Learning Management System Request for ... - aasd.k12.wi.us

Learning Management System Request for PurchaseFunctional and Non-Functional Requirements for the Appleton Area School District Learning Management System 2017Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Project Requirements PAGEREF _Toc476844319 \h 41.GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS AND CONDITIONS PAGEREF _Toc476844320 \h 52.PROPOSAL GENERAL CONDITIONS PAGEREF _Toc476844321 \h 53.Proposal Considerations PAGEREF _Toc476844322 \h 74.SCOPE OF WORK PAGEREF _Toc476844324 \h 10Addenda 1 PAGEREF _Toc476844325 \h 0(Functional Requirements) PAGEREF _Toc476844326 \h 01.Global Features: Mandatory PAGEREF _Toc476844327 \h 02.Global Features: Non-Mandatory PAGEREF _Toc476844328 \h 03.Curriculum: Mandatory PAGEREF _Toc476844329 \h 04.Curriculum: Non-Mandatory PAGEREF _Toc476844330 \h 05.Grading: Mandatory PAGEREF _Toc476844331 \h 16.Grading: Non-Mandatory PAGEREF _Toc476844332 \h 17.Reporting: Mandatory PAGEREF _Toc476844333 \h 28.Reporting: Non-Mandatory PAGEREF _Toc476844334 \h 29.Training Non-Mandatory PAGEREF _Toc476844335 \h 2(NON-Functional Requirements) PAGEREF _Toc476844336 \h munication: Mandatory PAGEREF _Toc476844337 \h munication: Non-Mandatory PAGEREF _Toc476844338 \h 312.Implementation: Non-Mandatory PAGEREF _Toc476844339 \h 413.Integration: Mandatory PAGEREF _Toc476844340 \h 414.Integration: Non-Mandatory PAGEREF _Toc476844341 \h 415.Reputation: Non-Mandatory PAGEREF _Toc476844342 \h 516.Support: Mandatory PAGEREF _Toc476844343 \h 517.Support: Non-Mandatory PAGEREF _Toc476844344 \h 619.Reporting: Mandatory PAGEREF _Toc476844345 \h 620.Reporting: Non-Mandatory PAGEREF _Toc476844346 \h 621.User Interface: Mandatory PAGEREF _Toc476844347 \h 622.User Interface: Non-Mandatory PAGEREF _Toc476844348 \h 6Financial Form for Submittal: PAGEREF _Toc476844349 \h 7Addenda 2 PAGEREF _Toc476844350 \h 7OverviewIntroductionThe purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to solicit proposals from qualified software firms to provide the Appleton Area School District with a Learning Management System that will meet the information needs for the District. Today, we have separate systems for the management of student content, curriculum guidelines and student/parent/teacher communication. We have a need to integrate our systems for data quality, data entry consolidation, better reporting and personnel management. We are seeking to limit the vendors to those that have a district with more than 2 high schools and / or 12,000 students. We are seeking an integrated solution that offers the following components:Functional Features (50%)Global FeaturesCurriculumGradingReportingTrainingNon-Functional Requirement Value (30%)CommunicationImplementationIntegrationReputationSupportUser InterfaceCost Value (20%)Appleton Area School DistrictAppleton Area School District is a public school district located?in Northeast Wisconsin in Outagamie County, serving the students of the Appleton area including the communities of Appleton, Grand Chute, and some portions of neighboring communities. The area is rich in cultural diversity; primary instruction is provided in three (3) languages. (English, Spanish, Hmong)Over 16,230 pre-kindergarten through 12th grade students are served in our 37 schools by over 1,800 staff members. We are the sixth largest school district in the State of Wisconsin. Every Administrator, teacher, clerical staff and support staff have access to a computer in their work area. People who travel between sites generally have a desktop in each work area at each school, or carry a laptop or netbook. All instructional and administrative systems are running Windows 7 and utilize the latest version of Chrome or Microsoft Internet Explorer 11.0 and above. The majority of the file servers are Windows 2008R2 and above. Each school has a TCP/IP local area network with multiple drops in each classroom and office. Wireless networking is used with notebook/netbook computers in each school. The switched capacity to the desktop is 1 GB. The District owns its fiber network WAN with a redundant fiber to each location running at 10GB.We have an 10GB connection to the Internet and a second Internet pipe at 100 MB. All technologies and technology related systems are managed and maintained by the staff in the Technology Department. The department is located at the District Office Building.Project Background/DescriptionProject RequirementsThe LMS Vendor must provide functionality to support administration and administrative functions tc \l2 "1.1PURPOSEThe purpose of this request for proposal is to solicit proposals from qualified firms to provide assistance to the Municipality conducting a needs assessment of the Human Resources Information System (HRIS) and Payroll System, performing systems analysis of the current functions of the systems, determining available or emerging technology to meet the identified needs, recommending appropriate alternatives and assisting in the acquisition process, including negotiating the technical aspects of the vendor contract, if appropriate. The project will have a series of deliverables and identified timelines. The contractor will prepare an analysis of the current system, its capabilities and shortcomings, conduct an assessment to determine the HRIS/Payroll and time and attendance needs of the Municipality, including its operating departments, lay out the alternative ways to address the needs, prepare a comprehensive cost benefit analysis and present the recommended approach that best meets the Municipality’s objectives. At the completion of this project, the Municipality may, at its option, negotiate an extension of the contract, including a detailed budget and schedule for the implementation of the new HRIS/Payroll System.The intent of the Municipality is to have an HRIS/Payroll