Abstract to the Plan of Services

Abstract to the Plan of ServicesFor The Year 2017Delaware County Office for the AgingVision Statement for the Delaware County Office for the AgingThe Year 2020Proposed by the Delaware County Office for the Aging Advisory BoardApproved at the April 19, 2012 meetingWe see an environment in Delaware County that encourages and enables older adults to make educated life choices. We see an era of sensitivity toward our environment, diminishing natural resources and changing economy and its impact on future generations. We see barrier-free access to comprehensive health care and supportive services. We see the implementation of a transportation and communication network that supports the needs of older adults. We see Delaware County with safe, affordable and comfortable housing for older adults.We see an environment that nurtures cross generational engagement through both human contact and technology. We see a caring support system that promotes dignity and independence for older adults. We see an environment that supports persons in care giving and other family obligations. We see older adults playing an integral part in the life of the community where they are an accepted and respected part of society. * Since older adults impact the entire Delaware County community in all its complexity and since the entire community affects all older adults, we see this vision statement as one component of a comprehensive vision for the future of Delaware County.New York ConnectsNY Connects has been very active this year, developing new partnerships and expanding outreach to older adults and individuals with disabilities. As a service available to help link people to long term services and supports, NY Connects has two primary roles: 1) to provide Information and Assistance, and Options Counseling, to help individuals access and navigate services, and 2) to facilitate System Reform efforts. In helping to access and navigate long term services and supports, NY Connects staff is available via phone, email and in-person appointments to provide information about available services. This may include services provided through the Office for the Aging, or through other community partners, regardless of the individual’s income level, circumstances, or need. This past year, NY Connects staff assisted many individuals in applying for Medicaid (for nursing home care and in-home services), the Medicare Savings Program and Low-Income Subsidy, SNAP, and Managed Long Term Care services. Assistance was also provided in navigating Long Term Care Insurance plans and coverage, comparing long term care facilities (such as senior apartments, assisted living facilities, and skilled nursing homes), as well as connecting people to a variety of services such as transportation, respite care, legal assistance, nutrition services, and personal care assistance, to help individuals maintain their independence. NY Connects will continue providing Information, assistance and options counseling in the coming year as well as expanding the No Wrong Door efforts to reach a broader audience of individuals and caregivers needing information about long term services and supports. System Reform efforts will also continue to be a large part of NY Connects. This past year, NY Connects initiated two major efforts in Delaware County. The first was in response to the extreme shortage of home health aides which creates a major challenge in providing in-home services. NY Connects has facilitated discussions through the Long Term Care Council, Care Transitions, and the New York StateWide Senior Action Council. In the coming year, NY Connects will begin a Home Care Crisis campaign in order to further educate and advocate for more attention and action to be brought to this issue. In the coming months, an Issues Brief will be developed and distributed, as well as community-wide partnerships, to help address this issue in Delaware County. The second effort focuses on developing a county-wide volunteer network in order to help meet some of the informal needs of local seniors and people with disabilities. Through discussions with local providers, the faith-based community, and caregivers, NY Connects identified an opportunity to further develop volunteerism as a way to address many of the unmet needs within the County as well as provide purposeful and impactful volunteer opportunities for residents. This may include assistance with transportation, grocery shopping, friendly visiting, respite, or occasional help with such tasks as yard work or snow shoveling. Recently, NY Connects applied for, and was awarded, a 3-year grant through the Rural Health Network of South Central New York (RHNSCNY) to provide a full-time AmeriCorps VISTA position. The VISTA is a stipend position that will be responsible for research, development, implementation, and evaluation of creating a volunteer network in Delaware County.In addition to these two projects, staff has also been actively involved in the local DSRIP healthcare reform efforts; developing a countywide Resource Directory; and developing a Road Map for local providers to navigate long term services and supports. Recently, NY Connects partnered with Catskill Area Hospice and Palliative Care to offer a Caregiver Education Series. The series is first being launched as a “Lunch and Learn” opportunity with local employers to target working adult children who are currently caregivers or likely to become caregivers to aging parents or other disabled family members. This series, and other educational opportunities, will continue to expand in the coming year.TransportationOFA currently has two part time bus drivers, one