
Ignition Grant

Final Report Form

|IMPORTANT! Refer to your Ignition Grant Application and Contract before beginning this form. |


Initiative Title:      

Grant Number (from your contract):      

|      | |

|Grant Number | |

|(from your contract) | |

| | |

|      |      |

|Initiative Start Date* |Initiative End Date* |

|*All expenses must be incurred between these two dates. | |

| | |

|$      |$      |

|Award Amount |Total Initiative Budget |


|      |      |

|Grantee Organization |Project Leader Name |

|      |      |

|Project Leader Phone |Project Leader Email |

**The project leader is a person who is affiliated with the applicant organization, is familiar with all aspects of the project and its budget, submits the final report, and acts as the main contact for the Arts Council.


1. Refer to the original Ignition Grant Application and Contract before beginning this form.

2. Grantees are strongly encouraged to contact Arts Council staff with questions prior to submitting a Final Report.

3. Late materials are not accepted. There are no exceptions.

4. The Final Report Form may be downloaded at Ignition and must be completed and submitted no later than 11:59 PM on the deadline date, 30 days from the initiative end date. The email subject line should read “Ignition Grant Final Report - [Organization Name].”

5. The Arts Council uses an online file sharing service called Exavault to manage Final Report submissions. Please reference the Final Report reminder email for the link to submit your Final Report Form and required attachments through ExaVault.

6. Documents must be clearly labeled using the following template:

• Ignition Grant - Grantee Name (or abbreviation) - File Name

• For example: IG – GHAC – Att. A

7. With the exception of the Budget Form, all attachments must be Microsoft Word or PDF documents.

8. Provide clear and complete responses to all questions. Please do not refer to other attachments and do not include additional attachments unless requested.


• Use the TAB key to move to each field to type in answers.

• Do not use bullets, numbering or any other formatting in your application.  Instead, use asterisks (*), numbers without formatted spacing and/or write headings in capitals if needed.

• Type responses in a separate document to use the spell check function and to check word count. Then copy content into the application form.

• Make sure to save work regularly to ensure responses do not get lost while working on the application.


The following materials are required, in addition to the completed Final Report Form:

|Attachment A |Final Report Budget Form |Download at Ignition |

|Attachment B |Promotional Documentation |Where the Arts Council is clearly acknowledged as described in the contractual |

| | |agreement. |

| | |(i.e. programs, flyers, brochures, news reviews/articles/announcements, newsletters,|

| | |e-newsletters, website and social media screenshots, etc.) |

|Attachment C |Initiative Documentation |Where the planning or implementation stage of the initiative is clearly represented.|

| | |(i.e. strategic plans, marketing plans, feasibility study reports, website and |

| | |social media screenshots, HR procedurals and policies, training itineraries, |

| | |evaluation materials, news articles, etc.) |

|Attachment D |High Resolution Images (If applicable) |Images that illustrate the impact of Arts Council funding. |


Please reference your original submitted Ignition Grant Application when answering the questions below.

1. Briefly describe the completed initiative funded by the Ignition Grant. (250 word max.)


2. Describe how the initiative increased sustainability, raised the organizational profile, and/or built the capacity of the organization. How did/will the initiative have lasting impact beyond the grant period?


3. How did the initiative improve the organization’s ability to create and produce innovative programming? How do you know? (i.e.: What evaluation process did you use to determine your conclusions?)


4. Describe two or more specific accomplishments of this initiative.


5. Describe any unexpected challenges you encountered to date and any challenges you foresee in the future.


6. How does progress on the project compare to the timeline provided in your application?


7. For Strategic Planning Initiatives: How did overall organizational management improve? How have you evaluated the effectiveness of these new strategic planning changes?


8. For Programming or Marketing Initiatives: In what ways (directly and/or indirectly) was the quality of programs and services improved by new marketing and programming initiatives made possible by 501(c)(3) determination? In what ways was program capacity increased? (scale, reach, or extent of impact on target population.)?


9. For Programming or Marketing Initiatives: To what extent do the services/programs offered by the organization reflect best practices and current knowledge? How relevant were the services/programs? How satisfied were participants with the services? What did they like and dislike about them?


10. For Programming or Marketing Initiatives: In what ways (directly and/or indirectly) was the quality of programs and services improved by the rebranding and new marketing initiatives? In what ways was program capacity increased? (scale, reach, or extent of impact on target population.)


11. Community Impact: How did this initiative align with one or more of the Arts Council’s Community Impact Goals? (250 words max.)

Check All that Apply:

Increase Greater Hartford’s ability to attract and retain talent

Promote intercultural understanding

Cultivate the creative talents of school-aged (pre-K through grade 12) youth in the region

Enhance the vibrancy of communities that have been historically unserved or underserved

Explore social issues of broad public concern through the arts together


12. Where applicable, describe your promotional and publicity efforts, including accomplishments and challenges (please attach copies of news stories, photographs, brochures, etc.)



If applicable to your organization, please complete the grids below. If an area is not applicable to your organization, enter “n/a.” Do not leave any areas blank.

|General Admission |2 years prior |Last year |This year |

| | | |(Projected) |

|Paid Members/Subscribers |      |      |      |

|Single Ticket Buyers |      |      |      |

|Complimentary |      |      |      |

|Total: |      |      |      |

Please explain any notable trends or variations in numbers. (250 words max.)


|Program |2 years prior |Last year |This year |

| | | |(Projected) |

|Youth Education |      |      |      |

|Adult Education |      |      |      |

|Free Public Events |      |      |      |

|Total: |      |      |      |

Please explain any notable trends or variations in numbers. (250 words max.)


1. For projects that are reporting audience figures, please describe methods in which audience data was collected (i.e. ticket sales, registration, survey, visual, etc.)



The Greater Hartford Arts Council requires that you certify your final report by submitting an electronic signature. To certify your final report, read the text below and provide an electronic signature (type your name, title, and the date) within the appropriate boxes.

Certification statement: I certify that to the best of my knowledge, all information presented here is truthful and correct. I also understand that willfully providing incorrect or misleading information will result in disqualification of this application and for future funding from the Greater Hartford Arts Council.

|      |      |

|Executive Director’s Name and Title |Date |

|      |      |

|Project Leader Name and Title |Date |


Questions should be directed to:

Catherine Valenza, grants@, 860-525-8629 x245

The Ignition Grant program is made possible through the Greater Hartford Arts Council's United Arts Campaign with major support from the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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