ABC Middle School

Peachtree Middle School 7th grade

4664 N Peachtree Rd Language Arts Gifted

Dunwoody, GA 30338


Carly Heyward

Course Description

This course is designed to teach students the fundamentals of Language Arts, building on the knowledge they gained in 6th grade. The standards will focus on reading, writing and grammar.

Textbook / Publisher/ Cost – The textbook for this class is Literature, published by McDougal Littell.

If the textbook is lost, stolen or damaged (missing the barcode), it is the student’s responsibility to pay for the book before a replacement book is issued. In the event that the lost book is found, please retain all receipts. (Cost is about $78)

Course Content

v Elements of Language

v Mini Lessons

v Daily Grammar Practices

v Research

v 25 Book Standard

v The Writing Process

v Spelling

v Vocabulary ~ Greek Suffixes/prefixes

• Description of Standards: Common Core Standards for grade seven English/Language Arts will be taught during this course. Please refer to the Georgia Standards website for the detailed listing of our standards. ()

• Reading: Literature

• Reading: Informational

• Writing

• Language

• Listening/Speaking/Viewing

Grading Scale Weighted averages

100-90 A Classwork/Formative 40%

89. B Tests /Projects/Summative 40%

79. C Homework 10%

70 D Final 10%

69 and below F

Policies / Regulations

The maximum points a student can receive on any late work is 80%.

• Homework- Homework is expected to be completed as assigned.

• Late work – Late class or homework will NOT be accepted. Projects will be accepted up to 2 days late with the penalty of 5 points per day.

• Make-up work- Announced work, such as homework, quizzes and major assessments are due the day the student returns. For each day’s excused absence, students will have one day to make up missed work. If a student is absent under extenuating circumstances, special arrangements can be made to make up work.


• Academic honesty- Receiving or giving information for an assignment is cheating and when caught in the act students will not receive credit nor receive the opportunity for a chance of make-up. Plagiarism is not acceptable: If a student takes information from the Internet or any printed resources without a citation, it is considered plagiarism and will result in a zero.

3 Safety Net Opportunities- Any opportunity afforded to students to ensure mastery of required standards. Throughout the year students will be provided with opportunities to make up and/or redo certain assignments during morning tutorial, on assigned make up days or through make up packets to be completed at home.


Can be found on teacher website

Expectations / Consequences / Discipline- Students must adhere to the DCSS Student Code of Conduct, as well as specific class rules.

Behavioral Expectations:

Be seated in class before the bell rings working on warmup

Be prepared for class—have pens, pencils, paper, textbook, homework, etc. ready to begin the lesson.

Follow directions the first time they are given.

Be respectful of all others.

Stay seated and focused during the entire lesson.

Consequences for Inappropriate Behavior

1) Warning/Discussion 2) Warning/Discussion 3) Silent Lunch and parent contact 4) Silent Lunch and parent contact 5) Parent contact, contract and Cross-Team


6) Cross-Team Suspension and parent contact 7) Referral to administration

Required Projects: Students will be responsible for reading a total 20 books this school year. Students will complete monthly reading logs as evidence of their reading and create a reading log. Due at the end of EACH MONTH.

*The teacher reserves the right to adjust the course work and/or differentiate instruction as needed to meet the needs of students and ensure academic success.


Classroom supplies would be IMMENSELY appreciated! Any or all of the following would be an incredible help to Ms. Heyward, because she has to buy everything for over 120 kids! (

• Construction Paper

• Candy (Doesn’t everyone love to be rewarded?! ( )

• Tissues (Desperately! Flu season’s coming!)

• Paper Towels

• Hand Sanitizer

• Number 2 Pencils (Desperately! They keep losing theirs!)

• Colorful Dry Erase Markers

• Small/Cheap toys for use as classroom prizes

• Coupons for free treats for classroom prizes (can be found in newspaper)

You may also instead donate to my site cheyward

That site has some materials that will help organize the classroom better, and let the students carry around fewer items. Donorschoose collects the money and then sends the items directly to PCMS.

Thank you for your support in the classroom and at home!

Signature page / Parental contact information

Students and Parents/Guardians, by signing this syllabus, you are hereby considered knowledgeable of the requirements outlined in the syllabus.


Student Name


Student Signature


Parent/Guardian Signature

________________________________________________Primary Language ___________

Parent/Guardian Address

Day Time Phone # (_____)_______________ Cellular Phone # (___)________________

Home Phone # (_____)__________________ Other Phone # (_____)_______________

E-Mail Address __________________________________________________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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