System installed, tested and operational on January 1, 1999 that will accommodate the year 2000 and provide appropriate for a complex public K-12 District. The application system is required to be an existing, integrated software system that incorporates the operational functions described in this RFP. Vendors are asked to submit a recommended implementation plan and specify the areas where services will be provided as well as clearly specifying the responsibility areas of the Appleton Area School District project team. Implementation plans may include but are not limited to: software installation and configuration, data conversion, training, implementation project management, and support. The District is interested in vendor recommendations on how best to ensure project success, knowledge transfer and positive system acceptance, while keeping project costs at reasonable levels. To control the cost of the system, the Appleton Area School District will make every reasonable attempt to use the software as proposed without modification. However, the proposal must contain an estimated modification cost based on experience with other customers. The requirements contained in this RFP represent Appleton Area School District s’ vision of an integrated system. As such, we realize that the requirements may exceed the offerings currently available in the marketplace. For this reason, proposals will be evaluated in their entirety with attention to immediate functionality as well as flexibility to accommodate changing requirements and technology.GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS AND CONDITIONSDUE DATE: All information requested must be completed and submitted by: April 7th, 2017 at 12:00 pm. Central Standard Time. If the required information is not submitted in a timely manner, the proposal will be deemed non-responsive and the vendor will be notified. Seven original paper copies of the RFP response (including 1 Original) and one (1) electronic copy on CD-ROM/USB Stick in write protected PDF format shall be submitted. COMPLETE RESPONSES: Vendors must respond in each and every area as specified in the RFP documents. If the proposal is not complete, it may be deemed non-responsive. Accuracy of the proposal is the responsibility of the vendor. All proposals shall be reviewed to verify that the responder has met the minimum requirements of the RFP. Responders shall follow the formatting requirements of the RFP in order to facilitate the review process for the Appleton Area School District.PROCESS: This is a RFP/Competitive Negotiation process. Appleton Area School District reserves the right to negotiate on any or all components of each proposal submitted. From the time the proposals are submitted until the formal award of a contract, each proposal is considered a working document and as such will be kept confidential. The negotiation discussions will be held as confidential as well until such time as the award is completed.PROPOSAL GENERAL CONDITIONSSECURING DOCUMENTS: All documents will be e-mailed to a representative of each vendor.All information shall be submitted at the dates and times indicated herein to:Appleton Area School DistrictAttn: Lynne DevaneyPO Box 2019; 120 E Harris St.Appleton, WI 54912-2019All contacts regarding this RFP during the submittal preparation and evaluation period must be done by email to:devaneylynne@aasd.k12.wi.usThis restriction does not apply to: Appleton Area School District initiated communications by the LMS RFP Selection Committee only to satisfy clarification questions as part of the evaluation process.Scheduled product demonstrations and vendor interviews during the evaluation process, questions regarding application or technical requirements. Questions can be directed to Lynne Devaney, Director of ELA, Social Studies, and World Language, devaneylynne@aasd.k12.wi.us only via e-mail. The subject line must include the phrase “LMS RFP Question.” Response to a question will be communicated through email and may be copied to all vendors depending on the nature of the question. No questions will be accepted after March 31st CST, 2017 to allow a timely response.In the event that a vendor has contact with any official, employee or representative of the Appleton Area School District in any manner contrary to the above requirements, said vendor may be disqualified from further consideration. PROPOSAL INSTRUCTIONS: To receive consideration, proposals shall be made in accordance with the following instructions:Proposals shall be made upon the form obtained at the above address, and properly executed. Proposals shall be without interlineations, alterations and erasures unless each such correction is suitably authenticated by affixing in the margin, immediately opposite the correction, the initial(s) of the person(s) signing the proposal.Before submitting a proposal, the responder shall carefully examine the specifications and the forms of all proposal documents. Responders shall fully inform themselves as to all existing conditions and limitations.Each RFP proposal must be signed by the name of the responder and must bear the signature of the person(s) duly authorized to sign the proposal and to bind the company contractually.Proposals shall not include Federal excise tax or State Sales Tax Appleton Area School District is exempt from such tax. The District’s state and federal identification numbers are ES 44581and 39-6000710 respectively.Delivery terms are F.O.B. Destination. Pricing shall include all freight charges/costs.No charge for packing, postage, express, or for any other purposes will be allowed over and above the prices quoted on the Proposal Form.Proposals shall be delivered to:Appleton Area School DistrictAttn: Lynne Devaney 120 E. Harris St. PO Box 2019Appleton WI 54912-2019 on or before the day and hour set for the opening of