Academy for Educational Development (AED)




Rev. 12/11/2012



|AARP Foundation (AARP) |Julie Nepveu jnepveu@ |

|601 E Street, NW | |

|Washington, DC 20049 | |

|(202) 434-3704 (office) | |

|(202) 434-2320 (fax) | |

| | |

|ACCSES (formerly American Congress of |Theresa Morgan Theresa.morgan@ |

|Community Supports and Employment Services) |Gary Goosman ggoosman@ |

|1501 M Street NW, 7th Floor |Terry Farmer trfarmer@ |

|Washington, DC 20005 |Peter Thomas peter.thomas@ |

|(202) 466-3355 (office) |Sara Rosta Sara.rosta@ |

|(202) 466-7571 (fax) | |

| | |

|Adapted Physical Activity Council (APAC) |David Auxter dauxter@ |

|2322 40th Place, NW, Ste. 203 |Sue Parham sparham@ |

|Washington, DC 20007 |Jayne Robinson jaynedrobinson@ |

|(202) 295-9033 (office) | |

|(202) 295-9033 (fax) | |

|American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) |Bob Hall rhall@ |

|601 13th Street, NW, Ste. 400N |Kristen Mizzi kmizzi@ |

|Washington, DC 20005 |Betsy Dunford bdunford@ |

|(202) 347-8600 (office) |Ielnaz Kashefipour ikashefipour@ |

|(202) 393-6137 (fax) |Alison Perencevinch aprencevich@ |

| |Patrick Johnson pjohnson@ |

| |Sonya Clay sclay@ |

|American Association of People with |Helena Berger hberger@ |

|Disabilities (AAPD) |Jim Dickson jdickson@ |

|2013 H Street, NW |Jackie Zamarripa jzamarripa@ |

|Washington, DC 20006 |Adam Abosedra aabosedra@ |

|(202) 457-0046 (office) V/TTY |David Heymsfeld dheymsfeld@ |

|(202) 457-0473 (fax) | |

| | |

|American Association on Health |Roberta Carlin |

|and Disability (AAHD) |Clarke Ross clarkeross10@ |

|110 N. Washington Street, #328J | |

|Rockville, MD 20850 | |

|(301) 545-6140 (office) | |

|(301) 545-6144 (fax) | |

| | |

|American Association on Intellectual and |Margaret Nygren mnygren@ |

|Developmental Disabilities (AAIDD) |Ravita Maharaj rmaharaj@ |

|501 Third Street, NW, Ste. 200 |Danielle Webber dwebber@ |

|Washington, DC 20001 |Jason Epstein jepstein@ |

|(202) 387-1968 (office) | |

|(202) 387-2193 (fax) | |

| | |

|American Bar Association |Mildred Rivera-Rau mildred.rovera@ |

|Commission on Disability Rights (CDR) |Amy Allbright  amy.allbright@ |

|740 15th Street, NW | |

|Washington, DC  20005 | |

|(202) 662-1570 (office) | |

|(202) 442-3439 (fax) | |

|disability | |

|American Council of the Blind (ACB) |Eric Bridges ebridges@ |

|2200 Wilson Blvd, Suite 650 | |

|Arlington, VA 22201 | |

|(202) 467-5081 (office) | |

|(202) 467-5085 (fax) | |

| | |

|American Dance Therapy Association (ADTA) |Myrna Mandlawitz mandlawitz@ |

|c/o MRM Associates |Libby Nealis libbynealis@ |

|2800 Quebec Street, NW, Ste. 218 | |

|Washington, DC  20008 | |

|(202) 421-3526 (office) | |

|(202) 686-1637 | |

| | |

|American Diabetes Association (ADA) |Shereen Arent sarent@ |

|1701 North Beauregard Street |Claire Borelli cborelli@ |

|Alexandria, VA 22311 |Brian Dimmick bdimmick@ |

|(703) 299-5519 (office) |Amy Wotring awotring@ |

|(703) 549-8748 (fax) |Katie Hathaway khathaway@ |

| | |

|American Foundation for the Blind (AFB) |Mark Richert 202-822-0833 direct line |

