PASTOR PAUL FEDENA - Preacher, Teacher, & Evangelist ...


TEXT: John 12:1-8

THESIS: To use the story of Mary’s devotion to Christ as an example for believers & to caution believers to beware the influence of the Judases of our day.

INTRO: A. Too often we wait till too late to express our love to those around us. We need to do our loving while they are living. We shouldn’t wait till Christmas to buy the gifts. We should “SEND FLOWERS BEFORE THE FUNERAL”. Mary did; the other disciples failed! Mary gave her most expensive & lavish, & even extravagant, gift to Christ before His funeral. She expressed her love & devotion while the opportunity was present. In John’s Gospel Jesus simply rebukes her critics. In Matthew & Mark He immortalizes Mary & her selfless devotion & superlative love by stating that this act will be preached wherever His story is told. Mary gave Christ a momentary embalming. He embalmed her memory forever in the sweet incense of His praise!

B. This story is like the sparkling diamond against black velvet. This begins the most momentous week in history. On His way to Calvary, He stops by His friends’ home for a fellowship supper. There is a “contract” out on Him & He knows it. He is headed for Calvary & He knows it! The climax of His earthly ministry is at hand. His “hour” has nearly arrived.

I. THE SUPPER: v. 1, 2

A. The Focus: v. 1

1. The time is stated precisely: “six days before the Passover”

NOTE: The Lamb of God is conscious that He will be sacrificed exactly on the Passover. The timing is perfect. He is moving inexorably to the alter & at the moment when the Passover lambs are offered He will be slain!

2. The location is stated precisely: “Bethany…”

a. “Bethany” means “house of affliction”.

b. Jesus had transformed it & made it the place of resurrection: “where Lazarus was…raised from the dead…”

NOTE: This town took on a new significance after Lazarus’ resurrection. He who was the Resurrection & the Life had been there! He now returns & when He does, it causes a stir. Cf. v. 9

B. The Fellowship: v. 2

1. The occasion was to His disciples a “Thank you” banquet; to Jesus it was a farewell dinner.

2. The supper was in His honor: “made Him a supper”

a. Instead of reporting His whereabouts for arrest,

b. His friends give a banquet in His honor.

NOTE: The lint between ch. 11 & 12 is interesting. In ch. 11 the subject is sickness & death, ending in Lazarus’ resurrection. In ch. 12 we are on resurrection ground, & the events give us a glimpse into our future resurrection state. In ch. 11 we see Him weeping with those who wept, & in ch. 12 He rejoices with those who rejoice.

1) Martha served: so shall we (Rev. 22:4) “His servants shall serve Him”

2) Lazarus sat: we too shall rest & be with Him (Eph. 2:5, 6)

ILLUS: The blessed “fellowship of the saints” is only hinted at in the church. It will then be perfect, pure & permanent. In the text the occasion was a supper & Lazarus “sat at the table with Him”. This suggests the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.

3) The disciples participated: every believer will have a part, though perhaps not an equal part.


NOTE: There were at least 15 present. Mary, Martha, Lazarus, the 12 & Simon the Leper (mentioned in the other Gospels; in fact, it was his home). A leper healed, a dead man raised, His disciples surrounding the Son of God to gather at the table. Never had such a supper taken place under such circumstances, but it will be repeated!

4) Mary worshipped: as we shall perpetually do. v. 3


A. The Details Of The Sacrifice:

NOTE: In the Gospel accounts of this event, a great deal of detail is furnished regarding this sacrificial act. We are told about the weight of the ointment, its worth, the kind of perfume, the type of container, etc.

1. Its weight: “a pound” a lavish amount

2. Its description: “spikenard” an exotic, aromatic herb grown in the Himalayan highlands between Tibet & India.

3. Its value: “very costly” worth “300 denarii” nearly a year’s wages.

ILLUS: As someone said, “Do your giving while you’re living, then you’re knowing where it’s going.” Also we need to do our giving while our friends are living! We need to “send flowers before the funeral”. Mary was extravagant in her giving, but in the light of what Jesus had done for her, she considered her gift inexpensive. I doubt if she even calculated its worth. She just sought out that which was precious valuable & appropriate & “broke the alabaster box”.

B. The Devotion Of The Offerer:

1. Prompted by thankfulness.

a. Jesus had saved her.

b. Jesus had snatched her brother back from the grave.

2. Unique in its understanding.

a. How did she understand what the other disciples missed?

b. By being often where we find her now; at his feet!

ILLUS: In Hebrew idiom, sitting at one’s feet meant to learn from him, as a child from a parent or a pupil from a teacher. Today we do the same thing by studying the Book He has given us.

3. Regal in its lavishness: “very costly”

4. Beautiful in its timeliness: Cf. v. 7

a. She loved Him & understood His sorrow.

b. She identified with His sufferings & recognized the inevitable. (Had she wasted, she would have been unable to use the costly ointment; for when she arrived at the tomb on Easter morning, it was empty!)

NOTE: Beautiful too was her shocking disregard for Jewish tradition. No Jewish woman let her hair down in public before men. She wiped His feed with her hair; her “glory”! (I Cor. 11:15)

c. She didn’t come to hear a sermon, to make a request, to fellowship with the saints or to be refreshed by Him, but to be a blessing, express her love & just worship Him!

NOTE: Other women “had brought sweet spices, that they might come and anoint Him” (Mk. 16:1) AFTER He was dead. Mary anointed Him 6 days before His burial! She sent her flowers BEFORE the funeral.


A. Selfishness Misunderstands Generosity:


1. True devotion to Christ brings out the hatred of His enemies (Mary’s charity activates Judas’ greed)

2. True worship of Christ brings out the jealousy of unbelievers.

NOTE: The selfish worldlings view everything from the standpoint of pecuniary value; not the blessing of giving, but “what will it cost?” Love is never wasted! Generosity is never wasted! Love doesn’t begrudge sacrifice!

B. Treachery Misinterprets Devotion:

1. It hides under the cloak of thrift: v. 5

2. It clothes itself in the garments of “concern”: v. 5

3. But its disguise is penetrated by the discerning: v. 6

IV. THE SAVIOR: v. 7, 8

A. The Great Shepherd Protect His Sheep From The Wolf:

1. Judas condemned Mary’s “wastefulness”.

2. The other disciples echoed his criticism.

3. Jesus approved of her gift.

B. The Good Shepherd Shelters His Sheep From Worldly Philosophy: v. 8

1. He speaks of priorities.

2. He sets things in their proper perspective.

CONCL: Mary’s act is approved. She had her priorities & perspective right! She did her loving while Christ was living. She sent her “flowers” before His funeral. She set the example of devotion & sacrifice for us.

Unsaved, He proved His love for you by dying for you. He knows what you are, but He gave you His best & He wants you to have it before YOUR funeral!!


TEXT: John 12:9-11

THESIS: To show the purpose of the sickness, death & resurrection of Lazarus.

INTRO: A. Mary had “sent her flowers (to Jesus) BEFORE His funeral”. V. 3 Jesus, the Good Shepherd, had come to her defense against the ravening wolf amidst the flock, Judas Iscariot. v. 7, 8 & 4-6

ILLUS: There are always some around who will find fault with even the most unselfish & sacrificial act! There are always a few who sit in judgment on others & their service & criticize & complain & even suggest a “better way” to do what they themselves have no intention of doing! And their motives are questionable at best. If we listened to these critics, nothing of value would be accomplished in the Lord’s work! Everything is either “too expensive” or “unnecessary” or “extravagant” or a “waste” to them!

B. The Lord defended Mary & unmasked Judas. Now the focus changes. The news is out that Jesus, the miracle- worker is in town. It was the time of the Passover & Jewish pilgrims from all over the land were flocking to Jerusalem. They were camping out on the hillsides around Jerusalem; many near Bethany. The rumors began flying that Jesus had raised a man from the dead who lived in Bethany & that he & Jesus were in Bethany at that very time.

TRANS: The rumor spreads & the curiosity-seekers begin to seek out the Savior & this side-show attraction named Lazarus.


NOTE: The resurrection of Lazarus made him (& Christ) an IRRESISTIBLE ATTRACTION!

A. They Came To See The Miracle-Worker:


1. Their love of the sensational is universal.

ILLUS: Thus the popularity of TV’s “Fear Factor”, etc. People want to witness the unusual, the grotesque, the incredible & the bizarre. Thus the “crowds” flock to sports events, daredevil acts, horror movies, the circus or the healing meetings, etc. The motivation is the same whether in the natural, supernatural or “spiritual” realms.

2. Their desire for the supernatural is insatiable:

a. They wanted a glimpse of the Miracle-Worker: “knew…He was there.”

b. They came seeking a possible display of His supernatural power.

NOTE: This insatiable & Universal desire for the sensational & supernatural is manifested at the mock trial of Jesus. Pilate sent Him to Herod & “…when Herod saw Jesus, he was exceeding glad:...because he had heard many things of Him; and he hoped to have seen some miracle done by Him.” Lk. 23:8 “…but He (Jesus) answered him nothing.” v. 9 Jesus was not a freak in the sideshow & only performed miracles to demonstrate His Deity, not to satisfy curiosity or to amaze or amuse!

B. They Came To See The Miracle-Worker: “Lazarus also...”

1. Lazarus had been brought to life by Jesus: “who He had raised”

NOTE: Lazarus had become “GOOD BAIT” for Jesus. For those who came to see Lazarus inevitably saw Jesus. I am sure Lazarus told over & over again that it was Jesus, not himself, who had resurrection power & was “the Resurrection & the Life.”

Are YOU “Good Bait”? All believers have been “quickened” or resurrected from being “dead in trespasses & sins”.

2. Lazarus had been with Jesus: Jn. 12:2

a. After the resurrection we find Jesus & Lazarus inseparable.

b. Their closeness made exposure to one a guarantee of exposure to the other.

NOTE: If you only look at people as fish to be caught, you are NOTE “Good Bait”; you are an empty hook! (Some fish are fooled by an empty hook, but not many!) The secret of successful fishing for men is being with Him & becoming like Him. Then the “job” of witnessing will become the “joy” of catching!

3. Lazarus became courageous:

a. To be “with Christ” was a threat to his own life.

b. To be “with Christ” brought about otherwise unknown dangers as well as blessings.

NOTE: The most attacked area of the Christian life is his devotional life! Yet his time “with Christ” is the most essential aspect of successful & victorious Christian living.

TRANS: The curiosity seekers would soon become the mob that crucified Him! They would soon cry, “Crucify Him…we have no king but Caesar!” Hypocrites! They hated Caesar!


NOTE: The resurrection of Lazarus resulted in an INESCAPABLE CONCLUSION!

A. They Were Threatened Politically: Cf. 11:48

B. They Were Threatened Theologically:

1. The “chief priests” were Sadducees.

2. The Sadducees had for years taught there was no resurrection.

a. Now they have One who claims He IS the Resurrection & had demonstrated it by raising Lazarus.

b. Now they have a live man roaming around who was absolutely dead, & he is drawing crowds.


1) Their illogical conclusion was to kill the resurrected One & the One Who claimed He WAS the Resurrection!

2) Their inescapable conclusion was to “bury the evidence”.

NOTE: The decision to start killing people was reached after Caiaphas argued, “…it is expedient…that ONE man should die for the people.” (11:50) Now one will not do. Jesus is not enough. Now it is “Lazarus also”. In time it will be Stephen, James, Peter & many other martyrs. But “burying the evidence” is never a solution. It is like trying to cover up an artesian well or spring. Sooner or later the water will cone bubbling up bringing the “cover-up dirt” with it! Lazarus’ murder would have been futile & foolish. You cannot dry up the stream while the fountain still flows!

3) Their impossible conclusion was, since they refused to believe on Jesus, they had to kill Lazarus.

NOTE: Persecution is the price for following Christ. He warned that following Him meant a cross. As someone said, “He never hides scars to win disciples”.

TRANS: Lazarus has been an attraction & a threat, but he was also a blessing.


NOTE: The resurrection of Lazarus brought about an IRREVERSIBLE REACTION.

A. Lazarus Had Become “Good Bait”:

1. The purpose of the sickness & death of Lazarus now becomes evident: Cf. 11:4

a. Chris will receive the glory.

b. The disciples’ faith will be strengthened.

c. The sisters’ devotion will be secured.

2. The purpose of the resurrection of Lazarus is now revealed.

a. Negatively: “the Jews went away” (from Judaism)

b. Positively: “believed on Jesus” (to Christ)

NOTE: Repentance is always 2-fold: from & to! If you only turn TO Christ & not AWAY from works & religion, you are not saved.

B. Lazarus Became A “Fisher Of Men”: “by reason of him…”

QUES: How many people have “believed on Jesus” because of YOUR testimony & witness? What kind of bait are you? Are you a “fisher of men” or a “baitless hook”?!

CONCL: Lazarus was “GOOD BAIT” because of his nearness to Jesus after his resurrection. What about you?

1. Martha served Him.

2. Mary loved Him.

3. Judas sells Him out.

4. The crowd is indifferent to Him.

5. The false teachers reject Him.

6. The Jews believe on Him.

7. Lazarus abides with Him & becomes “GOOD BAIT”.

What is YOUR response to Him?


TEXT: John 12:12-16

THESIS: To show the humility of the Lamb in contrast to the wrath of the coming king.


INTRO: A. In Rev. 19:11 Jesus is pictured as riding on a White horse leading armies on white horses (v. 14), coming to make war (v. 11) not peace, to establish His righteous rule. “…n His vesture and on his thigh” there is a name written, “KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS”! That is the climax & second phase of His second coming.

B. In our text Jesus is coming into Jerusalem on “a young ass” or donkey, “meek and lowly”. But the crowd is confused & they think that THIS is His coronation time! They think that He will “at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel” (Acts. 1:6) But here, instead of a Potentate upon a ware horse we see “A LAMB RIDING A DONKEY”.

TRANS: The population of Jerusalem at this Passover time would have swollen to well over 2 million! Rumors had been flying wildly about this Miracle-worker, Jesus, Who had raised Lazarus from the dead. So despite the command of the Sanhedrin (11:57), the crowds are swept up in an emotional outburst at Jesus’ entry.


A. The Passover: “on that next day (Sunday)…the feast”

1. Jesus forces the Sanhedrin’s hand:

a. They preferred to take Him after the Passover to avoid unnecessary stirring of the Passover multitudes.

b. But Jesus is on “Heaven Standard Time” & takes the initiative from the religious & political leaders.

1) It was Jesus Who sent the disciples to get the colt.

2) It was Jesus Who prepared the triumphal entry.

3) It was Jesus Who triggered the tumultuous reception.

2. Jesus is aware of the prophetic & symbolic Scriptures.

a. On the very day that Passover lambs were bring herded into the city, THE Passover Lamb enters riding a donkey.

b. The timing was perfect & the picture was clear; Jesus is surrounded by “sheep without a shepherd” & flocks of sacrificial lambs!

ILLUS: Josephus, Jewish historian, says that one year census was taken of the lambs slain at Passover: 256,000!! These flocks must have been among the pilgrims entering the city through the “sheep gate” that day. This was on Sunday;

4 days later (Ex. 12:3, 5, 6) the lambs would be slain & Jesus would also be sacrificed that day (Thursday, not Friday!)

B. The Purpose: cf. v. 23

1. We are born to live & die only because we must.

2. He chose to die & for this purpose He came into the world.

NOTE: The most important thing in Christ’s life was neither His teachings nor His miracles, but His Person (Deity) & work (death)!

C. The People: “much people…heard”

1. They realized He did not fear the Sanhedrin.

2. They were a mixed multitude of believers (v. 11) & unbelievers.

3. They respected Him even if they didn’t receive Him.

4. They were coming “to the feast…to Jerusalem” to offer their Passover lambs.

NOTE: Their awareness of the symbolism of the Passover heightened their desire for deliverance from Roman oppression, as Moses “that Prophet” had delivered them from Egyptian oppression!

II. THE ACCEPTANCE OF THE CROWN: v. 13-15 “the King”

A. His Preeminence: “to meet Him” v. 13


1. They met Him with palms: symbolic of triumph & joy (Cf. Lev. 23:40 - the Feast of Tabernacles)

2. They met Him with psalms: “cried Hosanna…”

a. They sang the Hallelujah (Ps. 113-118) traditional with the Passover feast.

b. They sang “Hosanna…” (“Save us now” - from Rome!)

NOTE: They completely missed the significance of his first Advent. They did not see that He was not riding a white horse! They did not catch the significance of the prophecy being fulfilled from Zech. 9:9. They did not pick up on the omission of the words “just and having salvation” (omitted in each Gospel - verbal inspiration). He did not come to administer justice, but grace; not to bestow salvation on rebellious Israel at this time.

B. His Position: v. 14

1. Like His birth of a VIRGIN, like His burial in a NEW tomb, He selected a colt never previously ridden. (Lk. 19:30)

2. His humility & His sovereignty are both in evidence.

ILLUS: His humility is obvious as He came “meek and lowly”. His sovereignty & Deity are less obvious, but just as significant. The colt pictures the sinner. The Savior knew where He was. It was tied (Rom. 6:16-20), needs to be loosed; opposition comes when they try to loose him (Mk. 11:3; II Tim. 2:25, 26); but the Lord needs him (Mk. 11:3; Acts. 9:15). He is by a door (Mk. 11:4; Jn. 10:7) where 2 ways meet (Deut. 30:19; Mk. 11:4). He is brought to Jesus (Mk. 11:6; Is. 61:10) & the Lord is put in control of him (Rom. 12:1-3)

C. His Prophetic Fulfillment: v. 16 (“it is written” 15b)

1. Three prophets involved: Daniel, Jacob & Zechariah

2. This is His last public testimony to Israel of His Kingship till He returns.


A. Their Puzzlement: v. 16a

1. This is an admission of Ignorance by one of these disciples.

2. It does not say they didn’t believe, but that they didn’t understand!

NOTE: Like us, even the Apostles, apprehended spiritual truths slowly.

B. Their Perception: v. 16b

1. They received enlightenment “after that thy Holy Ghost was come upon them”

2. They remembered what they already had read & heard & witnessed AFTER His death & resurrection.

CONCL: “O fools and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have written…” This was NOT His triumph, but His tearful entry into Jerusalem. It was time for crucifixion, not coronation. He rode a donkey, not a white horse. He was the “Prince of Peace”, not the King of Kings”. He was the wounded Lamb, not the wrathful Lamb. He was the Lamb of God, not the Lion of the tribe of Judah.

Before He can become “King” of your life, you must receive Him as the Lamb slain for your sins!


TEXT: John 12:17-22

THESIS: To show the proper response to Christ reflected by the Greeks who said "Sir, we would see Jesus."

INTRO: A. Pulpits are interesting. As a preacher I get to see the back, & often less glamorous, side of pulpits. Visually, the front of the pulpit is attractive & often includes some ornamentation. The other side is often less attractive with hymn books, papers, wires, switches, P.A. systems, recorders, etc. I have been in one pulpit with a built-in alarm clock (I ignored it). Another pulpit had a warning light signaling 5 minutes before the sermon would go off the radio (the sermon continued after


the broadcast). I do not know who the originator of the idea was, but several pulpits carry a statement from our text (v. 21) "Sir, we would see Jesus!" This should be the purpose of every preacher & every pulpit.

B. In our text several groups are mentioned: 2 groups of people in v. 17 & 18, the Pharisees in v. 19, Philip & Andrew in v. 22 & "certain Greeks" in v. 20 & 21. These latter are the "WISE MEN FROM THE WEST".

NOTE: Often during the Christmas season we hear of "Wise Men from the East", but in our text we have "WISE MEN FROM THE WEST", not seeking a babe in a cradle but the One Who is the Resurrection & Life.

TRANS: Christ's Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem brings mixed responses. It would have been wonderful if all responded as these "WISE MEN FROM THE WEST" demanding to "see Jesus", but it was not so.


A. The People Who Were With Him: v. 17

1. They wanted to crown Him on their terms, but Jesus would only be crowned on His Father's terms & in His time.

2. Their "Hosannas!" would be short-lived & no doubt some of these people would soon be shouting for His blood.

NOTE: Crowds easily turn into mobs & hosannas turn into hatred. Note the fickleness of sports' fans. As long as their team or "hero" is doing well, they cheer him. Let them or him make one costly mistake, & they jeer him!

a. At this point these people are witnessing to the climactic miracle of raising Lazarus: "bare record"

b. Many in this swelling crowd are those who "believed on Jesus" (v. 11) at that event.

NOTE: Initial faith is not always abiding faith: Cf. Heb. 10:37-39; II Jn. 9; I Jn. 2:19

B. The People Who Met Him: v. 13

1. Here come the crowds of curiosity seekers.

2. These are the "Jesus watchers".

NOTE: They are "interested" in this One Who "had done this miracle". They were willing to meet with Him & walk with Him as long as it didn't threaten them or get too uncomfortable. Like those who attend church & hear what they like, but let the preacher meddle with THEIR sins, & they get mad & make it hot for the preacher. They are content with teaching, but don't like preaching! And woe to the preacher who exposes their sin or ruffles their feathers. They will "love you" & cry "hosanna!", then turn on you & yell "crucify him"!


A. Their Authority Had Been Challenged:

1. They had ordered the people to turn Jesus in.

2. They instead decide to proclaim Him their King!

B. Their Associates Are Now Chided:

1. They accuse each others "among themselves"

2. Their weakness against Christ is painfully evident: "prevail nothing"

3. The people disobey the Sanhedrin: a "first" in Israel

4. The wind has shifted; the people who formerly followed them are now following Him: "the world is gone after Him"


NOTE: Their world & their empire is collapsing. To them it seems as if everyone had left them & have begun to follow Him. Too bad their estimate was inaccurate!


A. These Greeks Had Taken Step #1:

1. They had forsaken the polytheistic religion of their culture.

2. They had renounced the pantheon of Greek gods.

a. These are obviously uncircumcised converts to the monotheism of the Jews: "came up to worship"

NOTE: Unbelieving Gentiles would not be permitted to participate in the Passover, but converts would. In fact, these men probably came after the events of Palm Sunday when Jesus went into the Temple & cleansed it for the 2nd time & cried, "Is it not written, My house shall be called of ALL NATIONS the house of prayer? But ye have made it a den of thieves!" (Mk. 11:17)

b. They would not be permitted past the Court of the Gentiles.

B. These Greeks Now Take Step #2:

1. They seek out His disciple: Philip

NOTE: Philip & Andrew are the only 2 of His disciples with Greek names. Perhaps they spoke Greek more fluently than the others? Their form of address was very humble. "Sirs..."

2. They are really seeking Jesus: "We would see JESUS!"

NOTE: These are TRULY "WISE MEN FROM THE WEST". They were not only interested in merely viewing His physical form, but rather meeting Him!

3. They are kind of "firstfruits" of the Gentiles.

NOTE: See the contrast between v. 19 "the whole world" & v. 20 "certain Greeks". These were the "other sheep" Christ spoke of in John 10. At His birth, Gentile "WISE MEN FROM THE EAST" came. Just before His death these "WISE MEN FROM THE WEST" come! They came seeking the inward peace the wisdom of the Greeks failed to supply.


A. Philip Fears To Go Directly To Jesus:

1. What would Jesus' response be after His remarks on other occasions? "Go not into the way of the Gentiles," etc.

2. What would an interview with Jesus by these Greeks do, especially in the Temple, with an all-Jew crowd & the Pharisees nearby.

B. Andrew Takes The Problem To Jesus:

1. It is too hot for Andrew or Philip to handle.

2. They both "pass the buck" to Jesus.

a. They hesitate to offend the Greeks.

b. They also hesitate to encourage them.

NOTE: Perhaps in the back of their minds was the occasion of the woman who came to Jesus on behalf of her daughter,

"…a Greek, a Syrophoenician by nation" (Mk. 7:26), or even Jesus' response to the Samaritan woman at the well. At His birth Jesus was proclaimed "a Light to lighten the Gentiles" as well as "the glory of His people Israel".


CONCL: The Fickle People did not deter Him; the Frustrated Pharisees did not scare Him; the Friendly Proselytes surely encouraged Him & the Fearful Partners need not hesitate to approach Him.

Like the people, we are sometimes fickle in our love. We must be more like the Greeks & ever desire to "see Jesus". Our proximity to the Savior determines OUR wisdom. Let us be "WISE MEN" & seek Him!

"We would see Jesus, the Great Rock Foundation

Whereon our feet set by sovereign grace;

Not life, nor death, with all their agitation,

Can thence remove us, if we see His face!"


TEXT: John 12:23-26

THESIS: To reveal Calvary as God's seed-plot for glory.

INTRO: A. We often speak of the "Garden of Gethsemane", & though it is true that a great battle was fought there, with accompanying "bloodshed" ("…His sweat was as it were great drops of blood..." Lk. 22:44) & a great victory was won ("…not my will, but Thine, be done." Lk. 22:42). It was the "Garden of Calvary" which produced the greatest fruit! The "Garden of Calvary" is the great seed-plot of salvation. In this passage (v. 23, 24) Jesus speaks of His death as being productive. In fact, He declares that if He doesn't die, He cannot bring forth "much fruit".

B. These weighty words are His response to the Greeks who came saying, "Sirs, we would see Jesus." They have arrived "too late" to see Him perform His great miracles. The days of miracles & public ministry are over. They have arrived "too early" for His climactic death & subsequent resurrection. But they arrive "in time" to hear Him declare that "the hour is come..." They have come at seed-sowing time in the "Garden of Calvary". He was about to be glorified through being planted in death.


NOTE: In the arrival of these "wise men from the west" - "certain Greeks" - Jesus discerned ''the beginning of the end" or more precisely "the beginning of the beginning". In their coming, He discerned the prospect of approaching suffering, future victory & a glorious harvest of souls.

A. Emphatically Stated: "the hour is come"

1. Isaiah prophesied: "He shall see the travail of His soul and shall be satisfied:" Is. 53:11

2. Isaiah predicted: "…it pleased the Lord to bruise him;" Is. 53:10

NOTE: All the prophecies, types & figures of the Old Testament were about to be fulfilled.

3. Isaiah proclaimed: "…he was wounded for our transgressions," Is.53:5

B. Ecstatically Attested: "the Son of Man should be glorified"

1. Jesus never shrunk from His glorification, only from becoming the Sin-bearer.

2. Jesus looked forward to His glorification, but not to the shame & humiliation of the cross: "despising the shame"

a. He always knew that Calvary was the means to obedience & giving His Father pleasure.

b. He always knew that Calvary was the "Garden" of seed-sowing for harvest of souls: "the joy set before Him"


A. A Simple Principle; Death Precedes Life:


1. The mystery of life & growth demands death.

2. Dissolution is necessary to reproduction.

NOTE: To one unacquainted with the growth process, it would seem unproductive to bury a "dead" seed in the ground.

B. A Sublime Principle: "Much Fruit" Comes From Death:

1. If Jesus had not died, He would have been confined to one spot on earth: "abideth alone"

a. The Holy Spirit's influence would have been confined to His Person.

b. The Holy Spirit became diffused universally through His death.

2. If Jesus had not died, He would not have been glorified.

3. If...He would have had a limited ministry: "much fruit"

NOTE: In the request of the Greeks, Jesus sees His seed; His spiritual posterity (Is. 53:10) "…when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see His seed,…"

a. Israel conspired to kill Him, but He became their Savior & coming King through His death.

b. Rome put Him to death, but the Caesars are dead, Rome is in ruins & His Kingdom lives on.

c. The world cast Him out, but He died to save the world.


A. Life Is Mot An End In Itself:

1. The object of self-preservation can become self-idolatry.

2. The person who lives only for self is lonely: "Alone"

ILLUS: A dry cleaning shop whose, specialty was the dyeing of garments, displayed this sign, "We dye to live, we live to dye; the more we dye, the more we live, & the more we live the more we dye." So with the Christian, "the more he dies, the more he lives." "I am crucified with Christ, nevertheless I live..."

B. Life Is Not To Be Hoarded, But Invested:

ILLUS: The principle is seen in business. The "9 to 5" employee is not worth much to his employer. Also in the family. The mother & father who live only for self lose their children. If they give of themselves & live for their children, the family thrives, & the children become the joy of their hearts. A seed not sown is worthless!

1. Something must die if life is to be produced,

2. When the seed dies, the product is "much fruit".

NOTE: The word "life" is from 2 Greek words here. One is "psuche" & refers to personality or ego or a person's will. The other is "zoe" & joined with the adjective "eternal" means Divine life. The fullness of Divine life only is experienced when the will is surrendered to Christ. God's will must be paramount. The Christian must die to his own desires in order to live for Christ. We cannot disregard His laws (His will) & expect fullness of life. He must be Lord as well as Savior.


NOTE: Jesus has declared His glorification, has stated the principle of life through death & has made an application of that principle. Now, He invites us to practice it by following Him.

A. Follow Him In Self-Denial: "take up your cross"

1. We are not to seek or invent crosses.

2. We are to accept trials, testings & to trust Him.

B. Follow Him In Service: (Cf. Mt. 25:40) "serve me"


C. Follow Him In Holiness:

D. Follow Him In Loyalty:

1. To His doctrine.

2. To His demands.


A. Incentive #1: Fellowship With Christ "where I am..."

1. In the present: He is with us as we are in His will.

2. In the future: We will go to be with Him & share His glory.

NOTE: He did not shrink from His "hour", & we should not shrink from ours. Death is a prerequisite to eternal life. We must be sown in "corruption", so we can be raised in "incorruption". I Cor. 15:42, 43; Rom. 6:5

B. Incentive #2: Honor With Christ "Him will My Father honor"

ILLUS: A Prince & his servant were taken hostage. The King's ransom was delayed. The Prince gets sick & the servant tends to his needs; even after offered escape. He is finally rescued. Who will the King delight to honor? The servant who tended his Son, of course. So, too, with the Christian. Sometimes serving Him involves self-denial, hardship or death. But the Father will honor all who served Him! "Stand back, angels! Make way, Seraphim! Here is the one who ministered to My Son, who suffered His reproach. Give him these crowns & seat him on the throne with my Son, for he must share now in His glory!"

CONCL: Jesus sees the Greeks as the "firstfruits" of His harvest from the "Garden of Calvary". His eye is fixed on the cross & His seed. He will soon be "glorified" & pauses first to speak of how others can share in His glory.

Christian, have you "lost" your life now, so you can "find" it again later? Are you planting now for a harvest then?

Unsaved, you must die with Christ today, if you would live with Him tomorrow!


TEXT: John 12:27-33

THESIS: Salvation comes only by personal contact with Christ through His death on the Cross!

INTRO: A. During the Christmas season, we speak of the birth of the Savior & emphasize His Incarnation. But His mission was death! At His birth heavenly voices proclaimed His Incarnation. In our text one lone Voice from Heaven speaks of His Glorification. But His death was the purpose of His Incarnation & the prerequisite of His glorification.

B. The text tells us that it is through His death that He would "draw" men to Himself. The Cross of Calvary was called a Marvellous Magnet by C.H. Spurgeon. Another has said, "Only the magnetic power of the crucified & risen Redeemer can attract & draw to Himself hearts of steel." "HAVE YOU BEEN MAGNETIZED?!"

TRANS: The arrival of "certain Greeks". V. 20 has triggered a train of thought & provoked the statements of Our Savior recorded here. Israel had rejected Him, & these Greeks made Him conscious of the price He would soon pay to "draw all men" to Himself.

I. JESUS' ANXIETY: v. 27, 28a

A. The Prelude To Gethsemane: "now is my soul troubled..."

NOTE: His experience in Gethsemane is not recorded in John's Gospel, but His agony of soul is recorded. The battle has been begun.

1. This is the beginning of His travails


a. The verb "troubled" signifies intense agitation.

b. The verb is in the perfect passive indicative & indicates that this mighty disturbance of Christ's soul has now become very intense, though previously felt.

2. This is the consciousness of His ultimate mission.

NOTE: He had always lived under the shadow of the Cross. He had always known He was to die. But "now" the time has arrived, & His soul is "troubled". He feels the imminence of death.

B. The Preparation For Calvary: "for this cause came I..."

1. The horrors of the impending cross are felt as never before.

2. Though His holy nature shrank from being made sin, there was no wavering.

a. He did not ask "What shall I CHOOSE?"!

b. He does not question His Father's will.

ILLUS: Here, as in Gethsemane, it is "not my will, but thine." But since He was the Holy One & would be "made" a CURSE for us, it only marked His perfections to ask that SUCH a cup might pass from Him!

c. He states simply: "Father, glorify Thy Name".

NOTE: Though His soul recoils in horror at being made sin for us, He never wavers in obedience. But obedience is not necessarily pleasant, though necessary. As we may shrink from an operation, which is needed, and desired, so He is repelled by the thought of the Cross, though it is necessary & desired. But there was never the thought of rebellion against His will.


A. The Immediate Response: v. 28b "then"

1. An instantaneous answer from Heaven.

2. An important announcement from the Father.

a. God spoke audibly of Jesus' past "glorification": "I have..."

NOTE: The Father glorified His Son through His incarnation, His Words & His Works, most recently through Lazarus' resurrection: (11:40-42)

b. God spoke openly of Jesus' coming "glorification".

1) Here the crucifixion is obviously in view.

2) Here the crowning act of obedience glorifies Him.

B. The Important Reasons: v. 30

1. To undergird His disciples' faith.

2. To seal the people's rejection.

ILLUS: Three times the Father spoke audibly unto the Son: at the beginning, middle & end of His Messianic career, at His baptism to proclaim His PROPHETIC office; at His transfiguration to speak of His PRIESTLY work ("of His decease") & at the close of His ministry after just being publicly hailed as KING!


A. The Skeptics: "it thundered..."

1. Tried to explain away the voice of God!

2. Assigned a natural explanation to a supernatural event.


B. The Supernaturalists: "an angel spake"

1. They admitted something supernatural had occurred, but had no spiritual discernment.

NOTE: The voice came instantaneously upon Christ's address to the Father! How could they miss this obvious response?

2. The failure of the Jews to recognize the Father's voice emphasized the necessity of the Cross!


NOTE: Suddenly, terror turns to triumph as the blessedness of the Father's voice reminds Him of the glories of the Cross.

A. Victory #1: The World Judged; v. 31a

NOTE: The "world" here is represented by the Jews who rejected Him, the religious leaders who condemned Him, Judas who betrayed Him, the soldiers who mocked Him, Pilate who sentenced Him & Rome which crucified Him.

1. The sentence of eternal death is passed on the Christ-rejecting world.

a. He came not to condemn the world but to save it: 3:18

b. But those who reject His Words & work will be condemned: 12:47, 48

2. The world's probation was over, the crisis was passed & its doom was sealed because of His death!

B. Victory #2: Satan Is Cast Out; v. 31b

NOTE: The tense of the verb indicates a gradual or progressive action.

1. Stage 1 of His casting out was at the Cross.

2. Stage 2 will be when He is cast out of Heaven into the earth: Rev. 12:10

3. Stage 3 will be when He is cast into the pit for 1000 years: Rev. 20:3

4. Stage 4 will occur when He is cast into the lake of fire forever: Rev. 20:10

C. Victory #3: Men Drawn To Christ; v. 32, 33

1. The word "draw" is a striking one.

a. In John 18:10, Peter "draws" his sword: laid hold & pulled it out of its sheath.

b. In James 2:6, rich men "draw" men into court: the impelling of unwilling subjects.

c. In John 21:6,11, Peter "drew" the net full of fish: putting forth strength to bring about the desired result.

NOTE: So Christ "draws" men to Himself! He exerts His power & strength formerly unwilling subjects.


"And I, (Jesus) if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me. John 12:32

When Jesus spoke these words, He referred primarily to His death upon the cross. Many years ago, Chester E. Shuler wrote this interesting commentary, "Watching an electric crane working in a junkyard reminded me of this spiritual truth expressed by Jesus. For instance, we noted that the metal that was small, bright & shiny was more easily drawn away from the scrap heap by the magnetic power of the crane, while the older, heavier, corroded pieces offered greater resistance. It made us think of the great spiritual Magnet, the Lord Jesus Christ, who said that if He were lifted up, He would draw all men unto Him. The bright, shiny-faced children who are uncorroded by gross sin and unrusted by time are first drawn from the human family and easily respond to the Savior. Older people, hardened and blighted in life and soul, are secured with much more difficulty - yet the same power attracts each.

As we continued to watch the crane, we noticed another striking fact. Some of the scraps ere quickly pulled to the magnet, and they in turn became conductors of that same energy, drawing other pieces to them." In like manner Jesus, having attracted sinners to Himself, transmits to them His Holy Spirit that they, through Him, may be able to win others.


(See Matthew 28:18, 19 & compare Acts 1:8)

Note one more thing: this saving & energizing power is obtained only by personal-contact with the Savior!

Have you been magnetized by Jesus? - H.G.B.

The Power that saves and keeps us

Still strengthens us each day,

That we may seek for others

And draw them to His way! - I.H.

2. The word "all" is an interesting one.

a. It does not mean "all" without exception.

b. But "all" in the sense of some from every class.

NOTE: This "all" is used in the context of the Jews & Greeks & obviously means men from every nation. In other words, salvation is not dependent upon blood or race; Jesus is the Savior of the Jews & Samaritans & Greeks or Gentiles; He is the "Lamb of God, which taketh away the sins of the WORLD!"

CONCL: "HAVE YOU BEEN MAGNETIZED?" Have you come to the Cross? Have you been drawn to Him? Are you now drawing others to Him?


TEXT: John 12:34-36

THESIS: To show that continued disbelief brings about permanent darkness.

INTRO: A. Everyone has an innate dread & dislike of darkness. Light spells safety & order; darkness brings danger, fear & disorder.

ILLUS: Remember the great N.Y. City "blackout"? The entire city was thrown into chaos (even though generated lights & emergency lighting was operative). Criminals, as always, took advantage of the darkness. People trembled in fear. The appreciation of light was realized. After the "blackout" people wore "T-shirts" with the words, "I Survived the NYC Blackout!"

B. Jesus, Who is the "Light of the World" "turns off" His light to Israel in this passage. V. 36 says He "departed, & hid Himself from them." For Israel, this is the time of their "Blackout". They did not realize the time of their "Blackout". They did not realize the "time of their visitation" & rejected Him Who is the Light so often, that even His great longsuffering ended. This is "THE DAY THE LIGHT WENT OUT" in Israel!

NOTE: A large crowd had gathered. There were those who proclaimed Him their King; the Greeks who came seeking Him, the disciples, His friends & His enemies.

I. THE DULL DISPUTANTS: v. 34 "the people..."

NOTE: Jesus had just announced His death, & they understood that. Thus, they ask 2 crucial questions.

A. Question #1 Reveals Their Ignorance Of The Scriptures:

1. They use the term "the Law" in its broadest sense, including the entire Old Testament.

2. They pretend a grasp of the Old Testament, which would exclude Jesus from being the Christ;

a. They claim the "Christ" must "abide forever'" & that Jesus' predicted death would disqualify Him.

b. They did not grasp Is. 53, Dan. 9:26 (Messiah would be "cut off & Zech. 13:7 ["smite the shepherd"], which revealed the Messiah exaltation could only follow His humiliation & death.

B. Question #2 Reveals Their Ignorance Of The Savior:


1. They correctly identify "the Son of Man" with the Messiah.

NOTE: This is a favorite term of Christ. It connects Him to the whole human race while at the same time sets forth His uniqueness: "THE" not "a" Son of man!

2. They openly express their ignorance despite His claims, miracles (cf. v. 37) & the Father's voice from Heaven (v. 28)

3. They show their ignorance of His identification as the "Son of man" by a misunderstanding of Dan. 7:13, 14.

NOTE: Daniel spoke of the kingdoms of the earth & their final destruction. Then, the scene shifts to heaven, & he writes of the final conquest of an everlasting Kingdom, "I like the Son of man came with the clouds of Heaven...and there was given Him dominion, and glory, and a kingdom, that all people... should serve him..."

a. Jesus used this term to describe His pre-existence in John 3:3 & 3:62, & they missed it.

b. Jesus used this term to describe His humiliation & death in John 3: 14, 15, & they missed it.

c. Jesus used this term to describe His ministry of future judgment in John 5:26, 27, & they missed it.

NOTE: Jesus is also referred to as "the Son of man" in His ministry of Headship & rule over the churches (Rev. 1:12-14, 20)


NOTE: Jesus avoids a direct answer to their questions in v. 34. They already had sufficient evidences to answer them. But He does give them a reply suited to the spirit of their questions.

A. Jesus Gives Them A Reminder That He Is The Light:

NOTE: In the opening chapter of John, after only 3 verses, He is identified as "the Light" to Whom John came to bear witness. In the next 6 verses the term "light" appears 6 times!

1. This term identifies Him with the Father.

NOTE: In Ps. 27:1 David writes, ''The Lord is my LIGHT & my salvation..." Axiom - "Things equal to the same thing are equal to each other." If Jesus is the Light & God is the Light, Jesus is God!

2. This term teaches that Jesus makes God known.

a. Light is a universal image of illumination of the mind & an image of God.

b. Without illumination, men are in mental & spiritual darkness.

3. This term identifies Jesus as the full & genuine Light as opposed to all partial or false lights.


A. The Shining Light Grows Dimmer:

NOTE: All through John's Gospel, we have examples of the shining Light received & spiritual perception enjoyed, e.g., Samaritan woman, paralytic man healed, blind man's sight restored, etc. But at the same time the Pharisees & "the Jews" perceive less & less of the Light...for them "the Light" grows dimmer.

1. Belief brings light: "children of light'

2. Unbelief brings darkness: "darkness come upon you".

B. The Shining Light Goes Out:

1. Jesus ''departed" from them!

2. Jesus "did hide" from them!


NOTE: Christ's accessibility is removed. The "time of their visitation" is done. The "day of salvation" is past. As unused muscles atrophy, so continued rejection of Christ plunges one further into darkness so ultimately he cannot believe, & Christ departs & hides Himself from the unbeliever. It is "THE DAY THE LIGHT WENT OUT!"

3. This term sets Jesus in opposition to all darkness (ignorance, sin & evil), & light dispels darkness.

B. Jesus Presents A Two-Fold Challenge As "The Light":

1. "Walk" in the Light: implies progress & activity

a. Trusting Him involves more than intellectual agreement.

b. "Walking" with Him involves service & growth.

2. "Believe"' in the Light: implies taking Him at His Word & acting upon that acceptance.

C. Jesus Speaks Of The Penalty For Refusing "The Light":

1. The opposite of light is darkness.

2. Darkness speaks of intellectual ignorance & spiritual insensibility

3. Darkness results in groping, stumbling, exposing oneself to grave danger.

NOTE: Jesus warns that they will only have "the Light" in their midst "a little while". They dare not wait. Someone has observed that "one of the devil's most successful wiles is "Wait awhile!" The person who procrastinates "walketh in darkness and knoweth not whither he goeth".

"How far may we go on in sin? How long will God forbear?

Where does hope end, and where begin the confines of despair?

The answer from the skies is sent, "Ye who from God depart,

While it is called today, repent, and harden not your heart!"

CONCL: Because of DEADLY DELAY Christ's DULL DISPUTANTS were plunged into DREADFUL DARKNESS! No hope, no help, no heaven, no happiness, no home & no HIM!!

Believers, too, live in danger of having their spiritual perception & spiritual illumination dimmed through disuse! "…now it is high time to awake out of sleep:…cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of LIGHT." Rom. 13:11, 12


TEXT: John 12:37-41

THESIS: To set forth the unbelief of Israel & God's pronouncement of judicial blindness on them as a result.

INTRO: A. The Old Testament prophets, the New Testament apostles & present-day preachers are & have been continually amazed that men continue in unbelief. Their unbelief is unbelievable!

B. In Jesus' day, the natural expectation would be that Israel, who had looked for & longed for the coming of their Messiah for centuries, would have responded positively to Christ. But, unbelievably, they do not believe! Israel, as a nation, refuses to repent of their sins & rejects Christ.

NOTE: If Christ's presence, preaching & practice did not convince men or cause them to believe, we should not be surprised if men today who hear His message proclaimed by mere under-shepherds also do not believe!

TRANS: In this passage, we have the true "unpardonable sin" - unbelief. Before us is a record of Israel's "UNBELIEVABLE UNBELIEF".


A. In Spite Of The Man: "He had done...


1. Before them was the fulfillment of every Old Testament type, prophecy & promise

NOTE: He was prefigured by that 1st sacrificial animal in Eden, by the Angel of the Lord in Moses' ministry, by the Tabernacle by every lamb slain on Israel's altars. He was prophesied by Moses, David, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Habakkuk, He was promised as their Redeemer, Sustainer, Shepherd & Savior!

