SS8H5b Civil War ActivityDirections: Select which category you fall in based on your “Almost There” score. Then select an activity from that category. Your activity is due by December 12-13.Almost There ScoreActivity ChoicesActivity Guidelines88-100Advertisement/Propaganda PosterMust be colorful and contain pictures and written information about your product/event. Must be a relevant product used or invented during the Civil War. No template needed. Must have a tagline (for example: M&Ms “melt in your mouth, not in your hands”).?These do not have to be for a product. You can create an “event poster” for an election or Underground Railroad. Be creative! Use copy paper (pretend it’s a poster).Comic StripUse the provided organizer to create a comic strip illustrating the event. Your comic should include:At least 5 clearly-identifiable facts (written or illustrated)Every frame must be colored NEATLYDialogue in every frameYour comic should not include:Mostly wordsMessy eraser marks/cross-outsPrinted illustrations*Any option from the 70-86 category*See activities below63-75ABC BookCreate an ABC book for the Civil War. Each letter will be a page of the book. Each letter needs to represent something from the Civil War/Reconstruction Era. Each page needs at least 1 fact/definition of that thing. All topics listed below must be included in some way. Add in at least 7 pictures or symbols.Illustrated TimelineUse the graphic organizer to make a detailed timeline using pictures and few words. Include accurate dates. Must have at least 10 events on your timeline. Must include topics from the list below.0-62Review Vocab with Teacher AND Standards JournalYou will sit with the teacher and put together a flashcard review puzzle. Teacher will give additional directions once in group. You then must complete the Standards Journal for SS8H5 and ics for activities: SlaveryThe Emancipation Proclamation14th amendmentDred Scott CaseChickamauga15th amendmentNullificationSherman’s Atlanta CampaignFreedmen’s BureauCompromise of 1850Sherman’s March to the Sea Ku Klux KlanElection of 1860AndersonvilleSharecroppingUnion Blockade of Georgia’s Coast13th amendmentTenant Farming ................

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