|1660 L Street, NW, Ste.513 |mrichert@ |

|Washington, DC 20036 |Katie Vizenor kvizenor@ |

|(202) 822-0830 (office/TDD) | |

|(202) 822-0838 (fax) | |

| | |

|American Medical Rehabilitation Providers |Carolyn Zollar czollar@ |

|Association (AMRPA) |Sarah Nicholls snicholls@ |

|1710 N Street, NW |Peter Thomas peter.thomas@ |

|Washington, DC 20036-2907 |Sara Rosta Sara.rosta@ |

|(202) 223-1920 (office) | |

|(202) 223-1925 (fax) | |

| | |

|American Music Therapy Association (AMTA) |Judy Simpson simpson@ |

|8455 Colesville Road, Ste. 1000 |Rebecca Smith smithr@ |

|Silver Spring, MD 20910 |Myrna Mandlawitz mandlawitz@ |

|(301) 589-3300 (office) | |

|(301) 589-5175 (fax) | |

| | |

|American Network of Community Options |Suellen Galbraith sgalbraith@ |

|And Resources (ANCOR) |Jessica Sadowsky jsadowsky@ |

|1101 King Street, #380 | |

|Alexandria, VA 22314 | |

|(703) 535-7850 (office) | |

|(703) 535-7660 (fax) | |

| | |

|American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) |Deborah Crandall deborahcrandall@ |

|1111 N. Fairfax Street |Michael Hurlbut michaelhurlbut@ |

|Alexandria, VA 22314 |Monica Herr monicaherr@ |

|(703) 684-2782 (office) | |

|(703) 684-7343 (fax) | |

| | |

|American Psychological Association (APA) |Anju Khubchandani akhubchandani@ |

|750 First Street, NE |Stefanie Reeves sreeves@ |

|Washington, DC 20002-4242 | |

|(202) 336-5500 (office) | |

|(202) 336-6123 (TDD) | |

|(202) 336-6040 (fax) | |

| | |

|American Speech-Language-Hearing |Catherine Clarke cclarke@ |

|Association (ASHA) |Laurie Alban-Havens lalanhavens@ |

|444 N. Capitol Street, NW, Ste. 715 | |

|Washington, DC 20001 | |

|(202) 624-7750 (office) |Susan Karr skarr@ |

|(202) 624-5955 (fax) |2200 Research Boulevard |

| |Rockville, MD 20850 |

| |(301) 296-5684 (office) |

| |(301) 296-8579 |

|American Therapeutic Recreation |Lisa Morgan lisajomorgan@ |

|Association (ATRA) |Thomas Skalko |

|1501 M Street NW, 7th Floor |Peter Thomas peter.thomas@ |

|Washington, DC 20005 |Sara Rosta Sara.rosta@ |

|(202) 466-6550 (office) | |

|(202) 785-1756 (fax) | |

| | |

|APSE – The Network on Employment (APSE) |Laura Owens lowens@ |

|451 Hungerford Drive, Ste. 700 | |

|Rockville, MD 20850 | |

|(414) 581-3032 (office) | |

|(804) 278-9377 (fax) | |

| | |

|Association for Behavior Analysis |Jennifer Zarcone Zarcone@ |

|International (ABAI) |Santi KM Bhagat santi@ppc- |

|601 Elmwood Ave, Box 671 | |

|University of Rochester Medical Center | |

|Rochester,NY 14642 | |

|(585) 273-5974 (office) | |

|(585) 276-2605 (fax) | |

|Association of Assistive Technology Act Programs (ATAP) |Audrey Busch abusch@ |

|P.O. Box 32 |700 McKnight Park Drive, Suite 708 |

|Delmar, NY 12054 |Pittsburgh, PA 15237 |

|(518) 439-1263 | |

|(518) 439-3451 (fax) |Marty Exline marty.exline@ |

| | |

| |Ellin Nolan enolan@ |

| |1101 Vermont Ave., NW, Ste. 400 |

| |Washington DC 20005 |

| |(202) 289-3900 (office) |

| |(202) 371-0197 (fax) |

|Association of Maternal and |Carolyn Mullen cmullen@ |

|Child Health Programs (AMCHP) | |

|1220 19th Street, NW, Ste. 801 | |

|Washington, DC 20036 | |

|(202) 775-0436 (office) | |

|(202) 775-0061 (fax) | |

|Association of University Centers on |Kim Musheno kmusheno@ |

|Disabilities (AUCD) |Ellen Jensby ejensby@ |

|1010 Wayne Ave., Ste. 920 |Kristina Majewski kmajewski@ |

|Silver Spring, MD 20910 |Diane Dressler dressler@ |

|(301) 588-8252 (office) | |

|(301) 588-2842 (fax) | |

| | |

|Autism Speaks |Stuart Spielman sspielman@ |

|1990 K Street, NW |Karen.Driscoll karen.driscoll@ |

|Washington, DC 20006 | |

|(202) 955-3312 (office) | |

|(202) 424-5834 (fax) | |

| | |

|Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law (BCMHL) |Allison Wishon Seigwarth allisonw@ |

