M21-1, PT I, Appendix A - Veterans Affairs

M 21-1, PART I








WASHINGTON, D.C. 20420 JULY 21, 1977

July 21, 1977 M21-1

Appendix A

Change 173


The purpose of this appendix is to provide the procedures and format for use by the rating board in the statement of their decision utilizing specific coded forms of expression. Uniform coding by all rating boards is necessary in the Rating Decision, VA Form 21-6796. Procedural details are included where necessary to achieve uniformity and maximum effectiveness. This appendix is to be used in conjunction with the appropriate chapters of this manual with regard to the specific issues in question.

Material presented in this appendix is divided into numbered sections as listed in the contents. Pages are numbered from I within each section preceded by the section number, I through VIII. This will enable additional pages to be added to a section without disturbing the numerical sequence of the pages belonging to other specific sections. Pages interposed in any section will use the number of the pages next preceding, followed by lower case letters in alphabetic sequence, e.g., pages inserted between 1-1 and 1-2 will be I-la, I-lb, etcetera.

If a revision requires little change in the original text, instructions will be issued stating how the text is to be annotated. If the changes are extensive, new pages will be issued, with the new or revised text enclosed by brackets "[ ] ", to facilitate recognition of the changes. As new pages are received, they will be inserted in their proper place and the replaced pages discarded in accordance with Records Control Schedule VB-1. However, for historical purposes, when required, one set of all replaced pages should be maintained in the office of the Adjudication Officer.

Each page of the appendix bears the date of publication. Changed pages will carry the date and number of the changes.

Deviation from any of the prescribed procedures without prior authorization of the Chief Benefits Director is prohibited.

M21-1, Part I, Appendix A September 15, 1977

Change 177



a. All rating specialists will use the coded forms of expression listed herein to show conclusions relative to issues determined by the rating board. In exceptional circumstances, such revisions as may be necessary are authorized in the discretion of the rating board.

b. The abbreviation "SC" will denote "service-connected" and "NSC" "non-service-connected." In disability, accrued and death rating decisions, the "SC" will be followed by the abbreviation denoting the applicable period of service and appropriate abbreviated legend for INC (incurrence), AGG (aggravation) or PRES (presumption); e.g. (WWII PRES.), only when the entry would be the same for all disabilities under the rating code; otherwise, this entry will be as provided in the format for paragraph c below. The "NSC" will be followed by the abbreviation denoting the applicable period of service; e.g., SAW, MBP, WWI, WWII, KC, VE, PTE,etc.

c. As provided by paragraph 49.21, the rating code for the major service-connected disability will be shown first. All other disabilities service-connected will be shown in descending order of current percentage evaluation, without regard to period of service or incurrence or aggravation. The following is an example of a compensation claim where service-connection is in order for disabilities based on World War II, Korean Conflict, peacetime service, and Vietnam Era Service. The appropriate service-connected disabilities would be coded in the following format:

1. SC

5293 Intervertebral disc syndrome

40% from 4-1-76 (VE INC)

7120 Varicose veins, bilateral

30% from 4-1-76 (KC INC)

5010 Arthritis, traumatic, right knee

10% from 4-1-76 (VE INC)

5227 Fracture, right 5th Metacarpal

0% from 4-1-76 (WWII INC)

6304 Malaria

0% from 4-1-76 (WWII INC)

7336 Hemorrhoids, internal

0% from 4-1-76 (PTE INC)

18. Individual unemployability

COMB: SC 70% from 4-1-76

43. Bilateral factor 3.7% added for DC 7120, and 5010

d. Additional examples of coding format can be seen in pertinent chapters of this manual.