of which is shared in conjunction with Veterans’ Service Agency transportation services. Thanks to the great fund raising efforts of the Delaware County Senior Council, the Delaware County Office for the Aging has been able to purchase a new replacement bus for transporting Delaware County seniors. This new 18 passenger vehicle (14 passengers with two wheelchair slots that can be converted to two drop down bench seats for four adults) started its travel throughout Delaware County on the current Senior Transit bus routes March 2, 2016. This new bus is equipped with an operating wheelchair lift to accommodate riders who cannot board by the steps. The Office for the Aging still has their back-up van for the smaller rider loads where wheelchair access is not needed. The bus runs operate Tuesday through Thursday each week leaving Delhi at 8:05 am and traveling to various sites such as Sidney, Oneonta, Albany, Binghamton and Kingston. Passengers are picked up at designated pickup points or en route at their homes.The MAS system continues to provide medical transportation service for those on Medicaid. The OFA senior transportation system is also able to drop off seniors to medical providers in Oneonta.In 2016 a random phone call transportation survey was completed by Lance Alexander, Youth Bureau student. Close to 300 seniors were contacted for their feedback on how well people were informed about the bus service provided through Office for the Aging and ways that the agency might be able to increase and improve this service to the communityLegacy CorpsLegacy has hired a new employee, Georgia Kalayjian-Murphy who is our promotion and recruitment specialist. She works twelve hours a week and is excited about updating the website, getting the word out about the Legacy program as well as recruiting new volunteers. Georgia has a sales, marketing and event planning back ground and is full of exuberance and enthusiasm! Legacy was approved by NYSOFA for the BIP Caregiver grant. The BIP Caregiver Support Program will increase offerings and access to non-institutional long term services and supports for caregivers and their Medicaid-eligible loved ones. We presently are serving 18 caregiver/care recipients and have eight waiting. We’ve acquired three new volunteers and sent out applications to three others who inquired. The newsletter sent out to caregivers and volunteers every other month has been discontinued. Articles of special interest or that would benefit the seniors will be added to the Legacy Corps article that currently appears in the Dispatch. We have had Ann Thayer instruct in three trainings for our volunteers, “Basic Memory Loss, Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease”, “Effective Communication Strategies” and “Dementia Behaviors”. In addition, we reviewed home visit safety. Kathleen McLachlin from Delaware Valley Hospital came in to teach dietary guidelines. In the fall we will be looking at PTSD and dementia training, and a refresher on advanced directives and suicide prevention. We had a volunteer picnic and invited those attending the Our Place sites to come and enjoy. Through the NYSOFA (New York State Office for the Aging) annual evaluation a review was made of Our Place. It was determined in order for NYSOFA funds to support this program as a Social Adult Day Care the program must meet all state regulations. Unfortunately, this process could not be completed due to lack of qualified participants in addition to depletion of outside funding needed for sustainability. The final day for Our Place was February 24, 2016. We thank all those that have financially supported the Our Place project.The volunteers that volunteered at Our Place spoke to the United Presbyterian Church and requested to maintain Our Place as a social center for the seniors to still come and play cards, board games and exercise. They serve refreshments in the morning and are open from 10:00 am-2:00 pm. Our Place is now one of the First Presbyterian Church of Walton’s missions and is running successfully in this capacity. HIICAP (Health Insurance Information Counseling and Assistance Program)Donna Martino started her fifth year as the coordinator for our HIICAP (Health Insurance Information Counseling & Assistance Program) program through a subcontract with Delaware Support and Services. The HIICAP program has a part-time HIICAP assistant, Diane Kolenda, who works three days per week during the open enrollment period. This program continues to be grossly underfunded and oversubscribed. There continues to be a tremendous increase in demand for counseling services which will only continue to grow over the next several years as the baby-boomers continue to retire. Through HIICAP funding from the state government we are hoping to be able to keep our HIICAP Coordinator employed as well as subcontracting for a part-time seasonal assistant. We are concerned that this program remains under funded for the demand. HIICAP started out as a volunteer program but as it became more and more complex we had to resort to paid staff. The HIICAP program assists people with long term care insurance, health insurance issues, Medicare Part D, and Medicare supplement insurance packages, especially during the open enrollment period which runs from October through the beginning of December. The HIICAP program is extremely busy because people are coming in to compare their current Medicare Part D program with new and more efficient Medicare Part D packages that may be more cost effective or comprehensive for them. It is all consuming. We have a constant parade of people coming in. We’ve never seen so many people in our agency before and this