
7000BRIDGE DESIGN(Version 2020)[Where appropriate (e.g., dissimilar work for different bridges) customize the text or insert a table to specify the work needed for each bridge. Include BIN numbers in bridge descriptions.][When the Consultant is directed to submit to or consult with the State, the Consultant Manager is responsible with coordinating with the Office of Structures and the Region.]7100Preliminary Bridge Design[Subsection 7100 applies to bridge design performed during Design Phases I-IV.][Tasks 7110 through 7160 below apply only to an existing bridge that will or may be partially or fully retained (e.g., a bridge widening or rehabilitation). For a new bridge or a bridge being completely replaced, skip these tasks and go directly to Task 7170.]7110Field InspectionThe Consultant shall perform a field inspection of each bridge [or specify the bridge(s)] to determine the condition of the structure’s principal elements, to establish the rehabilitation work necessary to meet the project’s objectives, and to prepare (under Task 7130) a Level I Load Rating. The Consultant shall refer to the NYSDOT Bridge Manual and the NYSDOT Bridge Inspection Manual for requirements and guidance on performing a field inspection.[The Consultant Manager shall consult with the Region and the Office of Structures prior to inclusion of Task 7111 and/or Task 7112.]7111The Consultant shall perform and document the findings of an In-Depth Bridge Inspection of each bridge [or specify the bridge(s)] in accordance with the current version of the NYSDOT Bridge Inspection Manual – NY Appendix K, Specification for In-Depth Bridge Inspection. Depending upon the type of bridge being investigated, the Consultant may propose, or the State may establish, modifications to the inspection procedure(s) to meet the intent of the inspection. Modifications to the inspection procedures proposed by the Consultant shall be approved in advance by the State.[List and describe the agreed upon modifications to the inspection procedures.]7112The Consultant shall perform and document the findings of a Limited Bridge Inspection of each bridge [or specify the bridge(s)] in accordance with the current version of the NYSDOT Bridge Manual. Depending upon the type of bridge being investigated, the Consultant may propose, or the State may establish, modifications to the inspection procedure(s) to meet the intent of the inspection. Modifications to the inspection procedures proposed by the Consultant shall be approved in advance by the State.[List and describe the agreed upon modifications to the inspection procedures.]7120Bridge Deck Evaluation[Include Task 7120 only if the structural deck will or may be fully or partially retained.]The Consultant shall perform a Bridge Deck Evaluation of each bridge [or specify the bridge(s)] in accordance with the current version of the NYSDOT Bridge Deck Evaluation Manual and established industry standards. [The Consultant shall submit their means and methods for the deck evaluation to the State for concurrence during negotiations. The Consultant Manager shall submit the Consultant’s means and methods for the deck evaluation to the Office of Structures for concurrence.][List and describe the agreed upon means and methods to be used for the deck evaluation.]The Consultant shall:Develop various conceptual rehabilitation strategies to restore/improve the structural condition of the deck to safely manage the risk.Document the results of the Bridge Deck Evaluation in accordance with the NYSDOT Bridge Deck Evaluation Manual. The relative advantages, disadvantages, and approximate cost of each feasible rehabilitation strategy along with a specific recommendation(s) shall be documented in the report.The results of the Bridge Deck Evaluation shall be summarized in the Bridge Rehabilitation Justification Report (under Task 7160). The Bridge Deck Evaluation Report shall be appended to the Bridge Rehabilitation Justification Report.The State will determine the deck rehabilitation strategy to be adopted7130Load RatingFor each bridge, [or specify the bridge(s)] the Consultant shall, using the information gathered during the field inspection, prepare a Level I Load Rating as described in NYSDOT Engineering Instruction 05-034 Load Rating/Posting Guidelines for State-Owned Highway Bridges. The Level I Load Rating shall also include LRFR ratings as defined in the current version of AASHTO’s The Manual for Bridge Evaluation and as noted in the current version of the NYSDOT Bridge Manual.The Consultant shall prepare a Level I Load Rating of the bridge using AASHTOWare Bridge Rating (BrR) software for review and acceptance by the State. If the BrR software is not capable of analyzing one of the bridge’s structural rating units (e.g. cable stayed, suspension, segmental, etc.) the Consultant shall create a Level I Load Rating for those structural rating units using the proprietary software application used to generate the structural analysis. The proprietary software application used to generate the structural analysis and the Level I Load Rating shall be approved by the State. Level I Load Ratings for the remainder of the structural rating unit(s) shall be created using BrR.