2. Before them was their only hope of personal salvation & national deliverance & glory!

NOTE: Their hope of a future glorious Kingdom & King was embodied in Him. The Abrahamic Covenant of a "great nation", the Palestinian Covenant of a great land, the Davidic Covenant of a great King & Kingdom & the New Covenant with both physical & spiritual blessings on Israel were all wrapped up in this One they rejected!

A. In Spite Of The Miracles: "so many miracles"

1. Not just the 7 recorded in John's Gospel.

NOTE: 1) Water to wine, 2) Multiplied bread, 3) Water walking, 4) Healing nobleman's son, 5) Healing impotent man,

6) Healing blind man, 7) Raising Lazarus.

2. But those recorded in other Gospels & those unrecorded: Jn. 21:25

NOTE: Signs in Heaven, earth & sea, startling miracles on human nature & even on dead men did not result in belief. Jesus' own resurrection did not & does not produce belief. UNBELIEVABLE!


A. Isaiah's Prophecy Confirms Their Unbelief: v. 38 (Is. 53:1)

1. Isaiah's prophecy does not mean God made them disbelieve.

2. Isaiah's prophecy declares the foreknowledge of God concerning their disbelief.

a. They rejected His message: "report"

b. They rejected His miracles: "the arm of the Lord"

NOTE: The Jews fulfilled Isaiah's prophecy, but it was unwittingly & ignorantly. (V. 38 is confirmation of the traditional authorship of Isaiah 53!)

B. Isaiah's Prophecy Condemns Their Unbelief: v. 39, 40 (Is. 6:9, 10)

1. At first they WOULD NOT believe: v. 37

2. Now they COULD NOT believe: v. 38, 39

NOTE: The word "therefore" harks back to their initial hardness & unbelievable unbelief in spite of the evidence of His words & wonders! Those who willfully harden themselves shall be hardened by God!

Truly, the "unpardonable sin" is unbelief! It is initiated by the man in rejection & consummated by God in condemnation.

3. Now, their unbelief is chronicled: v. 40

NOTE: John adapts the passage to present circumstances by changing Isaiah's imperatives to past indicatives (HATH blinded, HATH hardened), because the prophecy has now been fulfilled.

a. Obstinate unbelief results in spiritual blindness: v. 40a

NOTE: There is a paradox here: men are born spiritually blind & only the intervention of God in regeneration restores spiritual perception; at the same time unbelief & rejection seals that blindness. God's sovereignty & man's responsibility are simply stated, not explained.

b. Moral impotency results in spiritual hardness: v. 40b


1) Light rejected brings greater darkness.

2) Light rejected solidifies unbelief.

NOTE: Their hardness & darkness doesn't cause unbelief, but is a result of unbelief. As faith leads to greater faith, unbelief leads to greater unbelief. Compare Romans 1 & Paul's 3-fold repetition of the phrase "God gave them up."

c. Continued disbelief results in darkened perception: v. 40c

NOTE: The fault does not lie with God. He is a God of love & has done everything possible to provide salvation. He earnestly warns, lovingly pleads, tenderly invites, but ultimately must harden, blind & damn those who refuse to believe.

d. Determined rejection results in judicial condemnation.

1) Conversion becomes an impossibility.

2) Healing becomes an impossibility.

ILLUS: Note the progression: see, understand, be converted, be healed.

What God did to Israel in confirming their unbelief He will also do to unbelieving Christendom: I Thes. 2: 11, 12

C. Isaiah's Vision Compounds Their Unbelief: v. 41 (Is. 6:1-4)

1. Here is a direct identification of Christ with Jehovah!

2. Here is a positive evidence of the Deity of Christ.

CONCL: The nation of Israel (with few exceptions) rejected Him! (Cf. 12:11 & 12:42a) UNBELIEVABLE UNBELIEF!!

The nations of the world (with few exceptions) reject Him! The Nation of America (with few exceptions) rejects Him!

God's pronouncement of judicial blindness & ultimate condemnation will be (& has been) the result!

Be one of the exceptions!


TEXT: John 12:42, 43

THESIS: To show that pleasing God through genuine faith & open confession, though temporarily dangerous, is eternally rewarding.

INTRO: A. The expression "crowd control" not only applies to law enforcement, it also describes the ability of a crowd to control an individual. We call it "peer pressure", & it is powerful & in Satan's hands, devastating.

B. The desire for acceptance is so strong that men will do fantastic things for the applause & approval of the crowd.

ILLUS: Currently popular on TV are shows like "Fear Factor" where people do the strangest & most bizarre things for "the love of money" & the applause & recognition of men.

One carnival headliner nicknamed "Cannonball" was blasted out of a cannon 1200 times, drove nails up his nostrils & pulled a 90 lb. weight across a table with his eyelids! When asked why, he replied, "Do you know what it feels like to have the applause of 60,000 people? That's why I did it over & over."

C. Many in Christ's day refuse to follow Him though convinced of His claims, because they were "CROWD PLEASERS"!


A. In The Context:

1. The written Word.

a. The prophecies of Isaiah have just been referred to in v. 38-40.

b. The prophecies of Isaiah deal with the nation as a whole & do not exclude individual belief.


NOTE: The power of the written (& preached) Word is tremendous. Cf. Ps. 119:25, 50, 154, 156 & 159 with Heb. 4:12 & Rom. 10:17. The Word "quickens" or "makes alive" &, it is itself "alive" or "quick"! Because of the identity of the Written Word with the Living Word it can impart life: Cf. Jn. 4:24.

2. The Living Word.

a. He was in their midst & gave proofs & demonstrations of His Person & power.

b. He was among them as the living fulfillment of the written Word.

B. Toward Conversion:

1. The phrase "believed on Him" is John's classic statement & often refers to saving faith.

2. The phrase here, however, presents several problems.

a. The text seems to say silent belief is possible.

b. The text seems to say secret discipleship is possible.

NOTE: The question is, "Is it possible to be a secret believer; to receive Him & be silent about it?" Someone has said that secret discipleship is a contradiction in terms; for either the secrecy kills the discipleship or the discipleship slays the secrecy.

ILLUS: Dietrich Bonhoeffer served in the state church of Germany where there were many confessors but few public confessions...

Bonhoeffer fought such a practice, calling it "cheap grace", and by contrast called for a grace that was "costly." He wrote, "Cheap grace is the preaching of forgiveness without requiring repentance, baptism without church discipline, communion without confession, absolution without personal confession. Cheap grace is grace without discipleship, grace without the cross and grace without Jesus Christ, living and incarnate. "Costly grace is the treasure hidden in the field; for the sake of it a man will gladly go and sell all that he has. It is the pearl of great price to buy for which the merchant will sell all his goods. It is the kingly rule of Christ, for whose sake a man will pluck out the eye which causes him to stumble. It is the call of Jesus Christ at which the disciple leaves his pets and follows him.

"Such grace is costly because it calls us to follow, and it is grace because it calls us to follow Jesus Christ. It is costly because it costs a man his life, and it is grace because it gives a man the only true life. It is costly because it condemns sin and grace because it justifies the sinner. Above all, it is costly because it cost God the life of His Son. 'Ye were bought with a price ' and what has cost God much cannot be cheap for us. Above all, it is grace because God did not reckon His Son too dear a price to pay for our life, but delivered Him up for us. Costly grace is the Incarnation of God."

3. The phrase here does not demand saving faith.

a. All through his gospel John divides the unbelieving into 2 classes.

1) The hardened mass altogether unmoved by Christ's Words & works, and

2) Those who believed intellectually & upon whom a temporary impression was made but who stopped short of commitment.

NOTE: This latter group is like many today who are not openly antagonistic, but on the other hand, are not openly committed to Christ either! They are the fence riders or "crowd pleasers". But a faith which does not openly confess Christ is not a saving faith! Cf. Lk. 12:8, 9; Rom. 10:9.

b. John here seems to suggest that these Jews were convinced Jesus was not an imposter, but refused to forsake all & follow Him as did the true disciples.

TRANS: The question is, "Why?!" The answer is…


A. The Fear Of Excommunication: v. 42b

1. The pressure of religious authority: "Pharisees"


NOTE: Many people are fearful of their priest, rabbi or pastor. There is a self-ordained authority in the religious office because the clergy implies that disfavor with them equals disfavor with God. This is the sin of sacramentalism!

a. The tense of "did not confess" is imperfect.

b. Thus, it says they kept their opinion to themselves, day in & day out!

NOTE: How did John know about it then? Perhaps, through Joseph of Arimethea or Nicodemus or after Pentecost when these secret disciples became saved & bold.

2. The pressure of religious ostracism: "synagogue" (9:22)

a. They feared leaving a place God had been associated with in the past.

b. But this place became "Ichabod" & the "synagogue of Satan" due to the traditions of men.

NOTE: There is no shame in leaving a place which has left God & His Word; it is a proper & God-honoring thing to do. (The excommunicated Jew would be ostracized from all religious life & much social intercourse. Cf. Jas. 4:4) Identification with Christ always costs something!

B. The Fear Of Loss Of Reputation: v. 43

NOTE: The word "praise" here is not the word usually used. It is "doxa" & nearly always translated "glory" Cf. v. 41.

This illustrates the folly of preferring any earthly glory to that of God's glory! Cf. Jn. 5:44

1. They set the praise of men on one side of the scale & count it more to be desired.

a. The "crowd pleasers" always put personal advantage above pleasing God.

b. The "crowd pleasers" always look at temporal prestige above eternal position.

c. The "crowd pleasers" always prefer present gain over future reward.

NOTE: The first of the 8 classes mentioned in Rev. 21:8 are cast into the lake of fire are the "fearful"!

2. They set the praise of God on the other side of the scale & count it less to be desired.

a. But of what avail the praise of men at the moment of death?

b. But of what advantage the praise of men at the judgment bar of God?

NOTE: Oh, Christian, forget what others say & think & seek to bring praise & glory to God. Don't "sacrifice the eternal on the altar of the immediate."

CONCL: Someone wisely wrote, "There's no danger of conforming to the world without if we're fully yielded to God's Spirit within!" Let's never be "CROWD PLEASING CHRISTIANS!"

Unsaved, forget your Pastor, priest or rabbi & your religion! Come to Christ Who alone can save!


TEXT: John 12:44-50

THESIS: To show, in Christ, what God is like!

INTRO: A. "What is God like?" The answer is, "He is like Jesus!" The next question is, "What is Jesus like?" The passage before us answers that. He is the Lord, the Light, the Word & the Witness.

B. If we are to know anything about God beyond His "eternal power" & "Godhead" (His existence), according to the opening chapters of Romans, we need additional revelation beyond His creation. God has two "lights", or revelations, just as there are "two lights" in creation. In creation, God created the sun which was the "greater light" & the moon, the "lesser light" or reflection of the greater light. In revelation He has given us His "greater Light", His Son & the "lesser light", His Word, to reflect the glory of the Son. Cf. v. 46. All we can know about God apart from creation is through His Word & His Son.


TRANS: In the passage before us, we have a summary of Jesus' teachings about Himself & the Father during His public ministry. "What is God like?" He is like Jesus! "What is Jesus like?" HE IS...

I. THE LORD: v. 44, 45

A. Believing On Him = Believing On God!: v. 44

1. Knowing Christ means knowing the Father.

2. Loving Christ means loving the Father.

3. Receiving Christ means receiving the Father.

a. Christ's presence among men is the presence of God.

b. Christ's words are the words of God.

c. Christ's love is the love of God.

d. Christ's salvation is the salvation of God.

e. Christ's rejection is the rejection of God!

NOTE: These 5 points are elaborated in the remaining verses of John.

B. Seeing Him = Seeing God!: v. 45

NOTE: Folks often ask if they will see God in Heaven. Emphatically YES! In the Person of Christ! "But", some ask, "isn't there more of God than Christ?" Emphatically NO! Christ is 100% God, PLUS 100% glorified man! To see God alone then is to "miss out". To see Christ is to see God and "more" in that humanity is added to Deity in His Incarnation.

TRANS: What is Jesus like? HE IS…

II. THE LIGHT: v. 46

A. The Character Of God: "the Light of the World"

1. The physical "light of the world" is the s-u-n.

2. The spiritual "LIGHT of the world" is the S-O-N.

a. As the sun exists before it appears on the horizon, so Christ existed before He appeared on the earth.

b. As the sun is the "greater light" & prime light source, so Christ is the only Savior. (One sun & one Son!)

c. As the sun lights all the nations of the earth, so Christ came not to Israel only, but for the world!

d. As the sun’s “going forth is to the ends of the earth & nothing is hid from the heat thereof", so Christ will bring conviction & salvation to the "ends of the earth".

NOTE: Two OTHER OCCASIONS WHERE Christ proclaimed Himself as the "Light of the world": John 8, woman taken in adultery & John 9, man blind from birth. John 8 reveals those who prefer darkness. John 9 reveals one who received the Light.

B. The Comfort Of Christians: "the Light of the world"

1. They do "not abide in darkness".

2. The unsaved may be smarter, more zealous, more brilliant in business, etc., but are in spiritual darkness.

NOTE: He "…was the true Light, which lighteth EVERY MAN that cometh into the world." (John 1:9) For a man to say "there is no God" is not only to reveal himself a fool, but he shuts out the only light he has. All men have an inborn knowledge of God, & they sin against their own conscience when they reject Him. When the truth is rejected, a lie must take its place. He must then "abide in darkness".

TRANS: What is Jesus like? HE IS…

III. THE WORD: v. 47, 48 (Cf. John 1:1)


A. Refusing His Words Brings Judgment: v. 47

1. The Word spoke words!

2. The Word will not judge, His words will judge.

NOTE: Among the "books" that are opened at the Great White Throne to condemn those who refused His words will undoubtedly be THE Book - God's Word & words.

B. Rejecting His Words Brings Judgment: v. 48

1. The subject is authority! "My words"..."the Word".

2. Rejection of the Word & His Words brings judgment.

NOTE: "This solemn utterance of Christ corrects an erroneous conclusion...(of) some Calvinists...They argue that because the natural man is devoid of spiritual life, he cannot believe; a dead man cannot receive Christ. To this it must be replied, a dead man cannot reject Christ, but many do! A dead man cannot believe but he OUGHT to. His inability lies not in the absence of necessary faculties, but in the willful perversion of his faculties. When Adam died spiritually, nothing in him annihilated; instead, he became alienated from the life of God". - A.W.Pink (Eph. 4:18)

Human responsibility can neither be denied nor avoided!

a. There will be a "last day"! The bounds of history are Divinely determined.

b. This "last day" is one of judgment! (Acts 17:31)

c. This "last day" of judgment sets forth an inflexible Judge; God's Word!

NOTE: God is longsuffering! But He is not oblivious of sin & rejection of His Word is the crowning sin! Men have altered it, added to it, taken from it, burned it, butchered it, ignored it & refused it, but it will be their Judge on the "last day"!

TRANS: What is Jesus like? HE IS…

IV. THE WITNESS: v. 49, 50

A. His Ministry Was To Point Men To The Father: v. 49

1. To despise His witness & testimony is an offense to the Father.

2. To disbelieve His witness & testimony is blasphemy against the Father.

B. His Message Was To Preach The Words Of The Father: v. 50

1. The Father gave the Son a commission to deliver His "commandment".

2. The Son faithfully delivered that "commandment" to men.

a. His message is more than an invitation, it is a command to believe.

b. The matter of belief is not optional, it is required; unbelief is not a misfortune, it is SIN!

NOTE: Acts 17:30 says, "...but now (God) hath commanded ALL MEN EVERYWHERE to repent:"

CONCL: What is God like? Like Jesus! What is Jesus like? HE IS THE LORD! An eternal member of the Godhead. HE IS THE LIGHT! He came to bring men out of darkness. HE IS THE WORD! He is the expression of the Divine Mind. HE IS THE WITNESS! He accurately conveyed God's message to man, the COMMAND to be saved & believe on Him!

Sinner, receive Christ, and thus receives the Lord! Saint, realize with whom we have to do & obey Him!


TEXT: John 13:1-3

THESIS: To show the love of Jesus & His omniscience against the backdrop of Israel's rejection & Judas' betrayal.


INTRO: A. From the world's viewpoint, death is "the beginning of the end". From the Bible's viewpoint, death is "the end of the beginning". Physical life is only the beginning of our existence & death is the end of that meager beginning. For the believer, this "end" referred to as death simply closes an era & opens eternal vistas.

B. So with Christ. His "hour" had now come. These events appeared to be "the beginning of the end", but in fact were merely the "end of the beginning".

TRANS: Chapters 1-12 record the words & works of Christ as He established His Deity conclusively to all with an open mind & ear. It was His PUBLIC ministry. Now, things narrow. He begins the last few days before His crucifixion & a more PRIVATE ministry with "His own..."


A. The Timing: v. 1a

1. Everything in the first half of v. 1 points to the timing of these events.

a. "now" = a time word indicating a change in ministry.

b. "before" = a time word identifying both the historical point & the typical significance: "Passover"

NOTE: He is the Passover "Lamb" about to be slain for "the sins of the world", & the exact time in Israel's history & religious calendar which would further identify Who He was.

The Lord's Supper is NOT recorded in John's Gospel. This Gospel is especially the salvation Gospel, & God did not want people to confuse a religious ceremony with salvation or make a "sacrament" out of it.

c. "when" = a time word dealing with God's eternal purpose for His Son.

d. "His hour" = a time phrase He used to designate His singular motive for coming to earth.

2. Everything in the first half of v. 1 points to the climactic events in Christ's life & ministry.

B. The Transition: v. 1b

1. The words "depart out of this world" imply:

a. A geographic change is imminent.

b. A journey is in view from one place to another.

c. There is another "world".

NOTE: Notice the contrast between "the world" & "this world". "This world" was obviously a terrible place in the Lord's mind! He could not stay in "this world"! He had made "the world" (1:10), but sin made "this world".

We are to be thankful for "the world" as God's gift to us. We are to love "the world" & seek to evangelize it. But we are to reject "this world" & order our lives in light of the other world of which we are citizens.

The Greek word is "kosmos" & occurs 185 times in the New Testament & 105 times by John in his books & 78 times in John's Gospel.

1. Originally meant "ornament"; preserved in word cosmetic. This "world" was seen as the well-proportioned ornament of God.

2. Next came to mean "world-globe" or "world of men". It is this "world" God loved & gave His Son for.

3. Finally means "the world system"; world's pleasures, values, pastime & aspirations. This "world" rejects Christ & should be rejected by Christ's own.

4. The words "unto the Father" imply:

a. Jesus' assurance of resurrection & ascension.

b. Jesus' confidence of His Father's love & acceptance.

c. Jesus' desire for restored fellowship with the Father.

NOTE: He doesn't speak impersonally of Heaven, but personally of the Father.


C. The Theme: v. 1c

1. His love for "His own" in the world!

2. His love is not only incomprehensible, but infinite.

a. To "the end" of our earthly pilgrimage.

b. To "the end" of our miserable failures, wanderings & backslidings.

NOTE: After all the previous conflicts with an unbelieving world, His unavailing appeals to Israel, Christ is comforted by lavishing His love on the few who despised Him not: "His own".


A. The Single Exception: "Judas Iscariot"

NOTE: From love to hate! From the Savior to Satan! From "His own" to the traitor! Jesus was God in the flesh; Judas was the devil in the flesh! Jesus was "the Son of God"; Judas was "the son of perdition". Jesus was the Truth; Judas was a liar & thief! Jesus came to give; Judas was interested in taking all he could get!

B. The Sinful Ex-Disciple: "Judas Iscariot"

1. With the same advantages & environment of the other disciples, Judas became the arch-traitor of history.

NOTE: "Judas" is synonymous with betrayal. Parents name their kids Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Paul, Peter, etc. No-one takes the name Judas. It is applied to a goat that leads other animals to slaughter.

2. With the same tenderness & love shown to the other disciples, Judas sells the Savior for silver.


A. Christ's Consciousness Of His Authority: "into His hands"

1. He knew that in spite of His betrayal & ultimate death on the Cross, He was nonetheless omnipotent.

2. He knew that in spite of Israel's rejection & refusal to accept Him, His authority was firmly established.

B. Christ's Consciousness Of His Origin: "come from God"

C. Christ's Consciousness Of His Destination: "went to God"

NOTE: That which comes from God shall go to God, & those that are born from Heaven are bound for Heaven.

CONCL: Christ's earthly ministry was not "the beginning of the end" as it appeared at this point in His ministry, but rather "the end of the beginning" as He became "the firstfruits" upon His resurrection.

Against the black background of Israel's rejection & Judas' betrayal, we see more clearly the diamond of Jesus' love & omniscience. His rejection & betrayal were not "accidents" but a part of the "determinate counsel & foreknowledge of God". He was not surprised at the events, but in control of those events.

He loves "His own" with an infinite & incomprehensible love. He loves YOU! Come to Him!




TEXT: John 13:4-11

THESIS: To set forth the balance of meekness & majesty in Christ as manifested as He washed the Disciples' feet.


INTRO: A. "Actions speak louder than words." This adage explains Jesus' action here in washing the Disciples' feet. They were preoccupied. They were terrified. They suspected they might be captured & put to death with Jesus. Thus, either they would suffer the fate He predicted for Himself or at least they would be left without their beloved leader. They were not prepared to listen to His preaching or pronouncements at this point. So, Jesus acts boldly to regain their attention.

B. Jesus maintained a perfect balance in His life. He never hesitated to assert His authority & remind His disciples that He was their Master. At the same time, He did not shrink from taking a place of humility. His was "The Marvellous Merging of Meekness & Majesty".

TRANS: No place is this balance between authority & humility, majesty & meekness, more graphically portrayed than here as the Lord of glory stoops to wash His creature's feet.


A. The Problem:

1. Jesus & His disciples had traveled from Bethany to Jerusalem.

2. They wore sandals over the dusty roads, & thus would have dirty feet.

NOTE: At the door of every Jewish home were large pots of water which servants would use to wash the feet of guests.

a. There were no servants in the upper room.

b. Someone must take the place of a servant.

c. The disciples were more concerned "which of them should be accounted the greatest" Lk. 22:24

NOTE: The fact that greatness is measured with the yardstick of service had not registered with them.

There was the water-pot, the basin, the water & the towel; but no-one moved. They constituted a silent accusation against them. Yet, no one stirred. Each disciple was hoping someone else would make the first move. SOMEONE DID!

B. The Paradox: Cf. v. 3

1. He Who was "come from God" & "went to God" took the place of a servant.

2. He "knowing that the Father had given all things into His hands" (majesty) humbled Himself (meekness).

C. The Picture: v. 4, 5

1. Jesus was dramatizing for them the character of His ministry.

a. He rose from supper as He had risen from His throne in glory to come to this earth.

b. He laid aside His garments as He laid aside the glory He had with the Father.

c. He girded Himself with a towel as He had formerly been girded with majesty.

d. He poured water into a basin to wash the disciples' feet as He would shortly pour out His blood to wash away their sin.

e. He was seated again after this act & was also seated after His sacrifice: v. 12 (Heb. 1:3)

2. Jesus was dramatizing for them the character of a true servant's ministry.


A. Peter Had Defiled Feet:

1. Peter protests: v. 6

a. But he was too proud to accept cleansing.

b. Peter was conscious of the incongruity of the situation, but unaware of the incongruity of his attitude as a disciple to His Master & Lord.

2. The Savior Speaks: v. 7


a. His words serve as a mild rebuke to Peter.

b. He is informing Peter of the symbolic significance of His action.

NOTE: We do not always understand what God is doing in our lives NOW, but we shall "know hereafter".

There is an old Hebrew legend that tells of a rabbi journeying on a mule through a wild country. His only companion was a rooster whose shrill crowing at sunrise awoke him to his devotions. He came to a small town at nightfall and sought shelter, but the inhabitants turned him away. Outside the village he found a cave in which to sleep. He lit his lamp before retiring, but a gust of wind blew out the light. During the night a wolf killed his rooster and a lion devoured his mule. Early in the morning he went to the town to see if he could buy some food. To his surprise he found no one alive. A band of robbers during the night had plundered the settlement and killed all the inhabitants. "Now I understand my troubles", said the rabbi. "If the townspeople had received me, I would now be dead. Had not my rooster and mule been killed their noise or the light of my lamp would have revealed my hiding place. God has been good to me."

Christian, trust the Lord's wise leading. You may not understand it all now, but you shall know "hereafter." - H.G.B.

I know not now why schemes were spoiled

And lofty aspirations foiled?

I know not now why briar and thorn

Should mar ambitions nobly born.

Hereafter I shall know, shall see

These very things were best for me! - A.G.

B. Peter Had A Defiant Heart:

1. Peter protests: v. 8a

a. It is obviously the Lord's will that He wash Peter's feet, but Peter says "never...!"

NOTE: We are quick to censure Peter for not complying with the Lord's will when he knew it. But Peter said "never", then a few minutes later, did! We often SAY we will submit, yet remain obstinately disobedient! Which is worse?

b. The word "never" had the force of "not now or ever!"

2. The Savior speaks: v. 8b

a. Submission here indicates heart-direction.

b. Obedience here signifies oneness with Christ.

c. This washing is a foretaste of the more complete cleansing through Calvary.

NOTE: Obedience begins in the heart, but extends to externals. Internal submission results in external obedience.

C. Peter Has A Desperate Cry: v. 9, 10a

1. Peter protests: v. 9

a. Jesus had rebuked Peter with a truth that was intolerable: "no part with Me..."

b. Peter responded with a trust that was unreserved: "not my feet only..."

ILLUS: Great zeal & great love are perfectly consistent with great spiritual ignorance & dullness. But there is no premium on spiritual ignorance, & zeal & love are not replacements for spiritual knowledge & obedience.

2. The Savior Speaks: v. 10a

a. Jesus rebukes Peter's spiritual ignorance.

b. Jesus sets forth the doctrines of regeneration ("clean every whit") & daily cleansing ("save to wash his feet") Cf. Titus 3:5 & I Jn. 1:9.

c. Jesus speaks of positional & practical cleansing.



A. Jesus' Statement: "but not all": v. 10b

1. Reveals His omniscience.

2. Reveals His omnipotence.

a. Things are not out of control.

b. He is in control.

B. Judas' Sin: v. 11

1. The sin of betrayal of friendship.

ILLUS: A pastor in Key West had an associate that betrayed his friendship by having secret Bible studies & tongues in his home. This split the church!

2. The sin of betrayal of love.

a. Jesus' statements reveal Judas to be a traitor.

b. Jesus' statements reveal Judas to be unsaved.

CONCL: Here is "Love on its knees". (Apparently, Jesus even washed Judas' feet.) Here is majesty & meekness in perfect balance.

Let us not be like Judas the Unclean Traitor or like Peter the Boastful Disciple, but like Jesus the Humble Servant.

Let us recognize that true greatness comes through humble service. If you are unsaved come to Christ for cleansing...NOW!


TEXT: John 13:12-17

THESIS: To show how Christ transformed the menial act of foot washing into a lesson on discipleship, humility & service.

INTRO: A. Two "washings" are necessary for every would-be follower of Christ. The "washing of regeneration" & the washing of sanctification. In both instances the "washings" are by the Word. Eph. 5:25-27 speaks of both regeneration & sanctification.

ILLUS: This 2-fold "washing" is illustrated in the Old Testament priesthood. When Aaron & his sons were consecrated, they were bathed all over (Ex. 29:4; Lev. 8:6.) Then, daily, at the Laver, they washed their hands & feet.

B. Jesus often demonstrated profundity in simplicity. He frequently used common objects to illustrate His lessons & messages. He often gave symbolic significance to simple actions or objects He MADE MENIAL MEANINGFUL! So here with the washing of the disciples' feet. This was a common household practice, but He vested it with deep meaning & practical truth for all of us.


NOTE: He had just done a startling thing. He surely had the attention of every disciple now. The lesson had been taught, now He would give them an examination: "...know ye what I have done?"

A. The Timing Of The Test: "AFTER He had washed..."

1. Judas was still present.

ILLUS: An important lesson can be learned here concerning discipline in the church. Jesus knew about Judas, but treated him as one of the Apostles till he displayed himself. In the church, suspicion alone cannot be acted upon. The matter must come out in the open before action can be taken.

2. Jesus' lesson had been dramatized.


B. The Technique Of The Test: "know ye...?"

1. Jesus uses the question method of testing His students.

2. Jesus provokes their interest in His explanation: Cf. v. 7

a. The question probes deeply & reveals ignorance.

b. The question is provocative & prepares them for instruction.

NOTE: This question should be asked frequently by every Christian concerning the Lord's dealings in his life.


A. His Two-Fold Position: "Master & Lord"

1. He had just taken the menial position of a slave, but He had not abandoned the place of authority & Deity.

2. He points out the two titles they had given Him & identifies Himself with them:

a. "Master" = Teacher (must be believed)

b. "Lord" = Commander (must be obeyed)

B. His Terse Proclamation: "So I am..."

NOTE: His enemies & demons referred to Him as simply "Jesus"; His disciples never! (Of course, the Gospel writers under inspiration of the Holy Spirit refer to Him as Jesus.) But the Spirit has the right & position. Like the President's wife calling her husband by his first name, when others shouldn't.


A. He Is The Ideal: "If I..."

NOTE: That Christ here reverses the order of "Master & Lord" cf v.13. We must bow to His authority before He will teach us.

1. The Greatest ministered to the least.

2. The Superior served His inferiors.

3. The Creator washed the feet of His creatures.

B. They Are To Be The Imitators: "Ye also..."

1. Each disciple must become a servant.

2. Each believer must seek to serve.

ILLUS: On the Thursday before "Good Friday", the Pope washes the feet of 12 poor men. But why does he only serve once a year?! And why should this service be done only by the Pope? It is to be done by all real Christians to one another.

But Catholicism is ritualism, not reality! They have changed Bad Wednesday into Good Friday & added Holy Monday, Shrove Tuesday, Maundy Thursday & Easter Sunday! (Along with Tennessee Saturday Night!)


A. Why This Is NOT Another Ordinance:

1. Its symbolism is implied in His words to Peter (v. 7) (Surely Peter knew his feet had been literally washed!)

2. His further words to Peter in v. 8 reveal the symbolism. (Certainly there are multitudes of believers who have a part with Christ who have never practiced foot-washing).

3. His question in v. 12b clearly implies a spiritual meaning to this act (as opposed to physical).

4. He does not say we should "Do WHAT I have done unto" (But "AS I have done unto you.")

5. There is no New Testament record of the Apostles or the early church practicing this (in the Epistles).


B. Why This IS An Example To Be Followed:

1. Because Jesus said it!

2. As usual, Jesus was more concerned with an inner attitude rather the an outward ritual.


A. He Expounds The Servant/Lord Relationship:

1. The importance of this statement is emphasized by the "Verily, verily" which opens it & is emphatic,

2. Jesus teaches His disciples the reverse of the world's philosophy:

a. The world says, "rise & rule".

b. Jesus says, "stoop & serve".

B. He Exposes The Sent/Sender Relationship:

NOTE: He knew that they were "sent as lambs among wolves" & only their humility & mutual helpfulness could insure their survival.


A. Knowledge Is A Prerequisite To Obedience: "ye know"

B. Obedience Is A Prerequisite To Happiness: "if ye do"

ILLUS: Happiness, the world says, comes through pills, booze, money, sex, etc. The Lord says true happiness comes through service.

1. The law of expenditure insures happiness.

a. As we are emptied, we are filled.

b. As we give, we receive.

c. As we humble ourselves, we are exalted.

2. The Law of service brings happiness.

a. It is what we give, not what we get.

b. It is what we are, not what we can become.

c. It is our humility, not our conceit,

d. It is our poverty, not our possessions.

CONCL: Christ, our example, made the MENIAL MEANINGFUL. The lowest was elevated to the highest position. The servant's status is set forth as the measure for a Christian's success & happiness.

Unsaved, Christ took the lowest place & died as a common thief & murderer to elevate you to a position of sonship with Him. Come to Him now!




TEXT: John 13:18-25

THESIS: To show the contrast between Jesus & Judas in the text.


INTRO: A. The name "Jesus" immediately evokes the image of the miracle-working, sin-bearing Savior, Who in His life "went about doing good", preached, healed & taught. The image is one of love & tenderness, meekness & compassion. We think of Him as One in Whom was no sin or guile, no malice or malignity.

B. The name "Judas" conjures up the vision of one who "bit the hand that fed him", who rendered evil for good, who betrayed His Benefactor, who manifested hate in exchange for love.

TRANS: Jesus is God manifested in the flesh. Judas is Satan personified. It is this contrast we wish to examine.


A. Judas Was Chosen:

1. He is the exception: "not of you all".

2. He was an Apostle: "chosen".

NOTE: The word "chosen" here has nothing to do with salvation. Jesus had simply included Judas as an Apostle. The call was to service, not salvation.

a. Judas had the same position as other Apostles.

b. Judas had the same privileges as other Apostles.

c. Judas had the same partnership as other Apostles.

d. Judas had the same power as other Apostles.

NOTE: It is often impossible to discern the genuine from the counterfeit. The other Apostles had no idea Judas was a traitor. Jesus had previously spoken of the tares among the wheat. Some tares (unsaved) resemble wheat (saved) & some wheat, unfortunately, resemble tares!!

B. Judas Was Characterized:

1. The Old Testament Scriptures revealed him.

2. The Old Testament passage referred to is Ps. 41:9.

NOTE: The immediate reference was to David's counselor, Ahithophel, who though a trusted friend, sided with David's son, Absalom, against David in Absalom's rebellion. But as with many prophecies, this one had 2 fulfillments: Ahithophel & Judas.

a. Note the minute accuracy of the Scriptures: "eateth bread with me".

NOTE: Such a simple act about to take place (Cf. v. 26) prophesied hundreds of years beforehand.

b. Note the link with Gen. 3:15 in the word "heel". Judas was to be Satan's agent to "bruise His heel".


A. A Classic Prophecy: v. 19

1. The purpose of prophecy is to reveal the authority & authenticity of the true God.

2. The point of prophecy is that God alone can see the future & guarantee its outcome.

B. A Comforting Promise: v. 20

1. Jesus now shifts their focus from the traitor to the traitor's Master.

2. Jesus now informs them that their vocation was not negated by the defection of the betrayer.

a. Judas' work was not discredited because he was a traitor.

b. Judas the worker may prove unworthy but they should look beyond him to the one who sent him.

c. Judas the messenger was a fraud, but his message from God's Word was still valid!


ILLUS: It doesn't matter to me if the postman is black or white, pleasant or unpleasant, fat or thin, or a Christian or a drunkard, as long as he hands me the right letter.

C. A Concerned Pity: v. 21

1. If Judas was unmoved, Jesus was not!

2. If Judas was unaffected by Christ's teaching & miracles & His spotless life, Jesus was nonetheless concerned & "troubled" by his impending treachery.

a. There is a melancholy emphasis on the word "you" here.

b. The emphasis is "one of YOU" (whose feet I have just washed, whom I have honored by choosing as an Apostle whose sins I am about to bear on the cross), "one of YOU shall betray me." Ps. 55:11-14


A. The Doubting Disciples: v. 22

1. Christ's statement in v. 18 had made little impact on the Eleven.

2. Judas had succeeded in concealing his treachery from the Eleven.

a. The cleverness of hypocrisy is manifested in Judas.

b. He had covered his tracks well.

ILLUS: He probably spoke well of Christ to the Eleven. He no doubt kept up the pretence of love & loyalty to the end. He may have even been more outwardly pious than the others.

3. Jesus must have treated Judas with the same kindness, tenderness & grace as the Eleven, thus minimizing suspicion.

B. Puzzled Apostates: v. 23-25

1. Not only do we have the contrast of Jesus & Judas here, but also the contrast of Judas & John: v. 23

ILLUS: John the Beloved » JESUS Judas the Betrayer »

2. There is yet another contrast implied: Peter & Judas: v. 24

Peter the Apostle » JESUS Judas the Apostate »

NOTE: What is recorded here is yet another evidence that Peter was not the pope of the apostolate. Instead, he uses John's intercession with Jesus.

3. Note the humility of John in v. 25: "Lord, who is it?"

NOTE: Playing the hypocrite till the end, Judas asks, "Master, is it I?" (Mt.26:25) The others ask, "Lord, is it I?" (Mt.26:22) But John loves Him with a depth which cannot conceive of betrayal & asks, "Lord, who is it?"!

CONCL: Jesus & Judas, what a contrast! Judas was loved like the other Apostles, enjoyed the same privileges, exposed to the same Savior, but became a betrayer! He was the classic hypocrite; the craftiest counterfeit.

The tendency to be a tool of the devil is always present; "resist the devil, and he will flee from you." Judas didn't resist, he submitted. Be like John the beloved, not like Judas the betrayer. Or, if you are presently like Peter in his denial stage, repent as he did & come back to Him Who loves a forgives!


TEXT: John 13:26-30


THESIS: To show the danger of flirting with sin for saint & sinner alike.

INTRO: A. Eugene O'Neill authored a book entitled Long Day's Journey Into Night. It is a story of increasing despair & darkness & is in some sense his autobiography. Judas could have used this title for his autobiography. The striking phrase which culminates & summarizes his life is found in v. 30b, "and it was night." When he first joined the Savior and Apostolic band, the future looked so bright for all of them. But for Judas it was simply a "LONG DAY'S JOURNEY INTO NIGHT"!

B. Some have tried to excuse Judas by saying he was simply a pawn in God's plan. But God didn't design Judas' treachery; He simply included his treachery into His plan. Jesus gave Judas every warning & opportunity to bring him to repentance & salvation right up to the end.


A. The Sign Jesus Used Was The "Sop":

NOTE: The "sop" was simply bread dipped in the sauce prepared for the Passover supper.

B. The Sign Jesus Used Was Suggestive:

1. It was a mark of honor for the host to give a portion to one of the guests.

2. Jesus had appealed to Judas' conscience (13:21), now he appeals to his heart.

a. Judas hypocrisy continues as he accepts this token of honor.

b. Judas renews his pledge of allegiance while determined to perpetrate the foulest treachery.

ILLUS: Judas carried this pretence to the final limits when he pointed out Jesus to His enemies with the words, "Hail, Master!" & proceeded to kiss Him!

3. Judas is confirmed in his wickedness by the kindness of Christ which should have led to repentance.

(Cf. Rom. 2:4, 5)


A. Judas Had Flirted With Satan:

1. He was selfish.

2. He was a thief.

3. He was disloyal.

B. Judas Is United With Satan:

1. He becomes Satan personified.

2. He is possessed by Satan himself.

NOTE: Jesus' final act of mercy toward Judas is ineffective. "After the sop, Satan..." He had passed the point of no return. Satan takes possession of his all-too-willing victim.

a. We have observed the patience of our Savior toward sinners.

b. We have learned now that even God's longsuffering has limits.

c. We have discovered that men, like Judas, need more than an example; they need a Savior.

ILLUS: An airplane crashes 1,000 miles from land in the Atlantic, with 3 survivors; a non-swimmer, an average swimmer & an Olympic swimmer (Mark Spitz?). Imagine the expert swimmer saying, "Watch me, & I'll show you how to get out of this." He begins to swim toward land. In 30 seconds the non-swimmer goes down. In 20 minutes the average swimmer goes down. It takes several hours for the expert to drown, but they all go down! None of them had a chance. They didn't need an example or even an expert; they needed a savior!

d. We also find out that if you don't want to be married to sin, don't flirt with temptation.


C. Judas Is Discharged By The Savior: "then said Jesus..."

1. Here is the formal dismissal of Judas from the Apostolate.

2. Christ had called him, taught him, wooed him & now discharges him.

NOTE: It was after this dismissal of the traitor that Jesus instituted the Lord's Supper. He first banished the traitor, because that fellowship is for "His own".


A. The Disciples Continued Confusion: v. 28

1. In spite of the Savior's statement: v. 25

2. In spite of the Savior's sign: v. 25

B. The Disciples Charitable Conclusions: v. 29

1. They were mistaken but praiseworthy.

NOTE: "Love…thinketh no evil…believeth all things, hopeth all things."

2. They put on Jesus' words (v. 27) the most favorable interpretation.

NOTE: "The mistakes of charity are wiser & better than the surmises of censoriousness, even when they turn out to be according to truth." - A. Pink

a. It is clear from their conclusions that Jesus did not produce food & other needs miraculously for Himself & the disciples.

b. It is clear, too, that they did not beg but managed their temporal affairs with prudence & economy (4:8).

c. It is also clear that Jesus was in the habit of giving to the poor out of His meager treasury.


A. The Timing: "went immediately"

NOTE: His feet were "swift to shed blood"

1. When he should have obeyed, he didn't.

2. When he shouldn't have obeyed, he did.

B. The Tragedy: "it was night"

1. There is more here than a reference to the time of day.

2. This was the beginning of the "hour" of the Prince of darkness.

3. This was when Christ's enemies tried to extinguish the Light of the world.

4. This was "night" in Judas' soul!

a. Like Cain, he went from the presence of the Lord.

b. Like Baalam, he loved the "wages of unrighteousness".

c. Like Ahithophel, he went to betray his "familiar friend".

CONCL: Judas' "LONG DAY'S JOURNEY INTO NIGHT" has come to a close. He flirted with temptation & became a traitor. He fellowshipped with Satan & became his agent. Oh, the danger for the Christian to flirt with sin! Oh, the disaster for the unsaved to continue to sin! Come to Christ, dear sinner! Come back to the Savior, dear saint!



TEXT: John 13:31-35

THESIS: To show that the mark of Christ is glory, & the mark of the Christian is love.

INTRO: A. The die has been cast. Judas has been dismissed from the Apostolate & to perpetrate His treachery. Jesus moves inexorably toward the Cross. But instead of a gloomy atmosphere prevailing, it is as though a restraint has been removed or a burden lifted. "Therefore…Jesus said..." v. 31

NOTE: Ever notice how one person in a group can hinder a conversation & how His departure can lighten the situation so everyone can talk freely? So it was when Judas left the Upper Room.

B. Jesus no longer has to make exceptions in His teaching due to the traitor's presence. He is free to speak of things He only mentioned guardedly before. In these last hours on the night before He is to die, He gives some farewell remarks (from 13:31-16:33). He prepares them for His departure. He gives them instructions, promises, warnings & commandments.


NOTE: The Greek word "doxa" is translated "glorify" or "glorified" & is used 5 times in 2 verses. It originally meant "a good opinion" or "honor" or "praise".

A. Glory In Christ's Passion: v. 31a

1. The word "now" refers to Judas' departure which set in motion the events leading to His crucifixion.

2. We tend to view the crucifixion as the opposite of glorification.

ILLUS: We could have accepted Jesus' statement "now is the Son of man glorified" if the context had been His baptism or His transfiguration; but He referred to the Cross!

a. His crucifixion glorified Him because it became the central point of human history; the greatest event since creation & till He delivers the Kingdom to His Father & He becomes "all in all"!

b. His crucifixion glorified Him because it reversed the conduct of the first Adam who was disobedient & plunged the race into sin.

ILLUS: Picture Adam as the lead man in a mountain climb. All men linked are to him by ropes. He falls, & they plunge with him. But Jesus is the "last Adam", & He stands fast, & those united to Him by faith are saved! The fall of the 1st Adam is reversed by the 2nd Adam.

c. By His cross-work He was exalted to God's right hand, & He thus became our Mediator: Phil. 2:10

B. Glory in Christ's Person: v. 31b, 32

1. God is glorified in Christ because in Christ justice is revealed: Rom. 3:26

NOTE: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob & Moses, etc. were saved men. But how is God just in saving them when their sin hasn't been punished? God justified them & was just in doing so because He punished sin on His Son, though yet future when they were forgiven.

2. God is glorified in Christ because in Christ holiness is revealed.

NOTE: Christ, Who knew no sin, became a curse for us & bore our sin. He Who was holy satisfied the demands of a holy God through His sinless Son.

In Christ, God's faithfulness, justice, mercy & love were also manifested, & thus God is glorified in Him. All this would take place "straightway..." v. 32b



A. He Speaks Tenderly: "little children"

NOTE: The word is unique: "teknia". It is a word pregnant with tenderness & that recognized peril & danger for those addressed. It is related to the word Mary used when she found Him as a boy in the Temple teaching after having lost Him.

1. He was troubled at the thought of the treachery.

2. He was confident as He moved through the Divine program.

3. He was concerned for the safety of the disciples.

B. He Speaks Prophetically:

1. Of His immediate presence: "I am with you..."

NOTE: We must learn to treasure each moment God gives us with those we love (v. 34, 35)!