|1101 15th Street, NW, Ste. 1212 |Elaine Alfano elaine@ |

|Washington, DC 20005 |Lewis Bossing lewisb@ |

|(202) 467-5730 (office) |Jennifer Mathis jenniferm@ |

|(202) 223-0409 (fax) |Todd Rubin toddr@ |

| | |

|Brain Injury Association of America (BIAA) |Amy Colberg acolberg@ |

|1608 Spring Hill Road, Ste. 110 | |

|Vienna, VA 22182 | |

|(703) 761-0750 (office) | |

|(703) 761-0755 (fax) | |

| | |

|Center for Medicare Advocacy, Inc. (CMA) | |

|1025 Connecticut Ave., NW, #709 | |

|Washington, DC 20036 | |

|(202) 293-5760 (office) | |

|(202) 293-5764 (fax) | |

| | |

|Center for Workers with Disabilities (CWD) |Nanette Relave NRelave@ |

|1133 19th Street, NW, Ste. 400 | |

|Washington, DC 20036 | |

|(202) 682-0100 (office) | |

|(202) 289-6555 (fax) | |

| | |

|Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP) |Judy Solomon solomon@ |

|820 First Street, NE, Suite 510 | |

|Washington, DC 20002 | |

|(202) 408-1080 (office) | |

|(202) 408-1056 (fax) | |

| | |

|Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/ |Ruth Hughes Ruthj_hughes@ |

|Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD) | |

|8181 Professional Place, Ste. 150 | |

|Landover, MD 20785 | |

|(301) 306-7070 (office) | |

|(301) 306-7090 (fax) | |

| | |

|Community Access National Network (CANN) |Tom McCormack tomxix@ |

|1773 T Street, NW | |

|Washington, DC 20009 | |

|(202) 479-2543 (office) | |

|(202) 479-1169 (fax) | |

| | |

|Community Legal Services (CLS) |Rebecca Vallas rvallas@ |

|3638 N Broad Street | |

|Philadelphia, PA 19140 | |

|(215) 227-2417 (office) | |

|(215) 227-2435 (fax) | |

| | |

|Conference of Educational Administrators |Barbara Raimondo baraimondo@ |

|of Schools and Programs for the Deaf (CEASD) | |

|P.O. Box 685 | |

|Washington Grove, MD 20880 | |

|(301) 990-2847 (office) | |

|(301) 990-2848 (fax) | |

| | |

|Corporation for Supportive Housing (CSH) |Peggy Bailey peggy.bailey@ |

|1731 Connecticut Ave., NW, 4th Floor |Jordan Press |

|Washington, DC 20009 | |

|(202) 588-1110 (office) | |

|(202) 330-5960 (fax) | |

| | |

|Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) |Deb Ziegler debz@cec. |

|1110 North Glebe Road, Ste. 300 |Kimberly Hymes kimh@cec. |

|Arlington, VA 22201 |Lindsay E. Jones lindsayj@cec. |

|(800) 224-6830 (office) | |

|(703) 243-0410 (fax) | |

| | |

|Council for Learning Disabilities (CLD) |Debi Gartland |

|15122 Red Cedar Drive |Roberta Strosnider rstrosnider@ |

|Burtonsville, MD 20866-1386 | |

|(301) 549-1779 (home) | |

| | |

|Council of Parent Attorney and Advocates (COPAA) |Robert Berlow bobb@ |

|P.O. Box 6767 |Denise Marshall denise@ |

|Towson, Maryland  21285 | |

|(410) 372-0208 (office) | |

|(410) 372-0209 (fax) | |

| | |

|Council of State Administrators of Vocational |Rita Martin rmartin@ |

|Rehabilitation (CSAVR) | |

|4733 Bethesda Avenue, #330 | |

|Bethesda, MD 20814 | |

|(301) 654-8414 (office) | |

|(301) 654-5542 (fax) | |

| | |

|Dialysis Patient Citizens (DPC) |Carrie Lamb clamb@ |

|900 7th Street, NW Ste. 670 | |

|Washington, DC 20001 | |

|(202) 789-6931 (office) | |

|(202) 789-6935 (fax) | |

|Disability Rights Education and Defense |Rhonda Neuhaus rneuhaus@ |

|Fund, Inc. (DREDF) | |

|1660 L Street N.W, #701 |Susan Henderson shenderson@ |

|Washington, DC 20036 |Marilyn Golden mgolden@ |

|202-725-5523 (office) |Mary Lou Breslin mlbreslin@ |

|(fax) |Silvia Yee syee@ |

| | |

|Disability Rights Legal Center (DRLC) | Paula Pearlman |

|800 S Figueroa Street, #701 |Michelle Uzeta |

|Los Angeles, CA 90017n, DC 20036 |Shawn Kravich |

|202-725-5523 (office) | |

|(fax) | |

| | |

|Division for Early Childhood of |Sharon Walsh walshtaylo@ |

|the CEC (DEC/CEC) | |

|6129 Calico Pool Lane | |

|Burke, VA 22015 | |

|(703) 850-1187 (office) | |

|(703) 250-4935 (fax) | |

| | |

|Division for Learning Disabilities of CEC (DLD) |David Bateman |

|932 Raymond Rd. |223 Conway Street |

|Charlottesville, VA 22959- |Carlisle, PA 17013 |

|(434) 924-0759 (office) |(717) 253-8961 (office) |

|(434) 924-0747 (fax) |(717) 477-4036 (fax) |

| | |

|Easter Seals (ES) |Jennifer Dexter jdexter@ |

|1425 K Street, NW, Ste 200 |Katy Beh Neas kneas@ |

|Washington, DC 20005 |Denise Rozell drozell@ |

|(202) 347-3066 (office) |Mary Andrus mandrus@ |

|(202) 737-7914 (fax) |Maynard Friesz mfriesz@ |

| |Bryan Vidal bvidal@ |

|Epilepsy Foundation (EF) |Angela Ostrom aostrom@ |

|8701 Professional Place East |Gary Gross ggross@ |

|Landover, MD 20785-2238 |Cornell Woolridge cwoolridge@ |

|(301) 459-3700 (office) | |

|(301) 731-3842 (fax) | |

| | |

|Family Voices |Janis Guerney jguerney@ |

|2030 M Street, NW #350 | |

|Washington, DC 20036 | |

|(202) 546-0558 (office) | |

| | |

|Goodwill Industries International (GII) |Seth Turner seth.turner@ |

|600 Maryland Ave., SW, #800 West |Paul Seifert paul.seifert@ |

|Washington, DC 20008 |Laura Walling laura.walling@ |

|(202) 508-7494 (office) |Jordan Ambushawish |

|(202) 530-6500 (fax) |jordan.abushawish@ |

| | |

|Health & Disability Advocates (HDA) |Lisa Ekman lekman@ |

|623 Kennedy St., NW | |

|Washington, DC 20011 | |

|(202) 506-6481 (office) | |

|(202) 506-6481 (fax) | |

| | |

|Helen Keller National Center (HKNC) |Michael Fagbemi mike.fagbemi@ |

|141 Middle Neck Road | |

|Sands Point, NY 11050 | |

|(516) 944-8900 (office) | |

|(516) 944-8367 (TTY) | |

|(516) 944-5984 (fax) | |

| | |

|Higher Education Consortium for |Jane West jwest@ |

|Special Education (HECSE) | |

|c/o AACTE | |

|1307 New York Ave., NW, Ste. 300 | |

|Washington, DC 20005 | |

|(202) 478-4593 (office) | |

|(202) 457-8095 (fax) | |

| | |

|IDEA Infant and Toddler Coordinators Association |Sharon Walsh walshtaylo@ |

|6129 Calico Pool Lane |Maureen Greer mhmgreer@ |

|Burke, VA 22015 | |

|(703) 850-1187 (office) | |

|(703) 250-4935 (fax) | |

| | |

|Institute for Educational Leadership/Center for |Curtis Richards andrea@ |

|Workforce Development (IEL/CWD) | |

|4455 Connecticut Ave, NW, #310 | |

|Washington, DC 20008 | |

|(202) 872-8405 (office) | |

|(202) 872-4050 (fax) | |

| | |

|Inter/National Association of Business, Industry |Charles Harles charlie@ |

|And Rehabilitation (I-NABIR) |Andrea Harles andrea@ |

|P.O. Box 15242 | |

|Washington, DC 20003 | |

|(202) 543-6353 (office) | |

|(202) 546-2854 (fax) | |

| | |

|Learning Disabilities Association of America (LDA) |Justine Maloney justinelda@ |