program is our only contact with them. It’s a real challenge to schedule and meet with all the seniors during open enrollment. In 2015 the HIICAP Coordinator enrolled 236 seniors to a Medicare D program, of which 114 were enrolled during open enrollment (enrolled 90 seniors in 2014). The HIICAP Coordinator received close to 4,600 phone calls (1,300 more phone calls than in 2015). The total savings for seniors in 2015 was close to $230,000. This is a $70,000 increase in savings compared to 2014.Since the HIICAP program is funded in part by federal, state, and local government dollars, grant regulations require OFA to provide an opportunity for HIICAP participants to make voluntary contributions to the program. Each HIICAP participant is given a HIICAP contribution letter which gives the recipient the opportunity to make a donation to the HIICAP program. All contributions are confidential and voluntary and are used to expand the program. The recommended donations for HIICAP services are $10 per session. The contribution letter has been well received. HIICAP has received close to $650 in contributions during program year 2014-2015.Language LineIn 2012 Office for the Aging signed a contract with Language Line (language interpretation phone line). Delaware County Office for the Aging continues to have a contract with Language Line which allows the agency to provide outreach and accessibility to persons with limited English proficiency who may be seeking services. We also have the capability to contact the local Department of Social Services for interpreter/translator service for those who are Spanish speaking. In 2015, the agency started to see an increased need and use of Language Line both in the office and when doing home assessments.HEAP (Home Energy Assistance Program)The HEAP program is subcontracted through Delaware Opportunities, Inc. Mary Johnson is the coordinator for the HEAP Program and Patty Davila is the HEAP Assistant. Both employees work full-time during the HEAP season. Office for the Aging continues to be very concerned about low income seniors and their ability to adequately heat their homes this winter. We will continue to provide HEAP assistance to qualifying seniors 60 years of age and older. Households have the opportunity to apply for regular HEAP benefits by submitting applications electronically through MyBenefits at mybenefits.. Assistance in completing a HEAP application is available from Mary or Patty. Non-Emergency Medical TransportationBecause there is no public transportation in Delaware County and because of the remote nature of living in the area, assisting people without transportation to secure non-emergency health care presents itself continually to be a major problem for service providers. Although OFA has a budget for this service, the budget to contract for this service would be unable to support this program if it weren’t for volunteers and donations.OFA was awarded close to $6,000 in grant funding through the Rural Health Network of South Central New York for the grant period of 2015-2016. The grant funding was used to help cover the costs, of enhancing and expanding the volunteer non-emergency medical transportation program. OFA once again has a possibility to receive an award in grant funding through the Rural Health Network of Central New York for the grant period of 2016-2017. OFA has not been notified of a decision. In 2017, the OFA will continue its efforts to expand its list of volunteer drivers for this service. Articles in “The Dispatch” and in the general news media will be produced to recognize and encourage volunteers and potential volunteer drivers. OFA currently has 19 volunteer non-emergency transportation drivers of which six are new drivers to the program. These dedicated volunteers have been busy transporting 120 seniors to necessary medical appointments in the 2015-16 program year. Six months into the current program year (2016-17) the agency has already served 100 seniors through this program. With more and more people taking advantage of this program, the demand for this service will undoubtedly increase as well.Emergency Response System (Link to Life)The Emergency Response program which started in 1983 at OFA continues to be a valuable service to this area’s frailer seniors and non-seniors, summoning help for those in distress and saving lives. The program provides services currently to 303 subscribers in Delaware County. OFA saw a decline in the demand for these units in 2015 since there is more mobile technology available for clients using cell service and GPS. However, in 2016 the number of subscribers has stayed constant. OFA does not want to compete with this advanced technology, nor invest additional dollars in new equipment since the agency can only ask a donation for this service due to legislation established under the Older American’s Act. In this program 275 of the units are owned and were purchased in the past through fund raising efforts by the Senior Council. However, the owned units are now older with some needing repair by the company but OFA is finding the company cannot repair these units so they have been removed from the program. A total of four units have been removed from the 275 originally purchased due to not being able to repair them with an expectation of another 15 to 17 being removed from service due to the same reason.We have four trained volunteers that have continued to support the program with weekly installations, equipment swaps and removals when needed. The OFA staff continues to rotate weekend and holiday on call responsibility for the emergency response system. We are still in agreement with Delaware County Office