Local Government Classification Scheme v2.02

LGCS 2.03


Metadata 1

1. Introduction 2

1.1 Purpose 2

1.2 Definitions 2

1.3 Scope 2

1.4 Benefits 3

2. Structure 3

2.1 Structure and use of the classification scheme 3

2.2 Abbreviations 3

2.3 Maintenance 4

2.4 Retention Scheduling 4

2.5 Contributors 5

Notes 5


|Name |Content |Scheme |

|Coverage |UK | |

|Creator |In-Form Consult Ltd, West Clayton, Berry Lane, Chorleywood, WD3 5EX. | |

|Date.Created |2006-08-21 | |

|Date.Issued |2006-08-21 | |

|Date.Modified |2007-08-17 | |

|Description |Local Government Classification Scheme has been issued to support local | |

| |authorities in the areas of Data Protection, Freedom of Information and | |

| |the Local Government Act. The schemes objective is to promote improved | |

| |records management practices within local government. | |

|Language |eng |ISO 639-2/T |

|Publisher |Records Management Society of Great Britain, Woodside, Coleheath Bottom,| |

| |Speen, Princes Risborough, HP27 0SZ | |

|Status |Version 2.03 | |

|Subject.Category |Information management |IPSV |

|Title |Local Government Classification Scheme | |

|Title.AlternativeTitle |LGCS 2.03 | |

|Relation.IsFormatOf | | |

|Source | | |

|Relation.IsReplacedBy | | |

The Local Government Classification Scheme (LGCS)

1. Introduction

Welcome to the LGCS. This scheme has been developed to ease the burden of developing classification schemes to support business activities undertaken in the predominantly (but not exclusively), local government environment. The content remains the intellectual property of the Records Management Society and is free to use subject to recognition relating to its origin - "The Records Management Society of Great Britain”.

The Records Management Society of Great Britain has issued this scheme after consultation with a number of local government authorities, their agencies and other experts in the field.

1.1 Purpose

The purpose of this scheme is to: -

"Facilitate and enhance the capacity of the organisation to share information and knowledge"(1).

Modern local government is becoming increasingly complex, with hardcopy and electronic records often arranged in mutually exclusive systems. This scheme seeks to achieve intellectual control over both, by ensuring that records, whatever their medium, are stored consistently.

It aims to achieve this by ensuring that electronic records and their hardcopy equivalents can be logically stored together, and, thereby “facilitate and enhance the capacity of the organisation to share information”.

1.2 Definitions


“Classification is the process of identifying the category or categories of business activity and the records they generate and of grouping them, if applicable, into files to facilitate description, control, links and determination of disposition and access status”(2).


Recorded information, in any form, including data in computer systems, created or received and maintained by an organisation or person in the transaction of business or the conduct of affairs and kept as evidence of such activity.

1.3 Scope

This scheme has been issued to support local authorities in the areas of Data Protection, Freedom of Information, Records Management and various information management related legislation. Its objective is to promote improved records management practices within local government.

The structure of the scheme is such that it promotes functionality. It is a hierarchy of terms, moving from the broadest level function to the more specific activity. In simple terms entries have been classified according to:-

Function, then

Activity, then


Much of the information held by a local authority is stored in case files and registers. Previous versions of the LGCS incorporated these structures within the classification scheme itself. This version of the LGCS has separately identified case files and registers. A single case file may incorporate information from several classes representing different transactions(3).

This version of the LGCS also identifies examples of types of records. These may have different retention schedules within the same class. These might be stored in separate folders, or identified as specific record types.

It is important to note that this scheme provides a starting point for the development of a business classification scheme. It is not intended to fully meet the needs of organisations intending to use it. The reason for this is that different authorities have different responsibilities and therefore undertake different functions and activities. Also an authority may use different terminology and wish to reflect this in its fileplan.

In adapting and extending the scheme, a hybrid approach (e.g. functional at high level, subject-based lower down with optional flatter case file areas), can, if implemented successfully gain most of the advantages of the functional and subject approaches whilst minimising the disadvantages (4).

The scheme has also been mapped to the Integrated Public Service Vocabulary (IPSV).

1.4 Benefits

The International Standard on Records Management suggests the following benefits accrue from the use of a classification scheme (5): -

1) A scheme provides linkages between individual records that accumulate to provide a continuous record of activity;

2) A scheme ensures records are named in a consistent manner over time;

3) A scheme assists in the retrieval of all records relating to a particular function or activity;

4) A scheme can be used when determining security protection and access levels appropriate for sets of records;

5) A scheme can be used when determining appropriate retention periods and disposition actions for records.

2. Structure

2.1 Structure and use of the classification scheme

The structure works from a general description at the first level reducing to the most specific description at lower levels.

First level headings identified reflect key groupings of functions undertaken by local authorities and aspects of administrative matters common to all organisations.

Second level terms are activities.

The third level identifies transactions which typically occur when information is exchanged with another party as part of a business process, but are informative only. This third level can also be used by each authority to add in organisation-specific terms.

One of the major failings of classification schemes generally is the difficulty they have incorporating case files. In pervious versions this scheme has taken the pragmatic approach of making the second level a unique case identifier and moving the activities to the level below. The more theoretical approach would be to reverse these levels. This version of the scheme has separately identified the case files but retained the activity and transaction levels within the classification. An authority may then choose how they wish to implement these case files within a fileplan.

The record series should not be regarded as a fourth level and neither should examples of records be regarded as a fifth level. They are not part of the classification scheme but have been included to assist in the development of a fileplan and the process of identifying retention schedules and mappings to the IPSV.

Natural language has been used as much as possible.

Note: While some terms may sound like or match business unit titles they are not linked in any way to any organisational unit. Do not assume a file or document is incorrectly classified because the title appears to associate it with a unit irrelevant to it.

2.2 Abbreviations

Abbreviations are to be avoided as they may prove to be obscure or change (e.g. the names of organisations or committees). To ensure this classification system will be relevant and meaningful for a long period of time, full names should be used. If they have to be used, their details should be maintained within scope notes (or a thesaurus) so that the classification system will be relevant and meaningful for a long period of time.

2.3 Identifiers

Unique identifiers have been added to classes. They are present in the XML format of the LGCS.

2.4 Maintenance

A classification system is a dynamic tool. It needs to reflect changes in authority functions and be kept up to date. A review of the scheme (aside from occasional updates to terminology), its levels and cross-references should be conducted annually to ensure it retains relevance.

2.5 Retention Scheduling

This version of the LGCS has incorporated retention guidance. This can only be guidance and it is the responsibility of the authority to determine if the schedules are appropriate to its requirements and comply with legislation. There is, in fact, very little specific legislation that stipulates mandatory retention periods for documents in local government.

The main pieces of legislation which do, either directly or indirectly, impose minimum retention periods are as follows:

Tax Legislation: Minimum retention periods for certain financial records are imposed by statutes such as the VAT Act 1994, and the Taxes Management Act 1970.

Statutory Registers: Various local government statutes require registers to be kept of certain events, notifications, or transactions. It is implicit within such legislative requirement that these records be maintained on a permanent basis, unless the legislation concerned stipulates otherwise.

The Audit Commission Act 1998: This provides auditors with a right of access to every document relating to the Council that appears necessary for the purposes of carrying out the auditor’s functions under the Act.

The Local Government Act 1972, s.225: Any document deposited with “the proper officer” of the Council in accordance with statute should be retained permanently. (This is analogous to the position re Registers, above).

Local Government Act 1972, Part VA: This governs public access to certain documents relating to Council and Committee meetings. Certain documents that form part of the public part of the agenda are required to be available for inspection by members of the public.

It is also worth noting that it is a criminal offence to destroy information to prevent disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

Other legislation such as the Data Protection Act 1998 may require information to be destroyed. Personal data must not be retained when it is no longer required.

Some retention is required to provide evidence of events in the case of dispute. The Limitations Act 1980 specifies time limits for commencing litigation. The majority (but not all) of potential legal claims are statute barred on the expiry of 6 years. For this reason many organisations consider it prudent to retain files or records for a period of 6 years form the date when the subject matter was completed. It is important, though, to keep in mind that in the course of the Council’s everyday business many documents are generated that serve no purpose after relatively short periods of time. Many documents will relate to completed matters where, realistically, the risk of subsequent litigation or other dispute is minimal, if not non-existent. Long-term retention of such documents is counterproductive.

Some key documents and documents of either historic interest or intrinsic value should be kept permanently. The involvement of an archivist at an early stage is beneficial in these circumstances.

Regardless of how good a retention schedule is created, it is the implementation of that schedule that is most important. In general terms a simple schedule that is well implemented is to be preferred to a complicated schedule that is poorly implemented.

RGLA in the rationale refers to the Retention Guidelines for Local Authorities (6).

2.6 Contributors

This version of the LGCS was prepared by Richard Jeffrey-Cook, In-Form Consult Ltd.

An LGCS Review Group commented upon version 2 as it was designed and drafted.

Particular thanks are extended to Robert Chell and Cardiff County Council for permission to use some of his ideas in structuring this new version of the scheme. Thanks are also extended to Paul Dodgson as the Project Lead for the RMS and Bob Wiggins for his assistance in the final stages.


1. National Archives of Australia: Overview of classification tools for records management, (NAA 2003).

2. BS/ISO/TR 15489-2: Information and Documentation - Records Management - Part 2: Guidelines (BSI 2001).

3. The National Archives: Annex B.4 to Functional Requirements for Electronic Records Management Systems v1.0 (TNA January 2005).