[List and describe the agreed upon propriety software application used to generate the structural analysis and the Level I Load Rating for those structural rating units not rated using BrR.]Immediately upon its completion, the Consultant shall transmit one hard copy and one electronic Adobe Acrobat file (*.pdf) copy of the Level I Load Rating to the State. The Consultant shall also submit to the State one electronic copy of the input files of any proprietary software applications used to generate the structural analysis along with a summary sheet listing the file name, software program, and version of the program used to produce the Level I Load Rating.[The Consultant Manager shall submit the Consultant’s Level I Load Rating to the Office of Structures for evaluation and concurrence.]The Consultant shall:Develop various conceptual rehabilitation strategies to restore/improve the structural capacity of the primary members to safely manage the risk.Prepare a technical memorandum documenting the relative advantages, disadvantages, and approximate cost of each feasible rehabilitation strategy along with a specific recommendation(s) shall be documented in the report.The results of the Level I Load Rating shall be summarized in the Bridge Rehabilitation Justification Report (under Task 7160). The technical memorandum shall be appended to the Bridge Rehabilitation Justification Report.The State will determine the rehabilitation strategy to be adopted.7140Fatigue Evaluation [Task 7140 is used for bridge rehabilitation projects and applies only to those existing metal structural elements that will or may be retained.]7141For each bridge, [or specify the bridge(s)] the Consultant shall analyze those metal structural elements which will or may be retained, in accordance with the current AASHTO’s The Manual for Bridge Evaluation.Where this specification does not apply (e.g., severe corrosion, mechanical damage, repaired fatigue damage, wrought iron instead of steel, etc.), the Consultant shall develop an appropriate approach for a comprehensive fatigue evaluation while maintaining close coordination with the State for guidance and input. The Consultant shall then conduct the evaluation accordingly.7142For all situations where the calculated remaining safe life is less than the (State-provided) planned remaining service life:The Consultant shall:Develop various conceptual rehabilitation strategies to improve the fatigue performance of the structure to safely manage the risk.Prepare a technical memorandum documenting the results of the Fatigue Evaluation. The relative advantages, disadvantages, and approximate cost of each feasible rehabilitation strategy along with a specific recommendation(s) shall be documented in the report.The results of the Fatigue Evaluation shall be summarized in the Bridge Rehabilitation Justification Report (under Task 7160). The technical memorandum shall be appended to the Bridge Rehabilitation Justification Report.The State will determine the fatigue retrofit strategy to be adopted.7143For all situations where the calculated remaining safe life is equal to or greater than the (State-provided) planned remaining service life, the Consultant shall prepare and submit to the State a technical memorandum documenting the results of the Fatigue Evaluation. The technical memorandum shall be appended to the Bridge Rehabilitation Justification Report.7150Seismic AssessmentFor each bridge, [or specify the bridge(s)] that will or may be partially or fully retained the Consultant shall perform a Seismic Assessment. The Consultant shall refer to AASHTO’s Seismic Retrofitting Manual for Highway Structures: Part 1 – Bridges for guidance in preparing the seismic assessment.The Consultant shall, when directed by the State:Develop various conceptual strategies to improve the seismic performance to safely manage the risk.Prepare a technical memorandum documenting the results of the Seismic Assessment. The relative advantages, disadvantages, and approximate cost of each seismic rehabilitation strategy along with a specific recommendation(s) shall be documented in the report.The results of the Seismic Assessment shall be summarized in the Bridge Rehabilitation Justification Report (under Task 7160). The technical memorandum shall be appended to the Bridge Rehabilitation Justification Report.The State will determine the seismic retrofitting strategy to be adopted.7160Bridge Rehabilitation Justification ReportFor each bridge, [or specify the bridge(s)] the Consultant shall prepare and submit to the State for approval a