|4001 N 9th Street, #505 | |

|Arlington, VA 22203 |Libby Nealis libbynealis@ |

|(703) 243-2614 (office) |Myrna Mandlawitz Mandlawitz@ |

|(703) 243-0894 (fax) |3001 Veeazey Terrace, NW |

| |Washington, DC 20008 |

| |(202) 686-1637 (office/fax) |

|Lutheran Services in America (LSA) |Meg Cooch mcooch@ |

|122 C Street, NW, Suite #125 | |

|Washington, DC 20001 | |

|(202) 626-7945 (office) | |

|(202) 628-5421 (fax) | |

| | |

|Mental Health America (MHA) |Julio Abreu jabreu@ |

|2000 N. Beauregard St., 6th Floor | |

|Alexandria, VA 22311 | |

|(571) 236-2802 (office) | |

|(703) 684-5968 (fax) | |

| | |

|National Alliance for Caregiving (NAC) |Russell Mark russell@ |

|4720 Montgomery Lane, Suite #205 | |

|Bethesda, MD 20814 | |

|(301) 718-8444 (office) | |

|(301) 951-9067 (fax) | |

| | |

| | |

|National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) |Andrew Sperling andrew@ |

|2107 Wilson Boulevard, Ste. 300 |Sita Diehl sdiehl@ |

|Arlington, VA 22201 | |

|(703) 516-7222 (office) | |

|(703) 516-0694 (fax) | |

| | |

|National Alliance to End Homelessness (NAEH) |Sharon McDonald smcdonald@ |

|1518 K Street NW, #410 |Steve Berg sberg@ |

|Washington, DC 20005 |Lisa Stand lstand@ |

|(202) 638-1526 (office) |Ian Lisman Ilisman@ |

|(202) 638-4664 (fax) | |

| | |

| | |

|National Association for the Advancement |Peter Thomas peter.thomas@ |

|of Orthotics and Prosthetics (NAAOP) |Sara Rosta Sara.rosta@ |

|1501 M Street NW, 7th Floor | |

|Washington, DC 20005 | |

|(202) 466-6550 (office) | |

|(202) 737-2517 (fax) | |

| | |

|National Association of Councils on Developmental |Peggy Hathaway phathaway@ |

|Disabilities (NACDD) |Nicholas Olumoya (Intern) |

|1825 K Street, NW, Suite 600 |Eli Hanson-Metayer intern@ (Intern) |

|Washington, DC 20006 |Donna Meltzer dmeltzer@ |

|(202) 506-5813 (office) | |

|(202) 506-5846 (fax) | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|National Association of County Behavioral |Katie Bess kbess1@ |