M21-1, Part I October 12,1988

Change 469

Appendix A



1 Service-connected-Live I-1

1d Service-connected-Death III-1

2 N.S.C. P&T II-1

8 Nonservice-connected-Live I-1

8d Nonservice-connected-Death III-1

9 Not P&T II-1

10 Not entitled wartime rates prior to 7-1-73 I-1

11A Less than 90 days-Entitled N.S.C. II-1

11B Less than 90 days-Not Entitled N.S.C. II-1

12 Service-connected-38 U.S.C. 351 I-1

15 Nonservice-connected-38 U.S.C. 351 I-2

17 Prestabilization rating-Paragraph 28 I-2

18A Individual unemployability-Granted I-2

18B Individual unemployability-Denied I-2

19A N.S.C. A/A while maintained II-2

19B N.S.C. A/A-Not when maintained II-2

19C S.M.P.-Denied II-2

21 DIC basic entitlement-Granted-38 U.S.C. 418 III-1

22 DIC basic entitlement-Denied-38 U.S.C. 418 III-1

23 Child incapable of self-support IV-1

24 Child NOT incapable of self-support IV-1

25 Child no longer incapable of self-support IV-1

27 Cause of death SC-38 U.S.C. 351 III-2

28 Cause of death N.S.C.-38 U.S.C. 351 III-2

29A N.S.C. H/B-100% plus determination II-2

29B N.S.C. H/B-100% plus additional 60%. II-2

33 Incompetent IV-1

37 Disability due to other (SC) disabilities I-2

38 Rating deferred IV-1

39 Rating continuation under 38 CFR 3.344 IV-1

40 Evidence insufficient to evaluate IV-1

40A Abandoned claim IV-2

41 Specially adapted housing-Granted-3 8 U.S.C. 801 (a) IV-2

41A Special home adaptation grant-Granted-3 8 U. S. C. 801(b) IV-2

42 Specially adapted housing-Denied-38 U.S.C. 801(a) IV-2

42A Special home adaptation grant-Denied-38 U.S.C. 801(b) IV-2

43 Bilateral factor IV-2

44 Active duty IV-2

46 Dependents A/A-Granted IV-3

46A Surviving spouse H/B-Granted IV-3

47 Dependents A/A-Denied IV-3

47A Surviving spouse H/B-Denied IV-3

48 SC psychosis-38 U.S.C. 602 I-3

49 Psychosis NOT SC-38 U.S.C. 602 I-3

60 Service-connected death-Granted-section 156, Public Law 97-377 III-2

60A Service-connection death-Denied-section 156, Public Law 97-377 III-2

M21-1, Part I October 12,1988

Change 469

Appendix A

61 Automobile and adaptive equipment-Grant-38 U.S.C. 1901 IV-3

61A Adaptive equipment only-Grant-38 U.S.C 1902(b)(2) IV-3

62 Automobile and/or adaptive equipment-Denied-38 U.S.C . CH 39 IV-3

K-1 SMC paragraph "K" V-1

L-1 SMC paragraph "L" V-1

LB-1 SMC paragraph "L"-Blind VI-1

L-2 SMC paragraph "L 1/2" V-2

LB-2 SMC paragraph " L 1/2 " - Blind VI-1

M-1 SMC paragraph "M" V-2

M-2 SMC paragraph "M" V-2

M-3 SMC paragraph equal to "M" V-3

MB-1 SMC paragraph "M"-Blind VI-1

MB-2 SMC paragraph equal to "M"-Blind VI-2

M-4 SMC paragraph "M 1/2" V-3

M-5 SMC paragraph "M 1/2" V-3

MB-3 SMC paragraph "M 1/2"-Blind VI-2

N-1&2 SMC paragraph "N" V-4

N-3 SMC paragraph equal to "N" V-4

NB-1 SMC paragraph "N"-Blind VI-3

N-4 SMC paragraph "N 1/2" V-4

0-1, 2&3 SMC paragraph "O" V-5

OB-1 + 2 SMC paragraph "O" VI-3

P-1 (p) plus 50% V-6

P-2 (p) plus 100% V-6

P-3 (p) triple loss or loss of use V-6

PB-1 (p) blindness with unilateral total deafness VI-4

PB-2 (p) blindness with bilateral deafness at 10% or 20% VI-4

PB-3 (p) blindness with bilateral deafness 30% or more VI-4

PB-4 (p) blindness with loss or loss of use of hand VI-5

PB-5 (p) blindness with loss or loss of use of foot 50% or more VI-5

PB-6 (p) blindness with loss or loss of use of foot 40% VI-5

Q-1 SMC paragraph "Q" V-6

Q-2 SMC paragraph "Q" (Historical) V-6

R-1 SMC paragraph "R" V-7

R-2 SMC paragraph "R" plus higher level of care V-7

S-1&2 SMC paragraph "S" V-7

T-1 SMC paragraph "T" V-7

M21-1, Part I August 4, 1983

Change 363

Appendix A


I. Service-Connected Disability Rating Paragraphs and Codes I-1

II. Nonservice-Connected Disability Rating Paragraphs and Codes II-1

III. Death Rating Paragraphs and Codes III-1

IV. Miscellaneous Rating Paragraphs and Codes IV-1

V. Special Monthly Compensation Paragraphs

"K." V-1

"L" V-1

"L1/2" V-2

"M" V-2

Equal to "M" V-3

"M1/2" V-3

"N" V-4

Equal to "N" V-4

"N1/2" V-4

"O" V-5

314(p) plus 50% or 100% V-5

3 14(p) three extremities V-5

"Q" V-6

"R" V-6

"S" V-7

"T" V-7

VI. Blind Special Monthly Compensation Paragraphs

"L"-Blind VI- 1

"L 1/2"-Blind VI- 1

"M"-Blind VI-1

Equal to "M"-Blind VI-2

"M 1/2"-Blind VI-2

"N"-Blind VI-3

"O"-Blind VI-3

314(p) Blindness and Deafness VI-4

314(p) Blindness and Extremity VI-5

VII. Special Monthly Compensation Codes VII-1

VIII. Special Injury and Other Loss Codes VIII-1

M21-1, Part I September 5, 1986

Change 423

Appendix A


CODE 1. GRANT-Service-connected by incurrence, aggravation, or presumption-38 U.S.C. ch. 11, subch. II, IV, VI (except sec. 351).

1. SC_________________

(Diag. Code Number) (Diagnosis)

(**)% from_______________


*Insert abbreviation for applicable period of service.

**If prior evaluations are involved, repeat this line as many times as necessary to show each historical evaluation on a separated line. Furnish historical evaluations only to the extent necessary, consistent with sound rating practice.

CODE 8. DENIAL-Nonservice connection-38 U.S.C. ch. 11, subch. II, IV, VI (Includes conditions not service-connected as to constitutional or developmental abnormality, etc.)


8. N.S.C.

(Diag. Code Number) (Diagnosis)


*Insert abbreviation for applicable period of service.

CODE 10. DENIAL of wartime rates prior to 7-1-73, 38 U.S.C. 334 as amended by PL 92-328


10. Not entitled to wartime rates prior to 7-1-73.


NOTE: To be added after the combined rating percentage.

CODE 12. GRANT-Disability under the provisions of 38 U.S.C. 351.


12. Disability determined to be the result of (hospitalization), (medical or

surgical treatment), (vocational), (rehabilitation training), (examination), and

not the result of willful misconduct, entitlement under 38 U.S.C. 351.

(Diag. Code Number) (Diagnosis)

(**) % from


*Insert abbreviation for latest complete period of veterans service.

**If prior evaluations are involved, repeat this line as many times as necessary to show each historical evaluation on a separate line. Furnish historical evaluations only to the extent necessary, consistent with sound rating practice.

M21-1, Part I September 5, 1986

Change 423

Appendix A

CODE 15. DENIAL-No disability resulting from hospitalization, medical or surgical treatment or vocational rehabilitation, or examination-38 U.S.C. 351.


15. No additional disability resulting from VA authorized hospitalization,

medical or surgical treatment, vocational rehabilitation or examination. (Diag.)


When code, 15 is used, enter the diagnostic code, and diagnosis under code 8 as appropriate with % if


NOTE: Use this code only for the initial disallowance of benefits claimed under 38 U.S.C. 35l and not brought forward on subsequent ratings.

CODE 17. GRANT-When total or 50 percent disability ratings are assigned under the authority of paragraph 28 of the rating schedule, add, following the last coded service-connected disability, the code phrase.


17. Prestabilization Rating from ___________________


CODE 18A. GRANT-When total disability ratings are assigned in service-connected disability cases under the authority of paragraph 16, of the rating schedule, add, immediately preceding the service-connected combined evaluation, the code phrase.


18A. Individual unemployability




*Use only when date of unemployability differs from effective date of combined evaluation.

*For use when employability is regained.

CODE 18B. DENIAL-When total disability ratings are denied in service-connected disability cases under paragraph 16, of the rating schedule, add, immediately following the service-connected combined evaluation, the code phrase.


18B. IU not found


CODE 37. GRANT-When a disability not otherwise service-connected is determined to be directly due to and the proximate result of a service-connected disability.


37. Disability directly due to and proximately the result of SC disability coded

(Diag. Code)

(Diag. Code Number) (Diagnosis)

% from


NOTE: Use this code only on the initial establishment of service connection, and do not bring forward on subsequent ratings.

M21-1, Part I September 5, 1986

Change 423

Appendix A

CODE 48. GRANT-Entitlement to service-connection by reason of presumption, for Psychosis-38 U.S.C. 602.


48. Active Psychosis-S.C. for treatment purposes only.


CODE 49. DENIAL-No entitlement to service-connection by reason of presumption, for Psychosis-38 U.S.C. 602.


49. Active Psychosis-Not S.C.; 38 U.S.C. 602.


M21-1, Part I August 21, 1989

Change 483

Appendix A


CODE 2. GRANT Permanent and total-without regard to service connection 38 U.S.C. ch. 15, subchs. I and II.


2. PT * from (to )

(**)% (**)%

(Diag. Code Number) (Diagnosis)


*Insert abbreviation for applicable period of service which reflects the earliest entitling period. If service requirements are met only under-38 U.S.C. 521(g)(4) insert earliest entitling service period in which the aggregate of 90 days began.

**Do not repeat diagnoses listed under codes 1 and/or 8 under code 2 but show the combined degree of disability.

NOTE: If it is necessary to assign codes 2 and 9 (e.g. upon a rerating due to the veteran's unemployability if indi-vidual unemployability is a factor in the decision), show the inclusive dates of permanent total disability in code 2.

CODE 9. DENIAL of Permanent and Total, without regard to service connection-38 U.S.C., ch. 15, subchs. I and II.


9. NOT PT. (From )

(*) (*)% (*)

(Diag. Code Number) (Diagnosis)


*Do not repeat diagnoses listed under codes 1 and/or 8 under code 9. but show the combined degree.

NOTE: If it is necessary to assign codes 2 and 9; (e.g., upon a rerating due to the veteran's unemployability if indi-vidual unemployability is a factor in the decision), show the commencing date of not permanent total disability in code 9.

CODE 11A. GRANT-Less than 90 days of active duty-discharge for service-connected disability, or veteran had a service-connected disability which would have warranted discharge for disability-38 U.S.C. 521.


11A. Less than 90 days of active duty (*) **(Veteran was

discharged for disability without benefit of any presumption) (When discharged veteran

had a service-connected disability which would have warranted a discharge for disability)


*Insert applicable period of service.

