Miss Pavelko's Kindergarten ABC's

* A *

Absences-Excessive absences hinder a child’s progress.  If your child is absent, you must send a note to the school when he/she returns.  Please include your child’s name, teacher’s name, date of absence, and the reason for the absence.  These notes are kept in case they need to be referenced.

Act 80 Days – These days we will dismiss at 12:45. Watch the newsletter and notices to come home regarding these days so that arrangements can be made.

Alphabet Knowledge-We will learn the letters of the alphabet and the sounds that the letters make in Kindergarten. 

Assessment- Report card assessment is done 4 times through the school year.

Arrival-Your child should come to school no earlier than 7:40am.  Your child should be dropped off at the front of the school and then he/she walks to the gym.  Kindergarten students will be held in the gym until 7:55am.  I will pick up my class from the gym at 7:55am every morning.

Attendance-Regular school attendance is essential for your child to make the most of his/her education.  Please make every effort to have your child at school every day!

* B *

Backpacks-Your child’s backpack should be big enough to hold a pocket folder.  Backpacks help your child carry folders, notes, projects, and books to and from school.  Please check your child’s backpack & folder DAILY.  

Birthdays-Birthdays are very important to children.  If you would like to bring treats for the class on your child’s birthday, you may, and we will have them for snack in the morning.  If you are going to send invitations, I ask that you send in one for every student so no one feels left out. I will NOT pass out invitations if there are not enough for everyone.

Breakfast-Breakfast is served beginning at 7:40am each morning.  The cost of breakfast is $1.10 and reduced breakfast is $0.30.  Please discuss with your child if s/he is to have breakfast in the morning so that there are no surprise charges to your child’s caf-trac account.

Bullying – We have a ZERO tolerance policy regarding bullying. If you feel that your child is being bullied, please contact me as soon as possible. We will have many class meetings on this topic and I will send home periodic summaries of our discussions to keep you posted on what we are learning.

Bus- The students will wear bus numbers & name tags for the first few weeks of school. Please return the bus tag daily in their folder. Remember riding the school bus is a privilege and improper behavior will not be tolerated.

* C *

CAF-TRAC – Please have lunch money in an envelope with child’s name, my name & grade on the front.

Calendar- Each month a different calendar will be placed in your child’s folder. This must be reviewed, initialed and returned daily. This calendar will be used to correspond all behaviors, good and bad. *SEE TOTEM*

Clothing-Please dress your child in comfortable clothing that is appropriate for Kindergarten and the weather.  It is also a good idea to label all coats and sweaters.

Communication- Communication between home and school is very important.  If you feel the need to talk to me, please call the school, send me a note, or email me.  I will get back with you as soon as I can.

Community – We will work together throughout the year, to develop and promote a safe learning environment where everyone can share opinions, ideas, and questions.

Computers-We have three computers in our classroom. All of the computers have Internet access.  Your child will be taught the proper way to use a computer and then be taught to use the educational software in our classroom.  We also have a laptop cart that will be used during our scheduled computer class.

Conferences-I will be scheduling conferences throughout the school year. School wide conferences are conducted at the end of October/beginning of November. If you feel the need to contact me at any time, please call the school, send a note, or email me to arrange for scheduling a conference. 

* D *

Dress Code-Students should be dressed in accordance to the SASD dress code; this is found in the Student Handbook, which you will receive.


Dismissal-Dismissal is at 3:00 P.M.  Please do not come to the classroom to pick your child up.  Your child will be dismissed by me and will go to the designated pick up locations with a teacher. 

* E *

Email-I can be reached by email at my school address ahouck@indians.k12.pa.us. This is the best way to reach me, if there is an emergency because I can check it from home.

Emergency Cards-Your child will have an emergency card on file in the Nurse’s clinic. These are sent home the first day of school. Fill out and return.

Extra Clothes – If your child has frequent potty accidents, pleas have an extra set of clothes in his/her book bag. From past experiences, students respond better to accidents when they have their own change of clothes.

