“Caring Makes Us Human” is a story by Troy Chapman, a man convicted of second-degree murder in 1985. This story is about the cat that comes to the prison’s yard, and he was in very bad condition. The writer explains the impact this cat had on the prisoners. The cat taken away after two weeks due to prison protocol as prisoners are not allowed to have pets. When the cat first came to prison it looked scruffy and unwell. Not only did the prisoners feed and care for the cat, but it had positive effect on them. Just by compassion they had for the cat, the inmates had a sense of purpose and need. The presence of the cat brought the prisoners together in a positive way, which is may be a contrast to what their past life may have been. Currently in the U.S there are limited programs that allow prisoners to have an animal companions as a form of therapy. In my opinion, American prisons should offer the inmates animal programs to help mentally reform them. Currently American prison have one of the world largest incarceration rates. We should consider ‘animal companion’ for the prisoners and their mental wellbeing. Some prisoners may stay there most of their lives. Psychologically, this will have a huge impact on the mental wellbeing of the prisoner, accepting their fate of not living in society. Currently there are programs that may help prisoners with this mental impact of life in prison, or even prisoners who one day will be integrated back in to society. This program may not only be beneficial to prisoners but to stray animals as well. For instance, Chapman states how this cat was in very bad shape. If this program is approved inmates can adopt animals that are homeless. Not only would they be doing good for the inmate, but also beneficial for society. For example, local pound would benefit from the increase in adoption from the prisons. The inmates can give these animals the basic needs like shelter, food and love. Animals are amazing creatures that can bring joy and happiness to anyone’s life, so they deserve to be treated good. This programs will benefit a lot of homeless animals.In addition, Chapman, explains that “they need a chance to practice kindness themselves’(p468). What is kindness? Kindness can be many things like being friendly, generous, and considerate. It can also mean caring for a cat or having affection for it. Therefore, caring for an animal is a good practice of kindness, for the mental health prisoners, who may only know a life of abuse and neglect. The inmates can also learn valuable life skills like compassion and can potentially give them a sense of a better way of life. For example, feeding your pet is another way of showing how much you care for it "Bowls of milk and water appeared, along with bread, wisely placed under the edge of the Dumpster to keep the seagulls from getting it" (p467). Also, people need second chances and this could allow reflections on their own life, even if that second chance is to care for an animal. In fact, "I believe that caring for something or someone makes us human" (p467). Lastly, having an animal program would be very beneficial for the prisoners. These animal program will become a reward incentive that prisons can put in place. This reward program would make a safer, and a better environment for everyone including the officers that work there. It would also motivate the prisoners in a very positive way, and with result of better behavior of the inmates. Having animal programs would do good for prisoners. Giving them a sense of hope for optimism.In conclusion, American prisons should offer the inmates an animal reward program to help reform them. Just by reading Chapmans essay it seems like the cat brought not only joy, but also happiness to all the prisoners. Just because humans commit crimes, and end up in prison should not mean that they do not deserve a second chances. Resistance to giving people a second chances causes people who commit crimes spend a great deal of time in prisons. Even, if that second chance is the opportunity to be able to have animal reward program inside prison. These pet reward programs could show a greater domineer not only for these inmates but also for these animals that have been left abandoned. ................

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