Bridge Rehabilitation Justification Report. For requirements and guidance in preparing the Bridge Rehabilitation Justification Report see the NYSDOT Bridge Manual.The Consultant shall append the approved Bridge Rehabilitation Justification Report to the Design Approval Document.7170Bridge Site DataFor each bridge, [or specify the bridge(s)] the Consultant shall prepare and submit to the State for review and approval a completed Bridge Site Data Package. SEQ CHAPTER \h \r 1[Include either Task 7171 or Task 7172 below. These tasks apply only to new and replacement bridges.]7171Bridge Data Sheet – Part 1 SEQ CHAPTER \h \r 1[Task 7171 applies only if the Agreement includes Final Bridge Design (Phases V-VI) and the bridge is not over water.]For each bridge, SEQ CHAPTER \h \r 1[or specify the bridge(s)] the Consultant shall prepare and submit Bridge Site Data to the State. The submission shall include one completed electronic copy of the NYSDOT’s Bridge Data Sheet Part 1 – For All Structures (NYSDOT Bridge Manual – Appendix 3A) with the required supplemental material to complete the Site Data Package.7172Bridge Data Sheet – Part 1 & Part 2[Task 7172 applies to all other situations.]For each bridge, [or specify the bridge(s)] the Consultant shall prepare and submit Bridge Site Data to the State. The submission shall include one completed electronic copy of the NYSDOT’s Bridge Data Sheet Part 1 - For All Structures (NYSDOT Bridge Manual – Appendix 3A) with the required supplement material and one completed electronic copy of the NYSDOT’s Bridge Data Sheet Part 2 – Hydraulic Assessment Form (NYSDOT Bridge Manual – Appendix 3B) with the required supplemental material to complete the Site Data Package. 7200Detailed Bridge Design SEQ CHAPTER \h \r 1[Section 7200 applies to bridge design performed during Design Phases V-VI.][Tasks 7210 through 7240 apply only to new or replacement bridges as well as rehabilitations involving complex bridge rehabilitations, superstructure widening, or superstructure replacement.]7210Structure Study Plan SEQ CHAPTER \h \r 1[Task 7210 applies to new and replacement bridges, as well as rehabilitations involving complex bridge rehabilitations, superstructure widening or superstructure replacement.]For each bridge, [or specify the bridge(s)] the Consultant shall prepare and submit a Structure Study Plan Package to the State. Refer to the NYSDOT Bridge Manual for requirements and guidance on preparing the Structure Study Plan Package. 7220Hydraulic Justification Report[Include Task 7221 if the bridge is over water and a hydraulic analysis will be performed by the State.]7221For each bridge, [or specify the bridge(s)] the State will perform a hydraulic analysis and prepare the Hydraulic Justification Report. The State will provide the Consultant with an approved copy of the Hydraulic Justification Report. The Consultant shall append the report to the Structure Justification Report prior to forwarding the Preliminary Structure Plan Package to the State. SEQ CHAPTER \h \r 1[If the bridge is over water and the hydraulic analysis will be performed by the Consultant include Tasks 7222 and 7223.]7222For each bridge, [or specify the bridge(s)] the Consultant shall perform a hydraulic analysis in accordance with State standards and policies.7223For each bridge, [or specify the bridge(s)] the Consultant shall prepare the Hydraulic Justification Report and shall append it to the Structure Justification Report prior to submitting it with the Preliminary Structure Plan Package to the State for review and approval. The Hydraulic Justification Report shall document freeboard, scour susceptibility, and other hydraulic factors necessitating selection of structure type and size. It shall include the hydraulic analysis with all computations and supporting information and be based on the principles outlined in the Hydraulic Manual as adopted and modified by the State. The State will provide the Consultant with a copy of the Hydraulic Manual and/or the necessary guidance.7230Structure Justification Report / Bridge Rehabilitation Justification Report SEQ CHAPTER \h \r 1[Task 7231 applies to new and replacement bridges.]7231For each bridge, SEQ CHAPTER \h \r 1[or specify the bridge(s)] the Consultant shall prepare and submit the Structure Justification Report to the State. For requirements and guidance on preparing the Structure Justification Report refer to the NYSDOT Bridge Manual. SEQ CHAPTER \h \r 1[Task 7232 applies to bridge rehabilitations if the scope of the rehabilitation has changed.]7232For each bridge to be rehabilitated, [or specify the bridge(s)] the Consultant shall update and submit to the State an updated Bridge Rehabilitation Justification Report.7240Geotechnical Reports[The Consultant Manager shall coordinate with the Office of Technical Services’, Geotechnical Engineering Bureau before including the following