of Long Term Care for authorized Medicaid clients (currently 23) to receive PERS service paid through the Medicaid program. Of the three Medicaid Managed Long Term Care programs now operating in Delaware County, VNSNY, VNA Home Care and Fidelis we are contracting for PERS service from both Fidelis and VNA Home Care. VNSNY will not contract with OFA for PERS. Fidelis clients have grown in number from 13 in 2015 to 22 in 2016. Fidelis is paying for the monthly cost for these 22 Medicaid clients to have this service. OFA continues face to face meetings with Fidelis staff as needed to iron out any issues with billing for this program. Fidelis cases will continue to grow as more Medicaid clients are transitioned to Medicaid Managed Long Term Care programs from the Delaware County Office of Long Term Care. So far there are no clients served under our contract with VNA Home Care. The DispatchThe agency newspaper, “The Dispatch,” will be entering into its 42nd year, communicating with and educating the county’s senior population. The newspaper, published and distributed bi-monthly, reaches close to 8,300 readers. We continue to consult with our printer, Decker Advertising Inc., to perk up the appearance of “The Dispatch,” adding color at times and changing the font and format, etc. We will continue to publish articles that are especially pertinent to the senior population such as retirement planning, wills and estates, health insurance, Language Line, Legacy, nutrition, scams, New York Connects, upcoming events, etc., to help them make wise choices and decisions for their retirement years. We will also publish articles about volunteer opportunities that are available to persons who are finding that they have some extra time in their retirement. Legal ServicesThe Delaware County Office for the Aging continues to contract with Legal Aid Society of Mid-New York, Inc. to provide legal services to those Delaware County residents who are 60 years of age and older. The Legal Aid Society of Mid-New York is a not-for-profit law firm that serves residents of Delaware County. The purpose of the legal services program is to assist those persons 60 years of age or older, who do not have access to an attorney and who require legal advice, counseling or representation.Qualified attorneys and paralegals are available to assist with a variety of situations and problems. This program provides legal assistance with wills and simple estate planning; drafting power of attorney, health care proxy, and living will documents; defense against creditors, and assistance with foreclosure and divorce; assistance with employee and tenant rights; and answers to legal questions.All referrals for legal services must be made through the OFA. Under the Older American’s Act, there is no fee for this service. Contributions are greatly appreciated and will be used to expand the program. During the 2015-2016 program year, legal services was projected to serve 50 seniors. A total of 109 seniors were served. During the 2016-2017 program year, legal services is projected to serve 60 seniors.On June 24, 2016, the Elder Law and Special Needs Law clinic offered a half hour legal consultation from an attorney at no cost. The clinic was sponsored by the Legal Aid Society of Mid-NY and the New York State Bar Association’s Elder Law and Special Needs section. The clinic was held in Otsego County at Elm Park Church in Oneonta and was open to Delaware County senior residents. Legal Aid Society of Mid-New York, Inc. Attorney Jonathan Becker, who served both Delaware and Otsego County seniors, resigned in September 2016. In October 2016 they hired a new Attorney Carol Malz. EISEP (Expanded In-Home Services for the Elderly Program)The EISEP Program is our most effective tool in assisting non-Medicaid homebound clients in remaining in their own homes. Unfortunately, due to rising program costs and funding cuts, the funding was not sufficient to provide for a significant increase in personal care services. Following a national trend, we are not always able to secure personal care aides for our clients even if funding is available. There is an extreme shortage of both home health & personal care aides which creates a major challenge in providing in-home services. NY Connects has facilitated discussions through the Long Term Care Council, Care Transitions, and the New York StateWide Senior Action Council. In April of 2016, the beginning of the EISEP program year OFA was able to once again sign a contract with US Care Systems to provide both PCA levels 1 & 2. In 2016 the EISEP program currently has 40-50 active clients with 20-30 clients on a waiting/pending list to receive EISEP services.In 2014, Office for the Aging started looking into the Consumer Directed In-Home Services Program (CDIS). The CDIS program has several requirements that a consumer must meet in order to be eligible for services. One major requirement is that the consumer must be self-directing. OFA will re-evaluate the need for this program during the EISPEP program year 2016-2017.Delaware County Senior CouncilThe Delaware County Senior Council, an organization that has been in existence since 1973, meets the second Monday of each month and is responsible for the creation of the Area Agency on Aging. Since that time, both organizations have worked together to develop and enhance programs that have an impact on Delaware County seniors. The Senior Council consistently works towards raising funds to purchase equipment and enrich under-funded programs for seniors. The key fundraiser for 2016 was the Big Wheels Golf Tournament. “It’s their most lucrative event.” The Big Wheels Committee, comprised of local