2. Of their sense of loss: "ye shall seek me,.."

a. He compares what He says here with what He said to the Jews

earlier: (cf. 7:33,34)

b. He now speaks not of His return to the Father, but of the Cross: "thither" (or there) they "cannot come"

Cf. Lev. 16:17.


NOTE: Up to now, we have seen His mark; the mark of glorification through the cross. Now, He speaks of our mark; the mark of mutual love which must characterize every Christian.

A. Mutual Love Is A Commandment Of Christ: v. 34a

1. Jesus, love personified, is about to be taken away.

2. Jesus thus issues a command that they manifest love for one another in His absence.

a. They truly loved Him, though their love was weak.

b. They did not love each other, but were jealous over each other.

c. They needed to transfer the love they felt to Him to each other

NOTE: In Lev. 19:18 & Deut. 6:5 we have Old Testament admonitions to love others. How can this be "a new commandment"? It was new in its object (not just Jewish neighbors). It was new in its measure (more than good-will, but sacrifice; a love patterned after His love).

B. Mutual Love Is A Copy Of Christ: v. 34b ""

1. He reproved them for their failures.

2. He compassionately bore with their frailties.

3. He looked after their needs & counseled & comforted them.

C. Mutual Love Is A Characteristic Of Christians: v. 35

1. Brotherly love is the badge of the believer.

2. Brotherly love is the distinguishing mark of the disciple.

ILLUS: Jesus here gives authority to all to judge all those who claim discipleship. When the unsaved say we are not true Christians because of our lack of love for other believers, they are only exercising the prerogative Jesus gave them.


CONCL: Poem; p, 254, Gospel of John, Hendriksen

"How can you lead to Christ your boy

Unless Christ's method you employ?

There's just one thing that you can do—

It's let that boy see Christ in you.

"Have you a husband fond and true?

A wife who's blind to all but you?

If each would win the other one,

That life must speak of God's dear Son.

"The Church that hopes to win the lost

Must pay the one unchanging cost;

She must compel the world to see

In her the Christ of Calvary."

"There is but one successful plan

By which to win a fellow man;

Have you a neighbor old or new?

Just let that man see Christ in you."

Christ's mark is the glory of God. Christian's mark is the love of God.




TEXT: John 13:36-38

THESIS: To show how Peter's trust in the flesh led to His denial of Christ.

INTRO: A. The spotlight now shifts from Jesus & Judas to Jesus & Peter. Both Judas & Peter failed the Lord. Judas betrayed Him, & Peter denied Him. And there the similarity ends. The act of treachery was perpetrated by one who hated Him. The act of denial was a momentary failure by one who loved Him. Judas' act was cold-blooded, calculated & deliberate. Peter's act was simply a spontaneous slip in a moment of weakness. Judas' sin was that of an unsaved Christ-rejecter. Peter's sin was the yielding to temptation of a Christ-receiver.

B. Peter's sin stands as a bold warning that anyone, even though saved, can yield to the suggestions of Satan, the enticements of the eye or the frailty of the flesh & end up standing against Christ with His enemies in a sinful compromise & direct denial.

TRANS: We have scrutinized Judas; now let's look at this "Boastful Denier” or "Strong Weakling", Peter...


A. Peter Misses Jesus' Salient-point:

1. Peter overlooks the practical instructions concerning mutual love. Cf. v. 34, 35

2. Peter fastens his interest on that instruction which Christ purposely left somewhat vague: v. 33

NOTE: We are often more desirous to have our curiosity satisfied than our consciences pricked. We prefer pointless preaching or lessons with barbless hooks.

We quickly drop or push from our consciousness Biblical exhortations, but spend hours haggling over theological oddities, "doubtful disputations", "doting about questions & strifes of words". Cf. I Tim. 6:3-5; II Tim. 2:23-26 (v. 26 is a perfect description of Peter & of some in the church today as well!)

B. Peter Misunderstands Jesus' Statement:

1. Jesus is speaking of His death, but Peter is not a careful listener.


ILLUS: How many times had Christ prophesied of His death, but the disciples seem dull or deaf. This illustrated the fact that men may take in much preaching & teaching & yet take in little, especially if it clashes with their preconceptions.

2. Jesus is speaking of His return to Heaven, but Peter is not thinking of a spiritual kingdom.

a. Perhaps Peter is thinking that Jesus is going to move His Kingdom Headquarters from Jerusalem.

b. Perhaps Peter is afraid that Jesus is going to leave him & the other disciples behind: Cf. 13:8

3. Jesus is speaking of Peter's future death by crucifixion & also His future trip to Heaven: Cf. 14:1-3


A. Peter Was Sincere But Still Selfish: v. 37a

1. He persists in his demand to be with Christ.

2. His spirit was willing, but his flesh was weak.

3. His love & courage are not in question, but his devotion & loyalty are lacking.

4. His real problem was spiritual depth, which led to his denial.

Steps in Peter's fall...

a. #l - Overconfidence

NOTE: Peter failed not in his weakest point, but his strongest. He was not a coward. He proved that in the garden when he drew his sword against overwhelming odds. But spiritual warfare is not conducted with carnal weapons. If left to our own devices, we are all as weak as water.

b. #2 - Prayerlessness

NOTE: Jesus had warned the disciples 3 times in Gethsemane to "pray that ye enter not into temptation".

c. #3 - Following afar-off: Lk. 22:54

NOTE: We all have this problem. We know that the focus of the warfare is where Jesus stands, so we assume we will be safer if we do not stay too close to Him. But the safety of the disciple is to follow Christ closely.

d. #4 - Fellowship with the enemy

NOTE: If we become confident in the flesh, fail to pray, follow afar-off, we too will end up backslidden in the camp of the ungodly, denying the Lord; maybe even with oaths & cursings!!

B. Peter Was Courageous But Needed Correction: v. 37b

1. He was bold, but backwards!

a. Jesus would die for him, not the reverse.

b. He was contradicting God's plan for his life.

2. He was positive, but negative.

a. His statement was a positive declaration of his loyalty.

b. His statement was negative in relation to Jesus' teaching.

NOTE: Someone described Peter as boasting too much, praying too little, acting too hastily & not listening too closely.


A. Jesus Rebukes Peter: v. 38a


1. He turns Peter's bold declaration into a cutting question.

2. He demolishes Peter's determination with a convicting question.

NOTE: If we stress the word "thou" in Christ's question, we decipher the severity of this rebuke. "Wilt THOU...(who could not walk on the water with me because of your fear of the wind & waves)...lay down thy life for Me?"

If we stress the words "thy" & "my", it likewise strengthens the rebuke: "THY life for MY sake...?" "Who do you think you are, Peter?"

B. Jesus Reproves Peter: v. 38b

1. Now Jesus plainly foretells Peter's cowardice in the crucial hour.

2. Now Jesus links the crowing of the cock to Peter's cowardice.

a. To reveal His omniscience concerning the unlikely events to follow.

NOTE: That he would be on trial at such a ridiculous hour was unlikely.

b. To reveal His omnipotence & control over His creatures; thus, the cock becomes the signal of his denial & the catalyst of his repentance.

ILLUS: Jesus not only predicted Judas' betrayal, but Peter's denial. He not only knows the wickedness of sinner, but the weakness of His saints.

c. To reveal the depth of Peter's denial ("thrice") & the depth of his forgiveness.

CONCL: Matthew Henry said, "The most secure are commonly the least safe; & those most shamefully betray their own weakness that most confidently presume upon their strength". God says, "Let him that thinketh he standeth, take heed lest he fall."

Let us be like John the beloved who stood with Christ at the foot of the cross itself; not like wicked Judas who betrayed Him or like the boastful Peter who denied Him. Are you a "Strong Weakling" like Peter concerning your witness for Christ?

Unsaved, don't boast in your works. Confess your weakness to save yourself & come to Christ.


TEXT: John 14:1-6

THESIS: To set forth the special promise, place, people & Person Jesus revealed as the cure for heart trouble.

INTRO: A. The disciples are with Jesus in the upper room the night before His death. They have "heart trouble". Their hearts are aching & breaking. Their hearts are SAD because of the prospect of Christ's departure; their hearts are ASHAMED because of their demonstrated selfishness & pride (re: foot washing); their hearts are PERPLEXED because of His prediction that one of their number would betray Him; their hearts are DISTURBED over His announcement that Peter, their leader would deny Him; their hearts were FAILING because their hoped-for Messiah had announced His impending death!

B. But Jesus has "the Cure for Heart Trouble" and even though He is totally aware of His own imminent sufferings & death, He is sensitive to their needs & speaks comforting words to them. Anyone but our Savior would have been too preoccupied with his own sufferings to concern himself with others' problems.

TRANS: Jesus has "The Cure for Heart Trouble". The answer to fear is faith! Jesus reminds them of this in verse 1.

I. A SPECIAL PROMISE: v. 1, 2 "Let not your heart be troubled..."

A. Contingent Upon Faith In His Person: v. 1

1. A fact stated: "Ye believe in God..."

2. A command issued: "believe also in Me..."


a. He is saying, "You believe in God Who is invisible...continue to trust in Me even though I will no longer be visible to you!"

b. He is saying, "You believe in God's love & are conscious of His in My existence, love & care even though I will no longer be present."

NOTE: Here is another statement of Christ's equality with God. The word "also" declares His absolute Deity. Jesus is not challenging their faith in His position as Messiah, but in His Person as God!

The answer to a troubled heart is faith! Faith is the answer to every perplexity, trial, anxiety & problem in a believer's life!

B. Contingent Upon Faith In His Pronouncements: v. 2 "If not so..."

NOTE: Biblically, the promise depends upon His Person as God. If He IS God, He cannot lie & His pronouncements are trustworthy.

1. The promise of a place: "my Father's house..."

a. This place called home, emphasizes warmth, security.

b. This place called a country emphasizes its vastness.

c. This place called a city emphasizes its activity.

d. This place called a Kingdom emphasizes it structure.

e. This place called a Paradise emphasizes its beauty.

2. The promise of His preparation:

a. It includes many "mansions".

NOTE: This word is properly translated. It is not just "rooms", as one version puts it! Imagine a God Who is the architect of the universe building mere rooms for His children to dwell in forever. "Mansions" contrasts the meagerness of an earthly existence to the extravagance of a heavenly existence. It can be translated "abiding places" speaking of security & wealth, but "mansions" provides this sense more strikingly.

b. It is being prepared.

NOTE: Jesus left earth to get our honeymoon suites ready. As the Bridegroom, He is making all things ready for His Bride. Remember, on earth He was a carpenter!


A. Its Size:

NOTE: Its capital city alone, the New Jerusalem, measures 1,500 miles in every direction! If a cube, that would be over 2,250,000 sq. miles & it would hold 30 times the present population of earth with plenty of room to spare. (120 billion people!)

B. Its Location:

NOTE: Some object that if Heaven is beyond the stars, Jesus traveling at the speed of light, 186,000 miles per second, would not yet have reached the farthest star! But why limit our Savior to the speed of light? He Who created the universe, is able to move with the speed of thought!!!

C. Its Accessibility: "Where I am..."

1. Because of His presence there, we are guaranteed access to that place.

2. Because of His promise to return for us, we are guaranteed access to that place.

NOTE: But Jesus doesn't just promise access to that place, but something far more comforting; access to Himself! Not "Receive you unto that place", but "Receive you unto MYSELF!"


III. A SPECIAL PEOPLE: v. 4, 5 "Ye know..."

A. Jesus' Statement: v. 4

1. He has told them about the "wither" (Cf. v. 2)

2. He has told them about the "way" (Cf. v. 1)

NOTE: Heaven is a prepared place for a prepared people. All those who trust in Him are prepared for a heavenly existence, & when He returns for us, He will even give us a body like His to overcome gravity, space, time & physical objects.

B. Thomas' Question: v. 5

1. Thomas, the materialist, could not think above an earthly palace or mansion outside Jerusalem.

2. Thomas probably expressed the question in the troubled hearts of all the Apostles.

ILLUS: A missionary attempted to describe homes of more than one story to an old Korean mountaineer. But he could not visualize people living in multiple storied houses. Even those who are saved have a limited understanding of the "many stories" or "many mansions" in Heaven. We are earth-bound & earth-oriented.


NOTE: Notice the pronoun "I". We are not saved by a principle or a force, but by a Person.

A. Jesus Is The Way:

1. He doesn't simply show us the way...He IS the Way!

2. He alone spans the distance between God & man.

B. Jesus Is The Truth:

1. He is the full & final revelation of God.

2. He is the truth in contrast to the lies of religion; He alone is the dependable source of redemptive revelation.

C. Jesus Is The Life:

1. He is the Emancipator from death. (Cf. Heb. 2:9, 14, 15)

2. He is the Source of eternal life.

CONCL: Jesus is in Heaven with the Father. The only way to get to the "Father's House" is through Him ("by Me").

Trust in Christ is the "CURE FOR HEART TROUBLE", whether for unforgiven sin or for anxieties, perplexity or fear.

Believe in God, believe also in Christ. Trust Him!


TEXT: John 14:7-14

THESIS: To present a 3-dimensional picture of God, in Christ.

INTRO: A. One of the great unsatisfied curiosities of the human mind is what God looks like. An unknown author declared, "Until Jesus came, we knew God could build a universe, but never dreamed He would be willing to labor with carpenter's tools. We knew He was surrounded with angels & Cherubim, but never thought He would condescend to eat with publicans & sinners. We believed He held the world in space by His power, but never suspected that He would consider a sparrow's fall to be important." But this condescending Deity is our God! And Jesus is a true "Picture of God!" As He says in our text, "…he that hath seen me hath seen the Father."


B. In the passage before us the disciples fear the impending death of their Messiah. He has tried to comfort them by telling them of the place He will go to, to get it ready for them. He even promises that He will return for them. They are still confused. He now continues to try to comfort them by giving them 3 revelations of Himself through His Person, His Power & His Promise.

I. REVELATION #1: His Person: v. 7-11

A. Jesus' Declaration: v. 7

1. Their distorted knowledge is rebuked: v. 7a

a. They knew Christ was the Messiah & anointed of God.

b. They failed to see Him as fully God.

c. They have not made the connection between Father & Son.

2. Their diminutive knowledge is reproved: v. 7b

a. The tenses are confusing to us: "know" (present) & "have seen" (past).

b. The passage deals with the future: In Greek, when an event is certain, it can be presented like this.

ILLUS: The word "henceforth" is the key. It is like saying "from now on" their knowledge of Him will increase, & they will recognize the Father & Son as one. The events of the betrayal, denial, crucifixion, resurrection & ascension will secure His Deity in their hearts. Cf. v. 20

B. Philip's Demand: v. 8

1. Philip wants sight to replace faith.

NOTE: This is the same Philip who brought Nathaneal to Christ & introduced the Greeks to Him who cried, "Sirs, we would see Jesus!"

2. Philip wanted a picture of God & he already had one!

ILLUS: He wanted to duplicate Moses' experience on the mount, or the event recorded in Ex. 24:10 when Moses, Nadab, Abihu & the 70 elders of Israel "…saw the God of Israel: and there was under His feet as it were a paved work of a sapphire stone..."

C. Jesus' Distress: v. 9

1. Jesus reminds Philip of his proximity to His words & work for 3 years plus.

2. Jesus states that man's encounter with God is limited to Himself for He is God!

a. The result of seeing Jesus is seeing God!

b. The result of seeing God is satisfaction!

NOTE: Jesus is a perfect reproduction of the Father. All that God is, Jesus is. He is the "PICTURE OF GOD!"

D. Jesus' Demand: v. 10,11

1. Jesus has stated the equality of the Father & the Son: v. 7

2. Jesus has stated the completeness of the Father in the Son: v. 9

3. Jesus now states the proofs of the Father-Son relationship.

a. Whenever Jesus speaks the Father works: v. 10

NOTE: Every word of the Son is a work of the Father! This does not mean that the Father is acting as a ventriloquist & the Son as His dummy. Rather, the Son speaks the mind of the Father, because it is His mind also.

b. Whenever Jesus works the Father speaks: v. 11


NOTE: The miracles Jesus performed were stating Jesus' Deity. His works proved His words were truthful.

II. REVELATION #2: His Power v. 13

A. Jesus' Works Were Primarily Physical:

1. His miracles were to reinforce His claims.

2. His works backed up His words.

B. Believers' Works Are Primarily Spiritual:

1. Jesus' departure will not leave His disciples powerless.

NOTE: The Apostles had enjoyed great miracle-working power while He was with them. He is reassuring them this will not cease; in fact, tells them "greater works" will follow.

2. Jesus' departure will increase their effectiveness: v. 16ff

a. The Apostles will continue to perform physical miracles.

b. The Apostles will go beyond the physical to the spiritual.

1) Greater in quantity: Cf. Book of Acts

2) Greater in quality: spiritual vs. physical

3) Greater in scope: conversion of Jews AND Gentiles

NOTE: The word "greater" suggests that miracles in the physical sphere would be replaced by miracles in the spiritual realm.

III. REVELATION #3: His Promise v. 13, 14

NOTE: On the basis of His likeness to the Father & His oneness with the Father, He predicted greater power in service. Now He promises greater power in prayer.

A. Unlimited ANSWERS To Prayer:

1. Based on Who He is, not where He is!

2. Proven by His words & works; His power!

B. Unlimited ANSWERS To Petitions:

1. Condition #1: "in His Name"

ILLUS: A check is no good unless backed by adequate deposits. If I go to the bank bearing a check with the signature of one with adequate deposits, it will be honored.

If I go to the bank of Heaven in my own name, there is nothing to back up the check; I must go in His Name.

a. To ask in Christ's Name demands we set aside our will.

b. To ask in Christ's Name means we must petition Him on the grounds of His assets.

2. Condition #2: "that the Father may be glorified"

a. Thus, Christ's promise is not a "blank check".

b. But Christ's promise is a check on our selfish desires.

CONCL: Jesus reveals Himself by His Person (One with the Father), His Power (supernatural) & His Promise (unlimited resources). He gives us "A PICTURE OF GOD", & the believer is satisfied.

As it is true that He that has seen the Son has seen the Father, it is also true that he that has NOT seen the Son has NOT seen the Father! HAVE YOU?!



TEXT: John 14:15-19

THESIS: To reveal Christ's promise of a supernatural Helper & supernatural life for every believer.

INTRO: A. John 14 is the chapter of comfort. Jesus, aware of the human fear & frailty of His disciples, comforts them. He comforts them with the promise of a heavenly home (v. 1-3). He comforts them with the promise that the miraculous powers bestowed on them would continue & increase (v. 11, 12). He comforts them with the promise of answered prayer (v.12, 13, 14). In the section before us, He also comforts them with the promise of a supernatural Helper called "The Comforter" (V. 16, 17). Christ promises them that although He must leave them, He would reproduce Himself within them.

B. Jesus, in v. 15, in effect tells them He wants them to stop showing their love for Him by grieving over their loss of His personal presence, but to begin to show their love by their obedience to His commandments.

NOTE: Love is not demonstrated by syrupy sentimentalism or some sickly pseudo-spiritual depression, but by an active, eager & joyful obedience to Christ's commands (I John 1:3; 4:19; 5:2).

TRANS: In order to enable His disciples to keep His commandments, He promises to reproduce Himself in them.


A. Who Is This Comforter?: v. 16a

1. The word comes from the Greeks "Parakletos" or "helper" (Para = to help & kaleo = alongside)

2. The word comes down to us through Latin "Comfortis" (Com = alongside & fortis = strong)

NOTE: The Comforter then is One Who comes alongside to strengthen & to help.

3. The word "another" is from the Greek: "allos"

ILLUS: There are 2 words for "another" in Greek; "heteros" meaning "another of any kind" & "allos" meaning "another of the exact, specific & identical kind". Jesus is saying "when I go away, I'm not going to send you any old Helper, but an "allos" Helper; one exactly, essentially like me!"

Jesus is the original Comforter. The Holy Spirit is Christ reproduced. Thus, we really have 2 Comforters: The Spirit in us on earth & Christ above us in Heaven at the Father's right hand. (Note the Trinity in v. 16)

B. How Long Will This Comforter Stay?:

1. He abides with the believer "forever".

2. We can never lose the Holy Spirit & thus can never lose our salvation.

C. What Is This Comforter's Ministry?: v. 17a

1. He is the "Spirit of Truth".

2. He is thus our truth teacher (16:13)

NOTE: Apart from the Holy Spirit, men cannot know the truth about God.

D. Whom Does This Comforter Teach?: v. 17b

1. Only believers; they alone can perceive spiritual truth & comprehend a Spirit Being.

2. Unbelievers "cannot receive" Him or know Him.

NOTE: The world didn't recognize or know the First Comforter, Jesus Christ, when He was in the world, & they could see Him. Naturally, they would not be able to receive or know "Christ Reproduced" in the second Comforter Who is exactly like Him!


E. Where Does This Comforter Reside?: v. 17c

1. Here is a classic dispensational statement, showing the difference of ministry of the Spirit in the times before & after Pentecost.

2. Before Pentecost "He dwelleth WITH you" in the Person of Christ & before Christ for special ministries.

3. After Pentecost He "shall be IN you..."

NOTE: Since He is now "IN" every believer, we must be careful where we take Him & what we expose Him to.


A. Absent But Present: v. 18

1. He will leave, but will stay in the Person of His Spirit (Rom. 8 calls the Holy Spirit "the Spirit of Christ")

2. He will leave, but we will not be orphans.

a. The word "comfortless" is the Greek word: "orphanous" or orphans.

b. The word harks back to the "little children" of 13:33.

ILLUS: An orphan is one without the natural love & affection of his parents. Believers have a Heavenly Father, a "greater Brother" in Christ & One Who is more closely related to him than any earthly relative dwelling within all the time! He has not left us orphans! Before we go to be with Him, He comes to be with us!

B. Unseen But Seen: v. 19b (Cf. v. 17)

1. The world would no longer see Him. (His post-resurrection appearances were to His own!)

2. Believers would continue to see Him.

a. They would see Him after His death.

b. They would see Him through the Comforter's ministry.

NOTE: We, today, cannot see Him physically "Whom having not seen, we love..." But with eyes of faith, we do see Him as the scales have fallen from our eyes. He reveals Himself to us in His Word & through His "still, small voice."

C. Dead But Alive: v. 19c

1. Christ must shortly die, but will continue to live!

2. His followers were "dead in trespasses & sins" but "live also" in Him!

CONCL: Christ is reproduced in the Person of His Holy Spirit; "The Spirit of Christ". This "Comforter" indwells believers to reproduce Christ in us. We are to be "conformed" to His image. We have a SUPERNATURAL HELPER & SUPERNATURAL LIFE.

"Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of His!" Rom. 8:9b


TEXT: John 14:20-26

THESIS: To offer comfort through Jesus' promises of a supernatural union, love & Teacher.

INTRO: A. Jesus always anticipated the needs of His disciples. Their present need was for comfort. They were fearful of a life without His presence. Thus, chapter 14 begins with the words, "Let not your hearts be troubled..." & near the end of the chapter (v. 27) He adds "...neither let it be afraid."

B. Jesus has comforted them with several promises thus far. He promised them a heavenly home, continued power, answered prayer, a supernatural Helper or Comforter just like Himself (Christ Reproduced!) & supernatural life. He continues comforting them with the promise of a supernatural union with the Father & Himself (v. 20), supernatural love (v. 21-24) & a supernatural Teacher (v. 25, 26).



A. The Timing Of This Event: "that day..."

1. The day of His resurrection?

a. Surely they would grasp His Deity then.

b. Surely they would comprehend His declarations then.

2. The day of Pentecost?

a. Then the Holy Spirit would confirm His Person & work to them.

b. Then the Holy Spirit would indwell them & bear witness with their spirit of their union with Him.

3. The day of His appearing?

a. Then they would know as they are known.

b. Then they will see Him in all His glory & remove all doubts about His union with the Father.

B. The Theme Of This Exclamation: "In"

1. First level of union: "I am in my Father". Christ & the Father are one.

2. Second level of union: "ye in Me". Christ & the believer are one.

3. Third level of union: "I in you". Christ is reproduced in the believer through the indwelling Holy Spirit.

NOTE: No Old Testament saint could say, "The Messiah in me, and I in the Messiah!"

Christ's statement is dispensational & began with the Church Age at Pentecost! The church could not exist before that because the character of the church is

1) the Holy Spirit in the believer &

2) Christ in the believer & the believer in Christ.

The union between Christ & the Father is absolute & incapable of growth. The unity of Christ & believers is spiritual & capable of growth. Our unity reflects the oneness of Christ & the Father.


A. The Terms Of This Love: v. 21, 22

NOTE: The context has to do with the dispensation of the Spirit. Without the indwelling Spirit keeping His commandments is burdensome & even impossible.

1. Faith & union with Christ demands an obedient walk: v. 21a

2. Mere possession of Christ's commandments is insufficient; they must be kept: v. 21a, b, c

a. Obedience expresses our love for Him: v. 21a

b. Obedience (love expressed) assures reciprocal love: v. 21b

NOTE: Because of supernatural union with Christ, we can obey Him & thus become recipients of supernatural love from the Father & the Son.

c. Obedience secures a manifestation of Christ to the believer: v. 21c & 22

1) His promise is conditional: v. 21c

2) His promise is confusing: v. 22

NOTE: Judas, the traitor, has departed. Judas, the true disciple, speaks up & states his confusion concerning Christ's statements, "How...?" Did he still cling to the hope that a further miraculous manifestation by Christ would secure the world's allegiance to Christ? Is he saying "Why just to us? It may not be too late! Do something spectacular & the whole world will be convinced!" (But the "manifestation" Jesus is referring to, in the context, seems to be His Word through His Spirit!)


B. The Test Of This Love: v. 23, 24

1. Jesus' answer indicates the real basis of His manifestation to men is based on their response to His Words: v. 23

NOTE: Consider the change in v. 21 "commandments" & v. 23 "words". Friends respond to words; servants to commandments. The primary or fundamental thing in obedience is THE DESIRE OF THE HEART. Two things are true of every believer:

1) a yearning to please the Lord with full obedience &

2) the failure of a complete realization of this desire. (Cf. Phil. 3:12)

2. Jesus' response links obedience with fellowship & abiding: v. 22

3. Jesus' reply identifies His antagonists as those who refuse to keep His words, commandments & sayings: v. 24

4. Jesus' rebuttal identifies the source of His words & the recipient of rebellion to them: v. 24


A. A Gentle Reminder Of His Departure: v. 25

B. A Genuine Replacement By His Duplicate: v. 26

ILLUS: Cloning is being practiced in science labs today. A clone is an exact duplicate of the original, but it is at the same time not the original. In this sense the Holy Spirit is a "clone" of Christ. He is "CHRIST REPRODUCED".

1. The Father sends the 2nd Comforter as the First.

2. The 2nd Comforter comes in the 1st Comforter's Name.

3. The 2nd Comforter teaches "all things" the 1st Comforter said.

a. He doesn't initiate new truth, but "brings all things to remembrance" what Christ had said.

b. He doesn't emphasize Himself, but directs men to Christ.

ILLUS: Here, Jesus promises total, accurate, inerrant recall of every word Jesus said. Thus, the Scriptures penned by these men were in fact the very words of Christ!

CONCL: What comfort WE can derive from these 3 promises! We too have a supernatural union with Christ, a supernatural love for Christ (which enables us to obey Him) & a supernatural Teacher Who illumines & interprets God's infallible Word & words to us!

Why continue to live only in the natural realm when you can begin living in the realm of the supernatural? Accept Christ now!


TEXT: John 14:27-31

THESIS: To reveal the final promises of Christ to His fearful disciples before His betrayal.

INTRO: A. A will is only in force after the testator dies. Oftentimes, however, the testator's wishes in the will are ignored & he is powerless beneath the sod to enforce it. But Christ died, making His will valid, & now lives again to enforce its stipulations.

B. Christ's last will & testament included these provisions:

1. His soul was committed to His Father.

2. His body was bequeathed to Joseph for burial.

3. His clothing went to the gambling soldiers.

4. His mother was entrusted to John.

5. Ho had no earthly possessions to leave those who left all for Him, so He left them the greatest legacy of all...His peace!


TRANS: In this passage Christ continues to comfort His disciples, & He states the legacy He would leave them...


A. The Nature Of His Peace:

1. Objective Peace (in our relation to God).

a. Rebellion with God ceases.

b. Our sins are forgiven, & we are made righteous.

c. Our rebellion against other believers ceases.

2. Subjective peace (in our relation to life).

a. Presently, due to our relationship with Christ.

b. Past, because the guilt of our sins is gone.

c. Future, for we do not fear death & have security.

B. The Source Of His Peace:

1. God is the author of peace: "the God of Peace" (I Cor. 14:33)

2. Christ is the Lord of peace: (Cf. Acts. 10:36)

3. The Holy Spirit dispenses peace: (Cf. Gal. 5:22)

C. The Contrast Of His Peace:

1. It is not like the world's peace.

ILLUS: New York Times, "We have had 53 wars in 17 years! Since 36 B.C. 14,553 wars! But since we have entered the 'enlightened scientific age', we now have 3 new wars every year!" Man is a stranger to peace. He cannot even get along with those he loves.

2. Man cannot find nor manufacture peace.

a. His problem is theological, not economical, emotional or circumstantial.

b. There is no peace to the wicked!

D. The Result Of His Peace: v. 27b

NOTE: Isaiah declared, "Thou wilt keep Him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Thee, because he trusteth in Thee." Concerning God's Word, "an hour a day, keeps fear away.''

In some ancient castles there are deep wells that were used to supply the garrison in time of siege, when the aqueducts bringing water from the outside were at the mercy of the enemy. These reservoirs within the walls were lifesavers because they were beyond the power of the foe. So, too, the security the world offers depends on one's surroundings; in time of trouble its sources are cut off like the water from outside the castle walls. The peace that Jesus gives, however, is that of a spring within, most precious and abundant in the hours of deepest need.


A. He States A Principle: v. 28a (His departure precedes His return.)

B. He Suggests A Precept: v. 28b (His disciples should rejoice in His exaltation.)

C. He Sets Forth A Paradox: v. 28c (His disciples must recognize His subordination.)

NOTE: Submission & subordination do not demand inferiority. As a man, Christ is subordinate to the Father. His present role as a humble servant would soon change. He would resume His position of absolute equality with the Father. v. 27



A. His Prophecies Secured His Deity: "I have told you BEFORE"

B. His Predictions Settled His Disciples: "Ye might believe"

NOTE: Each fulfilled prophecy was another stake driven into their hearts & minds & gave them stability.


A. The Prince Identified: Cf. 16;:11

1. This "world" is Satan's present domain, & Jesus had invaded this hostile territory.

2. In order to redeem fallen men, Jesus had to enter into direct conflict with Satan.

ILLUS: Jesus could "hear" the footsteps of the disciple Satan had possessed. In the person of Judas, Satan was on his way. ("cometh")

B. The Prince Vanquished: "hath nothing in Me"

1. Satan could find nothing in Christ for which to condemn Him.

2. Satan could not make any accusation against Him (he had already failed on the Mt. of Temptation).

3. Satan could find no weak point in Him & could not appeal to the "lust of the flesh or the pride of life" because He had no sin nature!!

NOTE: The closest we can come to understanding the meaning of this statement is that there was no "handle" on Christ for Satan to grasp. There was nothing in Him to which he could appeal or about which he could accuse. (Heb. 4:15; 7:26)


A. The Test Of Love Is Obedience: v. 23, 24

B. The Triumph Of Love Is Obedience: "even so I do"

CONCL: His final words here, now that He has comforted His disciples & accepted the Father's directive were, "Arise, let us go hence." He is saying that the countdown is on. He has read His will, & it will soon take effect. He is on His way to Calvary & the inevitable fulfillment of His own prophecies. There He will prove His love by being "obedient unto death, even the death of the Cross."

Unsaved, why not get in on the inheritance of His will. He has included YOU! Receive Him NOW!


TEXT: John 15:1-3

THESIS: To identify the Vine, Vinedresser, Vine branches & Vine Pruner in John 15.

INTRO: A. Nature is full of Divine symbolism. In the MINERAL Kingdom there are the pearl, the rock & the stone. Christ is the Pearl of great price, the Rock of ages & the Chief Corner Stone. In the ANIMAL Kingdom are the lion & the lamb. He is the Lion of the tribe of Judah & the Lamb of God. In the HEAVENLY realm are the stars & sun. He is the Star of Jacob & the Sun of Righteousness. In the VEGETABLE Kingdom are the rose, lily & the vine. He is the Rose of Sharon, the Lily of the Valley & the True Vine. He is the truth of everything in nature which is but shadows! Surely, all men are "without excuse".

B. Christ had been comforting His disciples in the upper room after having washed their feet, sending Judas away, instituting the Lord's Supper & warning of His impending departure in v. 14. The last verse in chapter 14 says "Arise, let us go hence." Whether the words in chapter 15 were also spoken in the upper room or whether they were outside on their way to Gethsemane is not known, but the theme is a vine & a vineyard, the branches & fruitfulness. Whether this was triggered by juice ("fruit of the vine") used in the Supper still on the table or from passing through a vineyard or by seeing the great


golden vine on the door to the Holy Place on the Temple is not important. But the subject of Christ's explanation is crucial. His first words are, "I am the true Vine..."

I. THE VINE: v. 1a

A. God's Vine In The Old Testament: Israel (Is. 5:1-7)

1. Israel produced "wild grapes".

2. Israel was called "an empty vine".

B. God's Vine In The New Testament: Christ

1. Israel was the type; Christ is the "TRUE Vine".

2. All that could be symbolized in a vine becomes reality, fulfillment & perfection in Him.

3. Christ as the Vine is the parent, spiritual organism.

a. For any man to know true spiritual life, he must be connected to the "True Vine"; Christ!

b. Christ is both the "TRUE VINE" in opposition to that which is false, but also "TRUE" in the sense of enduring, perfect & essential reality in contrast to other vines (e.g. Israel).

ILLUS: Many attach themselves to "vines" which cannot impart real, vital life: education, science, sex, skills, fraternal organizations, cults, churches. Bu, these are NOT the "TRUE Vine". Christ alone fits & can provide spiritual life.


A. In The Old Testament The Father Is The Proprietor Of The Vine:

B. In The New Testament The Father Is The Cultivator Of The Vine:

1. The emphasis here is not on the union of the Vine & Vinedresser as in John 10:30.

2. The emphasis here is on the care & love of the Vinedresser for the Vine & the branches & fruit of the Vine.

a. He plants the Vine!: v. 1b

1) Jesus is "a root out of dry ground".

2) Jesus grew as "a tender plant" Is. 53:2

b. He purges the Vine!: v. 2

1) He removes the non-fruit bearing branches.

2) He prunes off non-fruit bearing branches.

NOTE: The value in a vine compared to other trees in the forest is NOT in its wood, but in its FRUIT! But its fruit is delicious, attractive, nourishing, healthful & helpful.


A. The Non-Fruitbearing Branches:

1. The Armenian view is that these branches are Christians who lose their salvation & end up being burned up in hell (Cf. v. 6)

2. The Calvinistic view makes these branches "professing" Christians who have no vital union with Christ.

3. The Bible view may lie between these two extremes.

a. Jesus is addressing believers here; Judas is gone.

b. Jesus refers to all of them as His own: "in me" (Cf. v. 3 "ye are clean" & v. 5 "ye are the branches")

c. Jesus uses the present tense in His description ("beareth not fruit" = "bearing not fruit")


NOTE: He is NOT speaking of those who NEVER bore fruit but those who are not presently productive! A vine in the natural realm becomes unproductive through neglect, disease or blight. So in the spiritual realm! (Cf. II Pet. 1:5-7)

d. Jesus indicates the Father is the One who "taketh away" the unproductive branches & since 5:22 says the Son JUDGES, these "branches" cannot be unsaved men.

e. Jesus uses the words "taketh away" (Gr. "airo") elsewhere translated "lifted up" in the KJV.

ILLUS: A Vinedresser lifts up unproductive branches to better expose them to the sun. Grapes, unlike squash, pumpkins or melons, do not do well on the ground. First, he lifts them up, THEN prunes them, and THEN cleanses them. Thus, the order in this passage.

B. The Fruitbearing Branches:

1. Jesus elsewhere taught that all true believers produce SOME fruit, but the tense implies a PRESENT, not a permanent situation


A. Pruning Produces More Fruit: v. 2b

1. Greek word is "katharizo" = clean, purify (Eng. word: catharsis)

2. Anything harmful to the branches & the vine must be cleansed or removed.

B. Pruning Produced By The Word: v. 3

CONCL: In the natural realm, insects, moss, mildew, etc. must be removed from the branches. In the spiritual realm, bad habits, spiritual pride, improper priorities or bad values or even the wrong friends must be cleansed from the Christian's life if "more fruit" is to be produced. Are you "DEADWOOD" or "FRUITFUL BRANCHES"?!

The first prerequisite to fruitfulness is to become a "branch" attached to the "Vine". Do it now!


TEXT: John 15:4-8

THESIS: To show the blessings of fruit-bearing & the burning of non-abiding branches.

INTRO: A. The Japanese grow forest trees in flowerpots. Some are a hundred or more years old, but only 2 or 3 feet high. Instead of fertilizing the tree to grow large, they starve & stunt the tree to make it a dwarf. Christians often do the same thing. We rob ourselves of spiritual nourishment & shut off the power of Christ's fellowship. Thus, we become dwarf Christians when we could become a giant. The secret of becoming a giant for God is found in our text. In order to ABOUND in fruitfulness, we must ABIDE in fellowship with Christ.

B. The great theme of this passage is fruitbearing. The conditions of fertility are given. The word "fruit" occurs 8 times in the chapter & in Scripture 8 is the number of fruitfulness, new life & resurrection.

TRANS: In v. 1-3 we have identified Christ as the True Vine, the Father as the Vine-dresser, believers as vine-branches & God's Word as the vine-pruner. The next subject is the secret of fruitfulness or "ABIDING & ABOUNDING".


A. Abiding:

NOTE: If the secret to fruitfulness is abiding, we must know what it means to "abide".

1. Abiding means spiritual continuity; not in a static sense, but in growth & grace.

2. "Abide in Me" may be taken as a declaration, a promise or a command; probably the latter is to be preferred.


a. We are to abide in Christ as a branch abides in a vine; a close intimacy implied: v. 4

ILLUS: His being in us is a matter of His grace & is perpetual. Our abiding in Him is our responsibility & may be interrupted.

b. We are to abide in service; producing fruit: v. 5

c. We are to abide in faith; uninterrupted trust: "my words abide in you" v. 7a

d. We are to abide in prayer: v. 7b

NOTE: Christians are never exhorted to be "in Christ"; they are in Him through a new creation (II Cor. 5:17; Eph. 2:10), but they are frequently exhorted to ABIDE in Christ because this privilege may be interrupted. When we stop abiding we stop abounding!

B. Abounding:

1. Why fruitbearing is so important: v. 4

a. Because God talks of it so often: (Ps. 1; Gal. 5:22)

b. Because God is the source of it: V.4,5.

2. What fruitbearing is not:

a. Success (numbers & money).

b. Sensationalism (emotions & mystical experiences).

c. Simulation (copying someone’s methods or personality).

3. What fruit bearing is:

a. Chris-likeness: the branch BEARS the cluster, it does not PRODUCE it. It bears what the VINE produces: v. 4

ILLUS: Fruit is not something which is attached to the branch from without, but is the organic product & evidence of the inner life.

b. Communion: sustained conscious communion with Christ brings forth fruit. Abiding causes abounding: v. 5

c. Converts: v. 7b

d. Conformity: v. 7a

e. Communication: v. 7b

NOTE: Life IN Christ is salvation. Life WITH Christ is fellowship. Life FOR Christ is service. Life BY Christ is fruitbearing.


A. View #1: Burned Branches = Lost Believers:

1. Armenians argue that the verse does NOT say that if we fail to abide in Him, we shall simply be unfruitful, but burned.

2. Armenians say Christ does not say that the unfruitful Christian will simply suffer the loss of all things yet be saved.

3. Armenians declare that Jesus is teaching that those who do not abide in Him will be cut out of the Vine, wither & be cast into hell fire.

B. View #2: Burned Branches = Professing Believers:

1. Calvinists, such as Matthew Henry, C.H. Spurgeon, the Puritans & others teach these are mere professors, like Judas, who abide with Christ externally but are not actually in union with Him & are thus cast into hell fire.

2. Calvinists say saved professors, like those in v. 2 who "beareth not fruit" are again introduced here & thus "He taketh (them) away".

C. View #3: Burned Branches = Believer's Works:


1. Since "branches" previously were identified as believers only ("every branch IN ME" v. 2; "now are ye clean" v. 3; "ye are the branches" v. 5a), it would seem strange to introduce a new class of people into the text here.

2. Since many other passages prove that a believer cannot lose his soul or his salvation, the Armenian view is obviously incorrect.

3. Since fruitfulness, NOT SALVATION is in view throughout the chapter, it would seem incongruous to inject hell fire into the passage now; thus the Calvinistic view is apparently incorrect.

4. Since the passage says it is "as a branch" & not "as a son" he is cast out; not dealing with salvation but with fruitfulness, the passage cannot teach the Armenian or the Calvinistic view.

5. Since the singular "a man" changes to the plural "them" & "they", it seems obvious that the Christian's works & not the Christian himself which is in view.

NOTE: This would agree with Paul's treatment of the Judgment Seat of Christ in I Cor. 3 where "fire" tests the works of a believer & not the believer himself. He loses reward, but he himself is saved, "yet so as by fire". Lot is an illustration; He was out of fellowship (abiding) & ceased to bear fruit, & his dead works were all burned up in Sodom, yet he was saved!

CONCL: But rather than take comfort in accepting this 3rd view, we should recoil in horror to think that it is possible to be saved by Christ, cultivated, cultured & cared for by the Heavenly Husbandman & yet not be producing fruit for Him who has done so much for us. Saved & yet fruitless? Far be it from a Christian to be content with that! We must be abiding & abounding.

Unsaved friend, you need to become a living, vital part of the True Vine, even Christ!


TEXT: John 15:8-11

THESIS: To show 4 marks of a disciple of Christ: Fruitfulness, Love, Obedience & Joy.

INTRO: A. The acrostic; "F.L.O.J." could mean several things. In regard to America, it could mean "Freedom, Liberty, Opportunity & Justice". For some Christians, it could describe their characteristics: "Fitful, Lazy, Obstinate & Jaded". As a slogan, it could be "For the Love Of Jesus". In relation to God, it could read "Father, Lord, Omnipotent, Judge". But, for our text, it sets forth the 4-fold mark of true discipleship "Fruitfulness, Love, Obedience & Joy".

B. Jesus here in v. 8-11 continues His discourse on discipleship, using the Vine-Branch-Fruit analogy. He again emphasizes fruitfulness, but extends His remarks to describe what fruit-bearing is.


NOTE: As in v. 5, Christ equates "abiding" with "abounding" or "much fruit" or at least declares that fruitfulness is dependent upon "abiding" in Him. Now in v. 8, He links fruitbearing with glorifying the Father & discipleship.

A. Fruitbearing Glorifies The Lord: v. 8a

1. No doubt the Lord is thankful for any fruit, but the statement here only deals with "much fruit".

2. The longer we abide in the Vine, the more fruit we should produce.

3. We should desire to produce "much fruit" for His glory.

a. In Romans, Paul identifies his converts as "fruit" (1:13).

b. In Galatians, Paul presents "God's fruitbasket" listing the 9-fold fruit of the Spirits (5:22, 23)

NOTE: In fact, without the Fruit of the Spirit, converts are unlikely. Apart from it, the effort to convert others is like an apple tree trying to produce other apple trees. First, the apple tree must produce apples. Then, those apples bear seeds, which produce other apple trees.

It is interesting that the 1st three aspects of the fruit of the Spirit of Gal. 5 are mentioned here: love, joy, peace.

4. The way to glorify the Lord then is to produce "much fruit" not just some fruit!

B. Fruitbearing Guarantees Discipleship: v. 8b


1. To bear "much fruit" makes our discipleship manifest.

NOTE: "Much fruit" is 1) Visible & practical, 2) Genuine in quality & 3) Great in quantity.