4. The National Archives: Business classification scheme design, (TNA 2003).

5. BS/ISO 15489-1: Information and documentation - records management - part 1: general, (BSI 2001).

6. Retention Guidelines for Local Authorities (Records Management Society of Great Britain 2003).

Top Level Functions

Adult care services

Children and families services

Community safety and emergencies

Consumer affairs

Council property

Crematoria and cemeteries


Economic development

Education and skills

Environmental protection


Health and safety


Human resources

Information and communication technology

Information management

Legal services

Leisure and culture


Planning and building control


Registration and coroners

Risk management and insurance

Transport and infrastructure

Waste management

Level Two Activities

Adult care services

. Asylum seekers

. Carers

. Community support

. Criminal justice

. Residential homes

. Social issues

. Supporting adults

. Supporting disabilities

Children and families services

. Adoption and fostering

. Child protection

. Childminding

. Children looked after in care

. Communications

. Programme management and development

. Residential homes

. Social issues

. Special education

. Supporting children

. Supporting disabilities

. Training

. Youth justice

. Youth services

Community safety and emergencies

. Advice

. Community safety

. Emergency planning

. Emergency service

. Enforcement

. Fire prevention

. Measures against vandalism

. Training

Consumer affairs

. Advice

. Enforcement

. Environmental health

. Investigation, inspections and monitoring

. Registration, certification and licensing

Council property

. Common land

. Maintenance of council property 

. Property acquisition and disposal

. Property and land management

. Property use and development

Crematoria and cemeteries

. Burial identity and location

. Maintenance of burial grounds


. Decision making

. Executive

. Governance

. Honours and awards

. Member support

. Planning

. Representation

Economic development

. Business intelligence

. Promotion

. Regeneration

. Sustainability

. Tourism

. Training

Education and skills

. Access and inclusion

. Admissions and exclusions

. Advice

. Arts services

. Curriculum development

. Education welfare

. Employment skills

. Life long learning

. Management of schools

. Teaching

Environmental protection

. Advice

. Conservation

. Monitoring


. Accounts and audit

. Asset management

. Financial provisions management

. Financial transactions management

. Local taxation

. National taxation

. Payroll and pensions

Health and safety

. Community safety

. Compliance

. Monitoring

. Risk management


. Advice

. Enforcement

. Estate management

. Housing provision

. Housing stock

. Managing tenancies

Human resources

. Administering employees

. Employee relations

. Equal opportunities

. Monitoring employees

. Occupational health

. Recruitment

. Terms and conditions of employment

. Training

. Workforce planning

Information and communication technology

. Infrastructure

. System support

Information management

. Access to information

. Archives

. Knowledge management

. Records management

. Registration

Legal services

. Advice

. Bylaws

. Land registration

. Land and highways

. Litigation

. Management of legal activities

. Planning controls

Leisure and culture

. Allotments

. Archives

. Arts

. Community facilities

. Leisure promotion

. Libraries

. Museums

. Parks and open spaces

. Sports facilities

. Sports

. Tourism


. Ceremonial

. Communication support

. Corporate communication

. Enquiries and complaints

. External audits

. Preparing business

. Project management

. Quality and performance

. Statutory returns

. Strategic planning

Planning and building control

. Building control

. Covenant control

. Development control

. Forward planning


. Contracting

. Market information

. Tendering

Registration and coroners

. Inquiries into deaths

. Marriage services

. Registration of births, marriages and deaths

. Treasure trove

Risk management and insurance

. Claims

. Insuring against loss

. Risk management

Transport and infrastructure

. Design and construction

. Harbours and waterways

. Highway development control

. Highway enforcement

. Infrastructure management

. Public transport

. Rights of way

. Road maintenance

. Road safety

. School transport

. Traffic management

. Transport planning

Waste management

. Fly tipping

. Street cleaning

. Waste collection

. Waste disposal

. Waste reduction

Level Three Transactions

Adult care services

. Asylum seekers

. . Advice and support

. . Nationality checking

. Carers

. . Agency provided services

. . Assessment

. . Financial support

. . Legal

. . Licensing

. . Review

. Community support

. . Day centres

. . Groups

. Criminal justice

. . Court orders

. . People on bail

. Residential homes

. . Operation of homes

. . Registration

. Social issues

. . Substance misuse

. Supporting adults

. . Assessment

. . Catering services

. . Finance and commissioning

. . Grants

. . Health

. . Legal

. . Licensing

. . Looked after in care

. . Mental health

. . Occupational therapy

. . Referral

. . Review

. . Transport services

. Supporting disabilities

. . Deaf

. . Employment

. . Equipment advice

. . Independence at home

. . Personal transport

Children and families services

. Adoption and fostering

. . Adoptive parent

. . Assessment

. . Financial support

. . Foster carer

. . Legal

. . Licensing

. . Review

. Child protection

. . Case assessment

. . Registration

. . Schedule 1 offenders

. Childminding

. . Registration

. . Support for childminders

. Children looked after in care

. . Registration

. Communications

. . Complaints

. Programme management and development

. . Services for children

. . Supporting children

. . Supporting young persons

. . Supporting adults

. Residential homes

. . Operation of homes

. . Registration

. Social issues

. . Substance misuse

. Special education

. . Learning support

. Supporting children

. . Admission appeals

. . Adoption process

. . Advice

. . Assessment

. . Attendance and truancy

. . Child protection

. . Children’s rights

. . Continuing care

. . Educational achievement assessments

. . Educational psychology

. . Educational welfare

. . Finance and commissioning

. . Financial support

. . Fostering Process

. . Grants

. . Health

. . Hospital and home tuition

. . Legal

. . Licensing

. . Looked after in care

. . Referral

. . Review

. . School exclusions

. . Special educational needs

. Supporting disabilities

. . Deaf

. Training

. . Support training

. Youth justice

. . Case management

. Youth services

. . Youth service provision

Community safety and emergencies

. Advice

. . Contingency planning

. . Fire safety planning

. . Home security

. Community safety

. . CCTV surveillance

. . Community wardens

. . Crime reduction

. . Neighbourhood Watch

. Emergency planning

. . Emergency agencies

. . Emergency call-outs

. . Emergency calls - 999

. . Emergency plan

. . Emergency warnings

. Emergency service

. . Notifications

. . Special service provision

. Enforcement

. . Fire safety legislation

. Fire prevention

. . Fire certification

. . Fire hydrants inspections

. . Fire safety

. . Fire safety inspections

. . Incident monitoring

. . Inspections

. . Investigations

. Measures against vandalism

. . Flyposting

. . Removal of graffiti

. Training

. . Training exercises

Consumer affairs

. Advice

. . Campaigns

. Enforcement

. . Prosecution of offences

. Environmental health

. . Animal control

. . Repatriation of deceased persons

. Investigation, inspections and monitoring

. . Inspections

. . Investigations

. . Monitoring

. Registration, certification and licensing

. . Entertainment and drinks

. . Food premises

. . Licence premises

. . Licensing

. . Sex establishments

Council property

. Common land

. . Grazing

. . Registration

. Maintenance of council property 

. . Maintenance

. . Planned maintenance

. . Refurbishment

. . Responsive maintenance

. Property acquisition and disposal

. . Acquisitions

. . Deeds

. . Disposal

. Property and land management

. . Accessibility

. . Building surveys

. . Certification

. . Distribution and allocation of properties

. . Energy management

. . Equipment disposal

. . Facilities management

. . Farm management

. . Feasibility

. . Fleet management

. . Health and safety

. . Internal agreements

. . Land and property history

. . Leasing

. . Management

. . Maps and directions

. . Property services

. . Property strategy

. . Replacement programme

. . Scheduling

. . Security

. . Usage statistics

. . Valuations

. Property use and development

. . Car parking

. . Design and construction

. . Traveller sites

. . Warehousing and storage

Crematoria and cemeteries

. Burial identity and location

. . Registration

. . Bookings

. . Exhumations

. . Interment Service

. . Licensing

. . Memorial management

. Maintenance of burial grounds

. . Planned Maintenance

. . Redundant Churchyards

. . Responsive Maintenance


. Decision making

. . Council and committee meetings

. . Delegations

. . Independent Remuneration Panel

. . Meeting - cabinet

. . Member panels

. . Referenda

. . Scrutiny Panel

. Executive

. . Statutory appointments

. Governance

. . Constitution

. Honours and awards

. . Honours submissions

. . Lord lieutenancy

. Member support

. . Gifts and hospitality

. . Register of Interests

. Planning

. . Cross departmental consideration

. . Forward Plan

. . Strategic Plan

. Representation

. . Constituencies

. . Elections

. . Emparishment

. . Lists of councillors

. . Lists of meetings

. . Nominations

. . Political parties’ papers

Economic development

. Business intelligence

. . Business listing

. . European development

. . Marketing

. Promotion

. . Advice to business

. . Business awards

. . Business development

. . Film and television development

. . International relations

. . List of properties

. . Markets

. . Voluntary sector development

. Regeneration

. . Community development

. . Regional development

. . Rural development

. . Strategy

. . Town centre management

. Sustainability

. . Sustainable development

. Tourism

. . Tourism development

. Training

. . Workforce support

Education and skills

. Access and inclusion

. . Project management

. . Traveller sites

. Admissions and exclusions

. . Appeals

. . Parental choice

. Advice

. . Advisory services

. Arts services

. . Field centres

. . Music services

. . Provision in schools

. . Performances

. Curriculum development

. . International projects

. . National curriculum

. . Out of schools projects

. . Outdoor education

. . Schools curricula

. Education welfare

. . Attendance and Truancy

. . Student welfare service

. Employment skills

. . Careers advice

. . Workplace training

. Life long learning

. . Adult and community services

. . Basic skills development

. Management of schools

. . Admissions

. . Emergency contacts

. . General information

. . Governing bodies

. . Governor contacts

. . Health and nursing

. . Inspections

. . Performance

. . Plans and policies

. . School catering

. Teaching

. . Teacher development

. . Mentoring

Environmental protection

. Advice

. . Biodiversity

. . Campaigns

. Conservation

. . Archaeological services

. . Countryside conservation

. . Forest management

. . Heritage conservation

. . Nature conservation

. . Urban conservation

. . Woodland management

. Monitoring

. . Coastal erosion

. . Environmental impact assessment

. . Environmentally sensitive areas


. Accounts and audit

. . Internal auditing

. . Reporting

. Asset management

. . Maintaining assets

. Financial provisions management

. . Borrowing

. . Budget

. . Credit union management

. . Debt management

. . Donations

. . Funding bids

. . Strategy and planning

. Financial transactions management

. . Authorisation

. . Expenditure

. . Fraud

. . Funding applications

. . Income

. . Internal recharging

. . Investments

. . National insurance numbers

. . Reconciliation

. . Refunds

. Local taxation

. . Benefits and subsidies

. . Business rates

. . Council tax

. . Property valuation

. National taxation

. . Tax payments

. Payroll and pensions

. . Pay

. . Pensions

Health and safety

. Community safety

. . Campaigns

. Compliance

. . Strategy and planning

. . Training

. Monitoring

. . Accidents and incident reporting

. . Asbestos inspections

. . Equipment

. . Hazardous substances

. . Health and safety inspections

. . Radiation

. Risk management

. . Risk assessments


. Advice

. . Advice to homeowners and tenants

. Enforcement

. . Assessment - housing standards

. . Safety inspections

. Estate management

. . Business premises

. . Car parking surveys

. . Garage application

. . Garage rental

. . Housing inspections

. . Neighbour disputes

. Housing provision

. . Allocations

. . Assessment - housing needs

. . Homelessness

. . Hostel providers

. . Housing applications

. . Housing exchanges

. . Housing stock requirements

. . Landlord accreditation

. . Sheltered housing

. Housing stock

. . Demolition

. . Emergency maintenance

. . Housing grants

. . Leases

. . Planned maintenance

. . Private housing grants

. . Property adaptations

. . Repairs and renovation

. . Risk assessment

. . Unauthorised occupants

. Managing tenancies

. . Adaptations

. . Adaptations grants

. . Advice

. . Agreements

. . Approving alterations

. . Assessment - housing needs

. . Breaches

. . Evictions

. . Housing repairs

. . Insurance

. . Rent arrears

. . Rent setting

. . Right to buy

. . Temporary accommodation

. . Tenancies

. . Welfare services

Human resources

. Administering employees

. . Counselling

. . Absence monitoring

. . Discipline

. . Disclosure of interest

. . Employee details

. . Employment conditions

. . Grievances

. . Individual training records

. . Induction

. . Job evaluation

. . Leave

. . Medical assessments

. . Maternity/paternity

. . Reporting

. . Termination

. Employee relations

. . Disciplinary matters reporting

. . Trade union liaison

. Equal opportunities

. . Equalities and diversity

. Monitoring employees

. . Performance appraisal

. . Reporting

. . Staff directory

. Occupational health

. . Absence reporting

. . Occupational health

. . Personal risk assessments

. . Sickness monitoring

. . Major injuries

. Recruitment

. . Authorisation

. . Job descriptions

. . Recruitment

. . Recruitment process

. . Secondment

. . Volunteers

. Terms and conditions of employment

. . Staff benefits

. . Staff facilities

. . Staff recognition

. . Terms and conditions

. Training

. . Driver training

. . Reporting

. . Support training

. . Training courses

. . Training plan

. Workforce planning

. . Workforce development planning

Information and communication technology

. Infrastructure

. . Disposal

. . Fault reporting

. . Licensing

. . Help Desk Support

. . Information security

. . Network maintenance

. . Server maintenance

. . Spatial data management

. . Storage

. . Strategy

. . Web development

. System support

. . Change Control

. . Configuration management

. . Data Management

. . Design and Construction

. . Development

. . Implementation

. . Integration and interfaces

. . Maintenance

. . Manuals

Information management

. Access to information

. . Data protection

. . Environmental information

. . Freedom of information

. Archives

. . Archives management

. Knowledge management

. . Information asset management

. Records management

. . Compliance

. . Forms development

. . Image capture

. . Retention scheduling

. . Tracking

. Registration

. . Statutory registers

Legal services

. Advice

. . Advice to the public

. . Provision of legal advice

. . Witness support

. Bylaws

. . Enactment

. . Enforcement

. Land and highways

. . Acquisition

. . Disposal

. Land registration

. . Land charges

. Litigation

. . Civil

. . Commercial

. . Criminal

. . Debt recovery

. . Precedent cases

. Management of legal activities

. . Archive deposits

. . Agreements

. . Conveyancing

. . Copyright

. . Drafting

. . Trusts

. Planning controls

. . Certificate of Lawful Use or Development

. . Section 106 agreements

Leisure and culture

. Allotments

. . Allotments

. Archives

. . Archive development

. . Cataloguing

. . Deposits

. . Loans

. . Membership

. . Research

. Arts

. . Arts development

. . Clubs and societies

. Community facilities

. . Equipment

. . Grants

. . Venues

. Leisure promotion

. . Countryside events

. . Exhibitions

. . Inclusion

. . Parks and gardens events

. . Play scheme

. Libraries

. . Book ordering

. . Bookings

. . Catalogue

. . Fines

. . Library development

. . Loans

. . Membership

. . Support for schools

. Museums

. . Deposit

. . Loans

. . Museum catalogue

. . Museum development

. Parks and open spaces

. . Maintenance

. . Playgrounds

. Sports facilities

. . Bookings

. . Equipment hire

. . Membership

. Sports

. . Sports development

. . Clubs and societies

. Tourism

. . Tourist accommodation

. . Visitor information


. Ceremonial

. . Civic and royal events

. . Corporate gifts

. Communication support

. . Interpreting and translation

. . Mail processing

. . Publication

. . Publications received

. . Staff communications

. Corporate communication

. . Campaigns

. . Corporate branding

. . Corporate publicity

. . Graphic design

. . Marketing

. . Media cuttings

. . Media liaison

. . Media releases

. . Public relations

. Enquiries and complaints

. . Appeals

. . Complaints

. . Complaints to Ombudsman

. . Compliments

. . Customer profiling

. . Customer satisfaction

. . Stage 1 complaints

. . Stage 2 complaints

. External audits

. . Audits

. Preparing business

. . Meetings

. . Officer Representation

. . Partnership and agency working

. Project management

. . Closure

. . Governance

. . Initiation and delivery

. . Start up

. Quality and performance

. . Assessments

. . Best value reviews

. . Inspections

. . Process mapping

. Statutory returns

. . Reports to government

. Strategic planning

. . Business cases

. . Corporate initiatives

. . Organisational structure

. . Policies and procedures

. . Public consultation

. . Service level agreements

Planning and building control

. Building control

. . Application processing

. . Building regulations

. . Registration

. . Unauthorised works

. Covenant control

. . Policies

. . Covenant controls

. Development control

. . Application processing

. . Conservation areas

. . Enforcement

. . Hedges

. . Registration

. . Planning obligations

. . Tree

. Forward planning

. . Economic regeneration

. . Heritage listing

. . Housing development

. . Local plan

. . National planning policy

. . Natural environment

. . Planning policy

. . Planning schemes

. . Regional plan

. . Sustainable development

. . Urban centre planning


. Contracting

. . Approved suppliers

. . Contract awards

. . Contract management

. . Requisition

. Market information

. . Product evaluation

. . Product information

. Tendering

. . Tenders

. . Tendering policies

Registration and coroners

. Inquiries into deaths

. . Coroners inquests

. . Investigations

. . Registration

. Marriage services

. . Conducting a marriage service

. . Registration

. Registration of births, marriages and deaths

. . Advice and support

. . Certification

. . Notification

. . Registration

. Treasure trove

. . Inquests

Risk management and insurance

. Claims

. . Claims processing

. Insuring against loss

. . Insurance

. Risk management

. . Business continuity planning

. . Education

. . Risk assessment

Transport and infrastructure

. Design and construction

. . Roads and highways

. . Traffic management schemes

. Harbours and waterways

. . Boat moorings

. . Port facilities

. . Registration

. Highway development control

. . Highway adoption

. . Highway extent queries

. . Highway extinguishment

. . Notification

. . Planning control

. . Road classification

. Highway enforcement

. . Advertising hoarding

. . Highways

. . Parking

. . Parking fines

. . Road reinstatement

. . Scaffolding

. . Speeding fines

. . Weight limits

. Infrastructure management

. . Cycle routes

. . Geotechnical services

. . Maintenance

. . Markings and signage

. . Public conveniences

. . Service providers

. . Street furniture

. . Street naming and numbering

. . Surveys

. . Taxi ranks

. Public transport

. . Community transport

. . Concessions

. . Public transport plan

. . Timetable

. Rights of way

. . Enquiries

. . Locations

. . Orders

. . Planning applications

. . Ploughing and cropping

. . Searches

. Road maintenance

. . Bridge inspections

. . Drains and gullies

. . Emergency maintenance

. . Hazard removal

. . Inspections

. . Kerbs

. . Planned maintenance

. . Scheduled maintenance

. . Verge maintenance

. Road safety

. . Accident investigations

. . MOT testing

. . Road safety awareness

. . Safety audits

. . School crossing patrols

. . Speed cameras

. School transport

. . School transport services

. Traffic management

. . Abnormal loads

. . Gritting and snow clearance

. . Monitoring

. . Parking

. . Parking sites

. . School routes

. . Street lighting

. . Traffic calming

. . Traffic reduction

. . Traffic orders

. . Weather forecasting

. Transport planning

. . Development control

. . Strategy and planning

. . Transport modelling

. . Travel plans

Waste management

. Fly tipping

. . Fly tipping

. Street cleaning

. . Pest control

. . Road cleansing

. Waste collection

. . Abandoned vehicles

. . Bulk

. . Controlled

. . Domestic

. . Trade

. Waste disposal

. . Waste sites

. . Waste sites development

. Waste reduction

. . Composting

. . Recycling

Complete Listing with Scope Notes

|Class |Series |Records |Scope Notes |

|Adult care services | | |All matters relating to the help and support of adult individuals. |

|. Asylum seekers | | |Services for asylum seekers. |

|. . Advice and support | | |Information on temporary accommodation, meals and other advice and support |

| | | |for asylum seekers. |

|. . Nationality checking | | |Checking applications for British citizenship to ensure all the paperwork is |

| | | |correct before the application is submitted to the Home Office. |

|. Carers | | |Information relating to carers. Carer files would typically be organised by |

| | | |name and some form of identifier. |

|. . Agency provided services |Case files - carer |Essential information |Information concerning our use of 'agency' care provisions. |

|. . Assessment |Case files - carer | |Assessment of suitability of a carer, information about carer's identity, |

| | | |history, etc. |

|. . Financial support |Case files - carer | |Details of financial support provided to carer. |

|. . Legal |Case files - carer | |Any legal issues. |

|. . Licensing |Case files - carer | |Details of the carer's driving and any other licences. |

|. . Review |Case files - carer | |Carer reviews. |

|. Community support | | |Support for those who may be in need of community care. |

|. . Day centres | | |Provision of day centres. |

|. . Groups | | |Information on recognised groups and organisations that provide advice and |

| | | |support for those who may be in need of community care. |

|. Criminal justice | | |Services provided to individuals in the criminal justice system. |

|. . Court orders | | |Community reparation and community service orders. |

|. . People on bail | | |Support to the courts and to people on bail. |

|. Residential homes | | |Information relating to residential homes. |

|. . Operation of homes |Case files -residential home |Activities |Details of home's activities. |

|. . Operation of homes |Case files -residential home |Diary |Details of home's diary. |

|. . Operation of homes |Case files -residential home |Menu |Details of home's menus. |

|. . Operation of homes |Case files -residential home |Roster sheet |Record of home's rosters. |

|. . Registration |Case files -residential home |Licensing |Any other related information including Care Home Licence details. |

|. Social issues | | |Information on general support for individuals with issues such as alcohol or|

| | | |drug abuse. |

|. . Substance misuse | | |Work to prevent and action to address drug misuse and related issues. |

|. Supporting adults | | |Information relating to individual service users. |

|. . Assessment |Case files - service user |Care plan |Assessment of whether applicant is eligible for services and judgements about|

| | | |what services should be provided. |

|. . Assessment |Case files - service user |Carer details |Details of assigned carers. |

|. . Assessment |Case files - service user |Contact sheet |Contact details for both client and carers. |

|. . Assessment |Case files - service user |Essential information |May include; name, DOB, gender, address, ethnicity, religion, next of kin and|

| | | |support history of client. |

|. . Catering services | | |Management of catering services within social care. |

|. . Finance and commissioning |Case files - service user | |Information relating to any financial support provided. Accounting |

| | | |information should go under 'Finance'. |

|. . Grants |Case files - service user |Application |Grants applied for client. |

|. . Health |Case files - service user | |The client's health details. |

|. . Legal |Case files - service user | |Details of any legal issues. |

|. . Licensing |Case files - service user |Disabled parking permit |The Issue of Blue Badge Disabled Parking Permits (formally known as Orange |

| | | |Badges), for this individual. |

|. . Looked after in care |Case files - service user | |Details about any residential care. |

|. . Mental health |Case files - service user | |Any details about the client's mental health. |

|. . Occupational therapy |Case files - service user | |Details of any Occupational Therapy received. |

|. . Referral |Case files - service user | |Request for service or service transferred to another provider. |

|. . Review |Case files - service user | |Details of any review of services. |

|. . Transport services |Case files - service | |Provision of transport. |

| |providers | | |

|. Supporting disabilities | | |Information on general support for individuals with disabilities |

|. . Deaf | | |Support for the deaf in communicating with those who can hear. |

|. . Employment | | |Advice and support on training and employment. |

|. . Equipment advice | | |Advice on purchase and/or loan of specialist equipment. |

|. . Independence at home | | |Rehabilitation, advice to regain independence in the home or the provision of|

| | | |aids. |

|. . Personal transport | | |Information on the Motability scheme. |

|Class |Series |Records |Scope Notes |

|Children and families services | | |Child care, protection, fostering and family support. |

|. Adoption and fostering | | |Adoption and fostering, information relating to the carer. |

|. . Adoptive parent |Case files -carer |Essential information |Information about adoptive parents. |

|. . Assessment |Case files -carer | |Assessment on suitability of a carer. |

|. . Financial support |Case files -carer | |Information about financial support. |

|. . Foster carer |Case files -carer | |Information that is foster care related. |

|. . Legal |Case files -carer | |Legal issues. |

|. . Licensing |Case files -carer |Care or care licence |Care or care licence. |

|. . Review |Case files -carer |Carer reviews |Details of reviews of the carer. |

|. Child protection | | |Information on protecting children from harm. |

|. . Case assessment |Case files - child protection| |Process involving individual case assessment. |

|. . Case assessment |Case files - child protection|Initial assessment |Process involving initial assessment and advice. |

|. . Registration | |Register |Consolidated listing of children requiring protection. |

|. . Schedule 1 offenders | |Register |Consolidated listing of section 1 offenders. |

|. Childminding | | |Information related to child minding. |

|. . Registration | |Register |Provision of a list of registered childminders. |

|. . Support for childminders | | |Information and support for those interested in becoming a registered |

| | | |childminder and those already registered. |

|. Children looked after in care | | |Information on children in care. |

|. . Registration | |Register |Consolidated listing of children looked after in care. |

|. Communications | | |Communication on child services. |

|. . Complaints | | |Complaint records. |

|. Programme management and development | | |Programme management and development of services for children and families |

|. . Services for children | | |Process involved in development of services or programmes for children. |

|. . Supporting children | | |Process involved in provision of services or programmes to support the |

| | | |development of children. |

|. . Supporting young persons | | |Process involved in provision of services or programmes to support the |

| | | |development of young persons. |

|. . Supporting adults | | |Process involved in provision of services or programmes to adults. |

|. Residential homes | | |Information on residential homes for children. |

|. . Operation of homes |Case files - residential home| |Documentation about the running of a children’s home. Information about |

| | | |individual clients must go on the individual child file. |

|. . Operation of homes |Case files - residential home|Activities |Information about activities in the home. |

|. . Operation of homes |Case files - residential home|Diary |The home's diaries, or listing of daily occurrences within the home. |

|. . Operation of homes |Case files - residential home|Menu |Menu information. |

|. . Operation of homes |Case files - residential home|Roster Sheet |Roster sheets and arrangements. |

|. . Registration |Case files -residential home | |Children's home register. |

|. Social issues | | |Information on social issues. |

|. . Substance misuse | | |The use of drugs for non-medical purposes including drug abuse and addiction.|

|. Special education | | |Information on special education services. |

|. . Learning support | | |Educational arrangements for those with learning difficulties, and support |

| | | |for other special cases e.g. talented or gifted children, or those |

| | | |disadvantaged by language or gender. |

|. Supporting children | | |Information on services provided for the benefit of individual children. |

|. . Admission appeals |Case files -child | |Information in regard to appeals on admission to a specific school. |

|. . Adoption process |Case files -child | |Information about adoption. |

|. . Advice |Case files -child | |Help given to assist an individual child. |

|. . Assessment |Case files -child | |Assessment whether applicant is eligible for services or judgement about what|

| | | |service should be provided. |

|. . Assessment |Case files -child |Care plan |Choice of services offered and action to be taken. |

|. . Assessment |Case files -child |Carer details |Details of involved carers. |

|. . Assessment |Case files -child |Contact sheet |Details of contact details for family/child and care staff. |

|. . Assessment |Case files -child |Essential information |May include; name, DOB, gender, address, ethnicity, religion, next of kin and|

| | | |support history. |

|. . Attendance and truancy |Case files -child | |Children not attending school. |

|. . Child protection |Case files -child | |Any information concerning protection of the child or children. |

|. . Children’s rights |Case files -child | |Information relating to children's rights. |

|. . Continuing care |Case files -child |Student details |Details relating to the client as a student. |

|. . Continuing care |Case files -child |Student profile |Student profile details. |

|. . Continuing care |Case files -child |Work experience |Details about any work experience offered or undertaken. |

|. . Educational achievement assessments |Case files -child | |Education history. |

|. . Educational psychology |Case files -child | |Assessing children for special educational needs and assisting children who |

| | | |may need counselling as a result of an incident. |

|. . Educational welfare |Case files -child | |Information relating to education welfare issues. |

|. . Finance and commissioning |Case files -child | |Details about any commissioned services, accounting information goes under |

| | | |'Finance'. |

|. . Financial support |Case files -child | |General information about financial support provided, accounting information |

| | | |goes under 'Finance'. |

|. . Financial support |Case files -child |Clothing grant |Clothing grants provided. |

|. . Financial support |Case files -child |School meals |Meals provided for pupils within schools. |

|. . Financial support |Case files -child |Student award |Any student awards made. |

|. . Financial support |Case files -child |Student loan |Student loans provided. |

|. . Financial support |Case files -child |Travel pass |Information relating to travel passes. |

|. . Fostering Process |Case files -child | |Details about the management of the client's foster care. |

|. . Grants |Case files -child | |Details about other grants. |

|. . Health |Case files -child | |Details of any health issues. |

|. . Hospital and home tuition |Case files -child | |Tuition for sick children and pregnant schoolgirls in the home or a hospital |

| | | |environment. |

|. . Legal |Case files -child | |Details relating to legal issues. |

|. . Licensing |Case files -child | |Details of any licences for a child to take part in performing arts, sports |

| | | |or modelling activities, work or similar. |

|. . Looked after in care |Case files -child | |Information about any residential care arrangements. |

|. . Referral |Case files -child | |Request for service or service transferred to another provider. |

|. . Review |Case files -child | |Details of any care reviews. |

|. . School exclusions |Case files -child | |Permanent or temporary exclusion from school. |

|. . Special educational needs |Case files -child | |Educational arrangements for those with learning difficulties, and support |

| | | |for other special cases e.g. talented or gifted children, or those |

| | | |disadvantaged by language or gender. |

|. Supporting disabilities | | |Information on general support for individuals with disabilities |

|. . Deaf | | |Supporting communication for the deaf. |

|. Training | | |Training provided to individuals working with children, |

|. . Support training | | |Training provided to support individuals or organisations working with or for|

| | | |clients. |

|. Youth justice | | |Youth justice. |

|. . Case management |Case files | |Youth offending teams dealing with young people who have offended and youth |

| | | |teams dealing with preventing youth crime and supporting young people at |

| | | |risk. |

|. Youth services | | |Youth services. |

|. . Youth service provision | | |Includes youth clubs and voluntary youth organisations as well as services |

| | | |provided to young people by statutory bodies. |

|Class |Series |Records |Scope Notes |

|Community safety and emergencies | | |The management of fire and emergency services to Council and council |

| | | |property. |

|. Advice | | |Advice supplied to the public on community safety and emergencies. |

|. . Contingency planning | | |Activities in relation to the requirement of local authorities to provide |

| | | |advice on contingency planning to business. |

|. . Fire safety planning | | |Activities relating to the provision of Fire Safety services. |

|. . Home security | | |Specific, immediate, and practical security advice to householders. |

|. Community safety | | |Activities to make the community safer. |

|. . CCTV surveillance | | |CCTV related information. |

|. . Community wardens | | |Information on actions of community wardens. Including information shared |

| | | |with police and other agencies. |

|. . Crime reduction | | |Activities designed to reduce the impact and fear of crime. |

|. . Neighbourhood Watch | | |Council involvement in Neighbourhood Watch schemes. |

|. Emergency planning | | |Information on emergency planning. |

|. . Emergency agencies | | |List of public contacts for emergency agencies. |

|. . Emergency call-outs | | |List of council contact numbers to use in the case of any emergency or major |

| | | |incidents. |

|. . Emergency calls - 999 | | |Process around receipt and despatch of emergency vehicles. |

|. . Emergency plan | |Development |Document containing council's plans and procedures for dealing with |

| | | |emergencies. |

|. . Emergency plan | |Tests |Information on tests of the emergency plan. |

|. . Emergency warnings | | |Weather, security, incident warnings etc. made to the public. |

|. Emergency service | | |Information on activities related to the emergency services. |

|. . Notifications | | |The process of notification to individuals and organisations on their |

| | | |failures to conform to licensing standards (legislation in regard to |

| | | |emergency services). |

|. . Special service provision | | |Saving cats from trees, unlocking doors, car accidents etc. |

|. Enforcement | | |Enforcement of safety legislation. |

|. . Fire safety legislation | | |Enforcement of fire safety legislation. |

|. . Fire safety legislation | |Prosecution |Prosecutions for breach of fire safety legislation. |

|. Fire prevention | | |Activities to prevent fires occurring. |

|. . Fire certification | | |Documentation relating to applications from organisations for the granting of|

| | | |fire certificates. |

|. . Fire hydrants inspections | | |Fire hydrant inspection records. |

|. . Fire safety | | |Advice given to individuals and organisations on an individual basis relating|

| | | |to fire safety and emergencies. |

|. . Fire safety inspections | | |Fire safety inspection records. |

|. . Incident monitoring | |Major incident |Incident reports and frequency monitoring. |

|. . Incident monitoring | |Minor incident |Incident reports and frequency monitoring. |

|. . Inspections | | |Other fire safety information. |

|. . Investigations | | |Fire safety investigations records. |

|. Measures against vandalism | | |Reporting and measures against vandalism. |

|. . Flyposting | | |Removal of illegally posted advertisements, leaflets and similar items. |

|. . Removal of graffiti | | |Information reporting on and the removal of graffiti. |

|. Training | | |Training on how to deal with major incidents. |

|. . Training exercises | | |Training exercises for major incidents and fire services. |

|Class |Series |Records |Scope Notes |

|Consumer affairs | | |Documentation created out as part of the trading standards or environmental |

| | | |health function. Cases may be organised by a simple unique numbering |

| | | |sequence such as the company registration number. |

|. Advice | | |Documentation relating to advice given to and from consumer affairs. |

|. . Campaigns | | |Information relating to campaigns within consumer affairs. |

|. Enforcement | | |Enforcement of trading standards. |

|. . Prosecution of offences |Case files - organisation |Dangerous and wild animals |Documentation relating to enforcement action on dangerous and wild animals. |

|. . Prosecution of offences |Case files - organisation |Health and safety at work |Documentation relating to enforcement action on health and safety in the |

| | | |workplace. |

|. . Prosecution of offences |Case files - organisation |Inspections |Inspection of premises, individuals or organisations carried out. |

|. . Prosecution of offences |Case files - organisation |Weights and measures |Documentation relating to enforcement action on weights and measures. |

|. Environmental health | | |Information related to the environmental health function. |

|. . Animal control | | |Information on activities to reduce the risk to human health from |

| | | |domesticated animals and/or the premises where they are kept, to prevent |

| | | |nuisance from pet animals or from the keeping or boarding of pet animals and |

| | | |to reduce the risk to animal health arising from commercial keeping of pet or|

| | | |similar non-livestock animals. |

|. . Repatriation of deceased persons | |Cadaver Certificates |Issuing of Cadaver Certificates. |

|. Investigation, inspections and monitoring |Case files - organisation | |This is the unique identifier for an authority to specify the name and any |

| | | |unique reference number. A simple unique numbering sequence is the company |

| | | |registration number. (Companies Act 1985, Industrial and Provident Societies |

| | | |Act 1965 to 1978). |

|. . Inspections |Case files - organisation |Equipment inspection records |Inspection of premises, individuals or organisations carried out. |

|. . Inspections |Case files - organisation |Food standards inspection forms |Documentation regarding inspections made on establishments concerning food |

| | | |hygiene standards. |

|. . Investigations |Case files - organisation | |Process of investigation of a possible infringement in this area. |

|. . Investigations |Case files - organisation |Nuisances |Investigations and reports on complaints regarding animals. |

|. . Monitoring |Case files - organisation | |The process of monitoring various aspects within this area. |

|. . Monitoring |Case files - organisation |Air pollution |Monitoring concerning pollution of the air. |

|. . Monitoring |Case files - organisation |Animal health |Monitoring of the health and well being of animals. |

|. . Monitoring |Case files - organisation |Food hygiene |Monitoring of food hygiene. |

|. . Monitoring |Case files - organisation |Food hygiene, home care |Monitoring of food hygiene within home care programmes. |

|. . Monitoring |Case files - organisation |Food safety |The monitoring of food safety. |

|. . Monitoring |Case files - organisation |Food standards |Monitoring of food standards. |

|. . Monitoring |Case files - organisation |Hazardous substances |Monitoring of hazardous substances. |

|. . Monitoring |Case files - organisation |Land pollution |Monitoring of pollution of land. |

|. . Monitoring |Case files - organisation |Pollution |Monitoring of the spread and containment of pollution. |

|. . Monitoring |Case files - organisation |Private water supplies |Monitoring the quality and safety of private drinking water supplies. |

|. . Monitoring |Case files - organisation |River pollution |Monitoring of the contamination of rivers. |

|. . Monitoring |Case files - organisation |Weights and measures |The monitoring of business and industry. |

|. . Monitoring |Case files - organisation |Swimming pools |Monitoring of swimming pool safety and hygiene standards. |

|. . Monitoring |Case files - organisation |Product safety |The monitoring and regulation of product safety. |

|. . Monitoring |Case files - organisation |Infectious diseases |The monitoring of infectious disease. |

|. . Monitoring |Case files - organisation |Responsive |The monitoring of consumer affairs response. |

|. . Monitoring |Case files - organisation |Nuisances |The monitoring of general nuisance within the public domain. |

|. Registration, certification and licensing | | |Consolidated listing of licensed activities requiring a register within the |

| | | |local authority. |

|. . Entertainment and drinks | |Register |Consolidated listing of licensed entertainment and drink venues. |

|. . Food premises | |Register |Consolidated listing of licensed of food premises. |

|. . Licence premises | |Register |Consolidated listing of licensed for the sale or consumption of alcohol. |

|. . Licensing |Animal boarding licences | |Documentation involved with licensing of animal boarding establishments. |

|. . Licensing |Animal breeding licences | |Documentation involved with licensing of animal breeding. |

|. . Licensing |Auction premises licences | |Documentation involved with licensing of auction premises. |

|. . Licensing |Building materials licences | |Documentation involved with licensing of building materials. |

|. . Licensing |Butchers licences | |Documentation involved with licensing of meat retailers. |

|. . Licensing |Caravan and camp site | |Documentation regarding caravan and camp site licences. |

| |licences | | |

|. . Licensing |Cemetery licences | |Documentation relating to the licensing of cemeteries. |

|. . Licensing |Cooling towers | |Documentation relating to the licensing of cooling towers. |

|. . Licensing |Credit licensing | |Documentation relating to the licensing of credit. |

|. . Licensing |Crematoria licences | |Documentation relating to the licensing of Crematoria. |

|. . Licensing |Dangerous wild animals | |Licensing documentation regarding dangerous wild animals. |

| |licences | | |

|. . Licensing |Entertainment licences | |Documentation regarding Entertainment licences. |

|. . Licensing |Food business licences | |Licensing documentation regarding food. |

|. . Licensing |Food licences | |Documentation relating to the licensing of food related issues. |

|. . Licensing |Hackney licences | |Documentation relating to Hackney licensing. |

|. . Licensing |Highway projection licences | |Documentation relating to the licensing of Highway projection. |

|. . Licensing |Hoarding licences | |Documentation relating to hoarding licensing. |

|. . Licensing |Infectious diseases licensing| |Documentation relating to the licensing and use of Infectious diseases. |

| |and use | | |

|. . Licensing |Late hours catering licences | |Documentation relating to late hours catering licences. |

|. . Licensing |Liquor licences | |Documentation relating to liquor licensing. |

|. . Licensing |Lottery registration | |Documentation regarding gambling and lottery licences. |

|. . Licensing |Massage and special treatment| |Documentation relating to the licensing of massage and special treatment |

| |licences | |establishments. |

|. . Licensing |Non medicinal poisons | |Documentation relating to the licensing of non medicinal poisons. |

| |licences | | |

|. . Licensing |Nursing agencies licences | |Licensing documentation regarding nursing agencies. |

|. . Licensing |Other hazardous substances | |Licensing documentation regarding other hazardous substances. |

|. . Licensing |Personal licences | |Licensing documentation regarding fire safety and public entertainment. |