citizens, several of whom are seniors, worked hard to make this activity a success. The French Woods Golf and Ski resort, located in the Town of Hancock, donated a two night stay for four and 18 holes of golf for four people towards the Big Wheels event. The French Woods Golf and Ski resort raffle brought in close to $250. The Big Wheels committee raised close to $6,000. The Delaware County Senior Council’s motto is “Seniors Helping Seniors”. They once again lived up to this motto through their different fundraising efforts such as the Council’s annual Pancake Breakfast, the Corned Beef and Cabbage dinner sponsored by the SUNY Delhi Hospitality program, the Barbeque and Pie Auction at the American Legion where one homemade pie went as high as $75, the Harvest Festival where apples, cider and any dessert that is made with apples are sold and lastly, the quilt raffle. The Delaware County Senior Council co-sponsored the third Delaware County Annual Senior Picnic, Senior Fun Day, with Delaware County Office for the Aging. The Council made a donation of close to $2,500 towards this event. Health and Wellness:Senior Fitness Directory- 2016 saw the distribution of the revised Senior Fitness Directory. Five hundred copies were printed and directories have been distributed to seniors in Delaware County at different OFA events and through Health and Wellness programs such as Matter of Balance and Tai Chi for Arthritis. These directories provide seniors with a resource of fitness centers that offer fitness and exercise programs geared to seniors, as well as indoor walking space available to the public at various schools. OFA will continue to distribute these directories in 2017.Matter of Balance- Under the Title IIID funding and supplemented by Rural Health Alliance grant funding, the Delaware County Office for the Aging, in collaboration with Delaware County Public Health, continued to provide the Matter of Balance program at various sites in Delaware County. Our last Matter of Balance program was held in Downsville ending in November 2015. Attempts were made in 2016 to hold another program in Stamford, however one of the two coaches needed for the program became unavailable due to caregiving and Delaware Valley Hospital (DVH) lost one of their coaches also. Due to the boom of the Tai Chi for Arthritis program and the increased number of seniors wanting the Tai Chi program, OFA has focused their time on the Tai Chi for Arthritis program. As a result, no volunteer coach training for Matter of Balance has been set up. In total, ten programs have been offered in Delaware County since its start in 2014 and 131 seniors have benefitted from this program. This program entails 16 hours of class time that covers learning how to view falls and the fear of falling as controllable; setting realistic goals for increasing activity; changing ones environment to reduce fall risk factors; promoting exercise to increase strength and balance. Sites for future classes will be determined based on the availability of accommodating host sites and interest from seniors in the local communities. A continual revolving waiting list, currently with 74 people, is being kept to identify where the demand is for this program. Speaking engagements to inform seniors about the program are still being done. Plans for training additional volunteers will be the next focus for this program in order to move forward with it.Tai Chi for Arthritis- Under the Rural Health Alliance grant funding and with supplemental funding from Title IIID, the Delaware County Office for the Aging geared up to implement a new evidence-based program, Tai Chi for Arthritis. Tai Chi for Arthritis is a one hour, twice a week program which runs for eight weeks that results in better balance and reduced falls. Through movement control, weight transference and integration of mind and body, this activity helps seniors by increasing flexibility and muscle strength; increasing heart/lung activity; aligns posture; improves mobility, coordination and balance and increases confidence. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention recommends this program for fall prevention in older adults. A total of six individuals have become certified instructors for Tai Chi for Arthritis through two different trainings offered by Broome County Public Health. Each has received their certification and is CPR qualified. Three instructors are employees of Catskill Recreation Center and operate the program out of that facility in Arkville; another instructor operates at other designated sites in Delaware County based on locating and matching available qualified sites to waiting list demand. We are hopeful that another trained instructor will be able to offer the program in the Sidney area in October or November. Currently a contact for the Tri County Senior Citizens in Sidney is working on locating a site in Sidney to hold a Tai Chi for Arthritis series this fall. These classes are free to the Delaware County senior attendees who commit to attending the 16 classes in the series. This has been an incentive to get the seniors engaged in this exercise activity. The incentive has worked and there has been enough interest to have advanced classes, too. OFA asks a suggested donation of $16 for the advanced series. On October 28, 2015, OFA offered their first Tai Chi for Arthritis series held in Arkville at the Catskill Recreation Center with two other series to follow, one in Downsville and one in Delhi, both starting in November 2015. Since the start of these three series, the Office for the Aging has held a total of 12 beginner’s and 3 advanced Tai Chi for Arthritis series, serving 176 seniors from