2. Good fruit on a tree does not make the tree good but does mark it to be so.

a. The Vine is Christ, & He is good, so the branch abiding in Him should produce quality fruit. (Mt. 7:15-20)

b. The Vine is Christ, & we are the branches, so we resemble Him through the fruit we produce; He is what we should be. Gal. 5:22, 23

3. Abiding & abounding are not conditions of discipleship, but rather, evidences of it.

II. LOVE: v. 9

A. Love Is A Product (Of Abiding In Him):

1. It is the primary fruit borne by abiding branches: "the greatest of these is love"

2. Christ now deals with the variety of fruit borne by abiding branches: love, v. 9; joy, v. 11; peace, v. 12

B. Love Is Progressive (Originating With The Father):

1. The Father loved the Son; the Son loves His own; they are to continue in His love.

2. This love must be of the same quality: "AS the Father hath loved..."

NOTE: The Father loved Him Who was most worthy, & He in turn loves us who are most unworthy, & thus we must love those who are likewise unlovely & unworthy in His sight, but as we were before He redeemed us. There is thus no room in a real believer's heart to dislike or "dislove" anyone! We are all unlovely, unlovable & unloved apart from Christ.


A. Obedience Proves Our Love:

NOTE: Satan is subtle. He persuades sinners they must keep God's commandments to be saved & whispers to saints that they must not keep them, or they will be legalists!

1. We are commanded to keep His commandments.

2. Jesus Himself kept His commandments.

a. This proves that godly obedience is not legalism, but rather a demonstration of our love.

b. Christ, as usual, becomes our example.

B. Obedience Promises Continuity Of Abiding In His Love: v. 10

1. When we walk in obedience, we not only demonstrate our love, but our fellowship with Him.

2. When we walk in obedience, we assure fellowship with Him.

IV. JOY: v. 11

A. Joy: Two-fold

1. "My joy...your joy".

a. One is the fountain, the other is the stream.

b. One is independent, the other is dependent,

c. One is ever full, the other is often not full.

NOTE: Fulness of joy is dependent upon our abiding in Him! Joy comes when we are fruitful, loving & obedient!


2. "My joy...your joy".

a. The same in nature (as the fruit & the tree).

b. The same in source (from the Father & the Son).

B. Joy: Fulfilling

1. Christ's joy came through obedience to His Father.

2. Our joy will come through obedience to the Savior.

a. Jesus' desire for His disciples was fulness of Joy.

b. Jesus knew that His disciples' joy was dependent upon abiding & abounding.

NOTE: The sinning saint is the joyless saint. The non-abiding & non-abounding saint must pray like David "restore unto me the JOY of my salvation". The Psalmist echoes Jesus' statement "…in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures forevermore." Ps. 16:11

CONCL: Our joy as a believer is contingent upon our behavior. If we do not abide in Him, we will be fruitless, lack love, be disobedient & be devoid of Joy. Jesus always had fulness of joy, even at the cross; "…for the JOY that was set before Him endured the cross..." (Heb. 12:2) Because He was being obedient to the Father's will!

No amount of good works or religion will produce Christ-like joy. Obedience AFTER salvation alone makes joy a reality. Come to Christ NOW!


TEXT: John 15:12-16

THESIS: To emphasize the intimacy of friendship, which every believer should be experiencing.

INTRO: A. "Friend". What a charming word! We can often mark out the major periods of our lives by those we refer to as friends. Childhood friends share adventure & confidences. Teen friends build strong loyalties & share their views of life & newly acquired "secrets". Adult friends share the same tastes, occupations, interests & ambitions. The elderly exchange the recollections of bygone years with their friends. THE INTIMACY OF FRIENDSHIP.

B. The best known Bible example of friendship was that of Jonathan & David. Jonathan was in line for the throne, but the people recognized David's special blessing & was anointed King. But, instead of antagonism & bitterness, arose THE INTIMACY OF FRIENDSHIP.

ILLUS: But in this passage we have the INTIMACY OF FRIENDSHIP between Jesus & His disciples. Think of it: Jesus' friends...


A. Not Superficially But Supremely: v. 12

` 1. The command of love: "my commandment"

2. The nature of love: "AS I have loved you".

NOTE: There was nothing superficial or shallow in His love toward His disciples!

B. Not Selfishly, But Sacrificially: v. 13

1. Sacrificial love on a human level.

ILLUS: A small child fell overboard in the Monongahela River in West Virginia. The grandfather jumped in to rescue Him. Both drowned. When they found them the grandfather still clutched the little body of his grandson. He was so anxious to save him, he had not even opened up his arms to attempt to swim to save himself! Sacrificial love!


2. Sacrificial love on a supernatural level.

a. Jesus did not have to die: He was immortal; He was Life!

b. Jesus knew in advance He would die: He died deliberately,

c. Jesus died for His enemies, not just His friends: Rom. 5:6-8


A. From Slaves Who Obey Without Understanding: v. 14, 15a

1. The slave was only a living tool.

2. His master only told him what, not why.

3. Jesus emphasizes that real friendship involves service & obedience, but on a higher level.

B. To Friends Who Obey With Understanding: v. 15b

NOTE: One primary aspect of friendship is communication or "sharing".

1. We who are called His friends obey not blindly, but with insight into His plan & purpose.

2. We, as friends, have His master plan given to us in His Word, revealing the past, present & future.

ILLUS: Abraham alone of the Old Testament saints was called "the friend of God" (Cf. Gen. 18:17 & Is. 41:8). But since Abraham is the "father of all them that believe" we, too, as believers, are called His "friends"!


NOTE: It is presumptuous for us to speak of our choosing Him to be our Friend. It is biblical to speak of His selecting us to be His friends.

A. Chosen: (Cf. Eph. 1:4; I Pet. 1:2)

1. Refers to salvation of the saints.

2. Refers to selection of His disciples.

B. Ordained:

1. Refers to service: "that you should go…"

a. No Christian was ever ordained to sit or stop or watch.

b. Christ selected His saints out of the world that they might be sent back into that world to communicate God's message of redemption.

2. Refers to fruitbearing: (context)


A. Previously The Quantity Of Fruit Was Emphasized:

1. "Fruit" v. 2a, "more fruit" v. 2b & "much fruit" v. 5 ,8.

2. There is nothing wrong with quantity per set

a. Jesus Himself loved to preach to throngs.

b. Jesus often emphasized quantity: 30-fold, 60-fold, 100-fold.

c. Jesus' death was for the sins of the whole world.

d. Jesus' disciples preached to great crowds with quantities of converts.

e. Jesus' desire is that we have the 9-fold fruit of the Spirit evident in our lives.

B. Now He Emphasizes The Quality Of Fruit:


1. Now it is "that your fruit remain".

2. Not just converts but Christ-like character.


A. Because We Are His Friends!

B. Because We Ask In His Name:

CONCL: "Abiding" speaks of intimacy, just as "friends"! How intimate are YOU with the Savior. On a scale of 1 to 10 where would you see yourself concerning intimate friendship with Him?

Unsaved, you are not His "friend", but His enemy! "He that is not with Me is against Me," He said! Come to Him Now!


TEXT: John 15:17-21

THESIS: To demonstrate that the hatred of God's children by the world is really directed against God & His Son.

INTRO: A. Jesus had just spoken of His Father's love for Him & His love for His disciples & their love for one another. Now, He reveals that their love for Him & for each other will produce hatred in the world.

B. The natural expectation of His disciples, sent forth with a message of love, invested with miraculous powers of benevolence, would be that they would shortly see the positive response of the world in mass conversion. But, instead Christ warns them of impending hatred & severe persecution. He prepares them for disappointment.

TRANS: Here is the "LOVE/HATE SYNDROME". God loves the world & the world hates God. Believers love Christ & other Christians, and the world hates believers. Christians love the unsaved & the unsaved hate Christians. The passage tells us why.


A. Connection To Other Christians: v. 17

1. Christ commands those He has chosen to "love one another": (Cf. v. 16)

a. He has sovereignly "chosen" them & thus places them into an exclusive fellowship.

b. His sovereign choice has always produced hatred.

ILLUS: The world is enraged that God singles out some for special favor. The world hated Israel because they were God's chosen people. In Luke 4, Christ identified Himself as God's chosen after reading Isaiah's prophecy (v. 18-21). Then, He illustrates God's sovereign choice with the examples from the Old Testament: the widow of Serepta & Naaman the Leper. The result? They wanted to kill Him! v. 28, 29

2. Christians who are in God's exclusive family are to show it by their love for others He has also chosen.

B. Connection To Our Savior: v. 18

1. The real object of the world's hatred is Christ.

2. He Who was love personified was first hated:

a. The more we "abide" in Him & the more "fruit" we produce, the more we will be hated.

b. The more Christ-like we become, the more the world will hate us.

ILLUS: Often the young convert thinks that if he were more loving, more kind, more gentle or more humble, he would be accepted & loved. The reverse is true!! The more like Him you become, the more you will be hated! "Like father, like son...Like Son, like sons!"



NOTE: The word "world" is used 5 times in this one verse. The emphasis provides the contrast between believers & the world. The "world" here is the world of rebellion against God's authority & sovereignty!

A. Separation From The World: "the world"

1. The world loves "his own": Cf. Jas. 4:4

a. The man who is conformed to the world, who shares its pleasures, lives by its principles, etc. will be loved by it.

b. The woman who is conformed to this world, who follows its fashions, enjoys its approval will be loved by it.

2. The world hates His own:

a. The man who is out-of-step with the world is in step with God & will be hated by the world.

b. The woman who follows a rejected Christ & stands up for Him will be hated by the world.

C. Separation Unto Christ: "chosen you out..."

NOTE: If you are obnoxious, fanatical or unloving, you deserve your unpopularity. But if you are sweet & inoffensive &

Christ-like & sanctified, you will be hated by the world. Cf. Mt. 5:10-12 "Therefore the world hateth you!" Hatred is the bitterest ingredient of affliction for the believer to deal with.


A. Submission As A Servant: v. 20a

1. Christ submitted to the Father & set the pattern.

2. We are to submit ourselves to Him as a servant to His Lord.

a. Our submission to the Lord is interpreted as haughtiness by the world.

b. Our submission to the Lord is indicated by our non-conformity to the world.

ILLUS: An Englishman, Jonas Hanway, invented the umbrella. When he walked down the street with it, he was pelted with dirt & stones. He did not conform to the world's pattern & was persecuted. Now, he is honored. So with the believer! "Everyone drinks!" If YOU don't they will hate you!

B. Submission To The Lord: v. 20b

1. When we submit to His authority, we may expect persecution.

2. Christ's life & words brought about His persecution, so with ours.

NOTE: There is a veneer of courtesy in civilized countries toward believers, but it is only a cloak for their unmitigated hatred just below the surface, lurking in the unsaved heart! It quickly manifests itself when opportune! Scorn, ridicule, wisecracks s taunts easily turn into overt oppression & persecution.

3. Christ's purpose here is to set forth two marks of discipleship: persecution & rejection (shared with Him)


A. Identification With Christ: "My Name's sake"

1. The real reason for our persecution is revealed here.

NOTE: It is NOT personal rejection or persecution we receive, but due to our relationship to Him. He is the object of the world's hatred!


2. The response of the Christian is revealed in I Pet. 4:14

B. Identification With The Father: "Him that sent Me..."

1. Many who claim to worship God are in reality atheists because they worship a god who doesn't exist.

2. The only real God is the One revealed in the Bible; the Father of Jesus Christ.

3. Any who reject the Son automatically reject the Father & vice-versa!

CONCL: The "LOVE/HATE SYNDROME" is that God loves Christ & the world enough to send Him to die for man. But man is in rebellion against God & hates Him. The "chosen ones" cease their rebellion & love Him & become His children & the recipients of man's hatred of the Father & the Son. Why not quit rebelling against God & let Him replace your hatred with love, unsaved friend?


TEXT: John 15:22-25

THESIS: To show why Christ was "hated without a cause".

INTRO: A. We have discovered the biblical truth that the reason the world hates Christians is because the world hates Christ. It is He, & now we, who are the objects of the world's hatred. We may become the recipients of it, but we are not the objects of it.

B. But this leads us to another question: why does the world hate Christ?! The answer is shocking & is found in our text.


A. His Words: v. 22

1. The statement here is comparative, not absolute.

NOTE: It is not that the nation would have been sinless, but that if Christ had not come, the Scriptures which declare men under sin would have been proven false.

2. The substance is that the Messiah arrived as predicted & announced His arrival, & they openly rejected Him.

a. He spoke specifically to Israel, & they rejected His words: "Search the Scriptures..."

b. He read to them the Scriptures & applied them to Himself, & they rejected His words: (Is. 61, etc.)

3. The sincerity & truth He expressed to them in His teaching & preaching condemned them.

NOTE: They themselves admitted, "Never a man SPAKE as this man" & "He SPEAKS as one having authority" not as the Scribes & Pharisees, who did not proclaim the Scriptures, but their own tradition. In Christ, God spoke as never before!

4. The simplicity of His teaching & preaching made His message understandable to all.

a. His arrival & announcement stripped away their hypocrisy: He removed their "cloak for sin".

b. His sermons & lessons revealed their depravity & rebellion: "no cloak..."

NOTE: No Jew (or Gentile) now has any excuse for their sin; He has torn away the covering from the human heart & condemned its deceitfulness & depravity.

B. His Works: v. 24a

1. John uses the word "works" 27 times & 18 times it refers exclusively to what Jesus had done.

2. Oftentimes it refers to His miracles, but extends to all earthly activity, including His cross-work.


a. The works of Christ, like the words of Christ, reveal man's spiritual bankruptcy.

b. Until we had His completed revelation of words & works for comparison, we looked pretty good.

c. Next to God, everything appears shabby & exposed.

TRANS: The two-fold revelation of Christ wipes away man's excuse that God has given insufficient evidence or that negative evidence exists to excuse sin & rebellion. Because of Christ's words & works the degree of guilt is increased.


A. Rejection Of The Son: "hated Me..." V.23

B. Rejection Of The Father: "hateth My Father also..." V.23 S 24b

1. To reject the Son is to reject the Father automatically.

2. To reject the Son is to reject the Son simultaneously.

a. The Father is revealed in the Son: v. 24b

b. All the Father is is embodied in the Son.

NOTE: Jesus here announces that His earthly appearance is sufficient revelation of the Father ("seen") & has produced hatred of both the Father & the Son. They claimed to be children of Abraham & to know Moses, but their hatred of Him proved otherwise. The God they pretended to know & worship was one of their own imagination, not the One revealed in the Word & the Son!

3. To reject the Son is to reject the total revelation of God.

a. He had given them the Old Testament.

b. He had given them His Son.

NOTE: When they rejected & hated the Son, they rebelled against every single thing God could possibly reveal to them. (Heb. 6:4-6)

4. To reject the Son is the ultimate insult to the Father.


A. Scriptural Fulfillment: v. 25a

1. Not that their hatred was so the Word would be fulfilled,

2. But that their hatred was the fulfillment of the Word!

NOTE: The Scriptures referred to here are Ps. 35:19 & Ps. 69:4. Both refer to King David, hated & hunted unmercifully without cause by Saul & His own son, Absalom! But Christ is the anti-type of David & the Scriptures apply to Him. He said so!

B. Moral Depravity: "without a cause"

1. His Words were "pure words"! (Cf. Ps. 12:6, 7)

NOTE: Christ's quotations from the Old Testament COPIES of Scripture were never prefaced with the remark "a more accurate rendering would be" or "due to a copyist’s error, this verse should read..." Though He only had copies of the originals, He recognized God's miraculous preservation of His Word & words!

2. His words were supernatural works!

a. Nothing in His character was faulty.

b. Nothing in His doctrines was false.

c. Nothing in His actions was deceitful.


NOTE: He had given "no cause" for men to hate Him. Thus, the cause is in THEIR desperately wicked hearts, not in Him!!!

D. Nothing In His Words Was Misleading:

E. Nothing In His Works Was Harmful:

CONCL: The world hates Christ's followers because it hates Christ, & it hates Christ because it hates God! The Father, the Son & ,often times, Christians are "hated without a cause". That is they have done NOTHING to provoke that hatred; it springs from the fallen, sinful human nature.

Sinner, Christ LOVES you! Why not receive Him & replace your hatred & rebellion with love for Him?




TEXT: John 15:26, 27

THESIS: To reveal the ministries of "Jesus' Replacements", the Comforter & the Christian.

INTRO: A. Three tremendous truths are taught in this transition chapter of John 15:

1. The relationship of the believer to Christ: that of a branch to the vine ("abide" = key concept)

2. The relationship of the believer to other believers: There love for each other was to imitate His love for them.

3. The relationship of the believer to the world: They would be hated as He was hated & their witness would be rejected as His witness was rejected.

B. Jesus had been preparing His disciples for a ministry without His presence. He warned them that He would soon be gone, but He promised them a replacement for Himself. This passage speaks of "JESUS' REPLACEMENT" & their response.


A. The Two-Fold Title Of The Holy Spirit:

1. The "Comforter" emphasizes His ministry in the individual believer.

NOTE: In the context, He would be the one to comfort the disciples' grief at the death & departure of Christ.

Our emphasis when using this name is usually related to death & sorrow. Biblically this name is to be associated with life & joy.

2. The "Spirit of Truth" emphasizes His ministry in the revelation of all things relating to God, but specifically regarding the Scriptures (Cf. 16:13) .

B. The Two-Fold Transposition Of The Holy Spirit:

1. Sent by Christ: (Cf. 14:26)

NOTE: Here the Son is said to send the Spirit, & in 14:26 the Father is said to send Him. The ministries within the Godhead are inextricably bound together. What one member does the others have a part in. The mystery of the trinity, though not understood, must nevertheless be accepted. The Roman & Greek "church" split over their refusal to accept both statements as absolute & not conflicting truth.

2. Proceeding from the Father.

NOTE: The future tense is used ("will send"), not meaning that the Spirit had no previous earthly ministry, but rather that a new phase of His earthly ministry would soon begin. He would become uniquely the "Comforter" through His indwelling presence.

C. The Two-Fold Testimony Of The Holy Spirit:


1. The Testimony of The Scriptures: (Past)

a. The Holy Spirit directed the production of God's Word.

1) II Tim. 3:16 "Given by inspiration of God" = one word in Greek: "Theopneustos".

NOTE: Literally, means God's breath or God's Spirit (Pneuma). Thus, the Old Testament Scriptures are directly the work of the Spirit, & He is the vehicle of the Divine "inspiration".

2) II Pet. 1:21 "Holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Ghost"

NOTE: The Word of God is a cooperative effort between "holy men of God" & the "Holy Spirit". God moved men to pen His exact words. Our Bible is not God's Word in concept ("conceptual inspiration") but in every word!

b. The Holy Spirit directed the protection of God's Word.

NOTE: The Providential protection & preservation of the inspired Scriptures is an inherent & implied concept that ascribes to Deity omnipotence & intelligence. If God was capable of communication of His very words to man, it is obvious & true that He was capable of protecting & preserving what He inspired! (Ps. 12:6, 7; Prov. 30:5, 6)

2. The testimony of the Savior; "of Me" (Present)

a. It is further the Spirit's ministry to carry the truths of the Scriptures concerning the Savior to the human mind (illumination).

b. The Holy Spirit is the Agent of interpretation of God's revelation of Christ in the Scriptures also.

(I Cor. 2:12, 13)

ILLUS: Believers through the ages have understood God's Word through the internal witness of the Holy Spirit bearing witness to & giving understanding of God's external witness of His Word.

This doctrine was revived after being eclipsed for centuries by the Roman Church & freed the Reformers from dependence upon the traditions & the decrees of Church councils. "Sola Scriptura" became their battle cry.

1) He gives comprehension.

2) He brings conviction.

NOTE: One definition of "revival" is "when large numbers are shaken by an awareness of sin & come under conviction of God's Spirit in order that they might move to a position of utter obedience & responsiveness to God". - Boice

3) He brings commitment.

ILLUS: Comprehension & conviction without commitment is inadequate. Cf. Ethiopian Eunuch. He read Scripture, received comprehension, came under conviction & then made a commitment (baptism).


A. A Vital Witness: "you shall bear witness"

1. Because the Spirit does, we must witness.

NOTE: Simply because one of the ministries of the Spirit is to "testify" of Christ does not let us off the hook! Rather, since He does, we must & only because of Him can we be assured of success.

2. Because His witness is true, ours must also be.

NOTE: A witness is not only someone who knows that something is true; he is someone who is prepared to say that he knows what is true.

B. A Verbal Witness; "ye have been with me..."


1. Assurance of the facts.

ILLUS: "No man or woman is truly converted who is not intellectually converted." - John R. W. Stott

2. Personal experience concerning those facts.

3. Verbalization of those facts.

CONCL: Thus, the ministry of the Christian & the ministry of the Comforter are similar. Both are to witness of Christ. Each is to complement the other's witness. Both the Holy Spirit & the believer are "Jesus' Replacements" here on earth in His absence. What kind of a witness are you?!

Unsaved, you cannot witness of that which you have no experiential knowledge of. Trust Him today, and then tell others.


TEXT: John 16:1-4

THESIS: To show Christ's forewarning of persecution so the disciples would be forearmed & faithful.

INTRO: A. Garibaldi appealed for recruits for the siege of Rome in 1849 with these words "I offer neither pay, nor quarters, nor provisions; I offer hunger, thirst, forced marches, battles & death. Let him who loves his country in his heart & not with his lips only, follow me." When the Spaniards were conquering South America, Pizarro drew a line in the sand with his sword & declared, "Comrades, on that side are toil, hunger, nakedness, storm, desertion & death; on this side is ease. There lies Peru with its riches; here lies Panama with its poverty. Choose, each man, what best becomes a brave Castilian. For my part, I go to the south!" In our text Jesus Christ offers the gory path, not the glory path. He forewarns his followers that the cross precedes the crown. Jesus never deceived His followers with "instant popularity", but rather present persecution. He explained that their happiness was spiritual & would only be fully realized in a future world.

B. He had previously hinted at trials & testings, but taught them about the character & ministry of the Holy Spirit as "the Comforter". This was to assure them of His presence with them after His ascension. Now, He returns with more detailed teaching about the world's hatred.

TRANS: In chapter 14, the tone of COMFORT was predominant; in chapter 15 that of ADMONITION & now in chapter 16, PREDICTION prevails.


A. Warnings Concerning His Crucifixion:

1. He had spoken of His death on several occasions.

2. He was preparing them for His departure.

B. Prophecies Concerning The Comforter:

1. He spoke of His replacement.

2. He was preparing them for His invisible Substitute.

3. He taught of these impending events so they would not be "offended" (Gr.: "scandalizo")

NOTE: This word suggests suddenness & to be caught unawares. The disciples had been conditioned to expect an earthly kingdom & special favor with God & a restoration of Israel's glory and an end to the "Times of the Gentiles". Jesus is preparing them instead for persecution. But why should He forewarn them about being offended when He knew they would be? To enforce human responsibility!


A. Principle #1: Intolerance: v. 2

1. Religious zeal is often the excuse for persecution.


a. To go against religious tradition & "orthodoxy" of belief brings severe reprisals.

ILLUS: Which believer converted from a "religion" or "denomination" has not felt the censure, criticism & intolerance or hatred from loved ones or friends?

b. To move from "status quo" acceptable religious dogma to biblical belief brings the wrath of the religionists.

ILLUS: "When the walk of the Christian condemns that of the worldly professor, when faithfulness to his Lord prevents him from doing many things which the world does, & when obedience to the Word obliges him to do many things which the world dislikes, then enmity is at once aroused & persecution begins. Persecution just as bitter & real today, though its FORMS be changed" - Pink

Sometimes loneliness with men is the price of fellowship with God. Prov. 29:27

2. Religious intolerance results in severe persecution.

a. Excommunication: "unsynagogued"

NOTE: To the Jew, this meant complete ostracism from religious & social life. Friends & family would disown him, he would lose his job & respect in the community & even be denied an honorable burial. He would not have access to the Bible, the sacrifices, the priests, etc.

b. Death: "killeth you" (Cf. I Jn. 3:12)

ILLUS: The Jewish religionist would reason that since there is only one God & Jesus' followers claimed He, too, was God, to kill them would be a service to God! A dogma among the Jews said, "Whosoever sheds the blood of the wicked is equal to one who brings a sacrifice."

The torturers & judges of the Spanish Inquisition were sure they were serving God by torturing "heretics" into accepting Catholicism as the true faith. As they saw it, they were saving souls from hell!

B. Principle #2: Ignorance: v. 3 (Cf. 15:21)

1. Christ pinpoints the source of men's hatred of believers.

2. Christ repeats the teaching that He, not they, is the object of the world's hatred & persecution.

NOTE: Cf. 15:22, 23. Their ignorance is inexcusable! Both signs & statements had been offered as proof of the relationship of the Sender & the Sent. The words & works were rejected.


A. Previously Unnecessary: "because I was with you..."

1. Jesus was the focal point of persecution to this point.

2. Jesus absorbed the persecution & abuse till now.

B. Presently Necessary:

1. After His ascension, Satan & the world would not be able to attack Him, so they would attack those closest to Him.

2. The purpose of this prophecy was to undergird them for the imminent attacks.

3. The point of the prophecy was to forewarn them, so they could be forearmed & found faithful!

a. Jesus knew how difficult it would be to stand against the weight of religious authority.

ILLUS: The prophets, especially Jeremiah, had to stand against the Judaism of his day & declare it bankrupt & pronounce judgment against it. The religious leaders rebuked him & even quoted Scripture to him declaring God's promises to David, etc. Even those called of God wavered in the face of established doctrine, tradition & recognized religious authority.


Luther heard the taunts of "heretic" & "apostle of the devil". The religionists said he preached against the true church & against God Himself. Luther's (& our) standard had to be God's Word, not who or how many stood with a different view or doctrine! The absolute standard with which we must measure every tradition doctrine, conduct or belief is "thus saith the Lord".

b. Jesus knew this prophecy would increase their faith in Him & His Word when the events took place.

c. Jesus knew that the fulfillment of this prophecy would deepen their assurance in Him as the omniscient God & lead them to deeper dependence upon ALL He had taught them.

NOTE: Previously, He had given some warnings, but now He adds more details ("These things said I not unto you at the beginning.").

CONCL: Without this FOREWARNING the disciples would not have been FOREWARNED & could not have been FAITHFUL! Christ's compassion for His own is again revealed in His preparing them for the impending persecution.

He also warned about hell-fire for the unsaved. Are YOU prepared?




TEXT: John 16:5-11

THESIS: To set forth the advantages of Christ's ascension: comfort & conviction.

INTRO: A. There are 4 supernatural events which have kept the world from sinking into total despair & desperation. They are "Christmas" (bringing tidings of hope & joy), "Good Friday" (when sin's penalty was paid), "Easter" (when sin's power was broken & heaven was secured for the believer) & "Ascension Day". (We will attempt to determine the import of this event in this message.)

B. When Christ announced His departure & ascension into Heaven the disciples were filled with sorrow (v. 5, 6). They were already grieving over their loss & failed to recognize that their loss would be their greatest gain. For as in v. 7 Christ tells them "it is expedient (useful, advantageous) for (them) that (He) go away". They were thinking selfishly (V. 5, 6), He was thinking selflessly (v. 7). They of their blight, He of their benefits.

TRANS: We readily grasp the significance of Christmas, Good Friday & Easter, but we too seem to prefer that Christ would have remained on the earth. But there are great advantages in Christ's ascension for believers & unbelievers alike.


NOTE: The disciples have focused their thinking on their loss & prospective persecution. But Christ's departure is a two-sided coin. It means both loss & gain, persecution & promotion, sorrow & comfort, tragedy & triumph.

A. Advantage #1: The Comforter Will Cornel: v. 7

1. If Christ had not ascended, the Spirit would not have descended.

2. While Christ was on earth, He was localized, the Spirit would be multiplied.

ILLUS: Even without modern means of mass communication, Christ's continuing ministry would have been limited. The indwelling "Comforter" in each individual believer accomplishes what Christ, in a body, could not. Christ, on earth, was confined to one body. Christ, in the Spirit, is shared in many bodies.

3. While Christ was on earth, His presence merely motivates His disciples to limited service? In his absence, they would do far more.

NOTE: By leaving them, He would cause them to scatter & grow. Like a mother bird that thrusts her fledglings out of her nest (Deut. 32:11, 12). Then, they are able to fly on their own, but it does not diminish the mother's concern or comfort.


4. Christ's departure was two-fold.

a. He would "go away" to the cross in death.

b. He would "go away" to the Father in Heaven.

5. While they should have been comforting Christ as the cross looms larger in His path, He is comforting them; in effect, He tells them:

a. "If I don't die, your sins will not be forgiven."

b. "If I don't rise, you cannot experience eternal life."

c. "If I don't ascend, you cannot receive the Comforter."

B. Advantage #2: Christ Will Become Advocate & Intercessor!:

1. His ascension to the Father's right hand places Him in the position of our Advocate. (I John 2:1)

2. His ascension places Him in the position of Intercessor. (Rom. 6:34)

NOTE: The disciples' eyes are turned from earth to heaven & His personal presence is superceded by personal power.


A. Advantage #1: The Spirit Would Reprove The World Of Sin: v. 8a, 9

NOTE: The word "reprove" seems to have a 3-fold meaning as compared to its other uses in the New Testament:

1) Reprove,

2) Convict &

3) Convince

1. The Spirit acts as a witness for the prosecution of the unsaved.

a. He "reproves" or censures or announces a guilty verdict against the world for not believing the Son.

b. He "convicts" not by simply producing guilt but by offering objective evidence & proving him guilty.

c. He "convinces" them of their sin by making them uncomfortable in it; to grieve in their unbelief.

NOTE: The ultimate sin is unbelief. Other sins make us sinful; this one makes us sinners. Other sins make us unrighteous; this one makes us unbelievers. Other sins are against the Law; this one is against love. Other sins are against man; this one against God.

2. The Spirit Is Both Prosecutor & Judge.

B. Advantage #2: The Spirit Would Reprove The World Of Righteousness: v. 8b, 10

1. He "reproves" the world or censures it for rejecting Christ's absolute righteousness & attempting to substitute a counterfeit righteousness.

2. He "convicts" the world that the presence of sin is the absence of righteousness.

3. He "convinces" the world of Christ's righteousness, because He would not have been accepted by the Father (v.10) if He was an imposter as the world claimed.

a. This reproving, convicting, convincing work of the Comforter, now the prosecutor, refers to an objective condemnation, NOT to a subjective realization of condemnation.

b. The term rendered "reproves" (elencho) doesn't deal with inward conviction but is a legal term denoting refutation by evidence, convicting by unanswerable arguments by an Advocate

c. This concept of reproving has nothing to do with the Spirit's MISSION, but of the EFFECT of His presence.

ILLUS: Cf. Mt. 10:34 "I came not to send peace, but a sword." To send a "sword" was not His MISSION (to save was!), but because of the world's depravity & rejection, the "sword" was the EFFECT of His coming.


d. The Holy Spirit ought not to be here, but Christ's absence, through His death, made His coining mandatory thus confirming the world's guilt & UN-righteousness.

ILLUS: The world doesn't need to simply "try harder" to produce more righteousness; they have none to begin with - just "filthy rags"! It is NOT that some have 10% goodness, others 30% or 60% & Jesus had 100%. His righteousness is absolute & ours is absolutely ZERO! His righteousness is of a different KIND!

4. The 3 concepts are related: the presence of sin & absence of righteousness results in judgment.

5. The Holy Spirit reproves the world of judgment.

a. All sinners are under the condemnation of God.

b. Christ paid for the sinner's sin by receiving their judgment on Calvary.

c. Christ judged Satan at the cross & is living in Heaven victorious.

NOTE: "The Prince of this world is judged", & every sinner who admits their sin & accepts Christ's righteousness is removed from the dominion of the devil & will escape judgment. Those who reject Christ & the Spirit's conviction are already condemned with Satan.

CONCL: At Pentecost the Spirit came in fullness, & as Peter preached that the One the Jews had crucified was "both Lord & Christ", they were "pricked in their heart" (convicted) & 3,000 were saved & baptized (Acts 2:36-41). A remarkable response, but not due to Peter's eloquence or brilliant analysis of Christ's mission, but to the Spirit's ministry. If Peter had preached this same sermon one day earlier NOTHING would have happened! The Spirit reproves of sin, righteousness & judgment.

For the believer the Spirit's coming means not only His comforting ministry, but Christ's advocacy & intercession. These are the advantages of Christ's ascension: COMFORT & CONVICTION!


TEXT: John 16:12-15

THESIS: To point up the ministry of the Holy Spirit as taught by Christ, especially relating to the revelation of Scripture.

INTRO: A. A boy in New Jersey waits expectantly for the mailman every year on his birthday for a special envelope to arrive. When his father was dying, he realized his son would not have the benefit of his counsel & guidance, so he penned letters for each year to be mailed on his birthday. A final word of advice would be sent on his wedding day.

B. In v. 12 Jesus realizes & announces that His disciples were not prepared to receive deeper revelation concerning Heaven (Cf. V. 5) or Himself (v. 13-15), so He assures them that after His death & departure many things would be revealed to them, & they would then fully understand His words & actions. "Ye cannot bear them now..." (v. 12) "but thou shall know hereafter (13:7)." The Holy Spirit, "THE REVEALER OF SECRETS" would bring to their hearts & minds "all truth" (v. 13) & "all things" (v. 15).

TRANS: Jesus has just outlined the ministry of the Holy Spirit to the world, now He deals with His ministry to the Apostles concerning the church.


A. The Person Of The Holy Spirit:

1. The word for Spirit is neuter, but the personal pronoun "He" is ascribed to Him.

2. He is not just energy, force or power, but a Divine Person.

ILLUS: He is the 3rd Person in the Godhead. ESSENTIALLY, the Spirit & the Son are equal to & one with the Father. ECONOMICALLY, the Father is greater than the Son & the Spirit, for He sends them; the Son is greater than the Spirit, for He sends Him. The Spirit, like the Son, would be faithful to Him Who appointed Him.

B. The Product Of The Holy Spirit:


1. He is the "Spirit of Truth".

2. He will guide into "all truth".

a. This is not to be understood in the broad sense, e.g., mathematical truth or scientific truth, but specifically of redemptive truth.

b. This "all truth" deals with New Testament Revelation.

ILLUS: This statement (v. 13) in itself would be a startling revelation to the apostles, if they understood what He was saying! They were Jews & well aware of the unique, Divine character of the Old Testament. They knew that " sundry times and in diverse manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets." (Heb. 1:1) The Scriptures of the Old Testament were God's greatest gift to Israel. How could there be further revelation? It would have seemed unnecessary & unbelievable. Yet, this is exactly what Christ was promising.

c. This "all truth" has a 3-fold nature:

1) The historical element: (Cf. 14:26) Gospels & Acts

NOTE: This historical element of the New Testament revelation cuts us off from the error of "evolutionary revelation". Revelation was necessarily progressive but complete & perfect at each point. Thus, when the canon was closed we need not expect further revelation.

2) The doctrinal element: "all truth"

a) Romans = doctrine in fullest form.

b) Gen. Epistles = theological problems.

c) Pastoral Epistles = practical teachings.

3) The prophetic element: "things to come" (Mt. 24, 25; Mk. 13; Lk. 14; I Thes. 4; II Thes. 2; Revelation)

ILLUS: Are there any lost books of the Bible? Is the Apocrypha inspired? NO!! "All truth" excludes the possibility of lost books & the Apocrypha which is historically & spiritually inaccurate.

3. He promises a completed revelation: "all truth"

a. The Bible's unity: no disagreement or contradiction though written over 1500 years, 66 books, over 40 different authors, in 3 languages, etc.

b. The Bible's historical accuracy: archeology vindicated it throughout.

c. The Bible's scientific accuracy:

ILLUS: In the 1800's William Harvey discovered that blood is what keeps us alive. The oldest book in the Bible says "the life is in the blood"! Other religions taught that the earth rested on the back of a giant turtle, layers of honey & butter or on great pillars. The Bible says, "He hangeth the earth upon NOTHING!" Some said the earth was a rectangle, square or triangle. The Bible taught it was a sphere. Some scoffed when the Bible declared the stars "sang", now sophisticated equipment picks up the individual sound waves emanating from the stars.

d. The Bible's factual accuracy:

1) Reveals facts about God man could not know.

2) Reveals facts about man he would not admit.

3) Reveals facts about heaven, hell, the past, present & future which keep coming true.


A. The Person Who Gave The Revelation: The Holy Spirit

1. In v. 13 "He shall not speak of Himself" does not mean He tells us nothing about His Person & work,

2. But that His primary ministry is to reveal the Son.


B. The Person Focused On In The Revelation: Jesus Christ

1. The glorification of the Son is the prime ministry of the Holy Spirit.

2. Nowhere in the epistles has the Holy Spirit revealed anything new about the Father, but He has told us many things about the Son previously not revealed.

a. The Son glorifies the Father.

b. The Spirit glorifies the Son.

c. The Son, here, glorifies the Spirit.


A. The Son Shares The Attributes Of The Father: v. 15a

B. The Spirit Reveals The Shared Attributes Of The Father & The Son: v. 15b

1. Through revelation, in the Word, we can learn of the Father & the Son.

2. Through illumination & instruction, we can understand the revelation concerning the Father & the Son.

CONCL: The blessed Holy Spirit, as King Nebuchadnezzar of old has said, is the "REVEALER OF SECRETS". He, the "Spirit of Truth", has given us a completed revelation concerning the Person & work of the Father & the Son.

The only way to know about God personally is through this revelation. Rom. 10:17. Receive Him NOW!


TEXT: John 16:16-22

THESIS: To show how Christ's promise, "Sorrow shall be turned into joy", will be fulfilled.

INTRO: A. The young man in the wheelchair had been paralyzed in both legs since birth. After the preacher finished his message about our perfect, glorified bodies in HEAVEN, he said, "Preacher, I think I will appreciate my new body more than many others, especially my new legs. My first step will repay all the years of paralysis." Sadness often precedes gladness. "...weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning." Ps. 30:5b

B. Jesus, who had just spoken of the Godhead in such lofty & awesome terms, now descends to the sorrows & joys of His disciples. He speaks paradoxically or proverbially (Cf. v. 25) of suffering & shouting, of sadness & gladness, of grief & glory.


A. His Disappearance: "ye shall not see me"

He would be taken from them for "a little while".

1. In John 7:33 the "little while" was a number of weeks.

2. In John 12:35 the "little while" was a number of days.

3. In John 13:33 the "little while" was a number of hours.

4. In John 16:16 the "little while" is reduced to 2 or 3 hours before His arrest.

ILLUS: While time may be fixed by the clock or calendar, it is also often relative. What seems like a long-time of suffering or sadness is only a "little while" when measured against the backdrop of the glory & joys of Heaven.

B. His Reappearance: "ye shall see Me..."

He would return to them in "a little while".

1. This "little while" may refer to His resurrection.

2. This "little while" may refer to the Church Age, where we "see Him" through spiritual eyes through the indwelling Spirit.

NOTE: This may be the primary meaning since the preceding context deals with the Holy Spirit's ministry.

3. This "little while" may refer to the rapture.

4. This "little while" may refer to the revelation.

NOTE: The Jews often spoke of "the birth pangs of the days of the Messiah" before the Golden Age of the Millennium. "Behold, the day of the Lord cometh, cruel both with wrath and fierce anger, to lay the land desolate: and He shall destroy the sinners thereof out of it." (Is. 13:9) "Sadness, then gladness."


NOTE: The phrase "a little while" occurs 7 times in this short passage. This is perplexing to the Apostles. But the Lord is focusing their attention on two truths: the brevity of human suffering & life & the eminency of His return.

A. Their Perplexity & Pride: v. 17, 18 (Cf. Mk. 9:31, 32)

1. They still had not grasped His teaching after 3 ½ years.

2. They still did not know Him or understand Him after their intimate relationship with Him.

NOTE: How little WE understand of His ways in our lives, even after years of the Christian life, a completed revelation & the indwelling Holy Spirit.

a. If He was going to set up an earthly Kingdom, why should He depart?

b. If not, why should He return?!

3. They still lacked the confidence to approach Him & simply ask Him direct questions!

NOTE: "We have not because we ask not!" "If any man lack wisdom let him ask of God..." "Ask, & it shall be given you..."

B. His Omniscience & Openness: v. 19

1. He read their hearts & knew their sorrow: v. 19a

2. He read their minds & knew their questions: v. 19b


A. While The World Rejoices, We Weep: v. 20a, 22a

1. The world rejoiced at Christ's crucifixion.

2. The world ridded itself of Christ's conviction...they thought!

B. When We Rejoice, The World Will Wail: v. 20b, 22b

1. The event that causes our sadness will become the event that causes our gladness! (The Cross)

a. He doesn't replace the event with others, He turns our very sorrow into joy!

b. He turns our sadness into gladness!

2. As His death was the initial cause of our sadness, His death becomes the source of our gladness.

3. As His disappearance initially brought sadness, His disappearance & reappearance ultimately brings gladness.

4. Man brought the initial sadness, but no man will be able to stifle the ultimate gladness. v. 22b


A. A Travailing Woman Has Sorrow:

B. A Delivered Woman Has Joy:


1. The pain was relatively brief.

2. The pain does not compare with the joy. (Cf. Rom. 8:18)

a. Going through the labor pains is not easy.

b. The end result of the labor pains is blessed.

NOTE: As the woman forgets the pain of childbirth when she sees her son, so the believer will forget his travail when he sees His Son!

Soon will our Savior from Heaven appear,

Sweet is the hope and its power to cheer,

All will be changed by a glimpse of His face,

This is the goal at the end of our race!

-A.B. Habershone

CONCL: The grief occasioned by the Lord's absence will be replaced by gladness created by the Lord's presence. "It WILL BE WORTH IT ALL...WHEN WE SEE Jesus!!" Our tears will be replaced with tiaras, our trials by treasures & our sadness will be replaced with permanent gladness. The "little while" of this life and its testings will be replaced with an eternity of blessings.

Unsaved, have you sadness in sin replaced with gladness through Him...Come to Christ, now!


TEXT: John 16:23-27

THESIS: To reveal Jesus' new teaching regarding prayer.

INTRO: A. Somewhere there are huge electrical generators, though I have never seen them. From this base station comes all the power to operate every electrical appliance, gadget & light bulb in my home. But in order to benefit from these electrical marvels I must in some way be connected to the source. It is not enough that the generators are operating, or that the lines carry the power, or that the wires are attached to the poles outside my house, or even that there is a wire carrying that energy into my house. I must somehow make connection. I must be "plugged in"! That’s the way it is in the spiritual realm, too. It is not enough that somewhere there lives an omnipotent God & that He has sent His Son into the world to transmit His power to me; I must be connected to Him through faith, if I am ever to place His power at my disposal. This is "the Jesus Connection"!

B. Through Christ even the weakest believer has immediate access to an omnipotent God when He prays. No letters are needed to make an appointment; no high-ranking official need intercede; no clergyman need serve as a mediator. There are no secretaries in the way or special office hours posted for prayer.

TRANS: This is "THE JESUS CONNECTION" & the subject of the sermon is PRAYER!


A. The Two-Fold Significance Of "That Day":

1. The nearer "day":

a. The "day" when the Holy Spirit would be given to guide the believer into all truth: Cf. 16:13

b. The "day" of the church & indwelling Spirit's ministry beginning on the "day" of Pentecost.

2. The future "day":

a. The "day" yet future when we will no longer need to ask questions, but will "know as we are known".

b. The "day" of Christ's glory when we will be in need of nothing! Prayer will no longer be needed in that "day".

B. The Two-Fold Meaning Of "Ask Me Nothing":


1. The Greek word (aiteo) signifies a lowly petition as opposed to a mere familiar request (erotao) used here.

2. Emphasizing the word "me" clarifies the meaning of the relationship of His disciples to the Godhead.

NOTE: They constantly asked HIM questions in His earthly ministry. They asked ignorant questions (9:2); ambitious questions (Mt. 18:1); distrustful questions (Mt. 19:27); impertinent questions (21:21) & curious questions (Acts 1:6). From henceforth they would petition the Father.


A. The Scope Of This Promise: "Whatsoever"

1. The double "verily" with which he introduces the promise emphasizes the certainty & sufficiency of the disciples' new recourse.

ILLUS: There's a line that's always open,

And it's free for you to claim;

It's the access to the Father T

hat we have in Jesus' name.

- Coles, alt.

2. The "whatsoever" must be qualified by whatever is for the Father's glory, will promote the Son's interests & is for our good.