bids in the Notice to Bidders.Proposals shall be enclosed in a sealed envelope/box bearing the description of the RFP name and the name of the bidder.It is the sole responsibility of the responder to see that their proposal is received in proper time. Any proposals received after the scheduled closing time for receipt of proposals shall be deemed as non-responsive.Proposal ConsiderationsProposals submitted by FAX are not acceptable.INTERPRETATION OF DOCUMENTS: If any person contemplating submitting a proposal is in doubt as to the true meaning of any part of the specifications, or finds discrepancies in, or omissions from, the specifications, that person may submit a written request for an interpretation or correction thereof no later than March 31st at 12:00 PM CST, 2017. Any interpretation or correction of the proposed documents will be made by an addendum duly issued by Appleton Area School District, and a copy of such addendum will be emailed to each person receiving a set of such documents. Appleton Area School District will not be responsible for any other explanation or verbal interpretation of the proposed documents.ADDENDA OR BULLETINS: Any addenda issued by Appleton Area School District during the RFP time, or forming a part of the documents provided to the potential responder for the preparation of their proposal, and shall be made a part of the proposal. The Appleton Area School District may modify this RFP or any of its deadlines prior to the date fixed for submission of proposals by issuance of an addendum.WITHDRAWAL OF PROPOSALS: Any responder may withdraw their proposal, either personally or by a written request, at any time prior to the scheduled time for opening of proposals.AWARD OR REJECTION OF PROPOSALS: Appleton Area School District reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, to waive any informality or irregularity in the proposals or in the proposal process. Proposals will be awarded based on the evaluation criteria established in the documentation. Utilizing the RFP process, the District reserves the right to select the individual/vendor that best meets the needs of the District, taking into consideration supplier qualification, price and overall capability.RESERVATIONS: Appleton Area School District reserves the right to cancel this RFP at any time prior to contract award without obligation in any manner for proposal preparation, interview, fee negotiation or other marketing costs associated with this RFP. WITHDRAWAL OF PROPOSALS AFTER OPENING: No responder may withdraw their proposal for a period of ten (10) days after the date set for the opening thereof.ALTERNATE PROPOSALS: No person, vendor, or corporation shall be allowed to make, file, or be interested in more than one proposal for the same work, unless so called for. The submittal of alternate proposals or optional proposals, unless called for, will render your proposal non-responsive.WARRANTY: Vendor agrees that the supplies, equipment, or services to be furnished shall be covered by commercial warranties the vendor gives to any customer for the same or substantially similar supplies, equipment, or services and that the rights and remedies so provided are in addition to, and do not limit, any rights afforded to Appleton Area School District. Warranty period for hardware and software does not begin until it has been installed and configured to the satisfaction of the District. In addition, the vendor shall warranty support for its product should the vendor be purchased by another vendor. TERMS: Billing terms will be net 30 days unless the vendor wishes to offer a cash discount for prompt payment. EQUIPMENT: The equipment and/or supplies, if so called for, shall be new and unused, of current production, first quality, with the latest design features. It shall be delivered operational and ready for Appleton Area School District usage with all necessary equipment and accessories.ASSIGNMENT/SUBCONTRACTING: The vendor shall not assign, transfer, or subcontract by operation of law or otherwise any or all of their rights, burdens, duties or obligations without the prior written consent of Appleton Area School District, which will not be unreasonably PLIANCE WITH LAW: The vendor shall be subject to and shall comply with all federal, state, and local laws and regulations applicable with respect to its performance under this contract including, but not limited to: licensing, employment and purchasing practices and wages; hours and conditions of employment, including ERNING LAW/VENUE: In the event of litigation, the contract and related matters shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the state of Wisconsin. Venue shall be with the appropriate state or federal court located in Appleton, Wisconsin.WORKER’S COMPENSATION INSURANCE: The vendor shall provide workers’ compensation insurance or shall self- insure its services in compliance with provisions of Chapter 102 of the Worker’s Compensation Act of the State of Wisconsin. A certificate of insurance may be provided, providing for such, or the contractor shall sign and file with Appleton Area School DistrictVendor is aware of the provisions of Chapter 102 of the Worker’s Compensation Act of the State of Wisconsin, which requires every employer to be insured against liability for workers’ compensation or to undertake self-insurance in accordance with the provision of that code, and the company will comply with such provisions before commencing the performance of the work of this contract.INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS: The vendor shall maintain and shall cause each subcontractor to maintain Public Liability and Property Damage insurance to protect the vendor from all claims for personal injury, including accidental death, as well as from all claims for property damage arising from the operations under this