|Health and Development Disability Directors | |

|(NACBHDD) | |

|25 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Ste. 500 | |

|Washington, DC 20001 | |

|(202) 661-8816 (office) | |

|(202) 661-8871 (fax) | |

| | |

|National Association of Disability |Jeanne Morin jmorin@ |

|Representatives (NADR) | |

|c/o Akerman Senterfitt LLP | |

|750 9th Street, NW, Ste. 750 | |

|Washington, DC 20001 | |

|(202) 824-1725 (office) | |

|(202) 393-5959 (fax) | |

| | |

|National Association of Private Special | |

|Education Centers (NAPSEC) | |

|1522 K Street, NW, Ste. 1032 | |

|Washington, DC 20005 | |

|(202) 408-3338 (office) | |

|(202) 408-3340 (fax) | |

| | |

|National Association of School |Mary Beth Klotz mbklotz@ |

|Psychologists (NASP) |Stacy Skalski sskalski@ |

|4340 East West Highway, Ste. 402 |Kelly Vaillancourt kvaillancourt@ |

|Bethesda, MD 20814 | |

|(301) 657-0270 (office) | |

|(301) 657-0275 (fax) | |

| | |

|National Association of State Directors of |Dan Berland dberland@ |

|Developmental Disabilities Services (NASDDDS) |Nancy Thaler nthaler@ |

|113 Oronoco Street | |

|Alexandria, VA 22314 | |

|(703)·683·4202 (office) | |

|(703)·683·8773 or (703)·684·1395 (fax) | |

| | |

|National Association of State Directors of |Nancy Reder nancy.reder@ |

|Special Education (NASDSE) |Amanda Lowe amanda.lowe@ |

|1800 Diagonal Road, Ste. 320 | |

|Alexandria, VA 22314 | |

|(703) 519-3800 (office) | |

|(703) 519-3808 (fax) | |

| | |

|National Association of State Head Injury |Susan Vaughn slvaughn@ |

|Administrators (NASHIA) | |

|4330 East West Highway, Suite 301 | |

|Bethesda, MD 20814 | |

|(301) 656-3145 (office) | |

|(301) 656-3530 (fax) | |

| | |

|National Association of State Mental Health |David Miller david.miller@ |

|Program Directors (NASMHPD) | |

|66 Canal Center Plaza, Ste. 302 | |

|Alexandria, VA 22314 | |

|(703) 682-5194 (office) | |

|(703) 548-9517 (fax) | |

| | |

|National Association of States United |Karl Cooper kcooper@ |

|for Aging and Disabilities (NASUAD) |Diana Scully dscully@ |

|1201 15th Street, NW, Suite 250 |Sara Tribe striabe@ |

|Washington, DC 20005 |Lindsey Copeland lcopeland@ |

|(202) 898-2578 (office) |Rachel Feldman rfeldman@ |

|(202) 898-2583 (fax) |Deborah Merrill |

| | |

|National Center for Learning Disabilities (NCLD) |Laura Kaloi lkaloi@ |

|1101 Vermont Ave., NW, #400 |Nina DiPadova |

|Washington, DC 20005 | |

|(703) 476-4894 (office) | |

|(202) 842-1942 (fax) | |

| | |

|National Coalition on Deaf-Blindness (NCDB) |Michael Fagbemi mike.fagbemi@ |

|141 Middle Neck Road | |

|Sands Point, NY 11050 | |

|(1-516) 944-8900 (office) | |

|(1-516) 944-5984 (fax) | |

| | |

|National Council for Community |Charles Ingoglia chucki@ |

|Behavioral Healthcare (NCCBH) |Mohini Venkatesh mohiniv@ |

|1701 K St. NW, Ste. 400 |Jeannie Campbell jeanniec@ |

|Washington, DC 20006 |Rebecca Farley rebeccaf@ |

|(202) 684-7457 (office) |Stacey Larson staceyl@ |

|(202) 684-7472 (fax) |Laira Kolkin |

| |Kirsten Reed |

| |Nina Marshall |

|National Council on Aging (NCOA) |Howard Bedlin howard.bedlin@ |

|1901 L Street, NW, 4th Floor |Joe Caldwell joe.caldwell@ |

|Washington, DC 20036 |Marci Phillips |

|(202) 479-6678 (office) | |

|(202) 479-0735 (fax) | |

|National Council on Independent Living (NCIL) |L. Dara Baldwin dara@ |

|1710 Rhode Island Ave., NW, 5th Floor | |

|Washington, DC 20036 |Steven Thovson steve@ |

|(202) 207-0334 (office) |Southwestern Center for Independent Living |

|(202) 207-0341 (fax) |(507) 532-2221 |

| | |

| |Brian Peters bpeters@ |

| |Independence First |

| |(414) 937-5912 |

|National Disability Institute (NDI) |Johnette Hartnett jhartnett@ndi- |

|1667 K Street, NW, #640 |Michael Roush |

|Washington, DC 20006 |Caroline Burke |

|(202) 296-2043 (office) |Katie Metz |

|(202) 296-2047 (fax) | |

|ndi- | |

|National Disability Rights Network (NDRN) |Cheryl Bates-Harris cheryl.bates-harris@ |