B. The Sequence Of This Promise: "the Father in My Name"

1. Men often think in terms of an angry God & a gentle Jesus.

2. Jesus here not only announces a change in age & intimacy, but reveals God the Father as loving and beneficent.

3. The sequence is TO the Father, THRU the Son.


A. Their Past Petitions: "nothing in My Name"

1. Their prayers were often formal, cold and lifeless.

2. Their prayers were often perfunctory, repetitious & without expectation.

NOTE: He was teaching them that now that they had become intimately acquainted with Him & that He was One with the Father, they could approach the Father intimately through Him.

B. Their Future Prerogative: "ask & ye shall receive"

1. They would come to the Father as those identified with the Son.

2. They could come & pray on the basis of the Son's merits & not their own.

NOTE: When I go to the bank to cash my paycheck, they cash it, not based on my assets, but on those of the church! I have no credit in the bank of Heaven, nothing on deposit & if I go in my own name, I will receive nothing! But Christ has unlimited credit with the Father, & He grants His children the privilege of going there with His Name on the checks.

3. They could now experience the joy of answered prayer with living, personal, relevant requests.


A. Previously, The Father Was Concealed: "proverbs"

1. Proverbial or parabolic teaching is mysterious to the sin-darkened mind.

2. Mere intellectual acumen could never grasp the meaning of Divine wisdom couched in proverbial language.


B. Presently, The Father Is Revealed: "show you plainly"

1. Christ came, not because God hated the world, but because God loved the world.

2. Christ died, not to change God into love, but to reveal that God is Love!

3. Christ is here revealing the loving nature of God as a FATHER Who desires to GIVE to His children.


A. The Father Is The Source Of All Blessings: v. 26

B. The Father Is The Source Of All Love: v. 27

1. To speak of God as a Creator, Sustainer, Judge & Lord of the universe inserts a gap between the power Source and the believer.

2. To speak of God as the Father speaks of His relationship to His children to His unique Son & closes the gap & makes Him available & accessible to us.

CONCL: Thus, Jesus is the "Connection" we have with the Source of all power & potential blessing. "Every good & perfect gift cometh from above, from the Father..." But we could never know Him nor appropriate His power or gifts apart from our connection to His Son!

Have you made the "Jesus Connection"?!


TEXT: John 16:28-33

THESIS: To show how Christ instructed His disciples in the art of overcoming tribulation.

INTRO: A. For 5 years a man rented a beautiful cottage beside a quietly babbling stream. For 5 years he enjoyed its beauty & benefits. He swam & fished in the stream, & rested & relaxed in the shade of the stately trees. One day the stream overflowed its banks, flooded his basement & drowned a dozen chickens he had kept there. Forgetting the past days of blessing, he rushed to the landlord & announced he was moving out! When asked why after 5 happy years, the man replied, "It's different now, the river overflowed & my chickens drowned!" The landlord's answer completely disarmed the grumbler, "Next time, try some ducks!"

B. Often God wonderfully blesses us, then He permits some "flood" to "drown our chickens", & our first response is to grumble & run! The thrust & theme of the passage before us is found in v. 33. We are to "be of good cheer" in spite of tribulation, because Jesus has "overcome the world". If your "chickens" have drowned, don't despair "be of good cheer", keep on keeping on. Bury the chickens, & "TRY SOME DUCKS!"

TRANS: Jesus has just given a vital lesson on prayer, summarized in v. 24; now He is about to instruct them on handling trials.


NOTE: In this one verse we have a summary of Jesus' entire ministry. Here, in simple terms, He states profound theological doctrines.

A. His Deity: "I came forth..."

1. His pre-existence is involved:

a. He lived before His incarnation.

b. He was always one with the Father.

NOTE: Theologians have difficulty keeping the great doctrines in balance. The Bible simplifies the difficult. The truths are preserved & presented, and they are profound, but they are not stated in a labored or highly technical form. They simply flow from the narrative naturally. God states simply what men make complex.


2. His prior relationship with the Father is involved: "from the Father..."

a. There was never a time when their intimate relationship did not exist.

b. There was never a time when there was no Son, Who was equal with the Father.

NOTE: This claim to Deity is simple but stupendous!

B. His Descent: "I am come..."

1. The perfect tense is used here to refer to the incarnation & denotes an act of the past with continuing results.

2. Christ became a man in the Incarnation, but continues as a man, having assumed our nature forever.

3. His coming as a man was voluntary; He did not have to be born, He chose to be; no one else can say that!

C. His Departure: "I leave the world..."

1. His departure was also voluntary.

2. As He did not have to come, so He did not have to die.

NOTE: But His love prompted both acts. In this sense, because of His nature, His incarnation & death were mandatory. Hardly a verse in the Bible which speaks of God's love that does not, in the context or verse itself, speak of Christ's voluntary sacrifice (Cf. John 3:16; Gal. 2:20; I John 4:10).

D. His Destiny: "(I) go unto the Father..."

1. When His work is completed He returns to His Father.

2. When His work is accepted He returns to His Father:

a. He now is our Savior, Mediator & Intercessor.

b. He now is at the Father's right hand.


A. Based On His Words: v. 29 (Cf. v. 25)

1. Their immature faith in Him was confirmed by His statement.

2. Their weak faith was bolstered by His statement in v. 27.

B. Based On His Wisdom: v. 30

1. They are impressed with His extensive knowledge: "all things"

2. They believe that Christ is the Messiah: "Sent One"

NOTE: Calvin stated, "The disciples did not fully understand the meaning of Christ's discourse, but though they were not capable of this, the mere odor of it refreshed them."

They had a very infant faith, similar to Nicodemus, "Rabbi, we know that thou art a teacher come from God" (3:2); Woman of Samaria, "Is not this the Christ?" (4:29); or Martha, "Thou art the Christ, the Son of God" (11:27).


A. Doubts Their Dedication: v. 31

1. Their faith was genuine but shallow.

NOTE: Like young recruits, they had yet to learn the difference between wearing the uniform & knowing the soldier's drill & being steadfast & courageous in the day of battle.

2. Their faith was about to be tested:


a. It would be shaken to its foundations.

b. It would not be totally devastated.

B. Details Their Defection: v. 32a

1. His prediction was given to prepare them.

2. His statement was given to shatter their self-confidence.

NOTE: They would be "scattered" without their Shepherd. "Every man to His own" speaks of each disciple seeking his own safety & leaving Him "alone". But Christ can never be truly "alone" because "the Father is with (Him)". So with the believer in this age; the Spirit is with us, even in severe testings.

C. Delineates Their Tribulation: v. 33a

1. His words were given to comfort them.

2. His words were given to warn them.

NOTE: See the contrast between "in Me...peace" & "in the world...tribulation". The world is essentially the same, but so is He.

D. Declares Their Consolation: v. 33b

1. We have Christ, so we will have tribulation: "good cheer..."

2. We have tribulation, because we are in Christ: "I have over."

CONCL: When your "chickens" drown, "be of good cheer" - "try some ducks"! Realize that Christ is the overcomer, & we are on the victory side.

Charlie Brown was pitching, & the score was 57 to 0, with the other team winning. Suzy told him it was hopeless & to throw in the towel. But he replied that he was confident & said, "We haven't been to bat, yet!"

When things look dark, remember that our team hasn't been up to bat yet! Our hour of victory is certain because Christ is on our side, & He HAS overcome the world.


TEXT: John 17:1-5

THESIS: To show Jesus as our High Priest entering the Holy of Holies to make intercession for Himself & for us.

INTRO: A. Only once each year did the Old Testament High Priest dare to enter the Holy of Holies in the Temple. There he would be confronted with a manifestation of God in the "Shekinah Glory". It was for this moment the High Priest was consecrated & lived. No one could accompany him; it was an awesome moment.

B. In John 17 Jesus, our High Priest, enters the Holy of Holies to make intercession first for Himself & then for His own. It was for this moment He lived (Cf. v. 4); it was an awesome moment, but He permitted His disciples to share it.

ILLUS: This is truly the Lord's Prayer. The longest of His prayers recorded for us. It is His high priestly prayer, and we have the sublime privilege of listening in. Shhh...we are on holy ground.

Melanchthon, Luther's friend, said when giving his last discourse before death of John 17, "There is no voice which has offered up by the Son of God Himself."

Luther said in this prayer, "He opens the depths of His is so deep, so rich, so wide, no one can fathom it."

John Knox, the Scottish reformer, had this prayer read to him every day during his last illness.

Bishop Ryle says of this chapter, "It stands alone; there is nothing like it."

Mr. W. Kelly, Bible Scholar, said, "It is unequalled for depth & scope in all the Scriptures."




A. From The Holy Place (Preaching):

1. The first four words look backward to chapter 16 & Jesus' message to His sorrowing disciples.

2. Jesus said all He could to comfort & cheer them (16:33).

B. To The Most Holy Place (Prayer):

1. His posture turns the Disciples' attention to Heaven.

2. The direction of His eyes indicated the Source of the comfort He & they would receive: "Heaven".


NOTE: Just before the veil in the Temple stood the altar of incense, symbolizing prayer, with its smoke ascending upward. As the veil was parted annually & the High Priest entered the most holy place, the odor of the incense invaded the Holy of Holies with him. In our text, Jesus begins to pray.

A. Relationship: "Father...Son..."

1. The relationship of Sonship is established.

2. The affection of the Son for the Father is revealed.

NOTE: Before His petition He expressed His confidence in His Father. In whom should a son trust, if not in his father?

B. Submission: "the hour is come"

1. The hour the Son would cease the labors of His important life by a death still more important.

2. The hour most critical & pregnant with eternal issues.

3. The hour the Lord of glory would be made sin for sinners & bear His Father's wrath on sin.

4. The hour for fulfilling thousands of prophecies, types, shadows & symbols.

5. The hour the serpent would be permitted to bruise the heel of the woman's Seed.

C. Obedience: "glorify thy Son..."

NOTE: Before His incarnation, Jesus possessed a 2-fold glory; inwardly, the glory of all God's attributes & outwardly, His visible brilliance & glory. In becoming man, the outward glory was laid aside temporarily. It was this glory for which He now prayed, even though He knew it meant the cross.


A. His Authority: "power over all flesh"

NOTE: The High Priest could only approach the mercy seat through delegated authority & proper consecration. So with Christ.

B. His Inheritance: "eternal life to as many..."

1. Christ has universal authority: "all flesh..."

2. Christ has a specific inheritance: "as many..."

ILLUS: Joseph had authority over all Egypt, but his brethren had a special claim upon his affections.

a. These "as many" are identified in v. 3: "they"

b. The basis for their eternal life is given in v. 3.

1) Eternal life begins with knowledge of Who God is.

2) The objects of saving knowledge are God & Christ.



NOTE: The final & most important step remaining for the High Priest in the Holy of Holies was to offer the blood. Then, his work was finished. So with Christ

A. A Consecrated Ministry: v. 4a "I have glorified thee"

1. The High Priest could never "do his own thing".

2. Everything must be carried out according to "the pattern shown (to Moses) in the mount".

NOTE: The only way to glorify God is to conform to His pattern & do His will.

B. A Completed Ministry: v. 4b "I have finished the work..."

1. His cross-work was not yet could He declare His work complete?

2. Because when the will is given, the battle is ended.

ILLUS: Miriam Booth, daughter of Gen. William Booth, began her service for the Lord & was soon laid aside with disease. A friend pitied her that one who had yielded to the Lord for His work would be laid aside. She replied, "It is wonderful to do the Lord's work, but greater still to do His will!"

The battle is with the will. If the will is submissive, the work will be done!


ILLUS: If the High Priest made an offering in accord with God's Word, there was no doubt about the outcome.

A. Acceptance Assumed:

1. Christ had no doubt concerning the perfections of His work, so acceptance was secure.

2. Christ had offered Himself as the Lamb without blemish, so acceptance was certain.

B. Acceptance Secured:

1. Christ was guaranteed equality with the Father.

2. Christ was assured identity with the Father's glory.

CONCL: We have "ENTERED THE HOLY OF HOLIES WITH CHRIST THE HIGH PRIEST". Now that His prayers have been answered in behalf of Himself, He will petition His Father in behalf of His disciples. If you have thrilled to go this far with Him & listen in on His prayer, wait until you experience the thrill of hearing His prayers for you & me!

Is He YOUR High Priest?!


TEXT: John 17:6-12

THESIS: To focus on the High Priestly prayer of our Savior on our behalf.

INTRO: A. The Old Testament High Priest interceded in behalf of the people, but his intercession didn't last, because it was always ended by death. But Christ our High Priest "ever liveth to make intercession for us." (Heb. 7:23-25)

B. The Old Testament High Priest interceded first for himself & then for the people, for both were sinners. But Christ our High Priest interceded for Himself; not concerning His sin - for He had none - but for a restoration of His "glory" temporarily laid aside during His incarnation. (v. 1-5) Now, He begins to intercede for His apostles & beyond them for His disciples then living & ultimately for us.

ILLUS: Upon Christ's resurrection & before Pentecost, there were at least 500 disciples beyond the apostolic band.

I Cor. 15:6 tells us "…he was seen of above FIVE HUNDRED BRETHREN at once."


TRANS: Christ, standing in the upper room with His disciples, with His eyes lifted toward Heaven, prays aloud for the benefit of His disciples. Let's listen in as He prays for them & speaks of...


A. The Old Testament Use Of "The Name" Of God:

1. Included the character & nature of the Person of God.

2. The Jews considered God's Name too sacred to be spoken or written so they used "JWHW" or substituted Elohim.

B. The New Testament Use Of "The Name" Of God:

1. Jesus came to place His Name on human lips.

2. Today, when a believer prays, He uses an intimate name: "Father"

NOTE: Over & over in this chapter Jesus uses this familiar term to manifest His relationship to God: v. 1, 5, 11, 21, 24, 25 (Cf. v. 26)


A. Believers Belonged To The Father: v. 6b

1. They were the Father's prize possession: "thine they were"

2. They are selected "out of the world".

NOTE: This statement not only deals with election, but also sanctification & separation.

B. Believers Belong To The Son: v. 7

1. They are the Father's love-gift to the Son.

2. They become the Son's possession through obedience to God's Word: "kept they Word"

NOTE: Salvation is decided on the choice of God (election) & the obedience of men (human responsibility).


A. The Words Given: v. 8a

1. Jesus faithfully proclaimed God's Word & words.

2. It is God's means to secure human salvation.

a. Persuasion through human reasoning will not convert.

b. Argumentation based on human logic will not save.

B. The Words Received: v. 8b

1. Salvation is dependent upon man's receiving God's revelation that Jesus is God in the flesh.

2. Salvation is contingent upon man's believing God's revelation that the Father sent the Son with a mission.

NOTE: At this point the disciples' faith was indeed minute, but nevertheless accepted by Christ as sufficient. Soon they would desert Him - and He knew this - but He knew their hearts!!


A. His Intercession Is For Believers Only: v. 9


1. The only prayer Jesus could pray for unbelievers is that he cease his unbelief: salvation

2. The prayer Jesus prays for believers deals with stability & security, not salvation.

ILLUS: As the Old Testament High Priest donned his vestments, he carried the names of the 12 tribes on his shoulders engraved upon stones. Also, on the breastplate covering his heart, he carried their names on individual precious stones. Our High Priest has our names engraved upon the palms of His hands.

B. His Intercession Is For His Love-Gift: v. 10a

NOTE: As a father "gives away" his daughter to her husband, yet retains his relationship & some legal & family rights, so the Father, though giving away His own to His Son, retains sovereign rights over His possession. In fact, He keeps everything "in the family" by giving ownership to His only Son!


A. Through His Love-Gifts: "I am glorified in them..."

1. What an amazing statement: the Son of God receives glory from His redeemed, sinful creatures.

2. He receives glory through believers because they are His Father's sovereign choice, & whatever pleases the Father pleases the Son.

B. Through His Cross-Work: "I am no more in the world..."

1. He speaks as though the cross is past.

2. He had no more to do in this world, but to die, and His death had already been decided: Cf. v. 4


A. He Must Go - They Must Stay: v. 11b "in the world"

1. The disciples are left that they may be tried.

2. The disciples are left that they may appreciate Heaven.

B. He Kept Them - They Must Be Secure: v. 11c, 12a

The Son intercedes with His "Holy Father" to "keep" His own: Cf. Is. 27:2, 3

NOTE: Who is better able to fulfill this charge than God? Cf. Rom. 8:33 If He is a Father, He surely can keep His own children.

2. The Son intercedes with His "Holy Father" to unify His own: "That they may be one..."

NOTE: This is no shallow plea for organization unity, but unity within the organism of Christ's Body, the church; even as the Father & Son are a living unit.

a. Of those entrusted to Christ by the Father "none of them is lost..."

b. The "but" used here is a disjunctive participle indicating those belonging to two different classes.

c. The presence of the traitor among the apostles was one more proof that He was the Messiah: "that the Scriptures be fulfilled..."

CONCL: The High Priest cannot lose any given Him by the Father. Judas is not an exception; he is not a son of God, but a "son of perdition".

The High Priest prays for the apostles & disciples of His day & those of us today. How wonderful to know "we have not an High Priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities..."

He cannot be your High Priest until He is first your Savior. Receive Him NOW!





TEXT: John 17:13-15

THESIS: To set forth the first 3 "Marks of Chris-likeness" revealed in Christ's High-Priestly prayer.

INTRO: A. If you were asked what your most important responsibility is as a Christian, what would you answer? Be a soul-winner? Be faithful? Be separated? Be steadfast? All of these answers are good, but they only deal with the external aspects of the Christian life. The Biblical answer is simply Christ-likeness! Whatever HE is WE should be. Or, "AS THE SON - SO THE SAINT!"

B. But what exactly or practically IS Christ-likeness? In His High-Priestly prayer, our Savior tells us. In the first section of this prayer of prayers, Jesus intercedes for Himself & for a return to His glory with His Father. (How His heart must have ached to be back in that absolutely holy environment!) The second section of the prayer contains His petition for His disciples' preservation. Now, in this final section, He prays for His disciples' Christ-likeness. He prays AS THE Pattern FOR THE Product. He prays that AS He was SO we will be! "AS THE SON - SO THE SAINT!"

TRANS: In His prayer He gives us the Marks of Christ-likeness.


A. His Position: v. 13a "Now I come to Thee..."

1. This statement may refer to His ascension.

2. This statement may refer to His present prayer.

3. This statement may encompass both & probably does!

B. His Prescription: v. 13b "That they might have My joy"

1. This "joy" is not emotional effervescence.

2. This "joy" is not a fluctuating "good feeling".

3. This "joy" is "My joy" - the tranquility which Christ enjoyed by always doing His Father's will.

NOTE: This joy cannot be manufactured, worked up or even prayed down. It does not come in pills, bottles or needles! It comes discovering & doing God's will.

4. This "joy" is brought about by fellowship with the Lord: I John

a. Jesus had unbroken fellowship, so He had unbroken joy.

b. Jesus is praying as if His cross-work was complete (v. 4), & it was that work which brings us into fellowship with Him!

1) His Father is now our Father.

2) His relationship as Son is now ours as sons.

ILLUS: Most Christians do NOT have this mark of Christ-likeness. They are like David in his sin & out of fellowship with the Lord, "Restore unto me the JOY of my salvation."

Most Christians feel like the bored church-goer doodling in the pew during the sermon. His doodles were discovered by the janitor & included this pungent poem:

"To dwell above with the saints in love,

Aye, that will be glory!

To dwell below with the saints I know,

Now, that's a different story!"


Contrast this with the words of blind hymn writer Fanny Crosby, who lived 90 years in darkness & brightened the lives of countless saints through the centuries:

"Oh, what a happy soul am I!

Although I cannot see,

I am resolved that in this world

Contented I shall be.

How many blessings I enjoy,

That other people don't!

To weep & sigh, because I'm blind,

I cannot & I won't!"

5. This "joy" is brought about by Bible knowledge:

a. David said, "The statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the soul." Ps. 19:8

b. Ps. 119:14 declares, "I have rejoiced in the way of Thy testimonies, as much as in all riches."

c. Jesus said in John 15:10, 11, "If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father's commandments, and abide in His love. These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you and that your joy might be full."

d. Paul, all through Philippians, his epistle of joy, associates joy with a mature knowledge of God's Word.

NOTE: Christ lists "Joy" first in His list of characteristics of Christ-likeness. But that "Joy" implies doing God's will, fellowship with Him & sound Bible doctrine. "AS THE SON - SO THE SAINT!"


A. Persecuted For The Word: v. 14a

1. It is our message, not our manner, which irritates unbelievers.

2. It is our witness, not our words, that agitates unbelievers.

B. Persecuted By The World: v. 14b

1. "AS the Son - so the Saint!"

2. Christ is not "of the world": Cf. John 8:23

3. We are not "of the world": Cf. II Cor. 5:17; Phil. 3:20

NOTE: The world hated the Savior, plotted against Him, cursed Him, spat upon Him, opposed Him & rejoiced over His death after they killed Him. "AS THE SON - SO THE SAINT!" Cf. Mt. 5:10-12

a. We are in an alien environment.

b. The world is naturally hostile to supernatural beings.


A. Separation Not Isolation:

ILLUS: The marooned sailor was overjoyed to see a ship respond to his distress signal. A small boat came ashore & an officer handed him a stack of newspapers & said, "The Captain suggests that you read what's going on in the world, & then let him know if you want to be rescued." The believer has no choice! We are saved down here & left to serve down here. Where we have sinned against Him, we now must serve Him.

1. Isolation would mean loss of contact for witness.

2. We are not isolated after salvation into some "Christian compound", convent or monastery.

3. We are spiritually insulated; not physically or socially isolated.

B. Preservation Not Translation:


1. Christ prayed specifically that translation NOT be our portion.

a. Those "translated" in the Scriptures were removed only after long & fruitful years of service: Enoch & Elijah

b. Those who prayed under stress to be removed did NOT have their prayers answered: Moses, Elijah & Jonah

2. Christ prayed specifically that preservation & victory be our portion.

a. The word "evil" may be "evil one" or "evil thing".

b. Probably both are in view.

NOTE: This prayer is for protection & preservation. As the Father kept the Son, so the Son prays for His disciples. "As the Son - so the saint!" Jesus prays we will not be snared by sin or Satan. Satan is the fisherman, the world is the bait & sin is the hook! Don't get caught!

c. A spiritual victory over sin is better than total exemption from sin.

CONCL: Here are the first 3 "MARKS OF CHRIST-LIKENESS" for which our Savior prayed for each of His disciples. He wants us to be identified with Him in His joy, His persecution & His separation "AS THE SON - SO THE SAINT!'

We should have JOY in PERSECUTION & remain SEPARATE & distinct from the world as we serve Him down here.

If you have not trusted the Son, you are not a saint! Trust Him today!




TEXT: John 17:16-19

THESIS: A continuation of the "Marks of Christ-likeness" each believer is to exhibit as emphasized in Christ's High-Priestly prayer.

INTRO: A. A lady was unsuccessful in selling her diet product called "Weight-Right". She asked her husband why. Analyzing the problem, he first examined the package & found it attractive. Next, he had his wife give her pitch & she was enthusiastic. Then, he asked to see the brochure & said, "Oh, Oh!" "What's wrong?", she asked. He said, "Shall I be polite or truthful?" "Truthful, of course", she answered. "Well, dear", he said, "you look like the 'before' picture, instead of the 'after' picture." As Christians, we are often not good advertisements for our "Product" - Christ! To be successful in presenting Him, we must look like the "after" picture. "After" our transformation. "After" our regeneration. We must be more Christ-like to be convincing.

B. We have already dealt with three "Marks of Christ-likeness" in v. 13-15: Joy, Persecution & Separation. We are to have His joy respond as He did to persecution & be separate from the world.

TRANS: Let us now examine other "Marks..." The passage continues with Christ praying that "AS" He is - "SO" we will be! (Not the repetition of the word "as" in the text: v. 14, 16, 18, 21, 23) "AS THE SON - SO THE SAINT."


NOTE: V. 15 spoke of our identification with Him in separation from the world. Now, continuing the thought, He tells why we are not of the world: Our position "in Him" determines the fact.

A. In Christ We have A Different Standing:

1. The world is in Adam #1 & under condemnation.

2. The believer is in Adam #2 & is "accepted in the Beloved".

B. In Christ We Have A Different Nature:

1. The unsaved's nature is born of the flesh.

2. The Christian's nature is born of the Spirit.


C. In Christ We Serve A Different Master:

1. The lost serve their father, the Devil.

2. The saved serve their Father, the Lord.

D. In Christ We Have A Different Citizenship:

1. They are citizens of the earth & live for earthly pleasure.

2. We are citizens of heaven & live for heavenly treasure.

E. In Christ We Live A Different Life:

1. The worldling lives for self, sin & sensuality.

2. The believer lives for service, separation & the Savior.

NOTE: Christians may live far below the standard of holiness set for them by Christ, but no Christian (in the general tenor of his conduct) goes to the same excess of sin as the worldling. Our goal must be "AS THE SON - SO THE SAINT".

F. In Christ We Have A Different Destiny:

1. Theirs is the lake of fire & torment.

2. Ours is the Father's house on high & blessing.

NOTE: No matter how loudly we protest what the world does & even proclaim what & Who Christ is, unless we are like Him, they will not listen & we are failures & hypocrites.


A. We Are Saved By Truth:

1. Christ, the Living Word, said He was "THE TRUTH" 14:6

2. The Bible, the written Word, declares itself to be "THE TRUTH".

a. It doesn't CONTAIN the Truth; it IS the Truth.

b. All "Bibles" (versions, translations) CONTAIN some truth; only the pure, unadulterated Word of God IS "THE TRUTH".

c. The Truth has saving & unshackling power: Rom. 10:17; Jn. 8:32

B. We Are Sanctified By Truth:

1. Error leads the way into evil.

2. Truth separates us from evil.

a. The world is full of lies & brings us into bondage.

b. The truth separates us from the world & leads us into freedom.

NOTE: Jesus Christ never did, said or even thought anything contrary to God's Word, which is Truth because He is the embodiment of God's Word. Cf. Jn. 1:1 Insofar as we follow Him & His Word, we will be "sanctified" or "set apart" from the world.


NOTE: Mark the specific "AS" & "SO" of this passage. "AS THE SON - SO THE SAINT." Note, too, the dispensational aspect of this statement. Christ previously instructed the Apostles, "Go not into the way of the Gentiles…but go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel." (Mt. 10:5, 6) But now He sends His disciples into the "world"! The chosen nation does not occupy a place of distinction in this age. Christianity bears a witness to Jew & Gentile alike.

A. Christ Was Sent To Reveal The Father; We Are Sent To Reveal The Son:


B. Christ Was Sent To Seek & Save The Lost; We Are Sent To Proclaim The Gospel Of Salvation:

C. Christ Was Sent As The Holy One In A World Of Corruption; We Are To Be The "Salt Of The Earth":

D. Christ Was Sent As The Light; We Are To Shine As Lights In The World:

NOTE: If salt speaks of what we ARE, light speaks of what we DO.

E. Christ Was Sent & Furnished With The Spirit; We Have Received The Spirit To Indwell, Anoint, Fill & Guide Us:

F. Christ Was Ever About His Father's Business; So We Are To Redeem The Time:


A. Christ Sanctified Himself:

1. His "setting apart" is positional & absolute.

2. He alone is "holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners" in the absolute sense.

B. Christ Desires Our Sanctification:

1. Our "setting apart" is practical & progressive.

2. We are to be set apart from the world & to be "holy, harmless, undefiled & separate from sinners" in a relative sense.

CONCL: What kind of "advertisement" are you for Christ? Do you look like the "before" or the "after" picture? As we grow, we should be more like Him! "AS THE SON - SO THE SAINT!"

Perhaps, you ARE the "before" picture, because you are yet in your sins. Come to Him Who alone can transform you.




TEXT; John 17:20-26

THESIS: To continue "THE MARKS OF CHRISTLIKENESS" Christ mentions for His disciples in His High-Priestly prayer.

INTRO: A. JOY is the Mark of Christ-likeness, which speaks of the Christian in relationship to himself. PERSECUTION is the mark dealing with his treatment from a hostile world. SEPARATION marks the believer's relationship to the world. HOLINESS speaks of the believer's POSITION, in Christ. TRUTH marks our relationship to the Word of God. Our MISSION is to spread the Word of God to the world. SANCTIFICATION denotes our being set apart to serve Him. These are the "MARKS OF CHRIST-LIKENESS" Christ has mentioned in this High-Priestly prayer to this point "AS THE SON - SO THE SAINT!"

B. In the remainder of His prayer He mentions 3 more "MARKS" for which He prays in our behalf. They are UNITY, GLORIFICATION & LOVE (v. 20-26). This brings the total to 9 (the same number of Christ-like characteristics in the fruit of the Spirit in Gal. 5:22, 23). Christ is only hours away from His crucifixion, yet His thoughts & prayers are for us.

TRANS: Shhh...Let's listen in as He speaks to His Father for us.


A. The Subjects Of His Prayer: v. 20

1. Not only for "these" apostles

2. But for all who would "believe" on Him "through their Word".


NOTE: The Apostles were the initial "seed" of the church. We who believe are a part of the harvest. As Christ has spoken of His cross-work being completed, He here looks beyond the Apostle to all who would respond positively to "their Word". The Apostles wrote the Word in the New Testament & proclaimed it in the early church. Everyone's salvation may be traced back to the Apostles, either directly or indirectly.

B. The Subject Of His Prayer: v. 21-23 "they all may be one..."

1. He is not praying for organizational or denominational unity!

NOTE: This kind of "unity" is only "union". There is a difference. Union is MECHANICAL. Unity is living. Tying two dead sticks together is union. Grafting a living twig into a living tree is not only union, but unity. Denominational union is mechanical & lifeless & produces further division & DISUNITY!

2. He is not praying for conformity or uniformity.

a. Uniformity is dull.

b. Unity with variety is exciting: Cf. I Cor. 12:13-18

3. He IS praying for a unity like that within the Godhead: v. 21-23

a. A unity dealing with family relationships: v. 21a The Father & the Son...brothers & sisters

b. A unity dealing with uniqueness & glory: v. 22

c. A unity dealing with fellowship & love; V.23b

ILLUS: A gentleman who belonged to a Plymouth Brethren assembly met with a serious accident in which his leg was crushed while working in an iron mine at Duluth, Minnesota. He was rushed to a Catholic hospital where it became necessary to amputate his badly injured limb. An Episcopal surgeon performed the operation, and he was cared for by a Presbyterian nurse. He subsequently advertised for a wooden leg in a Congregational paper. A Methodist widow, whose crippled husband had been a Baptist, took out of storage his artificial leg and sent it by a Lutheran messenger to this needy Christian. When the amputee learned the full story he said, "I guess I'm now 'united brethren".

True unity comes from the new birth, not church affiliation, or a forced union or merger of denominations.

1) This unity is yet future: v. 23a "perfect"

2) This unity is presently manifested: v. 23b "that the world may know..."

NOTE: This unity is not just among the Apostolic band (v. 20), but includes successive generations of believers. Thus, this cannot be a totally visible unity, but should be visible with each generation of genuine believers in a relative sense.


NOTE: This is perhaps the most exciting part of Christ's high-priestly prayer. All the other "MARKS OF CHRIST-LIKENESS" are to be fulfilled in this life. And though each are true in various degrees in the lives of believers & thus Christ's prayers are answered, this request deals with absolute identification with Him in our glorified state in Heaven.

A. Our Guarantee Of Being With Him: v. 24a

1. His prayer is specific: " with me."

2. His prayer is secured.

a. Here is the Son speaking to His Father.

b. His requests are always granted: John 11:41, 42

B. Our Guarantee Of Sharing His Glory: v. 24b (Cf. I John 3:2)

1. Our presence with Him in glory encompasses 4 areas:


a. In death: II Cor. 5:3

b. In the rapture: I Cor. 15:51-58

c. In the Kingdom: Col 3:4

d. In the eternal state: Rev. 21:3

2. Our presence with Him in glory is predicated upon His completed work on Calvary: Cf. v. 4, 5


A. Mark The Mode Of His Address: v. 25

NOTE: Six times in this prayer Christ addressed God as the Father, but the addition of "Righteous" implies that He is insisting upon the reward of His service & sufferings. Justice pleads for the sealing of His requests in behalf of all disciples.

1. The thought of a "Righteous Father" is comforting to those who are His children: "these..."

2. The thought of a "Righteous Father" is discomforting to those who are NOT His children: "the world"

B. Mark The Source Of Our Love: v. 26

1. The Source comes from the Father.

2. The Son bestows it upon the follower.

CONCL: These then are the "MARKS OF CHRIST-LIKENESS" which He prayed would characterize every true disciple of His. They begin with JOY & conclude with LOVE. (2 of the 9-fold Fruit of the Spirit.) We need to be identified with Him in His UNITY with the Father (maintaining a family relationship with all believers), in HIS GLORIFICATION (recognizing His guarantee of our glorification with Him) & with HIS LOVE (recognizing its sacrificial nature).


TEXT: John 18:1-6

THESIS: To set forth the significance of Christ's betrayal & arrest.

INTRO: A. Chapters 1-12 in John's Gospel presents Christ's ministry in the world & sets Him forth as the God-man through His words & works. Chapters 13-17 show Him alone with His disciples preparing them for His departure. In chapter 18 we have "The Beginning of the End" of His earthly ministry.

B. In keeping with the character & purpose of John's Gospel; i.e., to set forth Christ as the God-man, He presents the majesty & dignity & the Divine glory of Christ, whereas the other 3 Gospel writers emphasize His sufferings.

C. Though we are in the last section of the Book & in the closing moments of Christ's earthly ministry - "The beginning of the end" - it is also "The beginning" of His High-Priestly work. He has, up to now, delivered His prophetic message; He now prepares for His priestly ministry.

I. THE SCENE: v. 1

A. The Time: "when..."

1. The time for teaching & preaching was over: "spoken these words"

2. The "words" referred to here refer to all He had spoken to them in chapters 13-16 (referred to as His Paschal Discourse) & to all He had spoken to His Father in chapter 17 (The High-Priestly Prayer).

B. The Place:

1. The "brook Cedron" or "Kidron" (Hebrew) is symbolic.


a. The word means "dark waters".

b. The brook is outside the gates of Jerusalem.

ILLUS: The victim for the sin-offering was always offered "without (outside) the camp" (Lev. 4:12, 21; 16:27), so with Christ our Sin-Offering (Cf. Heb. 13:12 "Wherefore Jesus also, that He might sanctify the people with His own blood, suffered without the gate."

c. The brook & these events are pictured elsewhere in type in II Sam. 15:23, 30, 31.

ILLUS: In this passage we read of David, at the time of His betrayal by his "own familiar friend" Ahithophel, crossing the brook in tears, accompanied by his faithful followers.

2. The "Garden" here is Gethsemane & is significant.

ILLUS: Christ, the second Adam, enters a garden like 1st Adam. In Eden, all was delightful; in Gethsemane, all was terrible. In Eden, Adam bargained with Satan; in Gethsemane, Christ besought His Father. In Eden, Adam sinned; in Gethsemane Christ suffered due to our sin. In Eden, Adam fell; in Gethsemane Christ won the victory. In Eden, the battle was lost by day; in Gethsemane, the conflict was at night. In Eden, Adam fell before Satan; in Gethsemane, men fell before Christ. In Eden, the race was lost; in Gethsemane, Christ says He has "lost none". In Eden, Adam took the fruit from Eve's hand; in Gethsemane, Christ received the cup from His Father's hand. In Eden, Adam hid himself; in Gethsemane, Christ boldly showed Himself. In Eden, God had to seek Adam; in Gethsemane, Christ sought God. In Eden, Adam was driven out; in Gethsemane, Christ was "led" out.

II. THE SINNERS: v. 2, 3

A. Judas The Betrayer: v. 2

ILLUS: Hendriksen wrote, "For the foulest deed that was ever committed, Judas selected the most sacred night (Passover), the most sacred place (the Sanctuary of the Savior's devotions) & the most sacred symbol, a kiss."

1. Judas "knew" the place..."

a. Many precious moments had been passed here between Christ & His disciples; now treachery!

b. Judas thought he was in control, but it was Jesus who selected this spot for His betrayal.

2. Judas had been one of "His disciples".

a. Jesus knew that Judas was well aware of His "special" spot.

b. Jesus made it "easy" for Judas & for the officers to arrest Him.

1) In the city this act would have stirred violence.

2) Christ deliberately allowed Himself to be delivered here to show His disciples His surrender was voluntary.

B. Judas & The "Band": v. 3

1. Judas & the "chief priests & Pharisees" worked together.

2. Judas was granted a "band of men & officers".

a. The Greek word for "band" indicated a detachment of Roman soldiers which Pilate had to authorize.

b. A "band" was the 10th part of a legion & thus consisted of 400 or 500 men! (Cf. Mt. 26:47 "…Judas…a great multitude with him”)

NOTE: As Christ was to die for both Jews & Gentiles, both Gentile Roman soldiers & Jews would have a hand in His arrest & crucifixion.

3. They sought out the "Light of the World" with torches & lanterns.

4. They came to take the "Good Shepherd" with weapons.


NOTE: They had no real knowledge of Who He was. He was willing to be led as a lamb to the slaughter. But they heard of His miraculous power & thus came in force & with force. If He WAS Who He claimed to be, how futile their finite strategy & how helpless their "band". If not, how unnecessary this was!


A. His Omiscience: v. 4, 5

1. As God He knew "all things" inherently.

2. As man He knew "all things" scripturally.

a. Note the paradox: He knew all things, then asked "Whom seek ye?"

b. He asked this question not out of ignorance, but to formally surrender Himself to them.

c. He asked this same question a second time in v. 7.

d. Both times their response emphasized His humanity.

e. Note that their answer in v. 5 shows that Judas identifies with their unbelief: "stood with them"!

B. His Omnipotence: v. 6

1. Christ, "the Word", speaks & Judas & company fall down.

ILLUS: Note the word "He" is in italics (supplied by translators). Jesus was simply identifying Himself with Jehovah of the Old Testament; the God of Moses (Ex. 3:14). In 4:26 He used the same identification, & the woman at the well recognized Him as the Christ & received Him.

2. This quiet demonstration of power reveals that He is more than "Jesus of Nazareth".

3. This majestic display of Deity shows that He voluntarily gave Himself up into their hands.

CONCL: His arrest was "the beginning of the end" of His earthly ministry. It resulted in scourging, ridicule, blasphemy, trials & crucifixion. But His arrest was also "the beginning" of His High-Priestly work. This work includes His resurrection, post-resurrection ministry, ascension & intercession. This "end" was really just another "beginning".

So with all who die in Christ; it is their "beginning". They live on! Are YOU saved? Begin a new life today!


TEXT: John 18:8-12

THESIS: To show Christ as the "Lion of the tribe of Judah" & "the Lamb slain", as both sides of His nature are revealed at His arrest.

INTRO: A. The account of the arrest of our Savior gives us a glimpse of the paradoxical Person of the God-man. He at the same time reveals His perfect supremacy (as He speaks & the mob falls to the ground) & His perfect submission (as He steps forth to publicly surrender Himself). He is at once both Sovereign & Servant. He fulfills both images set forth in the Scriptures of Him - the Lion & the Lamb - & they are so inextricably bound together in His Theanthropic Person, that we are accurate to refer to Him as "the Lion-Lamb"!

B. In these brief verses before us we will see His Scriptural designated roles unveiled. We will see Him as King, Shepherd, High Priest, Physician & Servant! We will see His Lion-like qualities as well as His Lamb-like nature.


A. The Lion Has Roared: Cf. v. 6

1. He had demonstrated with dignity His omnipotent power.

2. Those who came against Him with weapons were helpless.

ILLUS: He had identified Himself with Moses' God with the designation "I am" & had manifested the same miraculous power exercised against Pharaoh.


a. As the Word He simply spoke & they "fell".

b. As the Word He fulfilled the Scripture: Ps. 27:1, 2; 35:4; 40:1

B. The Lamb Now Bleats:

1. "I have told you": He has already demonstrated His Deity.

2. "I am": He repeats His claim to Deity.

a. The results are different!

b. The hardening process has begun.

NOTE: Christ gave some who had probably never seen or heard Him or His miracles, to witness His powers first hand, but the effect was nil. Miracles do not convert & often serve to condemn. The Word will either melt or harden.

C. The King Now Commands: "let these go"

1. He has twice established that it was He, not His disciples, they were after.

2. That they would have taken others without His intervention seems clear from the account in Mk. 14:47-52.


A. The Shepherd Cares For His Flock:

1. He Who had authority to save the sheep could surely have saved Himself.

2. But His suffering was a necessity at this time, theirs was not.

3. They could not suffer with Him lest their sufferings be thought a part of the redemptive price.

4. Christ here shows His competence to preserve His own sheep in the midst of gravest danger.

ILLUS: The Word of His power "let these go" had gone forth, & they were safe! One day we will see how often He intervened for US when we, too ,were in the place of danger!

B. The Lamb Sacrifices Himself For His Sheep:

1. He had to suffer alone: Cf. Lev. 16:17

2. He was to tread the winepress alone.

3. He had other work for them to do in establishing His church, & they were immortal until their work was complete.

4. He here exercises grace toward them as in the previous verse He exercised Divine power.


A. The High-Priest's Intercession:

1. In John 17:23 He had interceded for them. Cf. 10:28 & 6:39

2. Here is the specific answer to His prayer.

B. The High Priest's Authority:

1. Here, John views Christ's words in their infallible character, as equal to those of Old Testament prophets.

2. As the Old Testament priest had divine authority for His words & actions, so Christ as our High Priest does also.

ILLUS: The Old Testament priest was given authority to deal with leprosy & other sickness, reveal the will of God through the Urim & Thummin & offer acceptable sacrifices. So with Christ.


NOTE: It was most likely at this point that Judas' traitorous kiss was placed on Christ's face. (Cf. Mt. 26:48-53)


A. A Sick Sheep: Peter

1. Here was the self-confidence of the flesh reacting.

a. His motive was good.

b. His action was improper:

1) He violated a Scriptural principle to submit to authority.

2) He was probably over-confident of Christ's intervention in light of what He had just seen: v. 6

3) He misinterpreted what Jesus had said moments before: Lk. 22:35, 36

NOTE: There is obviously a proper time & place to arm yourself. As citizens of this world, we should use lawful means to protect our person & our property against lawlessness, but as citizens of God's Kingdom, we are not to use carnal weapons in the spread of the Gospel or the protection of Christ.

4) He foolishly exposed himself & his friends to violent reaction from the mob.

5) He probably felt bound to his foolish vow to defend Christ!

B. A Tender Shepherd: Christ (Cf. Lk. 22:50, 51)


A. The Sword & The Cup: v. 11

1. The sword represents rebellion.

2. The cup speaks of submission.

NOTE: There are 2 "cups" out of which everyone must inevitably drink. Christ drank the dregs of the cup of God's wrath, so we could drink the cup of salvation. (Ps. 116:13; Mt. 26:39 & Ps. 11:6)

B. The Sovereign & Submission: v. 12

1. They "took Jesus" instead of you & me!

2. They "bound Him" as He voluntarily gave Himself to them.

CONCL: The "Lion-Lamb" is led to the slaughter. He Who is the "Lion of the tribe of Judah" becomes the "Lamb slain" for our sins. The King, Shepherd, High-Priest & Great Physician becomes the submissive Servant to die for us.

Have YOU received "the Lamb"? If not, you will face Him as the "Lion" in judgment.


TEXT: John 18:12-14 & 19-24

THESIS: To show the corruption of the 2 High Priests at Christ's trial & the purity of Christ the High Priest.

INTRO: A. The Sinless One is arrested for crimes He never committed. The Creator must stand & be judged at the hands of His creatures. The Judge of all mankind is about to be judged by mankind's judges. The High Priest must give an account to the High Priests of Israel.

B. Events move rapidly from this point on. Judas has betrayed Him & the "band & the captains & officers of the Jews took Jesus & bound Him." Mock trials in kangaroo courts will sentence Him on circumstantial evidence & hearsay with the verdict already decided in advance. He Who came to die for Jews & Gentiles will be sentenced, judged, condemned & executed by both Jews & Gentiles.

TRANS: To add insult to injury, Jesus Christ must stand before men serving in what was originally a God-appointed office, in a hallowed place among His special people.



NOTE: Cf. Luke 3:2 & Acts. 4:5, 6

A. Jesus Led To Annas:

1. They led Him away in apparent triumph.

2. They led Him away as a lamb to the slaughter.

3. They led Him through the Sheep Gates.

a. The Sheep Gate was nigh unto the Temple & through it the sacrificial animals passed.

b. Some have suggested the reason Annas was not with the Sanhedrin was because it was his responsibility to examine the sacrifices for blemishes which were to be offered that day.