**Use appropriate phrase.

NOTE: Use code 11A in conjunction with codes 2 or 9, as appropriate.

M21-1, Part I August 21, 1989

Change 483

Appendix A

CODE 11B. DENIAL-Less than 90 days of active duty and discharge without service-connected disability, or any disability which would have warranted discharge for disability.


11B. Less than 90 days of active duty (*) The veteran was not

discharged for a service-connected disability which would warrant a discharge for



*Insert applicable period of service.

CODE 19A. Entitlement to regular aid and attendance without regard to service connection and while maintained at government expense 38 U.S.C. ch. 15, subch. II, and ch. 55.


19A. Entitled to special monthly pension on account of need of regular aid and

attendance by reason of (Blindness) (Hansen's Disease) (paraplegia with loss of anal

and bladder sphincter control) from (*). Entitlement to continue while

maintained at government expense.


CODE 19B. GRANT-Entitlement to regular aid and attendance without regard to service connection, and not entitled while maintained at government expense-38 U.S.C. ch. 15, subch. II, and ch. 55.


19B. Entitled to special monthly pension on account of need of regular aid and

attendance from (*). Not entitled while maintained at government



CODE 19C. DENIAL-Entitlement to special monthly pension is not shown-38 U.S.C. ch. 15, subch. II.


19C. Not entitled to special monthly pension.


CODE 29A. GRANT-Non-service-connected housebound rate based on 100 percent disability and determination of housebound-38 U.S.C. 521(e).


29A. Entitled to special monthly pension under 38 CFR 3.351(d)(2) on account of

(disability) rated 100 percent and being housebound (date)


CODE 29B. GRANT-Non-service-connected housebound rate based on 100 percent disability and additional disability independently ratable at 60 percent or more-38 U.S.C. 521(e).


29B. Entitled to special monthly pension under 38 CFR 3.351(d)(1) at the housebound

rate on account of (disability) rated 100 percent and additional disability(ies) of

independently ratable at 60 percent or more from (date) (*).


*If entitlement is terminated, show as - From To

M21-1, Part I June 1, 1990

Change 496

Appendix A


CODE 1d. GRANT-Primary or contributory cause of death service connected by incurrence or aggravation-38 U.S.C. ch. 11, subchs. III and V; ch. 13; ch. 15, subch. III; and ch. 23.


1d. SC (*)

(**) Cause of Death:



*Insert abbreviation for applicable period of service.

**Insert "Primary" or "Contributory" as the case may be. When there is only one cause of death, this insertion will not be made.

NOTE: When the primary cause of death is service-connected, the contributory cause, if any, will not be rated. If only the contributory cause is service-connected, both the primary and contributory causes will be rated and the appropriate rating code assigned to each.

CODE 8d. DENIAL-Cause of death not service connected by incurrence or aggravation-38 U.S.C. ch. 11, subchs. III and V; ch. 13; ch. 15, subch. III and ch. 23.


8d. NSC (*)

(**) Cause of Death:



*Insert abbreviation for applicable period or periods of service.

**Insert "Primary" or "Primary and Contributory" as applicable. When there is only one cause of death, this insertion will not be made.

CODE 21. GRANT-Death under the provisions of 38 U.S.C. 418.


21. At the time of the veteran's death a total disability evaluation had been in effect

for (*) immediately preceding death. Basic entitlement under 38 U.S.C. 418

is established.


*a. 10 continuous years b. 5 continuous years following the date of release from active duty and

CODE 22. DENIAL-Death not under the provisions of 38 U.S.C. 418.


22. Basic entitlement under 38 U.S.C. 418 is not established.


M21-1, Part I June 1, 1990

Change 496

Appendix A

CODE 27. GRANT-Cause of death due to disability incident to hospitalization, medical or surgical treatment, examination or vocational training-38 U.S.C. 351.


27. Cause of death diagnosed due to additional disability resulting

from (*) 38 U.S.C. 351.


*Include phrase applicable in individual case (hospitalization) (medical or surgical treatment) (vocational

rehabilitation) (examination).

NOTE: When code 27 or 28 is for application, code 1d or 8d will not be used as to the additional disability suffered. Code 27 or 28 is not for application when the veteran dies of an established service-connected disability (primary or contributory), from a cause etiologically related thereto, or otherwise due to proximately the result thereof, including all complications arising therefrom or as a result of necessary medical treatment, surgery or medication required therefor.

CODE 28. DENIAL-Cause of death due to disability incident to hospitalization, medical or surgical treatment,

examination or vocational rehabilitation training-38 U.S.C. 351.


28. Cause of death diagnosed was not due to additional disability

resulting from (*) .


*Insert phrase applicable in individual case (hospitalization) (medical or surgical treatment) (vocational

rehabilitation) (examination).

CODE 60. GRANT-Death occurred or disability causing death was incurred or aggravated during active duty prior

to Aug. 13, 1981. Service-connected death for entitlement to benefits under section 156, Pub. L. 97-377.


60. Service-connected death is established for entitlement to benefits under section 156,

Pub. L. 97-377.


CODE 60A. DENIAL-Service-connected death for entitlement to benefits under section 156, Pub. L. 97-377.


60A. Service-connected death is not established for entitlement to benefits under

section 156, Pub. L. 97-377.


M21-1, Part I October 12, 1988

Change 469

Appendix A


CODE 23. GRANT-Child permanently incapable of self-support-38 U.S.C. 101(4)(B).

23. Child (name), became permanently incapable of self-support prior to (child's 18th birthday)

by reason of physical or mental disability diagnosed


*Indicate "competent" or use code 33 for incompetency.

CODE 24. DENIAL-Child not permanently incapable of self-support-38 U.S.C. 101(4)(B).

24. *Child (name), not shown to have been permanently incapable of self-support prior to

(child's 18th birthday).

CODE 25. DENIAL-Child no longer shown to be permanently incapable of self-support-38 U.S.C. 101(4)(B).

25. *Child (name), not shown to be permanently incapable of self-support from (date)

CODE 33. COMPETENCY-When payments are to be made on behalf of an incompetent person, the date on which incompetency began and the period(s) during which such condition existed should be indicated in the following manner:

33. Incompetent from

*(Competent from

*Use only when competency required or restored.

CODE 38. DEFERRAL-In those cases in which rating a specific disability must be deferred on account of lack of evidence, necessity of physical examination, or any other reason, that fact should be indicated by the following phrase, with statement of the reason in concise language:

38. Rating as to , deferred for

CODE 39. Rating continued pending reexamination in 18, 24, or 30 months, 38 CFR 3.344.

39. Rating continued pending reexamination * months from this date, 38 CFR 3.344.

*Insert 18, 24, or 30 in accordance with rating board determination in the individual case.

CODE 40. DEFERRED-When there is insufficient evidence to evaluate a disability over a prior period due to abandonment of a claim or when a claimant fails for 1 year or more to report for an examination, the interim period will be covered by this code.

40. Evidence insufficient to evaluate (date) to (date)

CODE 40A. DEFERRED-When there is insufficient evidence to evaluate a disability over a prior period due to abandonment of a claim for 1 year or more, the interim period will be covered by this code.

40A. Evidence insufficient to evaluate due to abandonment to

M21-1, Part I October 12, 1988

Change 469

Appendix A

CODE 41. GRANT-Entitled to special housing assistance-38 U.S.C. 801(a).

