinds of |

| |tissue vs hardware replacement of joints was explained along with coding rule for many of the procedures were given. Models |

| |and graphics were distributed for everyone to see. The program lasted one hour and 1 CEU was awarded for attendance. |

|Distribute CEU’s |Lydia Thomas and Carol Moynahan distributed the CEU certificates, and fliers for upcoming events including the upcoming |

| |Trivia Night, our local chapter conference and CPC Preparation Classes to be given by Juddi Schneider. |

|Treasurer’s Report |Lydia presented the June Treasurer’s report and the balance currently in our account. Details can be requested from the |

| |Treasurer. |

|Introduce New Members and Newly |Lydia introduced two new members who were attending for the first time and they were welcomed with applause. |

|Credentialed Members | |

|Job Announcements- |Joan brought the job board and everyone was invited to use it. She also shared the news that the AAPC website has been |

|Elections |improved and you can now search for jobs online depending on your area of interest and the number of miles away from home you|

| |are willing to travel. She thought it was a vast improvement. We also announced job opening for Robin Hoelting in O’Fallon,|

| |MO and told how to reach her to submit a resume. |

|Announcements |Lydia - Thanked past presidents Barbara Fontaine and Lynn Berry for attending. She thanked the registration volunteer Carol |

| |Moynahan, speaker and members for attending and Nancy Glass for arranging to host the south county meeting at their |

| |workplace. |

|Announcements |Lydia announced that Juddi Schneider will teach our next CPC review class which will be August 2nd, 2014 at Anthem College in|

| |South County from 8:00am to 4:00pm. Cost: $50.00 and worth 7.5 CEU’s. We must have at least 10 attendees or this may get |

| |cancelled. Certified members may also attend even if they already have credentials just for the CEU’s The address is: |

| |Anthem College Fenton |

| |645 Gravois Bluffs |

| |Fenton, MO  63026 |

| |636-326-7339 |

| | |

| |Other announcements: |

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| |The next CPC exam will be August 23rd, 2014 at St. Luke’s in Conference rooms 1,2,3. Please arrive by 6:30 for a 7 am start.|

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| |A & P Class on Saturday, July 26, 2014 9:00am to 11:00am on Endocrine system by Barbara Kisakye, CPC, CPC-I. Cost is $20.00 |

| |and worth 2 CEU’s. RSVP to Lydia (treasurer@ ) |

| | |

| |Trivia Night-Saturday August 2nd, 2014 at the Masonic Temple in Overland, MO. We are looking for volunteers for prize and |

| |food committee. Please see any board member to sign up. Further details to come. All ages are welcome, can register |

| |individually or in tables of eight. Event will be worth 1.5 CEU’s. |

| | |

| |Save the date: Local Conference-St. Louis West AAPC, Monday, November 10th 2014. Registration forms and payment are |

| |available online. Conference fee will be $100.00 if paid by August 31st, 2014, $125.00 dollars on September 1st, 2014. No |

| |refunds will be issued after October 22nd, 2014. |

|Next Meeting Reminder |Our next meeting will be on Thursday August 21st at 6pm at St. Luke’s Hospital Auditorium |

| |Topic: Billing and Collections- Best Practices the presenter will be Melaine Reed she is the Regional Field Trainer for Trans|

| |World Systems out of Illinois. |

|Door Prizes |Names were drawn for attendance prizes and Jamie Albers, one of our new attendees won $50 in St. Louis West Chapter Bucks. |

| |$10 STLW Chapter Bucks were won by Iqbal Gheith, Terry Burch, Barbara Fontaine, and Nancy Glass. $10 in national AAPC bucks |

| |were won by Yamila Jaber, Lisa Lawson, Kathy Kohut, Mindy Powell and Jesmine Nguyen. |

Respectully submitted:

Barbara Fontaine, CPC

Secretary pro-tem

Donations, Donations, Donations!

Our service project in August will be a collection of school supplies for kids in our area who may need a little help in gathering the supplies they need to start the semester. Please consider adding these kids to your shopping list as your own kids and grandkids return to school. Points for Education will be awarded with your donation.


Thank you!


St. Louis West Professional Coders

8th Annual St. Louis Local AAPC Chapter Banquet and Seminar

Monday - November 10, 2014


St. Charles Convention Center, One Convention Center Plaza St. Charles, MO 63303

Hotel Accommodations

Embassy Suites St. Charles, Two Convention Center Plaza St. Charles, MO 63303

Call hotel directly for discounted rate before Oct 1 at 636-946-5544; mention AAPC or Professional Coders of STL

Payment Information

Conference Fee: $100 if paid by August 31, 2014 / $125 on September 1, 2014 or later

Deadline October 22, 2014 - NO REFUNDS AFTER October 22, 2014

Make checks payable to St. Louis Professional Coders

If you have any particular dietary restrictions (gluten free, vegetarian, etc.) please list below.

Register and pay online at

or print and mail a copy of this form to the registration chairperson :

Lydia Thomas, CPC, CCP-P, CCC, CEMC

617 North Benton Avenue

St. Charles, MO 63301


Attendee Name and Credentials: __________________________________________________________________

Email: _______________________________________________________________________________________

Special Dietary Needs: Gluten free Vegetarian Other: ______________________________________

Payment Method: Cash: _____________ Check: ______________ Local Chapter Bucks: _____________________

Credit Card Number: _____________________________________Expiration date: ___/___ 3 digit code: ________

Cardholder or Company Name (if different than attendee) & address:______________________________________


6:30am – 8:00am Registration / Meet & Greet with Vendors

8:00am – 9:00am Motivational Speaker – Scott Foster

9:00am – 10:15am TBA - Alicia Scott, CPC

10:15am – 10:30am Break

10:30am – 12:00pm Documentation Improvement


12:00pm – 1:00pm Lunch

1:00pm – 3:30pm Documentation Improvement


3:30pm – 3:45pm Break

3:45pm – 5:00pm Jason J. VandenAkker, AAPC CEO

“Invest in Yourself”

|June Member Challenge Answers | | | | |

|Thanks to Susan Ward, AAPCCA BOD member for last month’s Member Challenge. | | | | |

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|August Member Challenge | | | | |

|[pic] | | | | |

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August is the perfect month to consider giving back to your local chapter by becoming a local chapter officer!

Talk to your currently local chapter offices today for more information.


You can do it and YOU would be GREAT!!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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