|900 2nd Street, NE, Ste. 211 |Eric Buehlmann eric.buehlmann@ |

|Washington, DC 20002 |David Hutt david.hutt@ |

|(202) 408-9514 (office) |Cindy Smith cindy.smith@ |

|(202) 408-9520 (fax) |Patrick Wojahn Patrick.wojahn@ |

| |Delores Scott delores.scott@ |

| |Kenneth Shiotani kenneth.shiotani@ |

| |Diane Smith-Howard |

|National Down Syndrome Congress (NDSC) |Susan Goodman susan1961@ |

|2107 Dumfries Terrace | |

|Olney, MD 20832 | |

|(301) 570-8892 (office) | |

|(301) 570-7022 (fax) | |

| | |

|National Down Syndrome Society (NDSS) |Ricki Sabia rsabia@ |

|2520 Locustwood Place |Sara Weir |

|Silver Spring, MD 20905 | |

|(301) 452-0811 (office) |Stephanie Smith Lee slee@ |

|(301) 879-1467 (fax) |2606 Lasswade Lane |

| |Oakton, VA 22124 |

| |(703) 938-4041 (office) |

|National Industries for the Blind (NIB) |James “Ned” Rupp nrupp@ |

|1310 Braddock Place |Anthony “Tony” Stephens astephens@ |

|Alexandria, VA 22314 |Angela Hartley ahartley@ |

|(703) 310-0520 (office) |Rick Webster rwebster@ |

|(703) 671-9053 (fax) | |

| | |

|National Multiple Sclerosis Society (NMSS) |Lauren Chiarello lauen.chiarello@ |

|1100 New York Ave., NW, Ste. 660 East |Laura Weidner laura.weidner@ |

|Washington, DC 20005 |Kim Calder  kim.calder@ |

|(202) 408-1500 (office) |David Chatel david.chatel@ |

|(202) 408-0696 (fax) |Bari Talente bari.talente@ |

| |Ted Thompson |

|National Organization of Social Security |Ethel Zelenske nosscrdc@worldnet. |

|Claimants’ Representatives (NOSSCR) | |

|1025 Connecticut Avenue, NW  Suite 709 | |

|Washington, DC  20036 | |

|(202) 457-7775 (office) | |

|(202) 457-7773 (fax) | |

| | |

|National Organization on Disability (NOD) |Kate D. Brady BradyK@ |

|77 Waters Street, Suite 204 | |

|New York, NY 10005 | |

|(646) 505-11910 (office) | |

|(646) 505-1184 (fax) | |

| | |

|National PTA | |

|1400 L Street, NW, #300 | |

|Washington, DC 20005 | |

|(202) 289-6790 (office) | |

|(202) 289-6791 (fax) | |

|National Rehabilitation Association (NRA) |Patricia Leahy pleahy@ |

|633 South Washington Street | |

|Alexandria, VA 22314-4109 | |

|(703) 836-0850 (office) | |

|(703) 836-0848 (fax) | |

| | |

|National Respite Coalition (NRC) |Jill Kagan jbkagan@ |

|4016 Oxford Street | |

|Annandale, VA 22003 | |

|(703) 256-9578 (office) | |

|(703) 256-0541 (fax) | |

| | |

|National Tourette Syndrome Association, Inc. (TSA) |Elridge Proctor elridge.proctor@tsa- |

|1301 K Street, NW, #600 East | |

|Washington, DC 20005 | |

|(202) 408-7009 (phone) | |

|(202) 408-3260 (fax) | |

| | |

|NISH |Tony Young tyoung@ |

|8401 Old Courthouse Road |David Fields davidfields@ |

|Vienna, VA 22182 |Alicia Epstein aepstein@ |

|(571) 571-226-4660 (office) | |

|(571) 288-9146 (fax) | |

| | |

|Paralyzed Veterans of America (PVA) |Lee Page (416-7694) leep@ |

|801 18th Street, NW |Susan Prokop (416-7707) susanp@ |

|Washington, DC 20006 |Maureen McCloskey (416-7696) maureenm@ |

|(202) 872-1300 (office) |Bob Herman (416-7707) e-mail: bobhn@ |

|(202) 416-7706 (fax) |Len Selfon e-mail: lens@ |

| | |

|Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive |Nell Bailey nbailey@ |

|Technology Society of North America (RESNA) | |

|1700 N. Moore Street, Ste. 1540 | |

|Arlington, VA 22209 | |

|(703) 524-6686 (office) | |

|(703) 524-6630 (fax) | |

| | |

|Religious Action Center - Union for Reform Judaism (URJ) |Rabbi Lynne Landsberg |