41. Entitlement to special housing assistance is established, based on a determination that

(*) , the service-connected (diagnosis(es)) is/are permanent and total. 38 U.S.C. 801 (a)

*Insert "due to loss (loss of use) of both lower extremities" or "which includes blindness in both eyes plus loss (loss of use) of one lower extremity" or "due to the loss (loss of use) of one lower extremity together with residuals of organic disease or injury which so affect the functions of balance or propulsion as to preclude locomotion without resort to a wheelchair."

CODE 41A. GRANT-Entitled to special home adaptation-38 U.S.C. 801(b).

41A. Entitlement to Special Home Adaptation Grant (38 U.S.C. 801(b)) is established based on

service-connected (*blindness in both eyes with visual acuity of 5/200 or less.) (*Anatomical loss

(loss of use) of both hands.)

*Use whichever applies.

CODE 42. DENIAL-No entitlement to special housing assistance-38 U.S.C. 801(a).

42. Entitlement to special housing assistance is not established, based on a determination that

qualifying disability as set forth in 38 CFR 3.809(b) is not found. 38 U.S.C. 801(a).

CODE 42A. DENIAL-No entitlement to special home adaptation-38 U.S.C. 801(b)

42A. Entitlement to Special Home Adaptation Grant is not established (38 U.S.C. 801(b)).

CODE 43. BILATERAL FACTOR-When the combined total percentage includes a bilateral factor under the authority of paragraph 26 of the Rating Schedule, there will be added, following the combined total percentage, the code phrase:

43. Bilateral factor of (*)% added for diagnostic codes (**),

*The bilateral factor is the amount to be added to those evaluations combined under the bilateral factor rule (i.e., 10% combined with 10%, equals 19%. The bilateral factor is 10% of 19%, or 1.90%. Show in code 43 "1.9%"-not "2%")

**Show all diagnostic codes for the disabilities which were used to compute the bilateral factor.

CODE 44. This code will be used for a period in which an evaluation cannot be continued because the veteran is on active duty.

44. Active duty (date to date)

CODE 46. GRANT-Spouse, surviving spouse, or parent entitled to additional allowance for aid and attendance-

38 U.S.C. ch. 11, subch. III; ch. 13, subch. II; or ch. 15, subch. III.

46. Entitlement is established for additional allowance for aid and attendance for

(relationship) from (date)

M21-1, Part I October 12, 1988

Change 469

Appendix A

CODE 46A. GRANT-Surviving spouse entitled to additional allowance for being housebound. 38 U.S.C. ch. 13, subch. I, and ch. 15, subch. III.

46A. Entitlement is established for additional allowance for being housebound from


CODE 47. DENIAL-Spouse, surviving spouse, or parent is not entitled to additional allowance for aid and attendance-38 U.S.C. ch. 11, subch. III; ch. 13, subch. II; or ch. 15, subch. III.

47. Entitlement is not established for additional allowance for aid and attendance for

(relationship). (#)

CODE 47A. DENIAL-Surviving spouse is not entitled to additional allowance for being housebound 38 U.S.C. ch. 13, subch. I, and ch. 15, subch. III.

47A. Entitlement is not established for additional allowance for being housebound.

# When entitlement is terminated, show as-from to

CODE 61. GRANT-Entitlement to automobile and adaptive equipment-38 U.S.C. 1901.

61. Entitlement to automobile and adaptive equipment is established. (38 U.S.C. 1901)

CODE 61A. GRANT-Entitlement to adaptive equipment only-(38 U.S.C. 1902(b)(2)

CODE 62. DENIAL-No entitlement automobile and adaptive equipment (38 U.S.C. 1901) or adaptive equipment only (38 U.S.C. 1902(b)(2).

62. Entitlement to automobile and adaptive equipment or adaptive equipment only is not

established. (38 U.S.C. 1901 and 1902(b)(2))

M21-1, Part I July 26, 1994

Change 19

Appendix A


1. To promote uniformity and accuracy in description when entitlement to special monthly compensation under 38 U.S.C. 1114(k) through (s) is established, rating codes are provided in the order of severity of disabilities. Rating codes for blindness are provided in section VI.

2. When there is entitlement under subsections (k), (q), (r), or (s) in addition to entitlement under subsection (l), (m), (n), (o), or (p), the entitlement under (k), (q), (r), or (s) must be cited separately, with a separate citation of (k) for each time the requirement is met.

3. Variation in the citation of these codes is necessary in the interest of rating clarity. Accurate citation of the exact disabilities or combination of disabilities, subsection of 38 U.S.C. 1114, and the applicable regulation involved is essential. It is imperative that the rating be complete and specific as to the basis of the veteran's entitlement in order to ensure the proper application of 38 CFR 3.552 for the reduction of aid and attendance while hospitalized.

For example: A veteran is in receipt of special monthly compensation under 38 U.S.C. 1114(k) from January 2, 1994, on account of the loss of use of the left lower extremity. On the basis of a report of hospitalization commencing January 2, 1994, he is found to be in need of regular aid and attendance under 38 U.S.C. 1114(l), but not independent of the loss of use of the left lower extremity. Accordingly, while not hospitalized he would be entitled to SMC at the (l) rate but without the addition of a (k). However, while hospitalized his SMC rate would be (s) for housebound plus the (k). Citations of SMC codes on the rating must clearly show the veteran's SMC entitlement while hospitalized.

K-1 Entitled to special monthly compensation under 38 U.S.C. 1114, subsection (k) and 38 CFR 3.350(a) on account of loss of use of one foot from 1/2/94. *Not payable concurrently with SMC under subsection (l).

L-1 Entitled to special monthly compensation under 38 U.S.C. 1114, subsection (l) and 38 CFR 3.350(b) on account being so helpless as to be in need of regular aid and attendance while not hospitalized at U.S. government expense from 1/2/94.

*To be inserted as required.

4. SMC paragraphs are numbered using an alpha with a numeric. This designator is considered part of the paragraph and must be shown on the rating.

April 19, 2002 M21-1, Part I

Appendix A

Change 39 Erratum


SMC Code 01

K-1 Entitled to special monthly compensation under 38 U.S.C. 1114, subsection (k) and 38 CFR 3.350(a) on account of (*) from (date) .

*Insert one disability in each paragraph dictated.

a. loss of use of one hand

b. anatomical loss of one hand

c. loss of use of one foot

d. anatomical loss of one foot

e. loss of use of both buttocks

f. anatomical loss of both buttocks

g. loss of use of one eye having only light perception

h. anatomical loss of one eye

i. loss of use of a creative organ

j. anatomical loss of a creative organ

k. deafness of both ears, having absence of air and bone conduction

l. complete organic aphonia with constant inability to communicate by speech

m. anatomical loss of one or both breasts (including loss by mastectomy)


SMC Code 03

L-1 Entitled to special monthly compensation under 38 U.S.C. 1114, subsection (l) and 38 CFR 3.350(b) on account of     (*)     from    (date)   .

*Insert one combination of disabilities in each paragraph dictated.

a. loss of use of both feet

b. anatomical loss of one foot and loss of use of the other foot

c. anatomical loss of both feet

d. anatomical loss of one hand and anatomical loss of one foot

e. anatomical loss of one hand and loss of use of one foot

f. anatomical loss of one foot and loss of use of one hand

g. loss of use of one hand and loss of use of one foot

h. being permanently bedridden

i. being so helpless as to be in need of regular aid and attendance (while not)

(entitlement to continue while) hospitalized at U.S. government expense


M21-1, Part I April 19, 2002

Appendix A

Change 39 Erratum



RATE INTERMEDIATE BETWEEN 38 U.S.C. 1114(l) and (m) - 38 CFR 3.350(f)(1)

SMC Code 18

L-2 Entitled to special monthly compensation under 38 U.S.C. 1114, subsection (p) and 38 CFR 3.350(f)(1) at the rate intermediate between subsection (l) and subsection (m) on account of the (anatomical loss) (loss of use) of     (*)     with the (anatomical loss) (loss of use) of     (*)     at a

level, or with complications, preventing natural (elbow) (knee) action with prosthesis in place from    (date)  .