|. . Licensing |Pet shop licences | |Licensing documentation regarding pet shop. |

|. . Licensing |Petroleum | |Documentation relating to the licensing of petroleum. |

|. . Licensing |Premises licences | |Documentation regarding premises licences. |

|. . Licensing |Premises licences |Club premises certificates |Documentation regarding premises licences. |

|. . Licensing |Premises licences |Temporary event notices. |Documentation regarding entertainment licences. |

|. . Licensing |Private hire licences | |Licensing documentation regarding private hire taxi services. |

|. . Licensing |Public entertainment licences| |Repealed by the Licensing Act 2003, retained for information already held. |

|. . Licensing |Riding establishment licences| |Documentation regarding caravan and camp site licences. |

|. . Licensing |Sale of explosives licences | |Documentation regarding sale of explosives licences. |

|. . Licensing |Scrap metal licences | |Documentation regarding scrap metal licences. |

|. . Licensing |Sex establishments | |Documentation regarding sex establishment licences. |

|. . Licensing |Shops | |Documentation regarding the licensing of shops. |

|. . Licensing |Scaffold licences | |Documentation regarding scaffolding licences. |

|. . Licensing |Skip licences | |Documentation regarding skip licences. |

|. . Licensing |Street collections and | |Documentation regarding street collections and lotteries licences. |

| |lotteries licences | | |

|. . Licensing |Street trading licences | |Documentation regarding street trading licences. |

|. . Licensing |Zoo licences | |Documentation regarding zoo licensing. |

|. . Sex establishments | |Register |Consolidated listing of licensed of sex establishments. |

|Class |Series |Records |Scope Notes |

|Council property | | |General documentation of council buildings. |

|. Common land | | |Open land owned by the local authority. |

|. . Grazing | |Grazing permits |Information related to grazing on common land. |

|. . Registration | |Register |The local authority is responsible for maintaining a register of common land |

| | | |and village greens within its boundaries. |

|. Maintenance of council property  | | |Maintenance records - typically organised by property |

|. . Maintenance | |Instruction manuals |Instruction manuals related to council property. |

|. . Planned maintenance |Case files - property | |Documentation relating to the process of managing and undertaking planned |

| | | |maintenance of property. |

|. . Refurbishment |Case files - property |Tenders and contracts |Documentation relating to the process of managing and undertaking planned |

| | | |renovations and development of property. |

|. . Responsive maintenance |Case files - property | |Documentation relating to the process of managing and undertaking emergency |

| | | |maintenance of property. |

|. Property acquisition and disposal | | |Information on the acquisition and disposal of property. |

|. . Acquisitions |Case files - property |Assets over £ 50000 |Any papers concerning the management of the acquisition (by finance lease or |

| | | |purchase) process for real property council property. |

|. . Acquisitions |Case files - property |Assets under £ 50000 |Any papers concerning the management of the acquisition (by finance lease or |

| | | |purchase) process for real property council property. |

|. . Deeds |Case files - property | |Deeds and associated documentation. |

|. . Disposal |Case files - property |Assets over £ 50000 |Documents relating to the management of the disposal (by sale or write off) |

| | | |process for real property. |

|. . Disposal |Case files - property |Assets under £ 50000 |Documents relating to the management of the disposal (by sale or write off) |

| | | |process for real property. |

|. . Disposal |Case files - property |Sale or write-off of property |Information on the disposal of property. |

|. Property and land management | | |Management of Council land and property. |

|. . Accessibility |Case files - property | |Documentation and information relating to the access of property owned by the|

| | | |council. |

|. . Building surveys | |Surveys |Data collected from surveys conducted on council buildings. |

|. . Certification |Case files - property | |Certificates of approval. |

|. . Distribution and allocation of properties | | |Documentation relating to the distribution of council property. |

|. . Energy management | | |Documentation concerned with energy management within the council's property.|

|. . Energy management |Case files - property | |Papers concerning the management of energy within the council. |

|. . Equipment disposal | | |Process involved in the disposal of council equipment. |

|. . Facilities management | | |Process involved in the management of council facilities. |

|. . Farm management | | |Documentation concerned with farm management. |

|. . Feasibility | |Feasibility studies |Process involved in checking the feasibility of council property. |

|. . Fleet management | |Allocation and maintenance of |Information how vehicles have been allocated and maintained. |

| | |vehicles | |

|. . Fleet management | |Recording drivers usage |Information on drivers. |

|. . Fleet management | |Recording vehicle usage |Information on vehicle usage. |

|. . Fleet management | |Vehicle records, lease or purchase |Documentation regarding the process of acquisition and disposal of vehicles |

| | | |through lease or purchase. |

|. . Health and safety |Case files - property |System processes |Health and safety issues specific to property owned by the council. |

|. . Internal agreements |Case files - property | |Information and documentation specific to internal agreements concerning |

| | | |council property. |

|. . Land and property history |Case files - property | |Historical documents about council property and land owned by the council. |

|. . Leasing |Case files - property |Managing leased property |Documents relating to the process of managing leased property. |

|. . Leasing |Case files - property |Managing the occupancy of property |Documents relating to the process of managing the occupancy of the property. |

|. . Management | |Estates of special interest |The process of managing and undertaking renovations and development of |

| | | |property. |

|. . Management | |Other buildings and estates |The process of managing and undertaking renovations and development of |

| | | |property. |

|. . Maps and directions |Case files - property | |Maps and directions relating to council property. |

|. . Property services |Case files - property | |Documentation concerned with services provided from council property. |

|. . Property strategy | | |Overall reports on council property. |

|. . Replacement programme | | |Documentation associated with replacement programmes. |

|. . Scheduling | |Inventories |Inventories of specific properties or assets contained within them. |

|. . Security |Case files - property | |Documentation relating security and processes related with security of the |

| | | |council's property. |

|. . Usage statistics |Case files - property | |Any data held concerned with usage of council property. |

|. . Valuations |Case files - property |Valuations on disposal |Valuation documentation and statistics. |

|. Property use and development | | |Information on how the property was developed and how it is being used. |

|. . Car parking |Case files - property | |Any documentation regarding the process of managing and undertaking |

| | | |renovations and development specific to car parking. |

|. . Design and construction |Case files - property | |Documentation relating to the process of managing the design and construction|

| | | |of council property. |

|. . Traveller sites | | |Documentation relating to sites specifically designated as 'Traveller sites'.|

|. . Warehousing and storage | | |Process documentation concerning warehouse storage. |

|Class |Series |Records |Scope Notes |

|Crematoria and cemeteries | | |Information dealing with cemeteries, redundant churchyards and crematoria. |

|. Burial identity and location | | |The location of burials and identity of who has been buried. |

|. . Registration | |Cemetery plans, burial plot layout |Documentation regarding the layout of burial space in crematoria and |

| | | |cemeteries. |

|. . Registration | |Summary management systems, registers|Includes: Burial Register and plan of plot ownership and occupation. |

| | | |Crematorium Register of cremations and plan or ownership of interment of |

| | | |ashes. Commemoration Register and plan of headstones/shrubs and ownership. |

|. . Bookings | |Applications |Documentation related to booking made for a cremation, interment or monument |

| | | |erection. |

|. . Exhumations | | |Documentation regarding the process of regulation of exhumation. |

|. . Interment Service | |Regulation of burials and cremations |Process relating to the burial or cremation of an individual. |

|. . Licensing | |Permits |Documentation regarding cemetery and crematoria licensing. |

|. . Memorial management | | |Records relating to the ordering of a memorial. |

|. Maintenance of burial grounds | | |Maintenance records for burial grounds. |

|. . Planned Maintenance | | |Program of maintenance to cemeteries and crematoria over the next maintenance|

| | | |period. |

|. . Redundant Churchyards | | |Documentation relating to disused churchyards, specifically their upkeep. |

|. . Responsive Maintenance | | |Emergency or unplanned maintenance to cemeteries and crematoria. |

|Class |Series |Records |Scope Notes |

|Democracy | | |Management of democratic activities including elections, assembly and |

| | | |committee meetings. |

|. Decision making | | |Information on decisions taken. |

|. . Council and committee meetings | |Minutes |Agendas, meetings and minutes relating to full council decision making |

| | | |processes. |

|. . Council and committee meetings | |Committee Clerks Notebooks |Agendas, meetings and minutes relating to full council decision making |

| | | |processes. |

|. . Delegations | | |The process of delegating power to authorise an action and the seeking and |

| | | |granting permission to undertake a requested action. |

|. . Independent Remuneration Panel | | |Documentation relating to the Independent Remuneration Panel |

|. . Meeting - cabinet | |Minutes |Agendas, meetings and minutes relating to the executive board of members. |

|. . Member panels | | |Agendas, meetings and minutes relating to member panels. |

|. . Referenda | | |Management of democratic activities including elections, assembly and |

| | | |committee meetings. |

|. . Scrutiny Panel | | |Agendas, meetings and minutes relating to the scrutiny panel. |

|. Executive | | |Information on the Council executive. |

|. . Statutory appointments | |Appointment files |List of statutory appointments of the council. |

|. . Statutory appointments | |Vacancy files |The process of selection of an individual for a statutory position. |

|. Governance | | |Information on how the Council is governed. |

|. . Constitution | |Constitution |The constitution of the council. |

|. Honours and awards | | |Honours and awards. |

|. . Honours submissions | | |The submissions and details of individuals considered for honours. |

|. . Lord lieutenancy | | |Documentation relating to Lord Lieutenancy. |

|. Member support | | |Support to council members. |

|. . Gifts and hospitality | |Register |Register of gifts and hospitality. |

|. . Register of Interests | |Register |Members' disclosure of any involvement in organisations and income received |

| | | |from other bodies, which may affect their actions as council members. |

|. Planning | | |Council plans. |

|. . Cross departmental consideration | | |Reports and minutes. |

|. . Forward Plan | | |The list of items to be considered by the cabinet over the next four months. |

|. . Strategic Plan | |Minutes |Strategic management team minutes. |

|. . Strategic Plan | |Reviews |Monitoring and reviewing strategic plans. |

|. Representation | | |Information on representation. |

|. . Constituencies | | |Ward names, numbers and boundaries. |

|. . Elections | | |The activities carried out in the process of electing representatives at |

| | | |parish, district, county, parliamentary and European constituency level. |

|. . Elections | |Ballot papers - European elections |European election ballot papers. |

|. . Elections | |Ballot papers - local elections |Local election ballot papers. |

|. . Elections | |Consolidated returns of votes |Election results. |

| | |received | |

|. . Elections | |Summary certification of those |Summary certification of those eligible to vote. |

| | |eligible to vote | |

|. . Elections | |Electoral Register |The list of people registered to vote. |

|. . Emparishment | | |The process in creating a new civil parish council. |

|. . Lists of councillors | |Council diaries, members details |Public contact details of your local representative of the council. |

|. . Lists of meetings | | |List of meetings of Council and committees. |

|. . Nominations | | |Listing of members and others representing the council on external bodies. |

| | | |Official delegation to represent councils' interests. Includes membership of |

| | | |other bodies. |

|. . Political parties’ papers | | |Leader of council papers, leader of opposition papers. |

|Class |Series |Records |Scope Notes |

|Economic development | | |Management of activities to promote and examine the local economy. |

|. Business intelligence | | |Information relating to businesses in the local area |

|. . Business listing | |Business directory |Listing of businesses trading within the local area. Only organisations that |

| | | |have requested inclusion included. |

|. . European development | | |Information collected regarding European funding. |

|. . Marketing | |Economic data |The collection and management of the economic and social data about the local|

| | | |area. |

|. Promotion | | |Management of activities to promote and examine the local economy. |

|. . Advice to business | | |Information on providing advice to new or existing businesses. |

|. . Business awards | |Grants |Information regarding business awards and grants. |

|. . Business development | |Fairs |Information about activities designed to develop and encourage business |

| | | |development in the local area. Including externally funded projects and |

| | | |sustainability. |

|. . Business development | |Business associations |Information about activities designed to develop and encourage business |

| | | |development in the local area. Including externally funded projects and |

| | | |sustainability. |

|. . Film and television development | | |To promote area as a location and centre of excellence for the film and |

| | | |broadcasting industries. |

|. . International relations | |Twinning |Encouraging relations with people from other countries and cultures to |

| | | |support the development of the local area. |

|. . List of properties | | |A list of properties or land currently available to let within the area. |

|. . Markets | | |Information about markets, including farmers markets. Also renting market |

| | | |stalls from the Council. |

|. . Voluntary sector development | | |The information relating to the encouragement of the voluntary sector |

| | | |activity. |

|. Regeneration | | |Regeneration of local communities and regions. |

|. . Community development | | |Information relating to revitalising a specific area or community. |

|. . Regional development | | |Participation in regional activities. |

|. . Rural development | | |Information relating to reducing disadvantage and increasing access in rural |

| | | |areas. |

|. . Strategy | | |Information relating to revitalising a specific area or community. |

|. . Town centre management | | |Information relating to the management of business community in the town |

| | | |centres. |

|. Sustainability | | |Information about sustainability. |

|. . Sustainable development | | |Information and documentation looking at sustainable development. |

|. Tourism | | |Information relating to tourism. |

|. . Tourism development | | |The information relating to the development of tourism. |

|. Training | | |Information on training to support economic growth. |

|. . Workforce support | | |Information about activities to support continued employment in the area. |

|Class |Series |Records |Scope Notes |

|Education and skills | | |Activities relating to the provision and support for education and learning. |

|. Access and inclusion | | |Activities relating to educational access and inclusion. |

|. . Project management | | |Educational access and inclusion related projects. |

|. . Traveller sites | | |Activities aimed at ensuring access to education for travellers. |

|. Admissions and exclusions | | |Information on school admissions and exclusions. |

|. . Appeals | | |The process to question a decision or allocation which has been given. |

|. . Parental choice | | |General information involved regarding choosing a school. |

|. . Parental choice | |School directory |Information specifically concerning school directories. |

|. Advice | | |Process in providing advice on education. |

|. . Advisory services | | |Documentation on the different advisory services provided regarding education|

| | | |and skills. |

|. Arts services | | |Information on education relating to the arts. |

|. . Field centres | | |Utilisation and management of field centres in arts education. |

|. . Music services | | |Music tuition provided for individuals or groups within schools or music |

| | | |centres. |

|. . Provision in schools | |Orders and bookings |Organisation and management of bookings for arts performances. |

|. . Performances | | |Orders and bookings made for arts services made by schools. |

|. Curriculum development | | |Information about developing the curriculum. |

|. . International projects | | |Information on international projects. |

|. . National curriculum | | |Helping schools and teachers develop the curriculum within schools. |

|. . Out of schools projects | | |Data and information on out of school projects i.e. after school clubs, |

| | | |outings etc. |

|. . Outdoor education | | |Documentation on the countryside with regards to outdoor education. |

|. . Schools curricula | | |Helping schools and teachers develop the curriculum within schools. |

|. Education welfare | | |Information on education welfare. |

|. . Attendance and Truancy | | |Data collected by student services on behaviour and attendance. |

|. . Student welfare service | | |Documentation regarding student services and the support they provide. |

|. Employment skills | | |Information on providing job skills. |

|. . Careers advice | | |The provision of careers advice. |

|. . Workplace training | | |The process of developing the workforce skill. |

|. Life long learning | | |Learning for all ages. |

|. . Adult and community services | | |Learning for all ages including non school, college or university settings. |

|. . Basic skills development | | |Process to develop a basic level of skills and competencies. |

|. . Basic skills development | |Course directory |Information on the different courses available to adults. |

|. Management of schools | | |General information and data held about individual schools. Case files are |

| | | |typically organised by school. |

|. . Admissions |School files | |The process of admitting students to schools. |

|. . Emergency contacts |School files | |Details of emergency contacts. |

|. . General information |School files | |General information involved regarding the school's holidays, etc. |

|. . Governing bodies |School files | |A school is governed by a body like the board of a limited company - |

| | | |information, services and assistance for school governors. |

|. . Governing bodies | |Governor minutes |Minutes of the school governors. |

|. . Governor contacts |School files | |Contact details of school governors. |

|. . Health and nursing |School files | |School nursing and health promotion. |

|. . Inspections |School files | |Details on inspections carried out within a school, specifically about |

| | | |dangerous structures. |

|. . Performance |School files | |The results an individual schools has achieved, classified by school Key |

| | | |Stage 2 SATs results for primary schools and GCSE/A level results for |

| | | |Secondary schools. |

|. . Plans and policies |School files | |Plans and policies developed by the schools. |

|. . School catering |School files | |School meals and nutritional information. |

|. Teaching | | |Documentation relating to teaching staff and there development programs. |

|. . Mentoring | | |The provision of learning mentors. |

|. . Teacher development | | |Activities relating to the provision and support for education and learning. |

|Class |Series |Records |Scope Notes |

|Environmental protection | | |General information on environmental protection. |

|. Advice | | |Documentation relating to advice given. |

|. . Biodiversity | | |Information regarding biodiversity. |

|. . Campaigns | | |Documentation regarding campaigns specifically concerning environmental |

| | | |protection. |

|. Conservation | | |Information about conservation. |

|. . Archaeological services | | |Provision of archaeological services and consultancy to both commercial and |

| | | |public sector clients in the local area. |

|. . Countryside conservation | | |Documentation relating to the management of the countryside. |

|. . Forest management | | |Documentation relating to the management of forests. |

|. . Heritage conservation | | |Documentation looking specifically at heritage conservation. |

|. . Nature conservation | | |Documentation looking specifically at nature conservation. |

|. . Urban conservation | | |Documentation relating to conservation in towns and cities. |

|. . Woodland management | | |Documentation relating to the management of woodland. |

|. Monitoring | | |Information on monitoring the environment. |

|. . Coastal erosion | | |Data and information on coastal erosion. |

|. . Environmental impact assessment | | |Documentation relating to environmental impact assessments. |

|. . Environmentally sensitive areas | | |Data held concerning environmentally sensitive areas. |

|Class |Series |Records |Scope Notes |

|Finance  | | |The management of financial resources by the council. |

|. Accounts and audit | | |Information related to accounting and auditing. |

|. . Internal auditing | | |Activities relating to internal or external auditing of the authority. |

|. . Reporting | |Annual corporate financial reports: |Activities relating to the consolidation of financial transactions and the |

| | |Consolidated annual reports, |production of financial statements. Includes ledgers, monthly management |

| | |Consolidated financial statements, |accounts and statutory returns. |

| | |Operating statements, General ledger | |

|. . Reporting | |Periodic financial reports: Monthly |Accounting reports. |

| | |and quarterly reports | |

|. Asset management | | |Management of financial assets. |

|. . Maintaining assets | |Asset registers |Activities relating to collection of information about the authority's fixed |

| | | |assets for accounting purposes. |

|. . Maintaining assets | |Maintaining plant and equipment |Information on plant and equipment. |

|. . Maintaining assets | |Maintenance |Information on maintenance of other assets. |

|. . Maintaining assets | |Overall assets |Overall list of assets. |

|. . Maintaining assets | |Reporting and reviewing asset status |Reports and reviews of assets |

|. . Maintaining assets | |Summary reports |Summary reports on assets. |

|. Financial provisions management | | |Information on managing the finances of the authority. |

|. . Borrowing | | |Activities relating to the borrowing of money by the authority. Includes |

| | | |mortgages. |

|. . Borrowing | |Loan register |Summary management of loans. |

|. . Budget | |Annual budget |Activities involved in planning and monitoring the authority's annual budget.|

| | | |Includes allocation of budget to administrative units within the authority. |

| | | |For longer term planning, see Strategy and planning. |

|. . Budget | |Developing annual budget: Draft |Information relating to the development of the budget. |

| | |budgets, departmental estimates | |

|. . Budget | |Reporting actual vs. planned revenue |Actual against planned revenue and expenses. |

| | |and expenditure | |

|. . Credit union management | | |Activities involved in credit union management. |

|. . Debt management | | |Activities involved in managing the debts owed to the council. |

|. . Donations | | |Activities involved in the administration of donations to the authority. For |

| | | |administration of grant funding, see Funding bids. |

|. . Funding bids | | |Activities relating to applications by the authority for grant funding by |

| | | |external bodies. For applications to the authority for funding, see Funding |

| | | |applications. |

|. . Strategy and planning | | |Activities involved in the long term planning of the authority's financial |

| | | |management. Includes the financial forecast. For annual budget planning, see |

| | | |Budget. |

|. Financial transactions management | | |Information on financial transactions. |

|. . Authorisation | | |Activities involved in delegating authority for carrying out financial |

| | | |activities on behalf of the authority. |

|. . Expenditure | |Identification of the receipt, |Activities involved in the payment for goods and services by the authority. |

| | |expenditure and write offs of public |Includes expenses claims and honorariums. For records relating to benefits |

| | |monies |claims, see Benefits and subsidies. |

|. . Expenditure | |Travel expenses |Travel expenses. |

|. . Fraud | | |Activities relating to the detection, prevention and prosecution of financial|

| | | |irregularity. |

|. . Funding applications | | |Activities relating to the process of considering and administering |

| | | |applications to the authority for grant funding. For applications by the |

| | | |authority for grant funding, see Funding Bids. |

|. . Income | | |Activities involved in the collection of money owed to the council. Includes |

| | | |rent payments. |

|. . Internal recharging | | |The mechanism for recharging costs within the council. |

|. . Investments | | |Activities relating to the investment of the authority's funds. |

|. . National insurance numbers | |Notification and input records |Processes involved in the collection of National Insurance Number. |

|. . Reconciliation | |Balance and reconcile financial |Activities involved in the reconciliation of accounts. |

| | |accounts | |

|. . Refunds | | |Documentation relating to refunds. |

|. Local taxation | | |Local taxation documentation. |

|. . Benefits and subsidies |Council tax and benefit files| |Activities involved in the administration of benefits payments. |

|. . Business rates |Account files | |Business rates information (other than property valuation). |

|. . Council tax |Council tax and benefit files| |Council tax information. |

|. . Property valuation | |Other valuation information |Valuation of assets other than property. |

|. . Property valuation | |Rateable property information |Rateable property information. |

|. . Property valuation | |Valuation lists |Documentation relating to property valuation. |

|. National taxation | | |General documents relating to taxation and similar financial matters. |

|. . Tax payments | |Tax correspondence |Activities involved in managing the payment of taxes by the authority. |

|. . Tax payments | |Taxation records |Activities involved in managing the payment of taxes by the authority. |

|. Payroll and pensions | | |Information on payroll and pensions. |

|. . Pay | |Payment of employees |Activities involved in the administration of remuneration to staff of the |

| | | |authority. |

|. . Pay | |Summary pay reports |Non-accountable processes relating to payment of employees. |

|. . Pensions | | |Activities involved in the administration of pension schemes for current and |

| | | |former employees. |

|Class |Series |Records |Scope Notes |

|Health and safety | | |Management of measures to ensure a healthy and safe workplace. |

|. Community safety | | |Documents relating to community safety issues |

|. . Campaigns | | |Campaigns to promote compliance to health and safety policies. |

|. Compliance | | |Information on compliance with health and safety legislation. |

|. . Strategy and planning | |System processes |Establishment of a strong health and safety work culture in order to ensure |

| | | |compliance with health and safety legislation and provide a safe and healthy |

| | | |working environment for employees. |

|. . Strategy and planning | |Health and Safety Policy |Health and safety policies. |

|. . Training | | |Documentation relating to health and safety training. |

|. Monitoring | | |Monitoring of health and safety at work. |

|. . Accidents and incident reporting | | |Information about the reporting of individual accidents and actions resulting|

| | | |from them. |

|. . Accidents and incident reporting | |Accident books - adult |Registers of accidents and incidents. |

|. . Accidents and incident reporting | |Accident books - children |Registers of accidents and incidents. |

|. . Asbestos inspections | | |Monitor the condition of known asbestos products within buildings. |

|. . Equipment | |Safety inspections |Process of inspecting equipment to ensure it is safe. |

|. . Hazardous substances | |COSSH inspections |Control and monitor the use of hazardous substances at work. |

|. . Health and safety inspections | | |Activities relating to internal or external inspections examining the |

| | | |authority's health and safety provision. |

|. . Radiation | |Radon Monitoring |Monitoring of radiation. |

|. Risk management | | |Management of health and safety risks. |

|. . Risk assessments | | |Activities relating to risk assessments carried out by the authority. |

| | | |Includes workplace assessments. |

|Class |Series |Records |Scope Notes |

|Housing | | |The council's statutory responsibility for housing. |

|. Advice | | |Provision of housing advice. |

|. . Advice to homeowners and tenants | | |Help and advice to private tenants or landlords. |

|. Enforcement | | |The enforcement of housing standards within the local area. |

|. . Assessment- housing standards | | |Assessment of housing standards. |

|. . Safety inspections | | |Safety inspections on homes in multiple occupation. |