contract.ESTIMATED QUANTITIES: Quantities listed are to be construed as annual estimated needs. Appleton Area School District reserves the right to increase or decrease these quantities.TOBACCO-FREE FACILITIES CLAUSE: Appleton Area School District is a tobacco-free facility. Tobacco use (smoked or smokeless) is prohibited at all times in all areas of District property.TERMINATION: It is mutually agreed and understood that Appleton Area School District may terminate this contract by giving a 30-day written notice.ADDITIONAL CONTRACTS: The enclosed proposal documents shall become the only contract, maintenance service, or software documents between the vendor and Appleton Area School District. No other contract, license, or other document/agreement shall be acknowledged.If the vendor shall be adjudicated bankrupt, cease conducting business in the normal course, make a general assignment for the benefit of creditors, suffer or permit the appointment of a receiver for its business or assets or otherwise avail itself of, or become subject to any proceeding under the Federal Bankruptcy Act, or any other statute of any other jurisdiction pertaining to insolvency or the protection of creditors.Termination of the Contract by Appleton Area School District due to the vendor’s failure to maintain the software and related equipment in accordance with and subject to the terms and conditions of the contract.HOLD HARMLESS: In submitting a proposal, vendor understands that the District and its representatives will determine which proposal is accepted. Vendor waives any right to claim damages of any nature, whatsoever, based on the selection process, and any communications associated with the selection of the successful vendor. All completed proposals and supporting documentation submitted shall be the property of Appleton Area School District.Additional Terms: The District shall not be bound by any terms and conditions included in any vendor’s packaging, service catalog, brochure, technical data sheet or other document which attempts to impose any conditions at variance with or in addition to the terms and conditions contained in this RFP or contract. If the vendor objects to any term or condition that shall relate to a contract resulting from this RFP, the objection shall be clearly stated on a separate page entitled “Objection to Term or Condition” and placed in the proposal immediately after the cover letter.If the objection is accepted by the District it will be stated in any resultant contract. If not stated in the contract the terms and conditions shall remain as written in the RFP.ARREARS: No proposal shall be accepted from, or no purchase order shall be awarded to any person, vendor or corporation that is in arrears upon any obligations to the District, or that otherwise may be deemed irresponsible or unreliable by the District.TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE: It is to be understood that time is of the essence in this contract and that the vendor(s) will be required to perform work within the allowable time set forth as mutually agreed upon. Appleton Area School District and the vendor shall agree mutually on any changes in either the schedule or the rate of performance of the work which might either favorably or adversely affect such schedule.Proposals become the property of Appleton Area School District and may be returned only at Appleton Area School Districts’ option and at the responder’s expense. Information, excluding proposer's financial information or information which the responder has clearly indicated as PROPRIETARY, contained therein shall become public documents subject to the Public Records Act.The Appleton Area School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, age, ancestry, medical condition, disability or gender in consideration for an award of contract. SCOPE OF WORKSCHEDULEThe following is the schedule of events for the RFP submittal and selection process. Appleton Area School District reserves the right to change the schedule.ActivityScheduleSend RFP to VendorsMarch 17th, 2017RFP Response from VendorsApril 7th, 2017Bid Opening Date (Public opening) Morgan Conf.L108April 7th, 1:00 PMInitial Screening of ProposalsMid-April 20172nd Vendor Demonstrations (If necessary)Late April - May, 2017Negotiations with Finalist(s)Late May 2017Notify Vendor of SelectionLate May, 2017Meet with Vendor to Plan Installation and Training CalendarLate May, 2017Go Live Date:July 1, 2017SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTSRequirements for contents of submittals are:The proposing vendor shall submit seven (7) paper copies (including one (1) paper original) and one (1) electronic copy on CD-ROM/USB Stick in write protected PDF format of their response. (Appleton Area School District may reproduce additional copies of CD’s and documents as required.) The paper copy shall be provided in a 3-ring, loose-leaf binder with the vendor name and RFP Name on both cover and spine. Although an electronic version of the RFP and attachments is available to assist vendors in preparing proposals, the proposal must be physically submitted. All information shall be submitted by April 7th , 2017 at 12:00 pm (CST) to:Appleton Area School District Attn: Lynne Devaney120 E. Harris St, PO Box 2019Appleton, WI 54912-2019Proposals submitted in response to this RFP shall become the property of Appleton Area School District and be considered public documents under applicable state law. Any firm failing to submit information in accordance with the procedures set forth herein will be considered non-responsive and disqualified.Proposals shall be enclosed in a sealed envelope/box bearing the description of the RFP name, and the name of the bidder.The following table describes the required format and content for the vendor proposal. Proposals must contain all sections