*Insert one of the following combinations per paragraph dictated.

a. one foot one leg

b. one foot one arm

c. one hand one leg



SMC Code 07

M-1 Entitled to special monthly compensation under 38 U.S.C. 1114, subsection (m) and 38 CFR 3.350(c) on account of     (*)     from    (date)   .

*Insert one of the following combinations per paragraph dictated.

a. anatomical loss of both hands

b. anatomical loss of one hand and loss of use of the other hand

c. loss of use of both hands

M-2 Entitled to special monthly compensation under 38 U.S.C. 1114, subsection (m) and 38 CFR 3.350(c) on account of the (anatomical loss) (loss of use) of one leg at a level or with complications preventing natural knee action with prosthesis in place and the (anatomical loss) (loss of use) of     (*)     at a level or with complications preventing natural (elbow) (knee) action with prosthesis in place from    (date)   .

*Insert one of the following per paragraph dictated.

a. the other leg

b. one arm


M21-1, Part I July 26, 1994

Change 19

Appendix A



RATE EQUAL TO 38 U.S.C. 1114(m) - 38 CFR 3.350(f)(1)

SMC Code 19

M-3 Entitled to special monthly compensation under 38 U.S.C. 1114, subsection (p) and 38 CFR 3.350(f)(1) at the rate equal to subsection (m) on account of the (anatomical loss) (loss of use) of     (*)     with the (anatomical loss) (loss of use) of     (*)     so near the (shoulder) (hip) as to prevent the use of a prosthetic appliance from    (date)   .

*Insert one of the following combinations per paragraph dictated.

a. one foot one leg

b. one foot one arm

c. one hand one leg



RATE INTERMEDIATE BETWEEN 38 U.S.C. 1114(m) AND (n) - 38 CFR 3.350(f)(1)

SMC Code 20

M-4 Entitled to special monthly compensation under 38 U.S.C. 1114, subsection (p) and 38 CFR 3.350(f)(1) at the rate intermediate between subsection (m) and subsection (n) on account of the (anatomical loss) (loss of use) of     (*)     at a level preventing natural (elbow) (knee) action with prosthesis in place with the anatomical loss of     (*)     so near the (shoulder) (hip) as to prevent the use of a prosthetic appliance from    (date)   .

*Insert one of the following combinations per paragraph dictated.

a. one leg the other leg

b. one leg one arm

c. one arm one leg

M-5 Entitled to special monthly compensation under 38 U.S.C. 1114, subsection (p) and 38 CFR 3.350(f)(1)(x) at the rate intermediate between subsection (m) and subsection (n) on account of the (anatomical loss) (loss of use) of one hand with the (anatomical loss) (loss of use) of one arm at a level, or with complications, preventing natural elbow action with prosthesis in place from

   (date)   .

M21-1, Part I July 26, 1994

Change 19

Appendix A



SMC Code 11

N-1 Entitled to special monthly compensation under 38 U.S.C. 1114, subsection (n) and 38 CFR 3.350(d) on account of the (anatomical loss) (loss of use) of both arms at a level, or with complications, preventing natural elbow action with prosthesis in place from    (date)  .

N-2 Entitled to special monthly compensation under 38 U.S.C. 1114, subsection (n) and 38 CFR 3.350(d) on account of the anatomical loss of one leg so near the hip as to prevent the use of a prosthetic appliance and the anatomical loss of

    (*)     so near the (hip) (shoulder) as to prevent the use of a prosthetic appliance from    (date)   .

*Insert one of the following per paragraph dictated.

a. the other leg

b. one arm



RATE EQUAL TO 38 U.S.C. 1114(n) - 38 CFR 3.350(f)(1)(xi)

SMC Code 21

N-3 Entitled to special monthly compensation under 38 U.S.C. 1114, subsection (p) and 38 CFR 3.350(f)(1)(xi) at the rate equal to subsection (n) on account of the (anatomical loss) (loss of use) of one hand with the anatomical loss of one arm so near the shoulder as to prevent the use of a prosthetic appliance from

   (date)   .



RATE INTERMEDIATE BETWEEN 38 U.S.C. 1114(n) AND (o) - 38 CFR 3.350(f)(1)(xii)

SMC Code 22

N-4 Entitled to special monthly compensation under 38 U.S.C. 1114, subsection (p) and 38 CFR 3.350(f)(1)(xii) at the rate intermediate between subsection (n) and subsection (o) on account of the (anatomical loss) (loss of use) of one arm at a level, or with complications, preventing natural elbow action with prosthesis in place with the anatomical loss of the other arm so near the shoulder as to prevent the use of a prosthetic appliance from    (date)   .

M21-1, Part I July 26, 1994

Change 19

Appendix A

SPECIAL MONTHLY COMPENSATION UNDER 38 U.S.C. 1114(o) - 38 CFR 3.350(e)(1)(i)


SMC Code 37

O-1 Entitled to special monthly compensation under 38 U.S.C. 1114, subsection (o) and 38 CFR 3.350(e)(1)(i) on account of the anatomical loss of both arms so near the shoulders as to prevent the use of prosthetic appliances from    (date)   .


Special monthly compensation under 38 U.S.C. 1114(o) is payable for conditions entitling to two or more of the rates (no condition being considered twice) provided in 38 U.S.C. 1114(l) through (n), or for deafness in combination with blindness with bilateral visual acuity of 5/200 or less. Paraplegia, paralysis of both lower extremities together with loss of anal and bladder sphincter control, establishes entitlement under this subsection through the combination of loss of use of both legs and helplessness. Entitlement under this subsection as a result of including helplessness as one of the entitling multiple disabilities is intended to cover, in addition to obvious losses and blindness, conditions such as the loss of use of two extremities with absolute deafness and nearly total blindness or with severe multiple injuries producing total disabilities outside the useless extremities, these conditions being construed as loss of use of two extremities and helplessness.

All disabilities establishing entitlement must be cited with separate SMC paragraphs for each. Closeout dates as appropriate must be shown.

SMC Code 55

O-2 Entitled to special monthly compensation under 38 U.S.C. 1114, subsection (o) and 38 CFR 3.350(e) on account of paraplegia with loss of use of both legs and loss of anal and bladder sphincter control from    (date)   .

O-3 Entitled to special monthly compensation under 38 U.S.C. 1114, subsection (o) and 38 CFR 3.350(e) on account of     (*)     and     (*)     from    (date)   .


*Cite disabilities establishing entitlement.

**This paragraph requires that the correct SMC code be selected from section VII.

M21-1, Part I July 26, 1994

Change 19

Appendix A


38 CFR 3.350(f)(3), (f)(4), AND (f)(5)



SMC Code - #

P-1 Entitled to special monthly compensation under 38 U.S.C. 1114, subsection (p) and 38 CFR 3.350(f)(3) at the rate intermediate between subsection (*) and subsection (*) (or) (equal to subsection (*)) on account of    (**)    with additional disability(ies),    (**)    independently ratable at 50 percent or more from    (date)   .

P-2 Entitled to special monthly compensation under 38 U.S.C. 1114, subsection (p) and 38 CFR 3.350(f)(4) at the rate intermediate between subsection (*) and subsection (*) (or) (equal to subsection (*)) on account of    (**)    with additional disability,    (**)    independently ratable at 100 percent from

   (date)   .