* F *

Field Trips- A permission slip will be required anytime that we will be taking a bus for a field trip.  If we do not receive a permission slip, your child will not be allowed to go with the class.

Fire Drills-Your child will participate in frequent fire drills throughout the year.  We will practice the procedures before our first fire drill so that your child will be prepared.

Folders – Your child’s folder will be sent home every day. Please return it every morning and use it to send in lunch money, notes and other important papers. I will only check folders, not backpacks. There will be leave at home side and a return to school side. I will check folders every morning, be sure to check them at home.

Fund Raisers-Our school participates in several fundraisers throughout the year to raise money for various things for our school.  We hope that everyone can participate, but it is not required.

Fun Friday – Every Friday, if time allows, we will have a scheduled 30-minute block of free choice/play in the classroom. The TOTEM chart and calendar colors will be utilized for this privilege. If a child has all greens, s/he will have all 30 minutes. If a child has a yellow that week it will be a loss of 5 minutes; orange equals a 10 minute loss, and red equals a 15 minute loss. More than 1 red in a week equals zero play time. I remind you that this is a privilege and those students that miss out on play time will have an opportunity to discuss what went wrong and how to make better choices.

* G *

Guidance-Our school counselor or nurse will be available if they are needed.

Good News Notes/Calls/Emails - I will randomly contact families to share good news through notes, emails or phone calls.

* H *

Homework-Your child will have some homework in Kindergarten.  This is mostly just some extra practice worksheets and books through out the year, nothing extensive. However, I ask that you read every day to and with your child. Modeling this lifelong skill is the best way for children to learn.

*  I *

Illness-Please do not send your child to school if he/she has a temperature.  If your child becomes ill at school, you will be called to come and get your child. 

* L *

Labels – Make sure your child’s name is on everything s/he brings to school. This will help prevent confusion.

Learning Centers-We use learning centers in the classroom for active independent learning. When we are in learning

centers, we are learning to cooperate with others. This will be the time during the day for me to focus on small groups and certain skills that need attention.

Lunch-The cost of lunch is $2.05 and $0.40 for reduced lunch.  Milk a la carte is $.055. Our lunchtime is 10:40 a.m. The cafeteria will offer two choices daily. One will be an alternate, offered all week and the other will change daily. You can locate a menu on the website, newspaper and the monthly PTA newsletter. Be sure to fill out a free and reduced lunch application. 

* M *

Math Manipulatives-We use math manipulatives in addition to our math curriculum.  Free exploration in math manipulatives is an excellent way to stimulate creativity.

* N *

Newsletter-A monthly newsletter will be sent home each Friday. It will contain information about our thematic unit, classroom activities, announcements, and upcoming school events. A link to the newsletter will placed on my website each month.

Notes-Look for notes from the office and from me to come home in your child’s take-home folder.  Please place yours there too.

Nurse’s Clinic- The nurse will take care of your child until you can be reached to pick him/her up from school.  She also administers all medications to students during school hours.

* O *

Outside-Because we have an outside play area will we be outside for recess. Please dress your child appropriately for the weather. We will be outside in the winter months, depending on the temperature.

 * P *

Parent Involvement-I love Parent Involvement!  Please be involved in your child’s Kindergarten year as much as you can. PTA is the best way to get involved!

Parties-We will have various parties throughout the year.  Our room parent will contact you to help with our celebrations.  You will need a PTA membership and clearances to participate in parties or field trips.

Paychecks – Each child will have a “paycheck” where they will accumulate their Totem Tickets. Your child will establish a goal (reward) to work towards. Every day your child earns a green s/he earns a one ticket. For more information, see “TOTEM.”

Physical Education-We have a scheduled 30 minute Physical Education class on a rotating schedule with computer and music.

Pledge of Allegiance -Each morning we will recite the pledge of allegiance to the flag.