|. Estate management | | |Documentation on the management of housing estates. |

|. . Business premises | | |Documentation relating to the inspection and monitoring of the environment of|

| | | |business premises. |

|. . Car parking surveys | | |Documentation relating to the inspection and monitoring of the environment of|

| | | |council estate car parking. |

|. . Garage application | | |Applications for garage space. |

|. . Garage rental |Tenant file | |Documentation relating to garage rental and allocation. |

|. . Housing inspections | | |Documentation relating to the inspection and monitoring of the environment of|

| | | |the council housing estate. |

|. . Neighbour disputes | | |Documentation relating to the resolution of neighbour disputes involving |

| | | |council tenants. |

|. Housing provision | | |Information relating to the provision of housing. |

|. . Allocations | | |Information relating to the process of allocating property (homes and |

| | | |garages) to applicants on the waiting list. |

|. . Assessment - housing needs | | |Assessment of whether applicant is eligible for services or judgement about |

| | | |what service we should provide. |

|. . Homelessness | | |Process in providing short term and emergency accommodation for homeless |

| | | |people. |

|. . Hostel providers | | |Documentation relating to hostel providers and youth hostels in general. |

|. . Housing applications | | |Documents related to housing applications. |

|. . Housing applications | |Unsuccessful applications |Documents related to unsuccessful housing applications. |

|. . Housing applications | |Council housing register |The register of individual housing applications. |

|. . Housing exchanges | |Mutual exchange list |Current register of properties available for exchange. |

|. . Housing stock requirements | | |Information on amount and type of housing stock required. |

|. . Landlord accreditation | | |Landlord accreditation schemes. |

|. . Sheltered housing | | |Information on the provision of sheltered housing. |

|. Housing stock | | |Information relating to housing stock. Property may be identified by address|

| | | |and by the UPRN. |

|. . Demolition |Property file | |Demolition of housing stock. |

|. . Emergency maintenance |Property file | |Emergency or unplanned maintenance to council housing. |

|. . Housing grants |Property file |Grants over £ 50,000 |Documentation relating to housing grants. |

|. . Housing grants |Property file |Grants under £ 50,000 |Documentation relating to housing grants. |

|. . Leases |Property file | |Documentation relating to housing deeds. |

|. . Planned maintenance |Property file | |Program of maintenance to council housing over the next maintenance period. |

|. . Private housing grants |Property file | |Provision of grant assistance to improve the condition of private housing. |

|. . Property adaptations |Property file | |Details of properties adapted to clients' needs. |

|. . Repairs and renovation |Property file | |Documents relating to repairs and renovations of housing. |

|. . Risk assessment | |Asbestos Register |Register of asbestos in council housing. |

|. . Unauthorised occupants | | |Squatters and unauthorised occupants. |

|. Managing tenancies | | |Information relating to the tenancy. |

|. . Adaptations |Property file | |Discretionary assistance to disabled and elderly council tenants for their |

| | | |dwellings and gardens outside of normal tenancy arrangements. |

|. . Adaptations grants |Property file | |Provision of grant assistance to the adapting of homes. |

|. . Advice |Tenant file | |Advice given to council tenants. |

|. . Agreements |Tenant file |Ordinary Tenancy |Documentation relating to the tenancy agreement. |

|. . Agreements |Tenant file |Tenancy under seal |Documentation relating to the tenancy agreement. |

|. . Approving alterations |Property file | |Permission requested by tenants to undertake alterations. |

|. . Assessment - housing needs |Tenant file | |Assessment whether applicant is eligible for services or judgement about what|

| | | |service we should provide. |

|. . Breaches |Tenant file | |Documentation relating to the notification and enforcement of breaches of |

| | | |council tenancy agreements. Includes rent arrears. |

|. . Evictions |Tenant file | |Documentation relating to evictions of specific tenants. |

|. . Housing repairs |Tenant file | |Housing repairs documentation relating to specific properties. |

|. . Insurance | | |Contents insurance for council tenants. |

|. . Rent arrears |Tenant file | |Documentation relating to the notification and enforcement of breaches of |

| | | |council tenancy agreements. Includes rent arrears. |

|. . Rent setting | | |Documentation relating to rent setting of housing. |

|. . Right to buy |Tenant file | |Documentation relating to tenants statutory right to purchase council |

| | | |housing. |

|. . Temporary accommodation |Tenant file | |Provision of temporary accommodation. |

|. . Tenancies |Tenant file | |Personal details relating to tenancies held. |

|. . Welfare services |Tenant file | |Services associated with disadvantaged persons to enable them to continue |

| | | |living in their homes/community. |

|Class |Series |Records |Scope Notes |

|Human resources | | |Management of personnel. |

|. Administering employees | | |Employee files usually have several identifiers, name and date of birth, NI |

| | | |number etc. |

|. . Counselling |Employee files | |Documentation relating to counselling offered to an employee. |

|. . Absence monitoring |Employee files | |Records documenting an employee's absence due to sickness. |

|. . Discipline |Employee files | |Documentation relating to the discipline of employees. |

|. . Discipline |Employee files |Final warnings |Disciplinary warnings - final. |

|. . Discipline |Employee files |No warning given |Proceedings where it proven to be unfounded. |

|. . Discipline |Employee files |Oral warnings |Disciplinary warnings - oral. |

|. . Discipline |Employee files |Warnings involving children |Disciplinary warnings - behaviour to children. |

|. . Discipline |Employee files |Written warnings |Disciplinary warnings - written. |

|. . Disclosure of interest | | |Register of declared interests of employees in relation to anything being |

| | | |transacted or discussed by the authority. |

|. . Employee details |Employee files | |Documentation relating to individuals general or specific conditions of |

| | | |employment. |

|. . Employment conditions |Employee files | |Documentation relating to individuals general or specific conditions of |

| | | |employment. |

|. . Grievances |Employee files | |Documentation relating to grievances between the employer and employee's. |

|. . Individual training records |Employee files | |Documentation relating to an individuals training record and any work |

| | | |experience undertaken within the authority. |

|. . Individual training records |Employee files |Proof of completion |Documentation relating to proof of training course completion. |

|. . Induction | | |Documentation relating to the process and undertaking of induction for new |

| | | |employees or councillors |

|. . Job evaluation | | |Documentation relating to the approach to performance appraisals |

|. . Leave |Employee files | |Documentation relating to requested employee leave: annual, study, carers, |

| | | |special, compassionate, unpaid leave etc. |

|. . Medical assessments |Employee files | |Documentation regarding medical assessments and general information on |

| | | |healthy living. |

|. . Maternity/paternity |Employee files | |Records documenting entitlements to, and calculations of, Statutory Maternity|

| | | |Pay. |

|. . Reporting | | |Reports related to working hours and terms and conditions. |

|. . Termination | | |Documentation relating to the leaving process: resignation, termination other|

| | | |than pension. |

|. Employee relations | | |Information on employee relations. |

|. . Disciplinary matters reporting | | |Summary management information relating to disciplinary matters. |

|. . Trade union liaison | |Strategy |Matters relating to the relationship with recognised unions. |

|. . Trade union liaison | |Routine matters |Documentation relating to liaison with unions and employee representative |

| | | |organisations. |

|. Equal opportunities | | |Information on equal opportunities |

|. . Equalities and diversity | | |Equality and diversity documents which include information on fair treatment |

| | | |of employees and general guidelines. |

|. . Equalities and diversity | |Investigations |Investigation and reporting on specific cases. |

|. Monitoring employees | | |Information on monitoring employees. |

|. . Performance appraisal | |Probationary reports and performance |Documentation relating to the performance appraisal of an employee, including|

| | |plans |performance related pay if applicable. |

|. . Reporting | | |Staff statistic documentation. |

|. . Staff directory | | |Employee/sectional contact details. |

|. Occupational health | | |Occupational health records. |

|. . Absence reporting | | |Aggregated management information on absences, for instance, working days |

| | | |lost to various sickness categories. |

|. . Occupational health | |Staff health records |Documentation relating to occupational health and safety. |

|. . Occupational health |Employee files |Training |Occupational health and safety training. |

|. . Personal risk assessments |Employee files | |Including restrictions i.e. cannot lift or desk work only. |

|. . Sickness monitoring |Employee files | |Documentation relating to sickness absence, including medical certificates. |

|. . Major injuries | | |Documentation relating to major injuries. |

|. Recruitment | | |Recruitment of staff. |

|. . Authorisation | | |Authorisation to recruit for a position. |

|. . Job descriptions | | |The job description and person specifications for current posts. |

|. . Recruitment | | |Process relating to the recruitment of an employee to the authority. |

|. . Recruitment |Position |Unsuccessful candidates |Documents relating to unsuccessful candidates. |

|. . Recruitment |Position | |Selection for a position. |

|. . Recruitment process | | |Documentation relating to the recruitment process. |

|. . Secondment |Secondment files | |Documentation relating to the process of secondments to or from the |

| | | |authority. |

|. . Volunteers |Volunteer files | |Documentation relating to volunteers available to or used by the council, |

| | | |including risk assessments. |

|. Terms and conditions of employment | | |Terms and conditions for employees. |

|. . Staff benefits | | |Documentation relating to staff benefits. |

|. . Staff facilities | | |Documentation regarding facilities for staff including proposals for leisure |

| | | |facilities and eateries. |

|. . Staff recognition | | |Staff recognition documentation. |

|. . Terms and conditions | | |The general terms and conditions of employment with the council. |

|. Training | | |Training information. Training courses are typically identified by name and |

| | | |date. |

|. . Driver training | | |Driver training documentation. |

|. . Reporting | | |Performance management relating to training and development, including |

| | | |feedback statistics. |

|. . Support training | | |Training provided to support individuals or organisations working with or for|

| | | |clients. |

|. . Training courses |Training course files |Course administration |Training documentation relating to specific courses and sessions. |

|. . Training courses |Training course files |Courses concerning children |Training courses concerning children. |

|. . Training courses |Training course files |Training materials |Training course materials. |

|. . Training courses |Training course files | |Documentation relating to training courses and initiatives. |

|. . Training plan | |Corporate training plan |Listing of corporate training activities and forward plans. Includes health |

| | | |and safety training. |

|. Workforce planning | | |Information on workforce planning. |

|. . Workforce development planning | |Financial rewards |Documentation relating to workforce management. |

|. . Workforce development planning | |Strategy |Documentation relating to workforce management and salaries. |

|Class |Series |Records |Scope Notes |

|Information and communication technology | | |Information and communication technology documentation. |

|. Infrastructure | | |Information relating to the infrastructure. |

|. . Disposal | |Assets under £ 50,000 |Documentation relating to the process of disposal of hardware and software |

| | | |belonging to this authority. |

|. . Disposal | |Assets over £ 50,000 |Documentation relating to the process of disposal of hardware and software |

| | | |belonging to this authority. |

|. . Fault reporting | | |Customer (public) reporting of faults relating to council services. |

|. . Licensing | | |Documentation in relation to software licensing. |

|. . Help Desk Support | | |Help desk support information relating to specific systems or pieces of |

| | | |software. |

|. . Information security | | |Data security information and documentation. |

|. . Network maintenance | | |Documentation relating to the maintenance and support of the network. |

|. . Server maintenance | | |Documentation relating to system servers and their maintenance. |

|. . Spatial data management | | |Documentation relating to geographic information systems. |

|. . Storage | | |Documentation relating to storage systems and servers. |

|. . Strategy | | |Documentation relating to an ICT Strategy. |

|. . Web development | | |Includes development of Internet, Intranet and Extranet. |

|. System support | | |Documentation relating to a specific application. System logs may be |

| | | |identified by application, hardware etc. |

|. . Change Control |System log | |Documentation relating to planned changes to a specific system. |

|. . Configuration management |System log | |Documentation relating to the configuration of the system. |

|. . Data Management |System log | |Documentation relating to the management of specific systems data which |

| | | |includes back ups, mirroring, and systems interfaces. |

|. . Design and Construction |System log | |Documentation relating to the design and construction of systems. |

|. . Development |System log | |Documentation relating to the development of systems and software. Includes |

| | | |web technology development, programming. |

|. . Implementation |System log | |Documentation relating to systems implementation |

|. . Integration and interfaces |System log | |Documentation in relation to data conversion, data matching, data mapping and|

| | | |system interfacing. |

|. . Maintenance |System log | |Documentation relating to the maintenance and support of software and |

| | | |systems. Includes website. |

|. . Manuals |System log | |Manuals and user information relating to specific systems and software. |

|Class |Series |Records |Scope Notes |

|Information management | | |Documentation regarding access to information. Includes Freedom of |

| | | |Information Act, client access to records, Environmental Information |

| | | |Regulations, and Data Protection Act. |

|. Access to information | | |Providing access to Council information. |

|. . Data protection | |Subject Access Request |Process around the request under data protection. |

|. . Data protection | |Notification |Process of notifying the Information Commissioner on data held. |

|. . Environmental information |Information requests |Access status records |Statistical data about the number of requests you answered and their outcomes|

| | | |etc. Details of access decisions. |

|. . Environmental information |Information requests |Information scheduled for destruction|Information subject to an EIR request but scheduled for destruction. |

|. . Environmental information |Information requests |Individual transaction records |Case file records detailing the EIR request, the consideration of possible |

| | | |exemptions and subsequent appeals. |

|. . Environmental information |Information requests |Policy records |Procedures for handling EIR requests and other documents regarding practical |

| | | |implementation of EIR. |

|. . Freedom of information |Information requests |Access status records |Statistical data about the number of requests you answered and their outcomes|

| | | |etc. Details of access decisions. |

|. . Freedom of information |Information requests |Information scheduled for destruction|Information subject to a FOI request but scheduled for destruction. |

|. . Freedom of information |Information requests |Individual transaction records |Case file records detailing the FOI request, the consideration of possible |

| | | |exemptions and subsequent appeals. |

|. . Freedom of information |Information requests |Policy records |Procedures for handling FOI requests and other documents regarding practical |

| | | |implementation of FOI. |

|. . Freedom of information | |Publication Scheme |The publication scheme that is required under the Freedom of Information Act |

| | | |2000. |

|. Archives | | |Information on permanent storage of items. |

|. . Archives management | |Records catalogue |The consolidated listing of all records held by the authority. |

|. Knowledge management | | |Information related to education and training. |

|. . Information asset management | |Information asset register |List of information assets. |

|. . Information asset management | |Record surveys |Information relating to an audit of records of various types. |

|. . Information asset management | |Circulation lists |Information in regards circulation lists, address books etc. |

|. Records management | | |Information on managing the records of the authority. |

|. . Compliance | |Classification schemes |Information and data standards as used by the authority, e.g. E-GMS, planning|

| | | |data set etc. |

|. . Forms development | |Standard templates |Standard templates. |

|. . Forms development | | |Manual and electronic forms design. |

|. . Image capture | | |Audio visual library information. |

|. . Retention scheduling | |Disposal certificates |Information regarding disposal of the council’s records. |

|. . Tracking | |Issues log |Information regarding tracking and tracing the movement of information from |

| | | |records, archives and libraries. |

|. Registration | | |Registers. |

|. . Statutory registers | |Register |Statutory data registers. |

|Class |Series |Records |Scope Notes |

|Legal services | | |Management of legal activities on behalf of the council as a corporate body. |

|. Advice | | |Information on advice provided. |

|. . Advice to the public | | |Community legal services. |

|. . Provision of legal advice | | |Providing advice to clients and services which are legally privileged |

| | | |relating to all aspects of the legal system. |

|. . Witness support | | |Witness support schemes. |

|. Bylaws | | |Local bylaws. |

|. . Enactment | | |The process of making local laws. |

|. . Enforcement | | |The process of administering and enforcing bylaws. |

|. Land and highways | | |Information on land and highways. |

|. . Acquisition | |Road adoptions |Documentation relating to the process of acquiring land in relation to roads.|

|. . Disposal | | |Disposal of land associated with the highway. |

|. Land registration | | |Land registration. |

|. . Land charges | |Searches |Searches and title investigations. |

|. . Land charges | |Registers |Legal documentation relating to land charges. |

|. Litigation | | |Process dealing with civil and criminal litigation, debt recovery, commercial|

| | | |litigation. |

|. . Civil |Case files | |Civil litigation. |

|. . Commercial |Case files | |Commercial litigation. |

|. . Criminal |Case files | |Criminal litigation. |

|. . Debt recovery |Case files | |Debt recovery. |

|. . Precedent cases | | |Judgments relied on to fight current cases - setting standards to work |

| | | |within. |

|. Management of legal activities | | |Management of legal activities. |

|. . Archive deposits | |Agreements |Legal documentation relating to archive depositors. |

|. . Agreements | |Agreements |Agreements including non-contractual agreements between public bodies. |

|. . Conveyancing |Deeds |Conveyance |Commercial and other leases, Title investigations, Disposal of Freehold and |

| | | |Leasehold properties, Right to Buy applications etc. |

|. . Conveyancing |Deeds |Easements |Private right of way, right to light (an easement benefits one piece of land |

| | | |by exercising rights over another piece of land owned by another) procedures |

| | | |are in place to ensure the efficient and lawful use of easements. |

|. . Conveyancing | |Tenancy Agreements |Documentation relating to the rental agreements of council buildings, council|

| | | |houses, allotments, garages, commercial properties, wayleaves and land. |

|. . Copyright | |Intellectual Property Rights |Information on who owns the information. For example, ensuring no breaches of|

| | | |copyright. |

|. . Drafting | |Pro-forma agreements |A range of pro-forma legal agreements used in all areas of law. |

|. . Trusts | | |Documentation related to legal services and trusts. |

|. Planning controls | | |Information on planning controls. |

|. . Certificate of Lawful Use or Development | |Certificate |Lawful development certificate. |

|. . Certificate of Lawful Use or Development | |Other documentation |Files relating to Lawful Development Certificates. |

|. . Section 106 agreements | |Agreement |Section 106 Agreement. |

|. . Section 106 agreements | |Other documentation |Files relating to a planning obligation or legal agreement made under section|

| | | |106 Town and County Planning Act 1990. |

|Class |Series |Records |Scope Notes |

|Leisure and culture | | |Leisure and cultural services provided or supported by the council for the |

| | | |community. Including the maintenance and management of parks, reserves and |

| | | |open spaces, and tourism. |

|. Allotments | | |Information relating to the provision of allotments. |

|. . Allotments | | |Information relating to the provision of allotments. |

|. Archives | | |General archive information. |

|. . Archive development | | |Archive development records. |

|. . Cataloguing | |Accession register |The consolidated listing archival resources available to the public. |

|. . Deposits | | |Depositor records. |

|. . Loans | | |Documentation related to loans within the archive. |

|. . Membership | | |Documentation related to membership of the archive. |

|. . Research | | |Information relating to research services. |

|. Arts | | |Information on services related to the arts. |

|. . Arts development | | |Documentation related to art development |

|. . Clubs and societies | | |Documentation related to care within clubs and societies. |

|. Community facilities | | |Community centres and halls. |

|. . Equipment | | |Hire items of equipment for events. |

|. . Grants | | |Provision of grants to village halls and other local facilities. |

|. . Venues | | |Details on any venues the local authority may have available for |

| | | |private/business hire. |

|. Leisure promotion | | |Promotion of leisure activities and events. |

|. . Countryside events | |Programmes and events |Information related to countryside programmes and events. |

|. . Exhibitions | |Programmes and events |Exhibitions arranged by or held on Council premises. |

|. . Inclusion | | |Activities and events targeted at specific groups of people. |

|. . Parks and gardens events | |Programmes and events |Information related to parks and gardens. |

|. . Play scheme | | |Documentation relating to play schemes. |

|. Libraries | | |Documentation relating to the general existence of libraries. |

|. . Book ordering | | |Documentation relating to book ordering. |

|. . Bookings | | |Documentation relating to conventional library bookings. |

|. . Bookings | |Internet bookings |Documentation relating to web-based library bookings. |

|. . Catalogue | |Stock management |Documentation relating to the library catalogue. |

|. . Fines | | |Documentation relating to library fines including guidelines and procedures. |

|. . Library development | | |Documentation relating to library development. |

|. . Loans | | |Documentation relating to library loans. |

|. . Membership | | |Documentation relating to library membership. |

|. . Support for schools | | |School library services. |

|. Museums | | |Documentation regarding museums. |

|. . Deposit | | |Documentation relating to a depositor within a museum. |

|. . Loans | | |Documentation regarding museum loans. |

|. . Museum catalogue | | |Documentation regarding museum catalogue. |

|. . Museum development | | |Documentation regarding museum development. |

|. Parks and open spaces | | |Information about parks and open spaces owned by the local authority. |

|. . Maintenance | | |Maintenance of parks and open spaces. |

|. . Playgrounds | | |Playgrounds and play areas. |

|. Sports facilities | | |Documentation attached to general sport facilities. |

|. . Bookings | | |Documentation related to general sports bookings. |

|. . Bookings | |Facilities |Documentation related to the booking of specific sporting facilities. |

|. . Bookings | |Classes |Documentation related to membership of sports classes and training regimes. |

|. . Equipment hire | | |Details of sports equipment that is available for hire. |

|. . Membership | | |Information related to general sports membership. |

|. . Membership | |Golf courses |Information related to the membership of golf clubs. |

|. . Membership | |Leisure centres |Information regarding leisure centre membership. |

|. Sports | | |Information related to sports and recreation services. |

|. . Sports development | | |Information related to sport development programmes. |

|. . Clubs and societies | | |Documentation associated with sports clubs. |

|. Tourism | | |Information for tourists. |

|. . Tourist accommodation | | |Information about tourist facilities in the local area. Includes lists of |

| | | |visitors' accommodation available locally and information relating to the |

| | | |accreditation of such accommodation. |

|. . Tourist accommodation | |Accreditation process |Process of accrediting visitor accommodation. |

|. . Tourist accommodation | |Registers |Information related to tourist accommodation registers. |

|. . Visitor information | | |Leisure and cultural services provided or supported by the council for the |

| | | |community. Specifically includes visitor attractions. |

|. . Visitor information | |Maps and directions |Maps, direction and locations available for public leisure. |

|Class |Series |Records |Scope Notes |

|Management | | |Management of corporate activities. Includes policies and procedures that |

| | | |apply to the Council as a whole. |

|. Ceremonial | | |Ceremonial events. |

|. . Civic and royal events | |Visitors book, tapes, photographs |Documentation relating to civic functions or visits by royalty to the local |

| | | |area. |

|. . Civic and royal events | |Planning and organising an event |Information on planning and organising an event. |

|. . Corporate gifts | | |Documentation relating to the provision of corporate gifts. |

|. Communication support | | |Supporting communication with and around the Council. |

|. . Interpreting and translation | |Translation |Language translation services. |

|. . Mail processing | | |Processes connected with handling mail and associated communications. |

|. . Publication | |Publications |Guides, books and other publications that the council makes available on a |

| | | |chargeable basis. |

|. . Publications received | |Publications |Information management publications. |

|. . Staff communications | | |Staff communication documentation. |

|. Corporate communication | | |Communication with the public. |

|. . Campaigns | | |Documentation relating to the promotion of a business through publicity |

| | | |campaigns. |

|. . Corporate branding | | |Documentation relating to the process of creating and the use of a corporate |

| | | |image and relevant guidance within the authority. |

|. . Corporate publicity | | |Documentation relating to corporate publicity. |

|. . Graphic design | |Designing setting information |Documentation relating to graphic design requirements of the authority. |

|. . Marketing | |Marketing planning and campaigns |Documentation relating to the marketing of the council or a specific function|

| | | |or service. |

|. . Media cuttings | |Media cuttings |Compilation of media in which the local area or authority is mentioned. |

|. . Media liaison | |Interaction with Media |Documentation relating to liaison between the council and local media. |

|. . Media releases | | |Information released to the media. |

|. . Media releases | | |Documentation relating to media releases the promotion of business. |

|. . Public relations | | |Documentation relating to public relations. |

|. . Public relations | |Media reports |Media reports. |

|. . Public relations | |Published work |Published work. |

|. . Public relations | |Statistics, trends and customer |Statistics. |

| | |satisfaction data | |

|. Enquiries and complaints | | |Enquiries and complaints to the Council. |

|. . Appeals | | |Formal complaints received and response to the complaint. Includes the FOI, |

| | | |EIR and data protection complaints process. |

|. . Complaints | |Reports and correspondence |Complaints which result in significant changes of policy. |

|. . Complaints | |Registers |Summary form of complaints. |

|. . Complaints | | |Identification of a specific complaint to the council. |

|. . Complaints to Ombudsman |Complaint files | |Documents related to Ombudsman complaints. |

|. . Compliments | | |Compliments and comments and response received and response to them. |

|. . Customer profiling | |Customer profiles |Information provided by an individual or organisation that includes personal |