task(s).] [Include Tasks 7241, 7242, and 7243 if the State prepares the Preliminary Foundation Recommendation, Foundation Design Report, Boring Location Plan(s), and the General Subsurface Profile Drawing(s).]7241The Consultant shall coordinate with the Office of Technical Services, Geotechnical Engineering Bureau to determine and provide the information required by the State to prepare a Preliminary Foundation Recommendation.7242The State will prepare and provide a Preliminary Foundation Recommendation to the Consultant.7243After Preliminary Plan Package Approval, the State will prepare and provide to the Consultant the Foundation Design Report, Boring Location Plan(s), and the General Subsurface Profile Drawing(s) from the geotechnical data supplied by the Consultant.[Include Tasks 7244 and 7245 if the Consultant prepares the Foundation Design Report, Boring Location Plan(s), and the General Subsurface Profile Drawing(s).]7244The Consultant shall prepare the Foundation Design Requirements Report, Boring Location Plan(s), and the General Subsurface Profile Drawing(s).7245Geotechnical specifications requiring review and approval by the NYSDOT Deputy Chief Engineer Structures (DCES) shall be reviewed and approved by the Consultant.7250Preliminary Cost Estimate[Applies to all bridges.]For each bridge, [or specify the bridge(s)] the Consultant shall assist the State with the development of a preliminary construction cost estimate.7260Preliminary Structure Plan Package for New or Replacement Bridges SEQ CHAPTER \h \r 1[Applies to new or replacement bridges.]7261For each bridge, [or specify the bridge(s)] upon receipt of State approval of the Structure Study Plan Package, the Consultant shall prepare and submit the Preliminary Structure Plan Package to the State for review. For requirements and guidance on preparing the Preliminary Structure Plan Package refer to the NYSDOT Bridge Manual.7262All contract plans prepared for the Preliminary Structure Plan Package through PS&E shall be created with the State’s standard CADD software and in accordance with the State’s current CADD standards and policies. This includes Section 14.2 of the Bridge Manual – Bridge Model Management.7263For each bridge, [or specify the bridge(s)] the Consultant shall modify the Preliminary Structure Plan Package to incorporate the State review comments. After comment resolution, the Consultant shall resubmit the Preliminary Structure Plan Package to the State for approval.7270Preliminary Structure Plan Package for Bridge Rehabilitations SEQ CHAPTER \h \r 1[Applies only to complex bridge rehabilitations, superstructure widening and superstructure replacement.]7271For each bridge, [or specify the bridge(s)] the Consultant shall prepare and submit the Preliminary Structure Plan Package to the State for review. For requirements and guidance on preparing the Preliminary Structure Plan Package for bridge rehabilitation projects refer to the NYSDOT Bridge Manual. 7272All contract plans prepared for the Preliminary Structure Plan Package through PS&E shall be created with the State’s standard CADD software and in accordance with the State’s current CADD standards and policies. This includes Section 14.2 of the Bridge Manual – Bridge Model Management7273For each bridge, [or specify the bridge(s)] the Consultant shall modify the Preliminary Structure Plan Package for bridge rehabilitations to incorporate State review comments. After comment resolution, the Consultant shall resubmit the Preliminary Structure Plan Package to the State for approval.7280Advance Detail Plan (ADP) Package SEQ CHAPTER \h \r 1[Task 7281 applies to all new and replacement bridges.]7281For each bridge, [or specify the bridge(s)] and upon State approval of the Preliminary Structure Plan Package the Consultant shall prepare and submit to the State for review the ADP package. Refer to the NYSDOT Bridge Manual for requirements and guidance on preparing the ADP package. SEQ CHAPTER \h \r 1[Task 7282 applies to bridge rehabilitations requiring a Preliminary Plan Package.]7282For each bridge, [or specify the bridge(s)] and upon State approval of the Preliminary Structure Plan Package, the Consultant shall prepare and submit to the State for review the ADP package. The Consultant shall incorporate the rehabilitation strategies agreed upon under Tasks 7120, 7130, 7140, and/or 7150. Refer to the NYSDOT Bridge Manual for requirements and guidance on preparing the ADP package. SEQ CHAPTER \h \r 1[Task 7283 applies to bridge rehabilitation not requiring a Preliminary Plan Package.]7283For each bridge, SEQ CHAPTER \h \r 1[or specify the bridge(s)] the Consultant shall incorporate into the ADP package the rehabilitation strategies agreed upon under Tasks 7120, 7130, 7140, and/or 7150.7284Bridge 3D Model of Substructures The Consultant shall develop a three-dimensional (3D) model of the exterior surfaces of each bridge substructure and of all bridge earthwork items. The 3D models shall be created with the State’s standard CADD software and in accordance with the State’s current CADD standards and policies including Section 14.2 of the Bridge Manual. The 3D models shall be positioned within the state plane coordinate system. The Consultant shall submit the 3D models to the State for review, concurrent with the ADP package submission. 