Delaware County in beginner’s classes and 37 in advanced classes. Five series have been held in Arkville, one in Downsville, two in Delhi, one in Hamden and three in Walton. In addition, three advanced classes were held (one in Delhi and two in Walton) for those seniors who wished to continue to pursue this form of exercise and learn more moves and perfect what they had learned in their first series. The OFA now has a waiting list of 114 interested seniors wanting to take the program. This list is increasing daily. OFA is attempting to set up the next series in the Stamford/Hobart area starting late October or early November of 2016 and work with Broome County on trying to get an instructor to teach in the Hancock area. This program has been enthusiastically received by the senior population of Delaware County and has been our focus for our Health and Wellness projects in 2016. Senior Fun Day - Delaware County’s Third Annual Senior Picnic Senior Fun Day was a huge success. The total attendance was close to 400 participants of which about 300 were Delaware County seniors. Almost every township had representation of seniors. The event took place at the Delaware County 4H Camp Shankitunk on Arbor Hill in Delhi, on Wednesday, August 24 from 9:30 am to 3:00 pm. There were close to 45 vendors present under the vendor tent. The vendor tent was “just buzzing” with seniors interacting, inquiring and asking the vendors about their different services for seniors. Among the vendors present were homecare agencies, skilled nursing facilities, assisted living and local hospitals in both Delaware and Otsego County, Managed Medicare/Medicaid Insurance plans, NYS EPIC, Senior Council, OFA, Legacy, and more. One vendor stated, “I was so surprised at the turn out of seniors-awesome. It was another wonderful planned event by the Senior Fun Day Committee. Thank-you for your hard work and effort it took to make it a special day for the Delaware County Seniors.” There were three buses that ran continuously shuttling seniors from the SUNY Delhi parking lot “G” to registration at Rice Hall.SUNY Delhi Golf Course donated three golf carts to be used for the event. The golf carts were manned by senior volunteers who assisted those who were unable or had difficulty in ambulating. They transported participants to the vendor or game tent, line dancing, silver sneakers or restrooms. The golf carts were continuously in motion. Kelly Tiderencel, Registered Dietician and Delaware Opportunities Senior Meals staff offered each senior a mid-morning snack, a container of Chobani yogurt. Chobani is manufactured locally in New Berlin. They donated 327 containers of a variety of yogurt flavors. The yogurt was absolutely refreshing.Throughout the morning, seniors had the opportunity to play bingo, to try Tai Chi for Arthritis, chair yoga, and line dancing. The Delaware County Senior Council and Office for the Aging presented the new bus for area seniors during a ribbon cutting ceremony which took place at noon. A delicious picnic fare was prepared by Rick Angerer, Senior Meals Director, and JoAnn Dewitt, Assistant Director. The menu included barbeque chicken by Wilson Bros., baked beans, salads, dessert and beverages. Seniors stated, “Wilsons Bar-B-Q chicken was absolutely delicious. Keep the same menu for next year. Food was plentiful and good.”There was dinner music played by Bob Mesmer. The last song Bob played was “God Bless America”. The song was very touching. The entire campus became quiet and ever person present stood showing their respect for the freedom of living in America. The day ended with music by Country Express playing classic country tunes. The dance floor was filled with seniors the entire time. They enjoyed waltz, round, slow and line dancing. Those who did not participate in dancing were watching and enjoying the ments such as these were heard from those who attended this year’s picnic, “This year was great. More seniors took advantage of the day for socialization, enjoying the good food, entertainment and just getting together to have a good time. You people do a great job. Keep it up.” The Senior Picnic Committee has already started meeting and is planning for the fourth annual Senior Fun Day for 2017. The tentative date is Wednesday, August 23. Volunteer RecognitionThere are many proven benefits of volunteering to the volunteer and his/her community. Studies have shown that volunteering can increase happiness, self-confidence and physical health. Volunteering can also increase job experience and teach new job skills. Volunteers working with Delaware County residents age 60 and older provide countless hours of service. Delaware County Office for the Aging will be forming a Volunteer Recognition Committee to coordinate a recognition program in 2017 to recognize all volunteers who provide countless hours of service to the many programs offered through Office for the Aging. Some of the programs include: data entry, driving seniors to non-emergency medical appointments, installing Link-to-Life units, Caregiver Program, Big Wheels Golf Tournament, Advisory Board, Senior Council, AARP Driver Safety instructors and insurance counseling. Regardless of how intense the job or how much time was spent with an individual, Delaware County volunteers have a positive impact on the lives of all served.Delaware County Office for the Aging welcomes volunteers of all ages but encourages those 60 years of age and older to stay engaged and involved through volunteer service.9/19/16 FILENAME \p I:\data\wp\Receptionist\PublicHearing\Annual Plans\2016\Draft OFA annual plan for 2017 .doc ................

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