| | | |preferences. |

|. . Customer satisfaction | |Customer satisfaction surveys |Feedback on council performance in relation to services or other aspects of |

| | | |council business. |

|. . Stage 1 complaints |Complaint files | |Documents related to stage 1 complaints. |

|. . Stage 2 complaints |Complaint files | |Documents related to Stage 2 complaints. |

|. External audits | | |The external activities (usually carried out by district audit) associated |

| | | |with officially checking financial, quality assurance and operational records|

| | | |to ensure they have been kept and maintained in accordance with agreed or |

| | | |legislated standards and correctly record the events, processes and business |

| | | |of the organisation in a specified period. |

|. . Audits | | |Documentation on audits. |

|. Preparing business | | |Preparing business. |

|. . Meetings | | |Information regarding meetings. |

|. . Officer representation | | |Documentation relating to officer representation. |

|. . Partnership and agency working | |Business for partnership and agencies|Documentation relating to agency working. |

| | |where local authority owns the record| |

|. . Partnership and agency working | |Business for partnership and agencies|Documentation relating to agency working. |

| | |where local authority does not own | |

| | |the record | |

|. Project management | | |Activities are often organised into projects. |

|. . Closure |Project files |Lessons learned |Information obtained by reviewing the project. |

|. . Governance |Project files |Project initiation document |Document created at the start of the project to indicate how it will be run. |

|. . Governance |Project files |Unit or team plans |Planning documentation. |

|. . Initiation and delivery |Project files |Issues log |Unforeseen events requiring action. |

|. . Start up |Project files |Business case |Information related to planning a business operation or service. |

|. Quality and performance | | |Information on quality and performance. |

|. . Assessments | | |Assessments. |

|. . Best value reviews | | |Best value reviews. |

|. . Inspections | | |Documentation relating to the external inspections received by the authority |

| | | |in relation to corporate or service specific performance management. |

|. . Process mapping | |Process maps |Information relating to specific quality initiatives such as ISO 9000. |

|. Statutory returns | | |The process of preparing information to be passed on to central government as|

| | | |part of statutory requirements |

|. . Reports to government | | |Reports to government. |

|. Strategic planning | | |Information related to planning a business operation or service. |

|. . Business cases | | |Information related to identifying a need or requirement for a business or |

| | | |service process. |

|. . Corporate initiatives | | |Documentation relating to corporate initiatives. |

|. . Organisational structure | | |Organisational structure of the school library service. |

|. . Policies and procedures | | |Documentation relating to policies and procedures of the council. |

|. . Public consultation | |Minor policies |The process of consultation with the public. |

|. . Public consultation | |Significant policies |The process of consultation with the public. |

|. . Service level agreements | | |Information relating to agreements made between separate internal units or |

| | | |teams on a contractual basis. |

|Class |Series |Records |Scope Notes |

|Planning and building control | | |Planning information and documentation relating to town and country planning |

| | | |legislation. |

|. Building control | | |Documentation relating to the enforcing of building regulations. |

|. . Application processing |Application files | |Application files containing application, validation notice, correspondence, |

| | | |drawings, location plans, structural calculations, decision notices, record |

| | | |cards, inspection reports and contravention notices. |

|. . Application processing | |Pre application discussion |Correspondence before an application is submitted. |

|. . Building regulations | | |Documentation related to building standards and inspection. |

|. . Registration | |Building control register |Building control register sheets. |

|. . Unauthorised works | | |Information relating to unauthorised works. |

|. Covenant control | | |Information relating to covenanted properties. |

|. . Policies | | |Information relating to policies. |

|. . Covenant controls |Covenant control files | |Covenant control files containing applications, correspondence, drawings and |

| | | |notices. |

|. Development control | | |Information on planning applications, enforcing restrictions and maintaining |

| | | |public registers to enforce local strategy. |

|. . Application processing |Appeals files | |Documentation related to planning appeals. |

|. . Application processing |Application files | |Application files containing application letters and forms, certificates, |

| | | |location plans, drawings, site correspondence, reports, photographs and s.106|

| | | |agreements. |

|. . Application processing |Application files |Decision notices |Decision notices on planning applications. |

|. . Application processing | |Pre application discussion |Pre-application discussion documentation relating to a specific building. |

|. . Conservation areas | |Sites and Monuments Register |Information regarding specific sites and monuments. |

|. . Enforcement | |Enforcement notices |The enforcement of demolition guidelines and laws. |

|. . Hedges | | |Actions to resolve disputes over evergreen hedges. |

|. . Registration | |Planning Register |Register sheets including application register, decision register, |

| | | |consultation register, enforcement register, s.106 register, tree works |

| | | |register. |

|. . Planning obligations | | |Documentation relating to planning obligations. |

|. . Tree | |Tree works |Information containing reference to listed tree-life. |

|. . Tree | |Tree preservation orders |Tree preservation orders. |

|. Forward planning | | |Planning future development. |

|. . Economic regeneration | | |Information on activities to support economic regeneration in the local area.|

|. . Heritage listing | | |The consolidated listing of heritage buildings and sites. |

|. . Housing development | | |Documentation related to social housing development. |

|. . Local plan | | |Local planning documentation. |

|. . National planning policy | | |National planning policy information. |

|. . Natural environment | |Policies |Information on agriculture, countryside, nature reserves and protected sites.|

|. . Natural environment | | |The process of maintaining the countryside and developing open spaces for |

| | | |public amenity. |

|. . Planning policy | | |Planning policy documentation in relation to specific buildings. |

|. . Planning schemes | |Consultation |The process of receiving, considering and responding to submissions and |

| | | |objections to planning schemes and amendments. |

|. . Regional plan | | |Regional planning information. |

|. . Regional plan | |Mineral Plan |Mineral plans. |

|. . Regional plan | |Waste Plan |Waste plans. |

|. . Regional plan | |Structure Plan |Structure plans. |

|. . Sustainable development | | |Information on biodiversity, flooding and pollution. |

|. . Urban centre planning | | |Town and city centre planning documentation. |

|Class |Series |Records |Scope Notes |

|Procurement | | |Management of processes involved in arranging, tendering, managing contracts |

| | | |and other purchasing of the organisation. |

|. Contracting | | |Documentation relating to contracts. |

|. . Approved suppliers | | |Maintaining a list of approved suppliers to the local authority. |

|. . Contract awards | | |Information of who was successful in obtaining a contract or contracts we |

| | | |undertake for others. |

|. . Contract awards |Contract files |Ordinary contracts |Contract documents and any contract amendments. |

|. . Contract awards |Contract files |Contracts under seal |Contract documents and any contract amendments where contract is under seal. |

|. . Contract awards |Contract files |Post tender negotiation |Negotiation files related to specific contracts. |

|. . Contract awards |Contract files |Service level agreements, compliance |Performance monitoring and review of awarded contracts. |

| | |reports, performance reports | |

|. . Contract management | |Contract monitoring |The monitoring of contracts. |

|. . Requisition | |Purchase orders |Documentation on non tendered contracts. |

|. Market information | | |General information on products that the authority might consider purchasing.|

|. . Product evaluation | | |Information on any products evaluated. |

|. . Product information | | |Information held by the organisation on products with a view to purchase at a|

| | | |later stage (e.g. product literature). |

|. Tendering | | |Inviting organisations to tender for contracts. |

|. . Tenders |Tender files |Opening notice, tender envelope |Tender issuing and return. |

|. . Tenders |Tender files |Ordinary tender |Tendering of contracts, responses and their evaluation. |

|. . Tenders |Tender files |Pre-tender advice |The process of calling for expressions of interest. |

|. . Tenders |Tender files |Tender for contract under seal |Tendering of contracts, responses and their evaluation for contracts under |

| | | |seal. |

|. . Tenders |Tender files |Unsuccessful tenders |Documentation relating to unsuccessful tenders. |

|. . Tendering policies | | |Documentation relating to tendering policies. |

|Class |Series |Records |Scope Notes |

|Registration and coroners | | |The registration of births, deaths and marriages. This area also includes |

| | | |functions of the coroner. |

|. Inquiries into deaths | | |The Coroner has a duty to investigate the circumstances of sudden, unnatural |

| | | |or uncertified deaths that are reported to him. |

|. . Coroners inquests |Case files |Inquiries leading to an inquest |Inquiries leading to an inquest. |

|. . Investigations | |Inquiries not proceeding to an |Inquiries not proceeding to an inquest. |

| | |inquest | |

|. . Registration | |Reported deaths register |Register of reported deaths. |

|. Marriage services | | |Information relating to marriage services. |

|. . Conducting a marriage service | | |Process of arranging and carrying out a marriage service. |

|. . Registration | |Approved wedding premises |Register of places approved to hold wedding services. |

|. Registration of births, marriages and deaths | | |Registration of significant life events. |

|. . Advice and support | | |Supplying advice and support on arrangements that need to be made. |

|. . Certification | |Certificate copy applications |Records of applications for copies of certificates. |

|. . Certification | |Certificates |Issuing of certificates. |

|. . Notification | |Marriage notices |Process of arranging for a marriage notice to be displayed. Wedding banns. |

|. . Registration | |Marriage register |The process of registering a marriage. |

|. . Registration | |Register of births |Process of registering a birth. |

|. . Registration | |Register of citizenship |Process of registering citizenship. |

|. . Registration | |Register of deaths |Process of registering the death of individuals. |

|. Treasure trove | | |Information on treasure trove. |

|. . Inquests | | |Process of investigation of a treasure trove. |

|Class |Series |Records |Scope Notes |

|Risk management and insurance | | |Management of risk and insurance |

|. Claims | | |Handling claims against the council. |

|. . Claims processing | |Claims records |Documentation relating to claims made against the council. |

|. Insuring against loss | | |Insuring against loss. |

|. . Insurance | |Insurance policies |Documentation relating to insurance policies. |

|. . Insurance | |Renewals |Renewal information. |

|. . Insurance | |Summary arrangements |Summary of arrangements relating to insurance. |

|. Risk management | | |Management of risk. |

|. . Business continuity planning | | |Documentation relating to business continuity in the event of a disaster or |

| | | |unforeseen event. Includes disaster recovery and business resilience plans. |

|. . Education | |Campaigns |Campaigns related to risk management |

|. . Risk assessment | |Risk register |Consolidated listing of, and assessment of risks. |

|. . Risk assessment | |Valuations |Valuations as part of the risk assessment process. |

|Class |Series |Records |Scope Notes |

|Transport and infrastructure | | |All information relating to transport and the infrastructure to support it. |

|. Design and construction | | |Design and construction of transport infrastructure. |

|. . Roads and highways | | |Documentation related to the design and constructions of roads and highways. |

|. . Traffic management schemes | | |Design and construction of highways, traffic management schemes and road |

| | | |signs. Includes feasibility studies. |

|. Harbours and waterways | | |Information relating to harbours or inland waterways. |

|. . Boat moorings | | |Information relating to boats and their moorings. |

|. . Port facilities | | |Documentation related to port facilities. |

|. . Port facilities | |ETA notification |Estimated time of arrival notification documentation. |

|. . Port facilities | |Import notification |Notifications related to imported goods. |

|. . Registration | |Watercraft |Documentation related to watercraft. |

|. Highway development control | | |Responsibility for highways. |

|. . Highway adoption | | |Adoption of new highways. |

|. . Highway extent queries | | |Handling of highways extents enquiries from solicitors, developers, districts|

| | | |etc. |

|. . Highway extinguishment | | |Extinguishment of highways. |

|. . Notification | | |Documentation relating to notification to the public of maintenance, changes |

| | | |in status, and closures, etc. |

|. . Planning control | | |The process of receiving, considering and responding to submissions and |

| | | |objections to planning schemes and amendments. |

|. . Road classification | | |Gazetteer of highways types. |

|. Highway enforcement | | |Information to ensure highways are safe and free from obstruction. |

|. . Advertising hoarding | | |Documentation related to the control of advertising hoarding. |

|. . Highways | | |Documentation relating to enforcement of the proper use and maintenance of |

| | | |transport and highways. |

|. . Parking | | |Enforcement of parking infringement includes both on-site and off-site. |

|. . Parking fines | | |Documentation related to parking fines. |

|. . Road reinstatement | | |Documentation related to the reinstatement of roadways. |

|. . Scaffolding | | |Documentation related to the regulation of scaffolding and the enforcement of|

| | | |rules and regulations associated with this. |

|. . Speeding fines | | |Documentation related to speeding fines. |

|. . Weight limits | | |Documentation related to the enforcement of weight limits. |

|. Infrastructure management | | |Documentation on managing transport infrastructure. |

|. . Cycle routes | | |Provision for cycle routes. |

|. . Geotechnical services | | |Feasibility studies, desk studies, geotechnical site investigations, site and|

| | | |laboratory testing and contaminated land studies provided by the local |

| | | |authority. |

|. . Maintenance | | |Documentation related to general maintenance of transportation systems. |

|. . Markings and signage | | |Installation of instruction and warning signs. |

|. . Public conveniences | | |Provision of public conveniences. Toilets. Maintenance and cleaning. |

|. . Service providers | | |Documentation relating to service providers. |

|. . Street furniture | | |Documentation relating to the process of installing and maintaining street |

| | | |furniture: finger posts, litter bins, public seats etc. |

|. . Street naming and numbering | | |Documentation on the street naming development naming and property |

| | | |numbering/naming. |

|. . Surveys | | |Survey data relating to transport and infrastructure. |

|. . Taxi ranks | | |Provision of designated taxi ranks. |

|. Public transport | | |Information on public transport. |

|. . Community transport | | |Transport for members of the community. Includes schemes such as |

| | | |'dial-a-ride', shopmobility, community bus and car schemes. |

|. . Concessions | | |Information regarding the transport concessions offered to the disabled. |

|. . Public transport plan | | |Information about future plans, public transport routes and timetable. |

|. . Timetable | | |The timetabling of public transportation system. |

|. Rights of way | | |Documentation relating to the process for creating and maintaining rights of |

| | | |way in the local area. Includes the Rights of Way Definitive Map. May include|

| | | |information relating to cycle routes. |

|. . Enquiries | | |Enquiries and correspondence from the public concerning rights of way. |

|. . Locations | | |Information, including maps defining the locations and routes of rights of |

| | | |way. |

|. . Orders | | |Orders creating public rights of way. |

|. . Planning applications | | |Management of the council's responses from a rights of way management |

| | | |perspective to planning applications and proposals. |

|. . Ploughing and cropping | | |Regulation of ploughing and cropping on public rights of way. |

|. . Searches | | |Rights of way searches carried out by the council. |

|. Road maintenance | | |Road maintenance. |

|. . Bridge inspections | | |Regular inspections of bridges on highways. |

|. . Drains and gullies | | |Keeping drains and gullies clear and provision of advice on drainage. |

|. . Emergency maintenance | | |Documentation related to emergency maintenance. |

|. . Hazard removal | | |Removal of hazards on the road. Including removal of dead animals, oil spills|

| | | |etc. |

|. . Inspections | | |Documentation relating to inspection of adopted highways. |

|. . Kerbs | | |Vehicle crossovers. |

|. . Planned maintenance | | |Documentation relating to unplanned and planned maintenance. |

|. . Scheduled maintenance | | |Documentation related to scheduled maintenance. |

|. . Verge maintenance | | |Documentation related to the maintenance of verges. |

|. Road safety | | |Information on road safety. |

|. . Accident investigations | | |Investigations into road traffic accidents for the purposes of improving road|

| | | |safety. |

|. . MOT testing | | |MOT testing of vehicles by accredited council garages. |

|. . Road safety awareness | | |Documentation relating to road safety awareness. |

|. . Safety audits | | |Audits / inspections of highways from a road safety perspective. |

|. . School crossing patrols | | |Documentation relating to school crossing patrols. |

|. . Speed cameras | | |Includes information on the reason for the siting of the camera, any |

| | | |settings etc. |

|. School transport | | |Transport to and from school. |

|. . School transport services | | |Documentation relating to school transport services. |

|. Traffic management | | |Management of traffic. |

|. . Abnormal loads | | |Consent for moving an abnormal load. |

|. . Gritting and snow clearance | | |Keeping roads and pavements clear when weather conditions may prove |

| | | |hazardous. |

|. . Monitoring | | |Includes the monitoring of highway, transport and traffic use. |

|. . Parking | |Permits |Documentation relating to parking permits, parking schemes, skips, |

| | | |scaffolding etc. Includes information relating to the development and |

| | | |management of controlled parking zones. |

|. . Parking sites | | |Documentation relating to the specifics of parking sites. |

|. . School routes | | |The activity of planning, and programming the continued safety of school |

| | | |routes. |

|. . Street lighting | | |The activity of planning and programming the continued effectiveness of |

| | | |street-based lighting. |

|. . Traffic calming | | |The management and control of traffic calming measures. |

|. . Traffic reduction | | |The activity of planning, and programming the continued flow, diversion or |

| | | |reduction of traffic. |

|. . Traffic orders | |Approval |Traffic management and parking requires to be regulated by various statutory |

| | | |orders. |

|. . Traffic orders | |Implementation |Implementation of road traffic orders. |

|. . Traffic orders | |Planning and Investigation |The planning and investigation of road traffic orders. |

|. . Weather forecasting | |Weather data |The effects of weather conditions on the transport system. |

|. Transport planning | | |Planning transport developments. |

|. . Development control | | |Documentation associated with the approval of planning applications which |

| | | |affect this section. |

|. . Strategy and planning | |Transport strategy |Development of transport strategy. |

|. . Strategy and planning | |Local transport plan |The planning of transport issues. |

|. . Transport modelling | | |The carrying out of transport modelling projects. |

|. . Transport modelling | |Traffic counts |Traffic census data. |

|. . Travel plans | |Employer travel plans |Employer travel plans. |

|. . Travel plans | |School travel plans |School travel plans. |

|Class |Series |Records |Scope Notes |

|Waste management | | |The management of waste in the local area. Includes collection, recycling and|

| | | |waste sites. |

|. Fly tipping | | |Information related to fly tipping. |

|. . Fly tipping | | |Dumped rubbish which varies in size from a single bin bag to several truck |

| | | |loads of construction waste. |

|. Street cleaning | | |Information on street cleaning. |

|. . Pest control | | |The management and control of pests. |

|. . Road cleansing | | |The cleaning of public roadways. |

|. Waste collection | | |Information on waste collection. |

|. . Abandoned vehicles | | |A vehicle which deemed to have been abandoned by its owner, as defined in the|

| | | |Refuse Disposal Amenity act 1978 and the Clean Neighbourhoods Act 2005. |

|. . Bulk | | |The disposal of commercial waste, as defined in the Environmental Protection |

| | | |Act 1990. |

|. . Controlled | | |The disposal of hazardous waste as defined in the Hazardous Waste Directive |

| | | |2005 and the European Waste Catalogue. |

|. . Domestic | | |The process of arranging the collection or transportation of home care waste.|

|. . Trade | | |The process of arranging the collection or transportation of trade waste. |

|. Waste disposal | | |Information on the disposal of waste. |

|. . Waste sites | |Management of sites |Information on waste disposal sites and their management. |

|. . Waste sites | |Short term storage |Information on sites used for the short term storage of waste. |

|. . Waste sites | |Equipment |Information on the equipment installed at waste sites and its operation. |

|. . Waste sites | |Inspections |Records of inspections of waste sites. |

|. . Waste sites | |Permits |Permits issued covering the use of waste sites. |

|. . Waste sites development | |Waste site plans |A plan held by local and regional authorities detailing the provisions for |

| | | |current and future waste management activities. |

|. Waste reduction | | |Information on reducing the amount of waste. |

|. . Composting | | |The treatment of biodegradable waste, either aerobically or anaerobically to |

| | | |produce a product that can be reused as either compost or a soil improver. |

|. . Recycling | | |The establishment of public recycling receptacles. |

Complete Listing with Retention Guidance

|Class |Series |Records |Retention Period |Rationale |

|Adult care services | | | | |

|. Asylum seekers | | | | |

|. . Advice and support | | | | |

|. . Nationality checking | | | | |

|. Carers | | | | |

|. . Agency provided services |Case files - carer |Essential information |Destroy - 25 years after end of | |

| | | |employment | |

|. . Assessment |Case files - carer | |Destroy - 25 years after end of | |

| | | |employment | |

|. . Financial support |Case files - carer | |Destroy - 3 years after end of |Accounts and Audit Regulations 1974; |

| | | |financial year |Limitations Act 1980 |

|. . Legal |Case files - carer | |Destroy - 25 years after end of | |

| | | |employment | |

|. . Licensing |Case files - carer | |Destroy - 1 year after end of | |

| | | |employment | |

|. . Review |Case files - carer | |Destroy - 25 years after end of | |

| | | |employment | |

|. Community support | | | | |

|. . Day centres | | | | |

|. . Groups | | | | |

|. Criminal justice | | | | |

|. . Court orders | | | | |

|. . People on bail | | | | |

|. Residential homes | | | | |

|. . Operation of homes |Case files -residential home |Activities |Destroy - 25 years from closure |RGLA 3.25 |

|. . Operation of homes |Case files -residential home |Diary |Destroy - 25 years from closure |RGLA 3.25 |

|. . Operation of homes |Case files -residential home |Menu |Destroy - 1 year after closure | |

|. . Operation of homes |Case files -residential home |Roster sheet |Destroy - 25 years from closure |RGLA 3.25 |

|. . Registration |Case files -residential home |Licensing |Permanent - offer to archivist |RGLA 3.24 |

|. Social issues | | | | |

|. . Substance misuse | | | | |

|. Supporting adults | | | | |

|. . Assessment |Case files - service user |Care plan |Destroy - 6 years after last contact |RGLA3.18 |

|. . Assessment |Case files - service user |Carer details |Destroy - 6 years after last contact |RGLA3.18 |

|. . Assessment |Case files - service user |Contact sheet |Destroy - 6 years after last contact |RGLA3.18 |

|. . Assessment |Case files - service user |Essential information |Destroy - 6 years after last contact |RGLA3.18 |

|. . Catering services | | | | |

|. . Finance and commissioning |Case files - service user | |Destroy - 8 years after provision of | |

| | | |support ended | |

|. . Grants |Case files - service user |Application |Destroy - 8 years after provision of | |

| | | |support ended | |

|. . Health |Case files - service user | |Destroy - 8 years after provision of | |

| | | |support ended | |

|. . Legal |Case files - service user | |Destroy - 8 years after provision of | |

| | | |support ended | |

|. . Licensing |Case files - service user |Disabled parking permit |Destroy - 3 years after service | |

| | | |provision ended | |

|. . Looked after in care |Case files - service user | |Destroy - 8 years after provision of | |

| | | |support ended | |

|. . Mental health |Case files - service user | |Destroy - 10 years after last contact|RGLA 3.17 |

|. . Occupational therapy |Case files - service user | |Destroy - 8 years after provision of | |

| | | |support ended | |

|. . Referral |Case files - service user | |Destroy - 8 years after provision of | |

| | | |support ended | |

|. . Review |Case files - service user | |Destroy - 8 years after provision of | |

| | | |support ended | |

|. Supporting disabilities | | | | |

|. . Deaf | | | | |

|. . Employment | | | | |

|. . Equipment advice | | | | |

|. . Independence at home | | | | |

|. . Personal transport | | | | |

|Class |Series |Records |Retention Period |Rationale |

|Children and families services | | | | |

|. Adoption and fostering | | | | |

|. . Adoptive parent |Case files -carer |Essential information |Destroy - 100 years from date of |Adoption and Children Act 2002 |

| | | |adoption |ss.56-65 and the Disclosure of |

| | | | |Adoption Information |

| | | | |(Post-Commencement Adoptions) |

| | | | |Regulations 2005 |

|. . Assessment |Case files -carer | |Destroy - 25 years from closure |RGLA 3.4 |

|. . Financial support |Case files -carer | |Destroy - 3 years after end of |Accounts and Audit Regulations 1974; |

| | | |financial year |Limitations Act 1980 |

|. . Foster carer |Case files -carer | |Destroy - 10 years from provider |Fostering Services Regulations 2002 |

| | | |status ceases, |reg. 32 |

| | | |3 years from date of refusal or | |

| | | |withdrawal | |

| | | |EXCEPT - 75 years if concerns over | |

| | | |circumstances | |

|. . Legal |Case files -carer | | | |

|. . Licensing |Case files -carer |Care or care licence |Permanent - offer to archivist |RGLA 9.18 |

|. . Review |Case files -carer |Carer reviews | | |

|. Child protection | | | | |

|. . Case assessment |Case files - child protection| |Destroy - 35 years from closure |RGLA 3.8 |

|. . Case assessment |Case files - child protection|Initial assessment |Destroy - 5 years from closure |RGLA 3.9 |