P-3 Entitled to special monthly compensation under 38 U.S.C. 1114, subsection (p) and 38 CFR 3.350(f)(5) at the next higher rate or intermediate rate of subsection (*) due to the loss of three extremities from    (date)   .

*Cite applicable subsection(s) of 38 U.S.C. 1114.

**Cite entitling disability or disabilities.

#Use applicable codes from section VII.



SMC Code 36

Q-1 Tuberculosis completely arrested from    (date)   . Entitled to special monthly compensation under 38 U.S.C. 1114, subsection (q) and 38 CFR 3.350(g) from    (date)  . (SMC Code is required only if the statutory award is paid.)

Q-2*Tuberculosis completely arrested from    (date)   . Entitled to special

monthly compensation under 38 U.S.C. 1114, subsection (q) and 38 CFR 3.350(g) from    (date)   to    (date)  . (The SMC Code is not required.)

*For use only in cases when the service-connected tuberculosis

classification changes from inactive to active.

NOTE: Public Law 90-493 repealed section 1114(q) of title 38, United States Code. This repeal, however, does not apply in the case of any veteran who on August 19, 1968, was receiving or entitled to receive compensation for tuberculosis which was either active or inactive.

December 21, 2001 M21-1, Part I, Appendix A

Change 37



SMC Code - #

R-1 Entitled to additional aid and attendance allowance under 38 U.S.C. 1114, subsection (r)(1) and 38 CFR 3.350(h) subject to the provisions of 38 CFR 3.552(b)(2) on account of    (**)    and being in need of regular aid and attendance from    (date)  .

R-2 Entitled to additional aid and attendance allowance under 38 U.S.C. 1114, subsection (r)(2) and 38 CFR 3.350(h) subject to the provisions of 38 CFR 3.552(b)(2) on account of    (**)    and being in need of regular aid and attendance, and, in addition, on account of need of a higher level of care from    (date)  .

**Cite appropriate reasons as follows: "entitlement under subsection (o),"

"entitlement to the maximum rate authorized under subsection (p)," or

"entitlement at a rate intermediate between subsections (n) and (o) plus the

rate authorized under subsection (k)."

#Use the applicable code from section VII.



SMC Code 48

S-1 Entitled to special monthly compensation under 38 U.S.C. 1114, subsection (s) and 38 CFR 3.350(i) on account of    (*)    rated 100 percent and additional service-connected disability(ies) of    (**)   , independently ratable at 60 percent or more from    (date)  .

S-2 Entitled to special monthly compensation under 38 U.S.C. 1114, subsection (s) and 38 CFR 3.350(i) on account of    (*)    rated 100 percent and being housebound from    (date)  .

*Cite disability rated 100 percent under regular combined evaluation.

**Cite disability(ies) establishing entitlement.


August 4, 1983 M21-1, Part I, Appendix A

Change 363


Loss of use, anatomical loss, and other loss codes are shown for each paragraph. The codes shown are for

use only when the rating decision contains no other current entitlement to special monthly compensation. If there is entitlement under more than one section of 38 U.S.C. 3 14 the applicable codes can be found in sections VII and VIII.

August 4, 1983 M21-1, Part I, Appendix A

Change 363

L Blind

L 1/2 Blind

M Blind


SMC Code 03

LB-1 Entitled special monthly compensation under 38 U.S.C. 314, subsection (1) and 38 CFR 3.350(b) on

account of blindness in both eyes with 5/200 visual acuity or less from (date) . (Loss Use

21, Anat. Loss 00, Other 0)



RATE INTERMEDIATE BETWEEN 38 U.S.C. 314(1) AND (m)- 38 CFR 3.350(f)(2)(i)

SMC Code 18

LB-2 Entitled special monthly compensation under 38 U.S.C. 314, subsection (p) and 38 CFR

3.350(f)(2)(i) at the rate intermediate between subsection (1) and subsection (m) on account of

blindness of one eye with 5/200 visual acuity or less and blindness of the other eye having only light

perception from (date) . (Loss Use 21, Anta. Loss 00, Other 0)



SMC Code 07

MB-1 Entitled special monthly compensation under 38 U.S.C. 314, subsection (m) and 38 CFR 3.350(c)] on

account of blindness in both eyes (*) from (date) .

*Insert one of the following per paragraph dictated.

a. having only light perception (Loss Use 21, Anat. Loss 00, Other 0)

b. rendering the veteran so helpless as to be in need of regular aid and attendance (Loss Use 21, Anta. Loss

00, Other- 4)

August 4, 1983 M21-1, Part I, Appendix A

Change 363

Equal to M-Blind

M 1/2-Blind



RATE EQUAL T0 38 U.S.C.314(m) 38CFR3.350(f)(2)(ii)

SMC Code 19

MB-2 Entitled special monthly compensation under 38 U.S.C. 3 14, subsection (p) and 38 CFR 3.350(f)(2)(ii)

at the rate equal to subsection (m) on account of blindness of one eye with 5/200 visual

acuity or less and (*) from (date) .

*Insert one of the following per paragraph dictated.

Loss Use Anat. Loss Other

a. anatomical loss of the other eye 11 11 0

b. blindness of the other eye having no light perception 21 00 0



RATE INTERMEDIATE BETWEEN 38 U.S.C. 314(m) AND (n) -38 CFR 3.350(f)(2)(iii)

SMC Code 20

MB-3 Entitled special monthly compensation under 38 U.S.C. 314, subsection (p) and 38 CFR

3.350(f)(2)(iii) at the rate intermediate between subsection (m) and subsection (n) on account of

blindness of one eye having only light perception and (*) from (date) .

*Insert one of the following per paragraph dictated.

Loss Use Anat. Loss Other

a. anatomical loss of the other eye 11 11 0

b. blindness of the other eye having no light perception 21 00 0

June 6, 1984 M21-1, Part I, Appendix A

Change 380





SMC Code 11

NB-1 Entitled special monthly compensation under 38 U.S.C. 314, subsection (n) and 38 CFR 3.350(d)(4)

on account of (*) from (date) .

*Insert one of the following per paragraph, dictated.

Loss Use Anat. Loss Other

a. anatomical loss of both eyes 00 21 0

b. anatomical loss of one eye and blindness without 11 11 0

light perception in the other eye

c. blindness without light perception in both eyes 21 00 0

SPECIAL MONTHLY COMPENSATION UNDER 38 U.S.C.314(o)-38 CFR 3.350(e)(1)(iii) and (iv)

Entitlement under this subsection as a result of including helplessness as one of the entitling multiple disabilities is intended to cover, in addition to obvious losses and blindness, conditions such as the loss of use of two extremities with absolute deafness and nearly total blindness or with severe multiple injuries producing total disabilities outside the useless extremities, these conditions being construed as loss of use of two extremities and helplessness.

All disabilities establishing entitlement will be cited with separate code paragraphs for each. Closeout dates as appropriate will be shown.

SMC Code 55

Loss Use Anat. Loss Other

22 0 0

OB-1 Entitled special monthly compensation under 38 U.S.C. 314, subsection (o) and 38 CFR

3.350(e)(1)(iii) on account of deafness ratable at 60 percent or more and blindness with bilateral

visual acuity 5 / 200 or less from (date) .

OB-2 Entitled special monthly compensation under 38 U.S.C. 314, subsection (o) and 38 CFR

3.350 (e)(1)(iv) on account of unilateral total deafness or bilateral deafness ratable at 40 percent or

more and blindness having only light perception or less from (date) .