ILLUS: Annas was crooked, & the people hated him. He had a monopoly going. Old Testament law required that sacrificial animals had to be without spot or blemish. Annas employed inspectors of sacrifices, & naturally they found some fault with everyone's sacrifice, so they could direct them to "certain booths" where their "spotless" animals could be obtained - at 4 or 5 times the price.

On one Passover alone a quarter of a million sacrificial lambs were offered. Annas was getting wealthy! Jesus had personally offended Annas when He overthrew the money changers' tables & drove out the animals...twice!

4. They led Him to their Masters who sent them.

B. Jesus Stands Before Annas:

1. According to God's Law, the High Priest retained His office until death: Ex. 40:15; Num. 35:25

2. Thus, in the eyes of the Jews, Annas, not Caiaphas, was the real: High Priest.

3. Caiaphas was elected "that year" according to the Roman rule & dealt primarily with civil matters; Annas with ecclesiastical matters.

NOTE: Annas was an old man, & His sinful life had hardened his heart. The mob knows how he would respond. It is sad to see the elderly when they can no longer commit the sins of youth taking pleasure in others who can.


A. Jesus Sent To Caiaphas: Cf. v. 24

1. The man named Caiaphas:

a. God, in His Providence, had so ordered that a wicked man (2 in fact) sat as high priests that year His Son was to be sentenced.

b. Caiaphas had a good teacher & example in Annas, his "father-law".

2. The Malice of Caiaphas:

a. Imagine the pure & Holy One standing before such pious, religious sinners.

b. Imagine the Sinless One at the mercy of the decisions of such filthy, vile sinners.

TRANS: As we proceed to the next point, we will see the indignities Christ suffered at the hands of these popes & princes of religion & the dignity with which! He responded.


NOTE: We have seen Christ acting as our High Priest in chapter 17, as our Intercessor. Now we will see Him as our sinless High Priest Who also becomes our sacrifice: Cf. Heb. 7:14-17 & 24-28

A. Jesus Stands Before The High Priest: v. 19


1. Jesus is questioned about His disciples:

a. Christ refuses a response concerning His disciples.

b. As the Great Shepherd, He ever looks after His flock.

2. Jesus is questioned about His doctrine: v. 19

NOTE: The only court authorized to sit on capital cases is the Sanhedrin, consisting of 3 chambers:

1) 23 priests

2) 23 scribes &

3) 23 elders plus 2 presiding officers = 71 men (Cf. Mk. 14:53)

This council was supposedly patterned after Moses & the seventy in Num. 11:16, 24, 25. Everything that takes place here is illegal according to their own laws:

1. The arrest is at night.

2. The arrest was achieved through a traitor & an informer.

3. The arrest was made without formal charges.

4. The arrested is asked to testify against Himself.

5. The trial was conducted on the day before the Sabbath.

6. The High Priest was not permitted to interrogate or express an opinion, & when the ballot was cast, he was to vote last (so as not to influence the vote due to his position).

7. The trial presented no advocate for the accused. (In fact, under their law a unanimous vote against the accused was considered invalid since it was evident the prisoner had no friend in court. To the Jewish mind this was almost equivalent to mob violence.)

B. The High Priest Stands Before Jesus: v. 20-23

1. He demands a witness: v. 20, 21

a. In so doing He is simply demanding a fair trial.

b. He lets them know He never did anything in secret, thus, rebuking this mock, midnight trial.

2. He is smitten & accused of disrespect: v. 22

a. This is the first blow to His sacred Person received at the hands of sinners - a Jew!

b. Some suggest this officer was Malchus, the servant whose ear Jesus had restored.

c. Others say he could have been one who spoke in Christ's defense (7:46), fearing for his own hide, & he doesn't want to appear friendly to a condemned man.

3. He questions His questioner: v. 23

CONCL: Who is really on trial here? The real High Priest cannot be charged with guilt. The Judge of all the earth cannot be judged. Jesus answers indignity with dignity. He puts His accusers on trial!

One day YOU will stand before Him as condemned or forgiven. He will be your judge or your Advocate or High Priest.




TEXT: John 18:15-18 & 25-27

THESIS: To show how Peter the Apostle became a denying disciple, primarily because he ran with the wrong crowd.


INTRO: A. It was Peter who first proclaimed Christ's real identity, "thou art the Christ, the Son of the Living God."

(Mt. 16:16) It was Peter who boldly vowed to protect Christ against His enemies. (Mt. 16:23) It was Peter alone who had courage enough to get out of the boat & attempt walking on water to hasten to Christ's side. (Mt. 14:29) It was Peter, just hours before Jesus' arrest, who stated, "Though all men shall be offended because of Thee, yet will I never be offended."

(Mt. 26:33) It was Peter who, after Christ's prophecy of his denial, declared, "Though I should die with Thee, yet will I not deny Thee." (Mt. 26:35) It was Peter alone who drew the sword in Christ's defense in the Garden. (Mt. 18:10) And it was Peter who, with another unnamed disciple, dared to venture into the palace of the High Priest where Christ was on trial.

(Jn. 18:15)

B. But in spite of all these bold statements & courageous acts, it was also Peter who vehemently denies Christ three times! Peter, the courageous, becomes Peter, the 'chicken'! Peter, the lion-hearted, becomes Peter, the lily-livered. The 'chicken' clucks before the rooster crows!

TRANS: Let's look at this revealing account of "THE 'CHICKEN' & THE ROOSTER".

I. PETER'S DENIAL #1: v. 15-17

A. Peter At The Palace: v. 15

1. At least "Peter FOLLOWED Jesus..." The others fled!

2. This was NOT the decision of a coward.

a. True, Peter failed, but his failure was perhaps not as great as those who fled.

b. Peter's decision was motivated by love for Jesus.

NOTE: Love made him ashamed to run, cowardice made him ashamed to stand! Peter had been the leader of the Apostles. Perhaps, if he had had their support at this time, he would not have denied the Lord. Many a Pastor or man-of-God would have stood true, if others would have stood with him. But, often leadership is lonely in times of testing, & loyalty lags!

B. Peter S His Partner: v. 15, 16 "another disciple..."

1. This "other disciple" is not named.

2. It probably is NOT John, as some suggest.

a. It is unlikely that a simple fisherman from Galilee would be acquainted with the High Priest.

b. John, also a Galilean as Peter, would have been recognized as a possible follower of Christ.

c. This other disciple could have been Nicodemus or Joseph of Arimethea who would have known the High Priest.

C. Peter At The Door: v. 6

1. The Lord had placed a barrier in Peter's way to keep him from sin.

2. Peter disregards the barrier & persists in the wrong direction.

a. When he disregards the Word & warning of God, he is ensnared (so are we!).

b. When he insists on his way, he gets it with harmful results (Cf. Ps. 81:11, 12)

D. Peter & The Damsel: v. 17

1. It is a maid, not a soldier or officer, who snares the Great Apostle!

2. Peter was caught unawares; no formal trial, but a simple question is his undoing.

ILLUS: Mr. M. Dods, "Peter probably thought he might be bound with his Master before the High Priest, & had he done so he would probably have stood faithful. But the devil, who was sifting him, had a much finer sieve; to run him through. He brought him to no formal trial, where he could gird himself for a special effort. The whole trial was over before he knew he was being tried."

3. Peter's problem was self-confidence, a failure to pray & fellowship with the wrong crowd!


ILLUS: Peter's denial is less expected than Judas' betrayal. We are less prepared for the cowardice of a bold & bragging Peter than we are for the covetousness of a base & betraying Judas! How the mighty are fallen! It is always harder to accept the sins of those in choice positions than those less accountable.

II. PETER'S DENIAL #2: v. 18, 25

A. Peter Has The Wrong Concern: v. 18

1. His concern was for his physical comfort, not his spiritual testimony.

2. His concern was for self, not the Savior. "The backslider in heart shall be filled with his own ways..."

Prov. 14:14

a. It was his heart, not his hands, which needed warming.

b. Those who follow Christ "afar off", like Peter, soon grow cold like Peter.

B. Peter Hangs With The Wrong Crowd: v. 18b, 25

1. Note the contrast between the statements in v. 18, "Peter stood WITH THEM" & the one in v. 26, "in the garden WITH HIM"!

2. It is now said of Peter that "he stood WITH THEM" as it was said of Judas, "and Judas also...stood WITH THEM"!

NOTE: With whom do YOU stand today? "With HIM" or "with THEM"?! You cannot escape the influence of the crowd you run with! Peter's denial came primarily because of the "wrong crowd syndrome"!

3. Note the change from "the damsel" to "they". Peter yielded to her probe, now he faces more pressure; this time from a group of men!

NOTE: Beware giving ground to the enemy. He will demand more next time. When we give an inch, the devil takes a mile. Matthew Henry said, "...those who warm themselves with evil doers grow cold towards good people & good things, & those that are fond of the devil's fire-side are in danger of the devil's fire."

III. PETER'S DENIAL #3: v. 26, 27

A. The 'Chicken' Clucks: v. 26, 27a

1. Peter, under more pressure, denies Christ again!

2. Matthew says that Peter "began to curse and to swear, saying, I know not the man."

3. Mark records this event & says Peter "began to curse and to swear, saying, I know not this man of whom ye speak."

4. Luke adds, "…and Peter said, Man, I know not what thou sayest. And immediately, while him yet spake, the cock crew."

NOTE: All 4 Gospels record Peter's sin as a warning to all believers against pride & self-confidence. If the spokesman for the Apostles could deny his Lord, surely we must be on guard. Also, God in His foreknowledge, was aware that the Roman Catholic Church would make Peter the "first Pope" & thus records his sin in all 4 Gospels as a warning for all who would follow Peter instead of Christ.

B. The "Cock" Crows: v. 27b

1. Two of the most famous "chickens" in history are immortalized in v. 27!

2. Peter, the 'chicken', is disobedient to His Lord, while the "cock", or rooster, obeys Him & crows exactly when he was supposed to!

CONCL: The wrong roost will make "chickens" of us all! If we run with the wrong flock, we will soon be "clucking" just like them! "Birds of a feather (DO) flock together!" Which "flock" are YOU in?!

If you are unsaved, don't be a "chicken"; become a sheep!



TEXT: John 18:28-32

THESIS: To show the hypocrisy of Christ's accusers & their descendents today.

INTRO: A. Jesus charged the Jewish religious leaders, the scribes & Pharisees, with hypocrisy over & over again. In the classic passage in Mt. 23, He says they are "blind guides, which strain at a gnat & swallow a camel." He said that they scrupulously tithed all they received, down to the spices used in their food, but had failed in more important areas, "judgment, mercy & faith". The imagery is powerful. They had developed hypocrisy to a fine art. One I call, "The Art Of Camel-Swallowing".

B. Nowhere is this "art" more obvious than in the arrest, trials & crucifixion of Christ.

TRANS: In order to rid themselves of Christ, the Jewish Sanhedrin, the religious Supreme Court, violated their own laws again & again. But, while they were "swallowing these camels", they were carefully "straining at gnats..."


A. Their Identity: "they"

1. After ("then") the mock trial at the Temple, the scene shifts to Pilate's Judgment Hall.

2. Apparently, "the whole multitude of them" (Lk.23:1) were included. (Cf. Lk. 22:66 with Lk. 23:1 & Mk. 15:1)

a. By this time the "council" had picked up sympathizers & resembled a mob.

b. It was still "early" so as to avoid those who would be sympathetic to Jesus.

NOTE: It is probably between 3 AM & 6 AM when this occurs. "Men loved darkness rather than light, for their deeds were evil." The Friend of sinners is shackled by handcuffs & leg irons. The Judge of all the earth is arraigned by the fallen sons of Adam. The High Priest of Heaven is accused by a sinful High Priest of religion. The Holy One is condemned as a blasphemer. Liars bore witness against the truth, & He Who is the Resurrection & the Life was doomed to die at the hands of those He came to save.

B. Their Hypocrisy:

1. They take Him to Pilate's Judgment Hall.

a. That He might be put to death more legally.

b. That He might be put to death with greater reproach. ("Cursed is everyone that hangeth on a tree...")

c. That He might be put to death with less reproach on them.

2. They refuse to enter Pilate's Judgment Hall.

a. They didn't want to be "defiled" & thus prohibited from eating the Passover.

1) They would possibly come into contact with leaven.

2) They might be defiled by association with Gentiles.

3) They would be defiled by association with Gentiles who committed acts of abortion.

b. They counted ceremonial defilement more serious than moral defilement.

NOTE: Here is a giant camel they were willing to swallow! It is O.K. to kill an innocent man but not O.K. to be "defiled" ceremonially. Some today are more concerned with non-essentials than "weightier matters"; e.g. short hair on men than soul-winning.



A. Pilate Is Not Totally Unaware:

1. The night before they secured a cohort of Roman soldiers to assure Christ's arrest; He would have had to approve that.

2. For these religious "camel-swallowers" to appear in His court at the Passover tipped him off that this was no ordinary "criminal" they brought to him.

3. He had heard of Jesus' miracles, acts of mercy & rumors of a "Jewish King".

NOTE: Surely He would have known of the "Slaughter of the Innocents" by Herod when Jesus was a baby.

B. Pilate Is Not Totally Unfair: "what accusation...?"

1. Three things were demanded by Roman Law: a specific indictment; the accusers must face the accused & the accused's right to answer for himself.

2. He wants to shift the burden of guilt from himself to the Jews.

ILLUS: He hated these Jews & history records at least 3 major confrontations between Pilate & the people he was appointed to govern:

1) He had used the money raided from the "corban" treasury in the Temple to build an aqueduct. After a bloody battle, he won.

2) He had refused to remove offensive ensigns with Caesar’s picture on them. A 5-day confrontation ensued with Pilate backing down.

3) He insisted on placing shields dedicated to Tiberius Caesar in Herod's palace; another confrontation & a petition to Tiberius himself. Tiberius agreed, to Pilate's embarrassment, & the shields were removed. (Cf. Also Luke 13:11)


A. More Hypocrisy:

1. These "gnat strainers" pretend to be offended at Pilate's request for a formal charge.

2. These "camel swallowers" fake injury over Pilate's demand for a specific accusation.

B. Malevolent Hostility:

1. Here, we see some of the hatred each has for the other.

2. Here, we see the contest between Rome & Jerusalem.

NOTE: The proud Jews refuse to allow this hated Roman to gain the advantage. Though in subjection, the Jews refuse submission.


A. Pilate's Reasoning: v. 31a

1. He suggests this is a religious, not a civil, matter.

2. Again, he attempts to release Christ to the Jews.

B. Pharisaical Response: v. 31b

1. Now, it becomes clear they didn't want a trial, but an execution.

2. They remind Him that under Roman Law they could not administer capital punishment.

NOTE: This is a remarkable confession in light of Gen. 49:10 "The sceptre shall not depart out of Judah...until Shiloh (Messiah) come…" Since the "sceptre" of power had departed, it was obvious the Messiah HAD come. But these "camel-swallowers" were too concerned with ceremonies & appearances to see prophecy being fulfilled.


CONCL: THE SPECIFIC PROPHECY: "what death He should Die". The Jewish form of capital punishment for Jesus' alleged crime was stoning. Roman Law demanded crucifixion. Cf. Mk. 10:32-34. Death at Gentile hands & John 12:32. Death by crucifixion Mt. 20:19.

"The Art of Camel-Swallowing" continues today among religious hypocrites. Many profess to be what they are not. Are YOU a "camel-swallower"? Don't be...get TRULY born-again today & live openly for Him!


TEXT: John 18:33-37

THESIS: To reveal the teaching of Christ's Kingship through an examination of Pilate's questions to the Savior.

INTRO: A. The Bible speaks of principalities & powers which are "OUT OF THIS WORLD". There are definitely created intelligences & governmental authority structures not of this world. In the spiritual realm of Cherubim, Seraphim, holy angels, fallen angels & demons, these principalities (lit.: magistrates) exist unseen by us mere mortals. Satan himself is the "Prince" of the nether world of demonic powers operating beyond the sphere of our senses. Truly these "dominions" are "out of this world"!

B. Jesus, on trial before Pilate, spoke of His "OUT OF THIS WORLD" Kingdom, in response to the probing questions of the Roman Procurator.


A. The Probing Investigation: "Art thou King...?" v. 33

NOTE: Some believe this trial before Pilate to be only a simple hearing. However, all 4 aspects of a Roman trial are present. A formal indictment (v. 29), the examination, the defense & the verdict. Pilate's first question begins his examination of the defendant.

1. The question seems a mixture of curiosity & contempt.

a. His external appearance & apparel was surely not that of a king.

b. Yet, He had attracted multitudes, stirred the hatred of the Jewish leaders, performed miracles & now stood bound before the Roman governor.

2. The question could be incriminating or insulting.

B. The Pointed Reply: "Sayest thou...?" v. 34

1. Jesus answers Pilate's question with one of His own.

a. To have replied "Yes" would have been misleading since Pilate used the word "King" as a rival of Caesar & rebel against Rome.

b. To have said "No" without qualification would have been to deny Israel's hope & the Scripture's prophecy.

2. Jesus addresses His reply to Pilate's conscience.

a. Jesus puts Pilate on the defensive & seeks to bring conviction to his heart.

b. Jesus seeks to show Pilate that He is merely a puppet on the chief priest's string.

NOTE: The whole scene becomes a soul-winning session. Pilate is supposed to be conducting an examination of Jesus' guilt or innocence, but Jesus examines Pilate's sinful heart & is reaching out to save him.


A. The Pride-Filled, Two-Pronged Inquiry: v. 35


1. Pilate evades Christ's first sword-thrust.

2. He practically spits out the word "Jew"!

3. He implies that this is not a Roman legal issue, but a Jewish religious question.

4. Pilate parries with an illegal question: "What hast thou done?"

NOTE: Jesus will not capitulate to illegalities, so He refuses to answer. Under no circumstance was a man to be condemned by his own testimony. Christ could have referred him to His entire life & ministry to prove He was no threat to Rome. He even refused a crown when thrust upon Him.

5. Pilate's statement conveyed the proof of Israel's guilt in disclaiming Christ as their King.

NOTE: The unbelief of Israel & rejection of their King was that which brought Jesus before Pilate. The issue, as always in the Bible, is Kingship - government - who will rule whom! Thus, does Jesus answer Pilate.

B. The Pregnant, Two-Point Reply: v. 36

1. Jesus points to the origin & source of His Kingdom.

a. He does not deny His Kingship.

b. He does not say, "My Kingdom is not IN this world...", but "... not OF this world."

NOTE: It is here that the A-millennialists cry, "See, Jesus will not have an earthly Kingdom." But that is not what He says.

2. Jesus speaks of the time of His Kingdom: "now"

a. His earthly Kingdom will not be set up "now".

b. His Kingdom's weapons are not physical "now".

c. His Kingdom's subjects are not chosen OUT of this world "now".

NOTE: Christ's reply reveals that His Kingdom was superior in its source, origin, weapons & subjects to that of Imperial Rome.


A. The Penetrating Interrogation: v. 37a

1. Pilate, caught off guard by Christ, realizes that he (Rome) had nothing to fear of Christ politically; he changes the emphasis of his question from "King of the Jews" to "Art thou a King then?"

2. He is no longer scornful, but curious & earnest.

NOTE: Christ's bearing, quiet dignity, 3-fold reference to His Kingdom, the statement that His Kingdom was from "OUT OF THIS WORLD", that though bound, He had servants & that His Kingdom could be established without swords, was more than Pilate could grasp. Pilate was "on trial" & uneasy, if not under conviction. He has never met anyone like THIS prisoner.

B. The Positive Reply: v. 37b

1. Christ states Pilate's recognition of His Kingship: "Thou sayest that I am a King!"

2. Christ speaks of His humanity: "...was I born."

3. Christ suggests His Deity: "came I into the world".

NOTE: To be born is human, but to come into the world indicates pre-existence. Where was He before coming into the world? (Cf. 17:5)

4. Christ sets forth the purpose for His incarnation: "to bear witness of the truth."

NOTE: Christ again speaks to Pilate's conscience with His final words to him: "everyone that is of the truth heareth My voice." I Tim. 6:13 declares of Christ: "…who before Pontius Pilate witnessed a good confession."



A. The Pompous Interrogative: "what is truth?":

B. The Personified Reply: Christ Standing Before Him:

CONCL: Christ, His Kingdom, His subjects & His truth are all "OUT OF THIS WORLD". Jesus' authority to be King is also "OUT OF THIS WORLD" & is conferred upon Him by His Heavenly Father. The Jews rejected the other-world rule of their King & have been ruled by the Gentiles of this world ever since.

Be careful YOU do not reject His rule & reign in your life or you will spend eternity in the "other world" of hell with Pilate & the Christ-rejecting Jews!


TEXT: John 18:38-40

THESIS: To show how Christ is the perfect fulfillment of the Passover Lamb.

INTRO: A. At Passover time the prospective sacrificial lamb was to be separated from the flock & kept in the home for 3 days so it could be carefully scrutinized to be sure it was without blemish & had "NO FAULT" & thus an acceptable sacrifice.

B. Jesus' trial took place at Passover time, and He, the Lamb of God, had been carefully examined for 3 years by friend & foe alike, & their unanimous verdict was "NO FAULT" in Him.

1. The Heavenly Father's verdict was "NO FAULT": "This is my beloved Son in Whom I am well pleased."

2. His disciples' verdict was "NO FAULT": John, "the Righteous"; Peter, "The Holy One & Just"; Matthew, "God with us"; Thomas, "My Lord & my God".

3. The Jewish Leader's verdict was "NO FAULT": He asked, "which of you convicteth Me. of sin?" -- Silence!

4. Judas' verdict was "NO FAULT": "I have betrayed innocent blood."

5. The thief's verdict was "NO FAULT": "This man hath done nothing amiss."

6. Pilate's verdict was "NO FAULT": "I find in Him NO FAULT at all." (3 times: v. 38; 19:4 & 6)


A. His Official Verdict: "No Fault"

1. Pilate thoroughly examined Him & found Him innocent.

2. Pilate had heard all the accusations of the Priests: Cf. Mk.15:1-5

NOTE: John omits many details which the other Gospels include. Pilate had sent Jesus to Herod, who, after his own examination, concluded also there was "NO FAULT" in Him & sent Him back to Pilate. (Lk. 23:5-15)

a. Pilate is a man on the horns of a dilemma.

1) He wants to satisfy his conscience.

2) He wants to satisfy the crowd. (Mk. 15:15)

NOTE: Usually the crowd is wrong & your conscience (Spirit-energized) is right. Anyone trying to satisfy the demands of both is a deeply troubled man. The crowd wants Jesus' blood; Pilate's conscience demands Jesus' freedom. But his past performance towards the Jews is catching up with him. He must placate them or come into disfavor with Caesar, who had his hands full elsewhere at the time. The chickens had come home to roost for Pilate.

We must never "go along with the crowd" when they are at odds with God's will & Word. "Thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil." If every other young person defiles themselves with illicit or pre-marital sex, you must stay pure. If every other adult turns on the preacher or engages in backbiting & gossip, YOU must refuse & be loyal.

b. Pilate is a double-minded man & is thus unstable.


B. His Just Verdict: "NO FAULT"

1. This verdict should have immediately secured Jesus' freedom.

2. This verdict was overturned by the crowd.

NOTE: One other factor must be kept in view - the sovereign purpose of God. Though no-one involved are mere puppets, but willing agents, nevertheless, God is behind the scenes strategically guiding these events. The ONLY spotless Lamb to be found for this Passover sacrifice was Christ. He must die!


A. An Interesting Tradition:

1. An extra-biblical custom: no record in Scripture.

2. But it illustrated the Biblical Passover & its 2-fold lesson of grace & deliverance.

NOTE: God exercised His grace to the sinful, undeserving nation of Israel on that first Passover night by having the death angel "passover" those with sacrificial lamb's blood on the doorposts, & subsequently delivered them from the bondage of slavery in Egypt.

B. An Injudicious Proposal:

1. Pilate made a rash move in offering this choice to these Jewish religionists.

2. He counted on their sense of justice & was badly mistaken.

NOTE: Pilate was supposed to be a leader. Here, he demonstrated a character flaw - his inability to lead & his desire to please the crowd - & gets trapped. He used poor judgment, violated the Law of Rome, placed himself at the mercy of the capricious crowd & relinquished his rule.

3. He thought of a "notable" criminal named Barabbas, & felt sure they would prefer Jesus released over a murderer & thief.

C. An Insulting Remark: "King of the Jews"

1. Pilate ruined any change he might have had of releasing Jesus with this insult.

2. When he sneered "King of the Jews", he poured salt in a painful wound; they had already rejected Him.

NOTE: Pilate is mocking the Sanhedrin & points to Jesus, now bound, helpless, as the only & pitiful "King" the Jews could produce! He seems to also be suggesting their stupidity in that they are calling for the death of their own King.


A. The Mob: "they all"

1. By now there was a "multitude" gathered with the Sanhedrin.

2. How easy to become a part of the popular opinion, the crowd, the mob.

NOTE: Just 5 days earlier many of these same people, no doubt, were crying " our King!" The mob is always fickle. The "stars" of today are the "what's his name" of tomorrow. What is "in" today is passé tomorrow.

B. The Mockery:

1. "not this man...": they ignored his credentials of Deity.

2. "but Barabbas": they deliberately & consciously chose a murderer & seditionist over their Savior.

C. The Meaning:

1. The meaning of Barabbas' name is "son of a father". (Bar Abba)


a. Possibly son of a Rabbi, some called "father"!

b. Surely, a son of his father, the devil.

c. A type of all the sons of all the fathers of the human race.

NOTE: Barabbas is a picture of all the guilty sinners potentially declared innocent & set free by the sinner's substitute. More verses devoted to Barabbas than Judas' betrayal.

2. Under the Old Testament law, an unclean animal could be redeemed with a lamb, but the lamb could not be redeemed; the sinner is released, the Savior must die!

CONCL: The verdict of history rings out: "NO FAULT!" The Sinless One, nevertheless, must die for the sinners. The sinners cry out to "crucify Him" in spite of His perfection. Unfair, you say. True, but how blessed. The Just died for the unjust. The Holy One for the unholy ones. The Savior trades His sinless life for the convicted murderer - Barabbas (& YOU)!


TEXT: John 19:1-5

THESIS: To show the shallow character of Pilate, the deep depravity of the soldiers & mankind & the limitless dignity & majesty of Jesus Christ.

INTRO: A. "Ecce Homo" is Latin for "BEHOLD THE MAN." (v. 5) This statement is made by Pilate after having Jesus beaten. It was said half in mockery & half in pity. Pilate had tried several times to release Jesus. First, he told the religious leaders to take care of the matter (18:31); he knew they could not put him to death. Secondly, he had sent Jesus to Herod in an attempt to "pass the buck". Thirdly, he tried to release Christ in line with a Jewish Passover tradition (18:39). Finally, he has Jesus beaten to evoke their sympathy. He parades the battered, beaten, bruised & bloody Jesus before them, & declares "ECCE HOMO" or "Behold the Man!"

B. Everyone - friend & foe - had judged Jesus "not guilty!" Pilate's own wife had pleaded with him not to have anything to do with this "righteous man". Pilate's own judgment was, "I find no fault in Him!" But instead of releasing Him - as the law, justice, conscience & ethics demanded - he has Him beaten.

TRANS: We are going to take Pilate's words, "ECCE HOMO" or "BEHOLD THE MAN" & apply them not only to Jesus, but to Pilate himself & to the soldiers who beat Him.


A. Pilate's Character Exhibited: v. 1

1. "Behold the man": He is indecisive!

a. He was assured of Jesus' innocence: "no fault"

b. He desired to release Him: "willing to release Him" Lk.23:20; "sought to release Him" Jn. 19:12

c. He had an innocent man beaten.

NOTE: Some believe Pilate himself did the scourging (v. 11)! Roman "scourging" was done by stretching the victim on a pole, baring his back or entire body & then lashing the victim with a Roman whip with bits of glass, bone & metal tied into knots at the end of 9 leather thongs. Sometimes men died during the scourging.

2. "Behold the man": He is cruel!

a. He had judicial power to punish criminals.

b. He had Roman authority to release the innocent.

NOTE: Pilate knew full well how severe Roman scourgings could be; nevertheless he had Jesus - declared innocent by his own mouth - whipped. His sense of justice is warped. He abused his power. His character is depraved.


B. Pilate's Conclusion Examined: v. 4

1. "Behold the man": Full of disgust for the Jews.

2. "Behold the man": Full of contempt for Jesus.

a. He viewed Jesus as a fanatic who thought Himself to be King. Cf. v. 14

b. He viewed Jesus as pathetic & a pawn of fate.

NOTE: In reality both Jesus & Pilate were acting out a predetermined drama which was a part of God's perfect plan of redemption. Cf. Acts. 2:23, 27, 28. This does not mean Pilate was an irresponsible robot. He exercised his will as a responsible agent within the framework of the Scriptures & the sovereignty of God.


A. Like Leader, Like Followers: v. 2

1. "Behold the men": they, too, mocked Him.

a. Someone, thinking himself clever, brought thorns to fashion a "crown" for Him.

NOTE: Oliver Greene wrote, "I believe the crown of thorns was a token, declaring Christ's Kingdom was not of this world. He was crowned with that which is the curse of the earth - 'thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee' (Gen. 3:17, 18) - a striking symbol of the terrible consequences of the fall of Adam & of the curse being laid on the head of the spotless Lamb of God, the Divine Substitute for sinners."

b. Someone else produced a mock robe, "...and mocked Him, and arrayed Him in a gorgeous robe..." Lk. 23:11

NOTE: "The Savior was scourged that we might go free; He was crowned with thorns that we might be crowned with blessing & glory; He was clothed with a robe of contempt that we might receive the robe of righteousness; He was rejected as King that we might be made kings & priests unto God." - p. 210, Vol. 3, Pink

a. Not only are Jews guilty of Christ's rejection.

b. Not only did the Jews take part in His shame.

B. Like Father (Adam), Like Sons: v. 3

1. "Behold the men": they reveal their depravity by smiting Him" (Cf. Is. 50:6; 53:5)

2. "Behold the men": they fulfill the Scriptures (Ps. 129:3)


A. Behold His Majesty:

1. He is wearing the insignia of royalty: a crown & purple robe.

a. Though intended to mock Him, they serve to identify Him.

b. Through His sufferings & indignities He stands regally, & though beaten, His majesty shines through the blood.

2. He is wearing the symbols of His absolute monarchy.

B. Behold His Sufferings:

1. He is wearing the insignia of His Saviorhood.

a. His sufferings were not only intense, but vicarious.

b. His blood was not simply symbolic, but efficacious.


2. He is wearing the badge of the Passover Lamb.

a. It is Passover time, & He has been thoroughly examined.

b. It is Passover time, & His sufferings have begun.

CONCL: "ECCE HOMO!" "Behold the Man!" Behold Pilate & see what lack of character & conviction will produce. Behold the soldiers & see what the Adamic nature & its depravity have produced. Behold Jesus Christ & see what the Father in Heaven has produced. See His courage, His dignity, His majesty! See "The Man, Christ Jesus", "The Man of Sorrows", our Savior, Mediator & Intercessor & coming King of Kings & Lord of Lords. See the pain & shame He endured for you & me! Come to Him today!


TEXT: John 19:6-11

THESIS: To set forth the issue of authority using the characters in this passage as examples.

INTRO: A. Authority is power. Governmental authority is the power of some over others. The passage before us deals with governmental power or authority. The scene is the trial of Jesus Christ. The Jews represent authority relinquished. (Originally powerful, but stripped of authority in the world, because they refused God's authority over them.) Pontius Pilate represents the authority of Rome. (One of the 4-world kingdoms prophesied in Daniel.) Jesus Christ represents ultimate authority, as God's Son Who will smite the kingdoms of the earth & take control & reign as King of Kings! Yes, the ultimate issue is authority, & it is God Who delegates that authority, "...the Most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it (Kingdom, authority, power) to whomsoever He will." (Dan. 4:25)

B. Oh yes, the ultimate issue is authority! God gave it first to Adam who lost it. It was passed to Noah, who ended up drunk. It then went to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Judah, Moses, Saul, David & Solomon. After Solomon, the Kingdom was divided under many Kings until Zedekiah, then God said, "…Israel shall abide many days without a King"! (Hos. 3:4) Then, come the 4 world empires of Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece & Rome. The final empire under "the times of the Gentiles" culminates with anti-christ, "the Prince", wearing the crown! But, "Messiah the Prince" will overthrow him & become "King of Kings & Lord of Lords!!" Yes...THE ULTIMATE ISSUE IS AUTHORITY!

TRANS: In our text this is the underlying emphasis. Note the word "power" (authority) in v. 10, 11. Three Greek words are frequently translated "power" in the New Testament

1) "dunamis" = explosive power (Rom. 1:16); "dynamite" & "dynamic" are derived from this word

2) "kratos" = "the power of rule" legitimate or illegitimate, e.g., (Heb. 2:14); the devil has the power of death; "democracy" or "monocracy" come from this word

3) "exousia" = "legitimate authority"; authority authorized by God. (v. 10, 11)

I. NO POWER: THE JEWS: v. 6, 7

A. Their Demand Revealed Lost Power: v. 6

1. The chief priests should have been the most powerful men in the nation with God and with men.

2. When the nation lost the kingdom, they lost the power.

a. These priests had no civil power.

NOTE: Thus, they must humiliate themselves & come begging their enemy, Pilate, to render a judgment concerning Christ. They were formerly judge & jury under the theocracy in the Old Testament.

b. These priests had no spiritual power.

ILLUS: They had only the outward trappings of their office. They no longer had the glory of God in their temple, the will of God in the Urim & Thummin or judicial power in spiritual or civil matters. Their power was gone! Pilate mocks them!

B. Their Appeal Recognized Lost Power: v. 7


1. They appealed on the basis of their Law, which Pilate did not recognize (Cf. 18:29-31)

2. They possibly are alluding to Lev. 24:16 dealing with death for blasphemers.

NOTE: Up to this point 6 charges have been leveled against Christ:

1) He was a "malefactor"

2) He threatened to destroy the Temple

3) He perverted the nation

4) He forbade "to give tribute to Caesar"

5) He stirred up the people

6) He made himself a King.

Now, the 7th charge surfaces; "He made Himself the Son of God!" This 7-fold indictment witnesses to the completeness of their rejection.


A. An Unsteady Crown: v. 8, 9

1. Pilate represents the fading Roman Empire.

2. Pilate is an extension of Roman law which was to be impartial, but had degenerated to local judgment.

a. Pilate becomes fearful when he hears this new accusation.

b. Romans believed in a pantheon of Deities; could Jesus be a god? Had he beaten up a god?!

NOTE: Suddenly, the warning of Pilate's wife took on greater meaning: "...Have thou nothing to do with that just Man: for I have suffered many things this day in a dream because of Him." Mt. 27:19

c. Pilate asks the question "whence art thou?" not "Who?" but "Whence...": intellectual curiosity

ILLUS: "But, Jesus gave him no answer." Jesus realized this was not the cry of a soul seeking light. Furthermore, since Pilate had mistreated Him, had Him beaten & mocked Him, He had forfeited any right to further revelation concerning His Person. He had sinned away his opportunities & turned a deaf ear to his conscience which declared Christinnocent. His day of grace was gone forever. Pilate abused His God-given authority, making him morally incapable of receiving further truth.

B. An Unprincipled Commander: v. 10

1. Mark his true character:

a. Sitting on the judgment bench, he boasts about his power to commit judicial murder!

b. He had several times affirmed Christ's innocence, yet, he speaks of the "power to crucify thee..."

2. Mark his inconsistency:

a. He boasted of his legal authority, but if Christ was innocent, he had NO judicial power to crucify Him.

b. He boasted of his power to release Him, but if Christ was guilty, he had no judicial authority to set Him free.

NOTE: Carefully analyzed his words; they condemn him. He is really saying, "I am above the law...innocent or guilty, I can do with you as I please." Pilate knew in his own heart he was fearful to either release Jesus or crucify Him!


A. Governmental Power Originates With God:

1. Such boasts as Pilate made must be interpreted in the light of this revelation!

NOTE: Cf. Dan. 5:19 where it was said of Nebuchadnezzar, "whom HE would HE slew; and whom HE would HE kept alive" Soon God humbled him as a beast of the field "…till he knew that the most high God ruled in the kingdom of men..." v. 21


2. Men in positions of authority must go no further than the laws of God direct them & can go no further than the Providence of God permits them.

B. Judicial Power Emanates From God: "from above"

1. Jesus does not deny Pilate's power; He simply traces its Source

2. Jesus informs Pilate that it is God's power He is submitting to, not Pilate's!

NOTE: What a principle we too should learn! When we resist the power, we are resisting "the ordinance of God"! Rom. 13:2

a. A misuse of God-given power is likewise sin: "the greater sin".

b. Pilate's sin is great, the Jew's sin is greater & Judas' sin is greatest.

NOTE: Here, Christ teaches degrees of sin & guilt, & therefore degrees of future punishment. (Cf. Lk. 12:47, 48) The last word Pilate hears from the lips of Jesus was "sin"! The next will be his sentence of eternal doom.

CONCL: Have you abused the authority God has entrusted to YOU? Parental authority? Judicial authority? Spiritual authority? Jesus said, "all power is given unto ME...go YE therefore..." Mt. 28:18, 19




TEXT: John 19:12-15

THESIS: To show the guilt of the Jews & Gentiles in Christ's crucifixion & to examine the claims of Jesus, Israel's King.

INTRO: A. Appearances are often deceiving. Those in positions of prominence in the world today may have no standing before God at all. The famous among men may be infamous with God. The rich of this world may be poor in God's sight. Even believers who appear "spiritual" here may be "paupers in Paradise"!

B. So in the scene before us. Pilate is the Governor, but as Jesus pointedly reminded him, "Thou couldest have NO POWER at all...except it were given thee from above." The Chief Priests & officers in this scene seem to have great authority & power among the people but it is only the power that comes by intimidation, threats & force - NO REAL POWER over the hearts of their subjects. Jesus, on the other hand, seems to have NO POWER & seems to be at the mercy of the Jews & Pilate. But He has ALL POWER!! Things are not always as they seem!

TRANS: In this scene Jesus is the One supposedly on trial, but a charge is leveled at the Governor, & the Jews pronounce a sentence upon THEMSELVES!


A. His Final Plea: v. 12a

1. It is not recorded as to what he said.

2. He earnestly tried again & again (so the verb tense) to have Jesus released.

NOTE: Here, again, appearances are deceptive. Pilate was supposed to be in control. In fact, the Jewish leaders were. Pilate's problem was that he permitted threats, convenience & political expediency to control his actions. Instead of simply doing right & freeing a man he had declared innocent, he enters into "dialogue" with his enemies. Duty was swallowed up in expedience.

B. His Foreboding Predicament: v. 12b

1. Jesus' friends are absent, but His enemies are present.

2. Jesus' friends are silent, but His enemies are vocal.


NOTE: "All it takes for evil men to triumph is for good men to remain silent." Jesus' enemies pretend to speak for the people. But His followers & friends were never consulted. "A few madmen often out-shout many wise men." The ungodly often win out, because God's people refuse to speak out!

3. Jesus' enemies reveal their hypocrisy.

a. The Jews knew their man: Hypocrites are usually quickest to detect hypocrisy in others!!!

NOTE: "It takes one to know one!" seems to fit perfectly here.

b. They had saved their trump card for last: no matter how unwilling he was to please them, Pilate could not afford to displease Caesar!

NOTE: It is a toss up to decide who is more despicable: the Jews in pretending to care for Caesar’s interests or Pilate cowering in fear of Caesar’s or the Jew's disfavor & cooperating in judicial murder! Here are the Jews, God's chosen, supposedly looking for their Messiah, clamoring for His death. Here also is a Judge of Rome trampling upon justice.


A. Pilate's Position: v. 13

1. Politically, he was fearful of his office.

2. Physically, he seated himself on the judgment seat.

3. Judicially, he was about to pronounce judgment;

a. Before he had asked rhetorically: "What is truth?"

b. Now, he is asking sarcastically: "What is justice?"

4. Symbolically, he repeated an Old Testament act of treason.

ILLUS: This is the only New Testament occurrence of the word "Pavement". The Old Testament equivalent is likewise used only once. A comparison shown is in II Kings 16:17 King Ahaz is a Jewish ruler dominated by a Gentile idolater, & he commits sacrilege. In John 19:13 Pilate is a Gentile idolater dominated by Jewish leaders, & they reject their Messiah & thus also commit sacrilege!

B. Jesus' Prominence: v. 14

1. Jesus is the Passover Lamb & is put on display before His sacrifice: Cf. Ex. 12:3-6

NOTE: The "preparation of the Passover" is mentioned as compounding their sin. They who were so punctilious about the Passover preparations when they were to rid themselves of the old leaven are about to totally reject their Passover Lamb!!!

2. Jesus is the King & is offered again to the nation before His final rejection!

NOTE: The words "Behold your King!" answer to Zechariah's prophecy "Behold THY King!" They have had 3 years to "behold" Him or examine or scrutinize Him. Everyone's verdict was the same. "We find no fault in Him!" Yet, they reject Him!

a. Their rejection is final & complete.

b. Their rejection fulfills 2 more prophecies: Is. 53:3; 49:7

1) Their bloodthirsty response is "away with Him!"

2) Their bloodcurdling request is "crucify Him!"


A. Pilate's Mocking Question: "Crucify your King?"


1. He again shoves the decision to them.

2. He desires absolvement from guilt.

NOTE: It was no doubt at this point that Pilate "washed his hands" of the matter. (He thought!) Mt. 27:23-25

a. He wants to stop their mouths by showing how absurd for them to reject One who offered Himself as their King at a time when they needed one more than ever.

b. He wished to stop the mouth of his own conscience: "He is their King...I will have nothing to do with this."

B. The Jews' Monstrous Answer:

1. They accepted God's judgment against them: Gentile domination.

2. They would have no King but Caesar & have never had their own King to this day!

a. They decided their own doom.

b. They stand sentenced by their own mouths.

c. They accepted guilt for Jesus' crucifixion.

ILLUS: The Jews today try to absolve the nation from guilt concerning Christ's death, but cannot. Others have tried, but cannot (including the Pope!). They blame Gentile persecution of their nation on other factors, but the Scriptures stand! Jews & Gentiles murdered the Messiah. Both are eternally guilty. Their only hope is to receive the One they rejected. The One "…(they) have taken, and by wicked hands have crucified and slain." Acts 2:23

CONCL: Things are not as they appear. It is Pilate & the Jews who are on trial here. They have been convicted & condemned by the very One they crucified. It is too late for them, but His shed blood is the means to your salvation. Receive Him NOW!


(Prophecy Fulfilled)

TEXT: John 19:16-18

THESIS: To set forth 11 prophecies fulfilled the day Christ died.

INTRO: A. The blood of the Passover Lamb is now to be shed. The fulfillment of every verbal prophecy inscripturated into God's Word & every picture in typical prophecy was now to take place as the anointed Messiah is crucified.

B. According to Canon Litton, Bible scholar, there are 322 distinct verbal prophecies in the Old Testament fulfilled in Christ (that doesn't include the types or picture prophecies)! He calculated the mathematical probability of the 322 specific prophecies coming to pass in one man was 1 in 84 with 100 zeroes after it! But, they did! He is undoubtedly the Anointed One, the Lamb of God, the longed-for Messiah & God incarnate.

TRANS: Let us look at a few of these prophecies. Every detail of the crucifixion is laden with prophetic import.


A. The Picture Finalized: v. 19

1. This was unusual & unique...most victims had to be dragged or driven to crucifixion.

2. You can drive cattle, but not sheep... sheep must be led.

B. The Prophecy Fulfilled: Is. 53:7

1. He was the Lamb to be slain.

2. He went to Golgotha without resistance & "He is brought as a lamb to the slaughter."



A. The Picture Finalized:

1. The Law provided a 2-day interval between sentencing & execution.

a. In case of new evidence.

b. So the victim could put his affairs in order.

2. Jesus was nailed to the cross within 2 ½ hours after trial.

B. The Prophecy Fulfilled: Is. 53:8

1. "He was taken (to die) from prison & judgment..."

2. From prison, to judgment, to death!


A. The Picture Finalized: v. 17

1. "He, bearing His cross" - usually the cross-piece was carried on the neck or back - the board whitened with black letters detailing the victim's offense.