|. . Registration | |Register |Permanent - retain for 70 years then |RGLA 3.6 |

| | | |offer to archivist | |

|. . Schedule 1 offenders | |Register |Permanent - retain for 70 years then |RGLA 3.7 |

| | | |offer to archivist | |

|. Childminding | | | | |

|. . Registration | | | | |

|. . Support for childminders | | | | |

|. Children looked after in care | | | | |

|. . Registration | |Register |Retain until the child is 23, or if |Arrangements for Placement of |

| | | |the child dies before this, 5 years |Children (General) Regulations 1991 |

| | | |from date of death - then offer to |reg. 10 |

| | | |County Archivist | |

|. Communications | | | | |

|. . Complaints | | |Destroy - 10 years after complaint |Arrangements for Placement of |

| | | |dealt with |Children (General) Regulations 1991 |

|. Programme management and development | | | | |

|. . Services for children | | |Destroy - 7 years from closure |RGLA 3.20 |

|. . Supporting children | | |Destroy - 25 years from closure |RGLA 3.21 |

|. . Supporting young persons | | |Destroy - 15 years from closure |RGLA 3.22 |

|. . Supporting adults | | |Destroy - 7 years from closure |RGLA 3.23 |

|. Residential homes | | |Destroy - 7 years from closure | |

|. . Operation of homes |Case files - residential home| |Destroy - 15 years from date of last |Children's Homes Regulations 2001 |

| | | |entry |reg. 29 |

|. . Operation of homes |Case files - residential home|Activities |Destroy - 15 years from date of last |Children's Homes Regulations 2001 |

| | | |entry |reg. 29 |

|. . Operation of homes |Case files - residential home|Diary |Destroy - 15 years from date of last |Children's Homes Regulations 2001 |

| | | |entry |reg. 29 |

|. . Operation of homes |Case files - residential home|Menu |Destroy - 1 year from date of last |Children's Homes Regulations 2001 |

| | | |entry |reg. 29 |

|. . Operation of homes |Case files - residential home|Roster Sheet |Destroy - 15 years from date of last |Children's Homes Regulations 2001 |

| | | |entry |reg. 29 |

|. . Registration |Case files -residential home | |Permanent - offer to archivist 50 |RGLA 3.1 |

| | | |years after closure | |

|. Social issues | | | | |

|. . Substance misuse | | | | |

|. Special education | | | | |

|. . Learning support | | |Destroy - 35 years from closure |RGLA 3.13 |

|. Supporting children | | | | |

|. . Admission appeals |Case files -child | | | |

|. . Adoption process |Case files -child | |Destroy - 100 years from date of |Adoption and Children Act 2002 ss. |

| | | |adoption order |56-65 and the Disclosure of Adoption |

| | | | |Information (Post-Commencement |

| | | | |Adoptions) Regulations 2005 |

|. . Advice |Case files -child | |Destroy - on child’s 21st birthday | |

|. . Assessment |Case files -child | |Destroy - 25 years from date of birth|RGLA 3.15 |

| | | |of youngest child | |

|. . Assessment |Case files -child |Care plan |Destroy - 25 years from date of birth|RGLA 3.15 |

| | | |of youngest child | |

|. . Assessment |Case files -child |Carer details |Destroy - 25 years from date of birth|RGLA 3.15 |

| | | |of youngest child | |

|. . Assessment |Case files -child |Contact sheet |Destroy - 25 years from date of birth|RGLA 3.15 |

| | | |of youngest child | |

|. . Assessment |Case files -child |Essential information |Destroy - 25 years from date of birth|RGLA 3.15 |

| | | |of youngest child | |

|. . Attendance and truancy |Case files -child | | | |

|. . Child protection |Case files -child | |Destroy - 100 years after end of | |

| | | |service provision | |

|. . Children’s rights |Case files -child | |Destroy - 75th birthday - or 15 years|Arrangements for Placement of |

| | | |after death if child dies before 18 |Children (General) Regulations 1991 |

| | | | |reg. 9. RGLA 3.2 |

|. . Continuing care |Case files -child |Student details |Destroy - on child’s 21st birthday | |

|. . Continuing care |Case files -child |Student profile |Destroy - on child’s 21st birthday | |

|. . Continuing care |Case files -child |Work experience |Destroy - on child’s 21st birthday | |

|. . Educational achievement assessments |Case files -child | |Destroy - on child’s 21st birthday | |

|. . Educational psychology |Case files -child | |Destroy - 35 years from closure |RGLA 3.13 |

|. . Educational welfare |Case files -child | |Destroy - on child’s 21st birthday | |

|. . Finance and commissioning |Case files -child | |Destroy - 3 years after end of |Accounts and Audit Regulations 1974; |

| | | |financial year |Limitations Act 1980 |

|. . Financial support |Case files -child | |Destroy - 3 years after end of |Accounts and Audit Regulations 1974; |

| | | |financial year |Limitations Act 1980 |

|. . Financial support |Case files -child |Clothing grant |Destroy - 3 years after end of |Accounts and Audit Regulations 1974; |

| | | |financial year |Limitations Act 1980 |

|. . Financial support |Case files -child |School meals |Destroy - 3 years after end of |Accounts and Audit Regulations 1974; |

| | | |financial year |Limitations Act 1980 |

|. . Financial support |Case files -child |Student award |Destroy - 3 years after end of |Accounts and Audit Regulations 1974; |

| | | |financial year |Limitations Act 1980 |

|. . Financial support |Case files -child |Student loan |Destroy - 3 years after end of |Accounts and Audit Regulations 1974; |

| | | |financial year |Limitations Act 1980 |

|. . Financial support |Case files -child |Travel pass |Destroy - 3 years after end of |Accounts and Audit Regulations 1974; |

| | | |financial year |Limitations Act 1980 |

|. . Fostering Process |Case files -child | |Destroy - 35 years after carer has |RGLA 3.5 |

| | | |ceased to foster | |

|. . Grants |Case files -child | |Destroy - 3 years after end of |Accounts and Audit Regulations 1974; |

| | | |financial year |Limitations Act 1980 |

|. . Health |Case files -child | | | |

|. . Hospital and home tuition |Case files -child | |Destroy - on child’s 21st birthday | |

|. . Legal |Case files -child | |Destroy - on child’s 21st birthday |RGLA 3.3 |

|. . Licensing |Case files -child | |Review - 2 years after registration |RGLA 9.16 |

| | | |lapses | |

|. . Looked after in care |Case files -child | |Destroy - 75th anniversary of the |Children's Homes Regulations 2001 |

| | | |child's birth or 15 years after death|reg. 28 |

| | | |if the child dies before age 18 | |

|. . Referral |Case files -child | |Destroy - on child’s 21st birthday | |

|. . Review |Case files -child | |Destroy - on child’s 21st birthday | |

|. . School exclusions |Case files -child | |Destroy - 25 years from last action |RGLA 3.19 |

|. . Special educational needs |Case files -child | |Destroy - 35 years from closure |RGLA 3.13 |

|. Supporting disabilities | | | | |

|. . Deaf | | | | |

|. Training | | | | |

|. . Support training | | |Destroy - 25 years from termination |RGLA 6.3 |

|. Youth justice | | | | |

|. . Case management |Case files | |Destroy - 25 years from DOB or 10 |RGLA 3.12 |

| | | |years from last contact | |

|. Youth services | | | | |

|. . Youth service provision | | |Destroy - 25 years from DOB or 10 |RGLA 3.12 |

| | | |years from last contact | |

|Class |Series |Records |Retention Period |Rationale |

|Community safety and emergencies | | | | |

|. Advice | | | | |

|. . Contingency planning | | |Destroy - 2 years after advice | |

| | | |superseded | |

|. . Fire safety planning | | | | |

|. . Home security | | | | |

|. Community safety | | | | |

|. . CCTV surveillance | | | | |

|. . Community wardens | | | | |

|. . Crime reduction | | | | |

|. . Neighbourhood Watch | | | | |

|. Emergency planning | | | | |

|. . Emergency agencies | | |Destroy when superseded | |

|. . Emergency call-outs | | | | |

|. . Emergency calls - 999 | | | | |

|. . Emergency plan | |Development |Permanent - offer to archivist |RGLA 9.11 |

|. . Emergency plan | |Tests |Destroy - 10 years after closure |RGLA 9.12 |

|. . Emergency warnings | | | | |

|. Emergency service | | | | |

|. . Notifications | | |Destroy - 2 years after matter is |RGLA 9.19 |

| | | |concluded | |

|. . Special service provision | | | | |

|. Enforcement | | | | |

|. . Fire safety legislation | | |Destroy - 2 years after matter is |RGLA 9.19 |

| | | |concluded | |

|. . Fire safety legislation | |Prosecution |Destroy - 7 years from last action |Police and Criminal Evidence Act. |

| | | | |RGLA 9.21 |

|. Fire prevention | | | | |

|. . Fire certification | | | |The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) |

| | | | |Order 2005 will become law on 1 |

| | | | |October 2006 and will abolish the |

| | | | |requirements for Fire Certificates |

|. . Fire hydrants inspections | | |Destroy - 7 years from last action |RGLA 9.20 |

|. . Fire safety | | |Destroy - 2 years after advice | |

| | | |superseded | |

|. . Fire safety inspections | | |Destroy - 7 years from last action |RGLA 9.20 |

|. . Incident monitoring | |Major incident |Permanent - offer to archivist |RGLA 9.13 |

|. . Incident monitoring | |Minor incident |Destroy - 7 years after closure |RGLA 9.14 |

|. . Inspections | | |Destroy - 7 years from last action |RGLA 9.20 |

|. . Investigations | | | | |

|. Measures against vandalism | | | | |

|. . Flyposting | | | | |

|. . Removal of graffiti | | | | |

|. Training | | | | |

|. . Training exercises | | |Destroy - 10 years after closure |RGLA 9.12 |

|Class |Series |Records |Retention Period |Rationale |

|Consumer affairs | | | | |

|. Advice | | |Destroy - 7 years after creation | |

|. . Campaigns | | | | |

|. Enforcement | | | | |

|. . Prosecution of offences |Case files - organisation |Dangerous and wild animals |Destroy - 7 years from investigation |Police and Criminal Evidence Act |

| | | |complete | |

|. . Prosecution of offences |Case files - organisation |Health and safety at work |Destroy - 7 years from investigation |Police and Criminal Evidence Act |

| | | |complete | |

|. . Prosecution of offences |Case files - organisation |Inspections | | |

|. . Prosecution of offences |Case files - organisation |Weights and measures |Destroy - 7 years from investigation |Police and Criminal Evidence Act |

| | | |complete | |

|. Environmental health | | | | |

|. . Animal control | | | | |

|. . Repatriation of deceased persons | |Cadaver Certificates | | |

|. Investigation, inspections and monitoring |Case files - organisation | | | |

|. . Inspections |Case files - organisation |Equipment inspection records |Destroy - 6 years after disposal of | |

| | | |the equipment | |

|. . Inspections |Case files - organisation |Food standards inspection forms |Destroy - 7 years after inspection | |

|. . Investigations |Case files - organisation | | | |

|. . Investigations |Case files - organisation |Nuisances | | |

|. . Monitoring |Case files - organisation | | | |

|. . Monitoring |Case files - organisation |Air pollution |Destroy - 3 years from last action |RGLA 9.3 |

|. . Monitoring |Case files - organisation |Animal health |Destroy - 3 years from last action |RGLA 9.3 |

|. . Monitoring |Case files - organisation |Food hygiene |Destroy - 3 years from last action |RGLA 9.3 |

|. . Monitoring |Case files - organisation |Food hygiene, home care |Destroy - 3 years from last action |RGLA 9.3 |

|. . Monitoring |Case files - organisation |Food safety |Destroy - 3 years from last action |RGLA 9.3 |

|. . Monitoring |Case files - organisation |Food standards |Destroy - 3 years from last action |RGLA 9.3 |

|. . Monitoring |Case files - organisation |Hazardous substances |Destroy - 3 years from last action |RGLA 9.3 |

|. . Monitoring |Case files - organisation |Land pollution |Destroy - 3 years from last action |RGLA 9.3 |

|. . Monitoring |Case files - organisation |Pollution |Destroy - 3 years from last action |RGLA 9.3 |

|. . Monitoring |Case files - organisation |Private water suppliers |Destroy - 3 years from last action |RGLA 9.3 |

|. . Monitoring |Case files - organisation |River pollution |Destroy - 3 years from last action |RGLA 9.3 |

|. . Monitoring |Case files - organisation |Weights and measures |Destroy - 3 years from last action |RGLA 9.3 |

|. . Monitoring |Case files - organisation |Swimming pools |Destroy - 3 years from last action |RGLA 9.3 |

|. . Monitoring |Case files - organisation |Product safety |Destroy - 3 years from last action |RGLA 9.3 |

|. . Monitoring |Case files - organisation |Infectious diseases | | |

|. . Monitoring |Case files - organisation |Responsive |Destroy - 3 years from last action |RGLA 9.3 |

|. . Monitoring |Case files - organisation |Nuisances |Destroy - 3 years from last action |Environmental Protection Act 1990. |

| | | | |RGLA 9.3 |

|. Registration, certification and licensing | | | | |

|. . Entertainment and drinks | |Register |Destroy - 2 years after registration |RGLA 9.16 |

| | | |lapses | |

|. . Food premises | |Register |Destroy - 2 years after registration |RGLA 9.16 |

| | | |lapses | |

|. . Licence premises | |Register |Destroy - 2 years after registration |RGLA 9.16 |

| | | |lapses | |

|. . Licensing |Animal boarding licences | |Destroy - 2 years after registration |Animal Boarding Establishments Act |

| | | |lapses |1963. RGLA 9.16 |

|. . Licensing |Animal breeding licences | |Destroy - 2 years after registration |Breeding of Dogs Acts 1973 and 1991, |

| | | |lapses |Breeding and Sale of Dogs (Welfare) |

| | | | |Act 1999. RGLA 9.16 |

|. . Licensing |Auction premises licences | |Destroy - 2 years after registration |RGLA 9.16 |

| | | |lapses | |

|. . Licensing |Building materials licences | |Destroy - 2 years after registration |RGLA 9.16 |

| | | |lapses | |

|. . Licensing |Butchers licences | |Destroy - 2 years after registration |RGLA 9.16 |

| | | |lapses | |

|. . Licensing |Caravan and camp site | |Destroy - 2 years after registration |Caravan Sites and Control of |

| |licences | |lapses |Development Act 1960 Caravan Sites |

| | | | |Act 1968. RGLA 9.16 |

|. . Licensing |Cemetery licences | |Destroy - 2 years after registration |RGLA 9.16 |

| | | |lapses | |

|. . Licensing |Cooling towers | |Destroy - 2 years after registration |The Notification of Cooling Towers |

| | | |lapses |and Evaporative Condensers |

| | | | |Regulations 1992. RGLA 9.16 |

|. . Licensing |Credit licensing | |Destroy - 2 years after registration |RGLA 9.16 |

| | | |lapses | |

|. . Licensing |Crematoria licences | |Destroy - 2 years after registration |RGLA 9.16 |

| | | |lapses | |

|. . Licensing |Dangerous wild animals | |Destroy - 2 years after registration |Dangerous Wild Animals Act 1976. |

| |licences | |lapses |RGLA 9.16 |

|. . Licensing |Entertainment licences | |Destroy - 2 years after registration |RGLA 9.16 |

| | | |lapses | |

|. . Licensing |Food business licences | |Destroy - 2 years after registration |Food Safety Food Premises |

| | | |lapses |(Registration) Regulations 1991. |

| | | | |RGLA 9.16 |

|. . Licensing |Food licences | |Destroy - 2 years after registration |Food Safety Act 1990. RGLA 9.16 |

| | | |lapses | |

|. . Licensing |Hackney licences | |Destroy - 2 years after registration |Local Government (Miscellaneous |

| | | |lapses |provisions) Act 1976. RGLA 9.16 |

|. . Licensing |Highway projection licences | |Destroy - 2 years after registration |RGLA 9.16 |

| | | |lapses | |

|. . Licensing |Hoarding licences | |Destroy - 2 years after registration |RGLA 9.16 |

| | | |lapses | |

|. . Licensing |Infectious diseases licensing| |Destroy - 2 years after registration |RGLA 9.16 |

| |and use | |lapses | |

|. . Licensing |Late hours catering licences | |Destroy - 2 years after registration |RGLA 9.16 |

| | | |lapses | |

|. . Licensing |Liquor licences | |Destroy - 2 years after registration |RGLA 9.16 |

| | | |lapses | |

|. . Licensing |Lottery registration | |Destroy - 2 years after registration |RGLA 9.16 |

| | | |lapses | |

|. . Licensing |Massage and special treatment| |Destroy - 2 years after registration |RGLA 9.16 |

| |licences | |lapses | |

|. . Licensing |Non medicinal poisons | |Destroy - 2 years after registration |RGLA 9.16 |

| |licences | |lapses | |

|. . Licensing |Nursing agencies licences | |Destroy - 2 years after registration |RGLA 9.16 |

| | | |lapses | |

|. . Licensing |Other hazardous substances | |Permanent - offer to archivist |RGLA 9.17 |

|. . Licensing |Personal licences | |Destroy - 2 years after registration |Licensing Act 2003. RGLA 9.16 |

| | | |lapses | |

|. . Licensing |Pet shop licences | |Destroy - 2 years after registration |Pet Animals Act 1951 (as amended by |

| | | |lapses |the 1983 Act). RGLA 9.16 |

|. . Licensing |Petroleum | |Permanent - offer to archivist |Petroleum (Regulation) Acts 1928 and |

| | | | |1936 |

|. . Licensing |Premises licences | |Destroy - 2 years after registration |Licensing Act 2003. RGLA 9.16 |

| | | |lapses | |

|. . Licensing |Premises licences |Club premises certificates |Destroy - 2 years after registration |Licensing Act 2003. RGLA 9.16 |

| | | |lapses | |

|. . Licensing |Premises licences |Temporary event notices. |Destroy - 2 years after registration |Licensing Act 2003. RGLA 9.16 |

| | | |lapses | |

|. . Licensing |Private hire licences | |Destroy - 2 years after registration |Local Government (Miscellaneous |

| | | |lapses |provisions) Act 1976. RGLA 9.16 |

|. . Licensing |Public entertainment licences| |Destroy - 2 years after registration |Licensing Act 2003. RGLA 9.16 |

| | | |lapses | |

|. . Licensing |Riding establishment licences| |Destroy - 2 years after registration |Riding Establishments Act 1964 and |

| | | |lapses |1970. RGLA 9.16 |

|. . Licensing |Sale of explosives licences | |Destroy - 2 years after registration |Manufacture and Storage of Explosives|

| | | |lapses |Regulations 2005. RGLA 9.16 |

|. . Licensing |Scrap metal licences | |Destroy - 2 years after registration |Scrap Metal Dealers Act 1964. RGLA |

| | | |lapses |9.16 |

|. . Licensing |Sex establishments | |Destroy - 2 years after registration |RGLA 9.16 |

| | | |lapses | |

|. . Licensing |Shops | |Destroy - 2 years after registration |RGLA 9.16 |

| | | |lapses | |

|. . Licensing |Scaffold licences | |Destroy - 2 years after registration |RGLA 9.16 |

| | | |lapses | |

|. . Licensing |Skip licences | |Destroy - 2 years after registration |RGLA 9.16 |

| | | |lapses | |

|. . Licensing |Street collections and | |Destroy - 2 years after registration |House To House Collections Act 1939 |

| |lotteries licences | |lapses |Lotteries and Amusements Act 1976. |

| | | | |RGLA 9.16 |

|. . Licensing |Street trading licences | |Destroy - 2 years after registration |Local Government (Miscellaneous |

| | | |lapses |Provisions) Act 1982. RGLA 9.16 |

|. . Licensing |Zoo licences | |Destroy - 2 years after registration |The Zoo Licensing Act 1981. RGLA |

| | | |lapses |9.16 |

|. . Sex establishments | |Register | | |

|Class |Series |Records |Retention Period |Rationale |

|Council property | | | | |

|. Common land | | | | |

|. . Grazing | |Grazing permits | | |

|. . Registration | |Register |Permanent - offer to archivist | |

|. Maintenance of council property  | | | | |

|. . Maintenance | |Instruction manuals |Destroy - 7 years after last action |RGLA 7.27 |

|. . Planned maintenance |Case files - property | |Destroy - 7 years after last action |RGLA 7.27 |

|. . Refurbishment |Case files - property |Tenders and contracts |Destroy - 7 years after conclusion of|RGLA 8.7 |

| | | |transaction | |

|. . Responsive maintenance |Case files - property | |Destroy - 7 years after last action |RGLA 7.27 |

|. Property acquisition and disposal | | | | |

|. . Acquisitions |Case files - property |Assets over £ 50000 |Destroy - 12 years after all |Limitations Act 1980. RGLA 7.29 |

| | | |obligations/entitlements concluded | |

|. . Acquisitions |Case files - property |Assets under £ 50000 |Destroy - 6 years after all |Limitations Act 1980. RGLA 7.29 |

| | | |obligations/entitlements concluded | |

|. . Deeds |Case files - property | | | |

|. . Disposal |Case files - property |Assets over £ 50000 |Destroy - 12 years after all |Limitations Act 1980. RGLA 7.29 |

| | | |obligations/entitlements concluded | |

|. . Disposal |Case files - property |Assets under £ 50000 |Destroy - 6 years after all |Limitations Act 1980. RGLA 7.29 |

| | | |obligations/entitlements concluded | |

|. . Disposal |Case files - property |Sale or write-off of property |Destroy - 15 years after obligations |RGLA 8.3 |

| | | |or entitlements are concluded | |

|. Property and land management | | | | |

|. . Accessibility |Case files - property | |Destroy - 7 years from closure | |

|. . Building surveys | |Surveys | | |

|. . Certification |Case files - property | | | |

|. . Distribution and allocation of properties | | | | |

|. . Energy management | | | | |

|. . Energy management |Case files - property | | | |

|. . Equipment disposal | | | | |

|. . Facilities management | | | | |

|. . Farm management | | | | |

|. . Feasibility | |Feasibility studies | | |

|. . Fleet management | |Allocation and maintenance of |Destroy - 7 years after disposal of |RGLA 8.15 |

| | |vehicles |the vehicle | |

|. . Fleet management | |Recording drivers usage |Destroy - 7 years after closure |RGLA 8.17 |

|. . Fleet management | |Recording vehicle usage |Destroy - 3 years after disposal of |RGLA 8.16 |

| | | |the vehicle | |

|. . Fleet management | |Vehicle records, lease or purchase |Destroy - 7 years after disposal of |RGLA 8.14 |

| | | |the vehicle | |

|. . Health and safety |Case files - property |System processes |Destroy - 1 year after process ceases|RGLA 9.6 |

| | | |or is superseded | |

|. . Internal agreements |Case files - property | | | |

|. . Land and property history |Case files - property | |Destroy - 12 years from life of |RGLA 8.2 |

| | | |property | |

|. . Leasing |Case files - property |Managing leased property |Destroy - 15 years after expiry of |RGLA 8.8 |

| | | |the lease | |

|. . Leasing |Case files - property |Managing the occupancy of property |Destroy - 7 years after conclusion of|RGLA 8.9 |

| | | |transaction | |

|. . Management | |Estates of special interest |Permanent - offer to archivist |RGLA 8.5 |

|. . Management | |Other buildings and estates |Retain for life of the building |RGLA 8.6 |

|. . Maps and directions |Case files - property | | | |

|. . Property services |Case files - property | | | |

|. . Property strategy | | |Permanent - offer to archivist |RGLA 8.1 |

|. . Replacement programme | | | | |

|. . Scheduling | |Inventories | | |

|. . Security |Case files - property | | | |

|. . Usage statistics |Case files - property | | | |

|. . Valuations |Case files - property |Valuations on disposal |Destroy - 6 years from end of | |

| | | |financial year after disposal of | |

| | | |property | |

|. Property use and development | | | | |

|. . Car parking |Case files - property | |Destroy - 7 years after completion | |

|. . Design and construction |Case files - property | | | |

|. . Traveller sites | | |Destroy - 3 years after closure | |

|. . Warehousing and storage | | | | |

|Class |Series |Records |Retention Period |Rationale |

|Crematoria and cemeteries | | | | |

|. Burial identity and location | | | | |

|. . Registration | |Cemetery plans, burial plot layout |Permanent - offer to archivist |RGLA 9.24 |

|. . Registration | |Summary management systems, registers|Permanent - offer to archivist |RGLA 9.24 |

|. . Bookings | |Applications |Destroy - 5 year after last action |RGLA9.25 |

|. . Exhumations | | |Permanent - offer to archivist |RGLA9.24 |

|. . Interment Service | |Regulation of burials and cremations |Destroy - 5 year after last action |RGLA9.25 |