June 6, 1984 M21-1, Part I, Appendix A

Change 380

314(p) Blindness & Deafness

SPECIAL MONTHLY COMPENSATION UNDER 38 U.S.C. 314(p)-38 CFR 3.350 (f)(2)(iv),(v), and (vi)


SMC Code-#

PB-1 Entitled special monthly compensation under 38 U.S.C. 314, subsection (p) and 38 CFR

3.350(f)(2)(iv) at the rate (intermediate between subsection (*) and subsection (*)) (or) (equal to

subsection (*)) on account of (**) in combination with unilateral total deafness from

(date) .

PB-2 Entitled special monthly compensation under 38 U.S.C. 314, subsection (p) and 38 CFR

3.350(f)(2)(v) at the rate (intermediate between subsection (*) and subsection (*)) (or) (equal to

subsection (*)) on account of (**) in combination with bilateral deafness rated at 10 or 20

percent disabling from (date) .

PB-3 Entitled special monthly compensation under 38 U.S.C. .314, subsection (p) and 38 CFR 3.350

(f)(2)(vi) at the rate (equal to subsection (*)) (or) (intermediate between subsection (*) and

subsection (*)) on account of (**) in combination with bilateral deafness ratable at no

less than 30 percent disabling from (date) .

Loss Use Anat. Loss Other

22 *** ***

#Cite applicable code from section VII.

*Cite applicable subsection of 38 U.S.C. 314.

**Cite entitling blindness and subsection of 38 U.S.C.314 or intermediate rate under which it is rated.

*** Cite applicable codes from section VIII.

June 6, 1984 M21-1, Part I, Appendix A

Change 380

314(p) Blindness & Extremity

SPECIAL MONTHLY COMPENSATION UNDER 38 U.S.C. 314(p)-38 CFR 3.350(f)(2)(vii)(A),(B), and (C)


SMC Code-#

PB-4 Entitled special monthly compensation under 38 U.S.C. 314, subsection (p) and 38 CFR

3.350(f)(2)(vii)(A) at the rate (equal to subsection (*)) (or) (intermediate between subsection (*)

and subsection (*)) on account of (**) in combination with the (anatomical loss)

(loss of use) of one hand from (date) .

PB-5 Entitled special monthly compensation under 38 U.S.C. 314, subsection (p) and 38 CFR

3.350(f)(2)(vii)(B) at the rate (equal to subsection (*)) (or) (intermediate between subsection (*)

and subsection (*)) on account of (**) in combination with the (anatomical loss) (loss

of use) of one foot (independently) (or) (which combined with (***) would be) ratable at

no less than 50 percent disabling from (date) .

PB-6 Entitled special monthly compensation under 38 U.S.C. 314, subsection (p) and 38 CFR

3.350(f)(2)(vii)(C) at the rate (intermediate between subsection (*) and subsection (*)) (or) (equal

to subsection (*)) on account of (**) (* ") in combination with the (anatomical

loss) (loss of use) of one foot ratable at less than 50 percent disabling from (date) .

#Cite applicable code from section VII.

*Cite applicable subsection of 38 U.S.C. 314.

**Cite entitling blindness and subsection of 38 U.S.C. 314 or intermediate rate under which it is rated.

***Cite the separate permanent compensable disability that, with the evaluation for loss or loss of use of a foot, would yield a combination of at least 50 percent.

NOTE: Injury and other loss codes will depend on the specific combination of disabilities in each case. Refer to section VIII for the applicable codes.

August 4, 1983 M21-1, Part I, Appendix A

Change 363


1. It is to be recognized that the determination of the proper SMC code is most important for the payment of the correct benefit amount. This section contains the SMC codes and descriptions and pertinent references to the Code of Federal Regulations.

2. Because entitlement to special monthly compensation will be derived from specific disabilities, including the need for aid and attendance, codes have been provided which accurately describe the source of the special monthly compensation entitlement. Care must be exercised in the selection of the SMC code to permit the proper payment for disabilities when hospitalized.

3. The proper SMC code for the example on page V-1 is 03 and is subject to reduction during a period of hospitalization under 38 CFR 3.552




K 01 One disability under (k)- 38 CFR 3.350(a)

2K 02 Two disabilities under (k)

3K 14 Three disabilities under (k)

L 03 (1)- 38 CFR 3.350(b) or 3.552(g) & (h)

L+K 04 (1) plus one (k)

L+2K 05 (1) plus two (k)'s

L+3K 06 (1) plus three (k)'s

L1/2 18 Intermediate evaluation between (1) and (m)- 38 CFR


L1/2+K 24 Intermediate evaluation between (1) and (m) plus one (k)

L1/2+2K 29 Intermediate evaluation between (1) and (m) plus two (k)'s

L1/2+3K 33 Intermediate evaluation between (1) and (m) plus three (k)'s

M 07 (m) 38 CFR 3.350(c) or 3.552(g)&(i)

M+K 08 (m) plus one (k)

M+2K 09 (m) plus two (k)'s

M+3K 10 (m) plus three (k)'s

M1/2 20 Intermediate evaluation between (m) and (n)- 38 CFR

3.350(f)(1), (2),(3)& (4) or 3.552(i)

M1/2+K 26 Intermediate evaluation between (m) and (n) plus one (k)

M1/2+ 2K 31 Intermediate evaluation between (m) and (n) plus two (k)'s

M1/2+3K 35 Intermediate evaluation between (m) and (n) plus three (k)'s

N 11 (n) -38 CFR 3.350(d) or 3.552(g) & (i)

N+K 12 (n) plus one (k)

N+2K 13 (n) plus two (k)'s

N+3K 15 (n) plus three or more (k)'s

N1/2 22 Intermediate evaluation between (n) and (o) -38 CFR


(2),(3)& (4)

N1/2+K 28 Intermediate evaluation between (n) and (o) plus one (k)

0 37 Equal to (o); No rating of need for regular A/A under (1),

(m) or (r) -38 CFR 3.350(e)

P=M 19 Equal to(p)(m) -38CFR3.350(f)(1),(2),(3)&(4)

P=M+K 25 Equal to (p)(m) plus one (k)

P=M+2K 30 Equal to (p)(m) plus two (k)'s

P=M+3K 34 Equal to (p)(m) plus three (k)'s

P=N 21 Equal to(p)(n) 38 CFR 3.350(f)(1),(2),(3)&(4)

P=N+K 27 Equal to (p)(n) plus one (k)

P=N+2K 32 Equal to (p)(n) plus two

Q 36 Statutory grant for arrested TB (formerly 38 U.S.C. 314(q),

38 CFR 3.350(g))

R1=N1/2(A/A)+K 43 Entitlement to A/A is based on the disabilities establishing

N1/2 plus K. Entitled to N 1/2 plus K rate while hospitalized

38 CFR 3.350(h), 3.552(b)(2).

R2=N1/2(A/A with HLC)+K 44 Entitlement to A/A and need for higher level of care is based

on the disabilities establishing N1/2 plus K. Entitled to N1/2

plus K rate while hospitalized -38 CFR 3.350(h), 3.552(b)(2)

R1= O(L(A/A)+L) 51 Entitled under (o) based on need for A/A under (1) plus

entitlement under (1) for other conditions. Entitled to(m)

while hospitalized -38 CFR3.550(h), 3.552(f) & (g).

R1 = O(L(A/A)+L1/2) 52 Entitled under (o) based on need for A/A under (1) plus

entitlement at the intermediate rate between (1) and (m) for

other conditions. Entitled to the intermediate evaluation

between (m) and (n) while hospitalized -38 CFR 3.350(h),


R1= O(L(A/A)+M) 53 Entitled under (o) based on need for A/A under (1) plus

entitlement under (m) for other conditions. Entitled under

(n) while hospitalized -38 CFR 3.350(h), 3.552(f)&(g).