described below in the order shown. Failure to adhere to this outline and properly complete all required proposal sections may result in the proposal being deemed non-responsive which will eliminate the proposal from further consideration. All materials provided must also be provided on CD in PDF or Microsoft Word Format/or appropriate Excel format.Proposal SectionEach section to be marked by tabsSection Contents1. Transmittal/Cover LetterLimited to one page. 2. Vendor Qualifications QuestionnaireComplete Vendor Qualifications Questionnaire (Addendum 1) All Questions in this RFP3. Software and Implementation CostsComplete Software and Implementation Costs – include all costs associated with completing the project. (Addendum 2) (Cost Sheet)4. Supplemental MaterialSupplemental material may optionally be provided in this section.SELECTION PROCESSVendor proposals will be subjected to an evaluation and selection. The process will begin with a review of the response to the proposal. A proposal must address all modules/functions to be considered. The proposal will include software and associated services. Proposals found to be incomplete may be rejected as non-responsive. Proposals not deemed to be competitive will be rejected. Appleton Area School District may choose to ask clarification questions in writing and include the additional information gathered in this process. At the discretion of Appleton Area School District, a vendor may be asked to do a comprehensive demonstration of their software at Appleton Area School District as part of the evaluation. Any vendor that is unwilling or unable to do a demonstration may be deemed non-responsive and be disqualified.Site visits to representative vendor customer(s) may be conducted by members of the District Selection Team. Vendor will assist in scheduling the site visits.Each submittal will be scored by the District Selection Team comprised of individuals from Appleton Area School District.References of the top vendors will be checked to verify their selection. Interviews will be conducted with the vendors to explore in detail the proposed implementation strategy and project plan and to discuss vendor qualifications and experience. Appleton Area School District may choose to interview the vendor’s training team and ask them to demonstrate portions of sample training sessions. References will be checked to address issues raised by the demonstrations and interviews or to answer detail questions not yet resolved. Vendor must complete all addenda to this RFP. Addenda 1 and 2 are provided in a word format and must be completed within the form. Both printed and electronic copies of these addenda must be submitted as part of the vendor’s response. Addenda 1 and 2 are included as part of this RFP.Evaluation and rating of the responses will be based on:Information provided by the vendor in their rmation provided by the vendor in response to Appleton Area School District clarification rmation provided during site rmation provided during vendor product rmation from reference checks.The capabilities of the modules, functions, or services on the application requirements matrix.Vendor interviews.Training rmation from the technology overview.Software proposals will be rated on the following scale: RFP Evaluation CriteriaValueFunctional Questions50%Non-Functional Questions30%Costs20%Total100%Addenda 1 (Functional Requirements)Global Features: MandatoryThe system must support multiple user access in all applications.System must be based on a stable and easily supported operating platform.The system must contain adequate security that should include, but not be limited to, multi-level security, password protections, ability to control access rights by component, ability to control access within the functionality of components (example: access GL reports, but not journal entries), and restricts users to read only The system shall allow for the creation of a seating chart which will accommodate multiple desk configurations.The system must contain help for users within the system. The system must provide “print preview” screens prior to printing.Global Features: Non-MandatorySystem interface is user friendly, with on the fly entry. Please demonstrate the user friendly environment.The system is a based on HTML 5 technology and accessible from any current Windows, Apple or Google platform with browser based access for devices with current supported operating systems from Microsoft, Apple or Google. Please list any end-user interface that is not HTML5 compliant.Describe how the system is able to import from and export to spreadsheet and word-processing programs.Please describe how the system is able to e-mail output files and forms directly from the System using the district’s email system.Describe how the system interfaces with third-party compliant systems, including, but not limited to a Student Information System, The State EdFi data collection and an online parent or school payment system.Curriculum: MandatoryOur district will be creating content within the LMS. The district must own the content of our own created modules. The system must allow other vendors with content to incorporate their content through use of API’s or such import.Curriculum: Non-MandatoryOur district will be creating content within the LMS. Where will it be stored, how can it be retrieved if we part ways? Ownership of content - who owns it, and what can we do to get it out if that is ever necessary? Demonstrate how the system assists in aligning teacher development plans to district and school improvement goals and Content repositoryPlease describe/demonstrate your LMS Content/Curriculum Management abilities, including:Population of courses at District levelRubric design capabilitiesStandards & Wisconsin Core alignmentWhat is your teaching and learning philosophy?What partners do you