NOTE: Today, we have many cross-wearers, but not too many cross-bearers! Discipleship demands that the Christian "take up his cross daily & follow Him!"

B. The Prophecy Fulfilled: Gen. 22:6

1. Isaac was to be offered as a sacrifice by his father.

2. "Abraham took the wood...& laid it upon Isaac, his son."


A. The Picture Finalized: v. 17 "went forth"

1. He, according to Roman law, had to be crucified outside the city limits.

2. Golgotha, the place of a skull, is outside the city.

NOTE: The Jews tried to stone Him in the city, but that would have violated prophecy on several counts.

B. The Prophecy Fulfilled: Ex. 29:14

1. The sin offering had to be killed "without the camp" (S.A. Lev. 4:12; 16:27)


A. The Picture Finalized: v. 18 "they crucified Him"

B. The Prophecy Fulfilled: Num. 21:9; Jn. 3:14; 12:32, 33

1. Jesus had to die a Roman death to lift Him up, not a Jewish death of stoning or casting Him down.

2. Thus, the Romans had to be in control at the time of His death.


A. The Picture Finalized: Lk. 24:39-40

B. The Prophecy Fulfilled: Ps. 22:14-16

NOTE: The Psalmist who never heard of crucifixion gave a graphic account of this form of capital punishment.



A. The Picture Finalized:

1. Flogged, His beard plucked out & smitten.

2. A crown of thorns on His head, His hands, feet & side torn open

B. The Prophecy Fulfilled: Is. 53:2 & 52:14

1. "His visage was so marred more than any man; and his form more than the sons of men."

2. "He hath no form nor comliness; and when we see Him, there is no beauty that we should desire Him."


A. The Picture Finalized: v. 18 "2 other with Him"

B. The Prophecy Fulfilled: Is. 53:9, 12

1. "He made His grave with the wicked..."

2."He was numbered with the transgressors."

NOTE: Though crucified between 2 thieves, He redeemed one & took him to heaven with Him! Even in this He was the Victor!


A. The Picture Finalized: v. 23, 24

B. The Prophecy Fulfilled: Ps. 22:18


A. The Picture Finalized: v. 23

NOTE: This is not the mythical, magical & mystical "robe" of Melvin C. Douglas' novel & Roman Catholic mythology!

B. The Prophecy Fulfilled: Ex. 25:39

1. The coat of the High Priest had to be made of linen without a seam; the symbol of his total consecration.

2. The Latin word for priest is "pontifex" = "bridge-builder" (from God to man)


A. The Picture Finalized:

NOTE: All His "words" from the cross were important; one was an exact quote from Scripture!

B. The Prophecy Fulfilled: Ps. 22:1

CONCL: Some 33 prophecies were fulfilled the day Christ died. If Hollywood wanted to make a film which had impact concerning that day, they should concentrate on these prophecies!

So should we...for they are Christ's credentials! We do not exercise "blind faith" but faith based on supernatural prophecy which was fulfilled in the minutest detail.

"Believest thou this?!"



TEXT: John 19:19-22

THESIS: To show the providence of God in the details of Christ's crucifixion.

INTRO: A. The cross of Christ is a great revealer. The day Jesus died exposed men for what they were. It revealed the cowardice of Pilate, the stubbornness of the religious leaders, the sinfulness of the people, the hardness of the soldiers & the shallowness of the disciples! But, most importantly, it revealed Who & What Jesus was. The superscription on the sign over Jesus' head revealed Him to be "The King of the Jews" & His shed blood revealed Him as the Great Passover Lamb & Savior of all who would come to Him.

B. The cross today continues to be a revealer. "The preaching of the cross" is a reproach to the lost & "the power of God unto salvation" to we who are saved. The cross speaks of Christ as Savior & through the sign on the cross, as King.

TRANS: Let us focus our attention on v. 19-22 & the sign on the cross. It will be a revelation for us.


A. The Writing: v. 19

1. Only John gives the complete title (other Gospels only record fragments; details later).

2. Pilate here became "the amanuensis of Heaven":

a. God here used a heathen to pen the Scripture!

b. God's Holy Spirit dictated the words & Pilate penned them on the placard!

c. God used this Roman to affirm what the Jews refused.

d. God signified His approval on this "Scriptural text" by saving the dying thief through it: "Lord, remember me when thou comest into THY KINGDOM!"

ILLUS: God used many means & methods to communicate His message, " sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets..." (Heb. 1:1) God even used Balaam's "dumb ass" to speak God's Word.

3. The title itself is significant.

a. "Jesus" = "Jehovah is salvation" emphasizing His Saviorhood & humanity at once.

b. "Nazareth" = considered a "hick town"

1) John 1:46: "Can any good thing come out of Nazareth?"

2) John 1:49: "Thou art the Son of God...King of Israel."

c. "King" = King in death as in life.

NOTE: At this point the crown of thorns was His diadem, the cross was His throne & the spike in His hand was His sceptre. These will all be replaced by the real insignia of power when "the government shall be upon His shoulder..."

d. "of the Jews" - Cf. v. 21 "the chief priests OF THE JEWS". They preferred the hypocritical & tyrannical religionists to their God-appointed Jewish King...Jesus Christ!

B. The Witness: v. 20

1. A Positive Witness.

a. Pilate meant it to show his contempt for the Jews.

b. God meant it as a testimony to Christ's Kingship.

ILLUS: Another "accusation" was nailed to Jesus' cross: Col. 2:13, 14


2. A Prominent Witness.

a. Because of WHERE He was crucified: "nigh to the city..."

NOTE: The phrase "of the Jews" occurs 5 times in these 3 verses! The emphasis is on the rejection & subsequent judgment of God on the Jews. They had every opportunity to receive Christ as their King & Messiah & even in death they could not escape the witness: "then read many of the Jews..."

b. Because of the trilingual inscription.

1) Hebrew: the language of the Jews & of religion & of God's Word to this point...He is King in the spiritual realm.

2) Greek: the language of trade, science, philosophy & culture...He is King in these realms.

3) Latin: the language of Roman Law & government...He is or will be King here too & will demand absolute obedience (He wants to be Lord of all!)

NOTE: These 3 languages could account for the different accounts of the inscription. Matthew quoting the Hebrew form, Mark & Luke, the Latin (& briefest: "Rex Judaeorum") & John, the Greek & fullest form! The entire world was (& is) without excuse!


A. Their Dissatisfaction Concerning The Inscription:

1. They were aware of its significance & impact.

2. They were unaware that it would become Scripture.

NOTE: This is the first & only time they are called "the chief priests OF THE JEWS"; another amazing detail of Scripture. The Holy Spirit is intimating that God no longer considers them as His priests! Having rejected their Messiah & His Son, Judaism is set aside, & its leaders are regarded as servants of the Jews, but not servants of Jehovah!

B. Their Demand Concerning The Inscription:

1. They had already stated their allegiance to a Gentile King: v. 15

2. They now pretend to be the guardians of the theocratic honor of the Jews.

3. They wish to disconnect Jesus' Name from all legitimate claims to Messiahship & make Him appear as an imposter; "...but that He SAID..."

NOTE: But, what He SAID was so! What He SAID was God's Word! What He SAID, Pilate wrote!


A. A Sarcastic Statement:

1. Suddenly Pilate shows he is capable of dogmatism & refuses to back down.

2. He now demonstrates a quality he should have manifested much earlier.

B. A Supernatural Statement:

1. He has written Scripture & the "Scriptures cannot be broken!"

2. He has penned the Word of God & not one jot or tittle may be changed!

a. He who was not a believer proclaims the Kingship of Christ.

b. He who was uncertain regarding "truth" unwittingly penned the truth concerning Christ.

NOTE: We can almost hear another voice from Heaven saying, "What I have written, I have written!"


CONCL: Pilate, forever lost due to cowardice & unbelief. The Chief Priests, forever lost due to pride & unbelief. The Mob, forever lost due to arrogance & unbelief. One thief, forever saved due to acceptance & belief. He rested his faith on what the Roman governor had written and placed on the cross, & which his Spirit-opened eyes read & believed.

God's Word saves, regardless of who writes it or of the enormity of the sin of the one who believes it!


TEXT: John 19:23, 24

THESIS: To show the shame Christ endured for us, the sin of ignoring His sacrifice & the inerrancy of the Scriptures.

INTRO: A. "And, sitting down, they watched him there,

The soldiers did;

There, while they played at dice,

He made his sacrifice,

And died upon his Cross to rid

God's world of sin.

He was a gambler, too, my Christ

He took his life and threw

It for a world redeemed.

And ere the agony was done,

Before the westering sun went down,

Crowning that day with its crimson crown,

He knew that he had won."

B. Everything connected with true greatness becomes interesting. The birthplace of a President, the hometown of a hero, the library of a genius, the personal effects of a "star", etc. In our text the garments of Jesus are given special notice.

NOTE: The Scriptures make it abundantly clear that the garments gambled for at the feet of the cross are NOT the purple & scarlet robes of Mt. 27:28 & Jn. 19:1-4! Neither of these "robes" are Christ's & neither are holy! They ARE purple & scarlet, & we are not surprised to find them on "the mother of harlots" in Rev. 17:1-4 connected with a church that likes to assign holiness to "things"! Christ marched robeless to the cross; "…they took the robe off Him and put His own raiment (not robe) on Him, and led Him away to crucify Him." (Mt. 27:31) Lloyd Douglas' "The Robe" notwithstanding!

TRANS: Now, let's look in on the scene which includes both "DICE & SACRIFICE".


A. The Curse Of His Cross: v. 23a "crucified Jesus..."

NOTE: The Old Testament ends with the word "curse" in Malachi (the 39th book - 3 X 13!) & the New Testament begins with the "curse" of the cross!

1. Heb. 12:2 says He "endured the cross, despising the shame".

2. Gal. 3:13 declares "Christ has redeemed us from the CURSE of the Law, being made a CURSE for us: for it is written, CURSED is everyone that hangeth on a tree."

B. The Notoriety Qf His Nakedness: "took His garments..."

1. Barclay says, "Every Jew wore 5 articles of apparel: his shoes, turban, girdle, tunic & outer robe."

2. The Scripture speaks of "4 parts" + 1 & 4 soldiers: (4 is the number of the world, thus all guilty).

NOTE: The garments of the executed became the property of the executioners. It was their pay.

a. He Who was the very epitome of modesty was exposed to the gaze of wicked, sinful man.

b. He Who came to clothe us in the righteous garments of salvation was unclothed by the sinners He came to cover.


c. The first Adam exposed his nakedness in Eden & tried to cover himself (God unclothed & reclothed him);

the last Adam was unclothed on Calvary so that we might be clothed with His righteousness!


A. Gambling For His Garments; V.24a

1. Each of the 4 soldiers received one of the 4 garments.

2. One garment is singled out for special mention.

a. Perhaps, they had hoped that more miracles would be wrought by this outer "coat":

1) They no doubt had heard stories of healing as in Mk.5:25-30 but didn't realize that it is not the garment but the One Who wore it!

2) They probably ascribed magical properties to the coat due to its unusual manufacture: "without seam..."

NOTE: Garments in Scripture speak of conduct & character. His "coat" was of one price speaking of His unbroken perfection. (Unlike our "garments" which are so much patchwork!) It was "woven from the top throughout" pointing to the origin & control of His conduct & character.

b. Perhaps, they expected His followers would purchase it for a great price.

NOTE: God saw to it that none of His garments fell to His friends lest they should idolize them! The same reason we have no pictures preserved of His likeness

1) Prov. 16:33 "The lot is cast into the lap; but the whole dis posing thereof is of the Lord."

2) Thus, the "best robe" (Lk. 15) is not left to the caprice of man's will, but to God's direction.

B. Slighting The Sacrifice:

1. No scene more graphically portrays the world's indifference to Christ's atoning work!

2. No sin is more damning to men's souls than to treat the cross of Christ as of no consequence! "Is it nothing to all you that pass by?"


A. Unbroken Absolutes!:

1. Here, the Inspiration, Inerrancy & Preservation of Scripture is set forth: "that the Scripture might be fulfilled."

NOTE: The passage is from Ps. 22:18. It is interesting that this is the same Psalm from which Jesus quoted as He cried out, "My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?"

2. Here, the integrity of the Scriptures is demonstrated: "These things therefore the soldiers did."

B. Unconscious Agents:

1. Not that some supernatural force was exercised to make these soldiers conform to the Scriptures,

2. But, that the prophetic Scripture was a perfect reading of these future events.

a. God is in control of every detail of history.

b. No Word of God can fail.

c. The One on the central cross was unmistakably the Messiah of Israel of Whom the prophets wrote.

CONCL: Praise the Lord that "The Scriptures cannot be broken!" Thank God for His infallible Word!

Be careful we are not guilty of slighting His sacrifice for us by the way we live.



TEXT: John 19:25-27

THESIS: To show the faithfulness of a few, the love of the Lord & the diligence of John!

INTRO: A. Calvary was so situated that hundreds, perhaps thousands, could watch the crucifixions there. When Jesus was crucified, many "watched Him there..." The religious leaders were there taunting & mocking Him, "He saved others, He cannot save Himself!" Some of the mob who thirsted for His blood were there reviling Him, "Thou that destroyedst the Temple & buildest it in three days, save thyself. If Thou be the Son of God, come down from the cross." The 2 thieves joined in with, "He trusted in God; let Him deliver Him now, if He will have Him: for He said I am the Son of God." The curiosity seekers were no doubt there & were at best unsympathetic. The soldiers who crucified Him were oblivious of Who He was & what was being done FOR THEM there as they ignored Him & gambled for His garments.

B. Not a friendly scene. Even His disciples & Apostles had "forsook Him & fled." By this time Judas had committed suicide, Peter had denied Him, and the others were in hiding. Even John, the beloved, had turned tail & ran away in the garden. (Cf. Mk. 14:51, 52) But now, against this black backdrop, we see a small group of 4 women & 1 man huddled together, beholding this horrible, bloody, blasphemous scene.

I. THE FAITHFUL FIVE: v. 25, 26a

NOTE: The key words in the text are NOT the names of those in that little group, but the words "stood by the cross" (v. 25) and "standing by" in v. 26a. These words speak of loyalty, devotion, love & faithfulness. These are characteristics which every believer should seek to develop.

A. His Mother, Mary:

1. Imagine her anguish as she "watched Him there..."

2. Imagine her thoughts as she relived her experiences with Him.

a. Initially, she was thrilled to be the bearer of the Messiah of Israel: "My soul doth magnify the Lord, & my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Savior..." Lk. 1:46, 47

b. She soon experienced the beginning of sorrows of being Jesus' mother.

1) There was "no room" at the Inn for His birth.

2) Herod purposed to destroy her infant.

3) She & Joseph had to flee into a foreign country.

4) She saw Him "despised & rejected" a "man of sorrows".

5) She watched hatred toward Him build for doing good.

6) She now must watch Him die!

NOTE: None of the Gospels record her words or emotions, but though she was silent, she was grieved. But even this was the fulfillment of a prophecy spoken to her at His circumcision as an infant, "Yea, a sword shall pierce through thine own soul also." But SHE STOOD BY HER SON & HER SAVIOR!

B. His Mother's Sister, Salome:

1. Her name is not given here, but Mt. 27:56 & Mk. 15:40 make it clear she is the mother of James & John.

2. Her presence says much for her: Jesus rebuked her for her worldly ambitions for her sons in Mt. 20:20.

NOTE: Her presence here reveals her humility in accepting rebuke & her undiminished love for Jesus. She STOOD BY HER SAVIOR!

C. Mary, The Wife Of Cleophas:

1. Little is known of this obscure woman.

2. It is enough that she, too, STOOD BY HER SAVIOR!


D. Mary Magdalene: Mk. 16:9; Lk. 8:2

NOTE: Three of these women were named "Mary" = "bitterness". How their hearts were filled with anguish as they beheld the dying Lamb!

1. Jesus had cast 7 demons out of her.

2. It was she to whom Jesus appeared first after His resurrection

3. She who had been delivered from much loved much & thus was loyal & STOOD BY HER SAVIOR!

E. The Disciple Whom He Loved, John:

1. He had fled, but now returned.

2. His love had conquered his fear; "perfect love casteth out fear", & he too STOOD BY HIS SAVIOR!

II. THE LOVING LORD: v. 26b, 27a

A. His Death Was For Others:

1. Even in death - ESPECIALLY in death - He provided for others.

2. He is stripped of everything, yet he leaves rich legacies.

a. To His executioners He bequeathed a prayer for forgiveness.

b. To the dying thief He grants the promise of eternal life.

c. To all who have since come to Him He gives heaven & His love.

B. His Thoughts Were For Others:

1. He fulfilled the commandment to "Honor...thy mother".

NOTE: Apparently, Joseph was dead & Mary is now a widow. He had apparently cared personally for her till this time, now sets an example for us. (He could not commit her to her other sons, for they were not yet believers! Jn.7:5) Cf. Mt. 13:55, 56 Catholics argue that Mary had no other sons, or He would have given Mary to them.

2. He demonstrated His compassion, sparing Mary the final moment cry of agony & physical death.

NOTE: The term "woman" is not disrespectful (cf. 20:13). The point is that she must no longer view Him as her son, but as her Savior. Spiritual bonds have preference over natural ties.

3. He reveals that He is the Provider & Protector of those He must leave behind (including us!).

4. He unites together those who love Him & those whom He loves.

NOTE: Perhaps, none understood Him more than His mother & none apprehended His love more than John.

5. He shows that He would provide for His own, by His own.

ILLUS: Catholic theology teaches that John is here commended to Mary's patronage (& through Him to all Christ's disciples) but actually the opposite is true! Jesus did not commend John to Mary, but Mary to John!


A. Immediate Response: "that hour..."

B. Complete Obedience:

1. Lengthy instructions are not needed when love is the bond.

2. Hesitation or refusal is not a consideration when loyalty & faithfulness are the motives.

CONCL: Do you "stand by the Savior?" Even when unpopular, dangerous, threatening or uncomfortable? Do you follow His example toward "others"? Do you obey unhesitatingly & completely?

Are YOU saved? 115


TEXT: John 19:28-30

THESIS: To set forth several minute details of prophetic Scripture which Christ fulfilled on Calvary.

INTRO: A. It is not the broad sweep of the artist's brush across the canvas, but the minute DETAILS which make the painting. Someone said, "DETAILS are everything!" If we take care of the DETAILS, the big things will take care of themselves.

ILLUS: Every woman is grateful that her husband has a steady job & works to provide for her & the family all year, but it is the card, flower or small remembrance from time-to-time, or on special occasions, that gladden her heart. DETAILS! Forget them, & woe unto you! Remember them, & be a hero!

B. When Jesus lived on earth, He fulfilled every DETAIL of Scripture. Compare in this chapter alone v. 24, 28, 36, 37. Canon Liddon calculated 332 specific & DETAILED prophecies fulfilled in Jesus' earthly life. (Others put the number at 333.) The mathematical probability of all these prophecies being fulfilled in ONE MAN is represented by the fraction; 1 over 84 plus 100 zeroes! TALK ABOUT DETAILS! 33 of these were fulfilled on the day of His Crucifixion alone.

I. THE TEST: "The Scripture..."

A. The Physical Cause:

1. His thirst demonstrates His humanity.

a. Liberals tend to diminish His deity.

b. Fundamentalists often lose sight of His humanity.

NOTE: He was both! He was neither a deified man nor a humanized God. He was the God-man, forever God & now forever man.

ILLUS: Boice, John vol. 5, pp.214, 215,

Pink writes, "While here on earth the Lord Jesus gave full proof of his deity. He spoke with divine wisdom, he acted in divine holiness, he exhibited divine power, and he displayed divine love. He read men's minds, moved men's hearts and compelled men's wills. When he was pleased to exert his power, all nature was subject to his bidding. A word from him and disease fled, a storm was stilled, the devil left him and the dead were raised to life. So truly was he God manifest in the flesh, he could say, 'He that hath seen me, hath seen the Father.'

"So, too, while he tabernacled among men the Lord Jesus gave full proof of his humanity - sinless humanity. He entered this world as a babe and was 'wrapped in swaddling clothes' (Luke 2:7). As a child, we are told, he 'increased in wisdom and stature' (Luke 2:52). As a boy we find him 'asking questions' (Luke 2:46). As a man he was 'wearied' in body (John 4-6). He was 'an hungered' (Matt. 4:2). He 'slept' (Mark 4:38). He 'rejoiced' (Luke 10:21). He 'groaned' (John 11:33). And here in our text he cried, "I thirst." That evidenced his humanity. God does not thirst. The angels do not. We shall not in glory; 'they shall hunger no more, neither thirst anymore' (Rev. 7:16). But we thirst now because we are human and living in a world of sorrow. And Christ thirsted because he was man, 'Wherefore, in all things it behooved him to be made like unto his brethren' (Heb. 2:17)." Pink, Seven Sayings, pp. 88, 89

The application of this truth is that we should come to Christ in prayer knowing that He is able to understand our sufferings and help us in them. We are told, "Let us, therefore, come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need" Heb. 4:16.

2. His thirst was another aspect of His sufferings for us.

a. The thirst accompanying crucifixion was extreme.

b. As man He thirsted, as God He could have provided water from the rocks!

NOTE: In referring to Israel's experience in the wilderness when Moses struck the rock & produced water for all, I Cor. 10:4 says "(they) did all drink the same spiritual drink: for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them: and that Rock was Christ."


c. He Who was the Source of Living Water, thirsted.

d. He Who created every raindrop, stream, river, fountain, well & ocean, thirsted!

B. The Prophetic Completion:

1. Physical thirst, though great, was not the motivation for His request.

2. He makes known His need, not for relief of suffering, but "that the Scriptures might be fulfilled!"

a. Jesus is still in perfect control: "knowing..."

b. Jesus' constant supply is God's Word.

ILLUS: Hanging on the cross He reviewed the entire scope of Messianic prodigies & remembered one final DETAIL of Scripture He had to fulfill. That one DETAIL must be completed, & though His sufferings could not open His lips, the prospect of fulfilling one Scripture could! Jesus lived the Bible! He taught it, thought it, quoted it & read it; He preached it & promulgated it, believed it & practiced it. He used it, but never abused it, lived by it & died by it and made sure that not one DETAIL (jot or tittle) went unfulfilled or will go unfulfilled. Jesus was a FUNDAMENTAL, BIBLE BELIEVER!!!

c. The specific Scriptures He fulfilled:

1) Ps. 22:15 " tongue cleaveth to my jaws."

2) Ps. 34:4 " moisture is turned into the drought of summer."

3) Ps. 69:21 "they gave Me also gall for my meat; & in MY THIRST they gave me vinegar to drink!"

NOTE: In Mt. 27:34 they offered "Him vinegar to drink mingled with gall and...He would not drink." This was a narcotic to dull the senses & relieve the sufferings of those crucified. This brings us to more graphic DETAILS; v. 29 "Now..."

II. THE THIRST: "Now..." v. 29, 30a

A. The Prophecy:

1. How did the Psalmist (69:21) know there would be "a vessel full of vinegar" by Jesus' cross??!!

NOTE: Talk about DETAILS! Of the thirst & vinegar Matthew Henry wrote, "When Heaven denied Him a beam of light, earth denied Him a drop of water, and put vinegar in the room of it."

2. How did the Psalmist (Ps. 22) know all about crucifixion 900 plus years before known or used as capital punishment?

3. How did the Psalmists know the physical & medical results of death by crucifixion nearly a millennium before crucifixion was used?!

NOTE: "Holy men of old wrote as they were moved by the Holy Ghost..." They knew of crucifixion & even the vinegar because God Himself revealed it to them.

B. The Picture: "Hyssop"

1. The use of hyssop by the Roman centurions would immediately conjure up the memory of the Passover in every devout Jew's mind.

2. The DETAIL set forth of the Passover Lamb being offered on the eve of the Sabbath which was "an high day"...the Passover, is striking indeed.

III. THE TRIUMPH: "It is finished..." v. 30

A. A Comprehensive Word: "Tetelestai"

NOTE: The goal of Greek oratory was to "give a sea of meaning in a drop of language" In Greek the phrase, "It is finished" is one word: "tetelestai"...meaning paid, performed, accomplished, completed or simply FINISHED!


1. The malice & enmity of His persecutors was finished.

2. The counsel & commandment of His Father was completed.

3. The types & prophecies of the Old Testament were fulfilled.

4. The ceremonial law of sacrifices was ended.

5. The sacrifice & sufferings were now finished.

6. The earthly life of the Messiah has ended.

7. The work for man's redemption & salvation is complete.

B. A Comforting Word: "bowed His head"

1. This was not an end, but a beginning.

2. This was not a defeat, but a victory.

NOTE: The bowing of His head shows His submission to His Father's will & His obedience unto death.

a. With others, the spirit departs, then the head is bowed.

b. With Him, the head is bowed, & then the spirit leaves.

c. With others, including Stephen, (Acts 7:59) our spirit is taken.

d. With Jesus, He dismisses or delivers ("gave up") His spirit to the Father!

CONCL: "DETAILS!, DETAILS!, DETAILS!" How important they are in our lives. How infinitely more important in Christ's life! Every DETAIL of the written Word must be fulfilled in the Living Word.

THE TEST of Scripture is met in Him.

THE THIRST He endured on the cross was prophesied.

THE TRIUMPH He secured was the final fulfillment for man's salvation.

ARE YOU SAVED?! Take care of this DETAIL today!


TEXT: John 19:31-37

THESIS: To show how precise & accurate & absolute the Scriptures are & how they governed every aspect of Christ's death.

INTRO: A. The events of the crucifixion seem at first glance disjointed, chaotic. Upon closer examination, however, we find cohesiveness, a unity, a purpose being unfolded. There is someone, or something, behind the scenes guiding every detail, seeing to it that nothing is left to chance; the minutest act or word is pregnant with meaning. But WHO (or what) IS IN CHARGE HERE?!

B. Like any good mystery, clues may lead in various directions. But any good detective will track down each clue & weigh all the evidence till the truth of the matter surfaces & the mystery is solved.

TRANS: Let's examine the question, "WHO IS IN CHARGE HERE?!"


A. The Hypocrites: "the Jews"

1. The religious leaders come under the guise of concern for the Law. (Deut. 21:22, 23)

2. They pretend respect for the Law while showing disrespect for the Lawgiver.

3. They are punctilious about minute details, while disregarding the "weightier matters of the Law, judgment, mercy & faith..." Mt. 23:23

B. The High Day:

1. This is not the weekly Sabbath in question.

2. This is a special Passover Preparation Sabbath.


NOTE: Jesus was nailed at 9 AM, died at 3 PM. These hypocrites wanted to get Him off the cross BEFORE 6 PM when "the High Day" began. The Jewish Sabbath began 6 PM Friday. If this "high day" was the day BEFORE THE weekly Sabbath, the time was about 4-5 PM on WEDNESDAY!

QUESTION: Were the Jews in charge here?

ANSWER: NO! They had come to Pilate requesting a favor. What about...

II. THE SOLDIERS?: v. 32-34

A. What Were Their Orders?: v. 32

1. To break the legs of the prisoners to hasten death.

NOTE: Those crucified hoisted themselves upward with their legs to relieve pressure on the diaphragm so they could breathe. With broken legs they couldn't do this & would suffocate.

2. They carried out their orders for 2 of the men.

a. This included the repentant, saved thief.

b. He had more suffering to endure before entering Paradise.

c. When Jesus saves He does not always deliver from pain or our "last enemy", death.

d. Even in this the soldiers were helping to fulfill Christ's promises "…TODAY...Paradise!"

B. What They Did Not Do: v. 33

1. Break Christ's legs, in spite of strict orders!

2. He was the Passover Lamb & God's command was, "neither shall ye break a bone thereof."

NOTE: For 1,500 years Jews had carefully observed this command without the slightest idea as to why! Here, the Holy Spirit reveals the answer!

C. What They Did Do: v. 34

1. They pierced His side; what they were NOT ordered to do!

2. Here is a sample of man's enmity & hatred of Christ; piercing the side of a dead man!

a. The "blood & water" medically signify a broken heart: "Reproach hath broken my heart..." Ps. 69:20

b. Blood stands for atonement, water for purification; blood for justification, water for sanctification.

NOTE: The Rock is smitten, & the waters of life gush forth. The Passover Lamb is slain, & the blood protects the believer.

QUESTION: Were the soldiers in charge here?

ANSWER: NO! They could not do what they were sent to do, lest the Scriptures be broken. They did what they were not sent to do lest the prophecy fail!

II. THE SCRIBE?: v. 35

A. The Reporter:

1. John evidently returned to the scene after taking Mary to His home.

2. John reports the events in this way to assure an accurate account, though he is a lone witness.

B. The Recorder:

1. "His record is true..." because it is Scripture!

2. The purpose for the record is "that ye might believe!"

QUESTION: Was John in charge here?

ANSWER: NO! He is simply the eyewitness of these events. 119

IV. THE SCRIPTURES?: v. 36, 37

A. Scripture #1: Ps. 34:20

1. In spite of the Jews' request to hasten death!

2. In spite of Pilate's orders to break His bones!

3. In spite of the soldier's desire to follow orders!

NOTE: All the legions of Imperial Rome & all the power of Caesar could not have broken a single bone of our Savior! They had "no power" against Him except that which was given them from above. The Scriptures CANNOT be broken!

B. Scripture #2: Zech. 12:10

1. The Jews had not expected His piercing.

2. The Procurator had not ordered His piercing.

3. The soldiers had not been ordered to pierce Him.

NOTE: Note the preciseness of God's Word. In v. 36 it says, "That the Scriptures should be fulfilled..." Here it simply says, "another Scripture saith..." Why? Because the fulfillment of THIS Scripture IN ITS COMPLETION is yet future. When Israel shall look on Him whom they pierced. (They pierced Him though the act was performed by a Roman.)

QUESTION: Who is in charge here?

ANSWER: God is, through His Word!

CONCL: It will ever be so! We will all be judged ultimately by this Book! The Scriptures are in charge of the events of history future as they have been of history past! The Scriptures should order the life of the believer.

Unsaved, you too will be judged out of this Book, whether or not you choose to believe it! Do you measure up? The first command for you is "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved!"


TEXT: John 19:38-42

THESIS: To show the futility & danger of being a "secret disciple."

INTRO: A. All creatures naturally segregate. Those of the same kind or species run together. Fish school, fowl flock & animals herd with their own kind. Thus, we say "birds of a feather flock together." The same among men. Those in the same social or economic strata tend to fellowship. Those with similar education, cultures & background gravitate toward one another. This is often true in the spiritual realm as well. "Can two walk together, except they be agreed?" Amos 3:3

ILLUS: Two carnal kids in a Christian school will invariably find each other, as if drawn by a magnet. Principle: If you don't want to be like them, don't travel with them!

B. So with the two men mentioned in this passage: Joseph & Nicodemus. Both were "secret disciples"...afraid to openly proclaim Christ. (Many here would find close fellowship with these men!) Unlike John & the 3 Mary’s who stood by Christ in His hour of greatest need, we find these 2 standing in the shadows.


NOTE: Cf. Jn. 12:42, 43 Perhaps Joseph & Nicodemus are "among the chief rulers (who)...believed on Him", but because of the Pharisees, they did not confess Him, lest they should be put out of the Synagogue. For they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God.

A. Joseph's Credentials:

1. He was a member of the Sanhedrin: Lk. 23:50, 51

2. He was a counselor: (advisor to the Sanhedrin) Lk. 23

3. He was a rich man: Mt. 27:57


a. His prestige with the world prevented him from openly identifying with Christ.

b. Rich men often misuse their wealth when they could use it for God.

NOTE: The "praise of men" is often the stumbling block to conversion & consecration. Here, Joseph was able to use his wealth & position to petition Pontius Pilate for the body of Jesus. Begging for Jesus' life would have been better & nobler than begging for His body.

B. Joseph's Character:

1. He was a "good man": Lk. 23:50

NOTE: Perhaps, this was his motivation for begging the body of Jesus. He now wished to do something "good" for Jesus! Like the person who has nothing to do with someone while he is alive, but sends a large bouquet of flowers to his funeral.

2. He was a "just" man: Lk. 23:50

a. This word usually means just in God's sight.

b. Here, it may only mean one with a sense of justice as man sees it.

3. He was "Jesus" disciple": Mt. 27:57

C. Joseph's Compass ion:

1. He begs for Jesus' body: v. 38

2. He helps prepare the body for burial: v. 40

3. He uses his own tomb for Jesus' grave: Mt. 27:58-60

NOTE: Someone has suggested that even in this act Joseph's lack of saving faith is evident. If he REALLY believed in Jesus' resurrection, neither this elaborate embalming nor the entombment would have been necessary.

D. Joseph's Conversion?:

QUESTION: Was Joseph saved? You be the judge. This may be a case of "too little, too late". All this attention toward Christ after His death may simply reflect a guilty conscience & a desire NOW to be identified as a forgiving, generous, religious man.


A. Nicodemus' Credentials:

1. He, too, was a member of the Sanhedrin: Jn. 7:50, 51

2. He, too, was a Pharisee; a strict religionist.

B. Nicodemus' Character:

1. He is mentioned 3 times in Scripture & always identified as one who "came to Jesus by night"!

NOTE: Here is another "secret disciple" or "undercover convert". Jesus needed Nicodemus' support during His earthly ministry. He is more interested in public disciples than undercover converts. He needs more Spirit-filled disciples than funeral directors!

2. He defended Jesus before the Council, but failed to follow through with action on Christ's behalf.

a. He fell short of any open profession of faith in Christ.

b. He never took a clear-cut stand for the Savior.

C. Nicodemus' Compassion:

1. Joseph supplied the body & the tomb; Nicodemus supplies the spices & perfumes: v. 39


ILLUS: It was against Roman Law to bury a crucified criminal. Jesus, being "numbered with the transgressors", would not receive the honor of a decent burial. But the Scriptures, not Rome, were in charge here, & they prophesied, "…He made His grave with the wicked, and with the rich in His death…" (Is. 53:9) (The spices weighed 72 lbs. by our weight & this much would normally be used only to bury a King!!)

1. Nicodemus joined Joseph in preparing the body for Jewish burial.

a. Evidently, due to the lateness of the hour (v. 40, 42), they were unable to complete this task, because on Sunday the woman came to the tomb with more spices.

b. In so doing, another type was fulfilled: "they buried him in his own the city of David, and laid him in the bed which was filled with sweet odours and divers kinds of spices..." II Chron. 16:14

3. Nicodemus & Joseph placed His body in the garden tomb.

a. It was in a garden that the first Adam sowed the seed which brought forth death.

b. It was in a garden where the second Adam was sown as the Seed which would bear the fruit of eternal life.

NOTE: Matthew Henry said, "He that was born from a virgin womb must rise from a virgin tomb."

D. Nicodemus' Conversion?:

QUESTION: Was Nicodemus saved? God alone knows! The evidence is inconclusive! If so, he missed out on the golden opportunity of his life; walking & talking with Christ as a born-again disciple. If not, he missed out on Heaven itself!

CONCL: "Birds of a feather flock together." At best Joseph & Nicodemus were fruitless believers who not only missed out on fellowship with Christ, but on fellowship with other believers; the communion of the saints! They also missed out on opportunities to "lay up treasures in Heaven".

What kind of "bird" are YOU? Clean or unclean in the eyes of God? His blood alone can cleanse you from sin. Come to Him today!




TEXT: John 20:1-10

THESIS: To emphasize the exciting events of that first resurrection Sunday & "the Almost-Empty Tomb".

INTRO: A. Any given text of Scripture may be developed several different ways, with any one of several emphases. The two titles above suggest at least 2 directions for this sermon. We may dwell on the evidence of Christ's resurrection suggested by the clothes He left behind or on those who came to the sepulchre & witnessed "The ALMOST-EMPTY Tomb" or on both.

B. Though the resurrection is surely hinted at in these opening verses, it is never specifically stated to be the subject. The shadows & types of the Old Testament are likewise suggestions & figures of the resurrection. Noah's ark, Isaac on the altar, the Red Sea crossing 3 days after the Passover Lamb had been slain & Jonah's whale-belly "Bible Institute" experience of 3 days, & 3 days duration all point to the resurrection.

TRANS: The passage before us gives us a glimpse into "THE ALMOST-EMPTY TOMB" & a picture of those who arrived there early that 1st Easter Morning.

I. MARY AT THE TOMB: v. 1, 2

A. Mary Was Last At The Cross & First At The Tomb: v. 1

1. The Apostles were all men, but some disciples were women.

2. The Apostles fled for fear at His crucifixion, while devoted women stood by.

3. The Apostles were still in hiding; "some women" (Mt.28:1) were coming to the tomb.


NOTE: John always singled out individuals; Mary alone is mentioned here. They came to finish the hurried embalming performed by the secret disciples, Nicodemus & Joseph. They came to wash the body of Jesus with their tears as well as with ointments & perfumes.

a. She came on the "first day" of the week: Sunday!

NOTE: Ever after this Sunday takes on new prominence & significance. His post-resurrection appearances were mostly on Sunday. The disciples begin to worship on Sunday. The Old Testament Sabbath ends.

b. She came while it was "yet dark":

1) This speaks of her devotion & love.

2) This speaks of her duty & loyalty.

B. Mary Had Great Love But Weak Faith: v. 2

1. She runs & reports to Peter & John.

a. Apparently Peter, though not yet fully restored to the Lord's fellowship, is accepted by the brethren.

b. She sought out the two who had been closest to Christ in His ministry.

c. The over-ruling providence of God is set forth here:

1) The Law forbade a female witness (Cf. I Cor. 15)

2) The Law demanded no less than 2 male witnesses.

2. Mary's lack of faith & her love for Christ are mingled.

a. A strange blend of spiritual ignorance & discernment: "They...THE LORD...!"

b. That a woman would even venture here is remarkable under these circumstances.


A. Love's Race To The Sepulchre:

1. They both ran together.

2. John outran Peter:

a. Physically, Peter probably was older.

b. Spiritually, Peter had not yet been restored.

c. Scripturally, Peter was not at the Cross.

d. Emotionally, Peter didn't have John's great love.

B. Faith's Trial At The Sepulchre:

1. At this point they are anxious & excited.

2. So far they are here in unbelief.


NOTE: The tomb no longer contained Jesus' body, but it was not altogether empty. He left behind physical evidence of His resurrection.

A. John Looks In & Sees The Graveclothes: v. 5

1. If a friend had taken the body, he would not have undressed Him.

2. If an enemy had taken the body, he would surely not have taker the time to remove the graveclothes & replace them neatly & orderly.


ILLUS: Lazarus came forth in his graveclothes, because he would need them again. Jesus left His since He would live forever.

B. Peter Goes In & Observes The Graveclothes: v. 6, 7

NOTE: Two different Greek words are used for what John "saw" (v. 5) & what Peter "seeth" (v. 6). John at first just glanced in, Peter intently observed. Peter saw more than John.

1. Note the individual characteristic actions of these 2 men.

ILLUS: "The flowers in the Lord's garden are not all of one color & one scent, though they are all planted by the One Spirit." - A. W. Pink

2. Both Apostles observe the physical evidences.

NOTE: These are graveclothes or "linen clothes" (plural) plus a "napkin, that was about His head"...not one 15-20' "shroud"!


A. John Saw & Believed: v. 8

NOTE: The word "saw" here is different from that form used in either v. 5 or 6. Here it means " perceived with understanding".

1. He saw a type fulfilled: Cf. Gen. 41:14

ILLUS: Joseph, before leaving the place of shame & suffering & entering into his place of dignity & glory, "shaved himself and CHANGED HIS RAIMENT"! Jesus "CHANGED HIS RAIMENT", too! He laid aside His graveclothes. I don't know what He put on, but it is likely that if you had been in the tomb that morning, you would have seen an amazing spectacle. Jesus simply stepped out of those rags & then left them neatly lying where His body formerly laid! "Up from the grave He arose...!"

2. He saw visible testimony to the prophesied Resurrection.

NOTE: To this point only Christ's enemies remembered what He said (Mt. 27:63) and asked for guards at His tomb. His friends had forgotten His promises & predictions!

B. Peter Saw & Didn't Believe: v. 9

1. John is gracious & doesn't emphasize Peter's unbelief.

2. John states that neither he nor Peter had connected His statements or the Old Testament scriptures with this event as yet.

NOTE: The Holy Spirit here contrasts a faith which rests on the Word with an intellectual assurance based on external evidences. Christian apologetics never save anyone; only the Word does that!

CONCL: V. 10 Peter & John apparently went back to John's house ("their own home") with Mary, Jesus' mother, & surely share these events with her. No doubt that she, too, was filled with anxiety & excitement, filled with hope mixed with doubt. This would be the beginning of the greatest day of their lives

Do YOU believe "the Scriptures"? Do YOU trust in the living, resurrected Christ?


TEXT: John 20:11-18

THESIS: To show the impact Christ's presence makes upon those who are discouraged & grieving.


INTRO: A. Some folks seem to enjoy themselves most when throwing a pity-party for themselves! They revel in their misery! They would rather go to a funeral than a wedding. They would prefer to spend their time putting flowers on a grave than buying a bouquet for a banquet. They are like the parasite that lives on death. The mature Christian keeps death in proper perspective & is neither overcome by the loss of a loved one nor obsessed with perpetuating grief!

B. In our text Mary Magdalene was overwhelmed with grief. After 3 long days & nights she was still grieving over the loss of her Savior. Faith had been replaced by sorrow. Hope had been buried with the corpse of Jesus. Her eyes were a fountain of tears. Her heart was breaking. She had been "last at the cross & first at the tomb", but it was all in unbelief. She saw the empty tomb, & instead of concluding that Jesus' prophecy of His resurrection had been fulfilled, she preferred to believe someone had stolen His body.

TRANS: Mary & some women had gone to the tomb early Sunday morning. Mary saw the tomb empty & runs to tell Peter & John. They run to the tomb. John believes. Peter is unsure. They run to John's house &, no doubt, share their experience with Mary, Jesus' mother. In the meantime, the other women hear the angelic announcement, "Why seek ye the living among the dead? He is not here; for He is risen as He said." (Mt. 28:6; Lk. 24:5, 6) Mary, alone returns to the tomb, mourning.


A. Sorrow At The Sepulchre: v. 11

1. The emphasis is obviously on Mary's tears: v. 10, 13, 15

2. She came seeking a corpse, not the Savior!

3. She came looking for something, not for Someone: v. 13

NOTE: Suppose she had found what she was looking for?!

a. The direction of her gaze was down ("into the sepulchre", not up to Heaven.)

b. The circumstances of His crucifixion, burial & now the empty tomb was too much for her feeble faith.

NOTE: If we look AROUND at circumstances or DOWN to the grave of a loved one or WITHIN at our own resources, the result will be tears! We must look UP to Heaven & Him!

B. Gloom At The Tomb: v. 12-14

1. She saw "two angels", but the tears clouded her recognition.

NOTE: Tears & unbelief, or lack of faith, will keep us, too, from seeing God's providence, love & compassion in difficult circumstances. Why didn't Peter & John see these angels?!

a. Their prominence is revealed in their number: two (for witnesses)

b. Their posture signified all was well.

c. Their purity was symbolized by the color of their garments.

NOTE: White is the color of the fashion of Heaven & denotes the freedom from defilement which characterizes all its inhabitants.

d. Their place links Christ's death to the mercy-seat: Cf. Ex. 25:17-19, 22

e. Their puzzlement is expressed in the question asked: "Why weepest thou?"

NOTE: This question was not asked out of ignorance, but to prick Mary's heart of unbelief. "Why...?!" "Do you have just cause for weeping? Search your heart...isn't the empty tomb ground for rejoicing?"

What about YOU?!! Isn't the promise of God for eternal life enough for YOU? Do YOU have just cause for weeping?!

2. She "saw Jesus standing", but the tears prevented her recognition: v. 14

a. She had forgotten His promise & thus could not discern His presence.

ILLUS: Like Hagar in the wilderness (Gen. 21:19), she had a well of water by her side, but her tears kept her from seeing it.


b. She had strong love, but weak faith!


A. Jesus' Tender Rebuke: "Woman, why weepest thou?" v. 5

1. He first speaks to her as her Creator: "Woman..." (Gen. 2:23 "She shall be called woman.")

2. He desires Mary's recognition:

a. Of Him.

b. Of the futility & folly of her tears.