7290Bridge Plans, Specifications, & Estimate (PS&E) SEQ CHAPTER \h \r 1[Applies to all bridges.]7291For each bridge, [or specify the bridge(s)] the Consultant shall incorporate State review comments into the ADP package and the three-dimensional (3D) models.For each bridge, [or specify the bridge(s)] after comment resolution, the Consultant shall prepare the bridge portion of the PS&E in accordance with the current version of the Highway Design Manual. 7292The Consultant shall incorporate into the contract plans the Boring Location Plan(s) and General Subsurface Profile Drawing(s). The Consultant shall also submit the Foundation Design Report to the State.7293For each bridge, [or specify the bridge(s)] the Consultant shall prepare a Level I Load Rating Package as described in NYSDOT’s Engineering Instruction 05-034 - Load Rating/Posting Guidelines for State-Owned Highway Bridges. The Level I Load Rating Package shall also include LRFR ratings as defined in the current version of AASHTO’s The Manual for Bridge Evaluation and in conformance with the NYSDOT Bridge Manual.The Consultant shall prepare a Level I Load Rating of the bridge using AASHTOWare Bridge Rating (BrR) software for review and acceptance. If the BrR software is not capable of analyzing one of the bridge’s structural rating units (e.g. cable stayed, suspension, segmental, etc.) the Consultant shall create a Level I Load Rating for those structural rating units using the proprietary software application used to generate the structural analysis. The proprietary software application used to generate the structural analysis and the Level I Load Rating shall be approved by the State. The Level I Load Ratings for the remainder of the structural rating unit(s) shall be created using BrR.[List and describe the agreed upon propriety software application used to generate the structural analysis and the Level I Load Rating for those structural rating units not rated using BrR.][The Consultant Manager shall submit the Consultant’s choice of structural analysis software to the Office of Structures’ – Bridge Safety Assurance Unit for approval.]The Level I Load Rating shall be incorporated into the contract plans in accordance with the EI 05-034. Immediately upon the completion of the Level I Load Rating, the Consultant shall transmit two (2) hard copies and one (1) electronic Adobe Acrobat file (*.pdf) copy of the Level I Load Rating Package to the State. The Consultant shall also submit to the State one (1) electronic copy of the BrR input files and one (1) electronic copy of the input files of any proprietary software applications used to generate the Level I Load Rating, along with a summary sheet listing the software program name, program version, and file name used.[The Consultant Manager shall submit the electronic copy of the input file(s) to the Regional Bridge Management Engineer in the NYSDOT Regional Office whose jurisdictional area includes the bridge.]7294Concurrent with the PS&E submission the Consultant shall submit to the State one (1) electronic copy of the design computations and the quantity workups. The Consultant shall also submit the revised 3D models.7295Bridge Inventory SEQ CHAPTER \h \r 1[Applies to all bridges.] Concurrent with the PS&E submission, the Consultant shall for each bridge, [or specify the bridge(s)] complete and provide the State with two (2) copies of:A new NYSDOT Bridge Inventory or NYSDOT Bridge Inventory updates in accordance with the current version of the NYSDOT Bridge Inventory Manual. The submitted Bridge Inventory shall reflect the physical condition and/or changes resulting from the construction.AASHTO Bridge Element Quantities, on a per span basis and for the entire bridge in accordance with current version of the NYSDOT Bridge Inspection Manual and AASHTO Manual for Bridge Element Inspection. The submitted AASHTO bridge element quantities shall reflect the physical condition and/or changes resulting from the construction.Upon request, blank update forms will be provided by the Office of Structures’ Bridge Data Systems Unit.The Consultant shall submit one copy of the completed inventory forms with the PS&E Package and a second copy of the completed inventory forms shall be submitted to the State.[The Consultant Manager shall submit one copy of the completed inventory forms to the Office of Structures’ – Bridge Data Systems Unit.] ................

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