NCHRP 20-7 - Transportation

NCHRP 20-7


Submitted by:

AASHTO Subcommittee on Design / AASHTO Technical Committee on Geometric Design

Ms. Carolann Wicks, PE, Delaware, Chair / Mr. Mark Marek, PE, Texas, Chair

October 2008


Update of the AASHTO Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets (Green Book)


The AASHTO Technical Committee on Geometric Design is currently working on an update of the AASHTO Green Book, one of the premier highway design publications in the world. Each chapter has been assigned to one of 10 “Lead Chapter Authors” and a team of 3-5 supporting committee members to review applicable research that has been conducted since the last complete update of the Green Book in 2001 and incorporate, as appropriate, suitable language and guidance to further the state-of-the-practice in highway and road design.

However, considering the continually increasing workload of our State DOT volunteers on these committees, pulling together the final text and ensuring completeness and accuracy throughout the 1,000-page document is beyond the capability of the committee to accomplish on its own. In addition, since the document is being updated by multiple authors, it is important to have a single, knowledgeable researcher/engineer provide a review of the technical information in the various sections of the text to ensure that the incorporation of new information is accurate and complete.


The primary objective of this research is to ensure that consistent and accurate technical information is incorporated throughout the update to the AASHTO Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets and to produce a final draft version of the guide for formal balloting by AASHTO.


The scope of the proposed project includes the following tasks:

1. Attend the Technical Committee on Geometric Design meetings in Spring and Fall 2009 to meet with the lead chapter authors and discuss research that has been incorporated into the forthcoming Green Book update.

2. Propose additional research or language that may have been overlooked by the technical committee chapter teams.

3. Conduct a final review of all draft material for accuracy of content and consistency between chapters and throughout the document.

4. Prepare a final draft version of the Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets for ballot by the Technical Committee on Geometric Design, Subcommittee on Design, and the Standing Committee on Highways.

5. Assist the Technical Committee in the review and resolution of comments generated during the balloting process.


It is estimated that this will be a 12-month project and will require $80,000.


Mr. Mark Marek, P.E.

Chair, Technical Committee on Geometric Design

Director, Design

Texas Department of Transportation

125 East 11th Street

Austin, TX 78701

(512) 416-2576


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