have in place for us to pull in content?Please describe the ability to assign content as required by job, role, organization, custom group, individual or combinationPlease describe the ability to tag content by competency or objective for reuse in different learning programs/pathsPlease describe how the content catalog is specific to groups, users and permissionsPlease describe how the course catalog is searched with a variety of filters, including custom fieldsPlease describe the how the system uses criteria driven curriculum.Please describe how the system enables the ability to link and embed web resourcesPlease describe how the system uses standard media types including html files, Microsoft Office documents, pdf, mp3, mp4.Please describe how the system supports virtual classrooms such as Adobe Connect, WebEx, GoToMeeting or LMS native virtual classroom tool.Grading: MandatoryMust use standards based grading mechanisms.System must allow for the export of grades/assignments into the current student system.Grading: Non-Mandatory Describe how the system promotes a strength-based, learner-centered approach; and content management and delivery.Demonstrate how the system supports a virtual whiteboardDemonstrate your assessment capabilities and flexibilities, please address math. What capabilities does the LMS have with using symbols and formulas? Music notation?How many teacher steps will it take for grades to sync with Infinite Campus? Please demonstrate what the teacher will need to do.How does the system allow for Inline annotations of documents?Please describe the instructional tools capabilities - discussion board, homework drop box, test developer, auto-grader,Please describe integrated multimedia capabilities.Plagiarism component: Is a plagiarism feature built in to your product? If not, what is the cost of adding one?"Scenario 2: A middle school teacher assigns a project. Students are asked to score one another via rubric created within the LMS. Teacher will then grade student work based on Wisconsin Core standard mastery. How will your LMS facilitate this? What does it look like for the teacher, for the student?"How does the system allow the ability to create flexible grouping in a class?Please describe how the system allows Student Portfolio Capabilities.Please describe how the system allows Submission of documents.Please report on how the system enables further clarification on credit types toward graduation. Please describe how the system supports access to certificates of completion (micro credentialing/badges).Please demonstrate how Assessments: are developed and imported (controlled centrally through district standards)Please describe how the system allows the calculation of final class scores based on culmination of graded assignments.Please describe how the system allows a configurable ability to hide/display future content assignments.Please describe how course online Discussions and social learning integrated into class tools and assignments.Please describe how the system shows easily identify required training assignments and current status.Please describe how the gradebook has functionality to allow instructors to grade individual components of a class and provide student comments and feedback.Please describe how instructors can provide feedback to learners.Please describe how the learner can see their progress completion of individual and group of courses.Please describe how the learner can upload file types including (Word, PDF, Excel, video, audio, picture as a step in the course).Please describe how the system provides instructors an ability to construct a class flow of instruction, offline events and assessments.Please demonstrate how the system allows for allow for the export of grades/assignments into the current student system.Reporting: MandatorySystem must have an individualized system dashboard of their learners’ progress.Reporting: Non-MandatoryPlease describe any Ad-hoc reporting capabilityPlease describe how the system allows for scheduled reports via email about their learners.Please describe the dashboards of their learners’ progress.Please describe how the standard reports include enrollments, completions, clock hours, users trained .Training Non-MandatoryPlease describe how the system builds an awareness of professional development and continuing education offerings.Please describe how the system allows for creating and supporting professional learning and community building opportunities. Please describe how the system delivers quality online professional development.Please describe how the system allows for linking professional development to school achievement goals.Please describe how the system promotes credit and noncredit learning opportunities.Please describe how the system provides other school employees with online training to meet job requirements.Please describe how the system provides access to training and education resources.Please describe how the system provides information, tools and training to strengthen onsite mentoring.Please describe how the system allows for sharing knowledge of mentor best practices.Please describe how the system allows for support training needs on a local, regional and statewide basis.Please describe how the system allows an organization’s managers/administrators to have ability to manage organization specific training.Please describe in detail your professional development offerings. Do they come with the base purchase?Provide us your beginning users' guide.Describe how the system allows the assigning of training with fixed and floating due dates.Describe how the system allows the assigning of mandatory learning by individual, job, organization, department or custom group of users.Please describe any online user based support for the various groups:StudentsParentsStaff (NON-Functional