B. Jesus' Tender Response: "Mary" v. 16

1. He now speaks to her as her Savior: "Mary..." (Jn. 10:3 "He calleth His own sheep by name.")

2. She had mistaken Him for the gardener & offered the impossible from a heart of love: v. 15b

3. Her offer touches Him, & He calls her by name & transforms the weeper into a worshipper: v. 16

C. Jesus' Tender Request: "go to my brethren..." v. 17

1. Mary responds affectionately & emotionally, but Jesus avoids physical contact: "touch Me not..."

NOTE: Mary wanted the assurance of the senses. The lesson she needed was to rely on faith, not senses.

2. He is hinting at a higher than physical relationship; the mode of fellowship in a physical body will change.

3. He emphasizes His ascension (assuming she will broadcast His resurrection).

4. He calls the followers "brethren" now. They had been called "servants", "apostles", "disciples" & "friends", but never "brethren..."; indicates a new relationship due to His resurrection.


A. Her Love Rewarded: v. 16a

1. Though her faith was weak, her love was strong.

2. Jesus made allowance for her weakness & appears to Mary first.

NOTE: Not to John, the beloved, nor to Peter ("the first Pope"!), nor to Mary ("the Mother of God"!), nor to the Apostles, Joseph or Nicodemus, neither to the Sanhedrin, Sadducees, Scribes or Pharisees (Jesus never appeared to unbelievers after His resurrection!), but to a woman out of whom He had cast 7 demons I

B. Her Faith Reborn: v. 16b "turned herself"

1. She had been looking in the wrong direction: the tomb!

2. She had been looking for a corpse, & found a Savior!

3. She had been more concerned with her loss than with His promises!

C. Her Obedience Recorded: v. 18

1. She obeyed lovingly.

2. She obeyed promptly.

3. She obeyed fully.

4. She obeyed joyously.

CONCL: Mary, the mourner, met Christ, the comforter, & became Mary, the missionary. Surely, there is an example here for all of us! When He speaks to us, we must respond in faith, obediently.

Are YOU looking in the wrong direction? Is your gaze on the putrefying flesh of this world? Turn to Him, & then carry His Word to others.

Unsaved, you too can leave the tombs & graves of your life of sin & experience resurrection through Him!



TEXT: John 20:19-23

THESIS: To show the "new" dispensation & its accompanying manifestation & obligations revealed after Christ's resurrection.

INTRO: A. To boost sales many, if not most, manufacturers add the word "new" to their products. Many times the only thing new about the product is the word "new" on the package!

ILLUS: Bible version printers like this word, too. NEW I.V., NEW A.S.V., NEW E.B., NEW K.J.V., NEW W.B., etc., etc.

B. God is the author of genuinely NEW things! He alone is the Creator, Innovator & Originator. Speaking of man's accomplishments, the wisest man who ever lived stated, "There is nothing NEW under the sun." In this passage, we have several NEW things initiated by the "NEW" Christ.

I. THE NEW DAY: v. 19a

A. The First Day, Not The 7th Day:

1. This is the only day of the week or month or year ever mentioned by number in the New Testament.

2. The Old Testament Sabbath, along with other legal ordinances, was nailed to Christ's cross.

B. The Lord's Day, Not The Sabbath Day:

1. It is not a day of cessation from all work & activity.

2. The 1st day of the week is uniquely the church's, as the 7th day was uniquely Israel's.

3. The only similarity between the Lord's Day & the Sabbath is the focus; occupation with the things of God.

NOTE: The Sabbath was a day of complete rest; no work permitted on pain of death! The Lord's Day is a day of sacred activity: worship, service, soul-winning.

4. It is a day when the disciples "assembled", & this has become the norm for New Testament believers.

II. THE NEW BODY: v. 19b, 20a

A. Jesus' Sudden Appearance:

NOTE: The disciples were still in hiding, probably discussing the events of this unique day; the empty tomb, the report of the 2 Emmaus disciples, Mary Magdalene & the "other women" of their seeing the resurrected Christ! Suddenly, He appears to them!

B. Jesus' Supernatural Appearance:

1. He enters the room "when the doors were shut".

2. His dead body has been sown in weakness & is now raised in power.

NOTE: It is interesting that Jesus never appears after His resurrection to any unbelievers. Why didn't He land in downtown Jerusalem & appear to the Scribes, Pharisees, priests, et. al. & say "Here I am everybody!"? Because His plan was for believers to witness of Him & carry His message; because if he appeared to one unbeliever, He would have had to appear to all: because they wouldn't accept Moses & the prophets, so "neither will they be persuaded though one rose from the dead."

3. His resurrection must be proven to the first generation of New Testament Christians by sight: v. 20a

a. His act implies that we are not to disregard the evidence of our senses.

b. Though necessary for them, not so for us: v. 29


ILLUS: The Roman Catholic doctrine of transubstantiation is contrary to the evidence of our senses & scientific fact; thus, we reject it & preach against it!

III. THE NEW JOY: v. 20b

A. The Disciples Were Formerly Fearful: Cf. v. 19

B. The Disciples Are Now Joyful:

1. Joy comes through being occupied with His blessed Person.

2. Jesus didn't change their circumstances; He simply drew their attention away from themselves & directed it to Him.

IV. THE NEW PROVISION: v. 19c, 21a "Peace..."

A. The "Peace" Of Forgiveness:

1. For their defections, disbelief, desertion & denial.

a. He does not demand explanations for their conduct.

b. He does not announce their replacements.

2. For their fears.

a. That He was unwilling or unable to protect them.

b. Of His startling & sudden appearance.

B. The "Peace" Of Preparation:

1. They were about to receive new instructions.

2. They were about to embark on a new & wider mission.

NOTE: These disciples were not going to heaven with Him immediately, but into a hostile world that offered no peace. He thus communicates to them the secret of His peace; fellowship with the Father & separation from the world.


A. Authoritative: ""

1. Their new mission is ratified.

2. As He had been sent, they were now sent.

a. They were to do what He had done.

b. As He witnessed of the Father, they were to witness of the Son.

B. Absolute: "My Father...I..."

1. He equates Himself with the Father.

2. His commission carries the same weight as those given by God in the Old Testament to Abraham, David, etc.


A. Prelude To Pentecost: v. 22

1. The voice of Christ is the Word of God.

2. The breath of Christ is the Spirit of God.


NOTE: "Spirit" or "Ghost" = "breath" or "wind". Here the disciples "received" the Holy Spirit in a new sense. Cf. Num. 11:16, 17, 25, 29. This took place in the Old Testament. It was said of Joseph that he was "a man in whom the Spirit of God is." Gen. 41:38; Cf. Ex. 31:2; 35:31; Num. 27:18; Neh. 9:30; Is. 63:11; I Pet. 1:11.

a. The Spirit came at Pentecost to indwell all believers.

b. This could only happen after Christ's ascension.

c. This pre-Pentecost event preceded the baptism of power at Pentecost. (Acts 1:8)

B. Remitting Or Retaining: v. 23

1. As the Old Testament priest declared leprosy (sin) cured or not cured, the New Testament priest declares sins pardoned or not pardoned.

a. On Gospel terms.

b. On God's authority, His Word.

2. Though the "disciples" are spoken to here, the Apostles (the "twelve" v. 24) had special authority.

a. They declared the Gospel without error.

b. They confirmed their doctrine with miracles.

c. They had supernatural discernment & authority beyond that available to others.

ILLUS: They could distinguish who was still in the bond of iniquity and the gall of bitterness. Peter dealt severely with Ananias & Saphira & Paul struck Elymas the sorcerer blind!

CONCL: Chorus: "I sing a NEW song..."

For the unsaved, the Bible declares that he can become a NEW creature by receiving Christ.


TEXT: John 20:24-29

THESIS: To show that we should avail ourselves of every opportunity for Christian growth & not be neglectful.

INTRO: A. When you have an opportunity to be a help & blessing to someone & you fail to do so, YOU ARE THE LOSER! When you fail to witness to someone, YOU ARE THE LOSER! When you fail to comfort someone or encourage someone, YOU ARE THE LOSER! When you fail to visit the sick, reclaim the backslidden, give to the needy or teach the unlearned, YOU ARE THE LOSER! And when you stay home from a church service, YOU ARE THE LOSER!!

ILLUS: The very truth you need to win the victory over sin, strengthen your witness, encourage your heart, lift your spirit or challenge you to renewed service, is the truth you may miss when you "forsake...the assembling" of the saints in a given church service. God wanted to speak to YOU, but instead, you heard the voice of the TV or movie star, or the voice of the magazine or newspaper, husband, wife or children instead! YOU ARE THE LOSERS!

B. Thomas was not with the other 10 disciples when Christ appeared to them that 1st Easter Sunday, & HE WAS THE LOSER!!!

I. THOMAS' ABSENCE: v. 24, 25a

A. His Negative Personality:

1. In the 2 previous mentions of Thomas, we see his pessimistic, gloomy outlook.

a. In chapter 11, when told of Lazarus' death & Jesus' desire to go to him even though dangerous, he said, "Let us go also, that we may die with Him."


NOTE: Here, we may admire him that he was willing to become a martyr, but this morbid statement does more to show us his pessimism & negative spirit.

b. In chapter 14, when told of Jesus' impending departure, he speaks up & says, "Lord, we know not whither thou goest and how can we know the way?" He sees only the extinction of hope in Jesus' leaving.

2. In the 3rd mention of Thomas here, we get more insight into his character.

a. He separated himself from the other disciples when Christ was crucified.

b. He was depressed & despondent & he isolated himself.

B. His Negative Problem: v. 24, 25a

1. Obviously, backslidden, cold, & lacking in faith.

2. The "but" of v. 24 is ominous & reveals His hardness of heart.

a. He remained in despair & darkness for another whole week & refused to believe the others' reports.

b. He was out of fellowship with Christ & his brethren & lost God's blessing, Christ's presence, the Holy Spirit's power & joy of heart.

NOTE: Surely, he was the loser! Like anyone who misses the fellowship of God's people & deliberately absents himself & willfully refuses to believe God's promises.


A. His Fixation:

1. Not focusing on the blessed Person of Christ & the good news of His glorious resurrection.

2. But, focusing on the nail prints & execution of Christ & the extinction of all hope.

B. His Frustration:

1. In spite of positive testimony received from the others, he willfully refused to believe.

NOTE: The others COULD have ignored Thomas or simply rebuked him for not being present that 1st Sunday. But instead, sought him out, gave him the joyous news, & obviously were responsible for getting him out with them on this 2nd Sunday!

2. In spite of seeing Christ's miracles, including Lazarus' resurrection, he willfully refused the Apostles' testimony.

a. Thomas carried his faith at his fingertips!

b. Thomas demanded visible proof, not verbal witness.


A. Christ's Condescension: v. 26, 27

1. He appears to Thomas also.

2. He gives Thomas the same greeting.

a. His first "peace" (v. 19) spoke of the consequence of His atoning work: peace with God secured & peace imparted to believers.

b. His second "peace" (v. 21) spoke of provision for service. ("...even so, send I you.")

c. His third "peace" (v. 26) speaks of the means of recovery (Cf. v. 2) "THEN saith He to Thomas..."

ILLUS: When we backslide, it is not occupation with the intricacies of prophecy nor the finer points of doctrine which brings us back, but the great foundation truth of the atonement. It was the sight of His WOUNDS which overcame his unbelief & self-will. So, in the Lord's Supper, it is the emblems of His suffering & their remembrance which bring close communion with Him.


B. Thomas' Adoration: v. 28

1. In a moment the doubter is transformed into a worshipper.

2. His intellectual doubts disappear because his heart is satisfied.

3. Thomas' low view of Christ is traded for his acknowledgement of His Deity.

NOTE: This is the only time in the Gospels where anyone owns Christ as God! And, it happens on the 3rd (!) mention of Thomas & the 3rd (!) appearance of the resurrected Christ in this Gospel. "Three" is the number of resurrection, & it is only as Christ is risen that He can be Lord & God! And, Jesus accepts Thomas' worship! (Unlike Peter in Acts 10:26; Paul & Barnabas in Acts 14:15; & even the angel with John in Rev. 22:8, 9)


NOTE: What a rebuke against the present craving for signs!

A. It Is Impossible For All To See; Possible For All To Believe!:

B. It Is Unnecessary For All To See; Necessary For All To Believe!:

C. It Is Inexpedient For All To See; Expedient For All To Believe!:

1. The Jews saw & did not believe.

2. Sight does not secure faith; belief is necessary.

D. It Is Well To See & Believe; Better To Believe Without Seeing!:

CONCL: Thomas had been the loser! Jesus transformed him into a believer. God took "the loser" Abraham, a pagan, & turned him into a pillar of faith & the father of the faithful. He took Moses, the stammerer, & used him to communicate His Word. He took Paul, the persecutor, & turned him into the Apostle. John, the son of thunder, became John, the beloved. Peter, the vacillator, became Peter, the victorious. He wants to do the same for YOU! Don't be a loser! Be where you can be blessed, believe His Word & do what He says! Unsaved, trade your doubts for belief!


TEXT: John 20:30-31

THESIS: To set forth John's motivation & object in writing the Gospel which bears his name.

INTRO: A. Some books are written to satisfy curiosity: I Was Eisenhower's Barber, 40 Years A Cleaning Woman In Buckingham Palace, etc.

ILLUS: How about: I Married Liz The First Time (or My Trip To Anonymity!), or I Was The Beatle's Barber (or How I Went Broke!), or I Was Elvis' Druggist & Became A Millionaire!

B. Other books are written to glorify the author: Dear Me, Nixon's Six Crises & Watergate Reflections, countless autobiographies, etc. Others to simply entertain. Most are written with a money motive. Some, like college professors, must "publish or perish"!

C. John did not write with any of these motives. He was not interested in satisfying our curiosity about Christ. He gives no physical description of Christ, doesn't speak of His personal habits, etc. He never seeks to glorify self; in fact, omits any details of even the most significant events in his life... (Mt. of Transfiguration, Gethsemane, resurrection of Jairus' daughter)! He surely did not write to entertain, make money or to immortalize himself. His name is not even mentioned as author in the Gospel that today bears his name! Self-oblivion - Savior-exaltation!!!

TRANS: Like John the Baptist, his desire was to decrease while Christ was to increase.



A. Certain Signs Not Recorded: v. 30

1. Over-all:

a. John was very selective as to which "signs" or miracles he recorded & which he left out of his gospel.

1) Many omitted in John are recorded in Matthew, Mark S Luke.

ILLUS: Neither John's Gospel nor the so-called "synoptics" are designed to be a biography of Christ. They are to be read not primarily as men seeking historical or biographical information about Christ, but as men & women seeking to know God & His Son.

2) Those which place John in a favorable light, & would divert attention away from Christ, are especially omitted.

2. Contextually:

a. These "signs" seem specifically to be related to Christ's post-resurrection ministry.

b. John omits the many appearances recorded by the other Gospels & by Paul in I Cor. 15.

c. The phrase "in the presence of His disciples" differentiates these "signs" from those Jesus did publicly before unbelievers.

ILLUS: Omitted, for example, is His post-resurrection appearance to the two Disciples on the road to Emmaeus, His eating before the 11 Disciples, His appearance to the Disciples in Galilee, etc.

B. Special Signs Recorded: "but these..."

1. John's inclusion of certain "signs" & events in the post-resurrection ministry of Christ confirm those in other places.

2. What John included is sufficient for those with eyes of faith, but confirm in unbelief those who are stubborn & obstinate.

ILLUS: This selectivity is another evidence of inspiration. A more human composition would have been crowded with affidavits & depositions to prove the contested truth of the resurrection!


A. The Means Of Faith; A Written Record!: "written"

1. Rejection of the Bible is rejection of Christ!

2. The revelation of Christ in the Bible alone must be the means of faith!

a. To demand more is to go beyond God's design.

b. To demand more is to declare God's revelation insufficient.

ILLUS: Our problem is not lack of evidence or comprehension, but of acceptance & belief. Mark Twain said, "The things that bother me in the Bible are not the things I do NOT understand, but the things I do understand!"

B. The Object Of Faith; An Incarnate Savior!:

1. Our faith must include a belief that Jesus is the Christ, the anointed of God.

2. Our faith must include a belief that Jesus is God in the flesh.

C. The Effect Of Faith; Eternal Life!: "life"

1. The Greek word for believe (pisteuo) occurs 99 times in John's gospel (O. Greene) & is the method by which eternal life is secured.

2. This faith & belief is obviously the major theme of John's gospel & secures eternal life.


NOTE: Many books have been written to destroy faith, John wrote to produce & secure faith.

3. This belief must be "through His Name":

a. Biblically, a name is all that a person has as to his person & character.

b. Scripturally, "there is none other name...whereby you MUST be saved!"

CONCL: John's purpose is clear. It is self-oblivion & Savior-exaltation. This should be our purpose & motive as well. Even in our witnessing, preaching & teaching too much of us shows through & too little of Him. If John's objective of His Gospel is to become a reality, his desire must become ours; to hide behind the cross of our Savior.

Unsaved, John wrote that YOU might believe "...and that believing, ye might have life through His Name." Will You?


TEXT: John 21:1-6

THESIS: To show the results of self will vs. obedience to the Savior's Words.

INTRO: A. The last 2 verses of John 20 seem to be the end of John's Gospel. But there are several "loose ends" or unanswered questions which must be dealt with, so John continues. As the opening verses of John 1 deal with the pre-incarnate life of Christ, so John 21 deals with the post-resurrection life of Christ. As John 1 is the prologue to the book, John 21 is the epilogue.

NOTE: As usual, doubters & "scholars" rush in to discredit John 21 as being a part of John's original writings, because it doesn't fit THEIR ideas or conform to THEIR understanding. (Cf. I Cor. 2:14)

B. The first part of this chapter shows the disciples "GOING FISHING, BUT MISSING THE BOAT".

TRANS: This is the last & only recorded post-resurrection miracle of Christ & His last appearance to His disciples in John

(v. 1).


A. Disobedient: v. 1

1. They were not in the appointed place: Cf. Mt. 28:16

a. Jesus told them to wait for Him in a mountain in Galilee (Jerusalem is now forsaken!)

b. Jesus locates them on the Sea of Galilee (Tiberius = Roman name)

NOTE: Jesus always knew where they were, even when not where they should be. Perhaps, they HAD waited for Him on the Mt. but grew impatient. Perhaps, they couldn't resist reliving the "good old days". It was here Jesus called them (except Judas); here He walked on water; here He gave them a miraculous catch of fish; here Peter caught the fish with the gold coin in its mouth; on its shores He fed the 5,000; cast out the demons into a herd of pigs; performed most of His miracles & had His greatest following.

But, regardless of their motives or sincerity, they were disobedient.

2. They would be rebuked by the risen Christ.

B. Divided: v. 2

1. Only seven of the eleven were together.

2. Jesus nevertheless appears to these, even though the others were perhaps at the appointed place.

ILLUS: True to His nature as a Shepherd, He seeks out the straying sheep. No doubt, if the others were in the Mt. appointed, He would have met them first; but this event is recorded for the lessons they (& we) needed.


3. Peter, the denier, & Thomas, the doubter, are mentioned together with Nathanael.

a. Peter is still the leader & 1st on the list.

b. Thomas is sticking closer to the others now.

c. Nathanael is only mentioned in 1:45-51.

d. All 3 had previously affirmed the Lordship of Christ & His Deity.

4. The "sons of Zebedee" go along; they too had been fishermen.

C. Determined: v. 3a "I go a fishing..."

1. Peter's wrong leadership has an adverse effect on the others. (The influence of unbelief.)

a. There is nothing wrong with fishing; it is an honorable profession

b. But, these men had been called away for fishing for fish to fish for men; "the calling & gifts of God are without repentance".

2. The others concur with Peter's wrong decision! (The majority is not always right!)

a. They didn't doubt the resurrection, but their Kingdom hopes were shattered & Pentecost had not yet come.

b. They were more concerned with physical needs than spiritual objectives.

3. They responded to Peter's suggestion without prayer ("immediately" )

D. Destitute: v. 3b "caught nothing"

1. The reference to "night" suggests they were not walking as children of light.

2. The Lord left them alone during the night & didn't appear to them till dawn.

3. The fact that they "caught nothing" teaches the futility of self-will ambition.

a. They chose the time & place of their labors without results.

b. They went out with empty hearts & came back with empty nets! (This applies to soul-winning or whatever we attempt for the Lord.)

E. Dull: v. 4 "knew not it was Jesus"

1. They weren't expecting Him!

2. They didn't include Him in their efforts!

3. Their minds & hearts were not focused on the spiritual, but on the!

ILLUS: How often we too leave Him out of our plans & efforts. How often He appears to us without our awareness! We are too preoccupied to see Him in the circumstances. We too are dull & imperceptive!


A. The Penetrating Question: v. 5

1. The point of the question is to reveal their need & failure.

2. The question elicits their confession: "NO!"

NOTE: The term "children" was not the endearing term translated "little children" of 13:33, but a more formal address equivalent to "sirs". He doesn't speak intimately, but at a distance. It was not till their restoration through obedience He could fellowship with them. Note that He sees them & addresses them first.

B. His Pointed Command: v. 6a




(Compare Scripture With Scripture)

First Miracle Last Miracle

(water to wine) (barrenness to bounty)

John 2:1-14 John 21:1-14

- Background: Nathanael’s confession: - Background: Thomas’ confession:

“Thou art the Son of God” (1:49) “My Lord and my God” (20:38)

- Miracle occurred on “the 3rd day” (2:1) - Miracle occurred on “the 3rd time”

Christ appeared to the Disciples after His

Resurrection (21:14)

- This miracle occasioned because they had no wine (2:3) - This miracle occasioned because they had

no fish (21:3, 5)

- Christ gave a command: “Fill the waterpots” (2:7) - Christ gave a command: “cast the net”


- Christ furnished a bountiful supply: waterpots “filled to the - Christ furnished a bountiful supply:

brim” (2:7) “the net full of great fishes” (21:11)

- A number is given: “six waterpots” - A number is given: “153 fishes”

- Christ manifested His Deity: (2:11) - Christ manifested His Deity: (21:12, 14)

1. Why the "right side"? Because He had said so!

2. The point is not WHERE or HOW the work is to be done, but if He is in control, & we are being obedient.

NOTE: He always knows best! Stop what you are doing & listen to Him & obey Him! It may seem illogical, useless or even stupid, but His command must be obeyed.

C. His Positive Blessings: v. 6b

NOTE: They heard His voice & obeyed His command. The results demonstrated the power of His Word.

1. The reward of unquestioned obedience is demonstrated (Cf. Mal. 3:10)

2. The response of unhesitating obedience is abundant blessing: "not able"

NOTE: No new skills, same lake, same boat, same fisherman, but prompt obedience under a new Director, the risen Christ & the results are dramatic! Success is dependent on the proper response to the proper authority.

CONCL: The disciples had "GONE FISHING, BUT MISSED THE BOAT!" till they obeyed the Lord. Under the same circumstances where they had failed, they now found success. The "right side" is the "other side" of prayerlessness, faithless living, joyless experience, indifference & disobedience. Where are you?

Unsaved, "faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God." Obey His Word NOW!




TEXT: John 21:7-14


THESIS: To show Christ as the Lord in charge of "fishers of men''.

INTRO: A. Every passage of Scripture has a single interpretation. It may also yield several applications. The historical-grammatical interpretation tells us the exact meaning of Scripture. The application makes it relevant to our personal needs. Teaching is primarily interpretation; preaching, application.

B. The passage before us is about the Lord's 3rd post-resurrection appearance to the majority of His Apostles (v. 14) & the events that transpired. The significance for us is that it reveals the techniques, methods & principles of soul-winning; "fishing"!

TRANS: Jesus called His disciples to be "fishers of men", & He must be the "DIRECTOR OF FISHING OPERATIONS", or there will be no lasting results. (Cf. v. 3-6)


A. By The Man Of Vision; John: v. 7a

1. John, "that disciple whom Jesus loved", recognized Him first.

a. He had stayed closest to the Lord through all His sufferings, & thus, has a clearer eye & more discernment.

b. Recognition of the Director of Fishing is vital to soul-winning success.

2. John recognized Him through:

a. His voice of Divine authority.

b. His compassionate command for the tired, weak, hungry & unsuccessful fishermen.

3. John declares Christ's Lordship: "It is the Lord!"

a. The cry of faith.

b. The cry of obedience.

c. The cry of submission.

d. The cry of witness.

NOTE: The soul-winner or ''fisher of men" must be a man of vision, but he must also be a man of zeal.

B. By The Man Of Zeal; Peter: v. 7b

1. Peter left the net of fishes for the Lord, like the Samaritan woman left her waterpots.

2. Faithful soul-winners do not desert those they have won, but will do all to bring them safely to shore.

NOTE: The philosophy of "dip 'em & drop 'em" is all too prevalent. We need to make disciples of our converts! But Peter did have reverence for Christ…"he girt his fisher's coat unto him" first.

C. By Men Of Labor; The Other Disciples: v. 8

1. John's recognition & Peter's zeal are both good, but "laborers" are needed too.

2. Someone must pull in the net.

ILLUS: Each believer should be a man of vision, zeal & labor. Note that they were only "200 cubits" from land (100 yds.). "Fish" are often caught in unlikely places.


A. His Provision For Them: v. 9

1. In the midst of laboring for others, we too need warming & feeding.


NOTE: The term "fire of coals" appears only one other place in the New Testament (John 18:18) where Peter warmed himself by the enemies' fire. Christ could have provided bread & fish without a fire, but wanted to use this setting for Peter's restoration.

2. Speaks of His awareness of our needs in service.

B. His Provision Through Them: v. 10

1. There is a strong emphasis on the word "now".

2. Jesus' object was to show that the secret of successful soul-winning was His recognition as Director of Fishing Operations & their implicit obedience to Him.


A. Peter's Strength: v. 11

1. What 6 men could not do (v. 6), one man now did at Christ's bidding.

a. Gathering fish in the Gospel net is impossible apart from His strength. Is. 40:29-31; Jn. 15:5

b. No one catches anything apart from His enablement, & no one is strong enough to conserve what they catch without His strength.

2. The fish were "great" in size & number.

a. Every genuine convert is "great"!

b. Numbers ARE important to the Lord!

ILLUS: What does the number 153 mean? A. W. Pink says in Luke 5 there was no numbering of the miraculous catch & that the emphasis there was on the work of the evangelist who cannot count those saved under his ministry. Jesus' statement there was, "thou shalt catch men". Here, the number is given emphasizing the work of the Pastor/Teacher who can determine the number saved, & Jesus' statement follows, "feed my sheep".

As to the number 153, various interpretations are given: Jews count by 7's & Gentiles by 10's. 7 + 10 = 17. The sum of the numbers 1 through 17 = 153 (1+2+3+4 etc.). This represents the character of the completed church, Jews & Gentiles. Augustine says 10 = Law (10 commandments), 7 = grace. Cyril of Alexandria says 153 is made up of 3 parts: 100 = fullness (100 fold representing a full harvest; 100 sheep a full flock: Mt. 18:12) 50 = the remnant of Israel & 3 = the Trinity.

B. Christ's Supply: v. 12, 13

1. He desires the fellowship of obedient soul-winners.

2. He provides the needs of obedient soul-winners.

NOTE: "Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you." (John 15:14) Part of our reward for faithfulness is in the promise of fellowship of a future day; "…he shall gird himself, and make them to sit down to meat, and will come forth and serve them." (Lk. 12:37)

a. They appear reluctant & reverent.

b. He appears friendly & tender.

c. They are hungry, tired & cold.

d. He meets all three needs.

CONCL: V. 14 Jesus "THE DIRECTOR OF FISHING OPERATIONS" appears to His disciples & teaches them vital lessons. His promise to make them "fishers of men" would become a reality later, but they first needed these basic lessons. They needed to recognize that He is Lord (Director of Fishing Operations), without Him they could catch nothing, with Him & their obedience a "great" catch would be the result & that He would provide their needs as long as they were obedient fishermen.

If you are a fish that hasn't been "caught" in the Gospel net as yet, swim in now!



TEXT: John 21:15-17

THESIS: To examine the restoration process Christ used on wayward Peter.

INTRO: A. Love, according to the Apostle Paul, is the supreme virtue, "...the greatest of these is charity." (I Cor. 13:13)

Love, according to Jesus, is the supreme test of discipleship. "By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another." (John 13:35)

Love is the most needed & often the missing ingredient in our service for the Savior. Love is the focus of the Savior's final conversations with His disciples. Jesus was satisfied now that their faith was well established; their love must also be established.

B. Love is the subject of Jesus' words to the erring Apostle Peter. He had prayed that his faith would not fail, & it did not. It was his love which failed, & he and the others must have love to see them through future trials & testings. The difference between EMOTIONAL LOVE & DEVOTIONAL LOVE is focused upon here. Emotional love varies with circumstances. Devotional love fastens the person loved & implies deep commitment.

TRANS: Peter's love & its quality is to be dealt with here.


NOTE: The scene & setting are important. As soon as Peter swims & wades to shore, he sees a "fire of coals". Cf. 18:18 This surely touches his heart & pricks his conscience. But before Jesus openly broaches the subject of Peter's 3-fold denial, He invites Peter & the others to "come and dine". He was going to deal with Peter, not as an outcast, but as a friend. Peter must have been miserable, not sure of where he stood with Christ. Christ will now settle the issue. He is about to perform painful, but necessary surgery.

A. The First Painful Thrust: v. 15a

1. He calls him by his old name "Simon, son of Jonas...".

a. This points out the source of his sin: the old man.

b. This shows Peter acted in the flesh, not the Spirit.

2. He calls him into question concerning his love: "lovest (agapao) thou me?"

NOTE: Two words for love are used in the passage: agapao & phileo. One is sacrificial love, Divine love (Cf. John 3:16) & the other one is familial, brotherly love; the highest love of which we are capable of apart from the new birth.

a. Jesus doesn't ask, "dost thou fear me...admire me...respect Me?"

b. Nor does He ask, "how often have you wept...fasted...prayed?"

NOTE: The surgery must be radical if the cure is to be effective. Jesus singles Peter out before his friends, not to embarrass him, but to restore him! The wound of his denial would never completely heal without this reopening surgery.

3. He calls his love into question by comparison: "more than THESE?"

a. More than you love these others?

b. More than you love fishing, boats, etc.?

c. More than these others love me?

NOTE: This latter is probably the focus of this sword thrust since Peter had previously boasted that though the others may deny Christ, HE never would.

B. The Second Unpleasant Wound: v. 16b

1. He continues to use Peter's old name: "Simon".


NOTE: On Jesus' first meeting with Peter He said he would be called "Cephas...a stone". As Simon, he was more like shifting sand. He would become stable & solid after Pentecost.

2. He calls Peter's love into question again: ''agapao"

ILLUS: The more squeamish (& less compassionate!!!) would ask, "Is this public scene necessary?!" Peter's sin was public, so his restoration must be public. Dare anyone question Christ's love or compassion for Peter? The truly cruel thing would have been to have covered up the matter to fester in Peter's mind & the minds of the disciples.

C. The Third Piercing Jab: v. 17a

1. Now, Christ changes the word for love to Phileo.

2. Christ lessons the demand on Peter, acknowledging that Peter had not yet attained to Divine love.

a. "Lovest": binds the other 2 words in the question together.

b. "Thou": Christ is addressing a friend, not a stranger.

ILLUS: A mother can ask this of her own child, but not to a strange child. So, Jesus can ask this of Peter, but not of a stranger. Can He ask it of you?

c. "Me": Christ must be the object of Peter's love.

TRANS: Peter had denied the Savior 3 times. Christ challenges his love 3 times & gives him opportunity to thrice confess his love. The Lord wounds only to heal.


A. Peter Appeals To Christ's Omniscience:

1. Peter responds all 3 times with "thou knowest..."

2. Peter no longer had confidence in himself.

3. Peter desired Christ's all-seeing eyes to search him out.

a. He knew that Christ could see his sincerity.

b. He desired Christ's affirmation.

4. Peter "was grieved" on the 3rd interrogation:

a. It reminded him of his 3-fold denial.

b. It made him fear that Christ saw some hidden contradiction to his professed love, as before.

NOTE: There is joy in the awareness of Christ's omniscience.

1. He knows the worst about us & loves us anyway. Our conduct doesn't surprise Him nor make Him change His love for us.

2. He knows the best about us though others never can. The others might have suspected Peter of being another false disciple like Judas. Jesus knew better.

B. Peter Affirms His Compelling Objective:

1. Peter responds all 3 times with "I love (phileo) Thee!"

a. That is his desire, goal & direction.

b. It is the honest statement of a repentant disciple.

2. Peter responds all 3 times with "phileo" not "agapao".


a. In effect Jesus asks, "Do you love me with 100% love?"

b. Peter replies, "I love you with 60% love."

1) Peter is through with boasting of superior love.

2) HE only admits of the best love he is capable of.

TRANS: Jesus has CHALLENGED Peter's love 3 times; Peter has CONFESSED his love 3 times. Christ responds with a thrice- repeated COMMISSION.


A. #1: Feed The Lambs: v. 16

NOTE: The change of figure from "fishing" to shepherding is striking. One speaks of the soul-winner, the other of the Pastor/Teacher. All disciples are to be soul-winners, only some are commissioned as Pastor/Teachers.

1. The 1st responsibility of the Pastor is to care for new convert.

2. Note that Christ refers to the lambs as HIS, not Peters.

NOTE: The claims of the Popes notwithstanding!

B. #2: Shepherd The Sheep: v. 16

1. The word for "feed" in v. 15 & 17 are the same & deal with providing nourishment.

2. The word in v. 17 translated "feed" has to do with ruling or shepherding.

C. #3: Feed The Flock: v. 17

ILLUS: "Shepherding the sheep is not always going through flowery meadows & beside still waters; sometimes it means leaving the fold & going out on the mountains wild & bare & grappling with the wolf, & allowing him to bury his fangs in you to say in order to save the sheep." - G. Campbell Morgan

CONCL: Peter's restoration is now complete! His love for His Lord was to be devotional, not just emotional & to extend to those sheep belonging to the Great Shepherd.

The vacillating Simon is converted to Peter, the rock, through a humiliating commission & now is fit to feed the sheep.

Unsaved, perhaps you are not in the fold as yet. Come quickly to the Great & Good Shepherd.


TEXT: John 21:18-22

THESIS: To show that we are to fix our gaze on our Savior, not ourselves or other saints.

INTRO: A. In the military there is a command, "Eyes Right!" When marching, every soldier must immediately respond by turning his head sharply to the right, except the man on the extreme right of each row or column. He must keep his eyes front or the entire platoon, company or battalion will soon be marching crooked. Somebody must watch where they are going & maintain a straight path. Also, the command "Eyes Right!" is quickly countered by the command "Eyes Front!" so everyone is looking straight ahead again at the "guide on" or leader.

B. The same is true in the spiritual realm, we are not to keep our eyes on others, but on our Savior. In the passage before us, Peter had a problem with focusing on Christ & keeping his "EYES FRONT!"

TRANS: Peter had been recommissioned as an undershepherd & now will be admonished to follow the Great Shepherd.

I. FOLLOWING CHRIST IN DEATH: v. 18, 19 "Follow Me!"

NOTE: Peter was re-signed for service, now he would be signed up for suffering.


A. Peter's Past Service: v. 18

1. Jesus reminds Peter of his former freedom.

a. Peter "did his own thing" in his youth or early years.

b. Peter came & went as & where he pleased.

NOTE: Men often waste the best years of their lives & do not consistently serve the Lord. They have their eyes on other things: clothes, cars, the opposite sex, money, a home, etc. They find out too late what is really important. They are marching with “EYES RIGHT!” on the grandstand, instead of with “EYES FRONT!” on their Commander-in-Chief.

2. Jesus makes an authoritative statement concerning Peter’s future: “Verily, verily…”

B. Peter’s Future Suffering: v. 18b

1. Having charged him to feed His sheep, He now reveals what will be required in this service.

2. Caring for the sheep as an undershepherd, & not an hireling, often involves suffering, hardship & even death.

a. Peter would be bound & imprisoned on several occasions. Cf. Acts 21:11 Note symbolism

b. Peter, in serving Christ, would be carried to places not of his choosing.

C. Peter’s Final Summons: v. 19

1. Christ is here assuring Peter that what he had failed in doing by his own will, he would be permitted to do by God’s will; i.e., die for Christ.

2. Christ here prophesies of “what death” Peter would die.

NOTE: This ties in with Peter’s statements in v. 15-17: “Thou knowest all things…”

Some say this verse only deals with Peter’s martyrdom & not specifically the method of his death. But tradition & history say Peter died by crucifixion in A.D. 68. The passage seems to go beyond a statement of death to the manner of death.

a. It teaches us that not only is it appointed to all to dies, but that our manner of death is likewise appointed.

b. That death by martyrdom especially glorifies God.

c. That whatever death we die, as Christians, we should glorify Christ.

NOTE: Like Samson, we may do more for God in our death than in our life. We may glorify God in our death by

1) patiently enduring its pain & suffering &

2) by testifying to others of the comfort & support we find in the grace of Christ. Ps. 23:4

It was only AFTER his recommissiong & this revelation of Peter’s death that Jesus commanded “follow me!” Thus, Peter was to follow Christ in death. Peter accepted this prophecy & continued to follow Christ in life, TILL his death. II Pet. 1:14

Peter is to keep “EYES FRONT!” till death!


A. Peter’s Direction: v. 20a

1. Apparently, both Peter & John began to follow the Lord: "following..."

2. Peter, momentarily, is going in the right direction & has "EYES FRONT!"

B. Peter's Deflection: v. 20b, 21

1. Peter has eye trouble: "seeth...seeing him..."

2. Peter can't keep his "EYES FRONT!"

a. Almost immediately, Peter gets his eyes off Christ & on John.

b. The only explanation is that the flesh still remains in the believer & ever lusts against the Spirit.


NOTE: Though fully restored to fellowship & service, the old Simon remained. See v. 15-17 where Jesus uses his old name. Even the best Christians find it difficult to keep their gaze fixed upon Christ. If "curiosity kills the cat", then surely it distracts the disciple.

C. Peter's Denouncement: v. 22

1. The Lord rebukes Peter's curiosity with a "mind your own business"!

2. We are not to be overly concerned with others and what they do or do not do.

NOTE: We need a balance between selfishness, which ignores others' needs, & over-involvement with others, which diverts the direction of our service. "They made me the keeper of the vineyards; mine own vineyard have I not kept." Song of Sol. 1:6 What value would information concerning the time or method of John's death be to Peter?

a. There is a contrast here between Peter, the activist, & John, the thinker.

b. The danger for the activist is insensitivity to others who move more slowly.

c. The danger to the thinker is that he can become lazy & critical of "inferiors".

3. Jesus' final words to Peter are: "Follow thou me!"

a. We are to have His balance of concern & compassion & noninterference.

b. We need to get our eyes off self & others & keep them on Him.

CONCL: Whether in life or death, we are to magnify Christ in our bodies. (Phil. 1:20) We must "follow Him"! Through our service on earth in life or our suffering unto death to glory, we are to glorify Him by keeping "EYES FRONT"!

Unsaved friend, don't look at the "hypocrites in the church" or what "everybody else does"; look to the cross of Calvary & the One Who died for you there.


TEXT: John 21:23-25

THESIS: To emphasize the dangers of tradition vs. the demands of truth.

INTRO: A. John's Gospel begins with Jesus: "In the beginning was the Word." John's Gospel ends with Jesus: "Many other things which Jesus did." It begins with an impressive testimony of John the Baptist. It closes with an impressive testimony of John the Beloved. It begins emphasizing the Deity of Christ & His omnipotence & eternality. "All things were made by Him..." It closes emphasizing His Deity & highlighting His omniscience, predicting Peter's death & His demand, "follow me".

B. John's Gospel also opens with a declaration concerning the Living Word and ends with a statement concerning the written Word as well as the Living Word.

TRANS: Jesus had instructed Peter to follow Him. Peter had his eyes on John instead. The Lord then made a statement about John which became a problem. v. 22


A. Tradition Is Unreliable: "this saying"

1. This verse reveals how easily a false tradition may begin.

2. This verse shows how the truth can be twisted & misunderstood.

a. Jesus' point was not that John would not die.

b. Jesus was simply trying to get Peter's eyes off John & on Himself.

3. This verse shows that traditions are unreliable even if "the brethren" are the source.

B. Tradition Is Unverifiable: "yet Jesus said not..."


1. The written Word, not oral testimony, is our textbook.

2. Oral tradition may or may not be accurate.

a. Christianity is a life of faith, but its source is a compilation of facts.

b. Every tradition must be verified by God's Word.

NOTE: "Sola Scriptura" must be our motto & practice. Yet, men in the GARBC & other "bastions of fundamentalism" are telling us today that the "words" of Scripture are not important; just the message. Dr. Samuel Schnaiter, of the Bob Jones University faculty, wrote in the Biblical Viewpoint, p. 68, April 1982, "...promises of preservation in view of wording variations can apply ONLY TO THE MESSAGE of God's Word, NOT to its precise wording."

C. Tradition Is Untrustworthy: "said not unto him..."

1. This was the birth of the 1st ecclesiastical tradition.

2. This was changing a supposition into a position.

3. This was misconstruing Christ's statement & twisting the truth.

NOTE: Removing one word from Christ's statement changed the meaning; the word "if"!!!


A. The Accuracy Of A Credible Witness: "the disciple"

1. He was an eyewitness.

2. He was a disciple.

a. His statement seems to be verified by others: "we know"

NOTE: This does no damage to the inspiration or authorship of the book. (Cf. Rom. 16:22 "I Tertius (Paul's secretary), who wrote this epistle, salute you in the Lord.")

b. His book is thus vouched for as being trustworthy.

NOTE: Previously, he referred to himself as "he that saw it" (19:35); here the plural is used; "we".

B. The Authority Of Clear Writings: "wrote these things"

1. The contrast between the unreliability of tradition vs. the reliability of an authoritative record is given.

2. The objectivity of a written account vs. the subjectivity of a verbal account is paramount.

NOTE: "Give it to me in writing" is a common request. "Put it in black & white" we often say. A written document can be scrutinized carefully & examined minutely. Verbal accounts may vary considerably.


A. The Multiplicity Of Jesus' Works: "many other things"

1. This does not diminish the unrecorded things that Jesus did in His earthly ministry.

a. He never uttered an idle word.

b. He never did an insignificant thing.

NOTE: Cf. Matt. 4:23-25 for a sample of the variety of His ministry: teaching, preaching, healing, exorcism, etc.

2. It simply means that if folks refuse the recorded events, more would not convince them.

3. It further suggests a mere recounting of the message & miracles of Christ, even in full, could never fully tell of His infinite glory.


B. The Magnitude Of Jesus' Works: "could not contain"

1. Here, the infinite dimensions of His ministry are suggested.

2. Here, the wonder of the selectivity of the Holy Spirit is taught regarding the record of Scripture.

a. Not only is what He had recorded for us inspired,

b. But, what He omitted is likewise a vital part of His total revelation.

1) Only that which is vital & pertinent to our spiritual needs is included.

2) Only that which satisfies our present needs is passed on to us.

CONCL: "Could we with ink the ocean fill,

And were the skies of parchment made;

Were every stalk on earth a quill,

And every man a scribe by trade,

To write the love of God above,

Would drain the ocean dry,

Nor could the scroll contain the whole,

Though stretched from sky to sky."

And, with v. 25, John wrote "Amen" as the Holy Spirit's imprimatur to his book & laid down his pen. And, He that indwells us who are saved echoes back "Amen!"


Barclay, Wm., The Gospel of John, The Westminster Press

Barnes, Albert, Barnes Notes, Harper & Brothers

Bellshaw, Wm., Down From His Glory, Baptist Publications

Boice, James, Gospel of John (5 Vols.), Zondervan

Gordon, S.D., Quiet Talks On John's Gospel, Fleming H. Revell

Greene, Oliver B., Gospel According To John (3 Vols.), Gospel Hour Press

Hendriksen, Wm., The Gospel of John (N.T. Commentary), Baker Book House

Laurin, Roy, John: Life Eternal, Moody Press

Lenski, R.C.H., St. John's Gospel, Augsburg Publishing House

Morgan, G. Cambell, The Gospel According To John, Fleming H. Revell

Pickering, Ernest, The Word Became Flesh, Regular Baptist Press

Pink, Arthur W., Exposition On The Gospel of John, (3 Vols.), Zondervan

Tasker, R.V.G., The Gospel According To St. John, Eerdmans

Tasker, R.V.G., The Pulpit Commentary, Vol. 17, Eerdmans

Tasker, R.V.G., The Gospel of John, Fundamentalist Church Publications

God, The Holy Spirit, The Holy Bible, King James Version (AV1611), Due North Printers, Paradise


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