|2027 Massachusetts Ave., NW |lynneflandsberg@ |

|Washington, DC 20036 |Ian Hainline ihainline@ |

|(202) 237-5620 (office) | |

|(202) 237-5618 (fax) | |

| | |

|Research Institute for Independent |David Auxter dauxter@ |

|Living (RIIL) | |

|2322 40th Place, NW, Ste. 203 | |

|Washington, DC 20007 | |

|(202) 295-9033 (office) | |

|(202) 295-9034 (fax) | |

|School Social Work Association of |Myrna Mandlawitz mandlawitz@ |

|America (SSWAA) |Libby Nealis libbynealis@ |

|3001 Veasey Terrace, NW, Ste. 825 | |

|Washington, DC 20008 | |

|(202) 686-1637 (office) | |

|(202) 686-1637 (fax) | |

| | |

|Teacher Education Division/CEC (TED/CEC) |Jane West jwest@ |

|c/o AACTE | |

|1307 New York Ave., NW, Ste. 300 | |

|Washington, DC 20005 | |

|(202) 478-4593 (office) | |

|(202) 457-8095 (fax) | |

| | |

|The Advocacy Institute |Candace Cortiella Candace@ |

|P.O. Box 565 | |

|Marshall, VA 20116 | |

|(540) 364-0051 phone | |

| | |

|The Arc of the United States |Marty Ford ford@ |

|1825 K Street, NW, Suite 1200 |Julie Ward ward@ |

|Washington, DC 20006 |Maureen Fitzgerald fitzgeerald@ |

|(202) 783-2229 (office) |Annie Acosta acosta@ |

|(202) 783-5433 (TDD) |TJ Sutcliffe Sutcliffe@ |

|(202) 534-3731 (fax) | |

| |Brenda Walker walker@ |

|The Daniel Jordan Fiddle Foundation |Pamela Ball pam@ |

|P.O. Box 1149 | |

|Ridgewood, NJ 07451-1149 | |

|(877) 444-1149 or (201) 444-4141 | |

| | |

|The Jewish Federations of North America |Jonathan Westin jonathan.westin@ |

|1720 I Street, NW, #800 |David Feinman |

|Washington, DC 20006 |David.feinman@ |

|(202) 736-5871 (office) | |

|(202) 785-4937 (fax) | |

| | |

|United Cerebral Palsy (UCP) |Connie Garner CGarner@ |

|1825 K Street, NW, Suite 600 |Kaelan Richards |

|Washington, DC 20006 |Kate Josephson |

|(202) 776-0406 (office) | |

|(202) 776-0414 (fax) | |

| | |

|United Spinal Association (USA) |Alexandra Bennewith abennewith@ |

|1660 L Street, NW, Ste. 504 | |

|Washington, DC 20036 |VetsFirst, a program of United Spinal Association |

|(202) 556-2076 (office) |Heather Ansley hansley@ |

|(202) 223-2380 (fax) |Carol Tyson ctyson@ |

| | |

| | |

|United States International Council |David Morrissey dmorrissey@ |

|on Disabilities (USICD) |Esme` Grant |

|1710 Rhode Island Ave., NW, 5th Floor | |

|Washington, DC 20036 | |

|(202) 207-0338 (office) | |

|Vietnam Veterans of America (VVA) |Bernard Edelman bedelman@ |

|8719 Colesville Road, Suite 100 | |

|Silver Spring, MD 20910 | |

|(301) 585-4000 ext. 118 (office) | |

|(301) 585-3180 (fax) | |


|Advance CLASS Inc. (LFA) |Connie Gardner cgarner@ |

|1815 K Street, NW #600 |Kate Josephson |

|Washington, DC 20036 | |

|(202) 349-1150 (office) | |

|(202) 349-1156 (fax) | |

|American Council on Rural Special |Barbara Ludlow |

|Education (ACRES) | |

|509 Allen Hall | |

|P.O. Box 6122 | |

|Morgantown, WV 26506-6122 | |

|(304) 293-3835 (office) | |

|(304) 292-8945 (fax) | |

|acres- | |

|Legal Action Center (LAC) |Gabrielle de la Gueronniere |

|236 Massachusetts Ave., NE # 505 |gdelagueronniere@lac- |

|Washington, DC 20002 | |

|(202) 544-5478 (office) | |

|(202) 544-5712 (fax) | |

|Lupus Foundation of America (LFA) |Kim Cantor cantor@ |

|2000 L Street, NW #410 |Sara Change chang@ |

|Washington, DC 20036 | |

|(202) 349-1150 (office) | |

|(202) 349-1156 (fax) | |

|National Health Law Program (NHeLP) |Mara Youdelman youdelman@ |

|1444 I Street NW, @1105 |David Machledt machledt@ |

|Washington, DC 20005 | |

|(202) 289-7661 (office) | |

|(202) 289-7724 (fax) | |

|Special Needs Alliance (SNA) |Jihane Rohrbacker jihane@ |

|6341 E. Brian Kent Drive |Morris Klein morrisklein@ |

|Tucson, AZ 85710 | |

|(520) 546-1005 (office) | |

|(520) 546-5119 (fax) | |


1825 K Street, NW, Suite 1200 • Washington, DC 20006 • PH 202/783-2229 • FAX 202/534-3731 • Info@c-c- • c-c-


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