Requirements)Communication: MandatorySystem must have parental access.Section 508c compliantCommunication: Non-MandatoryDescribe how the system supports local, regional and statewide special interest learning communities.How does your product provide communication and collaboration for both students and teachers?Parent Experience: What do parents see? What access do they have?If a high school teacher wants to hold an asynchronous discussion with students in another building within our district. Both classes have access to the LMS. Students will begin by sharing products of an assignment that are ready to be revised. In small groups they will revise work from each of the students in the other building. After the first revision, the students will rework their product, and then submit it for final viewing from the groups in another class. The other class will provide feedback on the final product. Please demonstrate or explain how your product could facilitate or enhance this process. How do you configure your system to allow for students to access the system with current passwords or accounts? What do you offer within your system to assist the student if they are having issues in this area?Describe how your system enables configurable notifications to users. What options are available in your system to notify users (SMS Text, email, alerts on logon within the dashboard).Please describe the use of any intra-course communication tools; for example, Messaging (teacher to student, student to student within course).Describe your communication method. I.E. does it go through our email so that we can legally send out messages to students and parents?Does the system support internal forums and discussion groups. Please describe.Describe how the system allows a user top customize their profiles or pictures.Describe how the system supports relevant widgets such as upcoming training, training assignments, content recommendations, top content, new content, news, announcements, social news feed, gamification badges, leaderboards and awards.Describe how the system supports social media account integration and sign in (Example: Twitter, Google+, LI or FB).Describe how the system allows users to be able to opt in and out of social interactions (private vs. public).Describe any documented, detailed, back out processes to customers prior to making any changes to the production environment. How do substitutes and student teachers gain access to the system and in particular for the daily assignments/grades?Implementation: Non-MandatoryDescribe your implementation plan. What evidence do you have that you will work with potential hosting features for AASD, other partners such as Educlimber, to get the data exchange working?Disclose your Service Level Agreement which fully quantifies service reliability including but not limited to data center redundancy or ‘hot sites’, uptime commitment and availability per month, service credit schedule if availability commitments are not met, minimum performance for SAAS response times, software update and system maintenance timeframes, and disaster recovery plan including database backup & restoration practices.Please walk us through a beginning to end implementation at a district our size. What were some major challenges? We want full scale implementation for 6-12 in 3 years. What is your implementation plan for getting us there? Describe your Professional Development Plan for implementation. How will you support our teachers?Describe the security roles and permissions - how do you support access to student information? Describe how the system allows administrative content moderation for peer review.Integration: MandatoryThe system must have integration into the student information system and pull student names, assignments, and schedules.The system shall maintain a data dictionary with a list of tables/fields and the definition of these fields.Integration: Non-MandatoryDescribe how the system provides a delivery vehicle for content developed by a variety of content providers, including schools, districts, intermediate school districts, universities and the private sector.AASD recommends the LMS be hosted in a private cloud. How do you support this option?Describe your LMS architecture and technology, including the database structure, server environment and how you monitor the performance of the system used.Describe your API technology, documentation and scope of integration capabilities.Do you leverage internal employees or contractors for implementation?Do you support client customizations of the LMS product?Because of the multiple business groups deploying programs on the LMS we need granular and configurable role management. We want to be able to modify existing roles or create new roles and dictate what features or content a role can see, edit or manage. Describe Role typesCan you do Single Sign On Integration - with Office 365, Infinite Campus, and Destiny Library Management System via active directory?Describe how your product integrates with Infinite Campus. I.E. real-time, daily, manual; how do student records, staff records and schedules get transferred?Please address your mobile platform and system requirements for any device.Please describe how and provide evidence that your LMS is capable of Infinite Campus Integration, ,as well as integrates as needed with Educlimber and is Active Directory Capable. Describe how your system handles the capability to merge duplicate users and user training history.Describe how the system allows each organization/school to have a manager that can view reports and assign trainings per school.Describe how the system restricts access to content based on organizations, custom groups, individuals, and permissions.Describe where and how data encryption is employed, including but not limited to, encrypted data at rest, tables, and