PTA (Parent/Teacher Association)-All parents are encouraged to join the school’s PTA. They do a great deal for our kiddos throughout the year!  Membership is $5.

Prizes – Besides the ordinary prize box filled with trinkets, I off the students the following prizes; bring in a show and tell, bring fluffy (stuffed) friend to school for a day, pick the cd or read aloud for the day, dibs on the computers for morning work, teacher’s chair for the day or swap seats with a friend for a day. The students will need to pick a prize goal and earn the tickets on their paychecks in order to receive the prize.

 * Q *

Questions-Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns regarding your child’s education.  I will make every effort to meet with you and discuss your concerns.

 * R *

Read-Read to your child daily and let your children see you reading daily. 

Recess-Your child will have recess everyday after lunch. 

Report Cards-Your child will receive a report card four times this school year.  They will also receive a progress report halfway through each marking period.

Rules-We will discuss these as a class the first week of school. I will send you a copy of the rules once we have established them. I believe that students accept more responsibility when they have a choice and chance in developing the rules.

Restrooms-We have restrooms in our classroom and your child is allowed to go when needed.   Unfortunately accidents will happen and we will make sure that your child is sent to the nurse’s office for a change of clothes.

 * S *

Safety-Your child’s safety is top priority.  I take every precaution when your child is in my care.  Please send a note with your child or call the school if he/she is to go home a different way. 

School Supplies- Please make sure your child has a book bag. Anything else you send with your child is your preference. I will supply one pack of crayons, pencils, pencil erasers, glue and scissors. I always have extras as well.

Snacks-We will have snack every afternoon. You must send a snack for your child, something healthy and a drink would be fine. This is not lunch so just something small. If you would like to send snacks for the entire class at any time during the year, I encourage you to do so, but it is not necessary. Some ideas include: fruit cups, cereal bars, crackers, pudding cups, pretzels, or fresh fruits (just have it peeled & cut). We do not have a refrigerator, so please use ice packs if necessary.

Shoes-It is very important to wear comfortable shoes.  I suggest closed toed sneakers for all of our Kindergarten activities. 

Superkids – Our new reading series centered around children your child’s age. Your children will learn various skills apart from reading through the many adventures of the Superkids. For more information check out the website:

* T *

Tardies-Students late to school (after 8:15am) are considered tardy.  Our attendance program keeps track of your child’s tardies and they will be reflected on the report card. Tardies not only affect your child’s academics but also disrupt the learning of the other students. Please be sure to make tardies only absolutely necessary.

THANK YOU – For everything you have done and will do for your child and his/her class! It will never be said enough: Thank you!

Transportation-If your child will be going home a different way than what I have in my files, you MUST call the school or send me a note.  I will not let your child go with another adult/student or on a different bus unless you have notified me.

TOTEM – Behavior will be tracked using a TOTEM chart in the room and you will be notified of behaviors (good and bad) via a calendar (kept in your child’s folder). Each child starts the day on green. Negative behaviors will result in a move to yellow, orange or red – depending upon where the student is on the Totem. Please see the TOTEM enclosure in the “Welcome to Kindergarten” folder for more details.

Toys-Toys from home are not allowed unless it is show and tell or special day. Please have your child’s name.

 * U *

Units and Themes- I will let you know of these as we are approaching them throughout the year. Please note that we will not learn the letters in order.

* W *

Water- There is a water fountain in the classroom and your child will be permitted to get a drink as needed, without disrupting the class.

Water Bottle – Our room often gets warm and dry. As a class, we will discuss expected behaviors regarding having a water bottle. I will allow your child to keep a bottle of water at his/her table.

* Z *

ZZZZ’s-Your child should get plenty of rest each night.  Kindergarten students require 10-12 hours of sleep a day.  It is so important for your child to be alert and ready to learn each day.  Set a bedtime and be consistent!  


Contact Information for Mrs. Houck:




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