R1= O(L(A/A) + M1/2) 54 Entitled under (o) based on need for A/A under (1) plus

entitlement under (p)(1) at the intermediate rating between

(m) and (n) for other conditions. Entitled to the intermediate

evaluation between (n) and (o) while hospitalized -38 CFR

3.3.50(h), 3.552(f)&(g).

R1=O(N+L(A/A)) 55 Entitled under (o) or (p) based on need for A/A with

R1= O(N1/2+L(A/A)) entitlement to (n), or the intermediate evaluation between (n)

R1=O+L(A/A) and (o), or (o). Entitled to (o) while hospitalized -38 CFR

3.350(e), 3.552(b)(2).

R2= O(L(A/A with HLC)+L) 56 Entitled under (o) based on need for A/A under (1) plus

entitlement under (1) for other conditions, and in addition is

in need of a higher level of care. Entitled to (m) while

hospitalized -38 CFR 3.350(h), 3.552(f)&(g)

R2=O(L(A/A with HLC)+L1/2) 57 Entitled under (o) based on need for A/A under (1) plus

entitlement at the intermediate rate between (1) and (m) for

other conditions, and in addition is in need of a higher level

of care. Entitled to the intermediate evaluation between (m)

and (n) while hospitalized -38 CFR 3.350(h), 3.552(f) & (g)

R2=O(L(A/A with HLC)+M) 58 Entitled under (o) based on need for A/A under (1) plus

entitlement under (m) for other conditions, and in addition is

in need of a higher level of care. Entitled to (n) while

hospitalized -38 CFR 3.350(h), 3.552(f)&(g)

R2=O(L(A/A with HLC)+M1/2) 59 Entitled under (o) based on need for A/A under (1) plus

entitlement under (p)(1) at the intermediate rate between (m)

and (n) for other conditions, and in addition is in need of a

higher level of care. Entitled to the intermediate evaluation

between (n) and (o) while hospitalized -38 CFR 3.350(h),


R2=O(L(A/A with HLC)+N) 60 Entitled under (o) or (p) based on need for A/A with

R2=O(L(A/A with HLC)+N1/2) entitlement to (n), or the intermediate evaluation between (n)

R2=0+L(A/A with HLC) and (o), or (o) and in addition is in need of a higher level of

care. Entitled to (o) while hospitalized -38 CFR 3.350(e),


S 48 Housebound under (s) -Total plus 60% or

housebound -38 CFR 3.350(i)

S+K 49 Housebound under (s) plus one disability under (k)

S+2K 50 Housebound under (s) plus two disabilities under (k)

T+K 45 Paired S/C and NSC extremities plus one (k) -38 CFR 3.384.

T+2K 46 Paired S/C and NSC extremities plus two (k)'s

T+3K 47 Paired S/C and NSC extremities plus three (k)'s

August 4, 1983 M21-1

Appendix A

Change 363

|SMC |SMC | |


|S |48 |Housebound under (s)-Total plus 60% or housebound [38 CFR 3.350(I)] |

|S+K |49 |Housebound under (s) plus one disability under (k) |

|S+2K |50 |Housebound under (s) plus two disabilities under (k) |

|T+K |45 |Paired S/C and NSC extremities plus one (k)-[38 CFR 3.384] |

|T+2K |46 |Paired S/C and NSC extremities plus two (k)’s |

|T+3K |47 |Paired S/C and NSC extremities plus three (k)’s |

July 21, 1977 M21-1

Appendix A

Change 173


When service-connected disabilities are encountered in a case, the coding for the Loss of -Use,

Anatomical Loss and Other Loss as required on VA Form 21-6796, will be determined by the use of the tables

in this section. All service-connected losses which the veteran has are to be coded using only those codes

provided in this section. Certain code combinations are not possible (e.g. Loss of Use Code 31 with Anat. Loss

Code 31) and will not be accepted in the computer programming.

April 19, 2002 M21-1, Part I

Appendix A

Change 39 Erratum



Code Loss of Use Description Anatomical Loss Description Code

00 No loss of use No amputation 00

Single Loss of Use Single Amputation

11 Eye (blind one eye) Eye (enucleation or avulsion) 11

12 Hand Hand 12

13 Foot Foot 13

16 Deafness total

17 Aphonia

Double Losses of Use Double Amputations

21 Eyes (blindness both eyes) Eyes (enucleation or avulsion) 21

22 Eyes (use only for blindness, both Eyes (use only for enucleation, both 22

eyes in combination with total eyes in combination with total

deafness or loss of use of one deafness)

eye and enucleation of other

eye in combination with total


23 Hands Hands 23

24 Feet Feet 24

25 Hand and foot Hand and foot 25

26 Eye and hand Eye and hand 26

27 Eye and foot Eye and foot 27

29 Deafness and aphonia

Triple Losses of Use Triple Amputations

31 Hand and feet Hand and feet 31

32 Hands and foot Hands and foot 32

33 Eye and hands Eye and hands 33

34 Eye and feet Eye and feet 34

35 Eyes and hand Eyes and hand 35

36 Eyes and foot Eyes and foot 36

37 Eye, hand, and foot Eye, hand, and foot 37

Quadruple Losses of Use Quadruple Amputations

41 Hands and feet Hands and feet 41

42 Eye, hands, and foot Eye, hands, and foot 42

43 Eye, hand, and feet Eye, hand, and feet 43

44 Eyes and hands Eyes and hands 44

45 Eyes and feet Eyes and feet 45

46 Eyes, hand, and foot Eyes, hand, and foot 46

Other Multiple Losses of Use Other Amputations

51 Eye, hands, and feet Eye, hands, and feet 51

52 Eyes, hand, and feet Eyes, hand, and feet 52

53 Eyes, hands, and foot Eyes, hands, and foot 53

61 Eyes, hands, and feet Eyes, hands, and feet 61

Other Multiple Losses of Use Including Deafness

71 Eye(s) and deafness

72 Hand(s) and deafness

73 Foot (feet), and deafness

74 Eye(s), hand(s), and deafness


M21-1, Part I April 19, 2002

Appendix A

Change 39 Erratum

75 Eye(s), foot(feet), and deafness

76 Hand(s), foot(feet), and deafness

77 Eye(s), hand(s), foot(feet), and deafness

Other Multiple Losses of Use Including Aphonia

81 Eye(s) and aphonia

82 Hand(s) and aphonia

83 Foot(feet) and aphonia

84 Eye(s), hand(s), and aphonia

85 Eye(s), foot(feet), and aphonia

86 Hand(s), foot(feet), and aphonia

87 Eye(s), hand(s), foot(feet), and aphonia

Other Multiple Losses of Use Including Deafness and Aphonia

91 Eye(s), deafness, and aphonia

92 Hand(s), deafness, and aphonia

93 Foot(feet), deafness, and aphonia

94 Eye(s), hand(s), deafness, and aphonia

95 Eye(s), foot(feet), deafness, and aphonia

96 Hand(s), foot(feet), deafness, and aphonia

97 Eye(s), hand(s), foot(feet), deafness and aphonia



0 No losses in this group

1 Loss or loss of use of creative organ

2 Loss or loss of use of both buttocks

3 Combination of codes I and 2

4 Regular aid and attendance or permanently bedridden

5 Combination of codes I and 4

6 Combination of codes 2 and 4

7 Combination of codes 1, 2, and 4

8 Loss of one or both breasts

9 Combination of any code 1 through 7 and code 8



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