attributes. Describe and provide a list of the integration of third party solutions. If solution differs based on architecture, please explain. Describe how the system provides validation rules at the field level. Describe how you provide a database backup and recovery process for the system. Describe the test environment and how test data will be maintained for, but not limited to, releases, ongoing training, and third party vendors. List the formats available when exporting data. Reputation: Non-MandatoryWhy should we choose your product over your competitors?Please share data you have to demonstrate the your LMS helps to facilitate increased student engagement and achievement?Do you see as an enhancement or as a barrier if an LMS's relies on partners to facilitate content acquisition, feature enhancements, tool creation, and the like as it relates to AASD? Do you rely on partners, do everything in house, or a mix? If it's a mix, please describe which are done in house and which are done with partners. Why is the way you do it best for AASD?How do you manage change request/product enhancement? Who would be our customer rep?How many organizations or users are using the existing LMS and what do they use it for? Ensure that the system serves organizations who use the LMS in similar ways to you.Please provide at least four references of other K-12 institutions using your LMS (preferably close to Appleton) and 2 of the districts who also use Infinite Campus Would we be assigned a project manager? Describe in detail if the software/service is contracted per system, unique user or site wide, if charges related to units of usage are tiered and what those tiers are, if usage is tracked by concurrent users or total bandwidth consumed per unit of time, etc. All costs associated with licensing should be included.What does support/help mean for you at your company? (Please address initial implementation/integration with Infinite Campus, and then the rollout to administration and then to staff.)Support: MandatoryThe system shall have a Disaster Recovery (DR) and Business Continuity (BC) plan in place. (If hosted)The system shall have the software (source code and all necessary components) in escrow. Support: Non-MandatoryWhat options are available for back end access to the application database?Describe your process for patching security vulnerabilities.Please submit uptime and available SLA agreement.Describe your methods for securing access to the system and securing data.Describe the scalability of your solution.What are your different levels of service support and incident response time?Describe how the system provides 24/7 hosting system monitoring.Define your proposed licensing model and how users are countedWhat is the defined remedy and resolution timeframes for administrative support tickets? Describe your disaster recovery and restoration plan.Describe live chat or other help features within your system.Describe your Maintenance and selective updates schedule. How many releases are handled in a typical year?Describe how the system handles malware protection to prevent issues when learners upload content.Describe how the system provides a testing and production environment.Reporting: MandatoryThe system shall adhere to local, Wisconsin state, and federal laws and reporting requirements.Reporting: Non-MandatoryDescribe how custom reports can be integrated with existing system modules and existing reporting screens. Describe the process used to incorporate changes required by law and deploy the necessary upgrades in a timely manner.Describe how your system provides for different methods of output and list the output formats available, to include but not be limited to, comma delimited and hard copy. User Interface: MandatoryThe system shall comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and be Section 508 compliant.The system shall use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption.User Interface: Non-MandatoryDescribe how the district and/or user can customize their dashboard. Describe how districts disable the system’s user interface, to include but not be limited to modules, screens, and web pages. Describe how the system provides dashboard functionality that displays key data and notifications. Describe how the system provides for the creation of custom screens at the district and school level. Describe how the system integrates with social media sites, to include but not be limited to, Facebook and Twitter. Describe how the system manages and uses dynamic content, to include but not be limited AJAX, to dynamically save. Describe plans to keep pace with new technology or future versions of existing technology, to include but not be limited to, HTML 5 and Adobe Flash, in current or future versions of your system. Describe how the system includes choices to restrict input fields for consistency through the user interface (UI). List the browsers and versions you support. Financial Form for Submittal:Please include the cost summaries for the complete modules or product as indicated within the RFP.Addenda 2It is assumed that any product mentioned is including within the price, unless specifically noted as an option.Please include optional pricing for those components as well.For the benefit of other districts that may wish to use this RFP rather than create their own, please include the optional information below for contact or pricing based on district size.For Appleton:Based on 15,234 students:District sizeAdditional NotesStudent Count 15,234Annual Licensing cost for all modules:$Annual Support Cost$Implementation Fee$Please list optional modules independently.Training:$By day rate; Train the trainer method.$Project Management$Total 1 time:Total Annual:TOTALList any other expenses:Optional Modules: ................

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