|. . Licensing | |Permits |Destroy - 5 year after last action |RGLA9.25 |

|. . Memorial management | | | | |

|. Maintenance of burial grounds | | | | |

|. . Planned Maintenance | | |Destroy - 21 years after maintenance | |

| | | |completed | |

|. . Redundant Churchyards | | |Destroy - 21 years after maintenance | |

| | | |completed | |

|. . Responsive Maintenance | | |Destroy - 21 years after maintenance | |

| | | |completed | |

|Class |Series |Records |Retention Period |Rationale |

|Democracy | | | | |

|. Decision making | | | | |

|. . Council and committee meetings | |Minutes |Permanent - offer to archivist |RGLA 1.4 |

|. . Council and committee meetings | |Committee Clerks Notebooks |Destroy after date of confirmation of|RGLA 1.5 |

| | | |the minutes | |

|. . Delegations | | | | |

|. . Independent Remuneration Panel | | | | |

|. . Meeting - cabinet | |Minutes |Permanent - offer to archivist |RGLA 1.4 |

|. . Member panels | | |Permanent - offer to archivist |RGLA 1.4 |

|. . Referenda | | | | |

|. . Scrutiny Panel | | |Permanent - offer to archivist |RGLA 1.4 |

|. Executive | | | | |

|. . Statutory appointments | |Appointment files |Permanent - offer to archivist |RGLA 6.24 |

|. . Statutory appointments | |Vacancy files |Destroy - 2 years after date of |RGLA 6.25 |

| | | |appointment | |

|. Governance | | | | |

|. . Constitution | |Constitution |Permanent - offer to archivist |RGLA 1.4 |

|. Honours and awards | | | | |

|. . Honours submissions | | |Destroy - 5 years after last action |RGLA 1.8 |

|. . Lord lieutenancy | | | | |

|. Member support | | | | |

|. . Gifts and hospitality | |Register |Destroy - 18 months after member | |

| | | |leaves office | |

|. . Register of Interests | |Register | | |

|. Planning | | | | |

|. . Cross departmental consideration | | |Destroy - 3 years from closure |RGLA2.3 |

|. . Forward Plan | | |Permanent - offer to archivist |RGLA2.1 |

|. . Strategic Plan | |Minutes |Permanent - offer to archivist |RGLA2.2 |

|. . Strategic Plan | |Reviews |Destroy - 5 years from closure |RGLA2.7 |

|. Representation | | | | |

|. . Constituencies | | | | |

|. . Elections | | | | |

|. . Elections | |Ballot papers - European elections |Destroy 1 year after election |European Parliamentary Elections |

| | | | |Regulations 1999 |

|. . Elections | |Ballot papers - local elections |Destroy 6 months from close of poll |Representation of the People |

| | | | |Regulations 1986 and Local Elections |

| | | | |(Parishes and Communities) Rules |

| | | | |1986. RGLA 1.2 |

|. . Elections | |Consolidated returns of votes |Destroy 6 months from close of poll |RGLA 1.3 |

| | |received | | |

|. . Elections | |Summary certification of those |Permanent - offer to archivist |Representation of the People |

| | |eligible to vote | |Regulations 1986. RGLA 1.1 |

|. . Elections | |Electoral Register | | |

|. . Emparishment | | | | |

|. . Lists of councillors | |Council diaries, members details | | |

|. . Lists of meetings | | | | |

|. . Nominations | | | | |

|. . Political parties’ papers | | |Destroy - 3 years after last action |RGLA 1.9 |

|Class |Series |Records |Retention Period |Rationale |

|Economic development | | | | |

|. Business intelligence | | | | |

|. . Business listing | |Business directory | | |

|. . European development | | | | |

|. . Marketing | |Economic data |Destroy 20 years after collected |New census info only arrives every 10|

| | | | |years and updated indices of |

| | | | |deprivation data every 4-5 years. |

| | | | |Need to retain to analyse time |

| | | | |series. |

|. Promotion | | | | |

|. . Advice to business | | | | |

|. . Business awards | |Grants |Destroy 7years after scheme to which | |

| | | |grant relates is completed | |

|. . Business development | |Fairs | | |

|. . Business development | |Business associations |Destroy after 7 years | |

|. . Film and television development | | | | |

|. . International relations | |Twinning | | |

|. . List of properties | | | | |

|. . Markets | | | | |

|. . Voluntary sector development | | | | |

|. Regeneration | | | | |

|. . Community development | | | | |

|. . Regional development | | | | |

|. . Rural development | | | | |

|. . Strategy | | | | |

|. . Town centre management | | | | |

|. Sustainability | | | | |

|. . Sustainable development | | | | |

|. Tourism | | | | |

|. . Tourism development | | | | |

|. Training | | | | |

|. . Workforce support | | | | |

|Class |Series |Records |Retention Period |Rationale |

|Education and skills | | | | |

|. Access and inclusion | | | | |

|. . Project management | | | | |

|. . Traveller sites | | |Destroy 7 years after closure of | |

| | | |project | |

|. Admissions and exclusions | | | | |

|. . Appeals | | |Destroy after 7 years after decision | |

| | | |made | |

|. . Parental choice | | | | |

|. . Parental choice | |School directory | | |

|. Advice | | | | |

|. . Advisory services | | | | |

|. Arts services | | | | |

|. . Field centres | | |Destroy after 7 years | |

|. . Music services | | |Destroy after 7 years | |

|. . Provision in schools | |Orders and bookings |Destroy after 7 years | |

|. . Performances | | |Destroy after 7 years | |

|. Curriculum development | | | | |

|. . International projects | | | | |

|. . National curriculum | | |Destroy after 7 years | |

|. . Out of schools projects | | |Destroy after 7 years | |

|. . Outdoor education | | | | |

|. . Schools curricula | | |Destroy after 7 years | |

|. Education welfare | | | | |

|. . Attendance and Truancy | | | | |

|. . Student welfare service | | | | |

|. Employment skills | | | | |

|. . Careers advice | | | | |

|. . Workplace training | | | | |

|. Life long learning | | | | |

|. . Adult and community services | | | | |

|. . Basic skills development | | | | |

|. . Basic skills development | |Course directory | | |

|. Management of schools | | | | |

|. . Admissions |School files | |Destroy - 25 years from last action |RGLA 3.19 |

|. . Emergency contacts |School files | | | |

|. . General information |School files | | | |

|. . Governing bodies |School files | | | |

|. . Governing bodies | |Governor minutes |Destroy 3 years after the event | |

|. . Governor contacts |School files | |Destroy 5 years after governor leaves| |

|. . Health and nursing |School files | | | |

|. . Inspections |School files | | | |

|. . Performance |School files | |Review every 7 years and then offer | |

| | | |to archivist | |

|. . Plans and policies |School files | |Retain while policy operational then | |

| | | |offer to archivist | |

|. . School catering |School files | | | |

|. Teaching | | | | |

|. . Teacher development | | | | |

|. . Mentoring | | | | |

|Class |Series |Records |Retention Period |Rationale |

|Environmental protection | | | | |

|. Advice | | | | |

|. . Biodiversity | | |Permanent, offer to archivist after | |

| | | |administrative use | |

|. . Campaigns | | |Permanent, offer to archivist after | |

| | | |administrative use | |

|. Conservation | | | | |

|. . Archaeological services | | | | |

|. . Countryside conservation | | |Permanent, offer to archivist after | |

| | | |administrative use | |

|. . Forest management | | |Permanent, offer to archivist after | |

| | | |administrative use | |

|. . Heritage conservation | | |Permanent, offer to archivist after | |

| | | |administrative use | |

|. . Nature conservation | | |Permanent, offer to archivist after | |

| | | |administrative use | |

|. . Urban conservation | | |Permanent, offer to archivist after | |

| | | |administrative use | |

|. . Woodland management | | |Permanent, offer to archivist after | |

| | | |administrative use | |

|. Monitoring | | | | |

|. . Coastal erosion | | |Permanent, offer to archivist after | |

| | | |administrative use | |

|. . Environmental impact assessment | | |Permanent, offer to archivist after | |

| | | |administrative use | |

|. . Environmentally sensitive areas | | |Permanent, offer to archivist after | |

| | | |administrative use | |

|Class |Series |Records |Retention Period |Rationale |

|Finance  | | | | |

|. Accounts and audit | | | | |

|. . Internal auditing | | | | |

|. . Reporting | |Annual corporate financial reports: |Permanent - offer to archivist |Limitations Act 1980, VAT Act 1994, |

| | |Consolidated annual reports, | |Taxes Management Act 1970, Audit |

| | |Consolidated financial statements, | |Commission Act 1998. RGLA 7.1 |

| | |Operating statements, General ledger | | |

|. . Reporting | |Periodic financial reports: Monthly |Destroy when administrative use is |RGLA 7.2 |

| | |and quarterly reports |concluded | |

|. Asset management | | | | |

|. . Maintaining assets | |Asset registers | | |

|. . Maintaining assets | |Maintaining plant and equipment |Destroy - 7 years after sale or |RGLA 7.27 |

| | | |disposal of asset | |

|. . Maintaining assets | |Maintenance |Destroy - 7 years after last action |RGLA 7.28 |

|. . Maintaining assets | |Overall assets |Permanent - offer to archivist |RGLA 7.24 |

|. . Maintaining assets | |Reporting and reviewing asset status |Destroy - 2 years after use is |RGLA 7.26 |

| | | |concluded | |

|. . Maintaining assets | |Summary reports |Destroy - 7 years after the |RGLA 7.25 |

| | | |transaction was concluded | |

|. Financial provisions management | | | | |

|. . Borrowing | | |Destroy - 7 years after the loan has |RGLA 7.14 |

| | | |been repaid | |

|. . Borrowing | |Loan register |Permanent - offer to archivist |RGLA 7.15 |

|. . Budget | |Annual budget |Permanent - offer to archivist |RGLA 7.11 |

|. . Budget | |Developing annual budget: Draft |Destroy - 2 years after budget |RGLA 7.12 |

| | |budgets, departmental estimates |adopted | |

|. . Budget | |Reporting actual vs. planned revenue |Destroy after next year's budget has |RGLA 7.13 |

| | |and expenditure |been adopted | |

|. . Credit union management | | | | |

|. . Debt management | | | | |

|. . Donations | | | | |

|. . Funding bids | | | | |

|. . Strategy and planning | | | | |

|. Financial transactions management | | | | |

|. . Authorisation | | | | |

|. . Expenditure | |Identification of the receipt, |Destroy 6 years after the conclusion |Limitations Act 1980, VAT Act 1994, |

| | |expenditure and write offs of public |of the transaction |Taxes Management Act 1970, Audit |

| | |monies | |Commission Act 1998. May be reduced |

| | | | |by agreement with HMRC. RGLA 7.4 |

|. . Expenditure | |Travel expenses |Destroy 6 years after the conclusion |Limitations Act 1980, VAT Act 1994, |

| | | |of the transaction |Taxes Management Act 1970, Audit |

| | | | |Commission Act 1998. RGLA 7.5 |

|. . Fraud | | | | |

|. . Funding applications | | | | |

|. . Income | | | | |

|. . Internal recharging | | | | |

|. . Investments | | | | |

|. . National insurance numbers | |Notification and input records |Destroy 2 years after the employee |RGLA 7.8 |

| | | |ceases employment | |

|. . Reconciliation | |Balance and reconcile financial |Destroy 2 years after administrative |RGLA 7.6 |

| | |accounts |use is concluded | |

|. . Refunds | | | | |

|. Local taxation | | | | |

|. . Benefits and subsidies |Council tax and benefit files| | | |

|. . Business rates |Account files | | | |

|. . Council tax |Council tax and benefit files| | | |

|. . Property valuation | |Other valuation information |Destroy - 10 years after valuation |RGLA 7.20 |

| | | |was made | |

|. . Property valuation | |Rateable property information |Permanent - offer to archivist |RGLA 7.21 |

|. . Property valuation | |Valuation lists |Permanent - offer to archivist |RGLA 7.20 |

|. National taxation | | | | |

|. . Tax payments | |Tax correspondence |Destroy - 7 years after last action |RGLA 7.22 |

|. . Tax payments | |Taxation records |Destroy 5 years after the end of the |Limitations Act 1980, VAT Act 1994, |

| | | |financial year |Taxes Management Act 1970, Audit |

| | | | |Commission Act 1998. RGLA 7.7 |

|. Payroll and pensions | | | | |

|. . Pay | |Payment of employees |Destroy 7 years after the conclusion |Taxes Management Act 1970, Audit |

| | | |of the transaction |Commission Act 1998. RGLA 7.9 |

|. . Pay | |Summary pay reports |Destroy after administrative use is |RGLA7.10 |

| | | |concluded | |

|. . Pensions | | |Destroy - 6 years from last pension |RGLA6.2 |

| | | |payment | |

|Class |Series |Records |Retention Period |Rationale |

|Health and safety | | | | |

|. Community safety | | | | |

|. . Campaigns | | | | |

|. Compliance | | | | |

|. . Strategy and planning | |System processes |Destroy - 1 year after process ceases|RGLA 9.6 |

| | | |or is superseded | |

|. . Strategy and planning | |Health and Safety Policy | | |

|. . Training | | | | |

|. Monitoring | | | | |

|. . Accidents and incident reporting | | | | |

|. . Accidents and incident reporting | |Accident books - adult |Destroy - 3 years from closure |Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and |

| | | | |Dangerous Occurrences Regulations |

| | | | |1995. RGLA 9.9 |

|. . Accidents and incident reporting | |Accident books - children |Destroy -25 years from closure |Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and |

| | | | |Dangerous Occurrences Regulations |

| | | | |1995. RGLA 9.10 |

|. . Asbestos inspections | | |Destroy - 50 years from last action |Control of Asbestos at Work |

| | | |or age 75 years from date of birth |Regulations 1987. RGLA 9.4 |

| | | |(greater) | |

|. . Equipment | |Safety inspections |Destroy - 6 years after equipment is | |

| | | |de-commissioned | |

|. . Hazardous substances | |COSSH inspections |Permanent - offer to archivist |Control of Substances Hazardous to |

| | | | |Health Regulations 2002 |

|. . Health and safety inspections | | | | |

|. . Radiation | |Radon Monitoring |Destroy - 40 years from last action |The Ionising Radiations Regulations |

| | | | |1985. RGLA 9.5 |

|. Risk management | | | | |

|. . Risk assessments | | |Destroy - 3 years after last |Management of Health and Safety at |

| | | |assessment |Work Regulations 1992. RGLA 9.7 |

|Class |Series |Records |Retention Period |Rationale |

|Housing | | | | |

|. Advice | | | | |

|. . Advice to homeowners and tenants | | | | |

|. Enforcement | | | | |

|. . Assessment- housing standards | | | | |

|. . Safety inspections | | | | |

|. Estate management | | | | |

|. . Business premises | | | | |

|. . Car parking surveys | | | | |

|. . Garage application | | | | |

|. . Garage rental |Tenant file | | | |

|. . Housing inspections | | | | |

|. . Neighbour disputes | | | | |

|. Housing provision | | | | |

|. . Allocations | | | | |

|. . Assessment - housing needs | | | | |

|. . Homelessness | | | | |

|. . Hostel providers | | | | |

|. . Housing applications | | | | |

|. . Housing applications | |Unsuccessful applications |Destroy - 7 years from closure |RGLA3.27 |

|. . Housing applications | |Council housing register |Permanent - offer to archivist |RGLA3.26 |

|. . Housing exchanges | |Mutual exchange list | | |

|. . Housing stock requirements | | |Destroy - 4 years after last action |RGLA8.10 |

|. . Landlord accreditation | | | | |

|. . Sheltered housing | | | | |

|. Housing stock | | | | |

|. . Demolition |Property file | | | |

|. . Emergency maintenance |Property file | | | |

|. . Housing grants |Property file |Grants over £ 50,000 |Destroy - 12 years after last payment|Limitations Act 1980. RGLA 7.19 |

|. . Housing grants |Property file |Grants under £ 50,000 |Destroy - 6 years after last payment |Limitations Act 1980. RGLA 7.19 |

|. . Leases |Property file | | | |

|. . Planned maintenance |Property file | | | |

|. . Private housing grants |Property file | | | |

|. . Property adaptations |Property file | | | |

|. . Repairs and renovation |Property file | | | |

|. . Risk assessment | |Asbestos Register |Destroy - 50 years from last action |Control of Asbestos at Work |

| | | |or age 75 years from date of birth |Regulations 1987. RGLA 9.4 |

| | | |(greater) | |

|. . Unauthorised occupants | | | | |

|. Managing tenancies | | |Destroy - 12 years from termination |RGLA3.28 |

| | | |of tenancy | |

|. . Adaptations |Property file | | | |

|. . Adaptations grants |Property file | | | |

|. . Advice |Tenant file | | | |

|. . Agreements |Tenant file |Ordinary Tenancy |Destroy - 6 years after tenancy has |Limitations Act 1980 |

| | | |expired | |

|. . Agreements |Tenant file |Tenancy under seal |Destroy - 12 years after tenancy has |Limitations Act 1980 |

| | | |expired | |

|. . Approving alterations |Property file | | | |

|. . Assessment - housing needs |Tenant file | | | |

|. . Breaches |Tenant file | | | |

|. . Evictions |Tenant file | | | |

|. . Housing repairs |Tenant file | | | |

|. . Insurance | | | | |

|. . Rent arrears |Tenant file | |Destroy 7 years after closure |RGLA 7.18 |

|. . Rent setting | | | | |

|. . Right to buy |Tenant file | |Destroy - 12 years after sale of |RGLA7.17 |

| | | |house | |

|. . Temporary accommodation |Tenant file | | | |

|. . Tenancies |Tenant file | | | |

|. . Welfare services |Tenant file | | | |

|Class |Series |Records |Retention Period |Rationale |

|Human resources | | | | |

|. Administering employees | | | | |

|. . Counselling |Employee files | |Destroy - 6 years from termination of|RGLA6.4 |

| | | |employment | |

|. . Absence monitoring |Employee files | |Destroy - 3 years from end of current| |

| | | |tax year | |

|. . Discipline |Employee files | |Destroy - 6 years from termination of|RGLA6.4 |

| | | |employment | |

|. . Discipline |Employee files |Final warnings |Destroy - 18 months after warning |RGLA 6.7 |

|. . Discipline |Employee files |No warning given |Destroy immediately |RGLA 6.8 |

|. . Discipline |Employee files |Oral warnings |Destroy - 6 months after warning |RGLA 6.7 |

|. . Discipline |Employee files |Warnings involving children |Keep on personnel file permanently |RGLA 6.7 |

|. . Discipline |Employee files |Written warnings |Destroy - 12 months after warning |RGLA 6.7 |

|. . Disclosure of interest | | | | |

|. . Employee details |Employee files | |Destroy - 6 years from termination of|RGLA6.4 |

| | | |employment | |

|. . Employment conditions |Employee files | |Destroy 2 years after employee ceases| |

| | | |employment | |

|. . Grievances |Employee files | |Destroy - 6 years from termination of|RGLA6.4 |

| | | |employment | |

|. . Individual training records |Employee files | |Destroy - 6 years from termination of|RGLA6.4 |

| | | |employment | |

|. . Individual training records |Employee files |Proof of completion |Destroy - 7 years after course |RGLA6.21 |

| | | |completed | |

|. . Induction | | |Destroy - 2 years after closure | |

|. . Job evaluation | | | | |

|. . Leave |Employee files | |Destroy - 2 years after action |RGLA6.13 |

| | | |completed | |

|. . Medical assessments |Employee files | |Destroy - 75 years after date of |RGLA6.10 |

| | | |birth | |

|. . Maternity/paternity |Employee files | |Destroy - 3 years from end of current| |

| | | |tax year | |

|. . Reporting | | | | |

|. . Termination | | |Destroy - 6 years from termination of|RGLA 6.16 |

| | | |employment | |

|. Employee relations | | | | |

|. . Disciplinary matters reporting | | | | |

|. . Trade union liaison | |Strategy |Permanent - offer to archivist |RGLA 6.5 |

|. . Trade union liaison | |Routine matters |Destroy - 2 years after use is |RGLA 6.6 |

| | | |concluded | |

|. Equal opportunities | | | | |

|. . Equalities and diversity | | | | |

|. . Equalities and diversity | |Investigations |Destroy - 5 years after action |RGLA 6.9 |

| | | |completed | |

|. Monitoring employees | | | | |

|. . Performance appraisal | |Probationary reports and performance | | |

| | |plans | | |

|. . Reporting | | |Destroy - 5 years after action |RGLA 6.12 |

| | | |completed | |

|. . Staff directory | | |Permanent - offer to archivist |RGLA 6.1 |

|. Occupational health | | | | |

|. . Absence reporting | | |Destroy - 2 years after action |RGLA 6.13 |

| | | |completed | |

|. . Occupational health | |Staff health records |Destroy - 75 years after date of |RGLA6.10 |

| | | |birth | |

|. . Occupational health |Employee files |Training |Destroy - 50 years after training |RGLA6.19 |

| | | |completed | |

|. . Personal risk assessments |Employee files | | | |

|. . Sickness monitoring |Employee files | |Destroy - 6 years from termination of|RGLA 6.4 |

| | | |employment | |

|. . Major injuries | | |Destroy - 40 years after termination |Health and Safety at Work Act 1974; |

| | | |of employment |Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and |

| | | | |Dangerous Occurrences Regulations |

| | | | |1995 reg. 7; Limitations Act 1980 |

|. Recruitment | | | | |

|. . Authorisation | | |Destroy - 5 years after recruitment | |

| | | |finalised | |

|. . Job descriptions | | |Destroy - 2 years after superseded | |

|. . Recruitment | | |Destroy - 6 years from termination of|RGLA6.4 |

| | | |employment | |

|. . Recruitment |Position |Unsuccessful candidates |Destroy - 6months after recruitment | |

| | | |finalised | |

|. . Recruitment |Position | |Destroy - 1 year after recruitment |RGLA 6.11 |

| | | |finalised | |

|. . Recruitment process | | | | |

|. . Secondment |Secondment files | |Destroy - 6 years from termination of|RGLA6.4 |

| | | |employment | |

|. . Volunteers |Volunteer files | |Destroy - 6 years from termination of|RGLA6.4 |

| | | |employment | |

|. Terms and conditions of employment | | | | |

|. . Staff benefits | | | | |

|. . Staff facilities | | | | |

|. . Staff recognition | | | | |

|. . Terms and conditions | | | | |

|. Training | | | | |

|. . Driver training | | | | |

|. . Reporting | | | | |

|. . Support training | | | | |

|. . Training courses |Training course files |Course administration |Destroy - 2 years after action |RGLA 6.17 |

| | | |completed | |

|. . Training courses |Training course files |Courses concerning children |Destroy - 35 years after course |RGLA 6.18 |

| | | |completed, or last entry | |

|Training course files |Training materials |Training course materials |Destroy - 1 year after course |RGLA 6.20 |

| | | |superseded | |

|. . Training courses |Training course files |Training materials |Destroy - 2 years after action |RGLA 6.17 |

| | | |completed | |

|. . Training plan | |Corporate training plan | | |

|. Workforce planning | | | | |

|. . Workforce development planning | |Financial rewards |Destroy - 7 years after action |RGLA 6.15 |

| | | |completed | |

|. . Workforce development planning | |Strategy |Destroy - 3 years after action |RGLA 6.14 |

| | | |completed | |

|Class |Series |Records |Retention Period |Rationale |

|Information and communication technology | | | | |

|. Infrastructure | | | | |

|. . Disposal | |Assets under £ 50,000 |Destroy - 6 years after all |Limitations Act 1980. RGLA 7.29 |

| | | |obligations/entitlements concluded | |

|. . Disposal | |Assets over £ 50,000 |Destroy - 12 years after all |Limitations Act 1980. RGLA 7.29 |

| | | |obligations/entitlements concluded | |

|. . Fault reporting | | | | |

|. . Licensing | | | | |

|. . Help Desk Support | | | | |

|. . Information security | | | | |

|. . Network maintenance | | | | |

|. . Server maintenance | | | | |

|. . Spatial data management | | | | |

|. . Storage | | | | |

|. . Strategy | | | | |

|. . Web development | | | | |

|. System support | | | | |

|. . Change Control |System log | |Destroy - 2 years after system no | |

| | | |longer used | |

|. . Configuration management |System log | |Destroy - 2 years after system no | |

| | | |longer used | |

|. . Data Management |System log | |Destroy - 2 years after system no | |

| | | |longer used | |

|. . Design and Construction |System log | |Destroy - 2 years after system no | |

| | | |longer used | |

|. . Development |System log | |Destroy - 2 years after system no | |

| | | |longer used | |

|. . Implementation |System log | |Destroy - 2 years after system no | |

| | | |longer used | |

|. . Integration and interfaces |System log | |Destroy - 2 years after system no | |

