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TV ban

Focus Questions

1. Briefly summarise the BtN story.

2. What do you think is meant by TV being a one-way communication?

3. What sorts of things do kids learn in the first two years of their lives?

4. How do children under two learn?

5. Explain why some people are concerned about young children watching TV.

6. What do the researchers want to happen in child care centres? Do you agree? Why or why not?

7. What do some people say the benefits of watching TV are?

8. Create a plus, minus and interesting chart about young people watching TV.

9. Create your own `what do you reckon?’ Video record interviews with other students in your school about the issue.

10. What do you understand more clearly since watching the BtN story?

TV ban

Students will investigate the pros and cons of kids watching TV. Working in pairs, ask students to highlight key words and phrases or unfamiliar words in the BtN story. The transcript is available on the story page of the Behind the News website Students can then develop a glossary of terms relating to the issue.

What are the pros and cons of kids watching TV?

Students will create a list of pros and cons about kids watching TV. They will need to decide whether they will focus on younger children or their own age group. The following questions may help them to think about the pros and cons:

• What sorts of things do you learn from TV?

• How much TV do you think it is healthy to watch?

• How does TV effects kids’ health?

• How do you think TV impacts kids’ learning?

• What sorts of programs do you think are beneficial? Why?

• Why do you think there is so much debate about kids TV viewing?

Students can publish their pros and cons in an interesting way and present them to the class. Collate all student responses and discuss them. What was surprising about students thoughts on the issue?

Further investigations

Discuss the different viewpoints in the debate about children under two not watching TV. Write a brief argument from the viewpoint of either a parent or child care worker.

What are the factors that influence early brain development? Create a poster to display your findings.

( Related Research Links

ABC News – Guidelines tipped to push toddler TV ban

ABC News - TV in child care `damaging toddlers’

BrainsRule – Games about neurons

Early Childhood Australia – Get up and grow


Episode 29



Society and Environment

Key learning

Students will investigate the pros and cons of children watching TV.





In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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