General Information for Deaf/Hard of Hearing Organizations:

Alexander Graham Bell Association: 

American Society for Deaf Children:

Conference of Educational Administrators of Schools and Programs for the Deaf: 

Hands & Voices:

Georgia Hands and Voices:

National Association of the Deaf: 

Option Schools: 


Atlanta Area School for the Deaf (AASD):

Atlanta Speech School:

Auditory-Verbal Center (AVC):

Clarke Schools for Hearing and Speech-Jacksonville Campus:

Georgia School for the Deaf:

John Tracy Clinic: 

Speech and Hearing Center of Savannah-Sound Start:

Professional Development:

First Years:

The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia - Cochlear Implant Program:

HOPE (Habilitation Outreach for Professionals in Education):

Other Resources:

Accessible Materials Project (AMP): 

Beginnings of North Carolina:

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – Hearing Loss in Children: 

15 Principles for Reading to Deaf Children: 

Georgia Department of Public Health - Universal Newborn Hearing Screening and Intervention:

Georgia Early Hearing Detection & Intervention (EHDI) Information - NCHAM:

Laurent Clerc National Deaf Education Center at Gallaudet University: 

Let them Hear Foundation:

Listening for Life: 

My Baby’s Hearing:

Oral Deaf Education Programs: 

Pop-Up IEP for Deaf Hard of Hearing:

Raising Deaf Kids: 

Smart Ears: Teaching Babies with Hearing Loss to Listen and Talk: 

The Listening Room:

Utah State University - Research Supporting Auditory Learning:

Georgia Resources for Parents and Professionals

Atlanta Area School for the Deaf (AASD):

Atlanta Speech School:

Auditory-Verbal Center (AVC):

Deaf Child’s Bill of Rights, 2010 Georgia Code:

E-Peachy News:

Georgia Association of the Deaf (GAD):

Georgia Council for the Hearing Impaired: 

Georgia Department of Education Program for Exceptional Students

Georgia Pathway to Language and Literacy:

Georgia Pathway Forever Free Blog:

Georgia Relay Services: 

Georgia School for the Deaf:

Georgia Sensory Assistance Project:  

Speech and Hearing Center of Savannah-Sound Start:

General Family and Professional Resources

Babies Can’t Wait:

Council for Exceptional Children:

Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund:

Georgia Community Support and Solutions:

Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities:

Georgia Department of Education Preschool Services:

Lekotek of Georgia:

Parent to Parent of Georgia:


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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