| | | |longer used | |

|. . Maintenance |System log | |Destroy - 2 years after system no | |

| | | |longer used | |

|. . Manuals |System log | |Destroy - 2 years after system no | |

| | | |longer used | |

|Class |Series |Records |Retention Period |Rationale |

|Information management | | | | |

|. Access to information | | | | |

|. . Data protection | |Subject Access Request |Destroy when information no longer | |

| | | |required | |

|. . Data protection | |Notification |Destroy - 3 years after previous | |

| | | |notification | |

|. . Environmental information |Information requests |Access status records |Destroy - 10 years after data created|TNA Retention and Disposal Guidance |

| | | | |14. |

|. . Environmental information |Information requests |Information scheduled for destruction|Destroy - 6 months after last |TNA Retention and Disposal Guidance |

| | | |correspondence |14. |

|. . Environmental information |Information requests |Individual transaction records |Destroy - 3 years after date of |TNA Retention and Disposal Guidance |

| | | |creation |14. |

|. . Environmental information |Information requests |Policy records |Destroy - 5 years after procedures |TNA Retention and Disposal Guidance |

| | | |have been superseded |14. |

|. . Freedom of information |Information requests |Access status records |Destroy - 10 years after data created|TNA Retention and Disposal Guidance |

| | | | |14. |

|. . Freedom of information |Information requests |Information scheduled for destruction|Destroy - 6 months after last |TNA Retention and Disposal Guidance |

| | | |correspondence |14. |

|. . Freedom of information |Information requests |Individual transaction records |Destroy - 3 years after date of |TNA Retention and Disposal Guidance |

| | | |creation |14. |

|. . Freedom of information |Information requests |Policy records |Destroy - 5 years after procedures |TNA Retention and Disposal Guidance |

| | | |have been superseded |14. |

|. . Freedom of information | |Publication Scheme |Permanent - offer to archivist | |

|. Archives | | | | |

|. . Archives management | |Records catalogue | | |

|. Knowledge management | | | | |

|. . Information asset management | |Information asset register | | |

|. . Information asset management | |Record surveys | | |

|. . Information asset management | |Circulation lists | | |

|. Records management | | | | |

|. . Compliance | |Classification schemes |Permanent - offer to archivist |RGLA 2.10 |

|. . Forms development | |Standard templates | | |

|. . Forms development | | | | |

|. . Image capture | | | | |

|. . Retention scheduling | |Disposal certificates |Destroy - 12 years after last action |RGLA 2.12 |

|. . Tracking | |Issues log | | |

|. Registration | | | | |

|. . Statutory registers | |Register |Permanent - offer to archivist unless|Limitations Act 1980 |

| | | |specific legislation requires | |

| | | |otherwise | |

|Class |Series |Records |Retention Period |Rationale |

|Legal services | | | | |

|. Advice | | | | |

|. . Advice to the public | | | | |

|. . Provision of legal advice | | |Destroy - 6 years after last action, |Limitations Act 1980. RGLA 4.2 |

| | | |major precedent - offer to archivist | |

| | | |for review | |

|. . Witness support | | | | |

|. Bylaws | | | | |

|. . Enactment | | |Permanent - offer to archivist |RGLA 9.22 |

|. . Enforcement | | |Destroy - 2 years after matter is |RGLA 9.23 |

| | | |concluded | |

|. Land and highways | | | | |

|. . Acquisition | |Road adoptions | | |

|. . Disposal | | | | |

|. Land registration | | | | |

|. . Land charges | |Searches | | |

|. . Land charges | |Registers | | |

|. Litigation | | | | |

|. . Civil |Case files | |Destroy - 7 years after last action, |RGLA 4.1 |

| | | |major litigation offer to archivist | |

| | | |for review | |

|. . Commercial |Case files | |Destroy - 7 years after last action, |RGLA 4.1 |

| | | |major litigation offer to archivist | |

| | | |for review | |

|. . Criminal |Case files | |Destroy - 7 years after last action, |RGLA 4.1 |

| | | |major litigation offer to archivist | |

| | | |for review | |

|. . Debt recovery |Case files | |Destroy - 7 years after last action, |RGLA 4.1 |

| | | |major litigation offer to archivist | |

| | | |for review | |

|. . Precedent cases | | | | |

|. Management of legal activities | | | | |

|. . Archive deposits | |Agreements | | |

|. . Agreements | |Agreements |Destroy - 6 years after agreement |RGLA 4.3 |

| | | |ends | |

|. . Conveyancing |Deeds |Conveyance |Destroy - 12 years after closure |Limitations Act 1980. RGLA 4.4 |

|. . Conveyancing |Deeds |Easements | | |

|. . Conveyancing | |Tenancy Agreements |Destroy - 12 years from termination |RGLA 3.28 |

| | | |of tenancy | |

|. . Copyright | |Intellectual Property Rights | | |

|. . Drafting | |Pro-forma agreements | | |

|. . Trusts | | | | |

|. Planning controls | | | | |

|. . Certificate of Lawful Use or Development | |Certificate |Permanent - offer to archivist |Town and Country Planning Act 1990 |

|. . Certificate of Lawful Use or Development | |Other documentation |Destroy - 12 years from date of |Limitations Act 1980 |

| | | |agreement | |

|. . Section 106 agreements | |Agreement |Permanent - offer to archivist |Town and Country Planning Act 1990 |

|. . Section 106 agreements | |Other documentation |Destroy - 12 years from date of |Limitations Act 1980 |

| | | |agreement | |

|Class |Series |Records |Retention Period |Rationale |

|Leisure and culture | | | | |

|. Allotments | | | | |

|. . Allotments | | | | |

|. Archives | | | | |

|. . Archive development | | | | |

|. . Cataloguing | |Accession register |Permanent - offer to archivist |RGLA 2.11 |

|. . Deposits | | | | |

|. . Loans | | | | |

|. . Membership | | | | |

|. . Research | | | | |

|. Arts | | | | |

|. . Arts development | | | | |

|. . Clubs and societies | | | | |

|. Community facilities | | | | |

|. . Equipment | | | | |

|. . Grants | | | | |

|. . Venues | | | | |

|. Leisure promotion | | | | |

|. . Countryside events | |Programmes and events | | |

|. . Exhibitions | |Programmes and events | | |

|. . Inclusion | | | | |

|. . Parks and gardens events | |Programmes and events | | |

|. . Play scheme | | | | |

|. Libraries | | | | |

|. . Book ordering | | | | |

|. . Bookings | | | | |

|. . Bookings | |Internet bookings | | |

|. . Catalogue | |Stock management |Destroy - 2 years after | |

| | | |administrative use concluded | |

|. . Fines | | | | |

|. . Library development | | | | |

|. . Loans | | | | |

|. . Membership | | | | |

|. . Support for schools | | | | |

|. Museums | | |Destroy - 10 years after closure | |

|. . Deposit | | | | |

|. . Loans | | | | |

|. . Museum catalogue | | | | |

|. . Museum development | | | | |

|. Parks and open spaces | | | | |

|. . Maintenance | | | | |

|. . Playgrounds | | | | |

|. Sports facilities | | | | |

|. . Bookings | | | | |

|. . Bookings | |Facilities | | |

|. . Bookings | |Classes | | |

|. . Equipment hire | | | | |

|. . Membership | | | | |

|. . Membership | |Golf courses | | |

|. . Membership | |Leisure centres | | |

|. Sports | | | | |

|. . Sports development | | | | |

|. . Clubs and societies | | | | |

|. Tourism | | | | |

|. . Tourist accommodation | | | | |

|. . Tourist accommodation | |Accreditation process | | |

|. . Tourist accommodation | |Registers | | |

|. . Visitor information | | | | |

|. . Visitor information | |Maps and directions | | |

|Class |Series |Records |Retention Period |Rationale |

|Management | | | | |

|. Ceremonial | | | | |

|. . Civic and royal events | |Visitors book, tapes, photographs |Permanent - offer to archivist |RGLA 2.24 |

|. . Civic and royal events | |Planning and organising an event |Destroy - 7 years after use |RGLA 2.25 |

|. . Corporate gifts | | | | |

|. Communication support | | | | |

|. . Interpreting and translation | |Translation | | |

|. . Mail processing | | | | |

|. . Publication | |Publications | | |

|. . Publications received | |Publications | | |

|. . Staff communications | | | | |

|. Corporate communication | | | | |

|. . Campaigns | | | | |

|. . Corporate branding | | | | |

|. . Corporate publicity | | | | |

|. . Graphic design | |Designing setting information |Destroy - 3 years from last action |RGLA 2.19 |

|. . Marketing | |Marketing planning and campaigns |Permanent - offer to archivist |RGLA 2.23 |

|. . Media cuttings | |Media cuttings |Permanent - offer to archivist |RGLA 2.22 |

|. . Media liaison | |Interaction with Media |Destroy - 3 years from closure |RGLA 2.21 |

|. . Media releases | | | | |

|. . Media releases | | | | |

|. . Public relations | | | | |

|. . Public relations | |Media reports |Permanent - offer to archivist | |

|. . Public relations | |Published work |Destroy after use is concluded - one |RGLA 2.20 |

| | | |copy to archive | |

|. . Public relations | |Statistics, trends and customer |Destroy - 10 years after use | |

| | |satisfaction data |concluded | |

|. Enquiries and complaints | | | | |

|. . Appeals | | | | |

|. . Complaints | |Reports and correspondence |Permanent - offer to archivist |RGLA 2.14 |

|. . Complaints | |Registers |Permanent - offer to archivist |RGLA 2.13 |

|. . Complaints | | | | |

|. . Complaints to Ombudsman |Complaint files | | | |

|. . Compliments | | | | |

|. . Customer profiling | |Customer profiles | | |

|. . Customer satisfaction | |Customer satisfaction surveys | | |

|. . Stage 1 complaints |Complaint files | |Destroy - 2 years after use is |RGLA 2.16 |

| | | |concluded | |

|. . Stage 2 complaints |Complaint files | |Destroy - 6 years after use is |RGLA 2.15 |

| | | |concluded | |

|. External audits | | | | |

|. . Audits | | | | |

|. Preparing business | | | | |

|. . Meetings | | | | |

|. . Officer representation | | | | |

|. . Partnership and agency working | |Business for partnership and agencies|Permanent - offer to archivist |RGLA 1.6 |

| | |where local authority owns the record| | |

|. . Partnership and agency working | |Business for partnership and agencies|Destroy - 3 years after last action |RGLA 1.7 |

| | |where local authority does not own | | |

| | |the record | | |

|. Project management | | | | |

|. . Closure |Project files |Lessons learned | | |

|. . Governance |Project files |Project initiation document | | |

|. . Governance |Project files |Unit or team plans | | |

|. . Initiation and delivery |Project files |Issues log | | |

|. . Start up |Project files |Business case | | |

|. Quality and performance | | | | |

|. . Assessments | | |Destroy - 2 years from closure |RGLA 2.18 |

|. . Best value reviews | | |Destroy - 5 years from closure |RGLA 2.17 |

|. . Inspections | | | | |

|. . Process mapping | |Process maps | | |

|. Statutory returns | | | | |

|. . Reports to government | | |Destroy - 7 years from closure |RGLA 2.5 |

|. Strategic planning | | | | |

|. . Business cases | | | | |

|. . Corporate initiatives | | |Destroy - 5 years after initiative | |

| | | |ends | |

|. . Organisational structure | | | | |

|. . Policies and procedures | | |Permanent - offer to archivist |RGLA 2.6 |

|. . Public consultation | |Minor policies |Destroy - 1 year from closure |RGLA 2.9 |

|. . Public consultation | |Significant policies |Destroy - 5 years from closure |RGLA 2.8 |

|. . Service level agreements | | | | |

|Class |Series |Records |Retention Period |Rationale |

|Planning and building control | | | | |

|. Building control | | | | |

|. . Application processing |Application files | |Destroy after 3 years if rescinded |Building Act 1984 |

| | | |otherwise permanent - offer to | |

| | | |archivist | |

|. . Application processing | |Pre application discussion | | |

|. . Building regulations | | | | |

|. . Registration | |Building control register |Permanent - offer to archivist |RGLA 10.8 |

|. . Unauthorised works | | | | |

|. Covenant control | | | | |

|. . Policies | | | | |

|. . Covenant controls |Covenant control files | | | |

|. Development control | | | | |

|. . Application processing |Appeals files | |Destroy - 6 years from conclusion of |Limitations Act 1980 |

| | | |appeal | |

|. . Application processing |Application files | |Destroy - 10 years after planning | |

| | | |permission expires | |

|. . Application processing |Application files |Decision notices |Permanent - offer to archivist |RGLA 10.6 |

|. . Application processing | |Pre application discussion | | |

|. . Conservation areas | |Sites and Monuments Register | |RGLA 10.3 |

|. . Enforcement | |Enforcement notices |Destroy 3 years after compliance with|RGLA 10.13 |

| | | |enforcement notice | |

|. . Hedges | | | | |

|. . Registration | |Planning Register |Permanent - offer to archivist |RGLA 10.6 |

|. . Planning obligations | | | | |

|. . Tree | |Tree works |Destroy - 5 years after application | |

| | | |decision | |

|. . Tree | |Tree preservation orders |Permanent - offer to archivist |RGLA 10.6 |

|. Forward planning | | | | |

|. . Economic regeneration | | | | |

|. . Heritage listing | | | | |

|. . Housing development | | | | |

|. . Local plan | | | | |

|. . National planning policy | | | | |

|. . Natural environment | |Policies |Permanent - offer to archivist |RGLA 10.7 |

|. . Natural environment | | |Destroy - 7 years after |RGLA 10.7 |

| | | |administrative use concluded | |

|. . Planning policy | | | | |

|. . Planning schemes | |Consultation |Destroy 15 years after decision. |RGLA 10.5 |

| | | |Offer controversial or high profile | |

| | | |schemes to Archivist | |

|. . Regional plan | | | | |

|. . Regional plan | |Mineral Plan |Permanent - offer to archivist |RGLA 10.4 |

|. . Regional plan | |Waste Plan |Permanent - offer to archivist |RGLA 10.4 |

|. . Regional plan | |Structure Plan |Permanent - offer to archivist |RGLA 10.1 |

|. . Sustainable development | | | | |

|. . Urban centre planning | | | | |

|Class |Series |Records |Retention Period |Rationale |

|Procurement | | | | |

|. Contracting | | | | |

|. . Approved suppliers | | | | |

|. . Contract awards | | | | |

|. . Contract awards |Contract files |Ordinary contracts |Destroy - 6 years after the term of |Limitations Act 1980. RGLA 4.6 |

| | | |the contract has expired | |

|. . Contract awards |Contract files |Contracts under seal |Destroy - 12 years after the term of |Limitations Act 1980. RGLA 4.6 |

| | | |the contract has expired | |

|. . Contract awards |Contract files |Post tender negotiation |Destroy - 1 year after the term of |RGLA4.11 |

| | | |the contract has expired | |

|. . Contract awards |Contract files |Service level agreements, compliance |Destroy - 2 years after the term of |RGLA4.13 |

| | |reports, performance reports |the contract has expired | |

|. . Contract management | |Contract monitoring | | |

|. . Requisition | |Purchase orders |Destroy - 7 years after the end of |RGLA 7.3 |

| | | |the financial year | |

|. Market information | | | | |

|. . Product evaluation | | | | |

|. . Product information | | | | |

|. Tendering | | | | |

|. . Tenders |Tender files |Opening notice, tender envelope |Destroy - 1 year after start of |RGLA 4.7 |

| | | |contract | |

|. . Tenders |Tender files |Ordinary tender |Destroy - 6 years after the term of | |

| | | |the contract has expired | |

|. . Tenders |Tender files |Pre-tender advice |Destroy 2 years after contract let or|RGLA 4.5 |

| | | |not proceeded with | |

|. . Tenders |Tender files |Tender for contract under seal |Destroy - 12 years after the term of |Limitations Act 1980. RGLA 4.8 |

| | | |the contract has expired | |

|. . Tenders |Tender files |Unsuccessful tenders |Destroy - 1 year after start of |RGLA4.10 |

| | | |contract | |

|. . Tendering policies | | | | |

|Class |Series |Records |Retention Period |Rationale |

|Registration and coroners | | | | |

|. Inquiries into deaths | | | | |

|. . Coroners inquests |Case files |Inquiries leading to an inquest |Permanent - offer to archivist |TNA Retention and Disposal Guidance |

| | | | |13. RGLA 5.7 |

|. . Investigations | |Inquiries not proceeding to an |Destroy - 15 years after last action |TNA Retention and Disposal Guidance |

| | |inquest | |13. RGLA 5.6 |

|. . Registration | |Reported deaths register |Permanent - offer to archivist |TNA Retention and Disposal Guidance |

| | | | |13. RGLA 5.5 |

|. Marriage services | | | | |

|. . Conducting a marriage service | | |Destroy - 3 years after last action |RGLA5.3 |

|. . Registration | |Approved wedding premises | | |

|. Registration of births, marriages and deaths | | | | |

|. . Advice and support | | | | |

|. . Certification | |Certificate copy applications | | |

|. . Certification | |Certificates |Destroy - 7 years after last action |RGLA 5.2 |

|. . Notification | |Marriage notices |Destroy - 2 years after last action |RGLA 5.4 |

|. . Registration | |Marriage register |Permanent - offer to archivist |RGLA 5.1 |

|. . Registration | |Register of births |Permanent - offer to archivist |RGLA 5.1 |

|. . Registration | |Register of citizenship |Permanent - offer to archivist |RGLA 5.1 |

|. . Registration | |Register of deaths |Permanent - offer to archivist |RGLA 5.1 |

|. Treasure trove | | | | |

|. . Inquests | | |Destroy - 2 years after last action |TNA Retention and Disposal Guidance |

| | | | |13. RGLA 5.8 |

|Class |Series |Records |Retention Period |Rationale |

|Risk management and insurance | | | | |

|. Claims | | | | |

|. . Claims processing | |Claims records |Destroy - 7 years after all |Limitations Act 1980. RGLA 8.21 |

| | | |obligations and entitlements are | |

| | | |concluded | |

|. Insuring against loss | | | | |

|. . Insurance | |Insurance policies |Destroy - 7 years after the terms of |RGLA8.19 |

| | | |the policy have expired | |

|. . Insurance | |Renewals |Destroy - 5 years after the policy |RGLA8.20 |

| | | |has been renewed | |

|. . Insurance | |Summary arrangements |Permanent - offer to archivist |RGLA8.18 |

|. Risk management | | | | |

|. . Business continuity planning | | | | |

|. . Education | |Campaigns | | |

|. . Risk assessment | |Risk register | | |

|. . Risk assessment | |Valuations | | |

|Class |Series |Records |Retention Period |Rationale |

|Transport and infrastructure | | | | |

|. Design and construction | | | | |

|. . Roads and highways | | |Permanent - offer to archivist |RGLA 11.7 |

|. . Traffic management schemes | | | | |

|. Harbours and waterways | | | | |

|. . Boat moorings | | | | |

|. . Port facilities | | | | |

|. . Port facilities | |ETA notification | | |

|. . Port facilities | |Import notification | | |

|. . Registration | |Watercraft | | |

|. Highway development control | | | | |

|. . Highway adoption | | |Permanent - offer to archivist |RGLA 11.3 |

|. . Highway extent queries | | |Permanent - offer to archivist |RGLA 11.2 |

|. . Highway extinguishment | | |Destroy - 7 years after | |

| | | |extinguishment. Offer order and map | |

| | | |to archivist | |

|. . Notification | | | | |

|. . Planning control | | |Destroy 7 years after decision. Offer|RGLA 11.4 |

| | | |controversial or high profile schemes| |

| | | |to archivist | |

|. . Road classification | | | | |

|. Highway enforcement | | | | |

|. . Advertising hoarding | | | | |

|. . Highways | | |Destroy - 3 years after compliance |RGLA 11.5 |

| | | |with enforcement notice | |

|. . Parking | | | | |

|. . Parking fines | | | | |

|. . Road reinstatement | | | | |

|. . Scaffolding | | | | |

|. . Speeding fines | | | | |

|. . Weight limits | | | | |

|. Infrastructure management | | | | |

|. . Cycle routes | | | | |

|. . Geotechnical services | | | | |

|. . Maintenance | | | | |

|. . Markings and signage | | | | |

|. . Public conveniences | | | | |

|. . Service providers | | | | |

|. . Street furniture | | |Destroy - 7 years after last action |RGLA 11.8 |

|. . Street naming and numbering | | | | |

|. . Surveys | | | | |

|. . Taxi ranks | | | | |

|. Public transport | | | | |

|. . Community transport | | | | |

|. . Concessions | | | | |

|. . Public transport plan | | |Destroy - 3 years after superseded or|RGLA 11.11 |

| | | |last action | |

|. . Timetable | | | | |

|. Rights of way | | | | |

|. . Enquiries | | | | |

|. . Locations | | |Permanent - offer to archivist. | |

|. . Orders | | |Destroy - 6 years from conclusion of | |

| | | |transaction | |

|. . Planning applications | | | | |

|. . Ploughing and cropping | | | | |

|. . Searches | | | | |

|. Road maintenance | | | | |

|. . Bridge inspections | | | | |

|. . Drains and gullies | | | | |

|. . Emergency maintenance | | |Destroy - 12 years after action |RGLA 11.9 |

| | | |completed | |

|. . Hazard removal | | | | |

|. . Inspections | | | | |

|. . Kerbs | | | | |

|. . Planned maintenance | | |Destroy - 12 years after action |RGLA 11.9 |

| | | |completed | |

|. . Scheduled maintenance | | |Destroy - 12 years after action |RGLA 11.9 |

| | | |completed | |

|. . Verge maintenance | | | | |

|. Road safety | | | | |

|. . Accident investigations | | |Destroy - 7 years after use. | |

|. . MOT testing | | | | |

|. . Road safety awareness | | | | |

|. . Safety audits | | |Destroy - 7 years after use. | |

|. . School crossing patrols | | | | |

|. . Speed cameras | | | | |

|. School transport | | | | |

|. . School transport services | | | | |

|. Traffic management | | | | |

|. . Abnormal loads | | |Destroy - 2 years after consent | |

| | | |given. | |

|. . Gritting and snow clearance | | | | |

|. . Monitoring | | | | |

|. . Parking | |Permits | | |

|. . Parking sites | | | | |

|. . School routes | | | | |

|. . Street lighting | | | | |

|. . Traffic calming | | | | |

|. . Traffic reduction | | | | |

|. . Traffic orders | |Approval |Destroy - 7 years after action |RGLA 11.6 |

| | | |completed | |

|. . Traffic orders | |Implementation |Destroy - 5 years after action | |

| | | |completed | |

|. . Traffic orders | |Planning and Investigation |Destroy - 5 years after action | |

| | | |completed | |

|. . Weather forecasting | |Weather data | | |

|. Transport planning | | | | |

|. . Development control | | | | |

|. . Strategy and planning | |Transport strategy | | |

|. . Strategy and planning | |Local transport plan |Permanent - offer to archivist |RGLA 11.1 |

|. . Transport modelling | | | | |

|. . Transport modelling | |Traffic counts |Destroy - 2 years after last use | |

|. . Travel plans | |Employer travel plans |Destroy - 5 years after use | |

|. . Travel plans | |School travel plans |Destroy - 5 years after use | |

|Class |Series |Records |Retention Period |Rationale |

|Waste management | | | | |

|. Fly tipping | | | | |

|. . Fly tipping | | | | |

|. Street cleaning | | | | |

|. . Pest control | | | | |

|. . Road cleansing | | | | |

|. Waste collection | | |Destroy - 2 years after last action |RGLA9.26 |

|. . Abandoned vehicles | | |Destroy - 2 years after last action |RGLA9.26 |

|. . Bulk | | |Destroy - 2 years after last action |RGLA9.26 |

|. . Controlled | | |Destroy - 6 years after last action |RGLA9.27 |

|. . Domestic | | |Destroy - 2 years after last action |RGLA9.26 |

|. . Trade | | |Destroy - 2 years after last action |RGLA9.26 |

|. Waste disposal | | | | |

|. . Waste sites | |Management of sites |Permanent - offer to archivist |RGLA9.28 |

|. . Waste sites | |Short term storage |Destroy - 10 years after site closure|RGLA9.29 |

|. . Waste sites | |Equipment |Destroy - 6 years after use | |

|. . Waste sites | |Inspections |Destroy - 6 years after inspection | |

|. . Waste sites | |Permits |Destroy - 7 years after permit | |

| | | |expires | |

|. . Waste sites development | |Waste site plans |Permanent - offer to archivist |RGLA 9.30 |

|. Waste reduction | | | | |

|. . Composting | | | | |

|. . Recycling | | |Destroy - 5 years after use | |


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